©Quantonics, Inc., 1998-2011 |
- Rev. 27Feb2009 PDR |
Dynamic Quality's moral right
to impose Static Quality changes with duty to: Impose incremental change (quanta) on Static Quality's four levels of Static Patterns of Value, Under extreme conditions change Static Quality massively and unilaterally, and Balance Dynamic and Static rates of change toward Better. Static Quality's moral right to resist Dynamic Quality changes with duty to: Protect MoQ's four levels of Static Patterns of Value, Improve MoQ's four levels of Static Patterns of Value, Resist damaging changes imposed by Dynamic Quality, Abide mandated changes from Dynamic Quality, and Balance Dynamic and Static rates of change toward Better. |
Four SQ Levels of SPoVs: |
- MoQ Defines Static Quality as four following levels: |
Static Pattern of Value |
Intellectual: Invents next
higher TBD Value;
See Doug's more recent CeodE 2009 What
is Gnosis? Values preconditions Social. |
Moral right of
Intellect to be free from Society control: Freedom to evolve and grow, Freedom to depart exclusive static Social patterns, but Responsibility to adhere and adapt local Social contracts, Freedom of speech and press, Freedom of assembly and travel, Democracy; CeodE 2009 Doug would replace dialectical 'democracy' with quantum~gnosis, Trial by jury, (re: MoQ's many, not SOM's one truth) Habeas corpus (protection from unlawful detention), Government by consent, but with Duty to protect Intellect; cornerstone of quantum~gnosis, Duty to dynamically improve and preserve Society, and Duty to know and distinguish among MoQ, SOM, and Relativism duty to know MoQ's credo. |
Static Pattern of Value |
Social: Invents first Intellectual Value; Values preconditions Biological. |
Moral right of
Society to be free from Biological control: Freedom to evolve, emerge, and grow, Freedom from static Biological patterns, Freedom from physical and property violence, Freedom from emotional violence, Freedom from sexual violence, Freedom from sexual harassment, Freedom from vice and corruption, but with Duty to protect Society, and Dynamically improve and preserve Biology. |
Static Pattern of Value |
Biology: Invents first Social Value; Values preconditions Inorganic. |
Moral right of
Biology to be free from Inorganic control: Freedom to evolve, emerge, and grow, Freedom from static Inorganic patterns, Freedom from death (e.g., a life-death continuum), Freedom from gravity (e.g., free to peregrinate), Freedom from duplication, but with Duty to protect Biology, and Dynamically improve and preserve Inorganics. |
Static Pattern of Value |
Inorganic: Invents first Biological Value; Values preconditions Chaotic. |
Moral right of
Inorganics to be free from Chaotic control: Freedom to evolve, emerge, and grow, Freedom from static Chaotic patterns, Freedom to catalyze, Freedom from equilibrium and dissipative entropy, Freedom from locality and isolation, but with Duty to protect Inorganics, and Dynamically improve and preserve Chaos. |