Item |
English Language Problematic |
Quantonics' Quantum
©Quantonics, Inc., 2001-2029
'machine' |
" is ridiculous and shameful that men should be
machines; and ridiculous and shameful that their philosophy should
describe them so." Will Durant, The Story of Philosophy,
2nd ed., 1933, p. 501.
Classical machines are mechanical. By that we mean machines
are formal assemblies of objects. Formal assembly of machines
follows a set of scientific rules and laws called 'mechanics.'
Formal assembly of machines is usually called manufacture
and manufacturing. Manufacturing is classically valuable due
some concepts like reproduction, mass production, Total
Quality Control, mass customization, etc. Manufacturing
depends upon a deeper concept of component identity and assembly
identity. Ideally each of N parts which make up an assembly are
Quality Controlled so that they are identical to one another
for any given type of part. Similarly, any assembly follows an
assembly process and it too is Quality Controlled, with
a goal that every finished assembly has a ~six sigma probability
of being 'correct' and as identical as possible to every other
assembly produced.
As you may choose to see classical manufacturing models itself
after classical logic, mathematics and science.
When we talk about classical science, post modern science,
quantum matrix mechanics, quantum wave
mechanics, and any objective, symbolic mathematics which attend
those sciences we are essentially talking about radically
formal machines.
As a result, scientists and mathematicians tend to see Nature
as a classical machine! They tend to use formal mechanical models
to mimic Nature.
In Quantonics, we k-now
that Nature is n¤t mechanical, n¤r is S-he a machine
n¤r machines. So, in Quantonics, we only use 'machine,'
'formal,' 'mechanism,' 'manufacturing,' etc., in classical contexts.
In Quantonics we use emerscent
in place of machine. We use emerq
in place of form, and emerqant in place of formal. We use emerscenture
in place of manufacture. And we use emerscitecture
in place of architecture. Holistically, we k-now that all emerscents
are quantons.
Page top index.
'magnitude' |
Issues: Classical reality modeling assumes that reality
is objective and quantitative. Whenever it wishes, classical
reality modeling assumes that it may convert qualitative-subjective
aspects of reality into quantitative-objective magnitudes. Examples
we offer show how adherents of classicism attempt to convert:
qualitative morality into quantitative truth; qualitative emotions
into magnitudes on a numbered scale; qualitative sensations into
numbered quantities on some measuring device; quantum qualitative
time into a unitemporal quantitative measurable independent variable;
etc. See: independent,
measure, number,
object, quality,
quantity, subject,
Classical scalar magnitude measurement we refer impenitently,
incorrigibly, "scalarbation."
Page top index.
'meaning' |
: Meaning
See Doug's How SOMites
View Reality.
Much like measurementc just below, classical meaning
emerges from classical Platonic notions like measurec,
mono(uni)timec, cause-effectc, determinationc,
and predication among others.
In quantum reality most classical notions are simply bogus,
retarded, facile, inept, etc. Why? Classicists reify and objectify
all reality: they 'force' notions of state and death on
all actuality. Only change a classicist acknowledges is timec
which is retardedlyc 'defined' as spacec
Bottom line, classical 'meaning' finds its valuec
in physicalc analytic-statec and space-temporal-predicationc.
Classical 'value' is death and dead things.
: Mæaning
See Doug's How MoQites
View Reality.
Doug has intentionally avoided attempting to omniscribe omnifferencings
among memesq of meaningq and notionsc
of meaningc. Why? Too simply, "Quantum~meaning
is subjective." Why? Quantum~reality is a (absolute) flux~based,
absolute change reality. Implication? Whatings happenings nextings
is always uncertain across all scales of quantum~reality. Quantum~reality's
predicabilityq may only be stochasticq,
and its stochastics are based in so many absolutely~changing
ephemeraq, uncertaintyq becomes an intrinsicq,
an implicitq symptomq, of said
realityq. We can only guess! We may n¤t predict,
in general. We are limited to process~evolution~omnitoring
quantum~wave functions and their stindyanic
interrelationshipings. To intentionally
clobber Einstein's retarded dialectic again, "God does
roll dice."
As you may know Doug has spent last two to three years of
his opus studying Jung and Suares. In Doug's opinion, these men
represent two of earth's greatest titans of human thought. Without
them, among countless others, Doug could not have made nearly
as much quantum progress in his own philosophical endeavors.
In that vein Doug is currently reading Jung's Sychronicity.
In his Chapter 5, 'Foreunners of the Idea of Synchronicity,'
Jung writes, paraphrased, "Synchronicity is meaning."
As with much of Jung's other work, Doug was stunned! Jung's
Red Book (its translation and plates) repeatedly stunned
Doug too. For Doug, Jung and Suares are at a pinnacle of human
thought and understanding based upon meanings of an energy-based,
absolute flux~basedq, quantized~scintillating
In his Synchronicity Jung writes, again paraphrased,
"Western rational thought (what Doug refers 'classical thing-king)
finds its meaningc fundac in space-time-temporal
event-states, their predicationc, and their determinationc."
In other words rationalc synchronicityc
(its meaningc) dependsc on space-time-temporalc
their predicationc, and their determinationc.
By comparison Jung's (quantum) version of synchronicity is
acausal, atemporal
(except for Jung's notion of 'simultaneity,' said notion generally
challenged by Bergson, via memes of evolutionary absolute change),
indeterminate, and n¤n predicable. See Doug's QELR of
stochastic. See
Bergson, Time and Free Will, Topic
24, Topic 25. Please
attempt to fathom omnifferencings twixt singular-monisticc
staticc simultaneityc and heterogeneousq
phase~durationalq simultaneityingsq.
Jung would bottom line this: Synchronicity is
To Doug that is like saying,
HotMeme "Meaningq is cognitionq
and recognitionq of autsimilar phasistic patterns (wave~functionings) of energy~flux ihn
quantum~reality." HotMeme.
HotMeme "Meaningq issi omniscriminationingsq
of autsimilar phasistic patterns (wave~functionings) of energy~flux
quantum~reality." HotMeme.
Compare QCD and
QED re "meaningq."
See Doug's efforts on What
is Consciousness?, his QELR of conscious,
exemplar Reservoir
of EWings, and What
is Wrong with Probability as Value(as meaning)?, his QELR
of Value, and solve, etc.
Page top index.
'measure' |
: Measure
In Quantonics, we call classical measurement, unashamedly,
: Mæasuræ As of
June, 2006 we choose to coopt classical 'measure,' and 'monitor,'
with quantum 'omnitor.' QELRed: from: measure,
measures, measuring, measurings, measurement, measurements, etc.
¤mniht¤rs, ¤mniht¤ring, ¤mniht¤rings,
This change accompanies a change in 'monitor'
below. It involves a subtle change in our QELR main page rules table.
Issues: Classical illusions/delusions of a spatially
extensible, numerically countable, numerically measurable, static,
objectively independent, homogeneous reality. See analytic,
number, homogeneous,
objective, predictable,
state-ic, etc.
Classical 'measurement' assumes and presumes (presuppositionally)
reality is analytic. Given those assumptions and presumptions
classical measurement thus suffers countless notional delusions
that reality is, in general:
- stoppable (stable, lisr, classically-atemporal
spatial 'positions' entail and obtain, e.g., <x,y,z,t>;
zero momentum as a classical notion 'exists')
(recall that classicists, per Einstein, claim a space-time identity which relegates
OSFA 'universal' time to classical notions of stoppability and
- independent (AKA "excluded-middle," objects in
classical reality are; classical mathematics' 'independence
- inanimate (except for unitemporal motion)
- rational (measurements of state-ic
(see Aristotle's
apple) reality 'exist;' "what happens next" may
be 'predicted' from "initial conditions;")
- 'sensible' state-ic observation
is unilateral and possible
- suppositional (which carries immense classical baggage and
derivatives including: 1-1 correspondence, induction,
cause-effect, determinism, prediction, etc.)
- proof-provable-valid-veritable (which carries immense classical
baggage and derivatives including: dichotomous oppositivity,
objective negation, contradiction, falsifiability, and provisional
scientific 'law' based upon those delusions)
- etc.
Classicists assume that any classical measurement is valid
and repeatable (i.e., scalarbative). Classicists assume that
any classical measurement is manufacturable, i.e., any 'scientist'
anywhere can reproduce a valid measurement (i.e., as scalarbative)
taken by any other 'scientists' any other where. Clearly, this
notion of measurability, by itself, is bogus for countless pragmatic
and lisrability
comsiderations without even pondering problematics of
experimental comtextual n¤nsimilarities and absences of
ideal classical duplication of environments and human mindsets.
Feynman suggested another approach, though he was thing-king
classically when he made his recommendation.
We shall bend his view just slightly to achieve our intended
results here. Allow that quantum reality is semper flux
quantum pr¤cessings. In Quantonics we call them quantons.
Quantons are emerscents.
Quantons are emerscitectural,
and emersible.
Leap out of your SOM box and into a n¤vel quantum realm
where quantons coobsfect
quantons and that is what we call
There is n¤ surprise here. We just described what birds
do when they fly, what babies do when they initially experience
their environment, what you do when you walk down a
a book...type an email...kiss your loved ones...drink a glass
of wine...scan your your
on a so on, what planets do when they orbit
their sun(s), what galaxies do when they move through their superclusters,
Surprise is in accepting a n¤vel
quantum enlightenment that when we want to do quantum
a quantum pr¤cess
that humans create, we can n¤
longer do that classically, analytically, formally, mechanically,
and so on...
What is this quantum pr¤cess we are speaking about?
An example is a real quantum computer, n¤t a quasi-quantum
computer made with classically and innately
formal 'parts.' What do we call it? In general, "quanton."
In Quantonics we have our own word for it: evaluon.
Evaluons do quantum
real quantum pr¤cessings.
Evaluons ride Platt Holden's "Edge of Now" (EoN).
Perhaps we should upgrade that phrase to "quantum edgings
of nowings." QEoNs. QÆoNs.
Evaluons require radically stochastic quantum~phasicityings
(radical quantum~instability)
to omnitor quantum~processings' "whatings happenings nextings."
"Instability dynamically measures. Stability
scalarbates...measures naught but itself: ideal state,
classically-ideal and -causal absence
of self-other disturbance." Doug - 5Sep2012.
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'metaphor' |
Quantonics ch¤¤ses t¤ c¤¤pt
classical 'metaphor' amd
remerq all
quantum comtextual ¤ccurrences with 'metaph¤r.'
We choose to describe 'metaphor' as meta- (change) phor (carrier/bearer).
Classical change is analytic, mechanical, objective, EEMD,
monocontextual, unitemporal, independent motion. Classical carry
and bear imply a force-support interaction. Neither of these
classical characterizations of metaphor adequately describes
quantum reality.
In Quantonics' versi¤n ¤f quantum reality changæ issi
st¤chastic, n¤nmechanical, qualitative, EIMA,
¤mnic¤mtextual, heter¤temp¤ral, abs¤lute c¤mpenetrating/c¤herent
flux. Quantum interrelati¤nships aræ
See Quanton
Primer on metaphor.
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'minus' |
In classical contexts use 'minus.'
In quantum comtexts use 'mihnus,'
and 'mihnusings.' (i.e.,
'mihnus,' amd visualize 'ih'
as square root of minus 1 times h-bar; 'ih'
issi ¤ne of Quantonics' most powerful tells of
'nonfalsifiable,' quantum subjective negati¤n)
Classical 'minus' presumes and assumes putatively that negation
and subtraction are classically objective.
Quantum 'mihnus' is a
Quantonics heuristic hermeneutic remediation of classical 'minus.'
It adheres a quantum meme that quantum negation
is subjective due quantum reality's EIMA,
anihmatæ, intrinsically
recursive, plural
present participle, pr¤cessings.
Classical: |
1 minus 1 = zero; A - A = 0; etc. |
(classical 'reality' is EEMD,
inanimate and uni-context 'free') |
Quantum: |
quantum_1xl mihnus quantum_1ymzer¤;
amd |
quantum_Arj mihnus quantum_Askzer¤;
etc. |
(quantum reality issi anihmatæ
EIMA comtextually
(i.e., e.g., <x,y> amd <r,s>) amd c¤mplementary;
n¤te h¤w intrinsic
quantum recursi¤n ¤ccurs ¤ver l amd m, amd
j amd k; als¤ p¤nder h¤w these aræ
n¤t classical mathematics given that r,s, x,y comtexts
aræ heter¤gene¤us, anihmatæ,
EIMA comtexts amd j, k, l, amd m aræ quantons which we
aræ using here as quantum n¤mbærs.) |
See negate. See
Page top index.
'model' |
: Model
Classical Key
Disabler "Classical
modeling is classically 'effective.'" and
"CTMs model effectively." Classical Key Disabler.
You ask, "But Doug, what does that mean?"
It means that, to 'classically model,' one must adhere and
inure classical mythical notions about a presumed classical-reality:
- cause-effect; y=f(t) one cause
and one effect,
- space, time, and mass (l, t, m) are undefined
but measurable scalars,
- space, time, and mass are unilogical and physically homogeneous
(that is plurals and participles of l, t, m are linguistically,
logically, and physically verboten),
- classical measurement assumes:
- perpetual state as classical-duration
interrupted only by determinate single root-cause-effect event(s)-occurrence(s)
- event-occurrence as zero latency process-model-inexplicable
'change of state'
- state as ideal,
mechanistic, formal, stoppability, i.e., comprehensive immobilization
of any (local) globality where a measurement is being made
- verifiable locus independent and time independent repeatability
(AKA quantonics' coined 'scalarbation')
- etc.
- scalability ('laws' are, rather should be, generic independent
of physical scale),
- stable, state-ic tautology (e.g., Aristotle's three sillygisms:
A=A; 'law of identity,' A does not equal its classical negation
(logical nor physical); 'law of contradiction,' A cannot be both
A and something else (logical nor physical); 'law of excluded-middle,'
- posentropy only (i.e., J. C. Maxwell's 'laws' of thermodynamics
preclude explicitly: negentropy, zeroentropy, and mixtures of
them; posentropy gradients are allowed, but always dissipate
- probability is (rather, may be) either positive or negative
(a great exemplar: Hume
used modular induction of negative probability to disprove
'absolute scepticism'),
- probability is pastistic, (usually denies other stochastics
like plausibility (nowistic) and likelihood (futuristic)),
- reality is socially positive
(otherwise known appropriately as "dialectical consensus
AKA common social opinion is Error, in Latin, vulgi
opinio error;" Pirsig refers dialectical social consensus, "A
genetic flaw in human reason." Doug and Quantonics agree
with Pirsig.),
- negation is objective
and bivalently ideal,
- logic is bivalent,
- opposites may
be declared rationally assessed, based upon ideal (Platonic)
logical objective
- state-ic, tautologous, truth-based
reason is SOM-judgment,
- etc.
Classical models analytically-synthetically differentiate-integrate
classical objects which are formal, mechanical, canonic, orthodox,
provincial, parochial, state-ic, stoppable, impenetrable, and
have 'properties' which may be assessed using mechanical 'measurement'
M¤dæl, m¤dal
Quantonics ch¤¤ses t¤ c¤¤pt
classical 'model' amd
remerq all
quantum comtextual ¤ccurrences with 'm¤del.'
amd præfærably, wæ shahll uhsæ
quantum 'm¤dal.'
Quantons aræ m¤dals. They
aræ quantum ænsehmble
pr¤babilihty ihnterrelati¤nships.
Where classical 'models' are manufactured, new, and objectively
static, quantum 'm¤dæls, m¤dals' are emerscentured,
n¤vel, and quantum
Quantonics makes a long list of assumptions and presumptions
regarding what we might choose to appellate, "quantum~m¤daling."
Before we start our list permit us to say this as our topic's
kick start:
Quantonics Key Enabler "Quantonics~m¤daling
is quantumly affective."
Quantonics Key Enabler.
Let's start an expansible list here, which we can maintain
on a evolutionary basis:
- Quantum~reality
is ubiquitous quanta
of flux systemically complemented,
and middle~inclusion~mediated
everywhere and always by quantum~isoflux,
- Only one word in English language, CeodE
2009, expresses this version of 'quantum~reality' well:
- Holograms emersce
energy~wellings of quanta whose manifesta (Doug's pluralization
of manifest-manifestation) are qualified by ensemble interrelationshipings
among (up to) all energy~wellings
in said hologram,
- In Quantonics, each interrelationshiping
in any hologram's ensemble of energy~wellings we refer, "quanton,"
- Holograms may only be emersced using quantum~flux (if there
is such a memeo
as 'quantum~axiom,' this is it),
- Therefore all quantons are flux,
- All quantum flux ranges a spectrum from almost imperceptible
(though never classically-absolutely-state-ic) change
up to Planck's rate (currently believed to be ~1043
changes per spatial unit reference),
- All quantum flux is at least quatroentropic (see our coined
- All quantum flux is at least quatrocoherent (see our coined
- All quantum phenomena (e.g., l, t, m) are manifestations
of quantum flux,
- All quantum flux is positive,
- All quantum flux is durationally animate (thus requiring
linguistic participlings almost ubiquitously),
- All quantum flux is heterogeneous (thus requiring linguistic
pluralism almost ubiquitously),
- All quantons adhere coquecigrues,
- Negation, state, stoppability, and lisrability
are all classical concepts which cann¤t 'exist'
in quantum~reality,
- Therefore following list of classical
bases of judgment are invalid:
reality is stable as classical 'state,'
objects in reality are lisr,
objects in reality may be negated ideally,
based upon ideal negation, ideal contradiction (see
Aristotle's 'laws') may be established,
based upon contradiction, ideal falsifiability may
be established,
based upon absence of falsifiability, provisional
proof may be established,
based upon proof, provisional truth may be established.
- None of this classical bilge is valid in quantum~reality.
We may strike all of it out!!!
- See Doug's Bases of Judgment
for quantum~remediation of classical dialectic's ersatz and facile
deign to feign.
- All quantum flux and their quantons are:
- proemially aware,
self~aware, other~aware, and self~other~aware,
- proemially referent, self~referent, other~referent, and self~other~referent,
- qualitative,
- subjective,
- affective (see affectation,
and do your best due diligence there to develop your own qua
to omnistinguish
classical 'cause-effect' vav quantum affectation),
- coobsfective,
- capable of atomic and subatomic duration (i.e., perpetual)
flux stindyanicityings,
- capable of atomic, subatomic, and in some cases mesoatomic
- capable of atomic, subatomic, and mesoatomic quantum~entanglementings,
- capable of atomic, subatomic, and mesoatomic quantum~evolutionings,
- capable of atomic, subatomic, and mesoatomic quantum~omniscriminationings,
- capable of atomic, subatomic, and mesoatomic quantum~relativityings,
- capable of atomic, subatomic, and mesoatomic quantum~scintillationings,
- capable of atomic, subatomic, and mesoatomic quantum~superpositionings,
- capable of atomic, subatomic, and mesoatomic quantum~anti~gravitationings,
- capable of atomic, subatomic, and mesoatomic quantum~condensationings,
- capable of atomic, subatomic, and mesoatomic quantum~chromodynamic~electrodynamic
creationings (becomings) and discreationings (unbecomings),
- capable of atomic, subatomic, and mesoatomic quantum~tunneling,
- capable of atomic, subatomic, and mesoatomic quantum~cloaking
(full stealth qua
- and many, many others...
- wavic,
- changic,
It is a given, in quantum~reality, that isoflux is an unlimited
source of energy. Creation itself taps this vast reserve of energy.
Being itself taps this vast reserve of energy. Discreation itself
taps (via flow reversal) this vast reserve of energy.
We can too. Iff we learn how to be thinkqing quantumly.
As you can see, quantum~m¤daling requires a huge change
in how we view reality and how we think
about reality (also see our QELR of thought).
Our biggest challenge, in Doug's view is how do we learn
to use flux to
flux at all scales of quantum~reality's enormous
spectrum. Next, how do we m¤dal, i.e., mimic nature to
emerscitect and emerscenture human m¤dalings of quantonics
systems we can use to enhance our own growth and innovation.
Thanks for reading...Doug - 7-9Jul2009.
See ænsehmble. See ænsehmble pr¤babilihty
See ihncludæd~mihddle
Page top index.
'moment' |
Quantonics ch¤¤ses t¤ c¤¤pt
classical 'moment' amd
remerq all
quantum comtextual ¤ccurrences with 'm¤hment.'
In classical contexts we shall use 'moment.' In Quantonics/quantum
comtexts we shall use 'm¤hment.'
Classicists view a 'moment' as a classically stoppable and
independent 'time.' Moments in classical reality are ideally
lisr, state-ic,
and stable. For example, t0, t1, t2,
are static and stable 'moments' of classically measurable,
OGC, unitemporality:
Students of Quantonics view any m¤hment
as Bergsonian durational,
islandic, paratehmp¤ral, pragmatehmp¤ral, pr¤bability
distributed, quantum umcærtain,
amd quantum c¤mplementary to other b¤th l¤cal
amd n¤nl¤cal m¤hments
amd m¤hmentings.
See instant,
Page top index.
'monism' |
Quantonics ch¤¤ses t¤ c¤¤pt
classical 'monism' amd
remerq all
quantum comtextual ¤ccurrences with 'm¤nism.'
In classical contexts we shall use 'monism.' In Quantonics/quantum
comtexts we shall use 'm¤nism.'
Where classical 'monism' is homogeneous, lisr,
and a unilogically whole continuum of analytically differentiable
and integrable objects, quantum 'm¤nism' is (via quantum
c¤mpenetrati¤n) b¤th h¤m¤gene¤us
amd heter¤gene¤us,
b¤th lisr amd
n¤nlisr, amd
a paral¤gically plural multiplicity ¤f quantons.
See Doug's recent 2007 omniscussion re: "Monism
is Deceit."
See Pirsig's and
Bergson's Perspectives ¤f b¤th M¤nism
and Pluralism.
Recently Doug has been using
a phrase, "dialectical monism," much more frequently.
Until one of our site visitors searched on that pattern, Doug
hadn't realized that he hadn't explicitly described that phrase
to allow a visitor to omnistinguish
"dialectical monism" from its much more quantum~hermeneutic~semantic.
Thank you to a visitor in NYC for looking for that pattern, and
in Doug's opinion, not finding a decent omniscription of what
Quantonics means by "dialectical monism."
Doug created a simple graphic to show visitors, at least from
Doug's complementarospective,
a better way to thinkq about classical "dialectical
monism" vis-à-vis quantized pluralism:
Using Quantonics' scripts we can (may) narrate dialectical_monism
equals dichon(o, ~). That script shows classical monism
as a thermodynamically-closed circle
tautology. Notice how Doug illustrates said Dichon's SOM
wall using a comma-space. Some refer it "vicious circle."
Using Quantonics' scripts we can (may) narrate quantized_pluralism
issi quanton(¤,~). Our better script
shows quantum~pluralism (many~truthings, ~timings, ~spacings,
~massings, ~energyings, ~gravityings, etcings...) as multiplicate
thermodynamically~open quantized packets of flux. Notice Doug's
Do n¤t expect our quantizations to be uniform. They
aren't! And packet flux rates can range from just above DC to
Planck's rate. And packet ensembles may be incredibly complex,
for example, you.
Reader, that should help. Again, thank you for using
Quantonics to learn about quantum vis-à-vis classical
philosophy and their wholly omniffering realities.
Page top index.
- observe
- govern
- control
- teach
- etc.
: Monitor, monitored, monitoring, monitors. Classical
semantics are usually: a lizard, control based upon classical
assessment of classical data, government (usually a social state
semantic), education, etc.
Classical 'monitor' assumes reality is dialectic,
analytic, and formally measurable. State-ic measurements
can be made upon a reality which holds still.
Classical 'monitoring' is 'running on automatic' scalarbation.
Another way to look at 'running on automatic,' is how current
academia teaches our children. Our children are taught to 'scalarbate'
classical notions dialectically, a kind of institutional ritual.
Recall y-our multiplication tables. Institutional, social, mechanical
ritual. Did a teacher ever do an H5W on multiplication tables?
Probably not. They were taught with ritual too! Engrained academic
'running on automatic' scalarbative legacy. What is another infamous
academic legacy which has been ritualized? Consensus. Common
sense. Communist, totalitarian socialist sense. No individualism
allowed! All mores must be ritualized by all students to run
on socially acceptable automatic. "Break a 'rule,' get in
trouble." Academic rote stupidity! Sheer idiocy! Dimbaughlbianism!
Academic 'how-to' drive quality out. "Driving aretê
out of life by academic socialized anti-individual rituals of
rote tote." Doug - 7Nov2007.
SOMites 'measure'
Formal computers running formal languages and formally compiled,
manufactured, and reproduced formal executables classically monitor
their state-ic inputs and generate their scalarbative classically
formal outputs. Formal processes
have no means of monitoring emergent novelty. Why? They have
no inherent means of recapitulative adaptation. Worse, said means
of adaptation may not be programmed formally. Why? Reality
is not a formal mechanism.
See duration,
: M¤niht¤r,
moniht¤red, m¤niht¤ring, m¤niht¤rings,
moniht¤rs. As of
June, 2006 we choose to coopt classical 'measure,'
and 'monitor,' with quantum 'omnitor.' QELRed: from:
Monitor, monitors, monitoring, monitorings, etc. to:
Ømnihtør, ømnihtørs,
ømnihtøring, ømnihtørings, etc. This
changæ acc¤mpanies
a changæ ihn
our strike-out of 'm¤niht¤r'
ab¤ve. Iht
ihnv¤lves a subqtle
changæ ihn
¤ur QELR main pagæ rules
Quantum ømnihtør
assumæs ræhlihty
issi anihmatæ, antihn¤mial~c¤mplæmæntary,
æmærscing, æmærscænturing, parthæn¤fluxihc
Quantum ømnihtørings
æmærqant, n¤n formal,
abs¤lutæly anihmatæ,
ræhl pr¤cæssings.
MoQites ømniht¤r reality.
For fun, let's imagine our following
graphic as animate, say like an inch
worm crawling on a tree branch. Let's also assume
that our graphic represents a quantum real qubit.
Given that, is there any way we can classically measure our
qubit state-ically
and retain any semblance of reality? Classical 'monitoring' requires
discrete sample and hold of our qubit, right? Do we stop said
qubit to 'measure' it? Can we sample it 'one' 'time?' How many
'times' would we have to 'measure' our qubit to acquire an ensemble
which is representative of our qubit's quantum reality? Can we
do that? But is not our ensemble state-ic? But our qubit is absolutely
fluxing, changing! So we must use quantum~similarity~autsimilarity~resemblance~phasicityings
(as hologra[[il][m][ph]ic~quantum~flux~interrelationshipings)
to do quantum~monitoring. Click on graphic.
See our 1st quarter 2005 QELRs
of duration,
relativity, and
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'moral' |
Quantonics ch¤¤ses t¤ c¤¤pt
classical 'moral' amd
remerq all
quantum comtextual ¤ccurrences with 'm¤ral.'
In classical contexts we shall use 'moral.' In Quantonics/quantum
comtexts we shall use 'm¤ral.'
Classical morality may be assessed dialectically. A human
or a human act is either absolutely moral, or absolutely amoral/immoral.
This is source of classicists' great power over other humans.
It is dialectically ESQ.
ESQ in quantum reality is intrinsically not moral. Dialectic
in quantum reality is, in a sense, not moral in quantum reality.
Why? Because of what classicists must assume in order for their
reality to be a dialectic (Boolean) reality.
Quantum reality is not what classicists assume! For exemplars,
see "What is wrong
with SOM's logic."
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'moral' cont'd. |
Where classical, dialectical reality
- analytic
- adheres classical bistable alpha-omega
- adheres single event cause-effect determinism
- absolutely dialectically assessable truth, ethics, and morality,
- dichonic:
- absolutely stable/state-ic
- lisr,
- homogeneous,
- unilogical:
- immutable,
- an infinitely divisible
- quantitative,
- manufacturable:
- transformation of 'existing' stuff to make 'new' stuff,
- information-rearrangement of 'existing' data,
- etc.
'moral' cont'd. |
Quantum quantonic, paral¤gical, c¤mplementary
reality is:
- st¤chastic
- abs¤lute changæ,
relentless alterati¤n ¤f all quantons: including
l¤cal assessments
¤f truth, ethics, amd m¤rality,
- quantonic,
- abs¤lutely
Planck-rate-driven flux/changæ/phase-ic
- BAAM(n¤nlisr,lisr)
- BAAM(heter¤gene¤us,h¤m¤gene¤us)
- islandic-paral¤gical, inc¤mmensurable, comtrafactual,
n¤ndistributive, n¤nc¤mmutative, n¤nfact¤rizable,
- abs¤lutely emersible,
- c¤hesively indivisible,
- qualitative,
- emerscenturable:
- emergence ¤f is¤fluxing quantons t¤
create n¤vel
- etc.
'moral' cont'd. |
Where assessment of classical 'morality' depends upon invalid
human dialectic assumptions and concomitant human bivalent "one
size fits all, we are qualified to decide for you, and if you
do not agree with our doctrine we shall eliminate you" judgments,
quantum reality is, by c¤mparis¤n, intrinsically
m¤ral. Abs¤lute quantum flux imp¤ses dynamic
Planck-rate-driven ¤nt¤l¤gical pr¤cesses
¤n all realities' comstituents. All comstituents, i.e.,
quantons, endlessly make quantum-¤nt¤l¤gical
event assessments which are always amd intrinsically, really,
m¤ral. Why? Th¤se assessments are always m¤mentarily
in fav¤r ¤f what l¤cally appears
t¤ be better. We say "appears" all¤wing
that quantum realities' m¤ral assessments ackn¤wledge
n¤nl¤cal quantum affects imperceptible t¤
l¤cal assessments.
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'motion' |
Quantonics ch¤¤ses
t¤ c¤¤pt a classical interpretation of 'motion'
and remerq
all quantum comtextual ¤ccurrences with 'm¤ti¤n.'
In classical contexts we shall use 'motion.' In Quantonics/quantum
comtexts we shall use 'm¤ti¤n.'
Classicists assume objects' motions are stoppable: classical
objects may possess "zero momentum." This is quite
transparently a classical illusion, a SOMitically induced classical
self-delusion. Doug - 9Se02006.
In classical reality motion is OGC,
OGT y=f(t). Classical 't' which symbolically represents classical
'time' is a "one
time fits all" unitemporality. In classical reality objects
and their state-ic properties move independently
as functions of classical uni-time. Time is treated as an objectively
independent mathematical variable based upon classicism's "Axiom
of Independence."
In quantum reality m¤ti¤n is absolute
quantum flux. All quantons are in absolute atemporal (i.e., n¤n-classically
temporal) quantum m¤ti¤n/flux each with its own
quantum variable/tentative persistence.
quantum m¤ti¤n is quantized, anihmatæ,
heter¤gene¤us, umcærtain, flux~durational,
everywhere-included-middle-ass¤ciative via stochastically~islandic
quantum pr¤bability omnistributi¤nings, where centers
of all islands aræ quantum flux attract¤rs and each
flux attractor's flux attenuati¤n interrelationship (each
attractor may have many
interrelationships) adheres ¤ne of various classes
of pr¤bability omnistributi¤ns. As an example,
viewing electr¤ns as quantons, each electr¤n in
each of an atom's classical 'energy shells' adheres a pr¤bability
omnistributi¤n c¤rresp¤nding shell class.
Doug has shown, quite beautifully, how absolute motion of
quantum reality may be measured. To see this, read color updates
to Doug's review of Itzhak Bentov's The
Wild Pendulum. Start with pink and read through green
updates. Doug - 26Feb2008.
See animacy.
See Bergson on Duration
(analogy here is that quantum~motion is Bergsonian durational;
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'multiplication' |
Quantonics ch¤¤ses
t¤ c¤¤pt a classical interpretation of 'multiplication'
and remerq
all quantum comtextual ¤ccurrences with 'multiplicati¤n.'
In classical contexts we shall use 'multiplication.'
In Quantonics/quantum comtexts we shall use 'multiplicati¤n.'
Classical multiplication assumes reality is stable and objects
in reality are independent. Classical multiplication further
assumes reality is inanimate/stoppable, excluded-middle, analytic,
Quantum multiplicati¤n assumes reality is anihmatæ and quantons in reality
have quantum c¤mplementary, included-middle, unstoppable
For application, and descriptions of relative importances
of these terms, see our 7Jun2002 Möbius
3-Primæ Fermion.
See addition,
division, integration,
multiplication, prime,
square, square
root, and subtraction.
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