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Quantonics Art

 Art: pink cell background means new~revised
A 3D Quantonics Fuzzon Durant's Philosophical Affinities+Quantonics Quality Event Thread
Absoluteness & Uncertainty Einstein Minkowski Space-Time Quality Wave 10
Absoluteness in Chaos and Equilibria Ensemble Quantum Interrelationships Quality Wave 20
Arches 2001 Quantonics Proto 01 Ensign John Gay Breaks Sound Barrier Quality Wave 30
Ascendent Arches Proto 1 Fuzzon to Fermion Ontology Heuristics
A Map of a New Reality Gn¤stic Hermaphrodite Genetics 4May Update - Doug Quanton As Complementings Interrelationshipings
A Map of Millennium III Reality Hamiltonian Quantum Interrelationships Quanton As Probability
A Single SOM Reality Heterogeneous Cultures: Classical and Quantum Quantonic Name As Script
Bases of Judgment Heterogeneous Qualitative Time Quantonic Percepts & Concepts
Bergson_Circle_As_Nonduration Quantonic Wind & Water
Bergsonian Duration as Quanton How CRites Measure Reality
Bergson's I3 as Quanton Semiotics How MoQites Measure Reality Quantum Reality Loop Generation III
Bergson's I3 with Quantum~Gnostic Exts    
Beth's Buffet Bouquet How SOMites Measure Reality Quantum Gn¤stic Sacred Feminine Unflounced
Beth's Candle Smoke How Classicists View Reality Quantum vav Classical
Beth's Felix Vino How CRites View Reality Quantum Egg
Beth's Insalita and Wine How MoQites View Reality Quantum Interrelationships
Beth's Mensa Felix How SOMites View Reality Quantum Logic MoQ
Beth's Walf and Bugs Quantum MoQ Egg
Beth's Walf's Name in Hebrew Interrelationship Models: Dirac&Tao Quantum Sensory BW Perspicacities & Perspicuities
Beth's Wine and You and Me Möbius Quanton Left Latch Quantum Spin Emergence
Bob and Jeanne's Martin and Sparrow Möbius Quanton Right Latch Schrodinger's Lissajous to Tao & Mobius Morph
Bob and Jeanne's Whipporwill
Both Planck and Quality Events Möbius 3-Primæ Fermion SOM & MoQ Views
Chimeras Exist MoQ & Quantonic Notation SOM Formal Reality
Church of the Minorites MoQ Emerscitecture SOM Reality Loop
Classical Homogeneous Time Flow

MoQ Codes

SOM Value Assessment

Classical_vis-à-vis Quantonic Equal MoQ Levels SOM's Box (SOMites in here.)
Classical_vis-à-vis Quantum Time MoQ I Reality Loop SQ SKWeb Fractal
Conjugate_Dichon_Excluded-Middle_Dichon MoQ I vis-à-vis MoQ II
Conjugate_Dichon_Included-Middle_Dichon MoQ II Reality Loop TAO Face
Conjugate_Dichon_Excluded-Middle_Quanton MSOQ Stylized Two Local Truths
Conjugate_Dichon_Included-Middle_Quanton Next Step - CR/SOM to MoQ Western Culture's Fruit
Conjugate_Quanton_Excluded-Middle_Quanton Our Quantum Stages Explain Stairs Wing Quanton
Conjugate_Quanton_Included-Middle_Quanton Philosophical Capability Wing Quanton in Leaded Glass
Correlated Quantons
Cramer's Special Transaction    
Cultural Relativism Won

To contact Quantonics write to or call:

Doug Renselle
Quantonics, Inc.
Suite 18 #368 1950 East Greyhound Pass
Carmel, INdiana 46033-7730

©Quantonics, Inc., 1998-2026 — Rev. 4May2014  PDR — Created 16Feb1998  PDR
(6Aug2000 rev - Revise Möbius strips' comments.)
(9Aug2000 rev - Add new art showing how our minds' quantum stages explain toggling stairs illusion.)
(17Aug2000 rev - Add 'MoQ I vis-à-vis MoQ II.')
(25Aug2000 rev - Add 'Absoluteness & Uncertainty.')
(14Sep2000 rev - Add new 'Both Planck & Quality Event' artwork.)
(2Oct2000 rev - Add new art for 'Classical Homogeneous Time vis-à-vis Quantum Heterogeneous Time.')
(8Oct2000 rev - Add Bergsonian Duration Quanton.)
(14Nov2000 rev - Add quantum spin correlation graphic. This should have been here months ago!
It was!! Now it appears twice. We'll fix this later. 18Nov2000 Doug.)
(18Nov2000 rev - Add Bergson's I-cubed depicted in Quantonics' Semiotics.)
(21Nov2000 rev - Add Wing Quanton and same in Leaded Glass.)
(29Nov2000 rev - Add Quantonics Name as Script Art.)
(22Dec2000 rev - Add Bergsonian Duration Quanton to both MoQ Reality Loops as Face of Change.)
(23Mar2001 rev - Note changes to MoQ Architecture.)
(9Jun2001 rev - Add Diderot quote to Quantum Egg.)
(9Jul2001 rev - Revise SOM Loop topic.)
(14Dec2001 rev - Add top of page frame-breaker.)
(10Jan2002 rev - Update Bergsonian Duration Quanton.)
(7Jun2002 rev - Add link to new Möbius 3-Primæ Fermion art and description.)
(28Jul2002 rev - Add 'Quanton Ensemble Quantum Interrelationships art and description.)
(6Sep2002 rev - Add 'Quantum Sensory Bandwidth Perspicacities & Perspicuities.')
(4Oct2002 rev - Update 'QSBP&P.')
(25Oct2002 rev - Add 'Quanton As Probability.')
(2Nov2002 rev - Update 'QSBP&P.')
(18Jan2003 rev - Remove redundant MoQ & MoQ. Remove dates.)
(20Jan2003 rev - Thanks for helping us with our typos/spelling — corrected 'Mobi[o]us' above, finally.)
(14Feb2003 rev - Restore John Gay link by popular demand. Enlarge table so links will fit on one line.)
(7Mar2003 rev - Add 'Bergson Circle As Nonduration.')
(15Apr2003 rev - Mark Bergsonian Duration as revised.)
(30Apr2003 rev - Add new graphic depicting how SOMites vis-à-vis MoQites view reality.)
(10May2003 rev - Add some of Beth's camera work.)
(19May2003 rev - Mark change to Bergson's I-Cubed.)
(19Jun2003 rev - Add 'Hamiltonian Quantum Interrelationships.')
(19Jul2003 rev - Add separate 'How MoQites View Reality.')
(20Jul2003 rev - Add separate 'How SOMites View Reality.')
(29Jul2003 rev - Add separate 'How CRites View Reality.')
(7Aug2003 rev - Update Möbius Left.)
(2Oct2003 rev - Add Walf in Hebrew.)
(24Oct2003 rev - Change 'MoQ Architecture' to 'MoQ Emerscitecture.')
(22Nov2003 rev - Add 'Durant's Affiliations.')
(21Feb2004 rev - Add 'Dichon | Quanton~Excluded | Included~Quanton | Dichon' pages.)
(23Feb2004 rev - Updates to MoQ II Reality Loop.)
(27Feb2004 rev - Add 'Heterogeneous Cultures: Classical and Quantum (HC:CaQ).)
(4Mar2004 rev - Announce update to HC:CaQ. Adjust table overall width. Need newer displays to see all on your screen, probably 15" minimum. 17" is close to ideal.)
(25Mar2004 rev - Add 'Bases of Judgment.')
(5May2004 rev - Rev. 'Bases of Judgment.')
(29May2004 rev - Rev 'Both Planck & Quality Events Juxtaposed.' Change GIFs and add red text exegesis box.)
(5Jun2004 rev - Add 3D Fuzzon.)
(4Jul2004 rev - Update 'Möbius Left.')
(5Jul2004 rev - Add QCD TBCSUD quark ontology to MoQ II Reality Loop.)
(21Jul2004 rev - Add Schrödinger Lissajous Morph.)
(23Aug2004 rev - Rev 3D Fuzzon and reset pink backgrounds.)
(24Aug2004 rev - Add fuzzon to fermion ontology.)
(27Sep2004 rev - Add link to legacy page, 'Quanton as Complementary Interrelationships.')
(1Oct2004 rev - Update A 3D Fuzzon.)
(20Oct2004 rev - Add Quantum Reality Loop Generation III.)
(7-9Feb2005 rev - Make Quantonic Qualitative Time 2005~current. Repair Walf n HBru typo. Update 3D Fuzzon & Möbius 3-Prime.)
(21Feb2005 rev - Add missing 'Beth's Wine and You and Me.')
(6Mar2005 rev - Add 'How ???ites Measure Reality.')
(7,17Apr2005 rev - Highlight update to EM diagram. Add Beth & Doug's Spring Time.)
(20May2005 rev - Add text comment to Fermion Ontology graphic.)
(8,25,28Jun2005 rev - Extend Fermion Ontology significantly, more exegesis.)
(22Sep2005 rev - Add omnipotency remarks in graphic.)
(11Jan2006 rev - Semaphore latest change. Reset red text.)
(29Apr2006 rev - Add Bob & Jeanne's Martin & Sparrow House.)
(22,31May2006 rev - Add new Hermaphroditic Genetic page. Add larger unflounced Venus.)
(11Jun2006 rev - Add Bob & Jeanne's Whipporwill.)
(5,20Jul2006 rev - Update 'Western Cultures' Fruit.' Update 'Fuzzon to Fermion Onta.')
(17Oct2006 rev - Update via red text A 3D Fuzzon.)
(13Dec2006 rev - Add 'Four Peaqlos on Their Way to a Fermion' GIF in A 3D Fuzzon.)
(11,24May2007 rev - Add Grapher jpg to Möbius Left. Update Quantum Complementings Interrelationshipings.)
(17,29Jul2007 rev - Mark change to Bergsonian Duration Quanton. Reset legacy red markups. Update Bergson's 'Circle as Nonduration.')
(8Aug2007 rev - Update Dirac & Tao Interrelationship m¤daling.)
(17Dec2007 rev - Reformat slightly.)
(24,30Jan2008 rev - Update Durant's Philosophical Affiliations TSoP graphic. Millennium III Map of Reality. MoQ II Reality Loop. Gen III Reality Loop.)
(10Apr2008 rev - Reset legacy red markups.)
(10Jun2008 rev - Add link to Bergson's I-cubed with quantum and gnostic extensions.)
(18,31Aug2008 rev - Add commentary at page top of Planck vav Quality Events page. Add 'ethical rules' to 'ascendant level' of MoQ Emerscitecture.)
(1Nov2009 rev - Reset legacy markups. Make page current.)
(8Apr2010 rev - Update EM Space-Time Diagram text.)
(4Jun2010 rev - Add Adiabatic? and Measurable? to our Quanton Complement Interrelationships page.)
(29Aug2012 rev - Update 'MoQ II Reality Loop.')
(10Sep2012 rev - Add 'Absoluteness in Chaos and Equilibria' web page.)
(4May2014 rev - Update Gnostic Hermaphroditic Genetics web page.)
