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Quantonics' Quantum Remediation
English Language Problematics
Millennium III
by Doug Renselle
: 20Jul2002
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English Language Problematic

Quantonics' Quantum

©Quantonics, Inc., 2001-2019



"-predict v. 1671, a back formation from earlier prediction, and borrowed from Latin praedictus, past participle of praedicere foretell, advise, give notice of (prae- before + dicere to say).

"-prediction n. 1561, borrowed from Middle French prédiction, and directly from Medieval Latin predictionem (nominative predictio) a prediction, from Latin praedictionem (nominative praedictio) a prediction, premising, from praedicere foretell;

"-predictability n. 1868, formed from English predictable + -ity.

"-predictable adj. 1857, formed from English predict + -able."

Etymology taken from Barnhart's Concise Dictionary of Etymology,
by Robert K. Barnhart,
1995, Harper-Collins.

Note how Doug's use of 'predicate,' 'predicable,' and 'predication' as classical mathematical exegesis implies 'prediction.'

Classical synonyms:

  • foretell
  • foresee
  • augur
  • prophecy
  • etc.

Quantum synonyms:

  • expect
  • anticipate
  • affect
  • etc.



Consider: classical single-event determinism vis-a-vis ensehmble quantum determinism (see probability); classical single cause-effect vis-a-vis ensehmble quantum c¤mplementary many affectings-outcomings; etc.

: Predict, prediction, predicate, predicable, etc.

Classicists believe that they can use canonic, formulaic equations to mathematically 'predict' future events.

They say, if we can discover which y=f(t) which fits our current problem space, then we can use that equation to predict what will happen in a closed monistic future.

However, is that mathematical supposition acceptable? We do not agree that it is. Any y=f(t) depends upon environmental and contextual ephemera to hold still, to remain constant. But all ephemera are chaotic! Some change very, very slowly. Others change rapidly. Most change faster than humans are capable of sensing.

Too, all change, all chaos to some extent affects all chaos. So all change is massively parametric to greater and lesser affectings.

So can we predict? Only apparitionally. Systems which are apparently mechanical offer us a modicum of predication. In general, though, even those systems change chaotically.

In general, then, we cann¤t use OSFA formulas to predict any event and depend perpetually on them to be 'true.'

Prediction, you will hear, is a primary success factor for science. If 'science' cannot predict, then there is no science. This is why many folk have declared 'science' "dead."

In any sense of 'science' having general qua to predict state-ic 'events,' science was born dead. No one can, in general, predict state-ic events, and to make matters even worse for science, it will never be capable of predicting first occurrences of any events, any truly unique, first time events.

So science lies when it claims it can predict. Science deludes itself and others, and protects those delusions with more lies. Classical science is pseudo science, folks!

: Prædihct, predihcti¤n, predihcatæ, predihcable, etc.

Quantum reality simply disallows, disables any classical notions of mechanical prediction as described above.

Better, quantum reality allows us to stochastically expect probabilities.

To do that, though, stochastics, quantum~stochastics, require massive ensembles of animate wave omnitorings.

To say something similar classically, "We must use sets of data to calculate probabilities."

When we do that we are always limited to how far in futurings we may stochastically anticipate similarities to what is happenings nowings. Yet we are still limited. Quantum~stochastics, like classical probability, cann¤t, have n¤ means to anticipate omnique futurings which are unprecedented.

Think about it. To be able to predict, reality has to be 'certain.' Won't you agree? But quantum reality is uncertain at all scales! So when mathematicians say they can predict any meme, any future 'state,' they are simply liars. Take that to your mental bank.

As Dirac said, paraphrased, "Only way we can depend upon canonic predication is to assume reality doesn't change, to assume reality is stable and immutable."

Bottom line: All prediction, due real ubiquitous and unlimited scope quantum~uncertainty, is guesswork!

Doug - 5Jun2007.

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To contact Quantonics write to or call:

Doug Renselle
Quantonics, Inc.
484 East Carmel Drive, #353
Carmel, INdiana 46032-2812

©Quantonics, Inc., 2001-2019 Rev. 16Aug2008  PDR — Created 20Jul2002  PDR
(21Jun2001 rev - Add 'prediction.')
(19May2002 rev - Extend 'prediction.')
(30Jul2002 rev - Add 'probability.' Extend/alter 'predict,' and 'proof.')
(7Feb2003 rev - For browser compatibility, substitute GIFs for some Wingdings and Symbol fonts. Reset red text.)
(17Jun2005 rev - Reset red text.)
(27Mar2006 rev - Reset legacy red text.)
(5Jun2007 rev - Extend 'predict.')
(16Aug2008 rev - Reformat.)