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Notes on Radiation
Classical Notions of 'Force'
Hybridized with Quantonic



Doug Renselle - 17-25Jun2004
Ongoing maintenance 17Jun2004 through 4-5Jan2007...
(Latest corrections and quantum~selective evolutionary~improvements...September, October, 2008.)

One of you recently asked an interesting question:

"What laws of quantum mechanics govern mutations in DNA?"

Adepts will notice that this is a great question, but our interrogator is a classicist. How are we k~n¤w~ings that? Quantum reality isn't mechanical!

However, if we forgive that classical preconception, we can still offer a high quality answer:

Quantonics HotMeme"Quantonics shows that a real quantum~n¤nmechanics evolves (do n¤t say "governs") quantum subjective versions of both QED and QCD.™" Quantonics HotMeme™.

Current quantum~mechanical approaches to understanding a quantum~changing~evolving reality include:

  • QED,
  • QCD.
QED, flavored quantonically, describes a vast array of quantum interrelationshipings among posentropic leptons (typically electrons: about 1/1836 mass of a neutron) and zeroentropic bosons (typically photons: huge range of energies possible here).
There is a lot to be said here. A ref. to use is CRC Handbook, Section 11. Feynman said QED describes almost all of what we observe in natural reality.

Post Feynman QCD, flavored quantonically, describes many quantum interrelationshipings among negentropic (typically creation as descending isoenergy into isot fuzzons...), zeroentropic (...through gluons, light~bosons, and heavy bosons (say, Higgs)...), and posentropic (isot TBCS quarks evolve~become isop UD quarks which mutate into what classicists refer "material neutrons and protons"...) quantum~reality. Most are genuinely transmutative and mutative, so QCD has a lot to do with quantum~biology. Quantum~biologically QED has a lot to do with biophoton~holographics and thinkqing, for example.
QCD's quantum~interrelationshipings include those among isot hadrons, isop hadrons, isot gluons, and heavy Higgs, W, and Z bosons.

To answer our student's query though, just say "For now, CeodE 2008, both QED and QCD describe mutations in DNA." Notice that DNA reversed is AND.

Recall that DNA and RNA are emersed respectively from P, C, H, O, N molecules called "peptides."

Recall that our bodies' proteins are RNA triplet encoding built as long codon addressed sequences of 21 "amino acids" each amino acid emersed from S, C, H, O, N quantum~'atoms' assembled as more complex quantum~molecules.

So what we call "biology" (omnistinguish functional biology and evolutionary biology; disregard 'functional' as classical and emphasize pragmatic~selection~evolutionary as quantum; Doug's use of pragmatic here is in both James' and Peirce's forward~looking, anticipative selection processings which we now refer quantum~ontology, onta of quanta...) depends upon previously created actual~perpetual atoms of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, phosphorus, and sulfur which QCD describes their creation from quantum~n¤nactuality.

QCD and QED together also describe nearly all mutative transformations among both emerging and quiescent~change cell biology ontologies.

Very, very, very important: Keep in mind, keep on your quantum~stage, that atoms are perpetual (thus individually adiabatic: zeroentropic), but their assemblies are mutable as positive and negative gradients of n¤n~perpetual, n¤n~adiabatic posentropic actuality.

This is a omnifficult work in progress.
Omnifficulties arise from a need to compare classical notions of nuclear radiation
and Quantonics' highly evolved versions of quantum memeos of radiation.

As you may observe we have been working on this Radiation Notes page since mid-2004.

Here it is early 2007 and we are just now publishing it. It needs tons of work, but we are using it more frequently now.
It will be easier for us to share, if we can link to it from other pages in our Quantonics web site.

Doug is a novice at both QED and QCD, and especially their use in nuclear radiation studies.
We have been studying both, part time, for about 10 years.
Our primary interests are taking classical event-state radiation ontologies and remediating
them as quantal phase~encodings' flux durational ontic quantum processings.
Doug believes that remediation includes novel language, semiotics, and hermeneutics for
innovative remediated descriptionings of those phase~encodings' processings descriptionings.

Simply we wish to compare classical 'statements' and quantum 'phasements' re quantum~radiation issues and those issues' didactics.

We warn students of Quantonics that quantum radiation quintessentially is morphism, is transmutation, but classicists will deny it.

We apprise Quantonics students that quantum memes and memeos surrounding and
compenetrating "radiation as quantum~process" offer proto~innovations of Quantonic wave~based emerscenture.

Essence of that last sentence is "We embark on a novel reality where quantum~emerscenturing becomes
a general replacement for classical manufacturing."

Doug - 4-5Jan2007.

See QCD. See QED. See Vertex.

See electron, photon, proton.

See emerscenture, event-state ontology, flux phase~encoding ontology, omnifficult, ontology, phase, phasement, pr¤cæss.

Notes on types of radiation

Radiation Type



QCD Nexus

©Quantonics, Inc., 2004-2019, by Doug Renselle



Spontaneous radioactive nuclear emission of a proton and possibly a whole nucleus which, for example, may look like a helium nucleus. Nuclear positive charge is always involved.

Typically "alpha radiation" means more explicitly "helium nuclear" radiation. Provenance of this phrase originates in Rutherford's discovery of atomic nuclei using "alpha radiation" to 'hit Au nuclei.' Please refer The Quantum Universe by Hey and Walter and CRC's Handbook of Chemistry and Physics.

Radiation, of type alpha, may be thought of as QCD phenomena involving a parent nucleus before and after radiative 'decay.' Decay is loss of sub nuclear material (including both protons and neutrons). Helium nuclear alpha radiation is loss of a helium nucleus...

(net two positronic charge as absence-loss of a 'normal' helium atom's two electrons; we have to worry here about classical notions vis-à-vis quantum memeos of 'absence' and 'partial absence' of two helium atom's electrons and complementarily retention of four nucleons as 'presence' and 'partial presence' of a helium atom; see partiality and enthymemetics)

...via radiative decay of a larger, heavier, more massive nucleus.

Alpha radiative decay may be used to induce neutron radiation from any nucleus of any atom.

As alpha 'rays,' protons, and atomic nuclei, apparently due their electric charge, travel only tiny distances through densest materials.

Alpha (...'particle,' aka 'ray,' etc.) radiation is a helium atom nucleus (helium: four nucleons, two neutrons, two protons; a natural positively charged tetrahedral morphism) which has lost both of its electrons.

Alpha radiation is fermionic. Implicit: fermions as waves! A quantum tell. A very important issue since it means alpha radiation can be lensed, reflected, refracted, coherently superposed (nucleonic lasing), decoherently superposed (begging a classically disputed notion of transmutation), split, diffracted, combed, SAWed, tuned, modulated, and countless other heretofore perhaps unconsidered quantum~potentia. We suppose this paragraph to apply, almost generally, to other types of quantum radiation too. Doug - 4Jan2007.

Quantonics' hermeneuted QCD is our quantum modality of description. We remediate QCD so that its quarks and gluons may be thought of directly and foundationally as quantons. Remediated QCD then becomes our new way of think~king about quantum nucleic morphism, transmutation, and emerscitecture, emerscibility, emerscence, and emerscenture of quantum products. Doug - 4Jan2007.

Quantum reality is absurd to most classicists!

To Doug classical reality is what is absurd, and too classicists who adhere it.

Classicists are dialectical materialists: gnostic topos' bottom dwellers referred 'hylics.' Essentially dunces, idiots, dummkopfs. Doug likes to call them "troglodytes," and envisages them somewhat as they appeared in that yummy movie Quest for Fire.

To classicists material reality is all there is. Newton was such a person. Einstein, believe it or not, another. Both worshiped "objective reality."

That may give you some idea of global predominance of such truepers.

In 10-15 generations they will be extinct! Their ideas and methods of thing-king, except for legacy texts, will be extinct. Why? QTMs and their quantum~metaphors shall replace them.

Radiation is a clue that what Doug just wrote is dead-on. Radiation partially uncloaks Platt Holden's [quantum] "Edge of now[ings]."

QCD is a novel quantum science which straddles quantum n¤nactuality and quantum actuality. In a way, we can QTM QCD as our quanton's comma~n¤space! Like this, quanton(n¤nactuality,actuality). QCD is a quantum derivative of a more classical QED. See our Quantonics Acronyms page.

What does Quantonics intend by that comma~n¤space? I.e., as regards QCD?

QCD describes ontology to~from isoflux~flux. QCD describes comma~n¤space ihn quanton(is¤flux,flux). We can show it in text, weakly, like this (Wingdings font required for right arrows):

If following table doesn't have wingdings font arrows in it, click on Doug's Quark GIF to see how we intend our Quantonics' Version of a QCD Quantum Reality Table to appear. Later versions of Firefox (3+), Safari, etc. n¤ longer use eight-bit wingdings and symbol fonts.

Doug - 13Oct2008.

See our Quanton Complementary nterrelationships page.
See our Quantum TBCSUD Gen III Reality Loop.

Doug's Quark Emerscitected with Fuzzons.

It is easy to visually grasp essence of quantum~mutation, ~transmutation, ~evolution, ~emerscence, ~emerscenture here. We show quantum~reality's creatio ex nihilo aperio. "Creation from isoflux laid bare." In QELR, it becomes quantum~lite~real! Almost 'literal.'

If you are a student of Quantonics, you plausibly are asking, "Doug, how does nature do that?"

Great question! Well, in Quantonics' metaphor of what is happening, isoflux is transmuted into flux. That is a simple memeo. But if humans were to try to do that, it becomes quasi~apparently impossible. Why? Most humans 'thingk' classically. They do not believe in quantum flux to begin with. However, if we learn to believe in flux, our 'quasi-apparently' becomes 'less impossible.'

Here is Quantonics' modal of isoflux becoming bosonic (intermediate step to) fermionic (via a Higgs boson turning two bosons (actually gluons) into a quark (a primitive fermion).

Again, "But what is nature doing?" Assuming Quantonics' modal of isoflux as contrarotating (self~canceling) is correct, then nature undoes isoflux' contrarotation, selectively. Higgs says that a very powerful boson is required to make it happen. Further, isoflux is ubiquitously compenetrating all reality, so its abundance~and~presence is ~unlimited (from any human perspective, it is unlimited...isoflux isn't like oil...isoflux never runs out...). What must be done is find ways and means to coerce Higgs bosons (or whatever their real metaphor is) to appear at our bidding, and transmute whatever we need at our bidding. Now, that's a tall order, but we know by direct experience, empirically and via empiritheory, that nature does it routinely. Almost anything that nature has shown us she can do routinely, to Doug, is an indicator that nature wants us to learn how to do it too (fundamentalist hylics and — see our topos table — some psychics certainly do not agree with Doug on this major 'reality issue,' and as a result they do not believe in evolution either...however, quantumly, we grasp a quantum~essential that quantum~G¤d's modality of creation is quantum~evolution). Parabolically, Adam and Eve didn't know how to copulate, but that doesn't mean quantum~G¤d didn't want them to do (pragma) it.

Here are more memes and memeos on an approach to making energy.

Doug - 28Apr2008
Add modal link: 16May2008.
Add thingk and quantum~essential links: 2Mar2009.

Our table shows evolution from left to right. It is partially reversible! We do not show that in our table, but our Gen III Reality Loop shows it very macroscopically. Doug - 4Jan2007.

2. Beta

Spontaneous radioactive electron emission of high energy electrons.

A single instance description is that one atom's nucleus emits an electron. Loss of that electron transmutes a neutron into a proton.

Atom's nucleus charge increases corresponding to loss of an electron.

In some isotopes (special atomic forms of elements) W, AKA a weak 'force' carrier, interrelates with a quark. E.g., W can interrelate with a neutron's down quark and turn it into an up quark, resulting in emission of a "high energy" electron and an electron antineutrino. Said interrelationship turns said neutron into a proton.


We can show that quantum evolutionary quark transmutation process using Quantonics' scripts like this:


Our quantonics script uses a double subscripted minus to show our comma~no~space~minus as a quantum included~middle version of a more classical W- 'weak force particle' notion.

We also show u and d electric charge signs as a reminder that d, s, b quarks are -1/3e, and that u, c, t quarks are +2/3e. (This is not habitual for us yet, and we need a crutch. We assume our students may appreciate a crutch here too. Similarly our comma~no~space~minus. Up to down evolution is predominately, we infer, a W- mediated process.)

Our above example turns a neutron(u,d,d) into a proton(u,d,u).

Only that last quark in our neutron's nuclear triple~quark codon changes as scripted above, and it physially becomes a proton:


This is a superb exemplar of quantum emergent change.

3. Gamma

Spontaneous radioactive photon emission of high energy photons.

An excited, tentatively higher energy atom, loses its excess energy via photon emission. An electron in a higher energy 'shell' falls to a lower energy 'shell' releasing a appropriately high energy photon.

Atom's nucleus remains unchanged.

Similar to Beta radiation, but considering electrons instead of quarks, an electron can be turned into its anti electron. When that transmutation occurs, a high energy Gamma photon emits from that transmutation's 'vertex.'

Fermionic and bosonic.

Gamma radiation falls under QED, since it is not radiation involving atomic nuclei.
4. Neutron Induced neutron emission of high energy neutrons.

Travels great distances through densest materials without apparent 'resistance.

Oscillating fermionicity and bosonicity facilitates "quantum tunneling."

Neutron is Quantonics' first candidate for demonstrating fuzzons as quarks in a thirds-symmetric sphere volume. We actually accomplished this expectation during mid-late 2004 and subsequently. See our 3D Fuzzon and our Fuzzon to Fermion Ontology pages.

These types of neutrons are very interesting in Quantonics due their abilities to penetrate other types of matter. We need to study more here, but in their high energy conditions they almost appear solitonic. Were that so, it has enormous ramifications for current interpretations of QCD.

Neutron radiation is used today, at start of Millennium III, to, apparently passively, detect illegal shipment and storage of dangerous and toxic materials. All elements in extraordinarily tiny amounts can be detected and exposed rather quickly.

©Quantonics, Inc., 2004-2019, by Doug Renselle




QCD Nexus
1. Strong

Interrelates with nuclear quantons and mediates nuclear quanton bindings.

Nuclear strong~affective quantons include:

  • protons, and
  • neutrons
2. Weak

Interrelates with nuclear quantons and mediates nuclear quanton ontologies.

Nuclear weak~affective quantons include:

  • quarks,
  • gluons,
  • mesons, and
  • neutrinos,
  • etc.

Weak 'force' mediates subatomic process mutations and quantonic ontologies.

Beta radiation is a result of weak 'force' subatomic mediation.

Weak 'force' affects and mediates all subatomic quantons and their process ontologies.

Where quarks are affected by both weak and other 'forces,' weak 'force' uniquely affects neutrinos.

Weak 'force' mediates affector~emergent, affector~mutative, and affector~demergent subatomic process ontologies. Weak 'force' mediates creation, change, and discreation of fermionic reality.

Strong, electromagnetic, and gravity 'forces' appear to adhere charge and parity symmetry. Weak 'force' apparently adheres neither charge nor parity symmetry. Latter means expectation of dichon(-, +), i.e., charge symmetry, and dichon(right_handed, left_handed), i.e., parity symmetry.

Chiralty is a term we use for quantization of handedness. Matter normally is left-handed. What physicists call antimatter is right-handed. Weak force asymmetrically prefers and Values only left-handedness. Nature is left-handed! (For a superatomic physical example here, ponder Nutrasweet as macroatomically right-handed.)

Beta radiation emits electrons with specific, preferred, Valued handedness which breaks dichotomous symmetry.

Weak 'force' and its asymmetric preferences create fermions (and we are assuming bosons too) via affective quantum processes.

In Quantonics, classical notions of weak 'force' evolve into memeos of quantonic animate, everywhere~included-middle~associative ontologies.

Classicists assumed that ideal reality is a dichon(antimatter, matter). Quantum reality's weak meditating~interrelationship destroyed that notion. Classicists still believe in an antimatter-matter dichotomy with a 'weak force' caveat which allows a small excess of matter which they call "classical reality."

In Quantonics, asymmetry is implicit and intrinsic. Symmetry is only a classical self-delusion. Quantum reality is a quanton(nonactuality,actuality). Nonactuality is virtually unbounded isotropic (self-canceling) energy, and actuality is part of that energy which has become quantum~weak~interrelationship emersced. Our comma~nospace represents Quantonics' "edge of actuality," which classicists refer "the weak 'force.'"

Students of Quantonics may now be able to see how classicists' own research on their weak 'force' notions is already beginning "to tear down that SOM wall."

Classical notions of 'force' are residue of dialectical mechanics and ill-presumed cause-effect. Quantonics replaces classical notions of 'force' with quantum notions of animate EIMA process interrelationships.

3. Electromagnetic

Interrelates with atomic quantons and mediates electromagnetic quanton bindings.

Atomic electromagnetic~affective quantons include:

  • atoms, and
  • electrons
4. Gravity

Interrelates with macrocosmic quantons and mediates macrocosmic quanton bindings.

Macrocosmic gravity~affective quantons include:

  • multiverses,
  • galaxies, and
  • planets,
  • etc.

©Quantonics, Inc., 2004-2019, by Doug Renselle

Quanton Type



QCD Nexus
1. Quark

Category: Fermion

Flavors: up, charm, top (UCT) and down, strange, bottom (DSB).

Charge colors (arbitrary, only semiotic): R, G, B.

Electric charge: +UCT are +2/3e; -DSB are -1/3e.

UD form fermionic atomic nuclei (protons and neutrons) via weak force transmutations (what we call in quantonics "quantum ontologies").

Quarks together with 'Higgs bosons' and 'weak force' charge-parity asymmetry essentially make quantum fermionic emergence, evolution (e.g., radiation, etc.), and demergence possible.

Latter is, in Quantonics, perceived as a classical metaphor of quantum reality's animate, EIMA.

Flavors, mass, and their proportions compose that which is of interest in 'particle' accelerators and their 'particle collisions.'

In Quantonics, classical use of 'particle' is a dialectically objective misnomer which will acquire bættær, n¤vel hærmænæutihcs amd mæmæ¤tihcs during early decades of Millennium III.

2. Gluon

Category: Boson

In QED a gluon represents "virtuality."

3. Proton

Category: Baryon

Nuclear quanton(up,quanton(up,down)) where we can view our quantonic comma~no~spaces as gluons.

Color: protonquanton(R,quanton(G,B)), thus any proton's color is neutral.

Charge, classically, is +2/3e+2/3e-1/3e = +1e.

Notice that 1, 2, and 3 are prime amd primæ.

Also note that fermionic spin 1/2 uses two of those primes and is quantum essence of fermionic 360~720 degree wobble and what we classically call "matter, substance, objects, particles, and material."

That quantum memeo is crucial to understanding how fermions emerge into actuality affected by what classicists call "the weak force" and "Higgs bosons."

Though classicists will rigorously deny this, protons are quintessentially perpetual motion machines.

4. Neutron

Category: Baryon

Nuclear quanton(down,quanton(down,up)) where we can view our quantonic comma~no~spaces as gluons.

Charge, classically, is -1/3e-1/3e+2/3e = no_charge.

Though classicists will rigorously deny this, neutrons which partially compose an atomic nucleus are quintessentially perpetual motion machines.

Free neutrons are unstable and transmute, via a weak down to up quark change, in roughly15 minutes, into a proton, electron (lepton), and an electron anti neutrino (anti lepton).

See Neutron Radiation above for a similar process.

Doug originally copied 'proton' text above to here to use as a template, but failed to change all of neutron relevant text. Doug - 20Sep2008.

5. Meson Category: Hadron
6. Baryon

Category: Hadron

Baryons include:

  • Proton
  • Neutron
  • Lambda
  • Omega
  • Sigma
  • Xi
7. Hadron

Category: Heavy Fermion

Hadrons exclude:

  • Lepton

Hadrons include:

  • Baryon
  • Meson
7. Fermion

Category: Material Actuality

Fermions include:

  • Hadrons
  • Leptons
8. Boson

Category: Nonmaterial Actuality

Bosons include:

  • Photon
  • W
  • Z
  • Condensates
  • Partial solitons
  • Cooper paired electrons
  • Contrarotating fermions
  • Zero spin phenomena
9. W Category: Boson
10. Z Category: Boson
11. Lepton

Category: Light Fermion

Leptons include:

  • Electron
  • Muon
  • Tau
  • Electron neutrino
  • Muon neutrino
  • Tau neutrino
12. Electron Category: Lepton
13. Muon Category: Lepton
14. Tau Category: Lepton

©Quantonics, Inc., 2004-2019, by Doug Renselle

To contact Quantonics write to or call:

Doug Renselle
Quantonics, Inc.
Suite 18 #368 1950 East Greyhound Pass
Carmel, INdiana 46033-7730

©Quantonics, Inc., 2004-2019 — Rev. 1Dec2011  PDR — Created 17Jun2004  PDR
(24Jun2004 rev - Add 'Force Types' table. Partially fill it, with a focus on 'weak force' type.)
(23Dec2004 rev - Heuristically extend radiation features as bosonic, fermionic and mixtures of those and oscillations twixt those.)
(1Jul2005 rev - Repair typos.)
(4Jan2007 rev - Start latest round of updates and additions re: Review of Banesh Hoffmann's Strange Story of Quantum.)
(28Apr2008 rev - Add quantum~transmutation comments in red text. Add some links.)
(16May2008 rev - Add missing quantum ontology modal link.)
(27Jul2008 rev - Fix a typo. Reformat.)
(13Sep2008 rev - Add 'QCD Quantum Reality' anchor to table of same name.)
(20,24Sep2008 rev - Repair an original error on neutron charge calculation. Answer a student's query near page top.)
(13Oct2008 rev - Add link to QCD table GIF showing how we intend it to appear with eight bit wingdings and symbol fonts.)
(2Mar2009 rev - Add 'think' link near QCD reality table.)
(10Jan2011 rev - Make page current. Replace QCD HTML table with its gif. Reset legacy markups.)
(10Feb2011 rev - Add 'Radiation Tells Proemial Nascence' anchor near page top.)
(1Dec2011 rev - Add 'transmute' links to new QELR.)
