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A-Z Index to Coined Quantonic Terms


Alphabetical Reference Index Quantonics Coined Terms Pages
©Quantonics, Inc., 2005-2029



Index to Coined Quantonic 'A' Terms
Most recent additions-revisions marked with a pink cell background.
Anthrotal Antinotic Antintotic Antisociotic Aræra New - 22Sep2015
Assa Autsimilar

Anthrotal Coined conflation of anthropo and Neandertal depicting modern Homo sapiens whose ontology retains a classical SOM foundation legacy. Index

<anti·in'·ah·tik> ino corresponds to Pirsig's MoQ's Inorganic Level

Perceived threats to inorganic level from lower levels of Pirsig's MoQ.

Perceived threats may come from any level below. It is moral to defend threats from lower levels. It is immoral for a lower evolved level to apply Exclusive Static Quality deferment against progress at higher evolved levels.

Antinotic is Quantonics' coined MoQ static pattern of value level~shift of 'antibiotic.' In MoQ it is moral for Biological Level patterns of value to protect themselves from apparent threats arising at an Inorganic Level, examples pending. Our Biological Level protects itself morally using antinotics.

Eventually, we will coin terms for antinotic analogues of biotic viruses, prions, phages, bacteria, etc.

Doug originally wrote Quantonics' coined descriptions of intellectual (individual), social, and inorganic analogues of 'biotic' and 'antibiotic' in 1999. Doug left a crucial enthymeme out these descriptions: partiality of intentional and unintentional anti~self quantum~affectation.

In this case, of antinotic, any inorganic may evoke quanton(unintentional,intentional) anti~self affectation. Indeed, an inorganic cannot act without quantum~being an agent of its own change. So classical inorganic notions of 'state' are but self-delusions.

Best quantum metaphor is quantum~interference, e.g., in a photon, usually only mutationally affects self and OEDC transmutationally affects electrons (see photon~electron QED). Consider, however, how all atomic and subatomic primitives, e.g., gluons, quarks, photons, electrons, neutrons, and protons, can entangle and self~other quantum~interfere. This is a huge quantum~physial eye~opener, an epiphany for physicists, biologists and chemists everywhere!

Doug - 29Apr2007.

See inotic. Index


<anti·int'·ah·tik> int corresponds to Pirsig's MoQ's intellectual, i.e., individual, level

Perceived threats to intellectual, i.e., individual, level from lower levels of Pirsig's MoQ.

Perceived threats may come from any level below. It is moral to defend threats from lower levels. It is immoral for a lower evolved level to apply Exclusive Static Quality deferment against progress at higher evolved levels.

Antintotic is a coined Quantonics term. It assumes Pirsig's MoQ will eventually evolve levels above MoQ's Intellectual, i.e., Individual, Level. MoQ's next Ascendent Level will protect itself morally from threats at MoQ's Intellectual, i.e., Individual, Level using antintotics. Too, it may protect itself from perceived threats from social, biological, and inorganic levels using respectively antisociotics, antibiotics, and antinotics.

Simply MoQ's ascendant level may use antintotics to eliminate perceived intellectual, i.e., individual, level threats against MoQ's ascendant level.

Doug originally wrote Quantonics' coined descriptions of intellectual (individual), social, and inorganic analogues of 'biotic' and 'antibiotic' in 1999. Doug left a crucial enthymeme out these descriptions: partiality of intentional and unintentional anti~self quantum~affectation.

In this case, of antintotic, any intellect (individual) may evoke quanton(unintentional,intentional) anti~self affectation. Indeed, an individual cannot act without quantum~being an agent of its own change. So classical intellectual notions of 'state' are but self-delusions.

Best quantum metaphor is quantum~interference, e.g., in a photon, usually only mutationally affects self and OEDC transmutationally affects electrons (see photon~electron QED). Consider, however, how all atomic and subatomic primitives, e.g., gluons, quarks, photons, electrons, neutrons, and protons, can entangle and self~other quantum~interfere. This is a huge quantum~physial eye~opener, an epiphany for psychiatrists, psychologists, anthropologists, ethnologists, etc., everywhere!

Doug - 29Apr2007.

Eventually, we will coin terms for antintotic analogues of biotic viruses, prions, phages, bacteria, etc.

See intotic. Index


<anti·so'·see·ah·tik> soc corresponds to Pirsig's MoQ's Social Level

Perceived threats to social level from lower levels of Pirsig's MoQ.

Perceived threats may come from any level below. It is moral to defend threats from lower levels. It is immoral for a lower evolved level to apply Exclusive Static Quality deferment against progress at higher evolved levels.

Antisociotic is a coined Quantonics term for an MoQ static pattern of value level~shift of 'antibiotic.' In MoQ it is moral for Social Level patterns of value to protect themselves from apparent threats arising at a Biological Level, e.g., some viruses, prions, phages, bacteria, etc. Our Social Level protects itself morally using vaccines, antibiotics, antiprionics, etc.

We coined antisociotics as a level~shifted inclusive analogue for both antibiotics and vaccines, etc. In MoQ it is moral for intellectual patterns of value to protect themselves from threats arising at a Social Level. Simply, MoQ's intellectual level may use antisociotics to eliminate perceived social level threats against MoQ's intellectual level. Eventually, we will coin terms for antisociotic analogues of biotic viruses, prions, phages, bacteria, etc.

Doug originally wrote Quantonics' coined descriptions of intellectual (individual), social, and inorganic analogues of 'biotic' and 'antibiotic' in 1999. Doug left a crucial enthymeme out these descriptions: partiality of intentional and unintentional anti~self quantum~affectation.

In this case, of antisociotic, any society may evoke quanton(unintentional,intentional) anti~self affectation. Indeed, society cannot act without quantum~being an agent of its own change. So classical social notions of 'state' are but self-delusions.

Best quantum metaphor is quantum~interference, e.g., in a photon, usually only mutationally affects self and OEDC transmutationally affects electrons (see photon~electron QED). Consider, however, how all atomic and subatomic primitives, e.g., gluons, quarks, photons, electrons, neutrons, and protons, can entangle and self~other quantum~interfere. This is a huge sociological eye~opener, an epiphany for sociologists everywhere!

Doug - 29Apr2007.

See sociotic. Index


Aræra: Similar palindromic 'issi' as an omnivalent stindyanic quantonic interrelationshipings 'is,' Doug uses palindromic 'aræra' as an omnivalent stindyanic quantonic interrelationshipings 'are.'
Assa Similar palindromic 'issi' as an omnivalent stindyanic quantonic interrelationshipings 'is,' Doug uses palindromic 'assa' as an omnivalent stindyanic quantonic interrelationshipings 'as.'

Contraction of auturgy and auto similar. Autsimilar.

Quantonics Autsimilarity HotMeme™ "Quantum~reality issi autsimilarity!"™ Quantonics Autsimilarity HotMeme™.

We offer Quantonics' heretofore most simple of quantum~omniscriptionings of reality.

See Doug's prior commentary on quantonicsese of "multiplex veri similitudo" and "omniplex veri similitudo."

All autsimilarsq are individuallyq as quantons(antinomialu,antinomialv) are antinomial one another, due evolution, holographicity, middle~inclusion, stindyanicityq, etc.

Doug - 15Apr2013.




Quantonics coined (antonymic) analogues of classical avalanche.

Classically ava lanche means "desires to, loves to slide." Ava as love. Lanche as slide.

Doug needs to describe quantum~leaps of equilibrium. Said 'leaping' isn't a classical 'slide.' It is an massive increase in quantum~chaos, in quantum~energyings, in quantum~scintillationings.

As a way of managing this need, Doug coined avalevita (love of levitation) and avasupera (love of evolving higher quantum~system emerqancyings). Other coinings are obvious when you look at your thesaurus. For example, avavaulta.

Near end of this Kondratiev cycle, near end of this seculum, global 'systems,' especially Keynesian 'systems,' are failing. Chaos is ramping and we can describe that ramping of chaos as avalevita and avasupera. Avalanche appears n¤t to apply nearly as well except in describing chaos associated with massive Keynesian failure.

Newer re evolved quantum~systems shall hyper replace Keynesianism and those newer systems shall be levitated and supered above older Keynesian notionals.

As it turns out, in French, 'ava' can mean 'descent,' so ava lanche in French means "descending slide." Doug needs a quantum complement of that semantic. As a result Doug, for better exegeses of his novel quantum~cuneiform, ana lanche as "ascending slide." Doug is replacing all uses thus far of avalevita with analanche. Doug - 28Dec2011.

Where 'avalanche' means "slide down," Doug's intended semantic for 'analanche' is "slide up." 4Jan2012.

Doug - 12Oct2011, 28Dec2011, 4Jan2012.


Quantum avatars aræ anihmatæ, EIMA, mæmætihc, rææmb¤dihmænts ¤f classical ESQ notions.

An avatar¤n issi a quantonic rææmb¤dihmænt ¤f a classical idea, concept, notion, etc.


To contact Quantonics write to or call:

Doug Renselle
Quantonics, Inc.
Suite 18 #368 1950 East Greyhound Pass
Carmel, INdiana 46033-7730

©Quantonics, Inc., 1999-2029 — Rev. 22Sep2015  PDR — Created 3Aug1999  PDR
(16Feb2000 Rev. Alphabetize some out of order terms.)
(2Mar2000 Rev. Change CTModes to CTMethods. Actually, Classical Thinking uses Methods, n¤t Modes.)
(3Aug2000 rev - Add 'antisociotic' and 'sociotic.')
(8Aug2000 rev - Rev 'antinotic,' and 'antintotic.')
(5Oct2000 rev - Repair typos.)
(19Oct2000 rev - Typos.)
(27Oct2000 rev - Change Classical Thinking Mode to Classical Thinking Method. QTMs are modal, CTMs are less so.)
(30Dec2000 rev - Add one line, more concise, defs. to 'antinotic, antintotic, antisociotic' terms.)
(28Mar2001 rev - Replace 'new' with 'novel' in all quantum comtexts. Leave 'new' as-is in classical contexts.)
(29Mar2001 rev - Update page bottom def's of 'innate' and 'intrinsic' for heuristic and Quantonic lingual currency.)
(27May2002 rev - Repair a typo.)
(23Jul2002 rev - Change QELR links to A-Z pages.)
(26Sep2002 rev - Remediate all quantum comtextual occurrences of 'ensemble.')
(8May2003 rev - Typos.)
(25Oct2004 rev - Typo.)
(6Jan2005 rev - Change top of page indexing.)
(30Jul2006 rev - Extend 'antintotic' for its 'individual' memeos. Classical objective society is 'not' intellectual, since it cannot thingk as a society.)
(29Apr2007 rev - Reset legacy red text. Update 'anti' definitions. Minor reformat. Massive respell.)
(15,17May2009 rev - Add 'autsimilar.' Reset legacy markups. Make page current.)
(20Feb2010 rev - Make page current.)
(5Mar2010 rev - Add 'ascendant' links.)
(12Oct2011 rev - Add 'avalevita,' and 'avasupera.')
(28Dec2011 rev - Add 'analanche' near 'avalevita' and 'avasupera.')
(4Jan2012 rev - Clarify usage of 'avalanche' and 'analanche.')
(15Apr2013 rev - Update 'autsimilar.')
(6Mar2014 rev - Add 'assa.')
(15Apr2015 rev - Reset legacy markups.)
(22Sep2015 rev - Add 'aræra.')

