Classical view: | Use of reality to know (re cognize) some 'thing' depends upon stability and independence of objective things AKA dichons. | To classically know, one must have two or more stable and independent objects to stuxically (statically) compare logically. |
Quantum view: | Usings of reality to be k~now~ings quantons assumes all reality is flux, stindyanic, hologra[[il][m][ph]]ically~middle~includings quantum~waving quantons. | Quantum k~now~ings are what we intend in quantum~reality by hologramically "measuring, m¤niht¤ring, ¤mniht¤ring, and ¤mniht¤rings" quanta. |
which also suggest From-To Guidance on Emerqing Quantum Politics |
From Classical Mythos |
To Quantum Emersos |
Doug Comments Quantum~Individual Quantum~Being Due Diligence "To Do" List for Finding One's Inner Evolving Your Individual Quantum Stage from Mythos to Emersos |
State | Flux | Synonyms: stability (state) and change (flux), stoppability (state) and perpetual fecundity (quantization's Waw of flux AKA nature's perpetual and fractal~recursive self~other~measurementings based in and upon quantum~reality's radical instabilityings, radical stindyanic animacy, etc.). | ||
Q~V | Stability (Utopian Perpetual Equilibrium, UPE) (UraPEon; involuntary servitude of individuals) |
Quantization (Scalable Gradient Chaos, SGC) |
From classical state-event formal, stable-monistic either-or bivalent ontology to [up to] Planck rate absolute holographic, ephemeral, heterogeneous quantum~flux "change by quantizationings~scintillationings" omnivalent ontology. See QELRs of: aware, chance, change, chaos, choice, equilibrium, evolution, gradience, selection, transmutation, wisdom, etc. See Doug's QVH Table. See Doug's What is Consciousness? |
Either-or | Both~and | From SOM's classical excluded-middle walls to quantum~reality's middle~including quantum~fluxing hologramings. | ||
Continuity | Quantization | From monism of classical continuity to heterogeneity of quantum~flux' quantization. | ||
Homogeneity | Plurality |
From one to many. From monism to pluralism. From state-ic monolythic objects to dynamic heterolythic quanta. Those who have found their inner (in a process of finding their inner) will learn to view 'plurality' as an hologra[[il][m][ph]]ic ensemble of energy~wellings all antinomial one another in pairs of interrelationshipings called quantons. No pair (duality) is ever identical due absolute change. Yet each duality quantum~antinomially~complements any of its quasi~unlimited duals. Essence of this contradiction essential classical-value comparison (AKA 'oppositional and nonordinal' scalarbation) is that any classically-static (stuck) homogeneity cannot understand itself. Quintessence of this Quantum~Value antinomial complementarity is that cosmic reality can understand itself (can find its inner), and scintillation~quantization evolve itself through perpetual (scin,quan)~omnitoring of these ensembles of antinomial evolutionings of their pairwise Value assessments. |
Excluded-middle | Included~middle | From SOM's Wall to William James' "compenetration," and Doug's "coinsidence." | ||
Dialectic | Complementarity | From 'scientific' and 'logical, Boolean' state-ic bivalence to quantum~antinomial~complementarity's stindyanic omnivalence. | ||
Analyticity |
Islandicity (View Jung's Red Book Plate 127 as quantum~islands of Libido Triumphant.) |
From classical analytics' state-ic lisr formal objectivity to energy~welling quantum~fluxes' perpetually evolving and thus always partial quantal~hologra[[il][m][ph]]ic immanent cowithinitnessings. | ||
Formal synthesis | Coherence (Immanence2) | From classical mechanical assembly of objects to evolutionary emergence~emerscenture of ensembles of quanta emerqing complementary holographically coherent islands of fermionic and bosonic Value(ings). | ||
State-ic creation | Evolution | From classical monism's inertial continuity to quantum~heterogeneity's parthenofluxic~adaptive evolutionary quantized spontaneity. From Planck's clock set to zero to Planck's clock fully enabled. From classicism to quantumism. From 'state' to flux. Add 'parthenofluxic' link. | ||
Q~V | Truth (Socialc OSFA commonc monistic-systemic absolute 'truthc') |
Evolution (Pluralityq of individualsq abducedq through evolutionaryq phylogenyq; each individualq having rqcs hologra[[il][m][ph]]q socialq coherent~autonomousq worldviewsq as many truthingsq.) |
From classical immutable, concrete, perpetually-static 'truth,' to quantum~perpetually changing and unstoppable and immortal evolution. A huge comsequence of quantum~evolution is: Quantonics HotMeme "There is n¤ classical status quo." Quantonics HotMeme. "Duality is no more!" Suares, Song of Songs, Shambala, 1972, p. 49. From classical 'çatholiç,' universal, common, concrete dialectical truth's 'value-freedom from concrete context,' to quantum~evolution's radical comtext sensitivity. See rqcs. See rioq. See Hume's, "There is no logical bridge over the [dialectical] gap between fact and value." Doug's brackets. See QELRs of fact, logic, truth, and value. Try to fathom evolutionq in terms of Doug's Hermeneutics of Qabala's Game. |
Socialism (we) | Individualism
(I) AKA Quantum~Egoism |
From classical socialist continuously inertial dogma (i.e., status quo) to quantum~individual evolutionary quantized~adaptive spontaneity (i.e., semper fluxio). From stux sux to flux is crux. From social state is simple and individual change is complex to social state is complex and individual change is simple. See Doug's What is Simple? What is Complex? Doug - 9Jan2011. From social orthodox religions to individual quantum~gn¤ses. See Doug's What is Gnosis? Doug - 11Jan2011. | ||
Classical Social Detention Classical Social Control Classical Social Hegemony |
Individual Freedom in Islandic Quantum~Societies |
From mythos to emersos. From SOM's Box to quantum~reality. From dialectic to quantonic. From few formally ruling many to many holographically ruling selves. From 'Çhristianity' to quantum~gn¤sticism. Doug - 4Jan2011. From classical-effect[u]ation to quantum~affectation. From social control to individual free will. From classical-politics to quantum~politics. From social control cann¤t explain individual free will to individual free will can explain social control. From social control hyper individual free will to individual free will hyper social control. | ||
Q~V | lisr | Coherent~Autonomy | From classical localability, isolability, separability, and reducibility to quantum~holographic grail~enabled systemic coherence of unlimited islandic ¤mnihquæ (see unique) Energy~Wellings' both locally evolving while n¤nlocally affective islandicities. | |
Inertia | Spontaneity | From classical monism's perpetually closed, determinate mono-sloped posentropy and conservative state-ic continuity to quantum~reality's perpetually evolving~adapting mixentropic stochastic open and generative quantal spontaneity. From classical social status quo to quantum~individual vicissitudinality. | ||
Q~V | Proof | Choosings~Chancings~Changings |
From provisional classical objective 'proof' by 'contradiction' and classical dialectical social consensus (AKA 'common sense') to quantum~CH3ings massively ubiquitous grail~coobsfective scintilla~selectionings of holographic grail interrelationshipings. A huge issue here is, "How does one measure quantum SEPings (vis-à-vis classical 'proof') without classical analytic tools?" Doug's answer is a Quantonics' HotMeme: Be assured that scintillation energy, at least in QED, is assessed by quantal wave~number change on Balmer's ladder. Wave number tells us flux~relativity of a scintillation change as a relative gradient and so assesses changes From-To relative equilibrium which we may refer "relative quiescence." See Doug's recent Quantum Value Hierarchy table. That table's depiction of quantum~reality's essence is a strategic breakthrough borne on basic Quantonics research. |
Q~V | Contradiction | Quantum~Uncertainty | From classically certain ('no' chance) 'contradiction' based upon a classical illusion of 'objective negation' to quantum~uncertainty of all positive quantum~fluxings' radical stochasticity. | |
State Perpetuity | Quantal Adaptation | From monistic continuous inertia to spontaneous evolutionary adaptation. From absoluteness as 'perpetual state' to absoluteness as "perpetual change." From 'absolute stux' to "absolute flux." From 'continuity' to "quantization." From MBO to wMBU. | ||
Mechanical assembly | Holographicity (Gestalt1) | From classically ideal objective state-ic parts 'production,' to emerscitecture and emerscenture of quantum~fluxing holographic energy well(ing)s. | ||
Negation |
Cancellation |
From dialectic's bivalent duality of either negative or positive to quantum linguistics' phasemental BAWAM mixings of wholly positive evolving fluxings. Implications of this From-To are nearly unfathomable-unimaginable, for example, "...classical dialectically ideal 'negation' does not 'exist' in quantum~reality." See Bergson's Negation is Subjective. | ||
Q~V | Negation | Packet Energy~Wellings | From a bogus classical presumption that classical 'negation' 'exists' and is classically 'real,' to quantum~grail coobsfective stindyanic interrelationshipings of all systemic hologram energy~wellings. Doug - 8Feb2011. | |
Logic | Coquecigrues | From dialectic's canonically-immutable inertial bivalence to Quantonics' quantized fluxings' spontaneous interrelationshipings. | ||
Q~V | Falsifiability | Quantum~Grail (Gestalt1 Immanence2) | From a bogus classical presumption that classical 'falsifiability' 'exists' and is classically 'real,' to quantum~grail's perpetually evolving quantum~everywherings~and~everywhenings~middle~includings~everywherings~associative auto~recursive interrelationshipings among all energy~wellings in any quantum~hologram. Doug - 1Apr2012 - Add qwf reservoir link. | |
Identity | Autsimilarity | From A=B to both A issi ihn B and B issi ihn A. From Aristotle's 'identity' sillygism to Quantonics' cowithinitness quantumism. | ||
Idea | Meme | From Plato's concrete thought form to Richard Dawkins' viral evolution of "ideas as memes." See Dawkins' The Selfish Gene. | ||
Notion | Memeo | From "...classically as idea is to notion," to "...quantumly as meme is to memeo." | ||
Posentropy | Mixentropy | From J. C. Maxwell's "Entropy is only positive and positive entropy only has one gradient" to Quantonics' "Mixed entropa have unlimited stochastic gradients." | ||
Truth | Truthings | From classical state-ic truth to quantum stindyanic truthings. See Doug's QELR of 'truth.' | ||
Orthodoxy | Heterodoxy | From state dogma to absolute changes' unlimited, fecund, and spontaneous vicissitudinalityings. From classical y=f(t) orthodox determinism as 'certainty' to quantizationings' spontaneity as heterodoxical ensemble uncertaintyings. | ||
Quantity | Quality | From Parmenides, Plato and Aristotle to Bergson and Pirsig. From Greek dialectic to Suares' Autiot. From mechanics to Quantonics. From measure to omnitor. See Doug's QELP on monitor. | ||
EEMD | EIMA | From "everywhere-excluded-middle-dissociation," to "everywhere~included~middle~associationings." From classical objects to Quantonics quantons. From formal inertial lisr mechanicity to complementary spontaneous quantized holographicity. | ||
Creation thence Eschaton | A~T thence T~A, also E~T thence T~E. |
Emersos' cyclic pneuma of reality's cosmos.
These cycles are both See Autiot's reality loop as portrayed by Doug. |
1 - Gestalt - Quantum aspects of Doug's quantum~gestalt include: complementarity, quantum~hermaphroditic SOrON recursive~holographic~grail nexi, grail secret, etc. 2 - Immanence - Quantum aspects of Doug's quantum~immanence include: middle~inclusion, perpetuity and ubiquity of quantum~coherence, grail secret, i.e., hermaphroditic quantum~immanence, as key to understanding logos (AKA "the account") and thus key to finding one's inner and emerscing quantum~politics, etc. |
Inc., 2010-2028 (2-5,11Jan2011 rev - Add links and red text markups. Add quantum~gn¤ses remarks under From socialism to individualism.) (8,20,23Feb2011 rev - Add Quantum~Value, Q~V, rows and contents to table. Minor table formatting changes and text edits. Update from social control to individual freedom.) (1Apr2012 rev - Add 'Gestalt' and 'Immanence' footnotes. Add qwf reservoir link. See pink background boxes, and associated red text markups - Doug.) (22Jun2012 rev - Extend From Stability To Quantization field in QuPo Table.) (15Oct2013 - Reset legacy markups.) (14-15Jan2014 rev - Update QV Truthc vis-à-vis Evolutionq field. Update Analyticityc vis-à-vis Islandicityq field.) |