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Original Nag Hammadi Library English | Quantoncs' Quantum Sophist Commentary & Doug's Hermeneutic Opinions | |
I was sent forth from | [the] power, and I have come to those who | reflect upon me, and I have been found 5 among those who seek after me. | Look upon me, you (plural) who reflect upon me, | and you hearers, hear me. | |
Here, we view Venus' AKA Sophia's reflection as quantum~c¤mplementarity. Too, view reflection as quantum~pr¤cess. And she emphasizes heterogeneity of animate reflectionings. |
You who are waiting for me, take me | to yourselves. And do not banish me 10 from your sight. | And do not make your voice hate | me, nor your hearing. | Do not be ignorant of me anywhere | or any time. Be on your guard! 15 Do not be ignorant of me. | |
We want to use two conventional categorical appellations here:
"Do not take me to 'society,' rather take me to yourselves." Society is "called," "psychic," "dialectical," and "literal." "Those of you who, yourselves, are waiting for me are 'elect,' and 'pneumatic.' " Individuals (yourselves) are "elect," "pneumatic," "quantum," and "sophist." We see "yourselves" as a plurality of individuals, most psychic, few pneumatic. A bottom line here: Reformation required! Doug - 27May2006. |
For I am the first
and the last. I | am the honored one and the scorned one. | I am the whore and the holy one. | I am the wife and the 20 virgin. I am <the mother> | and the daughter. I am the members | of my mother. |
"I am the isoflux and the flux!" "Flux is in isoflux and isoflux is in flux." "I am ihn y¤u amd y¤u aræ ihn mæ!" In Hebrew: "zivvug parzuf[al]im." See Gershom Scholem's Kabbalah, 'Tikkun.' Parzuf is processings of catharsis! Cathar means pure: Perfect Mind. Catholics took 40+ years to kill all Cathars,
men, women, children. |
I am the barren one,
| and many are her sons. |
A quantum both~and, a BAWAM. quanton(barren,fecund) |
I | am she whose wedding is great, and 25 I have not taken a husband. I am the midwife | and she who does not bear. I | am the solace of my labor pains. |
Notice Venus' insistence upon quantum~c¤mjugation as 'wedding.' Her 'wedding' isn't literal, naïve, dialectical, SOMitic 'marriage.' |
I | am the bride and the bridegroom, | and it is my husband who 30 begot me. I am the mother of | my father and the Sister of my | husband, and he is my offspring. | I am the slave of him who | prepared me. I am the ruler 14 of my offspring. |
First sentence is a direct, in our opinion, reference to a hermaphroditic Godhead. She uses quantum~recursive, recapitulative, fractal qualogos to exegetize. Gn¤stic Jesus is here too in her "S-he who would lead must be slave of all." If there is any society it must be slave to its c¤mstituency, n¤t sovereign! |
But he is the one who [begot me] | before
the time on a birthday. | And he is my offspring [in] | (due) time, and my power 5 is from him. I am the staff | of his power in his youth, [and] | he is the rod of my | old age. And whatever he wills | happens to me. |
Quantum fractal, sorso, recursion. | |
I am the silence 10 that is incomprehensible |
"I am DQ." "I am Isoflux." "I am Negentropy." "I am Boundless Potentia." |
and the idea | whose remembrance is frequent.
| I am the voice whose sound is | manifold and the word whose appearance | is multiple. |
Here we replace Platonic 'idea' with quantum meme. 'Idea' is ideal singular immutable 'state.' Meme is heterogeneous and frequent. |
I am the utterance of 15 my name... |
Iamai. Imma. Adonai. Abba. Thank you for reading! Doug - 27May2006. |