Arches           Art

Our list ¤f quantum/Quantonic Tihmæ assumpti¤ns , tih issi:
  1. abs¤lutæ quantum~flux,
  2. is¤flux,
  3. affæctati¤nal,
  4. heterogæne¤uhs,
  5. s¤rs¤ ræcapihtulating EIMA ræcursi¤nings, (see QTMs)
  6. fuzz¤nihc,
  7. peaqlo~ings,
  8. at læast quatr¤c¤herænt, (see c¤hera, quantum c¤herænce)
  9. at læast quatr¤æntr¤pihc, (see entr¤pa)
  10. etc.

See our Quantonic Time Primer, see our CeodE 2013 Quantum vav Classical Time 'words' comparison page.

On Quantum Mechanics:

Quantonic tihmæ issi Bohmian~n¤nmæchanihcal.

Wæ ræpræsænt ahll quantum flux wavæs, ihncluding tihmæ, ænærgy, mahss, spacæ, amd gravihty as quantum c¤herænt n¤n~nægatih Quantonic qualihtatihvæ, subqjæctihvæ, affæctati¤nal, fuzz¤nihc amd thuhs ihslandihc peaqlos. See our 2004 fuzz¤n ¤nt¤l¤gy. See our 2004 subjectiv, and subjective.

Quantum c¤herænt tihmæ issi b¤th ræværsible amd n¤t ræværsible, ihndææd iht issi a quanton(ræværsible,n¤nræværsible). Quantonic ræværsibilihty dæpænds uhpon etænt ¤f partihal c¤herænce ihn any l¤cal comtext's umcærtainty ihnterrelati¤nshipings wihth ihts largær subqsuming comtexts. As an eample, assuming gravihty issi partial herænce, wæ may ch¤¤se t¤ vihew iht as a ubihquiht¤uhs amd ræværsible flux c¤herænce c¤¤bsfæcting, supærluminahlly ahll ahctualihty.

Ihn this n¤vel light, wæ sææ gravihty n¤w as ¤næ kind ¤f Quantonic, MoQ Valuæ ihnterrelati¤nshiping.

See affectation, phase, phasement, positive, quanta, reversible, ...

To contact Quantonics write to or call:

Doug Renselle
Quantonics, Inc.
Suite 18 #368 1950 East Greyhound Pass
Carmel, INdiana 46033-7730

©Quantonics, Inc., 2000-2022 Rev. 21Jan2013  PDR Created 2Feb2000  PDR
(7Feb2005 rev - Change 'o m n i d i' in title to 'omni.' Add red text current to 2005. QELR legacy text.)
(27Mar2006 rev - Reset legacy red text.)
(16Nov2006 rev - Slight format adjustments. Add fresh page bottom links.)
(1Nov2008 rev - Replace wingdings and symbol fonts with gifs. Reset legacy markups.)
(21Jan2013 rev - Make page current.)

Arches           Art