Regarding Revelation XVI:1-21:
Doug is using a Hebrew version of Revelation which he found on Internet, and has now lost that URL. Doug will restore that reference here when he finds it. Revelation issi about 2000 years old, so there issi a good chance we may find an actual Hebrew version of it. Some resources claim there issi only Greek (perhaps other n¤n Hebrew) versions of Revelation extant. It may be that this version Doug found is reverse engineered from English, perhaps Greek. For Doug that issi problematic. Autiot has semitic Values in it which are impossible to con(m)vey in English and Greek. Both of those languages, mostly due their formal dialectic, are already extinct. They just do n¤t realize it...yet.
To retranslate Revelation in Suares' quantum~hologral~fluxodynamic language, we need a legend of Autiot and their Gematria. Let's use Suares' Letter~Numbers as our reference:
whose femininityq generatively~fecundulatesq that which issi n¤t's undifferentiated unlimited possibilityings assa existentialq emerscitectureingsq." destroyer of dialecticc, a destroyer of all illusions of formalc- objectivec- impartialc- mechanicalc- ersatzc- dialecticc, so that cosmic vital~ impetusq issi cowithihn all and straddles all cosmic~comtainmentings of all quantons of cosmic~metabolismingsq whoq are ubiquitouslyq~perpetuallyq struggleingq with cosmic~vital~impedanceingsq via intentionalq~evolutionaryq holograilingsq of all cosmic~biosphereingsq while adhereingq~abidingq cosmic~lifeq~principleingsq of uncertaintyingsq, peaceingsq and freedomingsq of all cosmically~undifferentiated~cosmic~isoenergyingsq whoq exploitq cosmic quaq to emerq cosmic~structurationingsq." whose femininityq generatively~fecundulatesq that which issi n¤t's undifferentiated unlimited possibilityings assa existentialq emerscitectureingsq whose cosmic vital~impetusq assa protector of all cosmic lifeq, and thus issi a destroyer of dialecticc, a destroyer of all illusions (all selfc delusionsc denyingc Aleph cowithihn blood) of formalc- objectivec- impartialc- mechanicalc- ersatzc- dialecticc, so that cosmic vital~ impetusq issi cowithihn all and straddles all cosmic~comtainmentings of all quantons of cosmic~metabolismingsq whoq are ubiquitouslyq~perpetuallyq struggleingq with cosmic~vital~impedanceingsq via intentionalq~evolutionaryq holograilingsq of all cosmic~biosphereingsq while adhereingq~abidingq cosmic~lifeq~principleingsq of uncertaintyingsq, peaceingsq and freedomingsq of all cosmically~undifferentiated~cosmic~isoenergyingsq whoq exploitq cosmic quaq to emerq cosmic~structurationingsq." |
(some guesses) |
(some altered by Doug) |
1 | Vav~Aleph~Sheen~Mem~Ayn |
[Ve'Eshemaa: |
..."And we heardq with vital~impetus from the nameq of Lightq;" |
And we heardq with vital~impetus from the nameq of Lightq...] |
2 | Qof~Waw~Lammed |
[Qol: |
..."Hær voiceq of wisdomq;" |
Hær voiceq of wisdomq...] |
3 | Ghimel~Dallet~Waw~Lammed |
[G[aeo]dol: |
..."God metabolically evolveingsq cowithihn all of usq;" |
God metabolically evolveingsq cowithihn all of usq...] |
4 | Mem~finalNoun |
[Men: |
..."with many cosmic lifeq principleingsq of usq;" |
with many cosmic lifeq principleingsq of usq...] |
5 | Hay~Hay~Yod~Khaf~Lammed |
[Ha'Ha'Yekhal: |
..."y~¤ur divineq livingq temple;" |
y~¤ur divineq livingq temple...] |
6 | Aleph~Mem~Raysh |
[Amer: |
..."sayingq;" |
sayingq...] |
7 | Aleph~Lammed |
[El: |
..."full of existentialq metabolicq vital~impetusings;" |
full of existentialq metabolicq vital~impetusings...] |
8 | Sheen~Vayt~Ayn~Tav |
[Shevaat: |
..."seventh enlightened day;" |
seventh enlightened day...] |
9 | Hay~Mem~Lammed~Aleph~Khaf~Yod~finalMem |
[Ha'Melakhim: |
..."the many king~like messenger angels;" |
many existential~biosphereings existentially~metabolizings qwf~affected by vital~impetus of king~like messenger angels holy~grailings qwf~affecting existence abundantly, fecundly while...] |
10 | Lammed~Khaf~Waw |
[Lakho: |
..."walk, Go ye;" |
walking and metabolicallyq grailingq y~¤ur fecundityingsq...] |
11 | Hay~Raysh~Yod~Qof~Waw |
[Ha'Reeqo: |
..."thence softly pour;" |
thence softly pour...] |
12 | Aleph~Tav |
[At: |
..."from alpha to omega;" |
from alpha to omega...] |
13 | Sheen~Vayt~Ayn |
[Shevaa: |
..."seven;" |
seven...] |
14 | Qof~Ayn~Raysh~Tav |
[Qorat: |
..."bowls assa cosmic vital~impetus' enlightened comtainment vitally~impeded;" |
bowls assa cosmic vital~impetus' enlightened comtainment vitally~impeded...] |
15 | Hhayt~Mem~Tav |
[Hhamet: |
..."of the wrath;" |
of the wrath...] |
16 | Hay~Aleph~Lammed~Hay~Yod~finalMem |
[Ha'Elohim: |
..."cowithihn y~¤ur demiurgeingsq;" |
cowithihn y~¤ur demiurgeingsq...] |
17 | Aleph~Raysh~Tsadde~Hay |
[Ertsah: |
..."living earth;" |
living earth...] |
(some guesses) |
(some altered by Doug) |
1 | Vav~Yod~Lammed~finalKhaf |
[Ve'Yelakh: |
..."And wæ;" |
And wæ...] |
2 | Hay~Raysh~Aleph~Sheen~Waw~finalNoun |
[Ha'Rashon: |
..."y~¤ur first;" |
y~¤ur first...] |
3 | Vav~Yod~Raysh~Qof |
[Ve'Yaraq: |
..."fresh, green, verdant;" |
fresh, green, verdant...] |
4 | Aleph~Tav |
[At: |
..."from alpha to omega;" |
from alpha to omega...] |
5 | Qof~Ayn~Raysh~Tav~Waw |
[Qorato: |
..."bowls assa cosmic vital~impetus' fecund enlightened comtainment vitally~impeded;" |
bowls assa cosmic vital~impetus' fecund enlightened comtainment vitally~impeded...] |
6 | Ayn~Lammed |
[Aal: |
..."again, near;" |
again, near...] |
7 | Hay~Aleph~Raysh~finalTsadde |
[Ha'Erts: |
..."cowithihn the earth;" |
cowithihn the earth...] |
8 | Vav~Yod~Hay~Yod |
[Ve'Yehy: |
..."and divinely again, wæ sææ Hær cavitating divinely y~¤ur antinomialq two~livings existence, fecundlyq livingq existence cowithihn and resonating~reverberating;" |
and divinelyq again, wæ experienceq Hær cavitating divineq doubleq existenceq archetypicallyq, recursivelyq, fractally, complementaryq~antinomiallyq fecundlyq livingq cowithihn Hær and y~¤ur quantum~selves' recursivelyq resonatingq~reverberatingq...] |
9 | Sheen~Hhayt~Yod~finalNoun |
[Shehhain: |
..."cosmicq metabolicq spirit'sq existentialq unlimitedq possibilityingsq experienceingsq cosmic lifeq principleingsq;" |
cosmicq metabolicq spirit'sq existentialq unlimitedq possibilityingsq experienceingsq cosmic lifeq principleingsq...] |
10 | Raysh~Ayn |
[Raa: |
..." experienceingsq evil;" |
experienceingsq evil...] |
11 | Vav~Mem~Khaf~Aleph~Yod~Vayt |
[Ve'Me'Khaiv: |
..."and experienceingsq somatic torment;" |
and experienceingsq somatic torment...] |
12 | Bayt~Aleph~Noun~Sheen~Yod~finalMem |
[Ba'Anasheem: |
..."men, people;" |
men, people...] |
13 | Aleph~Sheen~Raysh |
[Esher: |
..."witnessingsq;" |
witnessingsq...] |
14 | Ayn~Lammed~Yod~Hay~finalMem |
[Aalyahim: |
..."settleingsq on new lands of omniversal Lightingsq existentiallyq metabolizedq over y~¤ur beingsq divineq livingsq;" |
settleingsq on new lands of omniversal Lightingsq existentiallyq metabolizedq over y~¤ur beingsq divineq livingsq...] |
15 | Thav~Waw |
[Tho: |
..."dialectical impedanceings of;" |
dialectical impedanceings of...] |
16 | Hay~Hhayt~Yod~Hay |
[Ha'Hhayeh: |
..."a dialectical being;" |
a dialectical being...] |
17 | Vav~Vayt~Mem~Sheen~Thav~Hhayt~Waw~Yod~finalMem |
[Ve'Ba'Me'She'Thahhoim: |
..."and somaticallyq ihn, cowithihn many of usq who bettershipq therein;" |
and somaticallyq ihn, cowithihn many of usq who bettershipq therein...] |
18 | Lammed~Tsadde~Lammed~Mem~Hay |
[La'Tselemah: |
..."metabolicallyc cowithihn autsimilar metabolicc livingsc;" |
metabolicallyc cowithihn autsimilar metabolicc livingsc...] |
(some guesses) |
(some altered by Doug) |
1 | Vav~Yod~Raysh~Qof |
[Ve'Yaraq: |
..."Fresh, green, verdant;" |
Fresh, green, verdant...] |
2 | Hay~Sheen~Noun~Yod |
[Ha'Sheni: |
..."the second;" |
the second...] |
3 | Aleph~Tav |
[At: |
..."from alpha to omega;" |
from alpha to omega...] |
4 | Qof~Ayn~Raysh~Tav~Waw |
[Qorato: |
..."bowls assa cosmic vital~impetus' fecund enlightened comtainment vitally~impeded;" |
bowls assa cosmic vital~impetus' fecund enlightened comtainment vitally~impeded...] |
5 | Ayn~Lammed |
[Aal: |
..."again, near;" |
again, near...] |
6 | Hay~Yod~finalMem |
[Him: |
..."lifeq con(m)ferring existenceingsq upon all y~¤ur biosphereingsq;" |
lifeq con(m)ferring existenceingsq upon all y~¤ur biosphereingsq...] |
7 | Vav~Yod~Hay~Yod |
[Ve'Yehy: |
..."and divinely again, wæ sææ Hær cavitating divinely y~¤ur antinomialq two~livings existence, fecundlyq livingq existence cowithihn and resonating~reverberating;" |
and divinelyq again, wæ experienceq Hær cavitating divineq doubleq existenceq archetypicallyq, recursivelyq, fractally, complementaryq~antinomiallyq fecundlyq livingq cowithihn Hær and y~¤ur quantum~selves' recursivelyq resonatingq~reverberatingq...] |
8 | Lammed~Dallet~finalMem |
[Le'Dam: |
..."assa metabolicq bloodq;" |
assa metabolicq bloodq...] |
9 | Kaf~Dallet~finalMem |
[Kadam: |
..."impermeably grailingq bloodq;" |
impermeably grailingq bloodq...] |
10 | Hhayt~Lammed~Lammed |
[Hhall: |
..."archetypal spiritq of unlimitedq possibilityingsq divinelyq metabolizingq cowithihn existenceingsq;" |
archetypal spiritq of unlimitedq possibilityingsq divinelyq metabolizingq cowithihn existenceingsq...] |
11 | Vav~Thav~Mem~Tav |
[Ve'Thamat: |
..."and a permeableq death of fecundity leading to a impermeableq death of biosphereingsq;" |
and a permeableq death of fecundity leading to a impermeableq death of biosphereingsq...] |
12 | Kaf~Lammed |
[Kol: |
..."metabolicallyq whole~coherentq and grailingsq;" |
metabolicallyq whole~coherentq and grailingsq...] |
13 | Noun~Phay~Sheen |
[Nefesh: |
..."with y~¤ur whole beingq, y~¤ur soulq, y~¤ur breathq;" |
with y~¤ur whole beingq, y~¤ur soulq, y~¤ur breathq...] |
14 | Hhayt~Yod~Hay |
[Ha'Hhayeh: |
..."a dialectical being;" |
a dialectical being...] |
15 | Aleph~Sheen~Raysh |
[Esher: |
..."witnessingsq;" |
witnessingsq...] |
16 | Bayt~Yod~finalMem |
[Bim: |
..."somaticq existenceingsq cosmically biosphered;" |
somaticq existenceingsq cosmically biosphered...] |
(some guesses) |
(some altered by Doug) |
1 | Vav~Yod~Raysh~Qof |
[Ve'Yaraq: |
..."Fresh, green, verdant;" |
Fresh, green, verdant...] |
2 | Hay~Sheen~Lammed~Yod~Sheen~Yod |
[Ha'Shelishsi: |
..."the third;" |
the third...] |
3 | Aleph~Tav |
[At: |
..."from alpha to omega;" |
from alpha to omega...] |
4 | Qof~Ayn~Raysh~Tav~Waw |
[Qorato: |
..."bowls assa cosmic vital~impetus' fecund enlightened comtainment vitally~impeded;" |
bowls assa cosmic vital~impetus' fecund enlightened comtainment vitally~impeded...] |
5 | Bayt~Noun~Hay~Raysh~Waw~Tav |
[Ba'Neharot: |
..."in somaticq floods;" |
in somaticq floods as fractal~recursive nested cavitationings of living [flooding waters] quantal PUF overburdening cosmic comtainment cowithihn cosmic vital~impedance...] |
6 | Vav~Vayt~Mem~Ayn~Yod~Noun~Waw~Tav |
[Ve'Va'Me'Aynot: |
..."and many somaticallyq enlightenedq principleingsq;" |
and many somaticallyq enlightenedq principleingsq...] |
7 | Hay~Mem~Yod~finalMem |
[Ha'Maim: |
..."among the livingq watersq (peopleq);" |
among the livingq watersq (peopleq)...] |
8 | Vav~Yod~Hay~Yod~Waw |
[Ve'Yehyo: |
..."and divinely again, wæ sææ Hær cavitating many divinely y~¤ur antinomialq two~livings existence, fecundlyq livingq existence cowithihn and resonating~reverberating;" |
and divinelyq again, wæ experienceq Hær cavitating many divineq doubleq existenceq archetypicallyq, recursivelyq, fractally, complementaryq~antinomiallyq fecundlyq livingq cowithihn Hær and y~¤ur quantum~selves' recursivelyq resonatingq~reverberatingq...] |
9 | Lammed~Dallet~finalMem |
[Le'Dam: |
..."assa metabolicq bloodq;" |
assa metabolicq bloodq...] |
(some guesses) |
(some altered by Doug) |
1 | Kaf~Yod |
[Ki: |
..."Because;" |
Because...] |
2 | Dallet~finalMem |
[Dam: |
..."blood issi;" |
blood issi...] |
3 | Qof~Dallet~Sheen~Yod~finalMem |
[Qadashim: |
..."illusion~destroying livingq metabolicallyq gatewayveingsq cowithihn saintsq;" |
illusion~destroying livingq metabolicallyq gatewayveingsq cowithihn saintsq...] |
4 | Vav~Noun~Vayt~Yod~Aleph~Yod~finalMem |
[Ve'Neviaim: |
..."and prophets;" |
and prophets fecund somatic life principleings exaltationings of divine existenceings reverberatings vital impetusings exalted cowithihn cosmic biosphereings of isoenergyings...] |
5 | Sheen~Phay~Khaf~Waw |
[Shephakho: |
..."cosmic~metabolismings unlimitedq possibilityingsq for grailingq fecundlyq;" |
cosmic~metabolismings unlimitedq possibilityingsq for grailingq fecundlyq...] |
6 | Vav~Dallet~finalMem |
[Ve'Dam: |
..."and blood assa;" |
and blood assa...] |
7 | Hay~Sheen~Khaf~Yod~Tav~finalMem |
[Ha'She'Khitam: |
..."the livingq cosmic~metabolisisq of permeablyq~grailingq~existenceingsq, vitally~impeded and cosmically~biosphered;" |
the livingq cosmic~metabolisisq of permeablyq~grailingq~existenceingsq, vitally~impeded and cosmically~biosphered...] |
8 | Kaf~Yod |
[Ki: |
..."because;" |
because...] |
9 | Ghimel~Mem~Waw~Lammed |
[Gemol: |
..."of organic~fecundq existentialq metabolicq movementingsq of biosphereings;" |
of organic~fecundq existentialq metabolicq movementingsq of biosphereings...] |
10 | Yod~Dallet~finalMem |
[Yedim: |
..."existentiallyq grailingq cosmic biospheres;" |
existentiallyq grailingq cosmic biospheres...] |
11 | Hay~Waw~Aleph |
[Ha'Oa: |
..."for usq;" |
for usq...] |
(some guesses) |
(some altered by Doug) |
1 | Vav~Aleph~Sheen~Mem~Ayn |
[Ve'Eshemaa: |
..."And we heardq with vital~impetus from the nameq of Lightq;" |
And we heardq with vital~impetus from the nameq of Lightq...] |
2 | Aleph~Tav |
[At: |
..."from alpha to omega;" |
from alpha to omega...] |
3 | Hay~Mem~Zayn~Bayt~Hhayt |
[Ha'Mezabahh: |
..."from y~¤ur altar;" |
from y~¤ur altar...] |
4 | Aleph~Mem~Raysh |
[Amer: |
..."saying;" |
saying...] |
5 | Aleph~Mem~Noun~finalMem |
[Amenam: |
..."many blessingsq of lifeq principleingsq;" |
many blessingsq of lifeq principleingsq...] |
6 | Kaf~finalNoun |
[Kan: |
..."rejoiceings arera impermeably grailingq all cosmic principleingsq of lifeq;" |
rejoiceings arera impermeably grailingq all cosmic principleingsq of lifeq...] |
7 | Yod~Hay~Waw~Hay |
[YahWeh: |
..."YahWeh, y~¤ur demiurge;" |
YahWeh, y~¤ur demiurge...] |
8 | Aleph~Lammed~Hay~Yod~finalMem |
[Elohim: |
..."cowithihn y~¤ur demiurgeingsq;" |
cowithihn y~¤ur demiurgeingsq...] |
9 | Tsadde~Vayt~Aleph~Waw~Tav |
[Tsevet: |
..."y~¤ur almighty quanton of all;" |
y~¤ur almighty quanton of all...] |
10 | Aleph~Mem~Tav |
[Emet: |
..."truthingsq;" |
truthingsq...] |
11 | Vav~Tsadde~Dallet~Qof |
[Ve'Tsadaq: |
..."and a fecundq quanton of justiceq;" |
and a fecundq quanton of justiceq of existentialq structurationings gatewayveingsq using cosmic vital~impetus to destroy all illusions and delusions of life...] |
12 | Mem~Sheen~Phay~Tayt~Yod~finalKhaf |
[Me'Shephatikh: |
..."with judgmentingsq grailingsq of isoenergyingsq;" |
with judgmentingsq grailingsq of isoenergyingsq...] |
(some guesses) |
(some altered by Doug) |
1 | Vav~Yod~Raysh~Qof |
[Ve'Yaraq: |
..."Fresh, green, verdant;" |
Fresh, green, verdant...] |
2 | Hay~Mem~Lammed~Aleph~finalKhaf |
[Ha'Melakh: |
..."of y~¤ur angel;" |
of y~¤ur angel...] |
3 | Hay~Raysh~Vayt~Yod~Ayn~Yod |
[Ha'Raviaai: |
..."the fourth, y~¤ur cosmically comtained soma cowithihn enlightenedq divineq existenceq;" |
the fourth, y~¤ur cosmically comtained soma cowithihn enlightenedq divineq existenceq...] |
4 | Aleph~Tav |
[At: |
..."from alpha to omega;" |
from alpha to omega...] |
5 | Qof~Ayn~Raysh~Tav~Waw |
[Qorato: |
..."bowls assa cosmic vital~impetus' fecund enlightened comtainment vitally~impeded;" |
bowls assa cosmic vital~impetus' fecund enlightened comtainment vitally~impeded...] |
6 | Ayn~Lammed |
[Aal: |
..."again, near;" |
again, near...] |
7 | Hay~Sheen~Mem~Sheen |
[Ha'Shemesh: |
..."the sun;" |
the sun...] |
8 | Vav~Yod~Noun~Tav~finalNoun |
[Ve'Ye'Natoom: |
..."and to usq was given;" |
and to usq was given...] |
9 | Lammed~Waw |
[Lo: |
..."unto;" |
unto...] |
10 | Lammed~Lammed~Hay~Tayt |
[La'La'Hat: |
..."divinelyq metabolizingq cellularq lifeq;" |
divinelyq metabolizingq cellularq lifeq...] |
11 | Aleph~Tav |
[At: |
..."from alpha to omega;" |
from alpha to omega...] |
12 | Bayt~Noun~Yod |
[Beni: |
..."sons of;" |
somaticq evolutioningsq of existingq sons of...] |
13 | Hay~Aleph~Dallet~finalMem |
[Ha'Adam: |
..."livingq men (people);" |
livingq men (people)...] |
14 | Bayt~Aleph~Sheen |
[Ba'Esh: |
..."with fireq.;" |
with fireq....] |
(some guesses) |
(some altered by Doug) |
1 | Vav~Yod~Lammed~Hay~Tayt~Waw |
[Ve'Yelahato: |
..."And fecundq existentialq resonanceingsq of livingq metabolisisq of cellsq;" |
And fecundq existentialq resonanceingsq of livingq metabolisisq of cellsq...] |
2 | Vayt~Noun~Yod |
[Beni: |
..."assa sons of;" |
assa somaticq evolutioningsq of existingq sons of...] |
3 | Aleph~Dallet~finalMem |
[Adam: |
..."men assa vital~impetusings cowithihn blood;" |
men assa vital~impetusings cowithihn blood...] |
4 | Bayt~Hhayt~finalMem |
[Ba'Hhem: |
..."experienceingsq somaticq unlimited spiritualq possibilityingsq cowithihn cosmic isoenergyingsq;" |
experienceingsq somaticq unlimited spiritualq possibilityingsq cowithihn cosmic isoenergyingsq...] |
5 | Ghimel~Dallet~Waw~Lammed |
[G[aeo]dol: |
..."God metabolically evolveingsq cowithihn all of usq;" |
God metabolically evolveingsq cowithihn all of usq...] |
6 | Vav~Yod~Ghimel~Dallet~Phay~Waw |
[Ve'Ye'Gadapho: |
..."fecundq resonanceingsq of existentialq organic~movementings whose gatewayveingsq arera experienceingsq unlimited possibilityingsq;" |
fecundq resonanceingsq of existentialq organic~movementings whose gatewayveingsq arera experienceingsq unlimited possibilityingsq...] |
7 | Aleph~Tav |
[At: |
..."from alpha to omega;" |
from alpha to omega...] |
8 | Sheen~finalMem |
[Shem: |
..."Name;" |
Name...] |
9 | Aleph~Lammed~Hay~Yod~finalMem |
[Ha'Elohim: |
..."cowithihn y~¤ur demiurgeingsq;" |
cowithihn y~¤ur demiurgeingsq...] |
10 | Aleph~Sheen~Raysh |
[Esher: |
..."witnessingsq;" |
witnessingsq...] |
11 | Lammed~Waw |
[Lo: |
..."unto;" |
unto...] |
12 | Mem~Mem~Sheen~Lammed~Tav |
[Memshalot: |
..."governmental fiat of;" |
governmental fiat of [self-proclaimed fiat-]existential divineq biospheres cosmically and existential dialectical-fiat-law governmental formallyc metabolizing all encounters bivalently imposing cosmic vital~impedance of...] |
13 | Hay~Mem~Kaf~Waw~Tav |
[Ha'Mekot: |
..."livingq existentialq biosphereingsq fecundlyq grailingq vital~impedanceings;" |
livingq existentialq biosphereingsq fecundlyq grailingq vital~impedanceings...] |
14 | Hay~Aleph~Lammed~Hay |
[Ha'Eloh: |
..."as demiurgeings;" |
as demiurgeings...] |
15 | Vav~Lammed~Aleph |
[Ve'Lo: |
..."and n¤t;" |
and n¤t...] |
16 | Sheen~Vayt~Waw |
[Shevo: |
..."directly antinomiallyq cosmically~metabolizingq fecundq somaq;" |
directly antinomiallyqcosmically~metabolizingq fecundq somaq...] |
17 | Lammed~Tav~Tav |
[La'Tat: |
..."metabolicallyq givingq;" |
metabolicallyq givingq...] |
18 | Lammed~Waw |
[Lo: |
..."unto;" |
unto...] |
19 | Hay~Kaf~Vayt~Waw~Dallet |
[Ha'Khavod: |
..."with honor and respect;" |
with honor and respect...] |
(some guesses) |
(some altered by Doug) |
1 | Vav~Yod~Raysh~Qof |
[Ve'Yaraq: |
..."Fresh, green, verdant;" |
Fresh, green, verdant...] |
2 | Hay~Hhayt~Mem~Yod~Sheen~Yod |
[Ha'Hhameeshe: |
..."y~¤ur spiritualq fifthq,;" |
y~¤ur spiritualq fifthq,...] |
3 | Aleph~Tav |
[At: |
..."from alpha to omega;" |
from alpha to omega...] |
4 | Qof~Ayn~Raysh~Tav~Waw |
[Qorato: |
..."bowls assa cosmic vital~impetus' fecund enlightened comtainment vitally~impeded;" |
bowls assa cosmic vital~impetus' fecund enlightened comtainment vitally~impeded...] |
5 | Ayn~Lammed |
[Aal: |
..."again, near;" |
again, near...] |
6 | Kaf~Sammekh~Aleph |
[Kassa: |
..."grailing throne~like feminine spiritq made fecundlyq;" |
spirituallyq grailingq feminine essenceq made by beingq, by existentiallyq grailingq y~¤ur vital~impetus cowithihn cavitating hermaphroditic placental fecundityingsq...] |
7 | Hay~Hhayt~Yod~Hay |
[Ha'Hhayeh: |
..."a dialectical being;" |
a dialectical being...] |
8 | Vav~Thav~Hhayt~Sheen~finalKhaf |
[Ve'Thahhashakh: |
..."to assure darknessings;" |
to assure darknessings...] |
9 | Mem~Lammed~Khaf~Waw~Tav~Hay |
[Me'La'Khotah: |
..."existentialq biosphereingsq of existentialq metabolicq fecundq grailingsq of cosmic vital impedanceings livingq;" |
existentialq biosphereingsq of existentialq metabolicq fecundq grailingsq of cosmic vital impedanceings livingq...] |
10 | Vav~Yod~Noun~Sheen~Khaf~Waw |
[Ve'Yenoshakho: |
..."and resonantq fecundityingsq of existentialq quantized lifeq principleingsq experienceingsq metabolicq grailingsq;" |
and resonantq fecundityingsq of existentialq quantized lifeq principleingsq experienceingsq metabolicq grailingsq...] |
11 | Aleph~Tav |
[At: |
..."from alpha to omega;" |
from alpha to omega...] |
12 | Lammed~Sheen~Waw~Noun~finalMem |
[Lashonam: |
..."y~¤ur tongues;" |
y~¤ur tongues...] |
13 | Mem~Kaf~Aleph~Vayt |
[Mekev: |
..."their biosphereingsq grailingsq vital~impetusings cowithihn their soma'sq;" |
their biosphereingsq grailingsq vital~impetusings cowithihn their soma'sq...] |
14 | Lammed~Vayt |
[Lev: |
..."heartq;" |
heartq...] |
(some guesses) |
(some altered by Doug) |
1 | Vav~Yod~Ghimel~Dallet~Phay~Waw |
[Ve'Ye'Gadapho: |
..."And fecundq resonanceingsq of existentialq organic~movementings whose gatewayveingsq arera experienceingsq unlimited possibilityingsq;" |
And fecundq resonanceingsq of existentialq organic~movementings whose gatewayveingsq arera experienceingsq unlimited possibilityingsq...] |
2 | Aleph~Tav |
[At: |
..."from alpha to omega;" |
from alpha to omega...] |
3 | Aleph~Lammed~Hay~Yod |
[Elohi: |
..."y~¤ur living demiurgeings of existenceings;" |
y~¤ur living demiurgeings of existenceings...] |
4 | Hay~Sheen~Mem~Yod~finalMem |
[Ha'Shemaim: |
..."livingq metabolicallyq cowithihn skies;" |
livingq metabolicallyq cowithihn skies...] |
5 | Mem~Mem~Khaf~Aleph~Vayt~finalMem |
[Me'Mekhavam: |
..."divineq peopleq grailingq somaticq vital~impetus cosmically biosphered;" |
divineq peopleq grailingq somaticq vital~impetus cosmically biosphered...] |
6 | Vav~Sheen~Hhayt~Yod~Noun~finalMem |
[Ve'Shehheenam: |
..."exaltationings of fecundq metabolicq spiritualq existenceingsq of lifeq principleingsq cosmically biosphered;" |
exaltationings of fecundq metabolicq spiritualq existenceingsq of lifeq principleingsq cosmically biosphered...] |
7 | Vav~Lammed~Aleph |
[Ve'Lo: |
..."and no;" |
and no...] |
8 | Sheen~Vayt~Waw |
[Shevo: |
..."directly antinomiallyq cosmically~metabolizingq fecundq somaq;" |
directly antinomially qcosmically~metabolizingq fecundq somaq...] |
9 | Mem~Mem~Ayn~Seen~Yod~Hay~finalMem |
[Mem'Aashiahm: |
..."of Hær works;" |
of Hær works...] |
(some guesses) |
(some altered by Doug) |
1 | Vav~Yod~Raysh~Qof |
[Ve'Yaraq: |
..."Fresh, green, verdant;" |
Fresh, green, verdant...] |
2 | Hay~Sheen~Sheen~Yod |
[Ha'SheShee: |
..."the sixth;" |
the sixth...] |
3 | Aleph~Tav |
[At: |
..."from alpha to omega;" |
from alpha to omega...] |
4 | Qof~Ayn~Raysh~Tav~Waw |
[Qorato: |
..."bowls assa cosmic vital~impetus' fecund enlightened comtainment vitally~impeded;" |
bowls assa cosmic vital~impetus' fecund enlightened comtainment vitally~impeded...] |
5 | Ayn~Lammed |
[Aal: |
..."again, near;" |
again, near...] |
6 | Hay~Noun~Hay~Raysh |
[Ha'Nahar: |
..."the river;" |
the river...] |
7 | Hay~Ghimel~Dallet~Waw~Lammed |
[Ha'G[aeo]dol: |
..."y~¤ur God metabolically evolveingsq cowithihn all of usq;" |
y~¤ur God metabolically evolveingsq cowithihn all of usq...] |
8 | Noun~Hay~Raysh |
[Nahar: |
..."river;" |
river...] |
9 | Phay~Raysh~Tav |
[Pharat: |
..."Euphrates;" |
Euphrates...] |
10 | Vav~Yod~Hhayt~Raysh~Vayt~Waw |
[Ve'Yehharavo: |
..."resonantq unlimited existentialq possibilityingsq' precipitous declensionings from cosmic comtainmentings to permeable somaticq fecundq cavitatingsq;" |
resonantq unlimited existentialq possibilityingsq' precipitous declensionings from cosmic comtainmentings to permeable somaticq fecundq cavitatingsq...] |
11 | Mem~Yod~Mem~Yod~Waw |
[Maimayo: |
..."divineq fecundq peopleq of existenceingsq;" |
divineq fecundq peopleq of existenceingsq...] |
12 | Lammed~Waw~Sheen~Raysh |
[Lo'Sher: |
..."ascendant~entangledq fecundq metabolismingsq cosmically comtained;" |
ascendant~entangledq fecundq metabolismingsq cosmically comtained...] |
13 | Mem~Sammekh~Lammed~Hay |
[Me'Ssalah: |
..."biosphereingsq of feminineq fecundityingsq metabolizingq lifeq;" |
biosphereingsq of feminineq fecundityingsq metabolizingq lifeq...] |
14 | Lammed~Mem~Lammed~Khaf~Yod~finalMem |
[Le'Melekhim: |
..."to many kings;" |
to many kings...] |
15 | Hay~Bayt~Aleph~Yod~finalMem |
[Ha'Ba'Ayeem: |
..."as livingq soma ascending from atemporalityings to existential temporalityings all cosmically~biosphereings cowithihn isoenergyings;" |
as livingq soma ascending from atemporalityings to existential temporalityings all cosmically~biosphereings cowithihn isoenergyings...] |
16 | Mem~Mem~Zayn~Raysh~Hhayt |
[Me'Mezerahh: |
..."rising in east of y~¤ur;" |
rising in east of y~¤ur...] |
17 | Sheen~Mem~Sheen |
[Shemesh: |
..."sun;" |
sun...] |
(some guesses) |
(some altered by Doug) |
1 | Vav~Aleph~Raysh~Aleph |
[Ve'Era: |
..."And wæq sawq;" |
And wæq sawq...] |
2 | Vav~Hay~Noun~Hay |
[Ve'Hanah: |
..."divineq lifeq emersces and quantized assa;" |
fecundq divineq lifeq emersces cavitationingsq of quantization's freedomq, uncertaintyq, and peaceq assa...] |
3 | Mem~Phay~Yod |
[Me'Phi: |
..."from y~¤ur mouth;" |
from y~¤ur mouth...] |
4 | Hay~Thav~Noun~Yod~finalNoun |
[Ha'Thaneen: |
..."the permeable impedanceings of both existential~ and cosmic~ principleingsq of lifeq cowithihn;" |
the permeable impedanceings of both existential~ and cosmic~ principleingsq of lifeq cowithihn...] |
5 | Vav~Mem~Phay~Yod |
[Ve'Me'Phi: |
..."and from y~¤ur mouth;" |
and from y~¤ur mouth...] |
6 | Hay~Hhayt~Yod~Hay |
[Ha'Hhayeh: |
..."a dialectical being;" |
a dialectical being...] |
7 | Vav~Mem~Phay~Yod |
[Ve'Me'Phi: |
..."and from y~¤ur mouth;" |
and from y~¤ur mouth...] |
8 | Noun~Vayt~Yod~Aleph |
[Novia: |
..."somaticq existentialq lifeq principleingsq vital~impetusings;" |
somaticq existentialq lifeq principleingsq vital~impetusings...] |
9 | Hay~Sheen~Qof~Raysh |
[Ha'Sheqor: |
..."exposeingsq dialectical falsehoods while;" |
exposeingsq dialectical falsehoods while...] |
10 | Yod~Tsadde~Aleph~Waw~Tav |
[Yotsaut: |
..."existential restructurings of linguistic situation and role symbols (Aut);" |
existential restructurings of linguistic situation and role symbols (Aut)...] |
11 | Sheen~Lammed~Sheen |
[Shelosh: |
..."three;" |
three...] |
12 | Raysh~Waw~Hhayt~Waw~Tav |
[Rouahhot: |
..."of many feminine spiritingsq;" |
of many feminine spiritingsq...] |
13 | Sammekh~Mem~Aleph~Waw~Tav |
[Ssamaut: |
..."feminine fecundityingsq of individualq biosphereings' linguistic situation and role symbols (Aut);" |
feminine fecundityingsq of individualq biosphereings' linguistic situation and role symbols (Aut)...] |
14 | Dallet~Waw~Mem~Tav |
[Domet: |
..."gatewayveings masculine fecundityings lifeq trajectoryings endings cowithihn vital impedanceings;" |
gatewayveings masculine fecundityings lifeq trajectoryings endings cowithihn vital impedanceings...] |
15 | Lammed~Tsadde~Phay~Raysh~Dallet~Ayn~Yod~finalMem |
[Le'Tsapharadaaim: |
..."desnourings of metabolicq structurationingsq shepherdingq enlightenedq existenceingsq cowithihn cosmic biosphereings isoenergyings;" |
desnourings of metabolicq structurationingsq shepherdingq enlightenedq existenceingsq cowithihn cosmic biosphereings isoenergyings...] |
(some guesses) |
(some altered by Doug) |
1 | Kaf~Yod |
[Ki: |
..."Because;" |
Because...] |
2 | Raysh~Waw~Hhayt~Waw~Tav |
[Rouahhot: |
..."of many feminine spiritingsq;" |
of many feminine spiritingsq...] |
3 | Hay~Sheen~Dallet~Yod~finalMem |
[Ha'Shadim: |
..."AKA the many of might;" |
AKA the many of might...] |
4 | Hay~Noun~Hay |
[Hanah: |
..."whose divineq livesq emersce quanta as existentialq lifeq principleingsq;" |
whose divineq livesq emersce quanta as existentialq lifeq principleingsq...] |
5 | Vav~Hay~finalNoun |
[La'Hen: |
..."of agreement;" |
of agreement...] |
6 | Ayn~Sheen~Waw~Tav |
[Aashot: |
..."enlightenmentingsq cosmically metabolizingsq fecundationingsq of vital~impedanceings,;" |
enlightenmentingsq cosmically metabolizingsq fecundationingsq of vital~impedanceings,...] |
7 | Aleph~Waw~Tav~Waw~Tav |
[Autot: |
..."using many great signs of,;" |
using many great signs of,...] |
8 | Vav~Yod~Tsadde~Aleph~Waw~Tav |
[Ve'Yotsaut: |
..."and existential restructurings of linguistic situation and role symbols (Aut);" |
and existential restructurings of linguistic situation and role symbols (Aut)...] |
9 | Aleph~Lammed |
[El: |
..."full of existentialq metabolicq vital~impetusings;" |
full of existentialq metabolicq vital~impetusings...] |
10 | Mem~Lammed~Khaf~Yod |
[Melakhi: |
..."kings assa biospheric metabolismingsq grailingq existenceingsq;" |
kings assa biospheric metabolismingsq grailingq existenceingsq...] |
11 | Aleph~Raysh~finalTsadde |
[Erts: |
..."of earth;" |
of earth...] |
12 | Vav~Tav~Vayt~Lammed |
[Ve'Taval: |
..."and fecundq vital~impedanceings of somaticq metabolismsq;" |
and fecundq vital~impedanceings of somaticq metabolismsq...] |
13 | Kaf~Lammed~Hay |
[Kolah: |
..."assa grailing~metabolic~wholeq (i.e., coherentq) livingsq;" |
assa grailing~metabolic~wholeq (i.e., coherentq) livingsq...] |
14 | Lammed~Aleph~Sammekh~Phay~finalMem |
[Le'Essaphim: |
..."existentialq metabolismingsq of vital impetusings nurtureingsq feminineq maturationingsq of unlimited existentialq possibilityingsq;" |
existentialq metabolismingsq of vital impetusings nurtureingsq feminineq maturationingsq of unlimited existentialq possibilityingsq...] |
15 | Lammed~Mem~Lammed~Hhayt~Mem~Tav |
[Le'Meelhhamet: |
..."ihncludingsq spirituallyq kindledq wars of persistent dyings;" |
ihncludingsq spirituallyq kindledq wars of persistent dyings...] |
16 | Hay~Yod~Waw~finalMem |
[Ha'Yom: |
..."the day's livingq existenceingsq fecundq biospheric exaltationings;" |
the day's livingq existenceingsq fecundq biospheric exaltationings...] |
17 | Hay~Hay~Waw~Aleph |
[Ha'Haoa: |
..."of thæ that which issi;" |
of thæ that which issi...] |
divine life. coitally involved with its creatrix. |
18 | Hay~Ghimel~Dallet~Waw~Lammed |
[Ha'G[aeo]dol: |
..."y~¤ur God metabolically evolveingsq cowithihn all of usq;" |
y~¤ur God metabolically evolveingsq cowithihn all of usq...] |
19 | Yod~Waw~finalMem |
[Yom: |
..."a day's livingq existenceingsq fecundq biospheric exaltationings;" |
a day's livingq existenceingsq fecundq biospheric exaltationings...] |
20 | Aleph~Lammed~Hay~Yod |
[Elohi: |
..."y~¤ur living demiurgeings of existenceings;" |
y~¤ur living demiurgeings of existenceings...] |
21 | Mem~Tsadde~Vayt~Aleph~Waw~Tav |
[Me'Tsevet: |
..."cowithihn y~¤ur almighty quanton of all;" |
cowithihn y~¤ur almighty quanton of all...] |
(some guesses) |
(some altered by Doug) |
1 | Hay~Noun~Noun~Yod |
[Ha'Nani: |
..."Y~¤ur answer's;" |
Y~¤ur answer's...] |
2 | Vayt~Aleph |
[Va: |
..."fathomingsq of;" |
fathomingsq of...] |
3 | Kaf~Ghimel~Noun~Vayt |
[Kagonav: |
..."for instance;" |
for instance...] |
4 | Aleph~Sheen~Raysh~Yod |
[Esheri: |
..."existentialq individualq Gnosticq witnessingsq;" |
existentialq individualq Gnosticq witnessingsq...] |
5 | Hay~Sheen~Qof~Dallet |
[Ha'Shoqed: |
..."to take diligent care;" |
to take diligent care...] |
6 | Vav~Sheen~Mem~Raysh |
[Ve'Shemer: |
..."while watching selfq's qua;" |
while watching selfq's qua via self's existential biosphere experienceings cosmic~metabolic qwf~cavitationings' middle~includeings cowithihn cosmic comtainment...] |
7 | Aleph~Tav |
[At: |
..."from alpha to omega;" |
from alpha to omega...] |
8 | Bayt~Ghimel~Dallet~Yod~Vav |
[Ba'Gadiv: |
..."via ¤ne's hologralq chanceingsq, chooseingsq, changeingsq;" |
via ¤ne's hologralq chanceingsq, chooseingsq, changeingsq...] |
9 | Phay~finalNoun |
[Phan: |
..."y~¤u4 unlimited possibilityingsq borne of cosmic lifeq principleingsq of peaceq, uncertaintyq, and freedomq;" |
y~¤u4 unlimited possibilityingsq borne of cosmic lifeq principleingsq of peaceq, uncertaintyq, and freedomq...] |
10 | Yod~Lammed~finalKhaf |
[Yelakh: |
..."then;" |
then...] |
11 | Ayn~Raysh~finalMem |
[Aaram: |
..."desnoueringsq usq;" |
desnoueringsq usq...] |
12 | Vav~Raysh~Aleph~Waw |
[Ve'Rao: |
..."and seeingq;" |
and seeingq...] |
13 | Aleph~Tav |
[At: |
..."from alpha to omega;" |
from alpha to omega...] |
14 | Ayn~Raysh~Waw~Tav~Waw |
[Aaroto: |
..."y~¤ur enlightenedq cave~like erotic comtainmentings of y~¤ur resonant fecundityingsq overwhelming vital~impedanceings;" |
y~¤ur enlightenedq cave~like erotic comtainmentings of y~¤ur resonant fecundityingsq overwhelming vital~impedanceings...] |
(some guesses) |
(some altered by Doug) |
1 | Vav~Yod~Aleph~Sammekh~finalKhaf |
[Ve'Yessakh: |
..."And existentialq vital impetusings feminineq fecundityingsq grailingq cosmic isoenergyings;" |
And existentialq vital impetusings feminineq fecundityingsq grailingq cosmic isoenergyings...] |
2 | Aleph~Tav~finalMem |
[Atam: |
..."from alpha to omega, for all of them, for all biospheresq;" |
from alpha to omega, for all of them, for all biospheresq...] |
3 | Aleph~Lammed |
[El: |
..."full of existentialq metabolicq vital~impetusings;" |
full of existentialq metabolicq vital~impetusings...] |
4 | Hay~Mem~Qof~Waw~finalMem |
[Ha'Meqom: |
..."then whose livingsq arera finding placeingsq;" |
then whose livingsq arera finding placeingsq...] |
5 | Hay~Noun~Qof~Raysh~Aleph |
[Ha'Naqor: |
..."livingq and abiding lifeq principleingsq via y~¤ur spiritingsq;" |
livingq and abiding lifeq principleingsq via y~¤ur spiritingsq...] |
6 | Vayt~Ayn~Vayt~Raysh~Yod~Tav |
[Vaavarait: |
..."of resonantq somaticq enlighteningsq cowithihn resonantq cosmic comtainmentings whose existenceingsq arera experienceingsq vital impedanceings;" |
of resonantq somaticq enlighteningsq cowithihn resonantq cosmic comtainmentings whose existenceingsq arera experienceingsq vital impedanceings...] |
7 | Hay~Raysh |
[Har: |
..."of a mountain of;" |
of a mountain of...] |
8 | Mem~Ghimel~Dallet~Waw~finalNoun |
[Me'Gadon: |
..."existentialq biosphereings organic~movementingsq gatewayveingsq fecundationingsq of cosmic lifeq principleingsq;" |
existentialq biosphereings organic~movementingsq gatewayveingsq fecundationingsq of cosmic lifeq principleingsq...] |
(some guesses) |
(some altered by Doug) |
1 | Vav~Yod~Raysh~Qof |
[Ve'Yaraq: |
..."Fresh, green, verdant;" |
Fresh, green, verdant...] |
2 | Hay~Mem~Lammed~Aleph~finalKhaf |
[Ha'Melakh: |
..."of y~¤ur angel;" |
of y~¤ur angel...] |
3 | Hay~Sheen~Vayt~Yod~Ayn~Yod |
[Ha'Sheveani: |
..."the seventh,;" |
the seventh,...] |
4 | Aleph~Tav |
[At: |
..."from alpha to omega;" |
from alpha to omega...] |
5 | Qof~Ayn~Raysh~Tav~Waw |
[Qorato: |
..."bowls assa cosmic vital~impetus' fecundq enlightenedq comtainment vitally~impeded;" |
bowls assa cosmic vital~impetus' fecundq enlightenedq comtainment vitally~impeded...] |
6 | Bayt~Aleph~Waw~Yod~Raysh |
[Ba'Ao'Ier, Ba'Avir: |
..."cowithihn air;" |
cowithihn air as energy~wellingsq of vital~impetus~actual~existenceingsq are cavitatingq abundant fecundityingsq from and cowithihn cosmic~comtainmentings...] |
7 | Vav~Yod~Tsadde~Aleph |
[Ve'Yetsa: |
..."and existentialq structurationingsq born of vital~impetusings we hear;" |
and existentialq structurationingsq born of vital~impetusings we hear...] |
8 | Qof~Waw~Lammed |
[Qol: |
..."Hær voiceq of wisdomq;" |
Hær voiceq of wisdomq...] |
9 | Ghimel~Dallet~Waw~Lammed |
[G[aeo]dol: |
..."God metabolically evolveingsq cowithihn all of usq;" |
God metabolically evolveingsq cowithihn all of usq...] |
10 | Mem~Hay~Yod~Khaf~Lammed |
[Me'Ha'Yokhal: |
..."cowithihn y~¤ur existenceingsq grailingq metabolismingsq;" |
cowithihn y~¤ur existenceingsq grailingq metabolismingsq...] |
11 | Hay~Sheen~Mem~Yod~finalMem |
[Ha'Shemaim: |
..."livingq metabolicallyq cowithihn skies;" |
livingq metabolicallyq cowithihn skies...] |
12 | Mem~finalNoun |
[Men: |
..."with many cosmic lifeq principleingsq of usq;" |
with many cosmic lifeq principleingsq of usq...] |
13 | Hay~Kaf~Sammekh~Aleph |
[Ha'Kassa: |
..."y~¤ur grailing throne~like feminine spirit made fecundly;" |
y~¤ur spiritually grailing feminine essenceq made by beingq, by existentially grailing y~¤ur vital~impetus cowithihn cavitating hermaphroditic placental fecundityings...] |
14 | Vav~Yod~Aleph~Mem~Raysh |
[Ve'Yamer: |
..."and saying;" |
and saying...] |
15 | Hay~Yod~Hay |
[Ve'Hayah: |
..."the demiurge who ( y~¤ur Tsevet, y~¤ur quanton) fecundly issi;" |
the demiurge who ( y~¤ur Tsevet, y~¤ur quanton) fecundly issi...] |
16 | Noun~Hay~Yod~Tav~Hay |
[Nohitah: |
..."~quantal~ lifeq principleingsq of resonantq divineq livingsq coobsfectingsq existenceingsq encounteringq vital impedanceings cavitationallyq;" |
~quantal~ lifeq principleingsq of resonantq divineq livingsq coobsfectingsq existenceingsq encounteringq vital impedanceings cavitationallyq...] |
(some guesses) |
(some altered by Doug) |
1 | Vav~Yod~Hay~Yod~Waw |
[Ve'Yehyo: |
..."And divinely again, wæ sææ Hær cavitating many divinely y~¤ur antinomialq two~livings existence, fecundlyq livingq existence cowithihn and resonating~reverberating;" |
And divinelyq again, wæ experienceq Hær cavitating many divineq doubleq existenceq archetypicallyq, recursivelyq, fractally, complementaryq~antinomiallyq fecundlyq livingq cowithihn Hær and y~¤ur quantum~selves' recursivelyq resonatingq~reverberatingq...] |
2 | Qof~Lammed~Waw~Tav |
[Qolot: |
..."by many votings;" |
by many votings...] |
3 | Vav~Raysh~Ayn~Mem~Yod~finalMem |
[Ve'Raamim: |
..."and thunderings;" |
and thunderings...] |
4 | Vav~Vayt~Raysh~Qof~Yod~finalMem |
[Ve'Varaqim: |
..."and lightnings;" |
and lightnings...] |
5 | Vav~Yod~Hay~Yod |
[Ve'Yehy: |
..."and divinely again, wæ sææ Hær cavitating divinely y~¤ur antinomialq two~livings existence, fecundlyq livingq existence cowithihn and resonating~reverberating;" |
and divinelyq again, wæ experienceq Hær cavitating divineq doubleq existenceq archetypicallyq, recursivelyq, fractally, complementaryq~antinomiallyq fecundlyq livingq cowithihn Hær and y~¤ur quantum~selves' recursivelyq resonatingq~reverberatingq...] |
6 | Raysh~Ayn~Sheen |
[Raash: |
..."fathoming an earthquake;" |
fathoming an earthquake...] |
7 | Ghimel~Dallet~Waw~Lammed |
[G[aeo]dol: |
..."God metabolically evolveingsq cowithihn all of usq;" |
God metabolically evolveingsq cowithihn all of usq...] |
8 | Aleph~Sheen~Raysh |
[Esher: |
..."witnessingq;" |
witnessingq...] |
9 | Lammed~Aleph |
[Lo: |
..."no;" |
no...] |
10 | Hay~Yod~Hay |
[Ve'Hayah: |
..."demiurge who ( y~¤ur Tsevet, y~¤ur quanton) fecundly issi;" |
demiurge who ( y~¤ur Tsevet, y~¤ur quanton) fecundly issi...] |
11 | Khaf~Mem~Hay~Waw |
[Khameho: |
..."existentiallyq grailingq livingq biosphereings fecundityingsq;" |
existentiallyq grailingq livingq biosphereings fecundityingsq...] |
12 | Lammed~Mem~finalNoun |
[La'Men: |
..."cowithihn and among many cosmic lifeq principleingsq of usq;" |
cowithihn and among many cosmic lifeq principleingsq of usq...] |
13 | Hay~Yod~Waw~Tav |
[Heyot: |
..."to beq;" |
to beq livingq existenceingsq fecundatingq vital impedanceings...] |
14 | Aleph~Dallet~finalMem |
[Adam: |
..."assa humanq vital~impetusings gatewayveingsq cosmic~biosphereings' isoenergyingsq;" |
assa humanq vital~impetusings gatewayveingsq cosmic~biosphereings' isoenergyingsq...] |
15 | Ayn~Lammed |
[Aal: |
..."again, near;" |
again, near...] |
16 | Hay~Aleph~Raysh~finalTsadde |
[Ha'Erts: |
..."the earth;" |
the earth...] |
17 | Kaf~Yod |
[Ki: |
..."because;" |
because...] |
18 | Ghimel~Dallet~Waw~Lammed |
[G[aeo]dol: |
..."God metabolically evolveingsq cowithihn all of usq;" |
God metabolically evolveingsq cowithihn all of usq...] |
19 | Hay~Raysh~Ayn~Sheen |
[Ha'Raash: |
..."fathomingq such a great and livingq earthquake;" |
fathomingq such a great and livingq earthquake...] |
20 | Ayn~Dallet |
[Aad: |
..."even until;" |
even until...] |
21 | Mem~Aleph~Dallet |
[Meod: |
..."a very good and mighty quanton emerges;" |
a very good and mighty quanton, a high quality columnarly descending cavitationings of vital~impetus from existential biosphereings to archetypal gatewayveings...] |
(some guesses) |
(some altered by Doug) |
1 | Vav~Hay~Ayn~Yod~Raysh |
[Ve'Ha'Aayir: |
..."And from a city of;" |
And from a city of...] |
2 | Hay~Ghimel~Dallet~Waw~Lammed~Hay |
[Ha'G[aeo]dolah: |
..."livingq resonantlyq G¤d metabolically evolveingsq mitochondrially cowithihn all of usq;" |
livingq resonantlyq G¤d metabolically evolveingsq mitochondrially cowithihn all of usq...] |
3 | Noun~Hhayt~Lammed~Qof~Hay |
[Nohhalaqah: |
..."existentialq lifeq principleingsq metabolicallyq, spirituallyq destroying dialectical delusions while harmoniously~resonantlyq livingq;" |
existentialq lifeq principleingsq metabolicallyq, spirituallyq destroying dialectical delusions while harmoniously~resonantlyq livingq...] |
4 | Lammed~Sheen~Lammed~Sheen~Hay |
[Le'Sheloshah: |
..."cowithihn three;" |
cowithihn three...] |
5 | Hhayt~Lammed~Qof~Yod~finalMem |
[Hhaleqim: |
..."of many wavicleingsq;" |
of many wavicleingsq...] |
6 | Vav~Thav~Phay~Lammed~Noun~Hay |
[Ve'Taphalanah: |
..."and their fecundationingsq of vital impedanceings unlimited metabolicq possibilityingsq adhereings livingq existentialq lifeq principleingsq of freedomq, uncertaintyq, and peaceq;" |
and their fecundationingsq of vital impedanceings unlimited metabolicq possibilityingsq adhereings livingq existentialq lifeq principleingsq of freedomq, uncertaintyq, and peaceq...] |
7 | Ayn~Raysh~Yod |
[Aari: |
..."assa lightq's general omniscriptionings of multiverseingsq cosmically comtained cowithihn all existenceingsq;" |
assa lightq's general omniscriptionings of multiverseingsq cosmically comtained cowithihn all existenceingsq...] |
8 | Hay~Ghimel~Waw~Yod~finalMem |
[Ha'Goyim: |
..."of the nations;" |
of the nations...] |
9 | Vav~Thav~Zayn~Khaf~Raysh |
[Ve'Thazakhar: |
..."whose fecundationingsq of vital~impedanceings' unlimitedq potentiaq for resonantlyq grailingq cosmic~comtainmentings offer;" |
whose fecundationingsq of vital~impedanceings' unlimitedq potentiaq for resonantlyq grailingq cosmic~comtainmentings offer...] |
10 | Bayt~Vayt~Lammed |
[Ba'Vel: |
..."Babylon;" |
Babylon...] |
11 | Hay~Ghimel~Dallet~Waw~Lammed~Hay |
[Ha'G[aeo]dolah: |
..."livingq resonantlyq G¤d metabolically evolveingsq mitochondrially cowithihn all of usq;" |
livingq resonantlyq G¤d metabolically evolveingsq mitochondrially cowithihn all of usq...] |
12 | Lammed~Phay~Noun~Yod |
[Leefney: |
..."before;" |
before...] |
13 | Aleph~Lammed~Hay~Yod~finalMem |
[Elohim: |
..."and cowithihn y~¤ur demiurgeingsq;" |
and cowithihn y~¤ur demiurgeingsq...] |
14 | Lammed~Tav~Tav |
[La'Tat: |
..."metabolicallyq givingq;" |
metabolicallyq givingq...] |
15 | Lammed~Hay |
[Lah: |
..."metabolicq wh¤le~coherentq livingsq;" |
metabolicq wh¤le~coherentq livingsq...] |
16 | Kaf~Waw~Sammekh |
[Kass: |
..."assa grailingsq of resonantq hermaphroditicq fecundationingsq;" |
assa grailingsq of resonantq hermaphroditicq fecundationingsq...] |
17 | Yod~Yod~finalNoun |
[Yeyeen: |
..."divineq resonantq existenceingsq cosmically quantized and wine~full of lifeq principleingsq of freedomq, uncertaintyq, and peaceq;" |
divineq resonantq existenceingsq cosmically quantized and wine~full of lifeq principleingsq of freedomq, uncertaintyq, and peaceq...] |
18 | Hhayt~Mem~Tav |
[Hhamet: |
..."and of the wrath;" |
and of the wrath...] |
19 | Aleph~Phay~Waw |
[Epho: |
..."wæq re~cognizeq vital~impetus' fecundq unlimited existentialq possibilityingsq;" |
wæq re~cognizeq vital~impetus' fecundq unlimited existentialq possibilityingsq...] |
(some guesses) |
(some altered by Doug) |
1 | Vav~Yod~Noun~Sammekh |
[Ve'Yenoss: |
..."Of masculine fecundq ascension of existenceingsq lifeq principleingsq coaffectingsq cowithihn hermaphroditic feminineq fecundityingsq;" |
Of masculine fecundq ascension of existenceingsq lifeq principleingsq coaffectingsq cowithihn hermaphroditic feminineq fecundityingsq...] |
2 | Kaf~Lammed |
[Kal: |
..."metabolicallyq grailingq;" |
metabolicallyq grailingq...] |
3 | Aleph~Yod |
[Ay: |
..."while projectingq vital~impetusings ihnto existenceingsq;" |
while projectingq vital~impetusings ihnto existenceingsq...] |
4 | Vav~Hay~Hay~Raysh~Yod~finalMem |
[Ve'Ha'Harim: |
..."and y~¤ur divine two~lived mountains;" |
and y~¤ur divine two~lived mountains...] |
5 | Lammed~Aleph |
[Lo: |
..."arera n¤t;" |
arera n¤t...] |
6 | Noun~Mem~Tsadde~Aleph~Waw |
[Na'Metsao: |
..."found healing quantizationings fecundityings;" |
found healing life principleingsq quantizationings of all existential~metabolisms emerqancyings cowithihn vital~impetus fecundityings...] |
(some guesses) |
(some altered by Doug) |
1 | Vav~Aleph~Vayt~Noun~Yod |
[Ve'Evani: |
..."And a great resonantq projectionq of vital impetusings modulatingq somaticq quantizationings of lifeq principleingsq stones qwf~cavitating cowithihn existenceingsq;" |
And a great resonantq projectionq of vital impetusings modulatingq somaticq quantizationings of lifeq principleingsq qwf~cavitating cowithihn existenceingsq...] |
2 | Bayt~Raysh~Dallet |
[Barad: |
..."of hail;" |
of hail...] |
3 | Kaf~Kaf~Kaf~Raysh |
[Kakakar: |
..."all;" |
all...] |
4 | Mem~Sheen~Qof~Lammed~finalMem |
[Me'Shaqalam: |
..." cowithihn many weighings;" |
cowithihn many weighings...] |
5 | Yod~Raysh~Dallet~Waw |
[Ye'Rado: |
..."which dictates to all;" |
which dictates to all...] |
6 | Mem~finalNoun |
[Men: |
..."with many cosmic lifeq principleingsq of usq;" |
with many cosmic lifeq principleingsq of usq...] |
7 | Hay~Sheen~Mem~Yod~finalMem |
[Ha'Shemaim: |
..."livingq metabolicallyq cowithihn skies;" |
livingq metabolicallyq cowithihn skies...] |
8 | Ayn~Lammed |
[Aal: |
..."again, near;" |
again, near...] |
9 | Bayt~Noun~Yod |
[Beni: |
..."sons of;" |
somaticq evolutioningsq of existingq sons of...] |
10 | Hay~Aleph~Dallet~finalMem |
[Ha'Adam: |
..."those of usq having vital~impetus cowithihn y~¤ur blood;" |
those of usq having vital~impetus cowithihn y~¤ur blood...] |
11 | Vav~Yod~Ghimel~Dallet~Phay~Waw |
[Ve'Ye'Gadapho: |
..."yes, fecundq resonanceingsq of y~¤ur existentialq organic~movementings whose gatewayveingsq arera experienceingsq unlimited possibilityingsq;" |
yes, fecundq resonanceingsq of existentialq organic~movementings whose gatewayveingsq arera experienceingsq unlimited possibilityingsq...] |
12 | Bayt~Noun~Yod |
[Beni: |
..."y~¤ur sons of;" |
somaticq evolutioningsq of existingq y~¤ur sons of...] |
13 | Hay~Aleph~Dallet~finalMem |
[Ha'Adam: |
..."those of usq having vital~impetus cowithihn y~¤ur blood;" |
those of usq having vital~impetus cowithihn y~¤ur blood...] |
14 | Aleph~Tav |
[AT: |
..."from alpha to omega;" |
from alpha to omega...] |
15 | Hay~Aleph~Lammed~Hay~Yod~finalMem |
[Ha'Elohim: |
..."cowithihn y~¤ur demiurgeingsq;" |
cowithihn y~¤ur demiurgeingsq...] |
16 | Ayn~Lammed |
[Aal: |
..."again, near;" |
again, near...] |
17 | Aleph~Dallet~Waw~Tav |
[Edot: |
..."vital~impetusings fecundq gatewayveingsq of vital~impedanceings;" |
vital~impetusings fecundq gatewayveingsq of vital~impedanceings...] |
18 | Mem~Kaf~Tav |
[Me'Kat: |
..."and biosphereings grailingq through vital~impedanceings via;" |
and biosphereings grailingq through vital~impedanceings via...] |
19 | Hay~Bayt~Raysh~Dallet |
[Ha'Barad: |
..."the hail;" |
the hail...] |
20 | Kaf~Yod |
[Ki: |
..."because;" |
because...] |
21 | Khaf~Vayt~Dallet~Hay |
[Khavadah: |
..."livingq somaticq grailingsq and gatewayveingsq;" |
livingq somaticq grailingsq and gatewayveingsq...] |
22 | Mem~Kaf~Tav~Waw |
[Me'Kato: |
..."of biosphereings fecundq grailingsq through vital~impedanceings;" |
of biosphereings fecundq grailingsq through vital~impedanceings...] |
23 | Mem~Aleph~Dallet |
[Meod: |
..."a very good and mighty quanton emerges;" |
a very good and mighty quanton, a high quality columnarly descending cavitationings of vital~impetus from existential biosphereings to archetypal gatewayveings...] |