o A benchmark of Quantonics' small red equal sign as Qabalic Autiot's perpetual hologra[[il][lex][m][ph][view]]ic~quantized~metabolic two lives: quantons(she,he)~quantons(Aleph,Tav) spiritual breathing (catabolisis (she) breathe~in, anabolisis (he) breathe~out). Raysh~Sheen, together, both wayves, cosmically comtain and cosmically metabolize quantized flux of existence AKA actuality over and over and over. QED is key light flux agent of transmutation in this quantum~metabolism! All of this is extremely relevant OT's Genesis I and II which Doug is currently retranslating in Suaresean~quantumese. Doug - 9May2015. All of this is relevant, too, Song of Songs III:5. Doug - 5Jun2015. o A m¤daling of quantum~G¤d's reality as holographic, self~generating, quantum~EIMA, fractal, quantized, qualitative, subjective, perpetual absolute change, and stochastic~quantum~uncertainty. Suares writes to us that we must learn to embrace (quantum~) uncertainty (which he refers "indetermination"). o A clear Autiot quantum~energy tell of this loop as reality's genuine grail. o An implicit acknowledgement of Quantonics' quanton(n¤nactuality,actuality). o M¤dalings of Pirsig's It, with intrinsic she~he pneumatic hermaphrodicity as full reality spectrum scaling quantum~holographic comtrarotating interrelationshipings. o Doug's list here is essentially endless...bottom line: G¤d's pneumatic~energetic perpetual exhalation (Aleph through Tav) and inhalation (Tav through Aleph), benchmarks all of Doug's multi decade (Quantonics) opus so far!!! Doug - 11Aug2010, 18Aug2015. |
She is interested in Suares' opus. We are working together. |
A N D R E S T M O V E M E N T M O V E M E N T M O V E M E N T A N D R E S T as "Mixing All Things in All." A N D R E S T M O V E M E N T M O V E M E N T M O V E M E N T A N D R E S T Ihn quantonics' script quanton(movement,rest): movement complementsq rest and movement issi antinomialq rest. Zayn spelledq out is Zayn~Yod~Noun. Zayn means "unlimited potentia in quantum~actuality." Parse: unlimited potentia assa Zayn, actuality assa Yod, and quantized~scintillating quanta assa Noun. Tayt spelledq out is Tayt~Yod~Tav. In movie The Fountain (Rachel Weisz and Hugh Jackman), this is what is meant by, "Death is the road (path, wayve) to Awe." All Yod (as Tayt quanta) demerge in Tav and emerge in Aleph. Graphically it appears as quantum~cancellation, except inhalation is temporally sequential exhalation. They are n¤t classically 'concurrent.' N¤r 'conjoint.' Should they be labeled? Notice patterns of 1, 2, 3, and 5... Thinkq Writeq Sayq Doq (dueq). |
"Imagine v. About 1340 ymagynen form an image of, picture in one's mind; borrowed from Old French imaginer, learned borrowing from Latin imaginari to picture oneself, imagine (also in Latin imaginare to form an image of, represent), from imago (genitive imaginis) IMAGE. The meaning of suppose, fancy, is first recorded about 1380. --Imagination n. 1340 ymaginacion borrowed from Old French imagination, learned borrowing from Latin imaginationem (nominative imaginatio) imagination probably from imaginari; imagine." See pp. 373-374, 1995 hard bound 1st ed., HW Wilson publishing. |
Topos | Term | Value |
hylic | concrete | no potentia; stifles potentia |
psychic | abstract | relative plural significates of potentia; iconoclast-iconoclasm of concrete |
pneumatic | imaginary | unlimited stindyanic EIMA self~other~referent recursive potentia; quantum~opening and evolutionary quantization of potentia |
Autiot's Triple: Aleph~Yod~Qof and Qof~Yod~Aleph Exhalation Inhalation |
Qabala~He | Qabala ~She | Quantum~Hæ | Quantum~Shæ | |
(100.10.1) |
Autiot's Triple: Bayt~Kaf~Raysh and Raysh~Kaf~Bayt Exhalation Inhalation |
Qabala~He | Qabala ~She | Quantum~Hæ | Quantum~Shæ | |
(2.20.200: container archetype, delivering hand, cosmic container, etc. Readers please note that all three of these Aut are "doubles." Doubles (there are seven: [BV]ayt, [DG]himel, [D[T(h)]]allet, K(h)af, P(h)ay, Raysh [Raysh's double is Sheer and Sh[[e][i]]ar (in Qabala)], and T(h)av) have and have n¤t "points." Pointed doubles roughly correspond entangledq, energiesq, which can scintillateq, one another. Unpointed doubles' energiesq, pass through one another without affectationingsq, without quantal~scintillationingsq.) Doug - 22Dec2013. Tav spelledq out is Tav~Waw (400.6). Observe how Bayt, then, is double~fertilized by Waw in both Yod and Tav. See Suares' Second Coming of Reb YhShWh, p. 49, Weiser, 1994. Doug - 22Dec2013. During evolutionq Kaf channelsq quantons from Bayt to Raysh. During devolutionq Kaf channelsq quantons from Raysh to Bayt. |
(200.20.2) |
Autiot's Triple: Ghimel~Lammed~Sheen and Sheen~Lammed~Ghimel Exhalation Inhalation |
Qabala~He | Qabala ~She | Quantum~Hæ | Quantum~Shæ | |
(3.30.300) "A movement in progressive enlargement." Suares, Song of Songs, p.17, Shambala, 1972. to Sheen~Yod~Tav (Aleph). |
(300.30.3) |
Autiot's Triple: Dallet~Mem~Tav and Tav~Mem~Dallet Exhalation Inhalation |
Qabala~He | Qabala ~She | Quantum~Hæ | Quantum~Shæ | |
Mem (ponder Meme here), is water, Mem~Mem is divine water of waters a(ny) place(ings) (see Cratylus) where its antinomialq (do n¤t use 'oppositec' here) Dallet, is borne. Also fathom how 'waters' elsewhere refer humanity. Doug - 3Jan2014. Doug issi quantum~paraphrasing Suares in his Song of Songs, p.17, Shambala, 1972. |
Autiot's Triple: Hay~Noun~finalKhaf and finalKhaf~Noun~Hay Exhalation Inhalation |
Qabala~He | Qabala ~She | Quantum~Hæ | Quantum~Shæ | |
Autiot's Triple: Vav~Sammekh~finalMem and finalMem~Sammekh~Vav Exhalation Inhalation |
Qabala~He | Qabala ~She | Quantum~Hæ | Quantum~Shæ | |
Autiot's Triple: Zayn~Ayn~finalNoun and finalNoun~Ayn~Zayn Exhalation Inhalation |
Qabala~He | Qabala ~She | Quantum~Hæ | Quantum~Shæ | |
Autiot's Triple: Hhayt~Pay~finalPhay and finalPhay~Pay~Hhayt Exhalation Inhalation |
Qabala~He | Qabala ~She | Quantum~Hæ | Quantum~Shæ | |
(8.80.800) |
(800.80.8) |
(8.80.800: ascension, exalted emergence, evolution, etc.) |
(800.80.8 descension, undoing, devolution, etc. ) |
Autiot's Triple: Tayt~Tsadde~finalTsadde and finalTsadde~Tsadde~Tayt Exhalation Inhalation |
Qabala~He | Qabala ~She | Quantum~Hæ | Quantum~Shæ | |
(9.90.900: Archetypeq Tayt of feminine~energyingsq, then Tsadde its complementaryq~antinomialq projectionq, amd finally (rather ultimately) its cosmic~energyq exaltationq finalTsadde.) (9.10.400) Tsadde~Dallet~Yod (90.4.10) |
(900.90.9) |
Note 1 - Doug believes this opus is relevant
Arturo Pérez-Reverte's The Dumas Club, 1996 (first
published in Spanish in 1993), Harvill Press, and a movie derivative
of it The Ninth Gate..
Doug highly recommends both to our students.
Note 2 -