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Quantonics' Quantum Remediation
English Language
Millennium III
by Doug Renselle
: 20Jul2002


Alphabetical Reference Index Quantonics English Language Remediation Pages
©Quantonics, Inc., 2002-2028


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Master Index

Index to Quantonics English Language Remediated I Terms
Most recent additions-revisions marked add and rev.
ideal identical
in- independent
individual induce induction
inertia information
instant integration intellect intelligence
intensity intent
interest interpretation


English Language Problematic

Quantonics' Quantum

©Quantonics, Inc., 2001-2028



"1410 ydeal pertaining to type or model of a thing; later, imaginary (1611); perfect (1613); borrowed from late Latin idealis existing in idea, from Latin idea; 1796 a standard of perfection." Quoted from Barnhart's Dictionary of Etymology.


Classical -

  • perfect,
  • standard,
  • immutable,
  • objective,
  • etc.

Quantum 'ideal' as 'memeo' -

  • metaphor,
  • thinkings,
  • quanton,
  • always evolving,
  • always changing,
  • always adapting,
  • semper fluxio,
  • evolute improvement,
  • etc.

: Ideal, ideality, idealism, idealist, idealize, ideally, etc.

Classically, 'ideal' is a Platonic notion. It means perfect, immutable exemplification. Absolute, objective, standard — an exemplar of unattainable perfection.

: Ihdæal, ihdæalihty, ihdæalism, ihdæalist, ihdæalihzæ, ihdæahlly, etc.

Quantumly 'ihdæal' sihmply d¤æs n¤t 'eist,' umless ¤næ admihts "flux issi reality's ¤nly abs¤lutæ." As a ræsult wæ QELR classical 'ideal' wihth quantum 'memeo' which issi ¤ur c¤ihned anacoquecigrues of classical 'notion.' Mæmæos aræ abs¤lutæly mutable, mutating, amd affæctihvely æv¤lve thæmselves amd their comtexts abs¤lutæly.

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  • Classical -
  • Quantum -

TBD. See Aristotle. See is. See same. See equals. See identity.

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  • Classical -
  • Quantum -

Prefix. See not.

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  • Classical -
  • Quantum -

: Independent, independence, etc.

Classically objects may be independent of one another. Bergson says this is classicism's second most fundamental self-delusion. (In Quantonics all classicists including SOMites and CRites are mostly self-deluded. How? Classicists delude themselves that objective reality is "real." It isn't! Rather, and simply, classical 'reality' is profoundly bogus! Quantonics offers countless exemplars of classical dialectic bogosity. Doug - 16Dec2006.)

See SOM's Bases of Judgment.

: Independent, independence, etc.

Quantumly, since there are n¤t such dichonic 'things' as classical 'objects,' and since, in their place we offer quantons which are flux, thus waves, thus coobsfective~affectational SOrON EIMAings, thus quantum likelihoodings omnistributionings, thus wave functionings, thence we must strike out any notions of classical EEMDive independence and offer quantum~islandic c¤hæræncæ (quantum: unsimilar classical 'coherence'), coinsidence (Renselle: unsimilar classical 'coincidence'), compenetration (William James), interfusion (Henri Louis Bergson), and interpenetration (Fritjof Capra) in stead of classically inane 'objects' and 'objectivity.'

See our Quanton Primer.

There are unlimited classical problematics re objects and objectivism: classicism assumes reality is stable (reality conveniently holds still; aspects of reality can have zero momentum; etc.) and objective, and that objects in reality are independent from one another (Aristotle's 'law' of excluded-middle, and mathematics' Independence 'Axiom.')

See our Quantonics QELP of independent. See point and fuzzon. See How SOMites Measure Reality. Compare to How MoQites Monitor Reality.

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  • genius
    (In a Quantonics'
    sense of quantum
    ~emerscent n¤vel
  • identity
  • isolate
  • locate
  • object
  • one
  • original
  • reduce
  • self
  • separate
  • single
  • special
  • unique
  • you, other, me, it, I

: Individual, individuate, etc.

Classical individuals are objects, bivalent, stable, EEMD machines 'or' mechanical primitives. Classicism does its best to remove any subjectivity from classical individuals. Indeed, that is what end of Millennium II academia does.

Classical individuals are ideally lisrable.

See our Aristotle Connection for putatives and normatives of classical lisrability. Notice how a classical notion of 'individual' requires suppositionally, putatively, normatively a pre notion of an excluded-middle. Classical individuation requires SOM's wall (a sidis), and requires SOMites to view reality with said schism firmly in locus, loci, situs.

Some relevant commentary...

In Los Angeles, in 1981, one young lady as part of huge audience asked Ayn Rand, "Are you the head of a cult?"

Rand, "Now young lady, I have dedicated my life to the cause of individualism. Now common sense tells you you cannot have a cult of individuals. Do you have common sense?"

Rand just did n¤t conceive n¤r perceive how common sense itself is a cult, a culture, a classical dialectical culture.

Quotes taken from one of our favorite videos, The Passion of Ayn Rand. Helen Mirren is simply superb in this video, but audio quality is just awful. Julie Delpy plays Nathaniel Branden's (Eric Stoltz) tentative wife. Peter Fonda is awesome playing Rand's hen-pecked, cuckolded (by 'objectively moral' Ayn and Nathaniel) live-in (life-long-husband) classically-convenient-companion.

Rand's 'objectivism' is hilt SOMiticism with emphases on classical true, truth, reason, and logic.

Doug - 31Mar2005.

: Ihndihvihdual, ihndihvihdualihty, ihndihvihdualism, ihndihvihduatæ, ihndihvihduihcihty, ihndihvihduism, etc.

Quantum individuals are omnivalent animate, EIMA quantons.

Quantumism gravid~ates MoQites that classical SOMiticism and CRiticism are naïve and sheigmful deigns to feign.

(gravidates: coined~hybridation quantumese for classical 'teaches;' also gravi-fecundulates which is close kin of quantum~gravity and ~pull: wave~probability~attraction)

Quantum individuals are quantum~islandic (~quantum coherent) and thus n¤nlisrable.

Quantum~ihndihvihduals are quantum~gn¤stic. Quantum~gn¤stics do their own personal due diligence of looking within themselves to find their own individual gn¤sis: who they are via Sophia: wisdom of self. Their goal is to find their inner...latter is nature's own quantum~flux, an individual's own reserve~energy. When we find our inner, we also find its quantum~complement: Iht. Doug - 3Mar2009.

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  • Classical -
  • Quantum -

TBD. Classical problematics: predicable, predicability, predication, predicate, prediction, cause, effect, Peano's axioms, etc.

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  • Classical -
  • Quantum -

Classical problematics: See induce, history, historical 'effects,' implication, implicate order, determinism, reversibility, one-to-one correspondence, reality as stabile (i.e., state-icity), reality as objective (i.e., axiom of independence), etc.

: Induce, induction, inductive, etc.

Classically, induction is a formal, cause-effect, predictive belief. Essentially y=f(x) is predicable for all t.

Classical induction is a fine example of failed classical thought. Those who use induction as a prediction tool, are doomed to failure.


: Ihnduce, ihnducti¤n, ihnductihvæ, etc.

Quantumly, we can only 'predict' a probability. We can never predict, in general, a specific event.

To exemplify, "We cann¤t predict global warming, in general." Why? Reality isn't classically inductive!

Doug - 9Jun2010.

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  • Classical -
  • Quantum -


: Inertia, inertial, etc.

Classically, inertia is ideal 'state.' Inertia is perpetual 'state.' Classical inertial 'state' is unmediated except for formal, mechanical, analytic, cause-effect, 1-1 correspondent, deterministic 'force' 'interactions.'

: Ihnærtia, ihnærtial, etc.

Quantumly, ihnærtia issi abs¤lutæ flux. Ihnærtia issi pærpætual flux wh¤se ¤mnistrihbuti¤n issi ~Hilbert~spatially arbihtrary.

Quantum ihnærtia has n¤ classical 'state' since ahll quantons ihn quantum ræhlihty æv¤lve pærpætuahlly: changæ pærpætuahlly.

See change, perpetual-motion, isoflux, quanta, reality.

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  • Classical -
  • Quantum -

See emerq.

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  • Classical -
  • Quantum -


Classical issues: substantial analyticity, stoppability, cinematographical reality model, unitemporal frame, state-icity, posentropy without coherence, etc.

Quantum issues: flux stochasticity, unstoppability of absolute quantum flux (essentially this is Bergsonian duration), quantonic modelings, iso~omnitemporal and iso~omniflux quantum frames, phase~icity, quatrotomous entropies and coherencies, etc. Since there are no classical 'instants' in quantum reality, we very likely can discard or avoid use of this term.

Also see event.

: Instant, instantaneous, instantiation, instants, etc.

Classical 'instants' assume reality is mechanical, and thus stoppable. A classical instant can be stoppably 'measured.' We call it "Classical Scalarbation."

: Instant, instantaneous, instantiation, instants, etc.

Quantumly any 'instant' would have to be an unstoppable process of absolute flux. Quantum reality is unstoppable.

We might think of an electron's leap from one shell to another as an 'instant,' a quantum~instant, but it is a superluminal, zero latency, wholly adiabatic quantum~process which is classically indescribable.

What is a good exemplar of instantaneity? By direct observation, gravity. Gravity (Newtonian gravity) is n¤t a function of classical notions of time. We may say that quantumly as "superluminal," and "zero latency." We must be very careful when we say "superluminal," however, since Einstein assumed that time stops (stands still) at light speed. Of course that is about as silly as saying 'time stands still at speed of sound." Light speed flux is at least ten orders of magnitude 'slower' that Planck's rate, so Einstein just emitted more of his toddleresque Babel born of classical dialectical mathematics' (1 - v2/c2) divide by zero. Genuinely naïve! Genuinely idiotic! Genius naught!

Gravity is also adiabatic, which means its quantum spin is an integer. Most 'scientists' claim gravity's spin is two (2). Notice that two is classical maths only even prime number. (Adepts please keep on your quantum stages that Planck's rate and its higher subharmonics are so 'fast' compared to where human 'reality' is in terms of flux rates, that most of them would appear to us as 'zero latency' and superluminality. Doug.)

A less easily observable exemplar is electron shell changes during quantum~scintillation. Those changes are time independent, just like Newtonian gravity. Also note that an electron's shell jump is relative its nucleus. Also atomic nuclei and electrons are fermions whose spins are one-half. Inverse (reciprocal) of gravity's spin 2.

How can an electron's jump be adiabatic?

How can gravity be adiabatic? Observe that gravity is a metamemeo of acceleration, n¤t as Einstein ineptly surmised "acceleration is an identity of gravity." Acceleration is a symptom of gravity, n¤t gravity's identity!

Doug - 14Aug2008.

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  • Classical -
  • Quantum -

Quantonics ch¤¤ses t¤ c¤¤pt a classical interpretation of 'integration' and remerq all quantum comtextual ¤ccurrences with 'integrati¤n.'

In classical contexts we shall use 'integration.' In Quantonics/quantum comtexts we shall use 'integrati¤n.'

Classical integration assumes reality is stable and objects in reality are independent. Classical integration further assumes reality is inanimate/stoppable, excluded-middle, analytic, etc.

Quantum integrati¤n assumes reality is anihmatæ and quantons in reality have quantum c¤mplementary, included~middle, unstoppable interrelationships.

For application, and descriptions of relative importances of these terms, see our 7Jun2002 Möbius 3~Primæ Fermion.

See addition, differentiation, division, integration, multiplication, prime, recursion, square, square root, and subtraction.

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  • Classical -
  • Quantum -

: Intellect

: Ihntællect


  1. stability
    Classical intellect is stable. Knowledge when correct and verified is true, factual, and immutable. A classical Know-ledge's stability arises from its inert pasticity. SOM assumes reality's past is stopped! SOM assumes one OGC past 'exists' and is stable. See A Quantum Pendulum.
  2. independence
    Classical intellect (AKA "intelligence") is objective. Objective thought requires independence of posentropically stopped, "heat dead, J. C. Maxwellian thermodynamically cold" objective thoughts. These, when observed to recur, are dogmatically defined as facts, laws and rules.
  3. excluded-middle
    Classical objectivity finds its bases in Aristotle's second syllogistic 'law:' no object can be both itself an not itself. See Aristotle.
  4. EOOOness
    Classical intellect practices dialectic and predicate 'logic' based upon dialectic. Dialectic is innately either-or, Sheffer stroke, binary alternative denial intellectual method.
  5. H5Wness
    TBD. Easiest way to treat this one is using classical versus quantum con(m)text. Classically H5W presumes OGT in OGC. For a recent example see Mitch's question number three. Doug 19Jul2005.
  6. lisrability
    Classical intellect treats all classical objects as localable, isolable, separable, and reducible.
  7. causation
    Classical intellect believes in 1:1 objective correspondence, predicable cause-effect, certainty, determinism, induction based on historical evidence, etc.
  8. certainty
    Classical intellect believes that ideal ratiocination and rational by ideal dialectical and predicate logical methodology leads to logical and rational certainty of thought processes.
  9. EEMDivity
    Classical intellect believes that objects in classical 'reality' are everywhere-excluded-middle-dissociative.
  10. observation
    Classical intellect believes that classical objects may be ideally and unilaterally observed without disturbing said observed object.

We can use quantonics' dichons to describe classical intellect.

Classical_Intellect = dichon(intellect, object).

Classical intellect practices state-ic simplicity AKA 'design.' Design is analytic and presumes induction and deduction on historical 'fact.'

Doug - 24Apr2004.


  1. anihmacy
    Quantum ihntællect issi uhp~t¤ Plahnck~ratæ frahctahlly sælf~ræcursihve. Iht issi enærgetihc, thærm¤dynamihcahlly quatr¤t¤m¤uhs: nægæntr¤pihc, zær¤æntr¤pihc, p¤sæntr¤pihc, mihxæntr¤pihc. Iht issi quatr¤~quantum~c¤herænt: is¤c¤herænt, c¤herænt, dæc¤herænt amd mihxc¤herænt.
  2. c¤mplæmæntarihty
    Quantum ihntællect uhsæs n¤nahctualihty (AKA QVF, VES, amd ræserve ænærgy) ihn ihts frahctal ræcursi¤ns.
  3. ihncludæd~mihddlings
    Quantum ihntællect sharæs c¤mplæmæntary EIMA am¤ng ræserve ænærgy, ihnstinct, ihntuihti¤n, etc.
  4. BAWAMings
    Quantum ihntællect vihews nægati¤n as subqjæctihvæ while b¤th~amding ænsehmbles amd their quantum nægati¤ns.
  5. H5Wings
  6. lisrings
    Quantum ihntællect prahctihces quanton(n¤nlisr,lisr).
  7. affæctati¤nings
    Quantum ihntællect w¤rks quantum n¤n predihcably amd n¤n hist¤rihcahlly at quantum ræhlihty's ædgæ ¤f n¤wings.
  8. umcærtainty
    Quantum ihntællect bælihævæs that ahll truth issi ænsehmblings, l¤cal amd n¤nl¤cal, amd ihn abs¤lutæly anihmatæ agæncy ¤f ihts ¤wn changæ.
  9. EIMAivityings
    Quantum ihntællect pæræmærqs ('paraforms') ¤n Quantonics' quantum stage amd as such issi ænsehmblings ¤f quantum SONs ahll quantum c¤heræntly æværywhere~ihncludæd~mihddle~ass¤ciating am¤ng their ænsehmbles.
  10. c¤¤bsfæcti¤n
    Quantum ihntællect bælihævæs that ihts ænsehmble b¤th~ quantum c¤¤bserves ~while~amd c¤affæcting quantum observables.

Wæ can uhsæ quantonics' quantons t¤ ¤mniscrihbæ quantum ihntællect Bergsonian~tri~quantumly.

Quantum_Intællect quanton(ihnstinct,ihntuihti¤n,ihntællect)

Quantum ihntællect d¤æs n¤t accæpt 'stable' historical 'facts' as adequate bases f¤r ræhs¤n. Rather iht ræcursæs ¤n ænsehmbles ¤f k~n¤wings which aræ comtehmp¤rane¤uhs ihts n¤wings ræcursi¤nings. Lattær issi kn¤wn, gihven Bærgs¤n's prescience, as dynamihc AKA quantum simplicity.

Takæ a m¤mænt t¤ pauhhæræ amd ræhd this ¤n quantum~affectation.

Quantum ihntællect issi ahlways changing amd ahlways ræn¤veling ('renewing'), ræcræating amd rææmærscing ihtsælf. Quantonics' værsi¤n ¤f quantum ihntællect issi akin Bergson's I~cubæd. Quantum ihntællect ræcursæs ¤n quantum ihntuihti¤n amd quantum ihnstinct. Quantum ihntuihti¤n ræcursæs ¤n quantum ihnstinct amd quantum ihntællect. Quantum ihntællect issi a Plahnck ratæ ræhl tih reserve~energy~tapping ¤nt¤l¤gihcal process.

See reality. See wisdom, choice, chance, change, gnosis, omniscriminate, wave, etc.

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  • sane based upon 'common sense,'
  • smart,
  • wise,
  • cunning,
  • etc.


"Intelligent...1509...probably a backform of Latin intelligentem...intelligence 1380...from French intelligence..."

: Intelligence, intelligent, etc.

Classical intelligence may be defined classically as:

  • based upon thing-king,
  • measured by DIQ,
  • scalarbation, (CTMs) and running on automatic,
  • a mechanical mind role-playing a rote tote of a know-ledge judging other dialectically,
  • state-ic, certain, determinate, requiring mechanical stoppability and immutability,
  • decoherent, 1-1 correspondent, EEMD, either-or, cause-effect,
  • Paraphrasing Paul Pietsch, "Determinacy [classical certainty] is the principal feature of [classical absence of quantum] intelligence," p. 223, Shufflebrain, Houghton-Mifflin Co., Boston, 1981. We grammatically inverted Pietsch's original quote (see below) to make it classical. Our brackets.
  • etc.

: Ihntælligænce, ihntælligænt, etc.

Quantum ihntælligænce may bæ ¤mniscrihbæd quantumly as:

Sææ coquecigrues, quantum~partiality description summary, What is Intelligence?, jihudge, logic, What is Logic?, mæasuræ, scihænce, truth, What is Absurd?, etc.

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  • Classical -
  • Quantum -

: Intense, intensity, intenseness, intensities, etc.

Classical intensity may be defined classically as:

  • quantitative, objective, scalar, formal, mechanical, substantial 'measurement,' of 'a number' of 'units' of mass energy arriving at some target,
  • etc.

Classical physics adheres canon 'law' that if one uses one source of light to test photoelectric effect one will measure increased flow electrons at some velocity. If one adds another light source (doubles amount of light energy) electrons velocities should double.

: Ihntænse, ihntænsihty, ihntænsæness, ihntænsihties, ihntænsihtying(s), ihntænsænessing(s), etc.

Quantum ihntænsihty may bæ ¤mniscrihbæd quantumly as:

  • qualihtatihvæ ¤mniht¤ring ¤f packet flux ænærgy (æssæntiahlly fræquæncy ¤f ihndihvihdual quantons, sahy ph¤t¤ns, ¤f ænærgy),
  • etc.

Quantum physihcs sh¤ws uhs that ihncræhse ¤f ph¤t¤ns' ihndihvihdual sælf~enærgies fr¤m a light s¤urce wihll ihnduce vel¤cihty ihncræhses ¤f electr¤n fl¤w.

Sææ Doug's 2002 TaFW Topic 1 quantum intensity comments, Topic 8 quantum intensity comment, and see Doug's Review of Banesh Hoffmann's The Strange Story of the Quantum ACT I on photon intensity, etc.

You've heard of 'ultraviolet catastrophe' as one symptom of classical science's utter failure. Well, 'photoelectric catastrophe,' based upon classical science's inept 'definition' of intensity is another.

There is so much to write about here. Intensity isn't a trivial subject, and Doug's efforts so far here may make it appear otherwise. When you talk, write, think about 'intensity' beware!

Doug - 14Mar2008.

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 : Intend, intended, intent, intention, intentional, etc.

Classical intent may be defined classically as:

  • a predicable result, a certain plan,
  • a specific fate as affirmation of one planned-intended predicable outcome,
  • etc.

This is one of classicism's greatest faux pas: planning for results as a linear, predictable certainty of what 'will happen.'

All classical planning has unintended consequences which are unavoidable. So classical 'planning for results' is a loser from any getgo.

Classical intent, thus, deludes its practitioners.

Classical intent always leads to 'unintended consequences.' "Nobody could have anticipated that!" Then what good is central planning?

We see that as a plethora of social-fiscal, -economic, and -political mistakes, errors, and coverups in most societies today! USA is better at this fetid elite chicanery extruding sociopathy than any other nation. Watch out when it hits the fan, and it will hit the fan.

: Ihntænt, ihntændæd, ihntænt, ihntænti¤n, ihntænti¤nal, etc.

Quantum ihntænt may bæ ¤mniscrihbæd quantumly as:

This quantum wayve ¤f thinkqing sahys ahll ¤f uhs have t¤ lihve at æv¤lving multi~gradiænt edgings ¤f k~n¤w~ings, amd at bæst amd ihn gænæral wæ may ¤nly garnær lihkælih¤¤d æxpæctati¤nings which thæmselves aræ æv¤lving ubihquiht¤uhsly, pærpætuahlly.

Classical 'intent' then we observe is a "...genetic defect of human reason..." (Pirsig) borne of assiduous practice of dialectic-belief, -thought, -narration, -speech, and -action.

We can recover from classicism's faux pas by leaving CTMs and commencing our practice of QTMs. Side with QTMs. Dump CTMs. (Side with Aleph & dump Yod., that is, dump Yod-without-Aleph, dump Yodc which denies Aleph.)

Doug - 4Feb2013, 23Nov2014.

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  • Classical -
  • Quantum -

TBD. Classical 'objects' state-ically, interact in lisr, radically mechanical ways. All classical object interactions are presumed 'local' and 'time-like.' All classical interactions involve only 'local causes' and deny any possibility of nonlocal causes.

Quantons may animately, associatively, included~middle, probability~distribution c¤mmingle one another in radically quantum stochastic ways. Arbitrarily separated quantons' associations may remain superluminally quantum~entangled, "at a distance," AKA "space-like."

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  • curiosity
  • attention
  • regard
  • relation
  • excite
  • please
  • adore
  • respect
  • desire
  • want
  • need
  • worship
  • revere

: Interest, interested, interesting, interests, etc. (In a sense of knowing, curiosity, etc.)

Classical interest is purely objective. A classical practitioner finds only objective interest in reality. A classical practitioner uses analysis to objectify his naïve local reality.

Classically interest is analytically a state. Change in interest is an event. (Classically, neither state nor event have or are processes.)

: Ihnterest, ihnterested, ihnteresting, ihnterests, etc.

Eric Fromm tells us that interest's roots are inter and esse (die Deutsch), meaning "to be in." Inter as "among," and esse as "essence."

This issi næarly quantum: ævær s¤ cl¤se t¤ bæing quantum. (To us, experientially, this is unusual for Germanic languages.)

We perturb it to "being cowithin," which is what we mean and intend when we say EIMA, "everywhere~included~middling~associationings."

Quantum bæings d¤ n¤t classically objectify reality. Rather they anihmatæly EIMA ræhlihty!

Students of Quantonics and friendly adepts may notice that Nature shares interests among all he-r (in an emersos of pure qualogos we should say, "their") quantons.

Quantumly ihnterest issi a pr¤cæss, ahlways changing, ahlways æv¤lving...

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  • adaptation
  • answer
  • avatar
  • change
  • conceptualize
  • critique
  • decipher
  • explain
  • imitation
  • inform
  • judgment
  • metaphor
  • semantic
  • perceptualize
  • etc.

We have decided, as of 2004 to use 'ihn' instead of 'com' in our standard QELR of all words beginning with 'in.' We revised text here under 'interpretation' to facilitate that change. Doug - 25Dec2004.

: Interpretation, interpretations, interpret, etc.

In classical contexts we shall use 'interpretation.' In Quantonics/quantum comtexts we shall use 'ihnterpretati¤n,'amd 'ihnterpret.'

Classical 'interpretations' are classically state-ic, two-valued, OGC | OGT, suppositional, cause-effect-precedential, etc.

Classicists secularly, paradigmatically, dogmatically, parochially, and provincially deny any subjectivity in reality, i.e., they deny 'logical reasonability' of subjectives in 'physical and logical sciences.'

Classicists claim there is only one interpretation of reality: an objective, analytic, inanimate, excluded-middle, etc., interpretation.

: Ihnterpretati¤n, ihnterpretati¤ns, ihnterpret, ihnterpretati¤ning, ihnterpretati¤nings, ihnterpreting, ihnterpretings, etc.

In our Quantonics view, interpretation mandates an admission of "many truths," and "many~valuedness," plural intrinsic essence of our version of quantum reality. More technically here, then, quantum~stage interpretation mandates an I3 admission of reality as animate, pluralistic and hermeneutically~heterogeneous.

Now let's extend that a tad. Animacy, at least our quantum version of it and Bergson's interpretation of it, demands change which itself proffers even more quantumesque memeos of pluralism and heterogeneity, doesn't it?

Quantum reality is endless, up to Planck rate, processings of nature endlessly and ubiquitously measurings and re~interpretings he~rselfings.

We, even scientists, call it "evolution!"

Doug - 25Dec2004, extended 30Dec2005, extended again 10Feb2006.

Quantonics ch¤¤ses t¤ c¤¤pt classical 'interpretation' amd remerq all quantum comtextual ¤ccurrences with 'ihnterpretati¤n.'

Quantum ihnterpretati¤ns are anihmatæ, stindyanic, omnicomtextual, ensehmble prec¤nditi¤nings — ch¤¤sing~chancing~changing — ¤utc¤mings, quantum awareness bec¤ming, etc.

As Henri Louis Bergson has taught us s¤ well, reality is n¤t a sequence of side-by-side cinematographical frames in classical, analytical, unitemporal motion. Rather quantum reality is stindyanic, ensehmble emergence, an anihmatæ omnicomtextual amd ¤mnihvalænt ihntercomnected ¤nt¤l¤gy.

"...ihnterpretati¤n involves according primacy to subjectivity over objectivity." By Philip R. Wallace in his Paradox Lost, 1st ed., ch. 34, p. 151, Springer, 1996. We quantum~remediated our quote of Wallace's use of ihnterpretati¤n, and slightly paraphrased our Wallace quote to remove thelogos.

Wallace tells us and shows us that classical 'interpretation' is invalid. Why? Classical 'interpretation' is innately objective.

Students of Quantonics should note that Wallace probably would/might n¤t agree with our ihnterpretati¤n of our quote of his clause above.

Quantum ihnterpretati¤n issi intrinsically subjective, and thus natureal. He apparently did n¤t fathom his own quantum epiphany, but it explains one of quantum science's largest 'problems:' why there are so many valid ihnterpretati¤ns of quantum reality. Why? Again, quantum reality is predominately subjective via its intrinsic animacy, heter¤geneity, c¤mplementarity, ensehmble quantum umcærtainty, acausality, everywhere~included~middle~ass¤ciativeness, etc.

If classicists accept that quantum reality is indeed predominately subjective, they must give up nearly every classical foundation and building block they hold dear. If classicists accept what we say here, all of what they believe enters a spiral extinction into reality's abyss of bad ideas. In Quantonics, we believe that quantum pr¤cess of extincti¤n of classical concepts is well underway n¤w. Another 3-5 generations of quantum science should uncloak somewhat unambiguously whether we and others who agree with us are think~king well.

We offer some links which support our view that classical definitions of interpretation are invalid due their innate mechanicity and objective formalism:

see subject, subjectiv, subjective, probability, negate, positive, truth, logic, etc.

Based upon additional k~n¤w~ings from those links, we can QELR another more quantumesque paraphrasing of Wallace, like this:

Quantum "...ihnterpretati¤n ihnv¤lves acc¤rding prihmacy t¤ quantum rhet¤rihcal pr¤babilihty ¤vær classical dialectical discrete value mathematics."

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TBD. Classical objects interact. Dichons interact via classical 'fields' and 'forces.'

Quantons quantum c¤mplementarily amd umcærtainly interrelate amd have anihmatæ, c¤¤bsfecting, ¤mniadic, changing, emerging quantum EIMA interrelati¤nships am¤ng æach ¤ther.

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Quantonics ch¤¤ses t¤ c¤¤pt classical 'equals' amd remerq all quantum comtextual ¤ccurrences with issi ¤r ¤ur Quantonics equals semi¤tic: .

'Is' uncloaks classical reality in a manner which few other words do. Permit us a tinge of Bergsonian bluntness:

N¤thing in reality 'is!'

And there dear reader is ¤ne ¤f ¤ur many eminent indictments ¤f SOM.

If anything in reality could be 'is,' then Aristotle's first syllogistic 'law,' A=A would be classically 'true.' Reality would then be classical and state-ic. Reality would be Pirsigean exclusive Static Quality! But reality is n¤t ESQ!

Quantum reality sh¤ws us flux issi crux. Reality always changæs amd changæs all. N¤ quanton ever 'is!' Quantons are always experiencing realities' Planck rate impetus. All quantons are in stindyanic ¤nt¤l¤gical l¤¤ps like this:


F¤r m¤re detail ¤n Quantonics' views ¤f ¤nt¤l¤gy, especially 'being,' see Stairs N¤te 3.

Comsider carefully, "N¤thing in reality 'is!'" Then carefully p¤nder amd comsider h¤w m¤dern science depends deeply, alm¤st religi¤usly ¤n: everything in reality 'is.' This is ¤ne ¤f Quantonics' m¤st significant Millennium III (ending in year 3000) pr¤blems. Doug - 24Jul2001.

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See isoflux. See VES.

: Isocoherence, Isocoherent, etc.

: Is¤c¤herænce, Is¤c¤herænt, etc.

Several of you have been searching for this word in Quantonics. That is good, better! We didn't realize that we had not offered a fuller QELR of it.

First, see our fuzzonic description of quantum coherence.

Now for a picture: see our Planck quanton.

Notice that our description says quantum coherence involves all of any quanton's attractors. We're talking about mixed flux in that case.

Notice our animation of our Planck quanton shows contrarotating blue-dotted 'circles.' We're showing pure isoflux in that case (mixing with said quanton's actual quantum complement which can be both bosonic and fermionic quantum coherent mixings, which are mixings with isocoherent contrarotating blue dotted isofluxings).

Bosonic flux, in actuality, doesn't contrarotate. But it gets tricky! When we contrarotate fermions in actuality they ACT like bosons (e.g., electrons superconducting). Super cooling fermions can emersce their quantum condensation into BECs (Bose-Einstein Condensates).

We show all forms of actual pure bosonic flux (say photons, and zero entropy flux in nuclei) as blue dotted noncontrarotating flux.

Simply, isocoherence is holistic compenetration of all reality by isoflux. We also refer 'pure' isocoherent isoflux as:

  • VES (Vacuum Energy Space; some physicists still see this as being 'actual')
  • QVF (Quantum Vacuum Flux; ditto)
  • DQ (Pirsig)
  • nonactuality (Renselle, in any sense of describing quantum reality)
  • elan vitale (Bergson; similar comments to physicists above)
  • nonspace (Stein; ditto)
  • implicate order (depending upon how Bohm sees this; we are doing research on his work now to see whether his "implicate order" is in Quantonics' actuality and mayhaps in Quantonics' nonactuality)
  • etc. (list is very long...)

Also ponder ~cohera and ~entropa. They each come in at least four '¤d¤rs.' Mix~, pos~, neg~, and zero~.

Zeroentropy and zerocoherence incompletely describe (it is outside any sentient qua to 'define') isocoherence. It is good to say it more generally: "Reality incompletely describes isocoherence."

See cohera, entropa, isob, ison, isop, isot, isov, etc.

For a great dialogue on this topic, see Doug and AH in a Quantonics' Detail Q&A.

"Doug, what is a real world, macroscopic example?"

Several: tsunamis, hurricanes, tornadoes, magnets, solitonic photon telecommunications, jet engines (see June, 2005 TQS News jet engine; see Einstein Problematics jet engine), Doug's bosonic gyros, etc. In each case only part of a fermionic system is bosonic and all of each bosonic~fermionic system isocoherently coinsides, compenetrates, interpenetrates, etc. quantum~isoflux. In a tsunami water molecules partially spin~cohere (actually) in a macroscopic body of water. Iron molecule domains do similarly in a bar magnet. If a tsunami were to somehow "isocohere" we would not be capable of sensing it; too, if it were to cohere we would not be capable of 'seeing' it but we could probably 'sense' it using appropriate accoutrements.

If needed, engage Doug in detail discussion via email and phone.

Doug Renselle
In Quantonics
Quantonics, Inc.
Suite 18 #368 1950 East Greyhound Pass
Carmel, INdiana 46033-7730

Hope that helps!

Doug - 12Apr2006.

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Quantonics ch¤¤ses t¤ c¤¤pt classical 'isolate' amd remerq all quantum comtextual ¤ccurrences with 'is¤late.'

In classical contexts we shall use 'isolate.' In Quantonics/quantum comtexts we shall use 'is¤late.'

In classical contexts observers may ideally isolate classical objects for classical unilateral observation. Classical objects are provincially and anthropocentrically isolable from one another. We can illustrate this classical lisr-ability by dichon(nonisolate, isolate) and also via EOOO(nonisolate, isolate). See Aristotle's silly-gisms (3rd silly 'law;' "A is either A or not A.")

In quantum comtexts quantons are BAAM(n¤nis¤late,is¤late), which is anal¤g¤us t¤ writing quanton(n¤nis¤late,is¤late).

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 : Isotropic, isotropy

: Is¤tr¤pihc, is¤tr¤py

Classically isotropy means that some 'objective' physical stoppably-measurable properties are everywhere 'identical' in some space-time plenum or manifold.

Quantonics' værsi¤n ¤f quantum ræhlihty ¤mniscrihbæs ræhlihty as a quanton(n¤nahctual,ahctual). Quantum ahctualihty issi qualihtatihvæ, anihmatæ, EIMA, latching~umlatching, tæntatihvæly pærsistænt, pattærns ¤f is¤præfæræntial Valuæ.

Quantonics' værsi¤n ¤f quantum n¤nahctualihty issi is¤tr¤pihc. Attæmpts t¤ ¤mniht¤r quantum n¤nahctualihty's is¤tr¤pihcihty yields uniformly absolute absence of any classical measure, e.g., temperature, space, time, gravity, mass, etc. Those classical measurables appear classically nonmeasurable in quantum isoflux. Those measurables do not classically 'exist' in quantum isoflux. That 'scientific fact' has begged scientists to conclude therefore that quantum nonactual isoflux does not 'exist.' See William James on linguistic Sources of Errors.

Why? Quantum n¤nahctualihty issi an affih1, sælf~referænt, ræcursihve, sælf~cancæling, is¤adihabatihc, uhp t¤ Planck ratæ, ¤mnilatatih2, quantum is¤flux. Classically it manifests as 'invisible' ¤mnimænsi¤nal is¤c¤næs, lattær which explain trajæct¤ries ¤f læast tihmæ amd læast ahcti¤n, quantum æmærscænce amd æmærscænture, amd coumtless ¤thær ahctual quantum phen¤mæna.

Sææ is¤flux, a 3D fuzz¤n, quanton, quanton primær, quantum stairs, amd Valuæ as pr¤babilihty.

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Isotropy note 1 - Our use of 'affine' here is in a sense of quantum isoflux AKA QVF AKA Pirsigean DQ, etc., as a non metrical isospace (It corresponds, coarsely, Dr. Irving Stein's "nonspace."). We might wish to call it "an isofield." Regardless where we move in this isoflux its actuality is immeasurable which classicists adjudge "nonexistent." What is most amazing about it, though, is quantum emerscence (an analogy is squareq of a probability omnistribution) creates actuality from it. A good example is what we call TBCSUD quark ontology. TBCSUD creates Up and Down quarks from Top, Bottom, Charm, and Strange quarks which have been quantum emerscentured (created) somehow by interrelationships of Higgs, W, and Z bosons with quantum isoflux. What is even more amazing is how quantum isoflux compenetrates all of quantum actuality and all of quantum actuality coinsides quantum isoflux: "nonactuality is in actuality and actuality is in nonactuality." There are no classical notions nor classical languages nor sciences nor philosophies which grasp this quantum "miracle." Quantonics does. Doug - 3Jul2004.

Isotropy note 2 - Dilatation, dilatatory, dilatative, etc. Here we provoke quantum memeotics of vibrational~oscillatory fuzzon quantum complementary peaqlo pulsation in nonactuality's omnimensions. This is our intueme when we call nonactuality's isoflux "absolute."

©Quantonics, Inc., 2001-2028

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To contact Quantonics write to or call:

Doug Renselle
Quantonics, Inc.
Suite 18 #368 1950 East Greyhound Pass
Carmel, INdiana 46033-7730

©Quantonics, Inc., 2001-2028 Rev. 23Nov2014  PDR — Created 20Jul2002  PDR
(10Jun2001 rev - Add 'in-,' prefix.)
(13Jun2001 rev - Add TBD for 'isocoherent.')
(24Jul2001 rev - Extend 'is' commentary.)
(4Aug2001 rev - Add 'isolate.')
(25Oct2001 rev - Add 'interpretation.')
(17Nov2001 rev - Add 'instant.')
(27Dec2001 rev - Add 'information.')
(3Apr2002 rev - Add 'induce,' and 'induction.')
(23Apr2002 rev - Extend 'isocoherent.')
(19May2002 rev - Add 'identity.')
(7Jun2002 rev - Add 'integration.')
(5Sep2002 rev - 'C
hangæ' remediate quantum comtextual occurrences of 'change.')
(12Sep2002 rev - Extend 'interpretation.')
(20Sep2002 rev - Remediate all quantum comtextual occurrences of 'animate' on this page.)
(26Sep2002 rev - Remediate all quantum comtextual occurrences of 'ensemble.')
(29Sep2002 rev - Add 'interrelate.')
(23Mar2003 rev - Upgrade 'interpret.' Replace some browser incompatible wingding fonts with GIFs.)
(11Oct2003 rev - Reset legacy red text.)
(27-28Feb2004 rev - Add 'intellect.')
(24Apr2004 rev - Extend 'intellect.')
(1-3Jul2004 rev - Reset updates. Add 'isotropy.')
(21Jul2004 rev - Repair improperly QELRed links under 'intellect.')
(19Aug2004 rev - Reset update notifications.)
(13-25Dec2004 rev - Add 'interest.' Free width constraints in primary table. Add page top indices.)
(6Jan2005 rev - Add 'individual.' Minor red text change of 'is' to 'issi' under 'is.')
(8,23,31Mar-30Apr2005 rev - Add links under 'independent.' Add 'intelligence.' Add Ayn Rand commentary to 'individual.' Reset red text.)
(5May2005 rev - Alter 'individual,' and 'is.')
(19Jul2005 rev - Update 'intellect.')
(11Oct2005 rev - Add 'ideal.')
(14,30Dec2005 rev - Minor updates and corrections to 'intellect.' Reset red text. Extend 'interpretation.')
(20Jan2006 rev - Reformat page top.)
(10Feb2006 rev - Minor red text updates under 'interpretation.')
(2,12Apr2006 rev - Princip[le] to principal. Update 'isocoherence.')
(26May2006 rev - Reset legacy red text. Update all entries with empty Etymology, Synonyms, and Other Languages templates.)
(22Jun2006 rev - Add 'inertia.' Massive respell.)
(25Jul2006 rev - Reset pink updates.)
(16Dec2006 rev - Update 'independent.')
(22Jun2007 rev - Reset legacy red text. Reformat. Add classical etymology resource links for non coined words.)
(5Dec2007 rev - Add 'partiality summary' link under 'intelligence.' Add 'Problematics' link at page top.)
(14Mar2008 rev - Add 'intensity.')
(30Oct2008 rev - Replace wingdings and symbol fonts with gifs. Reset legacy markups.)
(6,20,24Dec2008 rev - Add 'omnivalent' link. Add 'Quantum Awareness' anchor. Add 'independence' anchor.)
(3Mar2009 rev - Update 'individual.')
(20Sep2009 rev - Add intra page 'wave' links to recent QELR of 'wave.')
(13Oct2009 rev - Update 'intellect' with recent new QELR links.)
(9Jun2010 rev - Update 'induction.')
(20Jul2010 rev - Make page current. Reset legacy markups.)
(4Mar2011 rev - Add 'How to Find One's Inner' link under individual.)
(4Feb2013 rev - Add new 'intent.')
(19Jan2014 rev - Reset legacy markups. Add 'Scripting Aleph Yod' link under 'intent.')
(26Feb2014 rev - Change 'only apparent' to 'only apparent persistency' under 'intent.')
(30Jul2014 rev - Update 'intent.')
(23Nov2014 rev - Reset legacy markups. Repair typo under intent. Make page current.)