Philosophical Capabilities
of MoQ, SOM, and CR Compared
by Doug Renselle
Careful observers note our interrelationship of italics cowithin
MoQ's 'absolute;' however, we apply nonitalics to SOM.
Semantic for 'absolute' differs among MoQ,
SOM, and CR thus:
MoQ absolute: both
changes all and always changes.
SOM absolute: states all
truths and always states the truth.
CR absolute: there is no truth and all change is chaotic.
In MoQ evolute
change is nature's
moral imperative.
In SOM change is analytic
motion of perpetually immutable substance.
In CR change offers no value or increase in value, rather
it offers absolute chaos.
A more quantum way to say this same intueme using uncertainty
as a referent:
MoQ says reality
is quantum uncertain:
MoQ phasements
reality is quantum accessible
(see measurment row, classical
quantum, in that table; then see availability
row in that table - Doug), paralogical, plural-ensemble-probabilistic,
both complementary
and dynamic uncertainty (quantal
positive holographic
phasistic wavings')
interrelationshipings. To use more recent, CeodE 2009, quantology,
those interrelationshipings are occurrent
holographic and fractal
Doug - 26May2009. See also coobsfection,
and quantum~essence.
SOM says reality is absolutely
certain (no uncertainty):
SOM says reality is classically accessible, unilogical, monistic-analytic,
single-event-deterministic, dialectically objective, state-ic,
certain, properties.
CR says reality is absolutely uncertain:
CR says reality is inaccessible chaos, denying absolute observation
of either SOM analytic quantitative truth or MoQ stochastic qualitative
Careful observers also note why CR
is currently defeating SOM in our raging culture wars. At least,
it deals in a chaotic manner with multiple contexts, where SOM
cannot. (See our 16Apr1999
letter to The Washington Times for more detail.) Our
graph shows neither SOM nor CR capable of winning based on their
notable incapability explaining natural,
physial reality.
We anticipate MoQ or something like MoQ can displace SOM's/CR's
culture war early in Millennium III.
In our use of a phrase evolutionarily stable, we mean
patterns capable of both gradual and step changes or leaps. Evolutionarily
stable patterns habituate more enduring persistence of survivability
quantum life extension.
Nonevolutionarily stable patterns or systems break or extinguish
under certain types of evolutionary change.