Startling statements from Mae-Wan Ho's the Rainbow and the Worm -
Acronyms | |
ATP | - Adenosine Tri-Phosphate (bio-fuel) |
DQ | - Dynamic Quality |
h-bar | - Quantum science's least unit of action/process |
MoQ | - Metaphysics of Quality (Pirsig) |
MoQese | - In the grammar of MoQ... |
O | - Object (substance, matter) |
QE | - Quality Event: MoQ's ~least unit of process |
S | - Subject (nonsubstance, mind) |
SMZE | - Single Microstate, Zero Entropy |
SOM | - Subject-Object Metaphysics |
SOMese | - In the grammar of SOM... |
SQ | - Static Quality |
SPoV | - Static Pattern(s) of Value |
VES | - Vacuum Energy Space |
"For me, the big motivating question is Erwin Schrödinger's, 'What is life?'" | For Mae-Wan Ho, Schrödinger's question is crux. Makes sense, doesn't it? For a biologist, what other question should be crux? |
Schrödinger's original question: "How can the events in space and time which take place within the spatial boundary of a living organism be accounted for by physics and chemistry?" | |
"But we no longer live in an age of mechanical determinism." | From the Quantonic perspective, this is an extraordinary statement, because we still live in an age of SOM philosophy which bore mechanical determinism. |
"Knowledge is all of a piece." |
"No boundaries between science and other ways of knowing. No a priori dualism between consciousness and science." We may infer knowledge is ubiquitous throughout and interpenetrating the multiverse - it is the SQ in this Quantonic interrelationship: DQSQ. |
"Until quite recently, the typical way to study living organisms is to kill and fix them, or smash them up into pieces until nothing is left of the organization that we are supposed to be studying. This has merely reinforced the Newtonian mechanical view of organisms that has proved thoroughly inadequate to account for life." |
This, on a small scale, shows the wrath of SOM. As Nick Adams, producer at has reminded us often, "The very first word, in the very first book of our [SOM] culture is WRATH." From the original Iliad in symbol font: "mhnin aeide thea Peladew Achilos..." In English font: "mênin aeide thea Pêlêïadeô Achilêos..." In English language: "Sing, oh, Muse of the Wrath of Achilles..." Why does our society and our culture have so much violence? There is but one answer for which we have ample argument and evidence: because of SOM! We need to change from SOM to a new philosophy and a new way of thinking! MoQ is the candidate we propose to you. SOM is about control, anger, and war. MoQ is about goodness, freedom, and morality. |
"Our education already suffers from a surfeit of facile, simplistic answers which serve to explain away the phenomena, and hence to deaden the imagination and dull the intellect." | |
"To me, science is a quest for the most intimate understanding of nature. It is not an industry set up for the purpose of validating existing theories and indoctrinating students in the correct ideologies." | Vis-à-vis metaphysics is that branch of philosophy which examines the nature of reality. |
Science: "It is the enigmas, the mysteries and paradoxes that take hold of the imagination, leading it on the most exquisite dance." | MoQ's Lila dance. |
" life is a process of being an organized whole. It is important to emphasize that life is a process and not a thing, nor a property of a material thing or structure." | This is essential MoQ. MoQ says life is a process of (pan-cra-sequences of) Quality Events. |
"Life must therefore reside in the pattern of dynamic flow of matter and energy that somehow makes the organisms alive, enabling them to grow, develop and evolve." | Again, essential MoQ. The 'pattern of dynamic flow' matches the MoQ concept of DQSQ. Matter (SOM concept) equates SQ and energy (SOM concept) roughly equates DQ. Reality animates the interrelationships twixt DQ and SQ via MoQ's Quality Events or their quantum equivalent: special events (in the MoQ II Reality Loop with pan-cra-h-bar increments of action). |
" each molecular event requiring the transfer of energy contained in one molecule of ATP - precisely coordinated over the whole cell. In a typical muscle contraction, all the cells (or fibres) in the muscle are executing the same molecular treadmilling, an astronomical number of them in concert. This means that simply waving our arms about requires a series of actions coordinated instantaneously, over a scale of distances spanning nine orders of magnitude from 10-9m for inter molecular spacing to about 1m for the length of our arm; each action furthermore involving the coordinated splitting of 1020 individual molecules of ATP." |
This is ample evidence that classical mechanics, thus SOM, are manifestly incapable of describing reality. Quantum physics and its parent MoQ philosophy are required to explain this reality. Superluminal, non-local action and communication are required here, both of which SOM blatantly and arrogantly denies. Energy efficiency of nearly 100%, again denied by SOM's classical laws of thermodynamics, are required to make this possible. |
Her summary of chapter 1: "Being alive is to be extremely sensitive to specific cues in the environment, to transduce and amplify minute signals into definite actions. Being alive is to achieve the long range coordination of astronomical numbers of submicroscopic, molecular reactions over macroscopic distances; it is to be able to summon energy at will and to engage in extremely rapid and efficient energy transduction." For more on transduction see p. 28-31, and p. 100 below. Also see our review of her book the Rainbow and the Worm and browser search there for 'transduction.' |
Clearly, the need and capability to describe this reality, exceeds SOM and classical science. Also note the implicit denial of SOM's induction in living system processes. Again, MOQ affirmation: Coordination values preconditions...just as Pirsig showed the ludicrity of SOM's causation platypus: SOMese - "A causes B." MoQese - "B values precondition A." See our 2003 affectation vis-à-vis cause. See our QQA on cause-effect. Dramatically and simply, this shows one difference between the old way and a new way of thinking. Another new way of thinking is to grasp how quantum~waves are stochastic, and as a result probability, plausibility, and likelihood are quantum~likelihood~omnistributionings AKA QLOs, which allow us to answer a key enabling query, "What is Wrong with Probability as Value?" Doug - 8Dec2008. |
You need to read chapter two carefully to derive this reviewer-paraphrased crux: In the DQSQ flux, living systems rectify the flux into an electrical potential difference from which work may then be extracted. Note that in our perceived reality, (some of) the flux appears as Brownian motion. |
For me, your reviewer, this is an entirely new way of thinking about energy transduction of life. It also puts MoQ's DQSQ in an entirely new light. |
Living " organisms' space-time structure demonstrates clearly the limitations of [SOM-classical] thermodynamics applied to living systems." |
If you wish to pursue issues here in greater depth, see Henri Louis Bergson's Time and Free Will. Doug - 12Mar2005. |
"What do we find in the [living] organism? Organized heterogeneities, or dynamic structure on all scales." | In MoQ, this matches nested SQDQ. SOM is incapable of describing his quantum structure and action. |
"In other words, the steady 'state' is not a state at all but a conglomeration of processes which are spatiotemporally organized, i.e., it has a deep space-time structure, and cannot be represented as an instantaneous state or even a configuration of states. Characteristic times of processes range from <10-14 seconds for resonant energy transfer between molecules to 107 seconds for circannual rhythms. The spatial extent of processes, similarly, spans at least ten orders of magnitude [10000000000x] from 10-10 metres for intramolecular interactions to metres for nerve conduction and the general coordination of movements in larger animals." |
'State' as used here is a classical SOMism. In MoQ and quantum science there is only the idea or concept of Quality Event (MoQ) or special event (quantum science). Quantum science shows us that the granularity of a special event is h-bar/2 or Planck's constant divided by 4*pi. Neither in MoQ nor quantum science are countless and ubiquitous QEs and special events synchronized. Any admixture of multiversal special events creates an illusion of a reality continuum a delusion to which SOM still adheres. See our MoQ II Reality Loop and our Generation III Reality Loop. |
" classical equilibrium constants are quite irrelevant " | Classical constants are not 'constant.' |
"There is as yet no science of organized heterogeneity or complexity such as would apply to living systems." | Suggesting that we need a new way of thinking and new or modified tools and methodologies. |
"A more adequate restatement of the second law [of thermodynamics], I suggest, might be as follows: "Useful work can be done by molecules by a direct transfer of stored energy and thermalized energy cannot be converted into stored energy." |
Mae-Wan Ho uses this foundation in later chapters: near-zero loss energy transduction. One may begin to infer that certain living quantum systems are ideally adiabatic, yet use something like tunneling to transduce stored energy with almost 100% efficiency. |
"There seems to be no escape from the fundamental problem of biological organization: how can individual quantum molecular machines function in collective modes extending over macroscopic distances? some new principle is required for the coordination of quantum molecular machines. This principle is coherence, perhaps even quantum coherence." |
Here she builds the case for coherence as a means for non-local, superluminal (zero latency) coordination of energy transduction and use among (adiabatic) quantum systems. Coherent systems are said to be coherent when they share a single behavior called a single micro state. Entropy is a function of the natural log of the number of micro states in a system. The natural log of one (one micro state) is zero, thus coherent, one microstate systems are zero entropy systems. Doug - Bold emphasis added 21Mar2005. Hard to see? View humans as living system composites of nested, coherent quantum systems. Imagine quantum~coherence in and among members of an orchestra and affected energy efficiency therein. |
" paying attention to space-time structure leads us to a much more subtle view of both equilibrium and non-equilibrium. A system in equilibrium can have local non-equilibrium regimes; conversely, a system in non-equilibrium can possess domains in local equilibrium." | |
" two main aspects of the living system: the ubiquitous cycling or structuring at every level of living organization, and the coupling of all these processes the coupling can be so perfect that the efficiency of energy transfer is close to 100% Coupled cycles are the ultimate wisdom of nature. They go on at all levels from the ecological down to the molecular through a wide range of characteristic time scales from millennia to split seconds." |
On the Quantonics site, we show ubiquitous cycling in three reality loops I, II., and III. In MoQ and Quantonics we refer to coupling of all loop processes as complementary interrelationships. In Quantonics we see cycles occurring, too, at submolecular and subatomic levels all the way down to the most primitive quantum wavefunction interrelationshipings. |
Here she quotes Schrödinger's famous statement about life: 'It is by avoiding the rapid decay into the inert state of equilibrium that an organism appears so enigmatic...What an organism feeds upon is negentropy. Or, to put it less paradoxically, the essential thing in metabolism is that the organism succeeds in freeing itself from all the entropy it cannot help producing while alive.' | |
"Schrödinger uses the term 'negative entropy' in order to describe a somewhat fuzzy mental picture of the living system, which not only seems to avoid the effects of entropy production - as dictated by the second law - but to do just the opposite, to increase organization, which intuitively, seems like the converse of entropy. Szent Györgi, on the other hand has conveniently included the notions both of free energy and of organization in his use of the term. I think that both scientists have the right intuition - energy and organization are inextricably bound up with each other."
"Actually, even the relationships among all the thermodynamic entities: entropy, free energy, total energy, heat and temperature, are by no means straightforward." |
We begin to recognize a need for an expanded or modified version of the laws of thermodynamics. See Ilya Prigogine and Isabelle Stengers: Order Out of Chaos. They advocate both dissipative and productive entropy terms in potential new laws. Entropy and negentropy appear as roughly equivalent duals to SQ and DQ in MoQ. In a similar sense that entropy might represent actualization of reality, SQ does similarly. In a similar sense that negentropy might represent emergence, animation, change (both productive and dissipative), DQ does similarly. MoQ might help us to perceive complex thermodynamic interrelationshipings in alternate light. |
"Processes which involve a negative free energy change (loss of free energy to the surroundings) are said to be exergonic - and are thermodynamically 'downhill' or spontaneous; those which involve a positive free energy change, or gain in free energy, are endergonic, and are thermodynamically 'uphill' and non-spontaneous." |
These processes are two kinds of change induced by DQ. Presence or absence of spontaneity in DQ appears as presence or absence of evolutionarily stable strategies. SQ which becomes 'stale' devolves and dissipates back into DQ. Evolutionary and devolutionary better incremental changes occur at MoQ's Quality Events (~quantum science's special events). Classical thermodynamics theory appears to mandate a kind of SOM single context concept on energy with an idea of 'total energy.' MoQ very likely disavows a concept of total energy because that would place boundaries on (make finite) DQ. DQ, according to MoQ philosophy is limitless and undefinable - unknowable by finite intellect. Our perception is that a new thermodynamics must somehow live with that requirement. |
"So there may be something special about the precise form, or quality, of energy that is taken up, or how that energy is taken up by living systems that perhaps enables them to build organization, which is not the same as crystalline order. For one thing, the former is dynamic through and through, whereas the latter is static." |
Here she distinguishes two types of coherence: static and dynamic. Crystalline order (single micro-state, zero entropy (SMZE)) like we see in diamonds is the static type of coherence. Living system order (SMZE) is the dynamic type of coherence. |
She quotes H.J. Morowitz, on a fifth type of thermodynamic engine, "'It is also possible,' he continues, 'that they operate on a molecular quantum mechanical domain that is not describable by any of the macroscopic engines '" |
Mae-Wan Ho already told us the four other thermodynamic engine types in some process of answering a question, "What kind of 'engine' is an organism?"
"Energy transfer via heat, on which the science of thermodynamics is based, is by far the least efficient and nonspecific form of transfer." | |
"Life uses the highest grade of energy, the packet or quantum size of which is sufficient to cause specific motion of electrons in the outer orbitals of molecules. It is on account of this that living systems can populate their high energy levels without heating up the body excessively, and hence contribute to what Schrödinger intuitively identifies as 'negative entropy.' But what enables living systems to do so? It is none other than their meticulous space-time organization in which energy is stored in a range of time scales and spatial extents." |
Mae-wan, here, speaks of QED. Quantum Electro Dynamics. QED is about photon~electron (gamma~beta) interrelationships of atoms' energy shells which surround spatio~arbitrarily and stochastically atoms' nuclei. QED describe most of reality's mutative, emergent behaviors of which humans are sentiently aware (and countless others outside human sensory complementarospective) and experience on a daily routine. Frequencies, flux rates, involved here are so high as to be classico- 'scientifically' n¤n omnitorable. A key issue here is that flux rates at some level, as they increase, become adiabatic. Adiabaticity issi "zero entropy." See quantonics' coinings of cohera and entropa. See quantonics' description of quantum~coherence. Entropy is a tedious topic: It is easy to confuse entropy-production and -dissipation with actual reality~production and dissipation. Entropy 'production' means increasing entropy: increasing chaotic dissipation of actual reality. Posentropy from an actuality conspective has a 'negative gradient.' Doug is going to work well on explaining this better under our QELR of 'entropy,' and show some graphics which will make understanding easier, hopefully. QED fluxings are almost wholly adiabatic, and this is what Mae-wan Ho intends in tRatW text by "almost 100% energy efficient." Too, it is what Doug intends when we say classical science has n¤ means of describing photon~electron mutative process, since classical 'science' can only explain 'state' as stoppable "zero momentum" reference frames and 'state transitions' as events. Classical 'science' has no means to describe quantum processings. Classical properties are 'state-ic.' They hold still. Classical measurement requires what is measured to "hold still." That retarded thingking disables those who use it from grasping essentials of quantum~absolutely~animate~reality. See our QELR of think. End update - 18Apr2007 - Doug. |
"It is of interest to compare the thermodynamic concept of 'free energy' with the concept of 'stored energy' 'Stored energy,' originally defined by McClare with respect to a characteristic time interval, can readily be extended, in addition, to a characteristic spatial domain. As such, stored energy is explicitly dependent on the space-time structure of the system, hence it is a precise concept which can be defined on the space and time domain of the processes involved." |
Again, we see affirmation of the quantum science duality with MoQ, especially in regard to energy concepts and definables and undefinables. Stored energy, here, is a dual of MoQ's Static Quality, and free energy is a dual of Dynamic Quality. Further, just as she says free energy is undefinable, so does Pirsig tell us unambiguously that DQ is undefinable. A converse holds for stored energy and SQ. We might extrapolate just a bit and say that changes in stored and free energies are Quantonic interrelationships that are complementary and reveal imperspicuous uncertainty interrelationships. These changes occur in h-bar granularity, ubiquitously in space-time. All of this conjures a possible vision of all Static Quality Patterns of Value as n-tuples whose coordinates are constantly in flux under an ever changing influence of Dynamic Quality. |
"Perhaps what we really need, in order to understand the living system, is a thermodynamics of organized complexity which describes processes in terms of stored energy instead of free energy." | Again, affinity to MoQ is clear. Here she sees stored energy as kin to Static Quality which in Pirsig's MoQ breaks into levels of Static Patterns of Value. Stored energy and its processes, within MoQ, are SPoVs! |
"Thus, the living system could contain isothermal equilibrium machines, non-equilibrium machines, as well as quantum molecular machines." | |
She quotes Lord Kelvin, "The animal body does not act as a thermodynamic engine " | |
"This dual character - the wave particle duality of light - was soon extended to matter." | |
"The living system is a bewildering mass of organized heterogeneity." | |
"Since Schrödinger's time, a number of people have suggested that collective modes of activity may arise in living systems which are analogous to those occurring at low temperatures in physical systems." | |
" equilibrium phase transitions [solid-liquid, liquid-solid, solid-solid, solid-gas, etc.] involve abrupt change from a state of molecular chaos to one with macroscopic order these involve a reduction in the number of possible microstates in the system ultimately to a single one. The type of order achieved is essentially static - being that of a perfect crystal. In the non-equilibrium system, however, the transition is always to a regime of dynamic order where the whole system is in coherent motion laser action is representative of non-equilibrium phase transitions." | |
" in Bénard convection we can clearly see the transition from a regime where individual molecular motions are random with respect to one another, and hence no macroscopic or long range order is present, to a regime where all the molecules are moving coherently, with the concomitant dramatic appearance of long range macroscopic order. In both systems [convection and laser systems], random energy is channeled into coherent modes of activity at phase transition. This is a characteristic feature of non-equilibrium phase transitions " | |
"The Bénard convection cells result from a classical phase transition which typically occurs over a long time scale. The solid state laser, by contrast, results from a quantum phase transition which takes place very rapidly. This difference in time scale, in my opinion, tips the balance in favor of biological organization being essentially a quantum rather than a classical phenomenon. Can it be that similar non-equilibrium phase transitions to macroscopic dynamic order occur in living systems?" | For fun, juxtapose her position expressed here with David Deutsch's view, in his Fabric of Reality, that any brain, considered as a computer is a classical, not a quantum phenomenon. |
"Under these conditions, metabolic pumping may result in condensation to collective modes of vibration, rather like the laser action just described" | Here she makes a connection between living system coherent, and physical system laser action. |
"Coherent excitations can account for many of the most characteristic properties of living organisms [to which] I have drawn your attention : long range order and coordination; rapid and efficient energy transfer, as well as extreme sensitivity to specific signals." | Classical legacy subject-object language rears its ugly head here, where she uses the word properties. Dreaded SOM objects have or own properties. Pirsig's Static Patterns of Value are in Quality and have interrelationshipings of Value which, too, are SPoVs. SPoVs are latched Value and are in Dynamic Value. Things may n¤t possess Value. Value is Quantonic (holographic) interrelationshipings among, co-within, and commingling all SPoVs. |
"How would coherent excitations make the system sensitive to specific weak signals? Such a weak signal will be received by the system only when the system is 'in tune.'" | |
"The idea of coherence is so foreign to most Western-trained scientists that there is a lot of resistance to it from the mainstream." | |
" everything in quantum theory tells us that molecules never stand still, and proteins are no exception." | |
"It is already well-known that molecules with the same intrinsic frequency of vibration not only resonate over long distances, and hence undergo coherent excitation, but can also attract one another over long distances" |
"Some biochemists studying enzyme kinetics are coming around to the idea that coherent excitations may have more relevance for enzyme action than the conventional 'lock and key' principle." | |
"[recognition by resonance] provides the motive force of attraction between appropriate reactive species and enables energy exchange to take place. Thus, 'information' is not something separate from energy and organization." | From our perspective, Mae-Wan does not take this meme far enough. Her 'recognition by resonance' applies across all scales of quantum systems. We see nearly all proto-primal of quantons as being both self- and co-aware via this mechanism. This may be viewed as the very most primitive form of consciousness (mind as quantum~holographic SON confirms this memeo) and it provides an original bootstrap latch of the first actualized quantum systems from an unactualized, unknown domain we call variously: DQ, negentropy, free energy, superposition, VES, etc. |
"So part of the 'negentropy' that Schrödinger was searching for is simply located in the chemistry of matter, which physicists have a tendency to forget." |
This jibes with MoQ in a most fundamental way: MoQ says that DQSQ and SQDQ are commingling, co-within, interpenetrating interrelationships. MoQ says that objective isolation and separation and individuation are not possible. Mae-Wan tells us that quantum science agrees with this aspect of MoQ's philosophy. One more cogent point we doubt many chemists would denigrate: chemistry is about (Quantonic) interrelationshipings! Hmmm... Reality is about Quantonic Interrelationshipings!! |
" heat transfer cannot be the major form of energy transduction in living systems." | |
"If the organism is in effect a solid state system, then many of the basic principles of condensed matter physics will have applications in the living system." | In MoQ and Quantonic thinking, this has enormous ramifications for the changes current legacy SOM thinkers must undergo. The implications for all levels of education in the West are just mind-boggling. |
Mae-Wan responds to our comment above thus, "As in any attempt to understand, we use whatever tools we have at our disposal to think, and good scientific theories are just that - a superior kind of tools for thought. They help us clear our minds in order to receive the greater mysteries of nature." | We would add that a change in the philosophical underpinnings of science would help with that clearing and understanding. We believe that both the philosophy and science may change concurrently, and that the change process for the new philosophy and new science are underway now. |
"To return to quantum theory, it tells us that the wave-function of each electron is actually delocalized or spread out over the whole system, so that the electron has a finite probability of being found anywhere within the system." | This is true not only of the electron, but it is true for all quantum systems, essentially because all quantum systems are built from quantum-atomic elements whose electrons and other constituents are also delocalized. This is how tunneling and other extraordinary quantum effect manifestations arise. |
" the coherent electrodynamic field underlies living organization." |
This is profound! Imagine a coherent substrate co-within and commingling all living systems! This is very likely coherent Quantonic interrelationshipings among DQ and SQ. |
"We can begin to see how a coherent electrodynamical field makes the organism a vibrant, sensitive whole." | Again, we would go further here. Probably, these fields holographically com(n)nect via Quantonic interrelationshipings (i.e., DQSQDQ) across extant living and other systems. |
"It has been claimed that muscle contraction occurs in definite quantal steps which are synchronous over entire muscle fibres, and measurements with high speed ultra sensitive instrumentation suggest that the contraction is essentially fluctuationless." |
When Mae-Wan uses the word 'fluctuationless' she is describing an important characteristic of a quantum coherent field: individual behaviors of quantum system constituents of that field are n¤t statistical, but they are absolutely continuous and synchronous. The constituents act in lock step, non-locally, superluminally, as one. A crucial observation here is obtainable, now, CeodE 2008: coherent fields are adiabatic...lossless. Compare actual lossless quantum~coherency to DQ, n¤nactual gainful quantum~isocoherency. See parthenofluxis. Doug - 8Dec2008. Note that there are a large variety of and characteristics of macro- and micro-coherent fields, including: Bose-Einstein Condensates (BECs), superfluids, superconductors, retroreflectors, atom lasers, lasers, masers, etc., under various conditions: at equilibrium, non-equilibrium, near-equilibrium, far from equilibrium, etc. Just this one value pattern area (MoQese for 'subject') consumes countless thousands of person-years in study and personal endeavor. |
Weak, static electromagnetic fields affect living systems, depending: "In our laboratory, we have shown that brief exposures of synchronously-developing early Drosophila embryos to weak [below thermal threshold] static magnetic fields during the period when cryptic pattern determination processes are taking place resulted in a high proportion of characteristic body pattern abnormalities in the larvae hatching 24 hours later." |
Some important issues here. Timing of presence/absence of fields is critical and must be taken into account in experiments. Living systems are affected by electromagnetic fields. This should be true assuming that coherent electrodynamic fields are substrata of all living systems. An important MoQ-relevant issue is that equivalents of pattern determination (quantum awareness) appear in reactions to magnetic fields. |
"Organisms are in general much more sensitive to weak magnetic fields than to weak electric fields It turns out that magnetic fields have effects which depend less on the energy of the field than on the ability of the field to [orient] molecules and atoms with magnetic moments and possibly, on their ability to deflect moving charges." | More evidence for our intrinsic magnetic personalities. |
"Fritz Popp [et al.] find that practically all organisms emit light at a steady rate from a few photons per cell per day to several hundred photons per organism per second." | |
" a sharp increase in [biophoton] emission rate as temperature rises " | |
"Biophotons as stimulated emission after a brief exposure to light without exception stimulated emission decays to a hyperbolic [distribution] function Popp claims to be a sufficient condition for a coherent light field." | |
"If the molecules [of a living system] are emitting [biophotons] coherently, however, the energy of the emitted photons [is] not completely lost. Instead, part of it is coupled back coherently, or reabsorbed by the system." |
See David Voss' brief entitled, "Quantum Trick Shots," in Science, Vol. 280, 22May98, p. 1213. From your reviewer's simplistic perspective, Andreev reflection appears related to zero-entropy adiabatic energy storage capabilities of living coherent quantum systems described in the Rainbow and the Worm by Mae-Wan Ho. Conjecture by your reviewer: Mae-Wan Ho's phrase, (pp. 124-5) may be reconciled as to means by momentum-conserving retroreflection, or Andreev reflection, of quantons in coherent condensates described in Voss' article. PDR - 2Jul98. |
"These observations are consistent with the idea that the living system is one coherent 'photon field' [coherent electrodynamic field] which is bound to living matter maintained far from thermodynamic equilibrium." | From our Quantonic perspective her use of 'bound' here has a classical ring it sounds objective. We prefer MoQese like: co-within, commingling, and interpenetrating. |
More on what quantum coherence means in living systems: "coherence does not mean uniformity, or that every part of the organism must be doing the same thing or vibrating with the same frequencies. There can indeed be domains of local autonomy such as those that we know exist in the organisms." | We see this as another analogue for MoQ's many contexts and many truths. |
" there may be a system of communication that sends emergency messages simultaneously to all organs The speed with which this system operates [superluminally] seems to rule out all conventional mechanisms While normal cells emit less light with increasing cell density, malignant cells show an exponential increase in light emission with increasing cell density... The difference between cancer cells and normal cells may lie in their communicative capability which in turn depends on their degree of coherence." | |
"photons are even more intimately involved with matter than the impression I have given so far. In quantum electrodynamics, it is supposed that the orbital electrons and the nucleus are exchanging 'virtual' photons all the time, which is why the electrons can manage to move around in their orbits' without radiating electromagnetic energy outside." | |
" biophotons are clearly not monochromatic even though they can be coherent, as the theory of quantum optics explicitly allows for coherence in a wide band of frequencies which are coupled together random energy of any frequency fed into the system is rapidly delocalized over all frequencies, implying that all the frequencies are coupled in a single mode as required for coherence." | |
This is paraphrased for brevity: "In super delayed emission we see in Drosophila embryos, we explain long delay reemission and reemission rate by two kinds of novel electrodynamical phenomena in biological systems one is cavity quantum electrodynamics spontaneous radiation from resonant cavities the other is light localization in microstructures of dielectric semiconductors Both emphasize electromagnetic energy delocalization and collective interactions on which biological organization depends." | Very briefly, she shows more evidence here that other unique quantum processes happen in biological systems. |
"Here we shall delve into the fundamental nature of physical reality revealed to us by quantum theory, and we shall do so with the help of two kinds of observations, which illustrate most clearly how the quantum world is completely at odds with the classical world of Newtonian mechanics. The first kind of observations demonstrates the wave-particle duality of physical reality, and the second, the phenomena of nonlocality and entanglement." | She tells us, again, that we need a new way of thinking. Our legacy Newtonian classical science founded upon the SOM philosophy born of biformal thinking 2500 years ago is now incapable. We need new thinking founded upon a quantum reality. For us in Quantonics, that is Pirsig's MoQ. |
" quantum entanglement has a lot to do with quantum coherence in quantum [science], we must think of light as simultaneously wave-like and particle-like." | |
"The fundamental picture of a [wave-]particle in quantum mechanics is that all alternative possibilities open to the system co-exist in a 'pure state' rather than a mixture of states until the instant when we observe it." |
The reader must be aware that there are many interpretations of quantum science. As do apparently most scientists, Mae-Wan Ho fails to tell us which interpretation(s) she adheres. This happens, in our view, when scientists' latent SOM legacy thinking assumes one large context. Some assume that you need not state context, since there is only one, and it is infinite. (Here is but another reason why we need a new way of thinking.) If you look at our table of interpretations, Quantum Interpretations, you will see that her description here is closest to what Nick Herbert describes as Copenhagen II, mixed in with a little flavor from Bohm. Elsewhere in the text, she sprinkles jargon from other interpretations freely (e.g., collapse, entanglement, measurement, observation, etc. The last two in this list certainly are anthropocentric.). In Quantonics, regarding the act of measurement or observation, we attempt to avoid the anthropocentric view held by the above two interpretations of quantum science (i.e., "when we observe it"). Our view is closer to a view currently incompatible with any of Herbert's eight interpretations. It is closest, perhaps to Herbert's fifth interpretation, or Quantum Logic. We see no special measuring device, but instead see all quantum systems as both observing and observable even capable of self-observation (yes, this offers the potential fruit of quantum parthenogenesis). Quantum Logic's interpretation is intrinsically desirable to us because of its 'isles of truth,' which admit the multiplicity of contexts (and truths just like MoQ) which exist in quantum reality. Further we see other logic extensions of the Quantum Logic interpretation, such as Galois groups or gaggles. Another caveat here, regarding again the phrase, "when we observe it." She gives no formal definition of time. She avers Einsteinian space-time, but talks irreversible flow (arrow) of time, which is the classical continuous formal time a la Feynman's lazy X model of past, now, future. In Quantonics, we see time as an illusion provided by the h-bar granularity of infinite, ubiquitous quantum reality emerge-change-loops occurring asynchronously. |
"The fundamental picture of a [wave-]particle in quantum mechanics is that all alternative possibilities open to the system co-exist in a 'pure state' rather than a mixture of states until the instant when we observe it. It is important to get this distinction between a 'pure' and a 'mixed' state. A pure state is indivisible, it is a unit which we can represent as a 'superposition' of all the possible alternatives. The mixed state, however, is a mixture where the different states really exist in different proportions. The act of observation seems to put an end to this almost dream-like pure state into one of the possibilities that previously existed only as a potential. Hence, the observer seems to somehow determine the fate of the particle by 'collapsing' all the possibilities into a state of definiteness." |
In Western cultures, SOM's objectivism creeps into everything we say and think. It is solidly ensconced in our language. Once you see this and understand the programming SOM has done to your mind, it becomes an irritant. You want to make it go away. Mae-Wan Ho, carries the SOM baggage much less than others. Even Pirsig in his three works carries the SOM lingo to his audience too effectively, thus making his SOMite readers language-comfortable, but philosophically uncomfortable. Here, Mae-Wan intuits MoQ, but only part of the way. She talks about the quantum pure state and mixed states, but there is a subtle concept missing, still. As we read her words, we see the pure state and the mixed states almost innately using our de facto SOM thinking. We see them both subjectively and objectively, but as separate concepts. In MoQ, the pure state corresponds to Dynamic Quality or DQ. The mixed states correspond to MoQ's Static Quality or SQ, but in MoQ SQ is not separate from DQ! SQ is in DQ and DQ is in SQ! SQDQ! SQ commingles and interpenetrates DQ, and vice versa like this: DQSQ! We show this more generally like this: DQSQDQ. We say, "DQ is in interrelationships with SQ in interrelationships with DQ. The interrelationships are Quantonic, they are quantum, complementary, and often show uncertainty and [SOM-apparent] paradice (i.e., paradoxes) via conjugates and quantum logic's islands of truth. So, from a non-SOM perspective, from a better MoQ and Quantonic perspective, the mixed states commingle and interpenetrate the pure state too. The mixed states are always co-within the pure state, and vice versa. SOM programs us to not see these important interpenetrating interrelationships. SOM programs us not to see Value. MoQ and Quantonics free us from this passé, legacy SOM baggage. |
"The position and momentum wave functions are connected by a mathematical transformation called the Fourier transform. Position and momentum are related by a deep complementarity: a particle which as a precise position in space is completely indeterminate in its momentum; conversely, one which has a definite momentum will be completely delocalized in space, " |
In Quantonics, we show this 'deep complementarity' thus: quanton(position,momentum). This notation and the artistic symbology we associate with it like the Tao symbol, and the other Quantonic symbols you see on the site are intentional Gestalts of an amalgam of quantum concepts. The quanton as a philosophical symbol represents:
New note: Beware - caveat: Fourier transforms are implicitly SOM, i.e., analytic (naïve) functions. Many behavior transitions Mae-wan describes in her book are not analytic. Many behavior transitions she describes are indeed, nonlinear. If you study recent literature, you will discover, e.g., photonic (esp. recent PhysicsWeb articles) and ocean (Hans Christian von Baeyer article in The Sciences, May/June 1999) solitons are nonlinear manifestations of quantum behaviors. Some of us are beginning to perceive persistence (~¥) of some quantum systems we call elementary constituents as very much like solitons. Added 17May1999 PDR. |
"Although Einstein contributed substantially to the development of quantum theory, he could never accept the description of reality in terms of the wave function consisting of a combination of complex amplitudes. This indefiniteness bothered him as something told him that, 'God does not play dice!' He assumed there must be a deeper structure beneath quantum mechanics which presents reality without the contradictions inherent in the accepted theory." | Here we see SOM's blinders' grip on Einstein's thinking. |
"In order to try to show that a deeper, definite structure of reality exists, Einstein, Podolsky, and Rosen (EPR), proposed a thought experiment, or gedanken experiment (which in the end overcame their objections, especially when the experiment was eventually, actually carried out.)" | The intent of EPR was to show quantum theory/mechanics was incomplete! It backfired on EPR, because the experiment, when executed by different groups repeatedly over decades, actually showed that what they assumed was impossible nonlocal, superluminal action is actually quantum reality! Their assumptions may be shown as direct consequences of their SOM legacy thinking. |
"A coherent system has neither space nor time separation, so the 'collapse' of one part is 'instantaneously' communicated to the other part, regardless of how great a distance exists between the two parts. By extrapolation of the experimental results, it must mean that the two parts could be light years apart, and still the 'collapse' of the wave function of one [part] instantaneously collapses that of the other [part] as well." | New note: Again, in Quantonics, we perceive collapse as legacy SOM thinking. It started with John von Neumann's SOM mathematical 1930s modeling of quantum mechanics in his Mathematical Foundations of Quantum Mechanics. He saw collapse as necessary because, for him, reality was 'objective.' During Millennium III, we predict SOM will gain its deserved reputation as a great hindrance to humankind's progress in our quantum multiverse. Added 17May1999 PDR |
"The concept of 'entanglement' was introduced by Schrödinger in 1935 to describe this phenomenon as part of his formal discussion of the EPR paper proposing the experiment. The two particles are, as it were, entangled with each other in a pure or coherent state. It turns out that the two [parts] do not even have to be prepared together so that they are originally one system. Experimentally, one can even allow any two [parts], neutrons, electrons or photons, [any quantum system] to be produced at distant and unrelated sources. As soon as they have come together and interacted, they become entangled with each other long after they have collided and separated. They have become one coherent quantum system. This result is very significant, and I shall come back to it in the last chapter." | |
" each photon, in effect, interferes with itself!" | New note: A conceptual elicit of quantum self-awareness. Added 17May1999 PDR |
" the correlation between two space-time points in a coherent field factorizes, or decomposes neatly into the self-correlations at the two points separately, and this decomposability or factorizability is a sufficient condition for coherence. It is important to remember that the coherent state is a pure state and not a mixture of states. Factorizability does not mean that it can be factorized into a mixture. But it does lead to something quite unusual. What it means is that any two points in a coherent field will behave statistically independently of each other. If we put two photon detectors in this field, they will register photons independently of each other Coherence can therefore exist to different orders or degrees." | |
"A coherent state thus maximizes both global cohesion and also local freedom [time-space, ts, autonomy]! Nature presents us a deep riddle that compels us to accommodate seemingly polar opposites. What she [nature] is telling us is that coherence does not mean uniformity: where everybody must be doing the same thing all the time. An intuitive way to think about it is in terms of a symphony orchestra or a grand ballet, or better yet, a jazz band where every individual is doing his or her own thing, but is yet in tune or in step with the whole. This is precisely the biochemical picture we now have of the living system: micro compartments and microdomains, right down to molecular machines, all functioning autonomously, doing very different things at different rates, coupled together, in step with one another and hence, with the whole organism." |
New note: In Quantonics, we see this as fundamental to any new ontology for sentient adherence. Any philosophy, metaphysics, and/or ontology must embrace a non-Borgian quanton(global_cohesion,ts_autonomy). We intentionally use G, A, C, and T in our quanton. We want it to appear as cultural, societal, sociological DNA! Uracil is unified-complementarity, which our quanton notation accomplishes by design. So, in shorthand we may write u(gc,ta), DNA for a new cultural ontology for Millennium III! To achieve this, we must discard our SOMitic legacy ideas of any kind of dogmatic or rule-based organization for society. Nature's rules, in that regard, appear limited and fairly simple: cooperate (interrelationships change and flow with nature's quantum flux) and defend (resist unilateral control, or any form of exclusive stasis). To a SOMite, quanton(cooperate,defend) is a sophism. Added 17May1999 PDR |
" factorizability optimizes communication by providing an uncorrelated network of space-time points which can be modulated instantaneously by specific signals it provides the highest possible fringe contrast (or visibility) for pattern recognition, which may account for the great specificities in the response of organisms to diverse stimuli may underlie efficiency of bioenergetic processes it concentrates the highest amount of energy of the field in localized zones by constructive interference the smallest possible amount of energy is subject to correlated transfer between an arbitrarily large number of space-time points in the field with minimum loss." |
She describes an ultimate Internet. This part is more difficult to follow. It depends mostly upon our ability, or lack thereof, to understand the quantum mathematics behind 'factorizability.' Several of you ask about the surface or face of DQ as perceived by locally autonomous but globally coherent SQ patterns. We see this issue of surface/face as verisimilar to what Mae-Wan calls fringe contrast. |
"I have argued in earlier chapters that quantum coherence is characteristic of living systems for two reasons. First, as molecular machines are quantum machines, quantum coherence must necessarily be involved in their coordination. Second, the rapidity of long range coordination in the living system is such as to rule out classical coherence due to classical phase transitions as exemplified by the Bénard convection cells. However, time is a subtle (and difficult) concept, as pointed out in connection with the space-time structure of living organisms." | |
" efficient energy transfer processes (in living systems) can in principle occur over a wide range of timescales, depending on the coherence time-structure in the system." | |
"We may now offer a tentative answer to at least part of a question which was posed at the beginning of this book: what is it that constitutes a whole or an individual? It is a domain of coherent, autonomous activity." | |
"The 'inevitable' conflict between the individual and the collective, between private and public interests, has been the starting point for all social as well as biological theories of Western society. Coherence tells us it is not so 'inevitable' after all. Eminent sociologists have been deploring the lack of progress in sociology, and saying that it is time to frame new questions. Perhaps sociology needs a new set of premises altogether." Mae-wan Ho. |
Pirsig's MoQ reaches philosophically very similar conclusions she reaches here physically and biologically. A new set of premises for a new way of thinking and a new beginning in sociology lies in Pirsig's MoQ as a new philosophy and in quantum reality as a new science. |
The best parts, and the best quotes you can find in the remaining chapters of the Rainbow and the Worm. Get this book and see for yourself.
Many truths to you,