'quality' |
: Quality, qualities, etc.
qualihties, qualihtyings,
Quantum ræhlihty issi gænærahlly
Classical reality is quantitative.
Quantum: qualihty.
Quantum~quality is non classically measurable. Classicists
measure and scalarbate objects quantitatively at ideal Newtonian
'points' and ideal DesCartesian 'loci.' Classical objects like
points, lines,
and circles do not
'exist' in quantum reality.
Quantum quality is processes
animately, durationally
monitoring animate
quantum reality.
Quantum~quality is (see comments
on classical design in last bullet):
- waves, wavicity,
flux, absolute change,
absolute change impetus
- phase, phasicity,
phase~encodings, holographic phase~encodings
- we represent waves and wave phases as ensemble~quantum~likelihood~omnistributioning
- fuzzonic (this is one way of representing quantum reality,
not the way):
- quanton(n¤nl¤cal,l¤cal): fuzzonic locus is ambiguous:
spatially arbitrary, since interrelationshipings (AKA phasicityings)
are non classically spatial
- evolutionary (by way of comparison classical reality via
its Babelian canons, rules, laws, axioms is innately, by orthodox
intentional dogmatic classical design, incapable of evolution;
as we can see lucidly, vividly, eidetically...classical reality
is a bogus reality, classically-designed reality is a
deign to feign...hocus bogus)
Quantum quality (reality) is not: logical, objective, measurable,
propertyesque, stoppable, stable, dissociative, excluded-middle,
independent, axiomatic negatable (negative), contradictory,
falsifiable, true, and so on...
See subjectiv,
subjective, logic, quantitative,
judge, Bases
of Judgment, classically real,
Page top index.
Synonyms - classical:
- material increment
- objective granularity
- measurable
synthetic change gradient
- quantity
- substantial portion
- concrete metricity
- absolute stasis
- absolute quantifiability
- a means to scalarbation
- etc.
Synonyms - quantum:
- enabler of all emergent, evolutionary, real isobeing, isounbecoming,
becoming, being, unbecoming, isobecoming quantum ontologies;
see our Generation III Reality
Loop. Study fuzzons to TBCSUD
quarks and quark to nucleon
ontologies. We are at essence of real (n¤t religious
and classical, but quantum) creation here! Somethings Gotta
Give! Quantum Nicholson~and~Keaton with Keanu Reeves messing
with their macroscopic quantum uncertainties.
- chunky flux (any size of energy chunk as multiples of Planck's
least energy flux packet: N·i·h);
refer Johann
Jakob Balmer's energy (flux) ladder and the Balmer
- flux packet (~QLO
dispersion; see our fuzzon)
- wave energy packet
(multiples of N·i·h)
- least energy flux hunk (i·h)
- Planck's least energy flux packet (i·h)
- monitorable
(quanta are durational
quantum processes,
n¤t objective, state-ic
- quanta are subjective change, i.e., Quality, as absolute:
- light
- etc.
See our Planck
Etymology - classical:
"quantum, quanta n. 1619, Latin quantum, neuter
of quantus how great: quantity; meaning in physics smallest
amount of energy, apparently granular, about 1910; quantum
jump 1955; quantum leap 1970." some minor Doug
editing for contemporaneity. See Barnhart. Quantum tsunami
1995 - Doug and Quantonics re: ubiquitously imminent Millennium
III changes of culture, philosophy, especially soft, nano, nono,
and bionon 'sciences.' See Doug's coquecigrues.
Etymology - quantum:
- See quantum synonyms just above.
- This is Doug's own etymology for Quantonics version of quantum
and quanta.
- Quantonics' version of quanta emerged during years starting
in about 1991 and progressing until now, CeodE 2009.
- We juxtapose classical quanta and Quantonics quanta:
- classical quanta are scalar vav Qtx quanta are flux processings
- classical quantum atoms are objects vav Qtx quantum atoms
are adiabatic perpetual ensemblings of quark and nucleonic flux
- classical 'science' defines reality as static, independent
objective 'interactions,' vav Quantonics describes reality as
dynamic, middle~including quanton interrelationshipings.
- classical 'science' builds real objects from quantum-objects,
vav Quantonics emersces
evolutionary quanton ensembles from ensemblings of quanta and
all evolves perpetually at all scales of reality.
- classical 'science' defines nodes (energy wells) in a hologram
as 'objective,' vav Quantonics describes energy wellings in a
hologram as evolving fuzzons
whose comstituents are quantal ensemblings evolving coherently~autonomously.
- this list of comparisons may be extended indefinitely...
Doug - 31Oct2009-2027
: Quanta, quantum, etc.
Classical quanta are state-ic, stoppable,
material, objective, substantial, quantitative
'particles' of
Classical 'scientists' (we believe) wrongly claim that reality
is a material perpetuity of objective, yet mechanically Newtonian-interactive-event-alterable
state. They refute quantum reality's absolute flux, emergent
change, and animacy ("Do
you see this egg?"). Classical change is static propertyesque
cinematographic frames. Bergson calls classical change "movement
by immobilities." He also intends by that phrase "non
spontaneous inertial change." Doug thinks Bergson means,
"Absence of adaptive spontaneity." Period of nonprocess-state-icity,
nonprocess zero latency event,
period of nonprocess-state-icity, nonprocess zero latency event,
period of nonprocess-state-icity, nonprocess zero latency event,
and so on... Stuff of Zeno's first
: Quanta, quantal, quantum, quantumings, quantumist,
quantumly, etc.
Doug offers an apropos quote, "It helped to be aware
of the little things in life..." Chapter One, 'Barnabas,'
At Home in Mitford, by Jan Karon, Penguin Books, 1994,
Of course those of our adepts understand, "Quanta are
about as small as one may fathom in quantum reality." Doug
- 31Jul2012.
Belatedly, begged by Doug's own lifetime of
evolution toward quantum memeos and their countless physial
benchmarks, Doug wishes to impress upon his readers a great
importance. Without quanta, without quantization of reality,
without Planck's clock ticking perpetually and ubiquitously there
would be n¤ packetization of quantum~flux. Without packetized
quantum~flux (wavicles) and their quantum~interrelationshipings~scintillationings,
there would be n¤ indeterminationq, n¤
quantum~uncertainty, n¤ evolutionq, n¤
ubiquitous and perpetual cosmic con(m)sciousnessq,
To affectively benchmark what Doug has
just written, we quote Suares' in his Second Coming of Reb
YhShWh, page 55, beginning of Chapter 12, 'Satan.'
"Third letter, Noun final [in spelling~outq
of Satan], stands for the Principle of Indetermination,
a very essential factor at stake in the totality of the
cosmic game [Qabala]....Noun represents the internal [individualq]
freedomq of lifeq." Doug's subscripts,
brackets, and italics. Text, and its fathoming, which that quoted
text follows, is crucial to readers and their spiritual growth,
in Doug's opine.
Doug - 14Aug2014.
Quanta represents plural of quantum, vulgately quantums.
Key HotMemes are:
- quanta are adiabatic, their processings are lossless:
i.e., 100% efficient,
- quanta are unstoppable, their motions are perpetual,
- quanta are packets of flux and ensembles of flux packets,
which are fractal,
self~other~referent, and quantum~holographic,
- quanta are packets of
indetermination, packets of uncertainty, packets of quantum~antinomial
ubiquitous and perpetually evolving interrelationshipings,
- students of quantonics should obtain that quantum~antinomy
is quantum~complementary,
- classical-antinomy is dialectical (need a comparative QELR
of 'antinomy,'
especially quantum~antinomy as compared to classical notions
of 'opposite' and to also compare classical socialc
antinomyc AKA 'dialectic' with quantum individualq
antinomyq AKA c¤mplæmæntarity)
Doug - 14Apr2013
- quanta are self~other~networking
transmutable agents of transmutation,
(see QCD and QED,
as exemplars - Doug - 15Sep2012)
- quanta as quasi~primitive~ensembles like photons have enormous
holographic flux~self~other~awareness, flux~emerqancy and flux~energy
storage qua,
- viewed classically quantal 'motions' are uncertain
and 'discontinuous.'
- quanta pluralize
all reality ubiquitously, perpetually, absolutely, con(m)sistently,
and completely, and
- quantum~pluralization enables Bergsonian
n¤n inertial adaptive spontaneity as a quantum~metaphor of quantum~adaptive~harmony,
which begs vital impetus as radical quantum imperative spontaneity (rqis),
and radical quantum fecund vicissitudinality (rqfv: being you,
Bergsonian "direct experience via 'thinking being directly,'
spontaneously and vicissitudinally: radical quantum adaptive
choosings (rqac)). In quantum~systems' empiritheory this again begs a kind of leader~follower omnitoring
as quantadulation. Doug - 28May,3Sep2014.
See following graphic. Ponder Bergson's "flux
is simple, state is complex."
Doug has spent a lot of time attempting to find an eloquent way
of explaining what he and Bergson mean by, "flux (spontaneity)
is simple, and state (inertia) is complex."
It isn't easy to dialectically explain flux's simplicity since
we are dealing with pure quantum~sophism here. We may choose
to accept self~other reference of flux as simplicity itself.
Flux can explain that. Canonic objects cannot explain that.
Bergson said it like this, paraphrased, "...spontaneity
(flux) can explain inertia, but inertia (state) cannot explain
spontaneity." See flux is simple, state is complex link
Doug has tentatively decided an eloquence thus, "Flux is
simple since it can explain everything. Inertia as state is complex
since it explains nothing and fails in its attempts to do so."
All inertia does, simply, is retain status quo. Inertia
"maintains state." However, quanta are astatic! Doug
- 5May2011.
Perhaps better, "Flux is a success at exegesis. State is
a failure at exegesis. Exegesis is a hallmark of quantum~flux~simplicity."
Begin A Doug Aside on Standingunder:
We may distill all that by narrating "Exegesis is a hallmark
of quantum~standingunder." Standingunder is Doug's quantum~humble
illeitic way
of saying, "quantum~understanding." Doug does this
in a kind of quantum~abiding of Ernan McMullin's words from Philosophical
Consequences of Quantum Theory, p. 272, UNDP, 1989, paperback:
"Can there be science proper in the absence of understanding?
How tightly linked are the two? Suppose, for example,
that statistical correlations are discovered between two classes
of events occurring at a distance from one another. The correlations
are not mere chance, we can tell, since they can be relied on
for accurate statistical prediction. But a causal explanation
of the ordinary sort, proposing either a direct causal influence
of one on the other or a common causal antecedent of both, can
be ruled out. If what happens at A makes a difference to what
happens at B, can this notion of 'making a difference' be explicated
without involving notions of causal influence, if an action either
of one upon the other or of a single system of which both are
part? Will it do simply to say that the correlations are brute
fact, that no further explanation can (or should) be sought?
Can there be understanding in the absence of causal explanation?"
Doug effaced a footnote at end of last sentence. See Doug's own
exegetic standingunder opus on Bell's
For Doug, standingunder says when we understand quantum~reality
as quantized and quanta perpetually and ubiquitously scintillating
one another, and those scintilla are all acausal in any quantum
we can then cogently infer, and standunder this, "Ihn gænæral, quantum~reality
issi n¤t just umcærtain,
but it is classically acausal too." Further, that 'science'
for which Ernan is begging, Doug QELRs as scihænce. Doug - 22Apr2014.
So we may view quanta and
their scintillating quantonics~interrelationshipings as exemplars
of ubiquitous and perpetual quantum~standingsunder.
Suares' metaphor of this is somewhat classical, "...knowledge
is the immediacy of our own maturity." Page 209, Trilogy.
Pirsig's analogue is, paraphrased, "Direct experience is
'the leading edge of the train.'" That jibes Platt Holden's
"Edge of now[ings]." Too, it jibes William James' pragmatism, and Charles
Saunders Peirce's logical abduction
which guides us to pay attention to our 12 and forget our 6.
A kind of "paying it forward." Suares narrates, paraphrased,
"Embrace indetermination and teach self to eschew dialectic's
certainty and causality." We see a kind of quantum~optimism
which is wholly dead in dialectic's 'state.'
Doug has some HotMemes which fit our comtext hereings:
A Doug HotMeme "Standingunder
is indeterminate~immediacy of our quantized fecund
individual vicissitudinal evolutionings." A Doug HotMeme
That HotMeme captures essence of Qabala's exceptionally
Gnostic cosmic~energy Game
of Life. Doug - 7May2014.
Another HotMeme
which attends Doug's Standingunder HotMeme
is one of quantum~harmony which quantum~empiritheoretically harmonizesq
countless quantum~phenomena including chaosq(war, dialecta), equilibriaq (pæacæ, h¤l¤gra),
disorderq, orderq, instabilityq,
stabilityq, stindyanicsq, fecundityq,
vicissitudinalityq (radical choiceq,
and changeq),
imperativeq~spontaneityq, etc., is:
(Doug - 5Sep2014: Comsider quanton(wahr,pæacæ),
and quanton(h¤l¤gra,omnilecta)).
A Doug
HotMeme "Harmonyq
isn't çatholiç (i.e. universal) dead-objective
formal-mechanical lincoln logs socially-positive-planned-assembly-unification
(One World Order), rather it is evolutionaryq ensemble~individualq
livingq and incumbentq adaptationq
to ubiquitousq and perpetualq changeq
and its con(m)sciousq coobsfective~omnitoringq
of quantons' complementary~antinomiaq."
A Doug
HotMeme. Doug -
End A Doug Aside on Standingunder.
Mechanics, spawn of state, cannot explain quantum~reality adequately.
Quantonics, spawn of flux, explains quantum~reality better
than any other philosophy known to humankind CeodE 2011.
We see in Doug's graphic above how Dialectical Monism
is inertial, non spontaneous. Inertia, due its dialectically
monistic classical 'state,' wholly lacks any potentia for spontaneity.
We can easily infer Quantum Pluralism (quantization of reality)
offers quantum~con(m)scious plural~heterodoxical choice,
chance, change~spontaneity
at each quantization 'ævænt.' Henri Louis Bergson
is saying, "Quantized Pluralism is simple, while Dialectical
Monism is complex." One further meme may and may n¤t
be apparent to students and readers: quantization creates
ensembles of quantonic~attractors and ~affectors throughout all
quantum~reality. When Doug uses ephemeral and ephemera,
he is referring ensemble aspects of quantum~reality.
Quantum (singular AKA Aut) quanta (plural AKA Autiot) are
absolutely fluxing wave
energy packets. Reality's
basic quanta are genuine perpetual
motion flux packets: including photons,
electrons, neutrons,
protons, etc. All
of animate, unstoppable, REIMAR
quantum reality emerges from endless variations of subjective,
qualitative change
among these basic quanta.
In this graphic
we see quanta as Planck rate quantized, down to almost infinite
wave~length (very slowly
We see quanta as absolute~change,
absolute spontaneity,
absolute perpetual evolutionings.
Every quantum's change is quantized and each quantization may
be viewed as a stochastic
At very high rates these events are adiabatic, and some are even
negentropic with potentia
of generating unlimited energyings.
Doug - 24Jul2010.
Doug's insertion of 'stochastic'
and its QELR link changing
quantum~event to quantum~stochastic quantum~event is crucial
understandingq that quantum~events are uncertainq
and their
uncertaintyingsq, due their intrinsicq
aren't absoluteq similar~as changeq itself
is absoluteq.
Rather stochasticq ensemble~quantum~events exhibit
quantum~stochastic predicationq and linguisticq
AFADK, only Autiot and Quantonics QELR can do latter!
- Changeq issi absoluteq
- Uncertaintyq is n¤t
absoluteq ihn quantum~reality.
AFADK: As Far As Doug
Doug - 12Dec2014.
We probably should
QELR quanta to quala...
However, just like that other word, 'science,'
we sense that quantum is just part of our linguistic history.
And quanta can be animate EIMA can't they? But we just have to
keep reminding ourselves that all quanta are really qualitative
and subjective in their essence
and quintessence.
Quanta as absolute flux explain total failure of classical
thinking! How? Proponents of a classical reality made a bunch
of invalid assumptions. Formalization and mechanization of invalid
classical assumptions (suppositions)
started with Parmenides, Plato,
and Aristotle, mostly
using an invalid
Attic dialectic to do their classical 'reasoning.' Quantum
thinking changes all that, enormously, and offers countless n¤vel
and better ways of looking
at reality. How do we know they are better? Classical
ways either do not work period or offer very crude even mendacious
assessments of reality. Why? Classicists adhere a SOM
Box notion of non spontaneous, inertial y=f(t). All objects,
when they change 'state,' must do so by classical edict y=f(t)
continuously. Such dogma of continuous (inertial) change, especially
an assumption of unitemporal (i.e., monistic) change, rules out
all entropies except J. C. Maxwellian 2nd 'Law' of
Thermodynamics (single-gradient)
posentropies. (Please keep on your quantum~stage
that all quantum numbers
are pr¤cesses: quantum~zer¤ is pr¤cess,
quantum~¤ne is pr¤cess, and so on...)
See Doug's coining of entropa.
But, dear reader, quanta leap!1 And they leap in
/2 increments. Increments that fast are essentially
and quintessentially adiabatic. Classicists insist on y=f(t),
classically durational,
heat-energy loss. Quanta adiabatically leap which means zer¤
latency leaping without heat~energy loss! Latter is a
description of quantum zer¤entropy.
1More carefully we should say, "Dear
reader, quanta, from a classical conspective 'discontinuously'
Quantum memeos
of reality repair nearly all invalid classical notions of 'reality.'
"Doug give us some examples!"
OK, here
is a list (classical problems inexplicable using classical 'mechanics'):
- perpetual motion (classicists deny perpetual motion due their
belief that reality is only J. C. Maxwellian posentropic, and
that posentropy
has a single, unitemporal gradient:
positive); Read Prigogene and Stengers' Order Out of Chaos.
Read Erwin Schrödinger and Mae-wan Ho on negentropy. Modern
quantum science admits that zeroentropy 'exists.' See Quantonics'
cohera and
- heat radiation (classicists invalidly assumed heat radiation
was y=f(t); similarly they assumed electrons' 'particle-object'
orbits should decay classically as y=f(t); all classical
phenomena had to be objective, predicable, causal, determinate,
1-1 correspondent y=f(t) radically-mechanical phenomena; just
and only classical arrogance, ineptness, and hylic-psychic
intellectual bogosity) see Dirac's
tourmaline gedankenment
- ultraviolet catastrophe (similar above)
- nuclear radiation (similar above)
- spontaneous electron (and other exotic 'particle') emission
and absorption, plus creation and discreation ontologies which
simply cannot be explained classically
- scintillation
as 'particulate' (photons as objects, particulate; see bottom
note at Deutsch);
also see Doug's 2011 QVH
Table showing quantization~scintillation perpetual reality
loopings. Doug - 5Aug2011.
- particles as ideal 'point
objects' (real flux quanta have macroscopic 'spatially'
arbitrary quantum likelihood omnistributions which included~middle
compenetrate and coinside
other real flux quanta)
- tunneling
- breaks a classical Newtonian
assumption of impenetrability of material reality
A most glaring everyday exemplar of quantum~reality's emerqant
c¤mpænætrating~pr¤cæssings which
illustrate intra~penetrating middle~inclusion is a nitrogen atom
in an ammonia molecule. Said atom bi-tetrahedrally "very
high rate flux" adiabatically~superposes complementary vertices
whose bases are a triangle emerqed
by three hydrogen atoms. See artwork at our Mobius
3 Prime Fermion web page. 12Dec2007 - Doug.
- all 'supers:'
- conductivity
- liquidity
- solidity
- positioning
- etc.
- absence of continuous orbital decay of electrons; see heat
radiation above
- nuclear spectra
- separability
- localability (see lisr)
- isolability
- reducibility
- electron pair exclusion (Pauli 'principle'); more generally
quantum~pair exclusion...
- middle~inclusion
- quantum logic as "absurd"
(see coquecigrues link in column just left)
- subjectivity of quantum reality as "absurd"
- sophism of quantum reality
as "absurd"
- action without reaction ('effectless cause;' violates Newton's 'laws')
- reaction without action ('effect without cause,' usually,
classically, referred as phenomena)
- negentropy (free energy; gainful action)
- zeroentropy (ideal adiabaticity; lossless action)
- mixentropy (our best example here is a human brain; QTMs)
- action at a distance (e.g., quantum entanglement)
- space-like action (AKA 'correlation')
- space-like signaling
- zero latency signaling
- unlimited bandwidth signaling
- photon as a holographic qubit of quasi~unlimited 'information'
- photons as optical qubits of visible and n¤nvisible
'picturings' of reality
- photons as qubital øptihcal
- quantum
- invalidity of "probability 1" (classical thing-king
claims this is a valid notion; were it true it would invalidate
- invalidity of "probability 0" (classical thing-king
claims this is a valid notion; were it true it would invalidate
- this list is nearly endless...
We'll do a lot more here later, but this gives essence and
urgency of Quantonics' efforts and need for wider adoption of
quantum think-king modes. See QTMs.
Bottom line here: quanta are n¤t classically
mechanical and to treat them as such is to remain in SOM's
box. 'Quantum Mechanics,' like 'Quantum Logic' is an oxymoron.
Quanta are about a quantum n¤nMechanics of reality!!!
Study David Bohm
and his theories about reality as holographic.
Doug - 11Jun2005.
Page top index.