Regarding Genesis 1:9-16:
Doug is following Carlo Suares' teaching here. Suares claims 'the standard translation' of Genesis is incompetent, entirely misguiding, an abomination. A ruse, perhaps unintentional, perhaps otherwise.
Whoever did this, using whatever translation accoutrements available, hid...
...quantum aspects of Genesis from their readers.
Hiding those aspects of ultimate understanding of reality is, to Doug, ultimate classical hegemonic deceit!
Unintentional? You decide. Doug has omnicided!
Suares wouldn't even touch most of this text because of that (See Cipher of Genesis, WeiserBooks, 2005 paperback edition.). Doug, perhaps incompetently as a novice himself, has attempted, using what he has learned from Suares' opus, to do what Suares resisted doing. Take Doug's novice standingunder into account, please.
Doug shows, for each verse and word of Chapter II of Genesis, each word spelled~out left to right in Autiot fractal~recursive cipher. Then, in parentheses, Doug shows said cipher's qwf Gematria. Following that Doug shows in brackets: pronunciation (sometimes a guess, sometimes from Suares, sometimes from Webster's), [ellipsis] thence literal scholars' translation in double quotes, thence Doug's semantic Value~interpretation~heuristic~hermeneutic in Apple Chancery font [ellipsis].
Like this: Aut~Aut~Aut~ (ordinal qwf gematria, e.g., [pronunciation (sometimes a guess): ..."literal
translation (from Zondervan Interlinear Hebrew-English)"
Doug's Suaresesque semantic
Value interpretation
. Doug's illeism is Doug taking artistic~interpretive~heuristic
responsibility for his semantic opus.
To do this, we need a legend of Autiot and their Gematria. Let's use Suares' Letter~Numbers as our reference:
Genesis I:9 | Genesis I:10 | Genesis I:11 | Genesis I:12 | Genesis I:13 | Genesis I:14 | Genesis I:15 | Genesis I:16 |
why were they so concerned about preventing heretics' blood from spilling on Earth's ground?" Dallet issi resistance as incompressibility which enables Mem.blood to flow based upon heart's metabolicq (Atta) pumping. We fathom antinomialismq of incompressible blood (Dam: Dallet~Mem) and its abilityingsq to be flowingsq. Heart's energyingsq for pumpingsq come from Aleph.1 and its hologral~nexiq with all other (known) Alephs:10.100.1000. In case of Yod.10 as Aleph.1's existential antinomial, we ponder Yod ideogram as a symbol of metabolicq~hysteresisq of heart's pumping latencies. We may further fathom Yod assa Hay plus Hay, "two livings." Once we 'see' that, we may also see At and Ta as "two livings." Thence male and female as "two lvings.") Heretics and other embracers of indetermination had Aleph.1 in their blood: A~Dam. See Doug's Aleph~Yod script. heretical choice to find one's inner and escape all dead church stux sux dogma, patriarchy, orthodoxy, hegemony, tyranny, misogyny, etc. know that we are now going to witness Aleph's burial, that is, its factual deposition under Earth." individuality, Gnosis, Qabala, alchemy (precursor of thermodynamicq physi), metaphysiq), and so on... It's end issi nigh...during Day III... |
(some guesses) |
(some altered by Doug) |
1 | Vav - Yod ~Aleph~Mem~Raysh |
[Ve-Yomer: |
..."[We fathom] Cosmic immanent actional fecundity bringing together existence and vital~impetus existentially biosphered and cosmically comtained and;" |
And emanation of existence cowithihn vital~impetus existentially biosphered and cosmically comtained, and...] |
This better translation (retranslation) shows unambiguously coitalq Aleph~Yod antinomialsq together. Vital~impetus as fluxq cowithihn its antinomialq existential~fluxq laid bare. Suares shows us n¤t to view Yomer in this hologrammaricq flux~quintessential~roleq~situationq assa classical 'speaking-vocal' 'verb.' Doug - 30Sep,12Oct2015. |
2 | Aleph~Lammed~Hay~Yod~finalMem |
[Elohim: |
..."an earthly living demiurge with Aleph cowithihn its blood;" |
vital~impetus having existential metabolism, alive, cowithihn existence cosmic~biospherically...] | ||
3 | Yod~Qof~Waw~Waw |
[Iqaoo: |
..."falling under;" |
falling ihnto an existence straddling cosmic impetus whose divine fecundity will lift vital~impetus again...] |
Suares writes regarding Gen I:8, verse just prior this one, "...has shown Yod in existence, plainly visible in Maym (40.10.40), held in between two biological resistances thrust into [metabolic] motion by Sheen (300) as expressed by the schema Shamaym. Those were the waters 'above,' or the biosphere." "Next we come to examine the inorganic waters 'below.' The [Autiot] text says that they Iqaoo (Yod~Qof~Waw~Waw: El Maqom Ehhad. Iqaoo is the most rational and intelligent schema that can be constructed in the circumstance. Let us imagine symbolically the energy called Aleph falling into a Yod far below the organized life of the biosphere and yet proceeding along in a loop, upwards. The junction between Yod and Aleph is Qof, as already stated. So Qof is called for, appears, and with it the double Waw which will eventually be doubly fruitful." See Cog, page 93. Doug's brackets. |
4 | Hay~Mem~Yod~finalMem |
[Ha'Maym: |
..."under Hær living earthly~cosmic waters' energyings;" |
under Hær living biosphere's existence cowithihn cosmic biosphere...] | ||
5 | Mem~Thav~Hhayt~Tav |
[Me'Thahhat: |
..."those atemporal spirit of the depths;" |
those existential waters drowning ihn a double cosmic vital~impedance cavitation~resonant~hiding of all spiritually unlimited possibilityings...] |
We see existential cavitation of a nesting double thermodynamicq vital~impedance of spiritualq unlimited possibilityingsq. (Thav end being permeableq...) |
6 | Hay~Sheen~Mem~Yod~finalMem |
[Ha'Shamaym: |
..."living cosmos, the living sky;" |
as living cosmos, its cosmic metabolism reverberating all existence cowithihn all existential metabolisms and cosmic metabolisms...] |
Idiomatically Shamaim is 'heavens.' Suares describes (omniscribes) evolutionq of Shamaim on p. 81 of his CoG text, "The so-called 'heaven' in the first verse, the name of which is Shamaim, contains a Yod between two Mem. This sequence indicates the cosmic movement [of column 3.30.300] of Sheen acting against [in any sense of relentlessly, sempiternallyq evolvingq] Mayim, the so-called waters: the two Mem... ...between which Yod is playing against its [antinomialq] partner Aleph [Aleph.1] in the game of existenceq [Yod.10] versus lifeq [Hay.5]." Doug's brackets and quantum~subscriptings. Suares doesn't speak or write of Gematraic~energyq cavitationingsq. Doug does, since Atta implicitly prescribes fermionic~esque hologra[[il]lex][m][mmat][ph][view]]icq quantum~cavitationings: "Autiot~Gematria fluxodynamicsq quantum~wave~functional~cavitationings..." Quantonic Revelation HotMeme Doug - 28-30Sep2015. (Quote borrowed from Sidis~esque Good Will Hunting movie with Matt Damon. Following OT's exemplar, Doug might have asked, "How about those grapes?") |
7 | Aleph~Lammed - Mem~Qof~Waw~finalMem |
[El-Maqom: |
..."vital~impetus born anew arising;" |
and vital~impetus' metabolisis issi reborn anew, cowithihn its existential biosphere destroying all illusions via its cosmic vital~impetus' instantiation copulating cosmos' biospheric isoflux...] | ||
8 | Aleph~Hhayt~Dallet |
[Ehhad: |
..."Behold one, Aleph.1;" |
Behold vital~impetus, its spiritual unlimited possibilityings encountering gatewayveings of resistance...] | Ehhad issi, according Suares, the name of Aleph as number 1. | |
9 | Vav~Tav~Raysh~Aleph~Hay |
[Vetrayeh: |
..."let appear;" |
witnessing fecundity of cosmic~vital~impedance cosmically comtained with Shyar's and Tav's rebirth of living~vital~impetus cowithihn...] |
Tav and Raysh fertilized give birth to living Aleph.1. See CoG, page 93. Shyar of Tav re bears Aleph. Now recall Song of Songs chapter I verse 1, "Shyar Ha Shyareem Esher Le'Shalomoh." "Songings of Songingings witnesses my peace." "Rebirthings of vital~impetusings witnesses my freedom, uncertainty, and peace." "Rebirthings of spiritual~qwfs quantum~assess my embracing indetermination." Doug - 7Oct2015. |
10 | Hay~Yod~Bayt~Sheen~Hay |
[Ha'Bashah: |
..."the (Hær) dry land;" |
living existence housing living cosmic~metabolism...] |
We see cavitation by divine life.5 of cosmic~metabolic.300 existence.10 comtained.2. Suares interprets this, " Hay in existence Yod of containers Bayt create the very cosmic breath, Sheen, which is life, Hay." Clearly cosmic breath issi metabolic, and existential life itself issi a symptom of that cosmic~metabolism. But existential life creates existential metabolism as a symptom of life. We see quantons(lifeq,metabolismq), life issi cowithihn metabolism and metabolism issi cowithihn life. This issi similar Pirsig's, "...mind issi ihn body and body issi ihn mind, without con(m)tradiction." Life and metabolism antinomiallyq~complementq one another without comtradiction. Mind and body antinomiallyq~complementq one another without comtradiction. Observe how Hay's Aut illustrates its own quantization: Compare Qof's self~illustrating quantization: These are only two Aut which give direct tells of quantization. Both are about lifeq itself, Qof being durable, perpetually, always straddlingq existence~cosmos. Their separate, quantized~quantizing vertical stroke issi, to Doug, a tell of quanta. Hayq appears as Dallet with a broken leg plus its quantum. Qofq ("koofq") appears as an exalted (above) hyper~Lammed plus its quantum. Doug - 7Oct2015. |
11 | Vav~Yod~Hay~Yod |
[Ve'Yehy: |
..."reborn anew offers Hær cavitating divinely our antinomialq two~livings existence, living existence cowithihn and resonating~reverberating;" |
We observe reborn anew Hær cavitating divine double lifeq existence archetypically, recursively, fractally living cowithihn Hær and ¤ur quantum~selves' recursively resonating~reverberating...] |
Bilateral recursive fractal Yavdel two trends double Yod cavitationings of Hay. Two livings! Life 1 complementaryq~antinomialq Life 2. See Atta's Life 1 "breathing~¤ut," and Life 2 "breathing~ihn." This offers expanded semantic head to Jesus' "...for those who have ears to listen." Refer, especially, Thomas' Gospel. Hearing issi quantons(sound,silence). Doug - 6,18Oct2015. |
12 | Khaf~finalNoun |
[Khan: |
..."grailing cosmos' energyings;" |
existentially grailing cosmic isoflux' quantizationings of his peace, uncertainty, and freedom...] | ||
(some guesses) |
(some altered by Doug) |
1 | Vav~Yod~Qof~Raysh~Aleph |
[Veiqra: |
..."And we must desiderate;" |
And we must do multi~nesting cavitationings among existence, cosmic vital~impetus, cosmic~comtainmentings and Hær own vital~impetus cowithihn all of us...] |
Suares writes regarding this verse, "This translation is too infantile to be commented upon." Ibid., p. 90. He is referring, "and God called the light Day and the darkness he called Night." For example, see Zondervan, and RSV, etc. What this verse, according Suares, is really about issi "the Yavdel ... cowithihn both Awr and Layla) both Awr and Hhosheykh. Awr becomes Yom, and Hhosheykh becomes Layla." See page 90, CoG. Just FYE, this pairwise quantum~complementary~antinomialism throughout all of Autiot, its Gematria, Qabala, Gnosis, etc., issi much of what makes learning this quantum~language so challenging for folk who have been propagandized and publicly, socially 'educated' (rather Borg-like assimilatively indoctrinated) in formal, mechanical, anal-retentive objective dead languages like English. Compare Yin and Yang as complementaryq Möbius antinomialsq. Observe that 'normally,' Yin is Yom (light) and should appear as a six (Waw) teardrop pointing up. Similarly Yang is Layla (dark) and should appear as a nine (Tayt) teardrop pointing pudendally down. Observe at that link how Niels Bohr's Coat of Arms depicts this quantum~complementary~antinomial male~female interrelationshiping well. I.e., testes below and phallus up (six), and ovaries above and pudenda down (nine). Ponder fecundity of vital~impetus (6...) acting upon cavitationings of three Aleph's. (~10.100~) existential Alephic ascension to cosmic Aleph [~100...1~] cosmic Aleph declension to archetypal Aleph Doug issi using 'desiderate' here as a "wanting and needing desire." We quantumly~assess Hær, we 'read' Hær, and 'call' Hær to and cowithihn our selvesq. Doug - 3Oct2015. |
2 | Aleph~Lammed~Hay~Yod~finalMem |
[Elohim: |
..."'God's, i.e., an earthly living demiurge with Aleph cowithihn its blood;" |
i.e., God's [Hær] vital~impetus having existential metabolism, alive, cowithihn existence cosmic~biospherically...] |
Notice ascendant columnar antinomial cavitationings from 1 to 10 of 30.5. Doug - 4Oct2015. |
3 | Lammed~Yod~Bayt~Sheen~Hay |
[Le'Bashah: |
..."to (Hær) dry land;" |
living existence housing living cosmic~metabolism on...] |
We see exalting columnar cavitation by living existential metabolism.30 of existential soma by cosmic metabolic.300. Clearly cosmic breath issi metabolic, and existential life itself issi a symptom of that cosmic~metabolism. But existential life creates existential metabolism as a symptom of life. We see quantons(lifeq,metabolismq), life issi cowithihn metabolism and metabolism issi cowithihn life. This issi similar Pirsig's, "...mind issi ihn body and body issi ihn mind, without con(m)tradiction." Life and metabolism antinomiallyq~complementq one another without comtradiction. Mind and body antinomiallyq~complementq one another without comtradiction. Observe how Hay's Aut illustrates its own quantization: Compare Qof's self~illustrating quantization: These are only two Aut which give direct tells of quantization. Both are about lifeq itself, Qof being durable, perpetually, always straddlingq existence~cosmos. Their separate, quantized~quantizing vertical stroke issi, to Doug, a tell of quanta. Hayq appears as Dallet with a broken leg plus its quantum. Qofq ("koofq") appears as an exalted (above) hyper~Lammed plus its quantum. Doug - 7,9Oct2015. |
4 | Aleph~Raysh~finalTsadde |
[Eretz: |
..."Earth's land;" |
earthly vital~impetus' comtainment cowithihn cosmic~structuration...] | ||
5 | Vav~Lammed~Mem~Qof~Waw~Hay |
[Ve'Le'Maqoh: |
..."and to a biospheric~metabolism born anew, living, and arising;" |
and to living fecund~cavitationings of biospheric~metabolism reborn anew, cowithihn its existential biosphere with perpetual life~death destroying all staticc dialecticalc illusionsc via its cosmic vital~impetus' evolvingq~copulatingq livingq fluxq...] |
Compare Maqoh and Maqom. Here, unlike Maqom, we see living fecund~cavitationings of metabolisis of existential biosphere experiencing relentless cosmic vital~impetus' destruction of illusions, delusions sempiternally evolvingq n¤væltyings. |
6 | Hay~Mem~Yod~finalMem |
[Ha'Maym: |
..."the livingq watersq, the living complementaryq~actualityingsq;" |
as complementary~antinomial existential~cosmic biospheric~metabolism of existence...] |
Mem~Yod~finalMem issi existential~cosmic metabolic exalted columnar cavitationings of existence. For Doug it helps to view Yod as "two lives." When we do that, we may view Yod.10 as two Hay.5 livings. Yod.10 issi quantons(livings.5,livings.5). Using that script we see complementary~antinomiality of two lives according especially Atta as antinomialism of breathing~¤ut and breathing~ihn. Doug - 9Oct2015. |
7 | Qof~Raysh~Aleph |
[Qara: |
..."yes, desiderate Hær, and;" |
we must desiderate Hær cosmic vital~impetus, cosmic~comtainmentings and Hær own vital~impetus cowithihn all of us, and...] | Notice descendant columnar cavitationings from 100 to 1 of 200. | |
8 | Yod~Mem~Yod~finalMem |
[Ya'Mayeem: |
..."existential waters;" |
divine existential cavitationings of Hær biosphere cowithihn cosmic biosphere...] | We see existential Mem.40 cavitating itself cosmically. | |
9 | Vav~Yod~Raysh~Aleph |
[Veyarey: |
..."A n¤væl existence full of spirit emerges cowithihn cosmos' isoflux, and laid bare is;" |
A n¤væl existenceq full of fecundityq and cosmically comtaining vital~impetus desnouers its selfq as...] |
Suares asks us to compare Veyarey and Bara: |
10 | Aleph~Lammed~Hay~Yod~finalMem |
[Elohim: |
..."'God's, i.e., an earthly living demiurge with Aleph cowithihn its blood;" |
i.e., God's [Hær] vital~impetus having existential metabolism, alive, cowithihn existence cosmic~biospherically...] |
Notice ascendant columnar antinomial cavitationings from 1 to 10 of 30.5. Doug - 4Oct2015. |
11 | Tayt~Waw~Vayt |
[Tov: |
..."Hær cellular inherent qualityq;" |
Hær cellular structuration having a feminine character fecundulating and emerging its own soma's qualityings...] | ||
(some guesses) |
(some altered by Doug) |
1 | Vav~Yod~Aleph~Mem~Raysh |
[Ve'Yomer: |
..."And all saids in existence from;" |
And all existences' saids fecundating columnar vital~impetus evolvingq existential biospheres of voice clouds of immortalq speech cosmically comtained cowithihn isofluxq from...] | Columnar {~10.1~} cavitationings. | |
2 | Aleph~Lammed~Hay~Yod~finalMem |
[Elohim: |
..."an earthly living demiurge with Aleph cowithihn its blood;" |
to an livingq vital~impetus having existential metabolism, aliveq, cowithihn existence cosmic~biospherically...] | Cavitationing {~1...10~}. | |
3 | Thav~Dallet~Sheen~Aleph |
[Thadasha: |
..."while cosmos issi resisting, green shoots are sprouting~evolvingq as spiritualq emerqancyingsq;" |
while cosmic vital~impedance imposes upon archetypal resistance its cosmic~metabolism rebearing vital~impetus cowithihn green shoots as spiritual emerqancyings of...] | Columnar~cavitationing {~400.4~}. | |
4 | Hay~Aleph~Raysh~finalTsadde |
[Ha'Ertz: |
..."both life and spirit wedded achieving earthy emerqancyingsq cowithihn cosmos;" |
both livingq vital~impetus cosmically comtained, weddedq, and achieving earth~like emerqancyingsq cowithihn cosmic isofluxq...] | No cavitationings. | |
5 | Dallet~Sheen~Aleph |
[Dasha: |
..."whose green shoots sprouting~evolvingq as spiritualq emerqancyingsq;" |
whose archetypal resistance and its cosmic~metabolism are bearing vital~impetus cowithihn green shoots as spiritual emerqancyings...] | No cavitationings. | |
6 | Ayn~Seen~Vayt |
[Assev: |
..."bearing focused lightings evolvingq cowithihn soma;" |
bearing "that which is not's" light cosmic~metabolically focusing on its own soma as...] | No cavitationings. | |
7 | Mem~Zayn~Raysh~Yod~Ayn |
[Mazerin: |
..."bioemerqsq' unlimited potentiaq of packetizedq lightq cowithihn existenceq;" |
existential biospheres with unlimited potentia cosmically~comtained cowithihn existence made brilliant by quantized golden lightings'...] | Cavitationing {~7...70~}. | |
8 | Zayn~Raysh~Ayn |
[Zeraa: |
..."unlimited potentia of packetizedq lightq energyingsq;" |
[whose] unlimited potentia are cosmically comtained, too made brilliant by quantized lightings...] | Cavitationing {~7..70~}. | |
9 | Ayn~finalTsadde |
[Atz: |
..."enlightening cosmic emerqancyings;" |
and enlightening all cosmic isofluxings' fluxingsq cowithihn quantized cosmic~structurings [emerqancyingsq] with...] | No cavitationings. | |
10 | Phay~Raysh~Yod |
[Phari, Firi, Fari, etc.: |
..."unlimited existential possibilitiesq cowithihn existence;" |
fruitful unlimited existential possibilityingsq emergingq from cosmos' unlimited undifferentiatedq energyingsq cosmically comtained cowithihn existence...] | No cavitationings. | |
11 | Ayn~Seen~Hay |
[Assah: |
..."doing, dueing;" |
abundantlyq doing~dueingq more...] | No cavitationings. | |
12 | Phay~Raysh~Yod |
[Phari, Firi, Fari, etc.: |
..."unlimited existential possibilitiesq cowithihn existence;" |
fruitful unlimited existential possibilityingsq emergingq from cosmos' unlimited undifferentiatedq energyingsq cosmically comtained cowithihn existence...] | No cavitationings. | |
13 | Lammed~Mem~Yod~Noun~Waw |
[Lemeeno: |
..."while evolutionings of waters proceed through existence' quantized fecundityings;" |
while existential metabolism evolves existential biospheres cowithihn existence whose quantized freedom, uncertainty, and peace issi fecundly...] | No cavitationings. | |
14 | Aleph~Sheen~Raysh |
[Esher: |
..."witnessing;" |
witnessing vital~impetus' cosmic metabolisis cosmically comtaining...] |
No cavitationings. Esher issi profoundly quantum~Value~assessment! |
15 | Zayn~Raysh~Ayn~Waw - Vayt~Waw |
[Zeryao - Vo: |
..."unlimited fecundq potentiaq of packetizedq lightq energyingsq;" |
unlimited columnar cavitationq of potentiaq cosmically comtaining and reverberatingq brilliant lightingsq fecundly cavitating all somatic~shell reverberatingsq emergingq...] |
Cavitationing {~7..70~}. Cavitationings {~6.2.6~}. |
16 | Ayn~Lammed - Hay~Aleph~Raysh~finalTsadde |
[Al - Ha'Ertz: |
..."from light's transmutative~evolutionq of both life and spirit wedded achieving earthy emerqancyingsq cowithihn cosmos;" |
from light's [QED's] unsaids yet to be said existential~metabolically as living vital~impetus cosmically comtained cowithihn quantized cosmic~structurings [emerqancyingsq] ...] | No cavitationings. | |
17 | Vav~Yod~Hay~Yod - Khaf~finalNoun |
[Ve'Yehy - Khan: |
..."and double existential livings grailing cosmos' energyings;" |
We observe reborn anew Hær cavitatingq divine double lifeq existence archetypically, recursively, fractally livingq cowithihn Hær and ¤ur quantum~selves' recursively resonating~reverberatingq...] |
Divine~cavitationingsq {~10.5.10~}. And when we see each Yod as quanton(Hay,Hay): Divine~cavitationingsq {~[~5,5~].5.[~5,5~]~}: Life, Gn¤sis, S¤phia, Magdalen, all Marys, Venus, Wisdom. Notice five fives! This, to Doug, issi like saying, "Yod issi 'two livings.' " Indeed, everywhere we look cowithihn Yod, we see antinomial pairs appearing often as "two livings." Fathom Autiot!!! Indeed, again, 'god' has many livings in Qabala: Aleph.1, Yod~Yod, Qof, and ineffable 1000. Too, Elohim, YahWeh, Shadai, Yod~Yod, etc. All of them appear antinomial one another! Note how Islam issi similar in any sense of having "many names for 'god'." Using Doug's new QCSq application that entire pattern of gematria looks like this: . . . Without cavitationing detail: ~6~ ~{10 ~5~ 10}~ ~20.700~ With cavitationing detail: ~6~ ~{10 unit populated bilateral cavitationings of ~5~ unit populated bilateral reverberationings cowithihn 10}~ ~20.700~ . . . Doug - 12,18Oct,31Dec2015. |
(some guesses) |
(some altered by Doug) |
1 | Vav~Thav~Waw~Tsadde~Aleph |
[Totsey'A: |
..."Hær resonant fecundation of leaky cosmic resistancings existentially re~emerscing vital~impetus ;" |
Hær divine fecundq cavitationingsq of permeable vital~impedance resonant~pumpingq reemerscenturingsq of vital~impetusq...] |
"Aleph cowithihn Totsey issi reborn." Suares, CoG, p.94. Doug's "issi" and "cowithihn." Cavitationings {~6..6~}. Observe how fibre optic grails need repumping at intervals. Imagine Aleph as photons in a fibre channel via periodic restructuring amplification, without which channel traffic 'signal strength' would intra~channel die. 15Oct2015 - Doug. |
2 | Hay~Aleph~Raysh~finalTsadde |
[Ha'Ertz: |
..."both life and spirit wedded achieving earthy emerqancyingsq cowithihn cosmos;" |
both livingq vital~impetus cosmically comtained, weddedq, and achieving earth~like emerqancyingsq cowithihn cosmic isofluxq...] | No cavitationings. | |
3 | Dallet~Sheen~Aleph |
[Dasha: |
..."whose green shoots sprouting~evolvingq as spiritualq emerqancyingsq;" |
whose archetypal resistance and its cosmic~metabolism are bearing vital~impetus cowithihn green shoots as spiritual emerqancyings...] | No cavitationings. | |
4 | Ayn~Seen~Vayt |
[Assev: |
..."bearing focused lightings evolvingq cowithihn soma;" |
bearing "that which is not's" light cosmic~metabolically focusing on its own soma as...] | No cavitationings. | |
5 | Mem~Zayn~Raysh~Yod~Ayn |
[Mazerin: |
..."bioemerqsq' unlimited potentiaq of packetizedq lightq cowithihn existenceq;" |
existential biospheres with unlimited potentia cosmically~comtained cowithihn existence made brilliant by quantized golden lightings'...] | Cavitationing {~7...70~}. | |
6 | Zayn~Raysh~Ayn |
[Zeryaa: |
..."unlimited potentia of packetizedq lightq energyingsq;" |
[whose] unlimited potentia are cosmically comtained, too made brilliant by quantized lightings...] | Cavitationing {~7..70~}. | |
7 | Lammed~Mem~Yod~Noun~Hay~Waw |
[Lemeeno: |
..."while evolutionings of waters proceed through existence' reverberating quantized livings' fecundityings;" |
while existential metabolism evolves existential biospheres cowithihn existence whose quantized livings' freedom, uncertainty, and peace experience fecundly...] | Cavitationing {~50.5~}. | |
8 | Vav~Ayn~finalTsadde |
[Ve'Atz: |
..."and fecundly enlightening cosmic emerqancyings;" |
and fecundly enlightening all cosmic isofluxings' fluxingsq cowithihn quantized cosmic~structurings [emerqancyingsq] while...] | No cavitationings. | |
9 | Ayn~Seen~Hay |
[Assah: |
..."doing, dueing;" |
abundantlyq doing~dueingq more...] | No cavitationings. | |
10 | Phay~Raysh~Yod |
[Phari, Firi, Fari, etc.: |
..."unlimited existential possibilitiesq cowithihn existence;" |
fruitful unlimited existential possibilityingsq emergingq from cosmos' unlimited undifferentiatedq energyingsq cosmically comtained cowithihn existence...] | No cavitationings. | |
11 | Aleph~Sheen~Raysh |
[Esher: |
..."witnessing;" |
witnessing vital~impetus' cosmic metabolisis cosmically comtained...] | Esher issi profoundly quantum~Value~assessment! | |
12 | Zayn~Raysh~Ayn~Waw - Vayt~Waw |
[Zeryao - Vo: |
..."unlimited fecundq potentiaq of packetizedq lightq energyingsq;" |
unlimited columnar cavitationq of potentiaq cosmically comtaining and reverberatingq brilliant lightingsq fecundly cavitating all somatic~shell reverberatingsq emergingq...] |
Cavitationing {~7..70~}. Cavitationings {~6.2.6~}. |
13 | Lammed~Mem~Yod~Noun~Hay~Waw |
[Lemeeno: |
..."while evolutionings of waters proceed through existence' reverberating quantized livings' fecundityings,;" |
while existential metabolism evolves existential biospheres cowithihn existence whose quantized livings' freedom, uncertainty, and peace fecundly experience...] | Cavitationing {~50.5~}. | |
14 | Vav~Yod~Raysh~Aleph |
[Veyarey: |
..."a n¤væl existence full of spirit emerges cowithihn cosmos' isoflux, and laid bare is;" |
a n¤væl existenceq full of fecundityq and cosmically comtaining vital~impetus desnouers its selfq as...] |
Suares asks us to compare Veyarey and Bara: |
15 | Aleph~Lammed~Hay~Yod~finalMem |
[Elohim: |
..."an earthly living demiurge with Aleph cowithihn its blood;" |
vital~impetus having existential metabolism, aliveq, cowithihn existence cosmic~biospherically...] | ||
16 | Kaf~Yod - Tayt~Waw~Vayt |
[Ki-Tov: |
..."due solely, individually its inherent qualityq;" |
due individually its existenceq having a feminineq character fecundulatingq and emergingq its own soma's qualityingsq...] | ||
(some guesses) |
(some altered by Doug) |
1 | Vav - Yod~Hay~Yod |
[Ve-Yehy: |
..."And divinely again, Hær cavitating divinely our antinomialq two~livings existence, living existence cowithihn and resonating~reverberating;" |
And divinely again, we experience Hær cavitating divine double existence archetypically, recursively, fractally living cowithihn Hær and ¤ur quantum~selves' recursively resonating~reverberating...] |
2 | Ayn~Raysh~Vayt |
[Aarv: |
..."enlightening pleasurings cowithihn us;" |
Hær lightings cosmically comtaining our Yavdel "two lives'" trendingq somas cowithihn Hær...] |
3 | Vav - Yod~Hay~Yod |
[Ve-Yehy: |
..."And divinely again, Hær cavitating divinely our antinomialq two~livings existence, living existence cowithihn and resonating~reverberating;" |
And divinely again, we experience Hær cavitating divine double existenceq archetypically, recursivelyq, fractallyq livingq cowithihn Hær and ¤ur quantum~selves' recursivelyq resonatingq~reverberatingq...] |
4 | Vayt~Qof~Raysh |
[Vaqar: |
..."and we desiderate;" |
and we must desiderateq Hær cosmic vital~impetus cowithihn our somas cosmic~comtainmentings and Hær own presence [we may view Raysh re~emerqing Hær vital~impetus] cowithihn all of us...] |
5 | Yod~Waw~finalMem - Sheen~Lammed~Sheen |
[Yom - Shelash: |
..."during Millennium III;" |
during existence' columnar cavitational fecundationings of cosmic biosphere's isofluxq radically~divinely cosmic~metabolically cavitating existential metabolism reverberating cowithihn isofluxingsq of cosmic~metabolism...] |
In idiom this issi 'day three.' In quantum~Qabalic reality, Yom Shelash issi CeodE 2015, k~now~ings, Logos! Account! Millennium III! We are experiencing Qof's destruction of dialectic and all of its classical illusions and delusions...nowings. A kind of philosophicalq Kondratieff winter... Doug - 16Oct2015 |
developing on the 'third day' clearly demonstrates that the 'days' are not a succession ihn time. supports 200 and 2 to the impetus of life 1 reveals its adequacy (the 70 [light quanta as bosonsq] ihn between [quantum~middle~including] two Yod means that the germ of indeterminateq freedomq is held ihnside the double [metabolicq 'two lives,' Atta] existence of organicq lifeq. We therefore understand that the sun and the moon, introduced as luminaries have the exact illustration ihn electric light bulbs utilized as resistances ihn a circuit ihn such a fashion as to obtain light. ihnto the waters [middle~includingq both] above and below) of Yom second, and the sixth introduces all the beasts of the earth and Adam (male and female) into the creation of Yom third. There is a direct correspondence between 1 and 4, between 2 and 5 and between 3 and 6. The earth and waters, the vegetation, the fish and fowl, the animals and man, all these must be decoded so as to reveal what they actually stand for as structured [fermionicq] livingq energyq ihn multi~term analogical series." Suares' use of 'analogical series' issi an role~situationalq undularphasementq [vis-à-vis understatementc]. Doug senses Suares' use of 'multi-term' relates modern parallel~processing, multisychronousq~processingsq, even adiabaticq atemporalq~sequence~processingsq. Comsider Doug's useq of standingunder [and standingundularq] with under as [thermofluxicq] undularq. |
(some guesses) |
(some altered by Doug) |
1 | Vav - Yod ~Aleph~Mem~Raysh |
[Ve-Yomer: |
..."[We fathom] Cosmic immanent actional fecundity bringing together existence and vital~impetus existentially biosphered and cosmically comtained and;" |
And emanation of existence cowithihn vital~impetus existentially biosphered and cosmically comtained, and...] |
This better translation (retranslation) shows unambiguously coitalq Aleph~Yod antinomialsq together. Vital~impetus as fluxq cowithihn its antinomialq existential~fluxq laid bare. Suares shows us n¤t to view Yomer in this hologrammaricq flux~quintessential~roleq~situationq assa classical 'speaking-vocal' 'verb.' Doug - 30Sep,12Oct2015. |
2 | Aleph~Lammed~Hay~Yod~finalMem |
[Elohim: |
..."an earthly living demiurge with Aleph cowithihn its blood;" |
vital~impetus having existential metabolism, alive, cowithihn existence cosmic~biospherically...] | ||
3 | Vav~Yod~Hay~Yod |
[Ve'Yehy: |
..."reborn anew offers Hær cavitating divinely our antinomialq two~livings existence, living existence cowithihn and resonating~reverberating;" |
We observe reborn anew Hær cavitating divine double lifeq existence archetypically, recursively, fractally living cowithihn Hær and ¤ur quantum~selves' recursively resonating~reverberating...] |
Bilateral recursive fractal Yavdel two trends double Yod cavitationings of Hay. Two livings! Life 1 complementaryq~antinomialq Life 2. See Atta's Life 1 "breathing~¤ut," and Life 2 "breathing~ihn." This offers expanded semantic head to Jesus' "...for those who have ears to listen." Refer, especially, Thomas' Gospel. Hearing issi quantons(sound,silence). Doug - 6,18Oct2015. |
4 | Mem~Aleph~Raysh~Tav |
[Marot: |
..."existential [Mareh, Sophia] mothering of Hær vital~impetus detended;" |
Hær existential biosphere columnar~cavitationally re~embodying Hær vital~impetus reverberating both cosmic~comtainment and ~vital~impedance perpetually...] |
Cavitationings {~40...400~}. Obviously 40...400 usually means death. However ...Aleph~Raysh... issi Perpetual~evolutionaryq complementaryq~antinomialq metabolicq cyclingsq of vital~impetus and its own n¤n durational re emergencingsq cowithihn actualityingsq. Notice Mar of Mareh. Ponder Mar'Ehieh and Mar'Ehiehim!!! How many Qabalic "gamesq of lifeq" issi Mary playing? Unlimited and sempiternal...cosmicq musicq. Doug - 16Oct2015. |
5 | Bayt~Raysh~Qof~Yod~Ayn |
[Baraqia: |
..."enlightening Hær ostentation, Hær cosmic vital~impetus' expansion cowithihn existence and eliminating illusions and delusions cowithihn;" |
enlightening Hær ostensing somatic cavitational re~embodiment and reverberating cosmic~comtainment cowithihn cosmic vital~impetus' expansion of existence shining brightly and eliminating all delusions and all illusions for all to see cowithihn...] |
Recall 'Bara' issi 'create.' Here we thinkq of that as sempiternal processingsq. Doug - 17-18Oct2015. |
6 | Hay~Sheen~Mem~Yod~finalMem |
[Ha'Shamaim: |
..."living cosmos;" |
as living cosmos, its cosmic metabolism reverberating all existence cowithihn all existential metabolisms and cosmic metabolisms...] |
Idiomatically Shamaim is 'heavens.' Suares describes (omniscribes) evolutionq of Shamaim on p. 81 of his CoG text, "The so-called 'heaven' in the first verse, the name of which is Shamaim, contains a Yod between two Mem. This sequence indicates the cosmic movement [of column 3.30.300] of Sheen acting against [in any sense of relentlessly, sempiternallyq evolvingq] Mayim, the so-called waters: the two Mem... ...between which Yod is playing against its [antinomialq] partner Aleph [Aleph.1] in the game of existenceq [Yod.10] versus lifeq [Hay.5]." Doug's brackets and quantum~subscriptings. Suares doesn't speak or write of Gematraic~energyq cavitationingsq. Doug does, since Atta implicitly prescribes fermionic~esque hologra[[il]lex][m][mmat][ph][view]]icq quantum~cavitationings: "Autiot~Gematria fluxodynamicsq quantum~wave~functional~cavitationings..." Quantonic Revelation HotMeme Doug - 28-30Sep2015. (Quote borrowed from Sidis~esque Good Will Hunting movie with Matt Damon. Following OT's exemplar, Doug might have asked, "How about those grapes?") |
7 | Lammed~Hay~Vayt~Dallet~Yod~Lammed |
[La'Havadyl: |
..."trying its [cosmos'] best not to be existential;" |
divine cavitating existential metabolic lifeq somatically resisting its ownq existential metabolic reverberationings...] |
Divine metabolic cavitationings {~30...30~}. Another immanence of desiderataq. Do we need to be with Hær? Do we need to be with existence? Do we need to be with and middle~including both? What is view of cosmos in this exemplar? Does cosmos need to be with Hær? Does cosmos need to be with existence? Does cosmos need to be with and middle~including both? Whose desiderata? Doug - 16Oct2015. |
8 | Bayt~Yod~finalNoun |
[Beyn: |
..."in its somatic life trajectory;" |
in its somatic lifeq trajectory cowithihn existence evolvingq according cosmic~quantizationings cosmic principles of life in...] | ||
9 | Hay~Yod~Waw~finalMem |
[Ha'Yom: |
..."the day;" |
livingq existential fecundation of cosmic biosphere's isofluxingsq...] | Columnar ascending empty cavitationings {~6.600~} | |
10 | Vav~Vayt~Yod~finalNoun |
[We'Veyn: |
..."and reborne anew, while wombingq cowithihn;" |
and openq fecundity breaking its somatic shell reborne cowithihn existence and embracing cosmic quantization's livingq principlesq emergingq...] | See Veyn. | |
11 | Hay~Lammed~Yod~Lammed~Hay |
[Ha'Lailah: |
..."the night;" |
Shæ experiences cavitational nestedq livingq cavitationings of Hær resonantq metabolic existencings as Hær reverberatingq, echoingq Qabalic quantum~life~motifs...] | We see palindromicq nested cavitationings {~5.[~30..30~].5~}. | |
12 | Vav~Hay~Yod~Waw |
[We'Hio: |
..."and all livingq existentially, fecundly;" |
fecund~cavitationings of living homes of reverberating existential fecundityings...] | ||
13 | Lammed~Aleph~Tav~Tav |
[Latt: |
..."as impossibilityings of any attempts to metabolize spirituality doubly~cosmically~impeded;" |
as existential metabolism attempts to reify vital~impetus encountering and impossible double cavitating cosmic vital~impedance...] | Compare El-Milet. | |
14 | Vav~Lammed~Mem~Waw~Ayn~Dallet~Yod~finalMem |
[We'Lamoadym: |
..."and fecundq organic movement of watersq whose scintillatingq lightq channels existence cowithihn cosmic biosphere's isofluxq;" |
and cavitating fecund existential metabolic biosphere resonating fecundly while overlap fecundly cavitating existential light channeling cosmic biosphere's isoflux...] | We see nested cavitationings {~6...[~6.~}..600~]. | |
15 | Vav~Lammed~Yod~Mem~Yod~finalMem |
[We'Leemeem: |
..."and existential metabolism of existential waters cosmically biosphered;" |
and columnarly cavitating fecund existential metabolism tuning existence cavitating existential biosphere reverberating cowithihn existence all reverberating, echoing cowithihn cosmic biospheric isoflux...] | Cavitationings {~6..[~10..10~].600~}. | |
16 | Vav~Sheen~Noun~Yod~finalMem |
[We'Sheneem: |
..."and cosmic breath quantizing existence cosmically biosphered;" |
and columnarly cavitating fecund cosmic vital~metabolism quantizing freedom, uncertainty, and peace of existence cosmically biosphered reverberating cowithihn isoflux...] | Cavitationings {~6...600~}. | |
(some guesses) |
(some altered by Doug) |
1 | Vav~Hay~Yod~Waw |
[We'Hio: |
..."And all livingq existential fecund;" |
And all fecund~cavitationings of living homes of reverberating existential fecundityings...] | ||
2 | Lammed~Mem~Aleph~Waw~Raysh~Tav |
[Le'Mawrt: |
..."tunedq organic movementings borne of light'sq impedanceq;" |
tunedq existential metabolicq biospheres columnarly, ascendantly cavitatingq vital~impetus' cosmically comtained fecundity reverberating cosmic vital~impedance...] |
Cavitationings {~4...400~} of 1.6.200 which ciphered issi "...columnar ascendant impedancings of vital~impetus' fecundity cosmically comtained." Simply, "...columnar ascendant impedancings of Awr." Doug - 17Oct2015. |
3 | Bayt~Raysh~Qof~Yod~Ayn |
[Baraqia: |
..."enlightening Hær ostentation, Hær cosmic vital~impetus' expansion cowithihn existence and eliminating illusions and delusions cowithihn;" |
enlightening Hær ostensing somatic cavitational re~embodiment amd reverberating cosmic~comtainment cowithihn cosmic vital~impetus' expansion of existence shining brightly and eliminating all delusions and all illusions for all to see cowithihn...] |
Recall 'Bara' issi 'create.' Here we thinkq of that as sempiternal processingsq. Doug - 17-18Oct2015. |
4 | Hay~Sheen~Mem~Yod~finalMem |
[Ha'Shamaym: |
..."living cosmos, the living sky;" |
a living cosmos, its cosmic metabolism reverberating all existence cowithihn all existential metabolisms and cosmic metabolisms...] |
Idiomatically Shamaim is 'heavens.' Suares describes (omniscribes) evolutionq of Shamaim on p. 81 of his CoG text, "The so-called 'heaven' in the first verse, the name of which is Shamaim, contains a Yod between two Mem. This sequence indicates the cosmic movement [of column 3.30.300] of Sheen acting against [in any sense of relentlessly, sempiternallyq evolvingq] Mayim, the so-called waters: the two Mem... ...between which Yod is playing against its [antinomialq] partner Aleph [Aleph.1] in the game of existenceq [Yod.10] versus lifeq [Hay.5]." Doug's brackets and quantum~subscriptings. Suares doesn't speak or write of Gematraic~energyq cavitationingsq. Doug does, since Atta implicitly prescribes fermionic~esque hologra[[il]lex][m][mmat][ph][view]]icq quantum~cavitationings: "Autiot~Gematria fluxodynamicsq quantum~wave~functional~cavitationings..." Quantonic Revelation HotMeme Doug - 28-30Sep2015. (Quote borrowed from Sidis~esque Good Will Hunting movie with Matt Damon. Following OT's exemplar, Doug might have asked, "How about those grapes?") |
5 | Lammed~Hay~Aleph~Yod~Raysh |
[Le'Ha'Ayr: |
..."cowithihn livingq existentialq lightingsq;" |
cowithihn existential organicq livingsq' vital~impetus affectingq~scintillatingq~transmutingq existenceq cosmically comtained...] |
Compare this to Lammed~Hay~Aleph~Waw~Raysh: Pay strict attention to that 'affecting' link. It offers quantum~quintessencings of Qabala's "embrace indetermination," and quantum~reality's intrinsic immanent free~willq. Doug's use of "quantum~quintessencings" here is extremely relevant quantum~assessment (omnitoring) memes desnoured cowithihn Song of Songs Chapter I, Verse 1. That verse narrates Hær own quantum~revelation, "Songing of Songings witness my peace." Hær Songs are quantum~wave~functionings! Hær use of 'witness' issi analogous quantum~assessment, quantum~measurement, quantum~omnitorings. Hær use of 'peace' implies quantization and quantum~uncertainty whose manifestaq are free~willq and peaceq borne of uncertaintyingsq. A SoS Revelationq of unbelievableq, unimaginableq, incredibleq ostentatiousq~extentq. Shæ issi showing all who have eyes to see and ears to listen, Quantum SoS Revelation HotMeme Doug - 17Oct2015. |
6 | Ayn~Lammed - Hay~Aleph~Raysh~finalTsadde |
[Aal'Ha'Ertz: |
..."Behold! enlightened earth;" |
Behold! bosonicq enlightened existential metabolism of livingq vital~impetus cosmically comtained and achieving cosmic isofluxq' ultimate emerqant~fermionicityingsq...] | ||
7 | Vav~Yod~Hay~Yod |
[Ve'Yehy: |
..."reborn anew offers Hær cavitating divinely our antinomialq two~livings existence, living existence cowithihn and resonating~reverberating;" |
We observe reborn anew Hær cavitating divine double lifeq existence archetypically, recursively, fractally living cowithihn Hær and ¤ur quantum~selves' recursively resonating~reverberating...] |
Bilateral recursive fractal Yavdel two trends double Yod cavitationings of Hay. Two livings! Life 1 complementaryq~antinomialq Life 2. See Atta's Life 1 "breathing~¤ut," and Life 2 "breathing~ihn." This offers expanded semantic head to Jesus' "...for those who have ears to listen." Refer, especially, Thomas' Gospel. Hearing issi quantons(sound,silence). Sight issi quantons(enlightenings,darkness). Doug - 6,17Oct2015. |
8 | Khaf~finalNoun |
[Khan: |
..."grailingq cosmos' energyingsq;" |
existentially grailingq cosmic isoflux' quantizationings of his peaceq, uncertaintyq, and freedomq...] | ||
(some guesses) |
(some altered by Doug) |
1 | Vav~Yod~Ayn~Seen |
[Ve'Yaass: |
..."And existential light issi focusing;" |
And there is much yet to do, much to be evolvedq, existence' lightingsq must be focused critically regarding...] | See Yaass. | |
2 | Aleph~Lammed~Hay~Yod~finalMem |
[Elohim: |
..."an earthly living demiurge with Aleph cowithihn its blood;" |
vital~impetus having existential metabolism, alive, cowithihn existence cosmic~biospherically always two~livings as...] |
Elohim's demi~urgic "two~livings" are both Aleph~Hay and Yod~Hay, Qabala! Compare hylic-psychic YahWehc vis-à-vis pneumatic YhShWhq. Doug - 18Oct2015. |
3 | Sheen~Noun~Yod |
[Shani: |
..."twice, cosmically~metabolize me, darken my principled existence;" |
twice complementaryq~antinomiallyq, once for vital~impetus to cosmic~vital~impedance (At), and again for cosmic~vital~impedance to vital~impetus (Ta) cosmically metabolizeq my enlightened quantum~principles of lifeq including my peaceq, my uncertaintyq, and my freedomq cowithihnq existenceq...] |
4 | Hay~Mem~Seen~Raysh~Tav |
[Ha'Masarot: |
..."Indenture me, living~evolving~watersq' focused detention bound by impedance;" |
Indenture my living evolving~cavitationings reverberating focused cosmic~metabolisms cosmically~comtained while resonating cosmic vital~impedancings...] |
Cavitationings {~40...400~} of ~300.200~. Again, Mem~Tav issi usually 'death.' Usually Mawt~Hamawt. Zondervan 'uses' the lights here. Webster's interprets servant. Sheen~Raysh reversed issi Raysh~Sheen implying head, capit. Also, we may view Sheen~Raysh as a cosmic~metabolic endarkening of (via) cosmic~comtainment. None of this makes any sense to Doug re: lights and servant. Servant might be viewed as "living evolving waters' focused detention bound by impedance," say as indentured service. Obviously, Zondervan doesn't even come close! Doug - 18Oct2015. |
5 | Hay~Ghimel~Dallet~Lammed~Yod~finalMem |
[Ha'Gadaleem: |
..."by the powers that be;" |
by living columnarly cavitating organic movers of my resistancings which they existentially metabolize while they straddle cosmic~biospheric isofluxings...] |
Columnar ascendant cavitationings {~3...30~} of 4. M'Gadola issi Big. We see another Doug's use of QCSq here: . . . Without cavitation detail: ~5~ ~{3 ~4~ 30}~ ~10.600~ With cavitation detail: ~archetypal~life~energyings~ ~{archetypal~organic~movementings ascendant
cavitationings of ~archetypal~gatewayveings and their powerful
openings of ~quantum~assessmentings of and ihncluding~
~actual~existenceings~... . . . Doug - 31Dec2015. |
6 | Aleph~Tav - Hay~Mem~Aleph~Waw~Raysh |
[Et - Ha'Mawr: |
..."from alpha to omega, livingq biospheric~spiritualq fecundity borne of light'sq comtainmentq by;" |
Atta's cyclic cosmic vital~impedance of living existential biospheres of fecund vital~impetus' cosmically comtained by..] |
Awr issi light. Mawr issi biospheric light. Compare Mawt assa 'death.' |
8 | Hay~Ghimel~Dallet~Lammed |
[Ha'Gadal: |
..."the power;" |
the living columnarly cavitating organic mover of my resistancings which said mover existentially metabolizes all...] | ||
9 | Lammed~Mem~Mem~Sheen~Lammed~Tav |
[La'Memshalot: |
..."by governmental fiat of;" |
existential cavitating metabolisms of [self-proclaimed fiat-]divine existential biospheres cosmically metabolizing and reverberating all encounters with cosmic vital~impedance of...] |
Nested cavitationings which are rather complex and look like this: Without cavitation detail: ~{30 ~{~{40 40}~ 300}~ ~ 30}~ 400}~ With cavitation detail: ~{30 bilateral overlapping multi~populated~cavitationings
of ~{~{40 bilateral naked cavitationings cowithihn 40}~ Keep reminding selfq that Mem issi (as water) a resistance similar as Tav issi a vital impedance. Observe that clouds are less resistant than water. Too, both may be gated-doored by Dallet. Doug - 18Oct,31Dec2015. |
10 | Hay~Yod~Waw~finalMem |
[Ha'Yom: |
..."daily;" |
all of our daily existencings' cavitational fecundityings of our cosmic~biospheres...] |
During year~ending 2015 holiday period Doug issi evolvingq a n¤væl Quantonics Cavitational Scriptingq application which takes a word's gematria and translates it ihnto Carlo Suares' quantum~thermodynamic language. Doug's first use of that application occurred here: . . . Without cavitation detail: ~5.10~ ~{6 600}~ With cavitation detail: ~5.10~ ~{6 exalted naked cavitationings cowithihn 600}~ . . . Ha'Yom's ( translated using QCSq
issi, "~during our archetypal~life~energyings, all of our
daily actual~existenceings'~ ~quantum~assessmentings of and ihncluding~ ~{archetypal~masculine~fecundationings One may clean that up to eliminate most qwf markups, excepting cavitation boundaries, to read like this: "During our archetypal life~energyings, all of our daily
actual~existenceings' quantum~assessmentings of and ihncluding
~{archetypal~masculine~fecundationings A next step could be to re introduce idiom in place of quantum~thermodynamic phrases for each Aut. For example above "archetypal life~energyings" ihn idiom would be "livingsq." Similarly from "~{archetypal~masculine~fecundationings of" to "~{fertilization of." And so on... A 'close to quality' Qabalic translation ihn idiom, then: "During
our livingsq, all of our daily existenceingsq'
quantum~assessmentings of and ihncluding ~{fertilizationq's Doug - 31Dec2015. |
11 | Vav~Aleph~Tav - Hay~Mem~Aleph~Waw~Raysh |
[Ve'At - Ha'Mawr: |
..."and from alpha to omega, livingq biospheric~spiritualq fecundity borne of light'sq comtainmentq by;" |
and Atta's cyclic cosmic vital~impedance of living existential biospheres of fecund vital~impetus' cosmically comtained by..] |
We see rather complex cavitationings here like this: . . . Without cavitation detail: ~{6 ~{1 ~{400 ~5~ 40}~ 1}~ 6}~ ~200~ With cavitation detail: ~{6 bilateral multi~populated~cavitationings
of . . . Awr issi light. Mawr issi biospheric light. Compare Mawt assa 'death.' Doug - 31Dec2015. |
12 | Hay~Qof~Mem~finalNoun |
[Ha'Qomen: |
..."the quantized biospheric destruction of;" |
the existential~biospheric cosmic quantizationings of, and cosmic vital~impetus' destruction of all illusions and delusions of ...] |
No cavitationings here. However our QCS application translates ~ as "~archetypal~life~energyings quantizationings
of... Crucial to grasp issi a meme that Qof ("Qoof") issi destroying "illusions~delusions," as for example, genetic defects of mind and body and existence. It doesn't imply that Qof issi destroying mind and body and existence! Qof works with S[h]een and Lammed to evolve all existence while gradually weeding out defects of current and prior evolutionings Fiat issi a defect of human reason brought about via deluded~institutionally~corrupt hegemonies. Doug - 31Dec2015. |
13 | Lammed~Mem~Mem~Sheen~Lammed~Tav |
[La'Memshalot: |
..."all governmental fiat;" |
all existential cavitating metabolisms of [self-proclaimed fiat-]divine existential biospheres cosmically metabolizing and reverberating all encounters with cosmic vital~impedance...] |
Nested cavitationings. . . . Without cavitation detail: ~{30 ~{~{40 40}~ 300}~ ~ 30}~ 400}~ With cavitation detail: ~{30 bilateral overlapping multi~populated~cavitationings
of ~{~{40 bilateral naked cavitationings cowithihn . . . Keep reminding selfq that Mem issi (as water) a resistance similar as Tav issi a vital impedance. Observe that clouds are less resistant than water. Too, both may be gated-doored by Dallet. Doug - 18Oct2015. |
14 | Hay~Lammed~Yod~Lammed~Hay |
[Ha'Layla: |
..."the night, nightly we experienceq Hær divine existential metabolizingsq of our two~livingsq' antinomialityingsq;" |
Nightly we experienceq Hær divine existential metabolizingsq of our quantumq~antinomialq~complementaryq double~livingsq...] |
A gorgeous cavitating, nesting palindrome: "Nightly" here issi Tav~Aleph's breathing~ihn 'dying' portion of Atta's lifeq as life~death cyclings. We see another Doug's use of QCSq here: . . . Without cavitation detail: ~{5 ~{30 ~10~ 30}~ 5}~ With cavitation detail: ~{5 bilateral cavitationings of . . . Doug - 31Dec2015. |
15 | Vav~Hay~Tav |
[Ve'Hot: |
..."autsimilarly as;" |
autsimilar Hær fecundity of livingq always cosmically, vitally~impeded as...] | ||
16 | Hay~Kaf~Waw~Khaf~Vayt~Yod~finalMem |
[Ha'Kokhaveem: |
..."Hær life's perpetual grailing of somatic existence cowithihn cosmos;" |
Hær lifeq's ubiquitous sempiternal existential grailingsq cavitating our fecundityings and nurturingq our somaticq existence cosmically~biosphered...] |
We see another Doug's use of QCSq here: . . . Without cavitation detail: ~5~ ~{~{20 ~{6 20}~ 2}~ ~10~ 600}~ With cavitation detail: ~5~ . . . Doug - 31Dec2015. |