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Book Review
Buridan's Implicit Assumptions:
- classical syllogistic logic exists
- classical logical reality is closed
- truth is absolute
- tautologies exist
- change is analytic in classical time (we would say space-time
here had Buridan known of relativity)
- truth presides over change
- 'is' represents an ideal 'equals'
- classical mind-body, subject-object, nonsubstance-substance,
nonexistensial-existensial schisms
- the domain of substance/existence is the domain of reason
- the domain of reason is:
- the domain of the truth
- the domain of dialectic convention
- the domain of chosen exclusive context
- conventional SOM classical assumptions are adequate for practicing
the dialectical art
- the domain of chosen exclusive context does not change
during proposition assessment
- the domain of chosen exclusive context does not affect
proposition terms during assessment
- the domain of chosen exclusive context is separate
from proposition terms during assessment:
- the domain of chosen exclusive context does not:
- cohere,
- commingle,
- interpenetrate,
- interact, nor
- interrelate with proposition terms, or their ultimate significates
during assessment
- substance is changeless except for analytic motion in space-time
- substance pre-exists
- substance arranges itself into objects that are:
- isolable (analytic)
- separable (analytic)
- individuistic (analytic)
- integrable (synthetic)
- note: non-gestalt
- note: non-quantum
- classifiable:
- by category, and
- are identical when their:
- objective category is identical
- objective properties are identical
- note: subjective categories and properties do not exist
- note: nonactual categories and properties do not exist
- observable:
- unilaterally (objects do not co-observe the observer(s))
- stable:
- do not move under observation
- do not change under observation
- note: interactions and interrelationships do not exist
- note: synergy does not exist
Return to Hughes-Buridan
Book Review
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