Regarding Genesis 1:17-24:
Doug is following Carlo Suares' teaching here. Suares claims 'the standard translation' of Genesis is incompetent, entirely misguiding, an abomination. A ruse, perhaps unintentional, perhaps otherwise.
Whoever did this, using whatever translation accoutrements available, hid...
...quantum aspects of Genesis from their readers.
Hiding those aspects of ultimate understanding of reality is, to Doug, ultimate classical hegemonic deceit!
Unintentional? You decide. Doug has omnicided!
Suares wouldn't even touch most of this text because of that (See Cipher of Genesis, WeiserBooks, 2005 paperback edition.). Doug, perhaps incompetently as a novice himself, has attempted, using what he has learned from Suares' opus, to do what Suares resisted doing. Take Doug's novice standingunder into account, please.
Doug shows, for each verse and word of Chapter II of Genesis, each word spelled~out left to right in Autiot fractal~recursive cipher. Then, in parentheses, Doug shows said cipher's qwf Gematria. Following that Doug shows in brackets: pronunciation (sometimes a guess, sometimes from Suares, sometimes from Webster's), [ellipsis] thence literal scholars' translation in double quotes, thence Doug's semantic Value~interpretation~heuristic~hermeneutic in Apple Chancery font [ellipsis].
Like this: Aut~Aut~Aut~ (ordinal qwf gematria, e.g., [pronunciation (sometimes a guess): ..."literal translation (from Zondervan Interlinear Hebrew-English)" Doug's Suaresesque semantic Value interpretation...]. Doug's illeism is Doug taking artistic~interpretive~heuristic responsibility for his semantic opus.
To do this, we need a legend of Autiot and their Gematria. Let's use Suares' Letter~Numbers as our reference:
Genesis I:17 | Genesis I:18 | Genesis I:19 | Genesis I:20 | Genesis I:21 | Genesis I:22 | Genesis I:23 | Genesis I:24 |
(some guesses) |
(some altered by Doug) |
1 | Vav~Yod~Thav~finalNoun |
[Veethan: |
..."And existence [tried to] stop cosmos quantum clock;" |
And fecund existence encountered a permeable cosmic vital~impedance attempting to disable cosmos' core quantization~scintillation principle of quantum~uncertainty and thus stop all cosmic memeos of peace, uncertainty, and freedom...] |
Using Doug's new QCS application, this word ciphers ~6.10.400.700~ as: ~archetypal~masculine~fecundationings
fertilizing This is allegorical of Dirac's complaint regarding classical dialecticians attempts to turn off Planck's clockq, attempts to disable quantum metabolic~evolvingq realityingsq. Doug - 1Jan2016. Compare Than and Thani. Thani roughly means "stopped Noun of [my, i.e., Ani] Yod." Thani issi, in any quantum~comtemporary view, a classical formal-mechanical dialectical act of turning off Planck's clock in all existence. That is, Thani issi saying, "Cosmic vital~impedance, though T[h]av permeable, issi attempting to stop quantizationings of my actual existenceq, my peaceq, my uncertaintyingsq, my freedomsq." So Than means global-universal classical stoppage of all cosmic~quantization of realityq! An abomination! Observe that Doug used, in translation, memeoq in place of classical 'notion.' As Doug omniscribes under that memeo link, it replaces not-ion. Notc is idealc classical negation. Ion is action, pragma, flux. So 'notionc' literallyc attempts to 'stopc semanticq fluxq.' Recall, however that T[[h][h]]av represents hemicycleq old~ending of breathing~¤ut Aleph~Tav acting as a resonantq, reverberatingq, cavitatingq mirrorq starting a new~beginning breathing~ihn Tav~Aleph metabolicq comtinuationq of lifeq itself. It echoesq Aleph's vital~impetusq, usually. But when any energy~patternq of Valueq has run its course, has cursorily ceased its qua to adapt, it evolvesq into 'valuec' which is then Thani-ed, its spiritq, its Alephic vital~impetus, returned to cosmic isofluxq. Doug -19-20Oct2015. |
2 | Aleph~Tav~finalMem |
[Etam: |
..."with all cowithihn life's breathing~out cycle;" |
with all cowithihn vital~impetus' life~cycle quantum~mirroring with cosmic vital~impedance cowithihn all cosmic waters' biospheres...] |
Using Doug's new QCS application, this word translates ~1.400.600~ as: ~archetypal~vital~impetusings life~cycle
breathing~out quantum~mirroring with Keep in mind that Et, At issi Aleph~Tav, breathing~out haploid~fluxoid of Atta's perpetual and ubiquitous metabolic~evolvingq qycloidings. In idiom it issi often written, "...from A to Z...," "...from Aings to Zings...," "...from Aleph to Tav..." In essence, "Life issi a challenge, intentionally! Get over it!" Cosmic~vital~impedance issi reality's ultimate resistance, "without which there would be n¤ Atta qycloidings, n¤ sempiternal metabolic~evolvingq realityq. "Why issi this meme of resistance~impedance so important Doug?" Imagine a violin string. It's just there, on a bench, all by itself. How do we get that violin string to make music? We put it in a violin. What does violin do to its strings? Detends them with tunable resistancings~impedancings. Can you fathom that there issi n¤ music with a string or cavity to detend qwfs so that they can make~become music? Again, imagine wind blowing, or you blowing out candles with your breath. What if a piccolo or bottle is in either of those two 'winds?' If you hold an open bottle in a blowing wind, bottle will cavitate said wind and make music! Do you see that all of quantum~reality issi 'blowing, i.e., radically~metabolizingq, qwfs?' All we have to do issi find ways of offering cavitationings of those qwfs, and we will commence making quantum~music! Think about a pipe organ, and any musical instrument. They are all quantum~instruments. They all detend, resist, impede qwfs! "Doug, what qwfs are cowithihn wind?" Two kinds, one bosonic (phonons; music messengers), one fermionic (air molecules; music scintillating cavitators). All we have to do is resist~impede them and they will make music, quantum~music. What about too much detention? String breaks! N¤ music potentia from that string anymore (perhaps you could find a smaller violin in which you could detend a shorter string). Put bottle's cap on and it is disabled in any sense of external wind cavitationings. A radical comparison of detention issi a prison. A prison attempts to retune recidivists. Humans are quantum~beings, ensembles of tunable quantons! How does Doug learn? By tuning his spirit~mind~body. Doug has been quantum~tuning self nearly all of his life. But it didn't start in earnest until early 1990s. Prior that, Doug only eked inklings. Those inklings Doug can recall as early as age 7, about 1950. Between 1950 and 1990s Doug had countless inklings. He never forgot them, but he didn't commence standingunder them until Millennium III. How does nature do ex nihilo creatio aperio? "...from nothing create something obvious." Nature, probably using Higgs bosons, retunes (detends) isoflux into flux. Voila! Creation itself! N¤ way can classical dialectical objects do that!!! Flux (quantum~wave~functions) issi crux. Stux (dialectical objects) sux. Doug - 1Jan2016. "Waters" issi similar Hoi Polloi in Greek. |
3 | Aleph~Lammed~Hay~Yod~finalMem |
[Elohim: |
..."'God's, i.e., an earthly living demiurge with Aleph cowithihn its blood;" |
i.e., God's [Hær] vital~impetus having existential metabolism, alive, cowithihn existence cosmic~biospherically...] |
Notice ascendant columnar antinomial cavitationings from 1 to 10 of 30.5. Doug - 4Oct2015. |
4 | Bayt~Raysh~Qof~Yod~Ayn |
[Baraqia: |
..."enlightening Hær ostentation, Hær cosmic vital~impetus' expansion cowithihn existence and eliminating illusions and delusions cowithihn;" |
enlightening Hær ostensing somatic cavitational re~embodiment and reverberating cosmic~comtainment cowithihn cosmic vital~impetus' expansion of existence shining brightly and eliminating all delusions and all illusions for all to see cowithihn...] |
Using Doug's new QCS application, this word translates ~{2 200}~ ~{100 10}~ ~70~ as: ~{~archetypal~somatic~comtainmentings
exalted ascendant naked cavitationings of reverberationings cowithihn
~cosmic~comtainmentings}~ Doug - 1Jan2016. Recall 'Bara' issi 'create.' Here we thinkq of that as sempiternal processingsq. Compare Yeraq. Doug - 17-18Oct2015. |
5 | Hay~Sheen~Mem~Yod~finalMem |
[Ha'Shamaym: |
..."living cosmos, the living sky;" |
a living cosmos, its cosmic metabolism reverberating all existence cowithihn all existential metabolisms and cosmic metabolisms...] |
Idiomatically Shamaim is 'heavens.' Suares describes (omniscribes) evolutionq of Shamaim on p. 81 of his CoG text, "The so-called 'heaven' in the first verse, the name of which is Shamaim, contains a Yod between two Mem. This sequence indicates the cosmic movement [of column 3.30.300] of Sheen acting against [in any sense of relentlessly, sempiternallyq evolvingq] Mayim, the so-called waters: the two Mem... ...between which Yod is playing against its [antinomialq] partner Aleph [Aleph.1] in the game of existenceq [Yod.10] versus lifeq [Hay.5]." Doug's brackets and quantum~subscriptings. Suares doesn't speak or write of Gematraic~energyq cavitationingsq. Doug does, since Atta implicitly prescribes metabolicq fermionic~esque hologra[[il]lex][m][mmat][ph][view]]icq quantum~cavitationings: "Autiot~Gematria fluxodynamicsq quantum~wave~functional~cavitationings..." Quantonic Revelation HotMeme Doug - 28-30Sep2015. (Quote borrowed from Sidis~esque Good Will Hunting movie with Matt Damon. Following OT's exemplar, Doug might have asked, "How about those grapes?") |
6 | Lammed~Hay~Aleph~Yod~Raysh |
[Le'Ha'Ayr: |
..."cowithihn livingq existentialq lightingsq;" |
cowithihnexistential organicq livingsq' vital~impetus affectingq~scintillatingq~transmutingq existenceq cosmically comtained...] |
Using Doug's new QCS application, this word translates ~30.5~ ~{1 10}~ ~200~ as: ~archetypal~life~energyings giving life to cosmos, to sky via ~cosmic~metabolismings~ ~quantum~assessmentings of and ihncluding signaturing~ ~{~cowithihn~existential~biosphereings ascendant cavitationings of ~actual~existenceings~ with their ascendant reverberationings evolving ~cowithihn~cosmic~biosphereings'~hologral~isoenergyings}~ Doug - 1Jan2016. Compare this to Lammed~Hay~Aleph~Waw~Raysh: Pay strict attention to Doug's translation 'affecting' link. It offers quantum~quintessencings of Qabala's "embrace indetermination," and quantum~reality's intrinsic immanent free~willq. Doug's use of "quantum~quintessencings" here is extremely relevant quantum~assessment (omnitoring) memes desnoured cowithihnSong of Songs Chapter I, Verse 1. That verse narrates Hær own quantum~revelation, "Songing of Songings witness my peace." Hær Songs are quantum~wave~functionings! Hær use of 'witness' issi analogous quantum~assessment, quantum~measurement, quantum~omnitorings. Hær use of 'peace' implies quantization and quantum~uncertainty whose manifestaq are free~willq and peaceq borne of uncertaintyingsq. A SoS Revelationq of unbelievableq, unimaginableq, incredibleq ostentatiousq~extentq. Shæ issi showing all who have eyes to see and ears to listen, Quantum SoS Revelation HotMeme Doug - 17,20Oct2015. |
7 | Hay~Aleph~Raysh~finalTsadde |
[Ha'Ertz: |
..."the earth;" |
livingq vital~impetus cosmically comtained and achieving cosmic isofluxq' ultimate emerqant~fermionicityingsq...] | ||
(some guesses) |
(some altered by Doug) |
1 | Vav~Mem~Sheen~Lammed~Tav |
[Ve'Mashalot: |
..."And to govern fiat of;" |
And to govern [self-proclaimed fiat-] existential biospheres cosmically metabolizing and reverberating all encounters with cosmic vital~impedance of...] |
Nested cavitationings. Keep reminding selfq that Mem issi (as water) a resistance similar as Tav issi a vital impedance. Observe that clouds are less resistant than water. Too, both may be gated-doored by Dallet. Doug - 18Oct2015. |
2 | Bayt~Yod~Waw~finalMem |
[Ba'Yom: |
..."soma ruling day;" |
soma ruling existential fecundation of cosmic biosphere's isofluxingsq...] |
Columnar ascending empty cavitationings {~6.600~}. Notice that 2.10 shows immediate complementary~antinomialism with Aleph: Aleph~Bayt and Aleph~Yod. However, in absence of Aleph, Bayt tends to see self as 'god.' In this case we might say, "Classical Bayt cannot find its inner, i.e., Aleph." When that happens Bayt claimsc it has rulec over all Yod, over all Waw, over all Mem. This is happening now~ings, CeodE 2015, throughout Earth. Doug - 19Oct2015. |
3 | Vav~Vayt~Lammed~Yod~Lammed~Hay |
[Ve'Valaylah: |
..."and soma ruling night;" |
and fecund soma ruling living cavitationings of existential metabolism reverberating existence existential~metabolically...] |
We see quite familiar living~cavitationings of Lammed~Yod~Lammed. Bayt's rulingc in prior word is masculine, hard, closedc, linearc, analyticc, monisticc, determinatec concretec. Vayt's rulingc in this word issi more feminine, softer, more quantum~metabolic. "In the beginning was the word, and the word became flesh, and dweltc among us with gracec and truthc." Fourth Gospel of Mareh M'Gadola, principal disciple of 12. However, during Millennium III (cosmically, Yom III) all that dialectical, mechanical, formal, objective socialistc crapc garners its nigh! Compare Valaylah to Valhalah. Which issi projectionq, which issi projectedq of Al and La? Where's the Lightq? Doug - 19Oct2015. |
4 | Vav~Lammed~Hay~Vayt~Dallet~Yod~Lammed |
[Ve'Lahavadayil: |
..."and to separate all;" |
and to separate all fecund existential metabolic~cavitationings of living somatic envelopes by resisting existence' reverberating metabolism...] |
Cavitationings {~30...30~} of This appears to Doug as an attempt by 'rulers' to separately, objectively reify all metabolisms into stux sux concrete. Doug - 19Oct2015. |
5 | Bayt~Yod~finalNoun |
[Beyn: |
..."in their somatic life trajectories;" |
in their mature somatic lifeq trajectories cowithihn existence evolvingq according cosmic~quantizationings cosmic principles of lifeq in...] | Beyn represents a lifeq's existential trajectory which ends Bayt, in new beginnings. | |
6 | Hay~Aleph~Waw~Raysh |
[Ha'Awr: |
..."the light;" |
the living vital~impetus instantially fecundating (QEDing) its many cosmic comtainmentings...] | There isn't just one photon, and just one electron, rather, uncountably many...QED! | |
7 | Vav~Vayt~Yod~finalNoun |
[Ve'Veyn: |
..."in their gestational shell~womb new beginnings;" |
in their immature pre somatic lifeq gestational trajectories cowithihn existence evolvingq according cosmic~quantizationings cosmic principles of lifeq in...] |
Veyn represents a gestationq's (shell) existential (resurrection of spirit, Aleph, cowithihna) new (immature) beginning reborn of Beyn's old (mature) ending. See finalNoun. Doug - 19Oct2015. |
8 | Hay~Hhayt~Sheen~finalKhaf |
[Ha'HhaShekh: |
..."the darkness, of grailing isofluxq;" |
the living spiritual unlimited possibilityings darkly cosmically metabolizing and cosmically grailing cosmos' isoflux...] |
Columnar ascendant cavitationings {~5...500~} of ~8.300~ AKA quantum~metabolic spiritual breathings. See column ~5.50.500~, ~Hay~Noun~finalKhaf~. Doug - 19Oct2015. |
9 | Vav~Yod~Raysh~Aleph |
[Veyarey: |
..."A n¤væl existence full of spirit emerges cowithihn cosmos' isoflux, and laid bare is;" |
A n¤væl existenceq full of fecundityq and cosmically comtaining vital~impetus desnouers its selfq as...] |
Suares asks us to compare Veyarey and Bara: |
10 | Aleph~Lammed~Hay~Yod~finalMem |
[Elohim: |
..."'God's, i.e., an earthly living demiurge with Aleph cowithihn its blood;" |
i.e., God's [Hær] vital~impetus having existential metabolism, alive, cowithihn existence cosmic~biospherically...] |
Notice ascendant columnar antinomial cavitationings from 1 to 10 of 30.5. Doug - 4Oct2015. |
11 | Kaf~Yod - Tayt~Waw~Vayt |
[Ki- Tov: |
..."affectingq Qualityq perpetually, ubiquitously;" |
affectingq grailingq Quality, due individually its existenceq, having a feminineq character fecundulatingq and emergingq its own soma's qualityingsq...] | ||
(some guesses) |
(some altered by Doug) |
1 | Vav - Yod~Hay~Yod |
[Ve-Yehy: |
..."And divinely again, Hær cavitating divinely our antinomialq two~livings existence, living existence cowithihn and resonating~reverberating;" |
And divinely again, we experience Hær cavitatingq divineq double existence archetypically, recursivelyq, fractallyq livingq cowithihn Hær and ¤ur quantum~selves' recursivelyq resonatingq~reverberatingq...] |
Compare Awr and Our. Doug - 4Oct2015. |
2 | Ayn~Raysh~Vayt |
[Aarv: |
..."enlightening pleasurings cowithihnus;" |
Hær QED~lightingsq cosmically comtaining our somas cowithihn Hær...] |
Notice divine~empty columnar declension from 200 to 2. This word has many complementary~antinomialq semaq including Arab. Doug - 4Oct2015. |
3 | Vav - Yod~Hay~Yod |
[Ve-Yehy: |
..."and divinely again, cavitating divine existence, living existence cowithihn and resonating~reverberating;" |
and divinely again, cavitatingq divineq existence archetypically, recursivelyq, fractallyq livingq cowithihn Hær and ¤ur quantum~selves' recursivelyq resonatingq~reverberatingq...] | Notice bilateral two~lives cavitationings of 10 to 10 reverberating 5. | |
4 | Vayt~Qof~Raysh |
[Vaqar: |
..."and we desiderateq;" |
and we must desiderateq Hær cosmic vital~impetus cowithihn our somas' cosmic~comtainmentings and Hær own presence [we may view Raysh re~emerqing Hær vital~impetus] cowithihn all of us...] | Notice ascendant columnar cavitationings from 2 to 200 of 100. | |
5 | Yod~Waw~finalMem |
[Yom: |
..."regarding day;" |
regarding all of our daily existencings' cavitational fecundityings of our cosmic~biospheres witnessing...] | Notice ascendant columnar empty (divine) exaltationings from 6 to 600. | |
6 | Raysh~Vayt~Yod~Ayn~Yod |
[Reve'ee: |
..."the fourth;" |
the fourth day's columnar descending cavitationingsq from cosmic comtainment to earthly somatic retention coobsfectingq divineq existential cavitationq of quantum~lightings QED~reverberating all...] |
We see two cavitationings in sequence: {~200.2~} and {~10..10~} of ~70~. Doug - 20Oct2015. |
(some guesses) |
(some altered by Doug) |
1 | Vav~Yod~Aleph~Mem~Raysh |
[Ve'Yomer: |
..."And all saids in existence from;" |
And all existenceqs' saidsq fecundatingq vital~impetus evolvingq biospheres of voice clouds of immortal speechq cosmically comtained... ] | No cavitationings. | |
2 | Aleph~Lammed~Hay~Yod~finalMem |
[Elohim: |
..."'God's, i.e., an earthly living demiurge with Aleph cowithihn its blood;" |
i.e., God's [Hær] vital~impetus having existentialq metabolism, aliveq, cowithihn existence qcosmic~biospherically...] |
Notice ascendant columnar antinomial cavitationings from 1 to 10 of 30.5. Doug - 4Oct2015. |
3 | Yod~Sheen~Raysh~Tsadde~Waw |
[Yoshertso: |
..."let them teem, let them flourish and multiply cowithihn living Earth's;" |
cowithihn livingq existenceq cosmic~metabolically, cosmically~comtained cowithihn all its existentialq structurationq fecundlyq cowithihn Earthq's...] | No cavitationings. | |
4 | Hay~Mem~Yod~finalMem |
[Ha'Maym: |
..."waters;" |
watersq existentialq biosphere reverberatingq columnarly ascendently cosmosq isofluxicq biosphere...] | Cavitation from Mem to finalMem. This issi a evolutionaryq processq of quantadulativeq maturationingsq. | |
5 | Sheen~Raysh~finalTsadde |
[Shertz: |
..."many creatures;" |
many creaturesq livingq existenceq cosmic~metabolically, cosmically~comtained cowithihn all its cosmic~structuration cowithihn cosmic~isofluxq...] |
We may choose to narrate this as Shyar~finalTsadde. Quantum~literally, "Songingsq (evolvingq wayve~functioningsq) of livingq cosmic ensemblesq!" Doug - 22Oct2015. Anecdotally 22 issi 11 and 11 issi Atta as "two lives, e.g., male and female," issi 5+5+1 and 5+5+1 each as two lives of "two livings cowithihn vital~impetus." Can you see C. G. Jung's
Male issi quantons(selfq,animaq). Female issi quantons(selfq,animusq). However, male's anima issi dialectical (most men have this demiurgic evocation). Where female's animus issi may be hologral (some women have this spiritual qua, and they are often referred "Mary, Mareh, Mareh M'Gadola, Sophia, Venus, etc."). Study Iot portion of Autiot! Compare Yassod! Study antinomialismq and complementarityq! Mareh: Mem~Aleph~Raysh~Hay! (livingq vital~impetus) Sophia: Seen~Waw~Phay~Yod~Aleph! (wisdomq itself) Female's existenceq burgeons with her sempiternal strugglingsq with both vital~impetus and vital~impedance: Dodi and Idod resistancings at all levels of her existenceq cowithihn cosmosq. Doug - 22Oct2015. |
6 | Noun~Phay~Sheen |
[Nafsh: |
..."with their whole person, my soul, my breath;" |
those creatures' individual quantized indetermination of freedom and peace finds unlimited existential living possibilityings for them cosmically metabolized...] |
In Song of Songs this appears as Hær Nafshi. No cavitationings. |
7 | Hhayt~Yod~Sheen |
[Hhosh: |
..."livingq spirituallyq, openlyq;" |
livingq assa archetypal spiritualq unlimited possibilityingsq cowithihn existenceq cosmically metabolizingq...] |
No cavitationings. Compare Rosh. (Head, capit,...) Compare Kosher. |
8 | Vav~Ayn~Waw~finalPhay |
[Ve'Awph: |
..."and fertile cavitating of light's cosmic undifferentiated possibilities;" |
while fecundly cavitating "that which issi n¤t's (unsaids')" unlimited and yet unrealized cosmic undifferentiated possibilityings...] |
Cavitationing {~6..6~} of 70. This issi a kind of quantum~expectationings, a beggings of mor[e]ings... Recall Robin Williams' "Yawp?" When "birds..." Doug - 22Ot2015. |
9 | Vav~Ayn~Waw~Phay~finalPhay |
[Ve'Awpaph: |
..."and achieving some of light's cosmic undifferentiated possibilityings;" |
while fecundly cavitating, and thus achieving, "that which issi n¤t's (unsaids')" unlimited and yet unrealized cosmic undifferentiated possibilityings...] |
"" HotMeme "Find yourq selfq~being'sq quantons(saidsq,unsaidsq)!" HotMeme. Doug - 22Oct2015. |
10 | Ayn~Lammed - Hay~Aleph~Raysh~finalTsadde |
[Al - Ha'Ertz: |
..."from light's transmutative~evolutionq of both life and spirit wedded achieving earthy emerqancyingsq cowithihn cosmos;" |
from light's [QED's] unsaids yet to be said existential~metabolically as living vital~impetus cosmically comtained cowithihn quantized cosmic~structurings [emerqancyingsq] ...] | No cavitationings. | |
11 | Ayn~Lammed - Phay~Noun~Yod |
[AaLee-Phney: |
..."thus enlighteningq themselves before all;" |
enlighteningq existential metabolism and middle~includingq quantizing isoenergyings' freedomq, uncertaintyq, and peaceq cowithihn existenceq...] | ||
12 | Raysh~Qof~Yod~Ayn |
[Raqia: |
..."enlighteningq their ostentation, their cosmic vital~impetus' expansionq cowithihn existenceq and eliminating illusionsc and delusionsc cowithihn;" |
enlighteningq their ostensing cavitational and reverberatingq cosmic~comtainment cowithihn cosmic vital~impetus' expansionq of existenceq shiningq brightly and eliminating all delusionsc and all illusionsc for all to see cowithihn...] | See Baraqia | |
13 | Hay~Aleph~Mem~Yod~finalMem |
[Ha'Emeem: |
..."the living cosmos' motherly affectationingsq of them via vital~impetus cowithihn them;" |
the living cosmos' motherly affectationingsq via Hær vital~impetus coaffectingq, coobsfectingq, and cowithihn all of them...] |
We must keep Ben A~dam always cowithihn our pneumatic~psychic viewsq of cosmosq and selvesq. Evolutionq of Aleph cowithihn our bloodq issi da duty of Hær vital~impetus' c¤~affectationingsq cowithihnus. Doug - 22Oct2015. |
(some guesses) |
(some altered by Doug) |
1 | Vav~Yod~Vayt~Raysh~Aleph |
[Veyvarey: |
..."A n¤vel somatic existenceq
full of spirit emerges cowithihn |
A n¤vel somatic existenceq full of fecundity and cosmically comtaining vital~impetus desnouers its selfq as...] |
~actual~existenceings~ ~{archetypal~somatic~comtainmentings~ exalted ascendant naked cavitationings of ~cosmic~comtainmentings}~ ~archetypal~vital~impetusings~. |
2 | Aleph~Lammed~Hay~Yod~finalMem |
[Elohim: |
..."'God's, i.e., an earthly living demiurge with Aleph cowithihn its blood;" |
God's [Hær], i.e., vital~impetus having existential metabolism, alive, cowithihn existence cosmic~biospherically...] |
Cavitationings look like this: ~{1 ~30.5~ 10}~ ~600~. With minimal pair comtextings, shown by lines without tilde (~) embracement, our QCS application turns that ihnto: ~{archetypal~vital~impetusings~ We see our cavitational loop, ~{1 ~30.5~ 10}~, signaturingq finalMem, i.e., hologrally~quantum~assessmentings finalMem. Doug - 5Jan2016. |
3 | Aleph~Tav - Hay~Thav~Noun~Yod~Noun~finalMem |
[Et - Ha'Thaninem: |
..."from alpha to omega, its life overcomes;" |
Atta''s cyclic cosmic vital~impedance metabolically on behalf of life overcomes attempts to stop all FUP~quantizationings of cosmic biospheric existence by...] |
Cavitationings look like this: ~1 400 ~{5 ~400~ 50}~ ~10~ 50}~ ~600~. With pretty good pair comtextings, shown by lines without tilde (~) embracement, our QCS application turns that ihnto: ~archetypal~vital~impetusings~ We see one ~{5 double~cavitating two 50}~ patterns. Again we see Thani, attempting to stop Planck's clock, attempting to disable quantum~reality, but life issi quantum, and life overcomes all classical dialectical, mechanical, objective, formal illusions and delusions by sempiternally evolving, adapting, changing... It may be valuable for you to perceive all quantons' hologral~middles 'naturally' cavitateq metabolically their pair, so you might wish to start thinkqing of quantons(~{5,50}~ like this! All quantum~realityings are metabolicq all the way down to Planck quanta! In Qabala Atta makes this everywhereings, everywhenings metabolismingsq happen. You may have seen Doug write similar this prior:
Every pair of hologralq EWings co~signaturesq its 'mate.' Doug - 5Jan2016. |
4 | Hay~Ghimel~Dallet~Lammed~Yod~finalMem |
[Ha'Gadaleem: |
..."by the powers that be;" |
by living columnarly cavitating organic movers of my resistancings which they existentially metabolize while they straddle cosmic~biospheric isofluxings...] |
Columnar ascendant cavitationings {~3...30~} of 4. M'Gadola issi Big. We see another Doug's use of QCSq here: . . . Without cavitation detail: ~5~ ~{3 ~4~ 30}~ ~10.600~ With cavitation detail: ~archetypal~life~energyings~ ~{archetypal~organic~movementings ascendant
cavitationings of ~archetypal~gatewayveings and their powerful
openings of quantum~assessmentings of and ihncluding . . . Doug - 31Dec2015,5Jan2016. |
5 | Vav~Aleph~Tav |
[Ve'At: |
..."and from alpha to omega;" |
and Atta''s fecund cyclic cosmic vital~impedance of...] | No cavitationings. | ||||
6 | Kaf~Lammed - Noun~Phay~Sheen |
[Kal - Nafsh: |
..."with all of their whole person, their soul, their breath;" |
all of those creatures' individual quantized indetermination of freedom and peace finds unlimited existential living possibilityings for them cosmically metabolized...] |
In Song of Songs this appears as Hær Nafshi. No cavitationings. |
7 | Hay~Hhayt~Yod~Hay |
[Ha'Hhayeh: |
..."the living;" |
as their cavitating livings' reverberate their existential, spiritual unlimited possibilityings, and...] | |||||
8 | Hay~Raysh~Mem~Seen~Tav |
[Ha'Ramset: |
..."their movementings;" |
their cosmic comtainments of their cavitationings from existential biosphere to cosmic vital~impedance of their cosmic metabolisms, all...] | Cavitationing {~40..400~} of 300. | ||||
9 | Aleph~Sheen~Raysh |
[Esher: |
..."witnessing, assessing, monitoring, etc.;" |
witnessing vital~impetus' cosmic metabolisis cosmically comtained...] | Esher issi profoundly quantum~Value~assessment! | ||||
10 | Sheen~Raysh~Tsadde~Waw |
[Shertso: |
..."let them teem, let them flourish and multiply cowithihn living Earth's;" |
allow them to teem their cosmic~metabolic, cosmically~comtainment cowithihn all their existentialq structurationsq fecundlyq cowithihn Earthq's...] | No cavitationings. | ||||
11 | Hay~Mem~Yod~finalMem |
[Ha'Maym: |
..."waters;" |
watersq existentialq biosphere reverberatingq columnarly ascendently cosmosq isofluxicq biosphere...] | Cavitation from Mem to finalMem. This issi a evolutionaryq processq of quantadulativeq maturationingsq. | ||||
12 | Lammed~Mem~Yod~Noun~Hay~finalMem |
[Lemeenham: |
..."while evolutionings of waters proceed through existence' reverberating quantized livings' fecundityings,;" |
while many existential metabolisms
evolve existential biospheres cowithihn existence whose quantized livings' freedom, uncertainty, and peace fecundly experience...] |
Cavitationing {~50.5~}. | ||||
13 | Vav~Aleph~Tav |
[Ve'At: |
..."and from alpha to omega;" |
and Atta''s fecund cyclic cosmic vital~impedance of...] | No cavitationings. | ||||
14 | Kaf~Lammed - Ayn~Waw~finalPhay |
[Kal - Awph: |
..."all of their fertile cavitating of light's cosmic undifferentiated possibilities;" |
all of their fecundly cavitating "that which issi n¤t's (unsaids')" unlimited and yet unrealized cosmic undifferentiated possibilityings...] |
Cavitationing {~6..6~} of 70. This issi a kind of quantum~expectationings, a beggings of mor[e]ings... Recall Robin Williams' "Yawp?" When "birds..." Doug - 22Ot2015. |
15 | Kaf~Noun~finalPhay |
[Kanoph: |
..."vigorously ascend;" |
existentially grail quantizationings' freedoms, uncertaintyings, and peace in their yet unrealized cosmic undifferentiated possibilityings...] | |||||
16 | Lammed~Mem~Yod~Noun~Hay~Waw |
[Lemeeno: |
..."while evolutionings of waters proceed through existence' reverberating quantized livings' fecundityings,;" |
while existential metabolism evolves existential biospheres cowithihn existence whose quantized livings' freedom, uncertainty, and peace fecundly experience...] | Cavitationing {~50.5~}. | ||||
17 | Vav~Yod~Raysh~Aleph |
[Veyarey: |
..."a n¤vel existenceq
full of spirit emerges cowithihn |
a n¤vel existenceq full of fecundity and cosmically comtaining vital~impetus desnouers its selfq as...] | |||||
18 | Aleph~Lammed~Hay~Yod~finalMem |
[Elohim: |
..."'God's, i.e., an earthly living demiurge with Aleph cowithihn its blood;" |
i.e., God's [Hær] vital~impetus having existential metabolism, alive, cowithihn existence cosmic~biospherically...] |
Notice ascendant columnar antinomial cavitationings from 1 to 10 of 30.5. Doug - 4Oct2015. |
19 | Kaf~Yod - Tayt~Waw~Vayt |
[Ki - Tov: |
..."affectingq Qualityq perpetually, ubiquitously;" |
affectingq grailingq Quality, due individually its existenceq, having a feminineq character fecundulatingq and emergingq its own soma's qualityingsq...] | Columnar descending cavitationing {~20...2~} of 10.9.6. | ||||
(some guesses) |
(some altered by Doug) |
1 | Vav~Yod~Raysh~finalKhaf |
[Ve'Yeraq: |
..."And existenceq issi blessed;" |
And existenceq issi blessed with its cosmic comtainment cosmically grailing isofluxq...] | Compare Baraq. | |
2 | Aleph~Tav~Mem |
[Etam: |
..."by heavenly and earthly spiritual resistances;" |
by vital~impetus struggling with cavitationings of cosmic vital~impedance against and reverberating existential biospheres...] |
This could be Etam also. They cavitate like this {400.40} Tav and Mem are high and medium energyq resistancingsq. Ponder: Dodi {~} Momi {~} Toti. {~400.6.400.10~} If Dodi's projectedq energyq issi idoD as Yahweh, thence: What issi Momi's projectedq energyq imoM? What about Toti's projectedq energyq itoT? Doug - 24Oct2015. |
3 | Aleph~Lammed~Hay~Yod~finalMem |
[Elohim: |
..."'God's, i.e., an earthly living demiurge with Aleph cowithihn its blood;" |
God's [Hær], i.e., vital~impetus having existential metabolism, alive, cowithihn existence cosmic~biospherically...] |
Notice ascendant columnar antinomial cavitationings from 1 to 10 of 30.5. Doug - 4Oct2015. |
4 | Lammed~Aleph~Mem~Raysh |
[Lammer: |
..."to say;" |
to say existential metabolism of vital impetus cowithihn existential biosphere cosmically comtained...] |
great significance in both Qabala and Sepher Yetsira. |
5 | Phay~Raysh~Waw |
[Phiro: |
..."fertile fruit in abundance;" |
fecundityingsq of unlimitedq existential possibilityingsq cosmically comtained...] | ||
6 | Vav~Raysh~Vayt~Waw |
[Ve'Rabo: |
..."and burgeonq many;" |
and burgeonq via fecund cavitationings of cosmic comtainment of soma's fractal~recursive~reverberationq bearing many quanta...] | Cavitationings {~6...6~} of ~200.2~. | |
7 | Vav~Mem~Lammed~Aleph~Waw |
[Ve'Malao: |
..."to fullness without bound;" |
to abundant fullness via fecund cavitationings of biospheric metabolism's ever present vital~impetus cowithihn existence ...] | Cavitationings {~6...6~} of ~40.30.1~. | |
8 | Aleph~Tav - Hay~Mem~Yod~finalMem |
[Et-Ha'Maym: |
..."from alpha to omega, under Hær living earthly~cosmic waters' energyings;" |
from Atta's cyclic cosmic vital~impedance under Hær living biosphere's existence cowithihn cosmic biosphere fractally~recursively~reverberatingq and bearing many energetic quanta...] | ||
9 | Bayt~Yod~Mem~Yod~finalMem |
[Ba'Yemeem: |
..."in great waters;" |
whose somas cowithihn great waters cavitating existential biosphere reverberating maturely cowithihn cosmic biosphere...] | Cavitation {~10..10~} of ~40~. | |
10 | Vav~Hay~Ayn~Waw~finalPhay |
[Ve'Ha'Awph: |
..."and the fertile cavitating of light's cosmic undifferentiated possibilities;" |
while livinglyq, fecundly cavitating "that which issi n¤t's (unsaids')" unlimited and yet unrealized cosmic undifferentiated possibilityings...] |
Cavitation {~6...6~} of ~5.70~. This issi a kind of livingq quantum~expectationings, a beggings of mor[e]ings... Recall Robin Williams' "Yawp?" When "birds..." (do what most animals cannot) |
11 | Yod~Raysh~Vayt |
[Yerav: |
..."and even more...;" |
and even more of existence cosmically comtained cavitating sempiternally permeable somas everywhere, everywhen...] | Cavitationing {~200.2~}. | |
12 | Bayt~Aleph~Raysh~finalTsadde |
[Ba'Ertz: |
..."on earth;" |
on and in somaticq cavitation of vital~impetus reverberatingq cosmic comtainment and achieving cosmic isofluxq' ultimate emerqant~fermionicityingsq...] | Cavitation {~2..100~} of ~1~. | |
(some guesses) |
(some altered by Doug) |
1 | Vav~Yod~Hay~Yod |
[Ve'Yehy: |
..."And divinely Hær cavitating divinely our antinomialq two~livings existence, living existence cowithihn and resonating~reverberating;" |
And divinely we experience Hær cavitating divine double existence archetypically, recursively, fractally, complementaryq~antinomiallyq living cowithihn Hær and ¤ur quantum~selves' recursively resonating~reverberating...] |
This issi YahWeh reverse~perturbed as YahYaw, VayHay. So instead of we have Latter issi fecundity of "Two life~existencings." So YahWeh may then be viewed as "existence of two fecund livings." This issi fascinating stuff of Qabala and Gnosis!!! Think of Yehy as a quantum~straddling of divinity and existence with existence cavitating divine life. Do not forget about 10.5.10 assa!!! Compare assa 12.6.12 with 12 as Yod.10~Bayt.2, latter being somatic existence without Aleph: Satan!!! Doug - 23Oct2015. |
2 | Ayn~Raysh~Vayt |
[Aarv: |
..."enlightening pleasurings cowithihn us;" |
Hær lightings cosmically comtaining our somas cowithihn Hær...] |
Notice divine~empty columnar declension from 200 to 2. This word has many complementary~antinomialq semaq including Arab. Doug - 4Oct2015. |
3 | Vav~Yod~Hay~Yod |
[Ve'Yehy: |
..."and divinely again, Hær cavitating divinely our antinomialq two~livings existence, living existence cowithihn and resonating~reverberating;" |
and divinely again, we experience Hær cavitating divine double existence archetypically, recursively, fractally, complementaryq~antinomiallyq living cowithihn Hær and ¤ur quantum~selves' recursively resonating~reverberating...] | ||
4 | Vayt~Qof~Raysh |
[Vaqar: |
..."and we desiderate;" |
and we must desiderate Hær cosmic vital~impetus cowithihn our somas cosmic~comtainmentings and Hær own presence [we may view Raysh re~emerqing Hær vital~impetus] cowithihn all of us...] | Notice ascendant columnar cavitationings from 2 to 200 of 100. | |
5 | Yod~Waw~finalMem |
[Yom: |
..."day;" |
all of our daily existencings' cavitational fecundityings of our cosmic~biospheres experiencing...] |
From night...into day. Notice ascendant columnar empty (divine) exaltationings from 6 to 600. Obtain light wasn't 'called.' Rather lightq QED~evolvedq... Doug - 4,6Oct2015. |
6 | Hay~Mem~Yod~Sheen~Yod |
[Ha'Mishi: |
..."fifth;" |
the fifth day's living existential biosphere divinely "two lives" cavitating cosmic metabolism reverberating "two lives" perpetually, ubiquitously....] | Cavitationings {~10..10~} of 300. | |
(some guesses) |
(some altered by Doug) |
1 | Vav~Yod~Aleph~Mem~Raysh |
[Ve'Yomer: |
..."And all saids in existence from;" |
And all existences' saids fecundating vital~impetus evolving biospheres of voice clouds of immortal speech cosmically comtained....] | ||
2 | Aleph~Lammed~Hay~Yod~finalMem |
[Elohim: |
..."'God's, i.e., an earthly living demiurge with Aleph cowithihn its blood;" |
i.e., God's [Hær] vital~impetus having existential metabolism, alive, cowithihn existence cosmic~biospherically...] |
Notice ascendant columnar antinomial cavitationings from 1 to 10 of 30.5. Doug - 4Oct2015. |
3 | Thav~Waw~Tsadde~Aleph |
[Totsey'A: |
..."Hær resonant fecundation of leaky cosmic resistancings existentially re~emerscing vital~impetus ;" |
Hær divine fecundq cavitationingsq of permeable vital~impedance resonant~pumpingq reemerscenturingsq of vital~impetusq...] |
"Aleph cowithihn Totsey issi reborn." Suares, CoG, p.94. Doug's "issi" and "cowithihn." Cavitationings {~6..6~}. Observe how fibre optic grails need repumping at intervals. Imagine Aleph as photons in a fibre channel via periodic restructuring amplification, without which channel traffic 'signal strength' would intra~channel die. 15Oct2015 - Doug. |
4 | Hay~Aleph~Raysh~finalTsadde |
[Ha'Eretz: |
..."vital~impetus living as cosmic bodies;" |
living vital~impetus cosmically comtained cowithihn exalted cosmic structurationings...] | ||
5 | Noun~Phay~Sheen |
[Nafsh, Nafesh: |
..."with their whole person, my soul, my breath;" |
those creatures' individual quantized indetermination of freedom and peace finds unlimited existential living possibilityings for them cosmically metabolized...] |
In Song of Songs this appears as Hær Nafshi. No cavitationings. |
6 | Hhayt~Yod~Hay |
[Kheeah: |
..."living;" |
(we see) unlimited primal spiritual (as thermodynamic) possibilities of Qabala's second of two lives, Yod~Hay...] | ||
7 | Lammed~Mem~Yod~Noun~Hay |
[Lemeeno: |
..."while evolutionings of waters proceed through existence' reverberating quantized livings' fecundityings;" |
while existential metabolism evolves existential biospheres cowithihn existence whose quantized livings' freedom, uncertainty, and peace experience fecundly...] | Cavitationing {~50.5~}. | |
8 | Bayt~Hay~Mem~Hay |
[Ba'Ha'Memah, Bama: |
..."the livestock;" |
homes of many living biosphere' lives...] |
A flock of living biospheres at home. Bama: |
9 | Vav~Raysh~Mem~Seen |
[Ve'Ramas: |
..."and those who compenetrate their detention cowithihn waters all evolving;" |
and those who understand and standunder cosmic comtainment existentially biosphered and evolving under impetus of cosmic metabolism...] |
Ram issi cosmic understanding~standingunder. Doug - 24Oct2015. |
10 | Vav~Hhayt~Yod~Tav~Waw |
[Ve'Hhyto: |
..."and many struggling with Hær cosmic resistancings;" |
fecund cavitationings of soma's life reverberating endless cosmic vital~impedance...] | Cavitationing {~6...6~} of ~2.5.400~. | |
11 | Aleph~Raysh~finalTsadde |
[Eretz: |
..."vital~impetus living as cosmic bodies;" |
living vital~impetus cosmically comtained cowithihn exalted cosmic structurationings...] | ||
12 | Lammed~Mem~Yod~Noun~Hay |
[Lemeeno: |
..."while evolutionings of waters proceed through existence' reverberating quantized livings' fecundityings;" |
while existential metabolism evolves existential biospheres cowithihn existence whose quantized livings' freedom, uncertainty, and peace experience fecundly...] | Cavitationing {~50.5~}. | |
13 | Vav~Yod~Hay~Yod |
[Ve-Yehy: |
..."and divinely again, cavitating divine existence, living existence cowithihn and resonating~reverberating;" |
and divinely again, cavitating divine existence archetypically, recursively, fractally living cowithihn its quantum~self's...] | ||
14 | Khaf~finalNoun |
[Khan: |
..."grailing cosmos' energyings;" |
existentially grailing cosmic isoflux' quantizationings of their peace, uncertainty, and freedom...] | ||