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Quantonics' Quantum Remediation
English Language Problematics
Millennium III
by Doug Renselle

Latest Revision(s):

(24Aug2015 rev - Add 'Autiot Is Not Abstract' anchor near pate top.)
(18Aug2015 rev - Update page top Suares on issues of
abstraction vav role and situation.)
(2Apr2015 rev - Add '
Emet' link under 'truth.')
(7,10Mar2015 - Add '
hysteresis.' Add 'extinction.' Update 'aware.')
(4Mar2015 - Add a non QELR link
projection vav projected)
(6Jan2015 - Update '

Created: 6Apr2001  PDR (1 of 2)

see rev list
See Rules Table

Go Directly to Remediated Word Matrix

This comprehensive list affines other Quantonic URLs:

June, 1999 QQA on Thelogos
Coined Quantonic Terms
May, 2000 QQA on Millennium III Problems with English Language
June, 2000 QQA on Millennium III New Language Characteristics
Quantonic English Language Problematics for Millennium III

Problematic English Language Oxymora for Millennium III
"...they will speak in new tongues..."
Mark 16:17

From Carlo Suares' Sepher Yetsira


Résumé and Conclusion

"Once again let us state that it is impossible to speak of the unknown in our common tongue [Vulgate language and semiotics as abstractions], without changing it arbitrarily into recognizable images. This artificial device [of classical objective, mechanical, formal abstraction] is at the bottom of all 'proofs of existence'...[]. It is inevitable that our tongues desecrate all that they discuss, because they have their being only in the measurable, in images, appraisements, comparisons. If they were not like this (by virtue of their nature) they would be useless for our modus vivendi, which cannot operate without having an accurate language at its disposal. We know that the decay of these instruments brings social disorders in its train. It is less easy to understand that these disorders also originate from the introduction of profane language into [cultural] matters. ...."

"...In assembling clearly defined words, in surrounding, explicitly stating and isolating the subject under discussion, our languages proceed by methodical exclusion: a subject is defined and clearly indicated by the elimination of everything extraneous to it. This is evident from the fact that thinking dependent on these languages always acts by comparisons.

"The language of The Sepher Yetsira is anything but this. It treats objects — water, fire, human bodies, planets, the zodiac — only in terms of their situation and of their role within an infinitely multiple, hierarchical, systemization of the one energizing life force [, rather, is¤flux~fluxq]..." Doug's link. Doug's bold green emphasis. Change his Anglican 's' to 'z' in systemization and energizing.

Please obtain, in a new quantum~world~view, we must fathom that thinkqing
"always acts by" complementary~antinomial quantal~interrelationshipings:

Taken from Suares' Trilogy, p. 414-415, Shambala 1985 (see bottom of title page) paperback.

Doug's embedded intra text brackets. Doug's ellipses.

Dialectic is Vulgates' linguistic modus vivendi. Doug's opine. Recall, Pirsig refers it, "A genetic defect in human reason."

Doug issi working on a new web page which will answer a question, "Why, like Autiot, issi Quantonics n¤t classically abstract?"
Simple answer issi, "Stochasticq energy~patterns as wave~functionsq, being both fluxq relativeq and rqcs (among many other radicalsq), assa quantons always quantumly omniscribe all interrelationshipingsq hologra[[il][lex][m][ph][view]]icallyq in terms of their following Suares situationingsq and rolesq.

Doug - 11,17,22Dec2014, 18,24Aug2015, 14Oct2015.

"No single theoretical language articulating [] variables to which a well-defined value can be attributed can exhaust [any] physical content of a system. Various possible languages and points of view about [a] system may be complementary. They all deal with [a] reality, but it is impossible to reduce them to one single description. [An ensemble] irreducible plurality of perspectives on [one] reality expresses [an] impossibility of a divine point of view from which [all of any] reality is visible. However, [a] lesson of [quantum] complementarity is not a lesson in resignation. Bohr used to say that [abundant] significance of quantum mechanics always made him dizzy, and we do indeed feel dizzy when we are torn from [our habitually] comfortable routine[s] of common sense."

Prigogine and Stengers, in their Order Out of Chaos, page 225 of 349 total including index.
Bantam, 1984.

Doug's brackets.

We must learn to leave 'common sense' and commence understanding the logos, the account.

P&S make quantum~heterogeneity of hermeneutics and semasiology evident.
When we add absoluteness of perpetual quantum~evolutionary choice, chance, and change..."dizzy" borders inadequacy...
And then we add quantum~holographic Value middle~inclusion...
And when we add Suares' Cosmic Consciousness...

Re classical temporal space-time language: "I have repeated over and over again. Every word that tries to convey energies coming from the worlds beyond our dimensions is always and inevitably interpreted in terms of our space-time continuum. The 'obviousness' of our world (similar to the obviousness of our dreamworld when we sleep) prevails, so we accept centuries of crazy projections and mythologies as realities." Page 130, Carlo Suares' The Second Coming of Reb YhShWh, Weiser paperback, 1994, 226 total pages.

This is what Heraclitus meant when he wrote, paraphrased, "Humans linguistically interpret reality as if they had an dialectical interpretation of their own." See 'the account' link just above quoting Diels Kranz B1 and B2 quotes.

Clearly our current languages and hermeneutics...
(those, in any Heraclitean Gnostic sense, "common to most humans")
...are manifestly inadequate for further progress in Millennium III.

We are suffering a classical linguistic death, ad occulos.

Doug HotMeme™ "Dialectical 'obviousness' is incomplete, n¤t quantum~reality!"™ Doug HotMeme

Homo Sapiens' end is nigh. Neo Sapiens commencement is imminent. Planck's tick-tock...

Etymology of Remediation, Remediate, used in Quantonics

"remedy n. Probably before 1200 remedie way of avoiding temptation; later, cure, relief (about 1340); borrowed through Anglo-French remedie, Old French remede, and directly from Latin remedium a cure. remedy (re- intensive + mederi to heal); for suffix see -Y. -v. Probably about 1400 remedien; borrowed from Middle French remedier, from Latin remediare to cure, remedy, from remedium remedy. n. -remedial adj, 1651, curing or relieving: borrowed from late Latin remedialis healing, curing, from Latin remedium remedy; for suffix see -AL. The meaning of "intended to improve skills" is first recorded in 1924." Some special characters adapted - Doug - 28Feb2010.

Doug directly transcribed above text from Barnhart's Dictionary of Etymology. Thank you.

Our intent in Quantonics is to remediate Classical English Language and many of its dialectical, formal, objective, mechanical ills into Quantum English Language.

If we outright replaced classical English, you would have to learn a novel quantum~language. Instead, Doug chose to do quantum~remediation of English and allow students of Quantonics to evolve gradually, in a quantized manner, from an old English to a newer quantum~English. If you want a summary of what is wrong with English's dialectical basis see Doug's SOM Bases of Judgment and read yellow text cells bottom up.

Some of you have been searching for etymology of 'remediate.' This is it. Barnhart is, "as good as it gets."

Notice too a hint of mediation in remediation. Mediation, in many ways, begs (up to) Planck rate dynamic ephemeral omnivalent quantum~holographic quantum~phasic middle~includings. Now ponder classical 'statement' vis-à-vis quantum~phasementings. See Doug's QELR of 'state.'

On remediation as means of avoiding temptation: humans since their beginnings on Earth have been tempted by dialectic. Heraclitus and others have said dialectic is Error. Quantonics agrees. Dialectic violates quantum~reality in nearly every possible way. If you hate quantum~reality, read no further. You are already extinct! But if you think our global problems are at least partially affective outcomes of bad human thinking methods, and you sense there may be a way on and garner some potentia of further evolution of self.

Thank you for reading.

"Doug, What are your bases for doing QELR? Upon what basic memeos are your remediations founded?"

Reminiscing over at least two decades of effort, it is easier to answer those questions now than when I started.

Doug has been writing, for at least a decade, two simple phrases which grab essence of quantum~remediation of language (and more...):

1 - "Flux is crux."
(Change, absolute change, and its requisite adaptive evolution is quantum~essence.)

2. "Stux sux."
(Stability as 'state' and its attendant social, predicable, and determinate 'planning' is classical-retardation.)
(Stux is a mental and social boat anchor. A social New World Order ball and chain on humanity.)

Eschew stux, cohere flux!

Doug - 2Dec2014.

Number 1 is Doug's simplification of quantum~language hermeneutics.
Number 2 is Doug's simplification of classical languages' canonic language, grammar, syntax, and logic.

Doug's purpose in remediating English is to move it from 2 to 1.


OK, allow Doug to ask you a question, "Why can we say, 'stux sux?'"

Stux represents classicism's objective state Newtonian-ontological language and ratiocinative model of reality.
So English unremediated does its best to describe reality in stux-sux terminology AKA dialectic.

Stux means perpetual objective state.

OK, Doug, "Why can we say, 'flux is crux?'"

Just so you know, Doug views 'crux' here as "crucial(cru) quantum~hermeneutics(x)."

Flux represents quantumism's absolute change of quantons(scintilla,quanta).
Quantization spontaneously spawns quantal~scintillation as perpetual holographic~transmutative~change.
All of Doug's QELRs engender linguistic~flux describing quantons(linguistic_scintilla,linguistic_quanta).

Doug's premise is that linguistic_flux is superior linguistic_stux.


Henri Louis Bergson, over 100 years ago said this, paraphrased, "spontaneity can explain inertia, but inertia cannot explain spontaneity."

See Doug's What is Simple? What is Complex? Why? Explain.

Simply, spontaneity is superior inertia in explaining and understanding reality.

Doug says, "change is hyper state," and colloquially, "flux is hyper stux."

Classical language is state-ic: stux.

Quantum language is change-ic: flux.

Quantum language is hyper classical language.

This is a key enabler for our readers and for our students. If you agree that flux is hyper state,
then you can omniscriminate Value hyper value. It's easy! Value is spontaneous. 'value' is inert.
Value is what Pirsig intended by "...being at the leading edge of the train." DQ! 'value' is a stopped train. SQ!
Perpetual state, being perpetually stuck is what Pirsig meant by ESQ!

Principle is inertial. Social 'law' is inertial. Canonic dogma is inertial. Static 'truth' is inertial. Monism is inertial. Objectivism is inertial.
Universal, totalitarian, ç a t h o l i ç, and perpetual inertia (constancy, stability) is classical dialectical (linguistic, logical) deceit.

"Zero momentum" is ESQ! Pure classical physics' deceit.

That's why Doug claims we must, "quantum~remediate English language." (So...just do it!)

Doug - 12May2011, 6-7Jun2011.

An author named Heinz R. Pagels (now deceased) who was a premier physicist and quantum specialist, published a book titled The Dreams of Reason in 1988.. Heinz' wife (Elaine Pagels, Harvard chair and professor) is a renowned specialist in world religions. Doug found a Heinz Pagels' text, fresh off some hot printer about 3rd quarter of 1988 and finished reading it prior year end. While Doug was reading this fine work, Dr. Heinz Pagels transitioned into some other omniverse...

It hit Doug hard. Doug became aware of Elaine's work via her 'specials' with Bill Moyers on Moyers' Journal PBS. At that time, Doug was just commencing his serious obsessions with anything quantum. Doug couldn't assiduously work his quantum obsessions then. He owned (January, 1978- December, 1992) a small (about 35 employees) but very successful embedded-real-time software engineering firm (then called SCS, Inc.). Heinz wrote about quantum memes of real process, of stuff which evolved, and he berated physics for having such a non-evolutionary, static and illusionary dialectical approach to studying reality.

What Heinz wrote...always had, at least for Doug, an almost spiritual sensibility to it. Heinz wasn't totally qualitative in his writing, but he was at least thigh deep in quality. Doug liked that, having been a student of Robert M. Pirsig's opus (ZMM and Lila) for about 10 years at that time.

As Doug read Heinz' books and watched Elaine on PBS, little did Doug realize how Elaine's works on gnosis and Heinz' works on physical reality were telling autsimilar stories: tomes of a Bergsonian, Pirsigean, Heraclitean, Chaldæan~Essene~Naassene~gnostic, Planck~occurrence~quantized almost wholly~qualitative wave~change~based EIMA fluxing~reality.

On Heinz' death Doug wrote this poem and sent it through an intermediary at NYAS (Heinz was then-Director of the New York Academy of Sciences which at that time published a great journal, The Sciences...) to Elaine.

Today, CeodE 13Jul2009, Doug pulled Heinz' first edition TDoR off a book shelf, blew dust off it, and opened it. It fell open to this:

"Undoubtedly there is evolutionary survival value in our representing the world in terms of myth, metaphor, and scientific theory. We are evidently unique among species in our symbolic ability, and we are certainly unique in our modest ability to control the conditions of our existence by using these symbols. Our ability to represent and simulate reality implies that we can appropriate the order of existence and bring it to serve human purposes. A good simulation, be it a religious myth or scientific theory, gives us a sense of mastery over our experience. To represent something symbolically, as we do when we speak or write, is somehow to capture it, thus making it one's own. But with this appropriation comes the realization that we have denied the immediacy of reality and that in creating a substitute we have but spun another thread in the web of our grand illusion[s]."

Page 88, paragraph 2, by Heinz R. Pagels, in his The Dreams of Reason, Simon and Schuster, 1988.

If "Dreams of Reason" isn't qualitative, subjective, middle~included and animate...Doug doesn't grasp what is!

Heinz tells us two major memes here: Language symbols are illusory, and reason based upon symbols which are both static and lisr objective excluded-middle is pure illusion. Adepts will see immediately how Heinz is regurgitating Pirsig's "...always keep DQ with your SQ."

Doug calls this page, this Quantonics web page, "A Quantonics Remediation of Millennium III English Language Problematics." Doug's Quantum Remediations of English Language do just that: keep DQ with SQ via linguistic scriptings of quantons(DQ,SQ).

It has taken Doug nearly 30 years to get here. If Doug took that long, he believes it will take another three to five millennia to make progress where about 10 percent of Earth people understand issues involved: classical vis-à-vis quantum. It shouldn't take that long, but classical hylic-psychic humans are thick-headed (essentially programed-retarded by academe which adheres and inheres pure classical dialectic). If Doug could just get one simple message out, regarding this real MIII problematic, it is this, "Dump classical dialectic!" It is deadly of and deadly to human thought and human mentality. It is, as Pirsig wrote, "A genetic defect in human reason."

We see progress... This summer countless professors are diligently studying Quantonics. Are their kids (students) challenging them in their own classrooms re: evils of dialectical thing-king? Doug likes to imagine that happening.

Truth be known, every professor in academe CeodE 2009 should be scared silly! That they apparently are n¤t is a symptom of their own extinction, similar what USA classical society is doing to itself nowings, as global people are watchings...

If you are a professor, and if you teach objectivity based in classical are extinct! If you are a student and professors are pushing dialectic into your brains, you are inheriting their disease and its imminent extinction. Let's curtail this hylic-psychic metastasis of dialectic, NOW!!!

Thank you for reading,

Doug Renselle - 13Jul2009.

PS - One way Doug became obsessed with problematics of dialectic is an issue of Aristotle's excluded-middle. See commentary by Heinz Pagels about 'excluded-middle' on pp. 288-9 of TDoR. Of course, since then, Quantonics has shown irrevocably that Aristotle's three 'laws' aren't just bogus, Aristotle was using sophism to enunciate them! Doug.

Someone searched and found this page week ending 17Jun2007. Pattern used is this: <english language is a dynamic phenomenon>.

Doug views that search pattern as fascinating since its user doesn't realize, apparently, how English is mostly
a state-ic, stopped, stoppable, stuck, either-or (bivalent, 'di' AKA two-valued, profoundly naïve) dialectical language.

This QELR page is all about Quantumly repairing...Remediating English Language's stux sux formal, sillygistic objectiveness.

After years of effort, Doug can simply say best way to do that is to just discard all dialectic!
Dialectic is anti quantum, anti wisdom. It is pro stupidity and pro ignorance.
Dialectic is for hylic materialists who run on automatic-canonic socially positive "rules is tules for fules."

Read those links above, especially our May and June, 2000 English Problems and New Language Characteristics.

Doug - 18Jun2007.

Classical dialectic and its associated languages and logics ideally presume free context. Theorists call any context free grammar and logic "independent of context," and "insensitive to context." Why? Rules of grammar and logic presumably have to be "general:" work everywhere. Rules which have to apply everywhere demand a universal, catholic, context. A OSFA context! Classical statemental dialectic assumes absolute 'truth' may be assessed unambiguously as both consistency (always 'states' truth) and completeness ('states' all truths).

SOM and CR use dialectic.

Quantonics English Language Remediation presumes that classical dialectical notions of context freeness are bogus! Why? Quantum reality is, in general, sensitive to context. Remediated to uncloak its sensitivity we remediate classical 'context' as quantum~comtæxtings. Quantum phasemental rhetoric assumes absolute flux as comsistænt (always changes) and c¤mplætæ (changes all).

MoQ and quantum~enthymemetism use animate, heterogeneous, SOrSo, REIMAR sophist rhetoric.

Doug - 2Dec2006.

"The expression of the new quantum concepts is beset with severe difficulties, because much of our customary language and thinking is predicated on the tacit assumption that classical concepts are substantially correct."

David Bohm
The Quantum Theory, p. 168, Ch. 8, end of Sec. 26.
paperback, Dover, 1951

"The growth of any discipline depends on the ability to communicate and develop ideas, and this in turn relies on a language that is sufficiently detailed and flexible."

Simon Singh
Fermat's Enigma, 1st ed., p. 55

"That whereof we cannot speak, we must pass over in silence."

Ending of Wittgenstein's
Tractatus Logico-philosophicus

After reading Wittgenstein...

Rather, as William James c¤gæntly suggæsts bæl¤w, "That whereof wæ cann¤t speak, wæ muhst ihnvænt n¤vel languagæ, hærmænæutihcs, mæmæ¤tihcs amd heuristihcs ahll¤wing uhs t¤ speak iht."

In Quantonics

W¤rds t¤¤ aræ quantons!
W¤rds' mæanings, ihnterpretati¤ns, amd hærmænæutihcs aræ
their ænsehmble, anihmatæ, c¤mplæmæntary ¤mni-comtextual
quanton ihnterrelati¤nships ihn quantum ræhlihty!

"The real problem behind these many [classical] controversies was the fact that
no language existed in which one could speak consistently about the new [quantum] situation."

Werner Karl Heisenberg
in his
Physics and Philosophy
'The Revolution in Modern Science'
Page 174 of 213 total pages (no index).
(Our brackets)
" of the most important features of the development and the analysis of modern physics is the experience that the concepts of natural language, vaguely defined as they are, seem to be more stable in the expansion of knowledge than the precise terms of scientific language, derived as an idealization from only limited groups of phenomena. This is in fact not surprising since the concepts of natural language are formed by the immediate connection with reality; they represent reality. It is true that they are not very well defined and may therefore also undergo changes in the course of the centuries, just as reality itself did, but they never lose the immediate connection with reality. On the other hand, the scientific concepts are idealizations; they are derived from experience obtained by refined experimental tools, and are precisely defined through axioms and definitions. Only through these precise definitions is it possible to connect the concepts with a mathematical scheme and to derive mathematically the infinite variety of possible phenomena in this field. But through this process of idealization and precise definition the immediate connection with reality is lost. The concepts still correspond very closely to reality in that part of nature which had been the object of research. But the correspondence may be lost in other parts containing other groups of phenomena."

Werner Karl Heisenberg
in his
Physics and Philosophy
'The Revolution in Modern Science'
Page 200 of 213 total pages (no index).
(Our bold.)

Note to readers: Most classicists, e.g. Edward Sapir, Benjamin Lee Whorf, et al.,
consider language causally deterministic in human hermeneutics.

Ihn Quantonics, wæ teach ¤ur studænts that languagæ issi anihmatæly amd dynamihcahlly
ænsehmble quantum affæctihve,
ænsehmble quantum c¤mplæmæntary, amd
ænsehmble quantum umcærtain,
ihn human hærmænæutihcs.
I.e., humans ch¤¤se ihnterpretati¤ns uhsing languagæ as but ¤næ affæctihve elæmænt ¤f
~coumtless ænsehmbles ¤f affæct¤rs.

The [Linguistic] Sources of Error in Psychology [and in Philosophy and Science]

"...But the objective sense is the original sense; and still to-day we have to describe
a large number of sensations by the name of the object from which they have
most frequently been got. An orange color, an odor of violets, a cheesy taste,
a thunderous sound, a fiery smart, etc., will recall what I mean. This absence of a special
vocabulary for subjective facts hinders the study of all but the very coarsest of them.
Empiricist writers are very fond of emphasizing one great set of delusions which language
inflicts on the mind. Whenever we have made a word, they say, to denote a certain group
of phenomena, we are prone to suppose a substantive entity existing beyond the phenomena,
of which the word shall be the name. But the lack of a word quite as often leads to
the directly opposite error. We are then prone to suppose that no entity can be there; and so
we come to overlook phenomena whose existence would be patent to us all, had we only grown up
to hear it familiarly recognized in speech1. It is hard to focus our attention on the nameless,
and so there results a certain vacuousness in the descriptive parts of most psychologies.

"But a worse defect than vacuousness comes from the dependence of psychology on common speech.
Naming our thought by its own objects, we almost all of us assume that as the objects are, so the thought must be..."

1 In English we have not even the generic distinction between
the-thing-thought-of and the-thought-thinking-it, which in German
is expressed by the opposition between Gedachtes and Gedanke,
in Latin by that between cogitatum and cogitatio.

William James
in his Principles of Psychology
Chapter VII, The Methods and Snares of Psychology
(Our braces in topic title.)

Dear students of Quantonics, William James describes above why, due our English Language
dependencies, humans are innately incapable of unambiguously both describing and understanding quantum reality. Doug - 14Jan2002.

"Since translation, if pursued, allows the participants in a communications breakdown to experience vicariously something of the merits and defects of each other's points of view, it is a potent tool both for persuasion and for conversion..."
p. 202 of 212 total

"...For most people translation is a threatening process, and it is entirely foreign to normal [status quo, stuck in the paradigm] science."
p. 203 of 212 total

Thomas S. Kuhn,
1969 Postscript to his 1962,
The Structure[s] of Scientific Revolutions,
UChicP 1996 paperback edition.
(Our page number annotations, brackets, ellipses, bold, italics and link.)

Note:  Reader, please consider Kuhn's description of 'normal' science as a comfortable equilibrium between "paradigm shifts." By comparison he calls 'extraordinary' science that which "paradigm shifts" prefer as their affectors. In other words, 'extraordinary' science Values change and leaving the status quo.

Very quantum, eh?
I.e., quanton(extraordinary_science,ordinary_science),
vis-à-vis more classical,
dichon(extraordinary_science, ordinary_science).

Doug - 15Jul2001.

"...[Bohrian] complementarity is the most fundamental dynamic in our conscious constructions
of reality in both ordinary and mathematical language systems."

Menas Kafatos,
and Robert Nadeau
in their The Conscious Universe,
p. 11, Springer-Verlag, 1990.
(Our ellipses, brackets, italics and link.)

Reader, please consider how Bohr insisted that his orthodox Copenhagen version of quantum complementarity is 'exclusive.' Ihn Quantonics ¤ur værsi¤n ¤f quantum c¤mplæmæntarihty issi 'inclusive.' This is precisely where Kafatos and Nadeau fail dramatically in their otherwise marvelous Conscious Universe descriptions of quantum reality. See our two kinds of complementarity.

Need Wingdings font. Need rtf fonts like &curren;, &aelig;, &oslash;, etc.

Rev'd ~ 29Jun2006

Expect this remedial list to grow and evolve indefinitely. It is living text.
However, original list illustrates many basal quantum intuemes necessary for extensions to other classical problematics.
For more on classical English language problematics, see our May and June, 2000 QQAs.

Many classical words which contain an 'o' are yet absent from our remediation list below.
Look at our technique below, and try to remediate other classical 'o' words yourself. E.g., try 'disorder'
to accomplish n¤t just a quantized '¤' remediation, but to also expose classical negation as quantum subjective
and thus intrinsically quantum c¤mplæmæntary. Then turn 'disorder' into a present participle. Then make it plural.
As of 29Jun2006 we shall use 'ø' to prevent character and semantic overloading in some QELRs like measure and monitor.
See 'equals' remediation below to explain our use of present participle remediation.
Doug - 11Jun2001. Rev'd 29Jun2006 - Doug.

Quantonics' English Language
Remediation Character Dictionary
Wingings and MT Extra fonts required
Note: All these fonts and characters will eventually be replaced by a single Quantonics font.

If you are using a MAC, 'æ,' '¤,' and 'ø' may be typed directly and respectively as option+', shift-option+2, and option+o. h-bar is MT-Extra 'h.' Doug - 29Jun2006.

Search www for 'MAC accents.'


'e' 'æ' Quantum qualihty esthetihc ¤f 'æ' ¤vær 'e.'
'h' 'h' Quantum Plahnck prægma/ahcti¤n ¤f '' (i.e.- "h-bar") over 'h.
Since vowels 'a' and 'u' have n¤ direct QELR, we permit use of 'h' after them in cases like 'as' and 'us:' ahs, uhs, etc.
'i' 'ih' In some cases, like 'minus,' use 'i•' t¤ dæpihct anihmatæ, c¤mplæmæntary, ræcursihve, quantum Plahnck ratæ subqjæctihvihty.
'o' '¤' Quantized 'o.'
 'o' 'ø' 

 Slash 'o.'

Special cases:

'measure' QELRs to ¤mniht¤r
'monitor' QELRs to ømniht¤r

Without use of 'ø' both 'measure' and 'monitor' QELR to ¤mniht¤r.
Our practice is to undo all QELRs (for automated spell checks, etc.). As you can see, our undo for '¤mniht¤r' is overloaded without using slash 'o.'
Also, an interesting phoneme phenomenon arose here in our QELR of 'measurement:' ¤mniht¤rmænt.
Nø tørmænt ihntændæd! Doug - 29Jun2006.

'x'  ' Quantum umcærtainty ¤f Quantonic's c¤mplementary dual 's' waves making a wave~shaped vis-à-vis classical objectivity of 'x.'
'=' '' Anihmacy ¤f quantum 'equality' amd 'identity' concepts vis-à-vis classical inanimacy and state-icity of '=.'
'-' '~' Anihmacy ¤f quantum wavæ tilde vis-à-vis classical inanimacy and state-icity of hyphen.

Ihmp¤hrtant: Studænts, s¤mæ n¤vel Quantonics w¤rds aræ appæaring n¤w ihn ¤ur wæb sihte amd ihn this n¤te wæ aræ sh¤wing tæntatihvæ ræmædiati¤ns which aræ n¤t yæt ræpræsænted hæræ ihn ¤ur QELR dihcti¤nary w¤rd matrix. Wæ aræ running s¤mæ trial ræmædiati¤ns "as uhsæd" t¤ fath¤m their g¤¤dness amd utihlihty. Wæ shahll graduahlly addq their ræmædiati¤ns hæræ ihn QELR as ¤ur c¤mf¤rt wihth thæm gr¤ws. Ihn gænæral, y¤u wihll sææ uhs comtinue ¤ur "uhsagæs" ¤f

æ, ih, h, m, amd ¤

ihn place ¤f classical

e, i, h, n, and o.

Our 'n' t¤ 'm' ræmædiati¤ns aræ curræntly væry selectih , e.g., 'and' to 'amd.' In addition 'con' to 'com,' some 'in,' 'im,' and other objective negational prefixes to 'com,' alth¤ugh ¤ur uhsagæ epærimænts tændings t¤ ænc¤uragæ, e.g.,'in' to 'ihn' instead of 'in' to 'com' ræmædiati¤ns n¤w. As wæ ¤mniscrihbæ ¤n ¤ur QELR pagæ, ¤ur g¤al issi t¤ d¤ ræmædiati¤ns which aræ sihmple step changæs ihn text, amd pærmiht ræhdabilihty f¤r typihcal Ænglish ræhdærs while ahll¤wing thæm t¤ grashp vahst ¤mnihfferænces am¤ng w¤rds which aræ strihctly classihcal ihn sæmantihc vis-à-vis m¤re n¤vel quantum hærmænæutihcs f¤r Millænnium III. Studænts may w¤rry ab¤ut c¤væragæ ¤f ¤ur QELR. Th¤se sihmple ræmædiati¤ns, appliæd gænærahlly, t¤ a 250q th¤uhsamd w¤rd dihcti¤nary aræ væry mætastatihc! They ræmædiatæ ~90q% ¤f ahll w¤rds!!
Doug - 26Sep2003.

List of Remediated Word Link Pages...............Index A-Z


Alphabetical Reference Index Quantonics English Language Remediation Pages
©Quantonics, Inc., 2002-2030

Index to Quantonics English Language Remediated Terms
Most recent additions-revisions/updates marked add and rev.
above absence absolute abstract action
actual addition affect after aggregate
aings almost alphabetize also alter analysis
animus another answer anti-
antinomy antinotic antintotic
antisociotic appeal approximate arches are ascendent
attractor autonomy aware axiom
be before begin belie born borne
both cancel
canon cause certain chance change
choice circle class close co- coherent
complement complete commutative con concrete concur
consensus consequence conserve
consistent constant continue
cooperate copy correlate
definition deny
differentiation discriminate discuss dissipate
distinguish division do duration
each effect either/or
electron empirical empty end energy ensemble entangle
entropy equals equilibrium event ever evolution
excluded-middle  exist  exodus  explain  external   extinction
fact false for form
forward general
good gradient grammar here heterogeneous hologram hole
homogeneous homologous
ideal identical
in- independent
individual induce induction inertia information
instant integration intellect intensity intent intelligence interact
interest interpretation
is isocoherent
judge know latch law likelihood
line local locus logic loop
machine magnitude meaning measure metaphor minus
model moment monism monitor
moral motion multiplication negate
never new
non nonactual nonlocal none not novel number
numeric o object occur of on one
open operator opposite or order our out
partial particle past percept perfect per se perpetual-motion
photon physics
point positive potentia
principle probability process projection vav projected proof
proton quality quanta quantity qubit
reality reason rectify recursion reduction relate
remediation repeatability reproduction response reverse
right rule same science select semiotic
separable similar
simplicity simultaneity
singularity, e.g.,
the, it, that, one, etc.
society solve sophism space
square square root start stable state static (i.e., state-ic)
stop subject subjectiv subjective subtraction suppose
superpose suprapersonal synthesis
think thought
through time to transition transmute
true truth two
un- uncertainty understand unify unique unit
valid value velocity verb verify verisimilitude verity
wave wavefunction
what when where who whole why wisdom
word  wrong    yes  you    zero


To contact Quantonics write to or call:

Doug Renselle
Quantonics, Inc.
Suite 18 #368 1950 East Greyhound Pass
Carmel, INdiana 46033-7730

©Quantonics, Inc., 2001-2030 Rev. 22Mar2016  PDR — Created 6Apr2001  PDR (2 of 2)
(19Apr2001 rev - Correct some copying errors & formatting errors from 18Apr2001.)
(2May2001 rev - Repair some bad 404 links.)
(5May2001 rev - Add some anchors to rem. terms.)
(30May2001 rev - Add Quantonics' equals symbol to character rem. list.)
(11Jun2001 rev - Reset all red rem. text.)
(25Jun2001 rev - Typos.)
(15Jul2001 rev - Add Kuhn SoSR postscript quote at page top.)
(13Aug2001 rev - Under 'state' add link to Doug's review of SoSR.)
(16Aug2001 rev - Add top of page 'Sapir' note.)
(16Oct2001 rev - Add top of page link to Kuhn's SoSR.)
(11Nov2001 rev - Correct misspelling in our Kuhn quote at page top.)
(25Nov2001 rev - Add '
h' to Quantonic remediation character dictionary.)
(2Dec2001 rev - Add top of page frame-breaker.)
(3Jan2002 rev - Add Kafatos-Nadeau quote.)
(13-14Jan2002 rev - Top of page typos. Extend Kafatos-Nadeau quote. Add James quote with link to top of page.)
(20-21May2002 rev - Add "Need for Special Vocabulary" anchor to James quote at page top.)
(2Jun2002 rev - Add missing/incompleted TaFW links.)
(20Jul2002 rev - Add top of page Heisenberg quote from page 174 of his Physics and Philosophy.)
(23Jul2002 rev - Change QELR links to A-Z pages.)
(26Jul2002 rev - Add top of page Heisenberg quote from page 200 of his Physics and Philosophy.)
(26Jul2002 rev - Extend our Sapir/Whorf quote at page top. Add links.)
(30Jul2002 rev - Add 'probability,' 'uncertainty,' 'verify,' 'verisimilitude,' and 'verity.')
(19Aug2002 rev - Highlight 'tautology' upgrade.)
(25Aug2002 rev - Mark 'consensus' rev. Add Doug's thoughts on words at page top.)
(31Aug2002 rev - Add 'electron,' 'machine,' 'photon,' and 'proton.' Maintain highlights.)
(1Sep2002 rev - Add 'perpetual-motion.')
(4Sep2002 rev - Add top of page link to Remediated Word Matrix.)
(4Sep2002 rev - Highlight 'analytic' upgrade, et al. Add 'each.' Add 'change.')
(8Sep2002 rev - Add 'time' and 'choice.')
(12Sep2002 rev - Extend 'interpretation.' Add 'animacy,' and 'motion.')
(14Sep2002 rev - Add 'physics.')
(22-24Sep2002 rev - Add 'ensemble.')
(26Sep2002 rev - Remediate all quantum comtextual occurrences of 'ensemble.')
(3Nov2002 rev - Add 'what,' 'when,' 'where,' 'who,' and 'why.' Remediate Doug's top of page comment.)
(5Nov2002 rev - Add 'distinguish.')
(12Nov2002 rev - Extend 'moment.' Revise 'time.')
(20Nov2002 rev - Minor table repairs. Extend 'division.')
(13Dec2002 rev - Extend 'change,' and 'ensemble.' Add 'metaphor.')
(21Dec2002 rev - Add 'perspect.')
(12Jan2003 rev - Add 'describe.')
(31Jan2003 rev - Revise 'event.' Add 'minus.' Add 'i
h' remediation rationale.)
(4Feb2003 rev - Add 'commutative.')
(21Feb2003 rev - Extend 'stop.' Extend 'negate.' Convert Wingdings fonts to GIFs for browser compatibility.)
(27Feb2003 rev - Extend 'photon.')
(15Mar2003 rev - Extend 'state.')
(5May2003 rev - Add link under 'probability.')
(11May2003 rev - Clear dates.)
(30May2003 rev - Add 'property.')
(4Jun2003 rev - Add 'valid.')
(8Jun2003 rev - Update 'law.')
(13Jun2003 rev - Update 'time.')
(22Jul2003 rev - Add 'transition.')
(30Jul2003 rev - Extend 'physics.')
(1Aug2003 rev - Extend 'measure.')
(25Aug2003 rev - Extend 'time.' Very important update!!!)
(31Aug2003 rev - Extend 'negate.')
(5Sep2003 rev - Add 'response,' and 'stochastic.')
(7Sep2003 rev - Add 'reproduction.')
(15Sep2003 rev - Add 'reduction.')
(27Sep2003 rev - Add 'circle.' Extend 'difference,' 'differentiation,' 'distinguish,' and 'division.')
(28Sep2003 rev - Extend 'right.')
(1Oct2003 rev - Extend 'fact,' false,' and 'verity.')
(6Oct2003 rev - Add 'phase.')
(8Oct2003 rev - Extend 'change.')
(9Oct2003 rev - Extend 'machine.')
(13Oct2003 rev - Extend 'quality,' and 'quantity.')
(2Nov2003 rev - Add 'repeatability.' Extend 'reversibility.')
(8Nov2003 rev - Add 'class,' 'cooperate,' and 'deny.')
(12Nov2003 rev - Reset dates and red text.)
(21Nov2003 rev - Add 'perplex,' and 'plexus.')
(22Nov2003 rev - Add 'reason.')
(28Nov2003 rev - Add 'judge.')
(14Dec2003 rev - Add 'animus.')
(20Dec2003 rev - Add 'verb.')
(29Dec2003 rev - Add 'think.')
(15-16Jan2004 rev - Add quantum comtext markers. Reformat some text.)
(18Jan2004 rev - Minor text corrections based on discoveries adding quantum comtext markers.)
(21Jan2004 rev - Add 'concur.')
(24-29Jan2004 rev - More comtext markers and adjustments.)
(22Feb2004 rev - Update new 'a' remediations.)
(24Feb2004 rev - Mark 'judge' rev. Reset outdated rev's and add's and red text.)
(27Feb2004 rev - Add 'intellect.')
(14Mar2004 rev - Add 'general.')
(19Mar2004 rev - Add red text boxes of Wittgenstein quotes and Doug's response near page top.)
(24Mar2004 rev - Reset rev. dates and add dates. Add 'simplicity.')
(25Mar2004 rev - Revise 'one.')
(6Apr2004 rev - Add 'conflict.')
(15Apr2004 rev - 'Number.')
(18Apr2004 rev - 'General.')
(22Apr2004 rev - Add 'past.')
(24Apr2004 rev 'Judge.' 'Intellect.')
(2May2004 rev - Add 'canon,' and 'unit.')
(11May2004 rev - Revise, significantly extend 'probability.')
(24May2004 rev - Add 'line,' revise 'point.')
(1Jun2004 rev - Revise 'circle.')
(27Jun2004 rev - Time.)
(1-2Jul2004 rev - Reset updates. Update 'uncertainty.' Add 'isotropy.')
(7Jul2004 rev - Add 'forward.')
(13Jul2004 rev - Add 'likelihood.')
(17Jul2004 rev - Add 'empirical.')
(21Jul2004 rev - Link our Tao QELR character to Schrodinger's Lissajous Morph. Extend 'semiotic,' add 'separable.')
(27Jul2004 rev - Repair typo.)
(30Jul2004 rev - Update 'associate.' Add 'autonomy,' 'hologram.')
(31Jul2004 rev - Add 'nonactual.' Entry existed, but was unfilled.)
(19Aug2004 rev - Extend 'perpetual motion.' Reset update notifications.)
(22Aug2004 rev - Add 'preference.')
(31Aug2004 rev - Reset all legacy red text.)
(6Sep2004 rev - Update 'time.')
(8Sep2004 rev - Update 'point.')
(13Sep2004 rev - Extend 'determine.')
(21Oct2004 rev - Reset red text. Add 'subjectiv,' and 'subjective.')
(27Oct2004 rev - Extend 'cause.')
(30Oct2004 rev - Extend 'think.')
(3-4Nov2004 rev - Extend 'probability.' Add 'logic.')
(6-9Nov2004 rev - Extend 'process,' and 'truth.')
(21Nov2004 rev - Add 'honest.')
(8-9Dec2004 rev - Minor adjustments to 'think.' Add 'understand.')
(11-25Dec2004 rev - Add 'explain.' Add 'interest.' Add 'positive.' Rev. 'subtraction.' Add 'velocity.' Rev. 'difference,' 'interpretation,' 'consensus.')
(6-30Jan2005 rev - Add 'individual.' Add page top Simon Singh quote. Extend 'local.' Extend 'propagate.')
(12-27Feb2005 rev - Add 'percept.' Add 'relate.')
(3,8,11,16,18,22,23,27Mar2005 rev - Add 'duration,' 'monitor,' and 'simultaneity.' Add 'symmetry.' Update 'superpose.' Add 'science.' Update 'point,' and 'state.' Update 'uncertainty.' Add 'intelligence,' and 'rectify.' Add 'reality.')
(15,19,20,21,30Apr2005 rev - Update 'actual,' and 'affect.' Update 'time' for Latin past, now, before, and future Quantonics' coinings. Update 'reality.' Update 'phase.' Reset some red text.)
(17,18,23May2005 rev - Reset red text. Update 'phase.' Update 'point.' Update 'reality.')
(11,17,29Jun2005 rev - Add 'quanta.' Reset red text. Update 'truth.')
(9,28,31Jul2005 rev - Update 'general.' Add page top Bohm quote. Update 'photon.' Reset red text.)
(10Aug2005 rev - Update 'simplicity.')
(17,20,24Sep2005 rev - Update 'general.' Add 'select.' Update 'time,' according to changes in 'select.' Extend 'select.')
(7,8,9,11,12Oct2005 rev - Update 'simplicity,' 'reduction,' 'concrete,' 'law.' Add 'ideal.' Update 'false.')
(1,2,25Nov2005 rev - Update 'object,' 'time,' 'subject.' Update 'before.' Add 'potentia.')
(11,16Dec2005 rev - Add 'qubit.' Update 'quality,' and 'quantity.')
(14,19-20Jan2006 rev - Reset red text. Update 'phase.' Update 'ensemble.')
(2-3,24-25Feb2006 rev - Update 'relative.' Update 'hologram.' Fix 'Jamæs' to 'James.' Update 'axiom.')
(7,17,19,29Mar2006 rev - Update 'duration.' Update 'determine. Update 'associate,' and add 'value.' Add 'suppose.')
(5,12,21Apr2006 rev - Add 'unique.' Update 'isocoherence.' Add page top list of affines.)
(15,30-31May2006 rev - Reset red text. Update 'recursion.' Update 'opposite.')
(22,28-29Jun2006 rev - Add 'inertia.' Update 'order.' Update 'measure,' and 'monitor.')
(7,24Jul2006 rev - Update 'positive.' Reset pink updates.)
(10Aug2006 rev - Add 'grammar.' Reset pink updates.)
(9Sep2006 rev - Update 'motion.')
(2Nov2006 rev - Update 'prime.')
(2,11,14-15,28Dec2006 rev - Add page top comments distinguishing classical context freeness vav quantum~comtext~sensitivity. Update 'suppose.' Update 'begin,' 'end,' 'event,' and 'independent.' Update 'stochastic.')
(3Jan2007 rev - Update 'nonlocal.')
(21Mar2007 rev - Add 'external.')
(1Apr2007 rev - Update 'entropy.')
(8May2007 rev - Update 'stop.' Add 'rational.')
(5,18Jun2007 rev - Extend 'predict.' Add red text comments near page top.)
(20Jul2007 rev - Update 'point.')
(12Aug2007 rev - Add 'thought.')
(22Sep2007 rev - Add new 'whole.')
(3Oct2007 rev - Add 'absence.')
(20Nov2007 rev - Update 'reversibility.')
(6-9Dec2007 rev - Add new 'cancel,' and 'correlate.' Update 'select.' Add new 'solved.' Add new 'sophism.')
(12-13,18,26Jan2008 rev - Add 'perfect.' Add 'partial.' Update 'complement.' Add new 'entangle.')
(25-26Feb2008 rev - Update 'Negate.' Update 'Motion.')
(4,12,14Mar2008 rev - Update 'Definition,' and 'Process.' Update 'negate.' Add 'energy.' Add 'intensity.')
(1,10,16Apr2008 rev - Update 'open.' Add 'evolution.' Reset legacy mark-ups.)
(23,30May2008 rev - Add 'wisdom.' Update 'quanta.')
(29Jun2008 rev - Add 'copy.')
(17Jul2008 rev - Update 'entangle' with quantum~synaesthesia list.)
(1,5,14Aug2008 rev - Update 'potentia.' Update 'instant.')
(13Sep2008 rev - Update 'duration.' Reset legacy pink backgrounds updates.)
(29-30Oct2008 rev - Replace Tao 'x' with Quantonics' own quantum '.' Reset legacy markups. Update 'zero.')
(27Nov2008 rev - Update 'phase.')
(10,14-15,24Dec2008 rev - Update 'who.' Add etymologies to other 'w' words. Add 'occur.' Rev. 'science.' Update 'occur.' Highlight Sankara under 'negate.')
(12,14-15Jan2009 rev - Add QELRs of 'a' and 'u' to permit using h-bar similar as usage with 'i.' Reset legacy markups. Add 'discriminate.')
(18Feb2009 rev - Reset legacy markups.)
(23,26Feb2009 rev - Doug added 'aware' QELR in December, 2008, but failed to show it here. That error has been corrected. Update 'describe,' and 'wavefunction.')
(3,18,20,27-28,31Mar2009 rev - Update 'individual.' Update 'wisdom.' Update 'simultaneity.' Update 'wavefunction.' Update 'rectify.')
(9,18Apr2009 rev - Update 'discriminate,' 'evolution,' Reset legacy markups. Update 'per se,' and 'past.' Reset cell heights.)
(11,13,15,19May2009 rev - Add 'similar.' Update 'similar.' Update 'wavefunction,' and 'wisdom.')
(7Jun2009 rev - Update 'entangle.')
(7,13,18-19,22Jul2009 rev - Update 'model.' Add page top soliloquy on Heinz and Elaine Pagels. Update 'recursion.' Repair CV information on Heinz Pagels. Update 'distinguish.')
(18,20,31Oct2009 rev - Add new 'society.' Update 'recursion' with an explicit anchor to quantum~recurse. Update 'quanta' etymology.)
(3Nov2009 rev - Extend 'select.')
(5Dec2009 rev - Update 'rational.')
(23Jan2010 rev - Update 'reality,' and 'addition.')
(8,28Feb2010 rev - Update 'Law.' Add page top 'etymology of remediation.')
(4,24Mar2010 rev - Update 'ascend[ae]nt.' Add 'conscious.')
(10,13Apr2010 rev - Update 'law.' Update 'monism.' Update 'stochastic,' and 'subjectiv.')
(9Jun2010 rev - Update 'induction.')
(10Jul2010 rev - Update 'reduction.')
(6Jan2011 rev - Reset legacy markups. Update 'determine.')
(20,26Mar2011 rev - Add 'equilibrium.' Ad 'discuss.')
(4,6,9,12,15-17May2011 rev - Add 'chance.' Add 'gradience-gradient.' Update 'logic.' Update 'quanta.' Add page top commentary 'Why Remediate English Language.' Add 'asymmetry.')
(23-24May2011 rev - Extend 'new' gradience with its quantum QELR.)
(4,6,7,27Jun2011 rev - Revise 'value.' Add QVH Table link under 12May2011 page top update. Update 'probability.' Add 'atemporal.')
(4,29,31Jul2011 rev - Update 'reversibility.' Add Prigogine and Stengers' OOoC quote and Doug commentary. Add 'operator.')
(1,4Aug2011 rev - Add 'abstract.' Update 'wavefunction.')
(2,13Sep2011 rev - Add 'dissipate.' Update 'dissipate.')
(1,8-10Dec2011 rev - Add 'transmute.' Update 'evolve.' Update 'occur.' Update 'solve.')
(21,25J,27an2012 rev - Update 'relative' and 'value.' Update 'change.' Update 'unify.')
(9Feb2012 rev - Add 'conserve.')
(18Jul2012 rev - Add new 'chaos.')
(3,23,28,31Aug2012 rev - Update 'contradict.' Add 'There Is No Appropriate Vocabulary' anchor near page top. Update 'society.' Update 'gradient.' High Gradience Issues.)
(7,9,14-15-18Sep2012 rev - Update 'occur.' Add an aside to 'transmute.' Update 'number.' New updates to 'equilibrium.' Update 'quanta.' Update 'select.' Update 'wavefunction.')
(3-5Oct2012 rev - New 'latch.' Update 'order.' Update 'value.' Update 'open.')
(8Oct2012 rev - Update 'transmute.' Update 'reality' to "Absoluteness of change" vis-à-vis "Absoluteness of uncertainty.")
(4Nov2012 rev - Reset legacy markups. Update 'addition.')
(10Dec2012 rev - Add 'serpent' link under 'truth' at 'serpentine.')
(29Dec2012 rev - Add page top Mark 16:17 quote.)
(10Jan2013 rev - Update 'choice.')
(4Feb2013 rev - Add new 'intent.' Add new 'belie.')
(1,15Apr2013 rev - 1Apr2013 rev - Add 'suprapersonal' Add new 'antinomy.')
(23Apr2013 rev - Add Carlo Suares' comments re
inabilities of temporal, space-time languages to describe fullness of 'cosmic energies.')
(13Sep2013 rev - Add 'action.')
(13Jan2014 rev - Update 'truth.')
(9,24-28,30Mar2014 rev - Update 'change.' Update 'photon.' Add 'plan.' Update 'Opposite.' Update 'Complement.' Update 'atemporal.' Add 'stable' as a subset of 'state.' Update 'wisdom.')
(22Apr2014 rev - Update 'quanta' with 'Standingunder Aside.)
(16,28May2014 rev - Update 'choice.' Update 'quanta.')
(2Jul2014 rev - Update 'reason.')
(15,22,30Jul2014 rev - Add 'Ben' to 'chance.' New 'meaning.' Update 'intent.')
(4,6Sep2014 rev - Add 'quantum essence of choice.')
(31Nov2014 rev - Move 'equilibrium' due its large size to its own separate web page. Reset legacy markups. Make page current.)
(2,5Dec2014 rev - Update 'stux' and 'flux' near page top. Update 'Equilibrium.')
(11,17,22,24Dec2014 rev - Add text near page top re Suares' Sepher Yetsira, 'Explanation,' Résumé and Conclusion. Add more Suares quotes. Repair typo, 'I' to 'It,' in latest update. Update 'belie.')
(6Jan2015 rev - Update 'square.')
(4,7,10Mar2015 rev - Add a non QELR link to 'projection vav projected.' Add 'Hysteresis.' Add 'Extinction.' Update 'Aware.')
(2Apr2015 rev - Add 'Emet' link under 'truth.')
(4Jul2015 rev - Add 'Plancks Tick~Tock' anchor near page top under Suares' "limitations of language.")
(18Aug2015 rev - Update page top 'Suares on Language' issues of
abstraction vav role and situation. Reset legacy markups.)
(24Aug2015 rev - Add 'Autiot Is Not Abstract' anchor near page top.)
(17Sep2015 rev - Add 'Situation and Role' anchor near page top.)
(10Feb2016 rev - Add link to 'Genetic Defect in Human Reason' near page top.)
(22Mar2016 rev - Add page top 'Résumé and Conclusion' anchor.)

Remediated Words Index
