This is our January, 2006 editorial Go directly to 2006 January News Beware Christians! This entire news segment is about our perceived "evils of orthodox Christianity." Orthodox Christian |
We are delighted with a Pennsylvania federal court decision against 'Intelligent Design.' We have to qualify our opinion, however. Like this: Any system of thought, any system of belief which finds its quintessence, its bases in dialectic is itself quintessentially 'Intelligent Design.' Dialectic is quintessentially 'Intelligent (rational) Design (mechanism).' Quantum really, "anti contradiction does n¤t equal absolute [dialectical] truth." Doug - 20Dec2005. "Orthodox Jews and Christians insist that a chasm [Doug calls it "SOM's abyss of stayssyss"] separates humanity and its creator: God is wholly other. [Dichon(God, humanity)!] But some of the gnostics who wrote these [Nag Hammadi] gospels contradict this: they say self knowledge is knowledge of God; the self [quantum ihndihvihdual] and God are identical [identity is problematic in Quantonics]." Introduction, page xx. Our brackets, bold. By Elaine Pagels (Widow of Heinz Pagels:
author of a Doug favorite, Dreams of Reason) For Doug, this quote is quite profound in its transparent analogy of SOM vis-à-vis MoQ and SOM vis-à-vis Quantonics and quantum interrelationships. We improve on latter via our self~understandings (self~entendres, self~k~nowings) as "Wæ aræ ihn G¤d amd G¤d issi ihn uhs." Adepts can observe how former, i.e., Dichon(God, self), is ideally, concretely, and thus retardedly dialectical. Note that "G¤d" is Doug's QELR of 'God.' Also, take care re: quantum semantics quasi 'identical.' Allow us to remediate Gnostic "...self and
God are identical" with "G¤d issi sælf." You may venture a guess now as an example of but one of many Gnostic vis-à-vis Catholic disagreements why Roman 'catholics' hated and still hate (actually, fear) Gnostics and Gnosticism. A Quantonics fanfare and tribute: Some versions of Gnosticism aræ ancient precursors of quantum m¤dalings ¤f ræhlihty!!! Doug - 21-30Dec2005. "Classical dialectic perjures quantum reality." By Doug in our QELR of 'subject.' Bless Great Britain's quantum~humanity, re: gay civil marriage! Doug - 22Dec2005. Recently we have heard claims that there are "two billion Christians" on Earth. Are there? We would more probably concur if that quote said, "two billion Muslims." What is a Christian? Those who adhere faithfully three premises of Christianity. Premises of Christianity are: canon, Elaine Pagels has this to say about that, Since Jesus' resurrrection, "Orthodox Christians have confessed in the creed that Jesus of Nazareth, 'crucified, dead, and buried,' was raised 'on the third day.' Many today recite that creed without thinking about what they are saying, much less actually believing it. Recently some ministers, theologians, and scholars have challenged the literal view of resurrection." By Elaine Pagels, As we just read, many Christians tend, like 'enlightened' 'scientists,' to "run on automatic." Muslims quantum~interrelate with God multiple times each day. However, many view God as dialectically 'other,' lisr from 'self.' So, really, how many "Orthodox Christians" are there? We think, believe, and estimate only about a third of "two billion." Doug's opinion. For example, Bu()sh() is n¤ Christian! How can we say that? He clearly hates his enemies! He loves dialectic! He lies, persistently and consistently! He disinforms, consistently and persistently! He fails consistently and persistently and calls his failures "success." He spins wrong as right, down as up, and evil as good. As a n¤n Christian believer evidenced by his own 'catholic inquisitional' life practices, Bu()sh() appropriately is headed for "Christian Hell!" Actually, he is already in it, isn't he? A living hell he made for himself! Doug's opinion. Read Frances A. Yates' Giordano Bruno too! Doug - 23Dec2005. Anyone who anthropomorphizes G¤d uncovers he-r own lack of authority to expound G¤d. Dialecticians are ignorant and DIQheaded enough to attempt it. Doug - 24Dec2005. Social state-ic orthodoxy manifests social authority as: intellectual rape and abuse of individuals' free thoughts and free wills. Doug - 25Dec2005. Orthodoxy is for SOMynotsee troglodytes. Doug - 29Dec2005. From reading Pagels' The Gnostic Gospels, Chapter IV, re: 'The Acts of John,' and Jesus' dancing (akin Heraclitus..."...those who do not dance do not understand the Logos" a sense, the dance AKA absolute change, semper fluxio, is) is the Logos): Since Jesus' crucifixion, Rome, Romans, Roman
Catholics turned dancing "And there you have it." Doug - 31Dec2005. Crucifixion: crucistuxion, crucistoption, cruciholdstilltion, crucizeromomentumtion, crucistatecion, crucidemoswilltion, crucidogmation, ..., crucidon'tdancecion. Simply, orthodox Catholic political 'Intelligent Design!' |
TQS News December, 2005 through November, 2006 |
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Topics: | Failure of Orthodox Christianity |
Google in China, What is Wrong with Democracy, Why Digital is Dead, Gnosticism vis-à-vis Pirsig & Bergson |
Scott C. Smith, IBM's High GHz PPCs, Dennett's BtS, |
Doug Critiques Sull's 'Difficult Decisions for an Uncertain World' |
Doug on novel Millennium III Business Thinking |
What will happen in mid-terms? Howard's Movie The Da Vinci Code... Doug's view of 'Opus Dei'... |
Free energy! | High Speed Internet, DMD's Quantum Simplicity, Duggeritas, & Duggerizzas |
Interim energy, N-somy tells, ChouricoGumbo |
FPGA patents running out, Collegiate MRSA staph, Classical Sentences, vav Quantum Sentences |
Searching Quantonics, Quantonics Top 20 Pages, Why Static Truth is Irrelevant |
Nostalgia, MacBookPro C2D, Didactism & autodidactism, Doug's iPod video |
On Why Classical Dialectical Christianity is a Failed and Failing Belief System ...
A reminder: all of Doug's work in our TQS News is his opinion based upon his beliefs. Keep reminding yourself, "These are Doug's quantum opinions, and they are n¤t in any classical dialectical, analytic way the opinions.
Elaine Pagels tells us Roman Christians (Irenaeus, ~100-200 a.d., and Constantine, ~300 a.d.) share three premises:
Compare that to Classical Science:
For over eight years now, in Quantonics, we have been showing you H5W classical French 'enlightened science' [what Irving Stein calls "Newtonian ontology," which is in its postmodern relativistic form "Einsteinian ontology"] has failed and is failing massively.
We have also shown you how both science and religion share a common intellectual disease: dialectic, especially orthodox social dialectic! We have accomplished this partially through our own innovations, but predominately standing on shoulders of others and leveraging others' titanic thoughts and mentorship. Notice that what we describe here, that which has enabled us and empowered us is what science and religion hate most: philosophy, individual philosophy, quantum individual philosophy! Philo Sophia: Love of sophism, love of wisdom. Love of Heraclitus' logos, love of phi~logos., love [ahavah: Hebrew; Doug calls Beth "Bethahava"] of [feminine, i.e., Spiritual, wisdom] hokhmah [khakhamah; khakhamah ruah; Hebrew ruah, AKA spirit]. By comparison dialectic, basis of both classical science and classical religion, is social wisdom (AKA 'Demos will,' 'common sense,' social 'opinion,' social 'positivism,' state-ic rules, orthodox concrete tradition, 'break the law, get in trouble,' etc.), false wisdom, pseudo wisdom: falsusophy, misosophy, n¤t philosophy!
Real wisdom is quantum ihndihvihdual wisdom. Quantum will issi coherent ensemblings of quantons(n¤nactuality,apparently_individual_autonomies_in_actuality). Real wisdom is gnostic! Example? Rosa Parks! Explicitly? Evolutionary defiance of social authority be it civil, 'scientific,' religious, etc.! Real wisdom rises above social authority and stands against it. Robert M. Pirsig showed us that this is what "the ancients" called "aretê," i.e., "excellence" in any face of social-state-ic "noble" 'virtue.' When any society declares anything "noble," beware! It is only propagandistic pogromatic mind control! Society isn't noble. Society can't be noble. Society doesn't understand nobility. Society can't think! Thought is uniquely individual process whose only quantum~societal manifestations appear through real quantum~coherence, n¤t via orthodox, mechanical, dialectical, dogmatic, formal "Rules is tules for fules" or "Rools is tools for fools" societal, one-shepherd-sociallyAristotelian-Classically-above-one-flock, one-bishop-sociallyAristotelian-Classically-above-one-laity 'order.'
Dialectic's bases are naïve localism (essentially Cartesian metric locale) and naïve realism (essentially stabile independent objectivism). Classical religion and classical science used dialectic's naïve localism and naïve realism to construct their canon, creed, structure, law, community, and paradigm(s). Result? Both classical religion and classical science 'hate' individual wisdom...they love social 'wisdom' which is, sadly, only ESQ dialectic. That classical social hatred is what produces such vitriolic reactions when said classical social system of thought perceives itself threatened by n¤vel memes.
Individual~wisdom, ~philosophy, ~intelligence neuters both religious and scientific 'common' social hegemony over all individuals. It's as simple as that.
English |
Ref's. include: OUP Greek Dictionary OUP Grammar of Classical Greek Ayers' English Words from Latin and Greek Elements + Pagels' opus and Yates' opus We show some terms Symbol font Greek and transliterated English font of Symbol. We show some Greek terms translated in to English (whose roots may be Latin), e.g., 'God.' Gradually we shall show various interpretations, all of ones we perceive, for each term. Doug - 21Apr2007. |
Ref's. include: Websters NewWorld Hebrew Dictionary Lillian W. Adler's Practical Drill & Review for Reading Hebrew Gershom Scholem's Kabbalah Hebrew Prayer Reading Skills, by Baum, Kaminetsky, & Winter + Pagels' opus and Yates' opus |
Cassell's Latin Dictionary Ayers' English Words from Latin and Greek Elements + Pagels' opus and Yates' opus |
Neuter | Masculine |
Neuter & Common | Masculine | ||||
Philosophy |
Wisdom |
Sophia |
hokhmah |
ratio, sapientia |
consilium | ||||||||
Intelligence |
epinoia |
Mind |
Logic |
Thought |
ennoia |
Spirit |
natura (quality) |
Perfection |
teleioi |
perfectio |
Excellence | ||||||||||||
Freedom | ||||||||||||
God | QeoV TeoV Deios |
Justice | ||||||||||||
Silence | siwph siwph |
Time | cronoV cronoV |
Virtue | ||||||||||||
Love |
amor |
Hate, hatred |
Mother |
Father |
Knowledge |
facere, scientia |
certiorem | ||||||||
Faith |
Falsity |
captio | |||||||||
Verity, truth |
Insane |
Imagination |
a creation imagined; plasma also medical |
Witness1 |
kadosh (social martyr) |
martyr (for a social cause) |
English |
Neuter | Masculine |
Neuter & Common | Masculine | |||
Greek | Hebrew | Latin | ||||||||||
Notes: 1 - "Witness" here is Greek-unique lingo. That is, martus means, "An individual who may martyr, show, and demonstrate." Where Latin testis means "to observe." Thence latter as objective (O), former as gn¤stic-optimistically and quantumly much more individually subjective!
Similarly, Hebrew, in its kadosh, doesn't carry a Greek individual martus affective semantic of "bearing witness" and "walking the talk," rather kadosh means giving one's life for a 'social cause.' Notice how quantum~affective Greek's individual martus is vis-à-vis social effectuation and causality of Hebrew's ed and kadosh and Latin's testis and martyr. What this shows us is an highly unusual, n¤n classically-objective aspect of Greek understanding. See, here, and hermeneut, here, martus' subject as quantum~subject. Prior this, we have accused Greek language, essentially a dialectical Attic language, of being a wholly primal essence of humankind's huge SOM thing-king metastasis. Doug - 3Jan2006. 2 - Clearly, Greek philo-sophia may be viewed as a middle: classically-excluded as dichon(Sophia_feminine, philo_masculine), dichon(XX, XY), i.e., (originally) male and ('male' as mother, rib bone-derived-) female as ideally dialectically lisr, and dichon(X, Y), i.e., male as a dialectical conjunction of half_female and half_male mother-father; and perhaps quantumly~included as a quanton(Sophia_feminine,philo_masculine), quanton(XX,XY), i.e., a true hermaphrodite, and quanton(X,Y), i.e., 'impure' male as a haploidal hermaphrodite. Doug - 21Apr2007. |
Our recent tsunami of philosophical individualism is in a process of inverting society over individuals to individuals above society. See our 2003-2004 quantum Pirsigean feuilleton Chautauqua.
Imagine a quantum society where births of n¤vel individual memes are as exciting and blessed as birth of a newborn individual human...
But what do today's (early 2006) science and religion love? Social doctrine, social dogma, social commonism, OSFA, catholic universalism, monism, monasticism, ESQ 'truth,' stability, immutability, concrete thought, and so on... What do they hate? Individual thought, multiversal thinking, individual free will, etc. They hate individualism. They hate individual extraordinary memetics.
Quantonics shows us that a better, quantum society of quantum individuals coheres all individuals as ensemble QLOs and their quantum~holism of many individual wisdoms is vastly more capable, evolving, and safer than classicism's one managed, the societal doctrine, OSFA hegemonous social doctrine, AKA classical 'culture.'
Let's take those two sets of bullet items and distill them:
What does Quantonics show us about those distillations when they are perceived using our Quantonics' quantum pince nez?
Quantum reality shows us, at least in Quantonics it does, that:
More of this to come in 2006 as we wade through Pagels, Yates, and Nag Hammadi Gospels, Gnostic (both pessimistic-dialectical and optimistic~quantum) and otherwise. Also, we shall continue our relevant studies in Priori de Sion and continue our Bohm, Hoffmann, VoRE, etc. reviews.
Happy New Year!
Want some relevant links? Try these: Bergson's "Negation is Subjective!," Bergson's "Never affirm a thing is not!," canon, choice, cohere, consensus, Doug's Bases of Judgment (especially SOM's), either-classical-individual-or-socialism vis-à-vis both~quantum~individual~and~socialism, individual, intellect, intelligence, judge, law, logic, memeo, negation, Newton, object, ontology, opposite, quanta, reality, reason, science, select, social vis-à-vis individual, Stein, subject, subjective, the, truth, value, What are Sophisms?, etc.
More about what's coming up in 2006, some GIF tease ...
Doug - 1Jan2006.
See you here again in early February, 2006!