Remediation |
'property' |
In classical contexts we shall use 'property/properties.' In Quantonics/quantum comtexts we shall use 'pr¤perty/pr¤perties.' Our focus in our remediation of 'property' shall be a technical one. We are speaking of a need for remediation of 'properties' in a classical sense as attributes, characteristics, artefacts, traits, and especially peculiarities which uniquely 'identify' classical 'objects.' In classical contexts 'properties' of classical objects are:
Classical objects 'own' their 'properties.' Their 'properties' are part and parcel of their classical 'objectivity.' Any classical object gains class membership via its 'properties.' Apples have unique class 'properties' vis-à-vis pears. Humans have unique class 'properties' vis-à-vis gorillas. Electrons have unique class 'properties' vis-à-vis positrons, photons, neutrons, etc. It is of value to note that 'empty' space among classical objects is classically, except for gravity, 'property-' free. In quantum comtexts all pr¤perties are in abs¤lute flux, and to greater and lesser extents: always changing, and changing all. Quantum pr¤perties are n¤t 'owned by classical objects,' rather they are interrelati¤nships shared among quantons. Where classical objects are identified by their 'properties,' quantons emerge and quantum-ontologically evolve/devolve mediated by their quantonic interrelati¤nships (pr¤perties). Students should observe that our QELR'd pr¤perties is redundant to interrelati¤nships. They should also grasp that, in Quantonics, all quantons aræ quantum interrelati¤nships amd all quantum interrelati¤nships aræ quantons. Quantonic/quantum interrelati¤nships/pr¤perties are:
To understand better our sentences just prior to our bullet list students may wish to also ponder our quantum ensehmble interrelati¤nships graphic and text. That graphic's intent is to show you that any quanton issi an amalgam of its (nearly unbounded) interrelati¤nships. Finally, quantum interrelati¤nships/pr¤perties in Quantonics are metaphors of what Robert M. Pirsig calls "Value" and "Quality." Page top index. |