Classical time:
Classicists think about time in an objective, homological, analytic manner. All objective happenings and changes in substantial existence may be tagged or measured as functions of classical time. In brief notation we usually see this expressed as y = f(t). It means ideal, zero-dimensional point object 'y' is a function of one/unidimensional, one/unidirectional time flow. We may also choose bidirectional time flow depending on convention. In that case, time may have either all positive or all negative values. Please allow us to use these acronyms: ODF for One Direction Flow, and BDF for BiDirection Flow of time.
Obeying strict conventional SOM philosophical and scientific axioms, prior to Einstein, (we are ignoring relativistic time), classicists intuit a concept of time which supports One Global Truth (OGT) in One Global Context (OGC). All happenings and changes may be assessed 'reasonably' as OGT functions of (ODF or BDF) time in OGC. Simply, classical change is: true functions of time in substantial reality. But here classicists use time as a homogeneous measurable, based upon a rude, CRude, and naïve space-time 'identity' and a space/space rate. As such classical time is naught but a homogeneous, spatially-extensible classical space derivative. Classicists have no coherent concept of time as temporal. Classicists simply do not know what 'time' is! 7Sep2002 - Doug. Please read carefully our recent 6-7Sep2002 QELR of time. N¤ntrivial memes there.
If we defer to others' critical comments about classical concepts of time, those of say Henri Bergson and one of his protégés, Mae-wan Ho, we learn how physicists' and mathematicians' classical analytic functions, e.g., y=f(t), homogenize time as a quantity. Note how homogeneous time fits conceptually with SOM's homological OGT.
As evidence of homogeneous time, consider our world's ubiquitous multicontinental, multicultural rhythm. Earth travels in nondeterministic periodic elliptical orbits around its Sun. We call a full orbit, "One Earth year." Earth rotates simultaneously at a rate of one rotation per 'day.' Earth's rotation too is a nondeterministic periodic function. In both cases Earth's high priests of time perform somersaults to adhere precise 365 day Earth years and 24 hour Earth days. They turn natural chaos into their facade of temporal perfection. Most of us go along with their charade. Why? Classicism demands that we adhere dogma and doctrine and that we march to an infallible drummer. We must stay on time's unidimensional, homological 'real' line. We must attend meetings on time. Adhere flight schedules synchronously. All this exemplifies Bergson's vicious circle fully implemented in classical formal grandeur. It's all about classical 'control.' It's all about classical 'order.' It's ugly, but for some reason most of us go with classical time's flow. ("What?" you say, "But chaotic nature is in control!" No, dear friend, classicists are in control!)
9Jan2009 Aside:
Classical hylic (material) and psychic (intellectual) minds who developed our current ways of thingking, which we call "CTMs," wanted (and still want) to control nature. But their minds are simple. Simple minds adhere monism. Monism is a belief in 'oneness.' One god fits all, one size fits all, one law fits all, one science fits all: monism. See OGC.
From any beginning gnostics tried to warn classicists that they were making a great Error in pursuing monism as a basis for reason. Monists tried to kill all gnostics and destroy their works. But gnosis is now making a powerful comeback, and this effort will succeed since gnostics were teaching quantum~reality from their getgo. Gnostics made one of many powerful and wise phasements, "Monism is deceit." We grasp an essential that they fathomed that and many other prequantum memeos well. Gnosis means wisdom. Indeed! Gnosis is quantum.
So, in order to control nature, classical monists invented dualism (a direct consequence of monism), and they invented dialectical languages whose designs embrace syllogisms, logic, bivalent thingking, etc. English language is a perfect exemplar of dialectic. Gnostics, especially quantum~gn¤stics, refer dialectic as "Error." Again, in spades, we see gnosis' extreme wisdom. Wisdom unfathomable by tiny hylic-psychic minds.
Classicists proceeded with their dialectical mindsets to invent most classical disciplines many of us take for granted today. It is all a tower of dialectical Babel. It is all bogus!
They assumed a long list of dialectical canon, change, excluded-middle, fact, judgment, logic, occur, omniscrimination, reason, science, think, thought, truth, understanding, wave, who, wholism, etc. methods of interpreting nature dialectically. All Error! All b¤gus. All wr¤ng.
They assumed time, space, gravity, and mass are all measurable and perpetually-static objective monisms. None of those is objective! All are quantum~perpetual~flux, subjective, radically plural~heterogeneous, ever~evolving, qualitative, quantum waves of quantum~probabilityings.
Classicists live in a bad box. They see reality only with their SOM Box blinders. How do we know? They practice monistic, bivalent, conservative, 1-1 correspondent causal, either-or CTMs and doing so they declare "Nature is absurd." They call gnostics "fools."
Sorry classicists, you are humanity's real fools. Hylic-psychics are fools!
Thank you for reading.
Doug - 9Jan2009, 23Apr2009 (Change 'Non' to 'None.')
9Jan2009 Aside End.
In a manner mimicking their Subject-Object dichotomy of reality, Classicists' Thinking Methods (CTMs) insist that time is dichotomous too. CTMs declare time is, again homologically, the dichon(past, future). To any classicist there is just one unique flow of time, and, except for certain limitations of SOM's classical laws of thermodynamics, time may flow forward into one future or backward into one past. Not only is there just one flow of time, but time may only flow in one direction, "at a time." I.e., time may flow in either a future direction or in a past direction, but it may not flow in both directions simultaneously. In classicists' minds time is unilogical and may be represented by a real number abscissa. (Why do classicists often use time to describe time? Hmmm...?)
With almost pompous verisimilitude, any reputable classicist may admit under pressure, reluctantly and somewhat sheepishly that time, like space, mass, and gravity is an assumed intrinsic variable but homogeneous, measurable quantity of nature. They will also reluctantly admit that time again like space, mass, and gravity is relatively measurable, but indefinable in terms of anything more fundamental than itself.
Bottom line: To a classical mind using CTMs time is an assumed, homogeneous, quantitative, objective measurable that's all.
SOM did it. SOM made them do it... What? Classical Thinking Methods: one, uni-, homo-, etc. One what? One: context, truth, logic, convention, quantity homologue of each time/mass/length/gravity, life (one alpha, one omega), substance-based model of reality, belief system fits all, and on and on and on... "One is the loneliest number..." (Filter)
We offer several graphic depictions of classical time.
One is our SOM Reality Loop which shows:
- classical real objects as y = f(t) functions of time in,
- Bergson's vicious circle stuck in,
- an infinite closed loop process in SOM's classical 'known' reality, and also stuck in
- SOM's closed box of reason.
Another is our set of Classical Time Past-Future diagrams. This art and text below it show our contrived list of classical assumptions about time. It also quotes Henri Poincaré, re: what he thinks is inadequate about a classical view of time.
And finally, we offer our Quantonic embellishments to Minkowski's relativistic space-time triangle which depicts Einstein's classical unification of space and time. Even though Einstein unified space and time, he still perceived them both as classical, objective measurables.
Quantonic Time (or MoQ/Quantum time):
Classical time amd Quantonic tihmings (quantum timings) are entirely di(omni)fferent metaphysical descripti¤ns ¤f 'time' as a meme. We gave a brief ¤verview ¤f classical time's meme ab¤ve. We want t¤ d¤ m¤re than just a curs¤ry ¤verview ¤f Quantonic tihmings as a new meme. We ¤ffer y¤u ¤ur Quantonic Time Primer.
N¤nclassical, quantum/Quantonic thinkers (MoQites) perceive time entirely di(omni)fferently than classicists. Perhaps an effective way t¤ intr¤duce y¤u t¤ Quantonic Tihmings is t¤ list s¤me ¤f their memes as they are distinguished fr¤m Classical Time memes:
Tihmings MemesQuantonic
vis-à-vis Classical ("n¤ calculus fits all") Heter¤gene¤us-Quantal (evolving quantized chancings always change all) Homogeneous-Continuous ("one calculus fits all") ("many temp¤ral l¤gics") Heter¤l¤gical/Paral¤gical Homological ("one temporal logic fits all") ("latching, unlatching l¤¤ps") Open Closed ("vicious circle") ("indivisible") C¤hesive Reducible ("infinitely divisible") ("change is Planck rate quanta") Quantal Continuous ("change is y = f(t)") ("many animate tihmings") Multitudin¤us Monolithic ("one state-ic, analytic time fits all") ("tihmingsf(fluxings);" as n¤nanalytic quantum pr¤cessings) Definable Tihmings Measurable Time ("period [classical, state-ic] duration & its inverse, rate;" 'space-time' identity) ("unlimited, c¤mmingling tihmings ensehmblings") St¤chastic Analytic ("syllogistic analysis-synthesis/calculus") ("n¤n-lisr, c¤¤bsfecting/pr¤emially-aware," per intera) Quantons Objects ("lisr, observable in isolation," per se) ("assumes flux is abs¤lute") Ævæntings Flux as Qualitative Change Quantitative Time as Change ("assumes time is absolute") ("Bings c¤¤bsfect Aings") B¤th Preferential amd N¤npreferential Determinate ("assumes A causes B") ("s¤me Poisson brackets n¤nc¤mmute") Uncertain
(Ensehmble Outc¤mings Value Ensehmble Affectings) Expectings
(Heterogeneous and included-middle present participle grammar.)Inductive ("we can extrapolate on historical evidence")
Predict (One Effect Causes One Outcome)
(Homogeneous and excluded-middle active/passive voice grammar.)("assumes n¤ quanton ¤f reality h¤lds still") Qualitative
(Reality is unst¤ppable. Phases may is¤-, de-, mix-, -c¤here.) Phase-icQuantitative ("assumes observed objects hold still")
State-ic (Reality is stoppable. Stops are 'states.' Bergson's cinema.)("many heterogeneous comtexts") Omnicomtextual Unicontextual ("one homogeneous context fits all") ("reality: quantum s¤phism") Self-other-referent-Recursive/Fractal Other-referent-Sequential/Linear ("reality: substantial") ("Buddha" - Mahayana: Madhyamaka Karika 25:19) H¤listic Included Middle Schismatic Excluded Middle ("Aristotle" - syllogistic 'laws') ("Casimir fluxings, quantum fluxings exist") N¤nactuality Cl¤aked Nonactuality Non-Exists ("all subjectives are absurd") ("quantum heter¤temp¤ral/pragmatemporal* many electr¤n wave functi¤n")
(Dirac's many times notion permits st¤chasticity)
(e1,t1,e2,t2,e3,t3,...,en,tn)("classical unitemporal many electron wave function")
(Classical scientists' notion imposes analyticity)
(e1, e2, e3,...,en, t)
*In Quantonics, our hermeneutic for "pragma" is action. See our Planck quanton.We ¤ffer several graphic depicti¤ns ¤f quantum/Quantonic tihmings.
One is ¤ur M¤Q I Reality L¤¤p which sh¤ws:
- latching amd unlatching quantons as functi¤ns ¤f Value (Better?) in,
- M¤Q I's m¤ral l¤¤p which c¤mmingles amd interrelates b¤th DQ amd SQ in,
- an infinite ¤pen s¤phist recursi¤n ¤f DQ with SQ.
An¤ther is ¤ur MoQ II Reality L¤¤p which sh¤ws:
- emersing amd immersing ¤f quantons as cl¤aked amd uncl¤aked quantum flux in,
- MoQ II's Planck rate l¤¤p which discretely/quantally alters b¤th actuality amd n¤nactuality in,
- an infinite ¤pen fractal recursi¤n ¤f quantum vacuum flux with its actual c¤mplement.
(7Nov2000) An¤ther is ¤ur Classical Homogeneous Time vis-à-vis Quantum Heter¤gene¤us Time which sh¤ws:
- classical uni-time's homological global 'time' concept of one past one future; one alpha one omega
- quantum plural tihmings' multiplicity ¤f heter¤geneities
- that quantum reality scales many l¤cal tihmings such that each comtext has its ¤wn apparent temp¤rality
Finally, we sh¤w y¤u ¤ur highly tentative, heuristic amd artistic comcepti¤n ¤f Quantonic tihmings.