
Doug's Translation
Revelation XVII
Verses 1-18
Mimicking Carlo Suares'
Thermodynamic Qabala

Regarding Revelation XVII:1-18:

Doug is using a Hebrew version of Revelation which he found on Internet, and has now lost that URL. Doug will restore that reference here when he finds it. Revelation issi about 2000 years old, so there issi a good chance we may find an actual Hebrew version of it. Some resources claim there issi only Greek (perhaps other n¤n Hebrew) versions of Revelation extant. It may be that this version Doug found is reverse engineered from English, perhaps Greek. For Doug that issi problematic. Autiot has semitic Values in it which are impossible to con(m)vey in English and Greek. Both of those languages, mostly due their formal dialectic, are already extinct. They just do n¤t realize it...yet.

To retranslate Revelation in Suares' quantum~hologral~fluxodynamic language, we need a legend of Autiot and their Gematria. Let's use Suares' Letter~Numbers as our reference:

Following three linguistic energy~flows are from Aleph; These may also be described as energy~flowings back to Aleph. Those antinomialq readings vastly omniffer one another...quantum~realityings do not obey classical dogma of state-ic equivalence relations. Too, column flows both up and down have antinomialq roleq and situationingsq significance.

Ask self, "Self, how does one complementaroceiveq Suares' situationq and roleq in each comtextingq?

I. "Hey Doug! What happens when we simply read top~archetypal line above from left to right?"

It reads, thermofluxicallyq, Aut 1 through 9, somewhat like this,

"Vital~impetusq cowithihn all somaq coobsfecting all organic~metabolicq~movementings and gatewayveingsq cowithihn all metabolicq~livingsq QED~quantons(scin,quan)~scintillating~fecundatingq unlimited potentiaq of unlimited possibilityingsq of wavicular~cellularq structurationingsq."

Doug - 7,31Aug2016, 9Sep2016.

II. "Hey Doug! What happens when we simply read middle~existential line above from left to right?"

It reads, thermofluxicallyq, Aut 10 through 90, somewhat like this,

"Hysteresisq of all existenceingsq grailq metabolicq biosphericq emerqancyings as lifeq~principledq quanta
whose femininityq generatively~fecundulatesq that which issi n¤t's undifferentiated
unlimited possibilityings assa existentialq emerscitectureingsq."

Doug - 21Jul2016.

III. "Hey Doug! What happens when we simply read bottom cosmic~n¤n~existential partiallyq~undifferentiated line above from left to right?"

It reads fluxodynamicallyq, Aut 100 through 900, somewhat like this,

"Cosmic vital~impetusq assa protector of all cosmic lifeq, and thus issi a
destroyer of dialecticc, a destroyer of all illusions of formalc- objectivec- impartialc- mechanicalc- ersatzc- dialecticc,
so that cosmic vital~ impetusq issi cowithihn all and straddles all cosmic~comtainmentings of
all quantons of cosmic~metabolismingsq whoq are ubiquitouslyq~perpetuallyq struggleingq with
cosmic~vital~impedanceingsq via intentionalq~evolutionaryq holograilingsq of all cosmic~biosphereingsq
while adhereingq~abidingq cosmic~lifeq~principleingsq of uncertaintyingsq, peaceingsq and freedomingsq of
all cosmically~undifferentiated~cosmic~isoenergyingsq whoq exploitq cosmic quaq to emerq cosmic~structurationingsq."

See Pirsig regarding dialectic as a genetic defect in human reason.

Hey Doug what happens when we put all three rows into one long Aleph to finalTsadde text?

It reads fluxodynamicallyq, Aut 1 through 900, somewhat like this,

"Vital~impetusq cowithihn all somaq coobsfecting all organic~metabolicq~movementings and gatewayveingsq cowithihn all metabolicq~livingsq QED~quantons(scin,quan)~scintillating~fecundatingq unlimited potentiaq of unlimited possibilityingsq of wavicular~cellularq structurationingsq whose hysteresesq of all existenceingsq grailq metabolicq biosphericq emerqancyings as lifeq~principledq quanta
whose femininityq generatively~fecundulatesq that which issi n¤t's undifferentiated
unlimited possibilityings assa existentialq emerscitectureingsq whose cosmic vital~impetusq assa protector of all cosmic lifeq, and thus issi a
destroyer of dialecticc, a destroyer of all illusions (all selfc delusionsc denyingc Aleph cowithihn blood) of formalc- objectivec- impartialc- mechanicalc- ersatzc- dialecticc,
so that cosmic vital~ impetusq issi cowithihn all and straddles all cosmic~comtainmentings of
all quantons of cosmic~metabolismingsq whoq are ubiquitouslyq~perpetuallyq struggleingq with
cosmic~vital~impedanceingsq via intentionalq~evolutionaryq holograilingsq of all cosmic~biosphereingsq
while adhereingq~abidingq cosmic~lifeq~principleingsq of uncertaintyingsq, peaceingsq and freedomingsq of
all cosmically~undifferentiated~cosmic~isoenergyingsq whoq exploitq cosmic quaq to emerq cosmic~structurationingsq."

Doug - 4-5Aug2016, 9Sep2016.

Table of Autiot's 27 Letters in Three Rows of Nine
Transcribed from Carlo Suares' Cipher of Genesis
Doug Renselle

Revelation XVII:1

Revelation XVII:2

Revelation XVII:3

Revelation XVII:4

Revelation XVII:5

Revelation XVII:6

Revelation XVII:7

Revelation XVII:8

Revelation XVII:9

Revelation XVII:10

Revelation XVII:11

Revelation XVII:12

Revelation XVII:13

Revelation XVII:14
Revelation XVII:15 Revelation XVII:16 Revelation XVII:17 Revelation XVII:18

©Quantonics, Inc., 2016-2030

Retranslation of Revelation XVII:1

Doug - 22Sep2016.

Revelation XVII Letter~Text Spelled Out


(some guesses)

An Internet Literal
(some altered by Doug)

Doug's Suaresian Qabalic Translation

1 Vav~Yod~Vayt~Aleph



..."And demiurge brought;"

And demiurge brought fecundity (flourishing; ostenseing evolutionq) of existenceingsq at home cowithihn vital impetus to...]

~6~ ~{10 ~2~ ~1}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
2 Aleph~Hhayt~Dallet




behold vital~impetus, its spiritual unlimited possibilityings encountering gatewayveings of resistance....]

Compare Ahhat as "Heart of Song of Songs."

In a sense, Ehhad, issi "Heart of all metabolicq realityingsq."

Doug - 30Jun2016.
3 Mem~finalNoun



..."with many cosmic lifeq principleingsq of usq;"

with many cosmic lifeq principleingsq of usq...]

4 Sheen~Vayt~Ayn~Hay



..."seven livingq;"

seven livingq...]

5 Hay~Mem~Lammed~Aleph~Khaf~Yod~finalMem



..."the many king~like messenger angels;"

existential~biosphereings existentially~metabolizings qwf~affected by vital~impetus of king~like messenger angels holy~grailings qwf~affecting existence abundantly, fecundly while...]

~5~ ~{40.30~ ~{1 ~20~ ~10}~ ~600}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~


modulationingsq of


unbounded fullnessings evolveings via ascendant multi columnar multi~populated qwf~cavitationings


qwf~transmutationings~evolveings coobsfectings of qwf~resonant


ascendant columnar unit~populated qwf~cavitationings of qwf~tunnelings king~like


messenger angels' channelings columnar ascendant qwf~reverberationings cowithihn


ascending multi~populated overlapping qwf~reverberationings sempiternal king~like messenger angels temporal~atemporal sustainings


cowithihn Iht


Doug - 27Jun2016.
6 Hay~Noun~Sheen~Aleph~Yod~finalMem



..."the many existentialq lifeq~principleingsq cosmically metabolizingq vital~impetus cavitatingq all existenceingsq cowithihn cosmic biospherical energyings;"

the many existentialq lifeq~principleingsq cosmically metabolizingq vital~impetus cavitatingq all existenceingsq cowithihn cosmic biospherical energyings...]

~{5 50}~ ~300~ ~{1 10}~ ~600~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~{Ha'Na}~ ~Sh~ ~{a Yi}~ ~m~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

See Nasha.

Doug - 9Sep2016.
7 Sheen~Vayt~Ayn





8 Hay~Qof~Ayn~Raysh~Waw~Tav



..."the bowls of;"

the bowls of...]

9 Vav~Yod~Dallet~Bayt~Raysh



..."and existence by choice dialectically spoken for as;"

and existenceq may be spokenq for bivalently (i.e., dialectically, immaturelyc) gatewayveings soma's resonateingsq cosmic~comtainmentings as...]

~6.10.4~ ~{2 200}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Here we see how vulgate intuition takes a major faux pas.

It chooses dialectic nous over quantum mind.

We fathom directly Heraclitus' B1 and B2 Diels Kranz quotes:

B1 - "On this account which holds forever men prove uncomprehending, both before hearing it and when first they have heard it."


B2 - "For that reason you must follow what is common. But although the account is common, most men live as though they had an understanding of their own."

Doug retranslated B2 more quantumly assa:

B2 - "For that reason you must follow semasiologies of cosmic energy, cosmic flux. But although the account is one of cosmic flux, most men live as though they had a dialectical state-ic interpretation of their own."

If you want to understand essence of Gnoses involved here, comsider reading Introduction to The Paraphrase of Shem (VII, I) by Michel Roberge, Tr. Frederik Wisse, The English Nag Hammadi Library, James M. Robinson, ed., Revised edition, 1988.

Doug - 29Aug2016, 22Sep2016.
10 Aleph~Lammed~Yod



..."unto all;"

unto all...]

~{1 ~30~ ~10}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Movie Eli issi a real treat, in Doug's opine. Watch it.

An amazing futuristic Chautauqua.

Imagine one who has qua to recall entire text of both old and new testaments.

At end of movie carefully examine names of texts shown on a bookshelf.

Issi He blind? Are wæ? Arera y¤u?

Profundities of Gnosticq Individualismq...

What did Jeshua mean when he said, "Eli, Eli, Lama Sabakthani?"

In The Paraphrase of Shem (VII, I) Intro., Sabakah issi equivalent Gnoses' John the Baptist (an radical anti gnostic dialectical DIQhead). I.e., baptism issi an nous entrapment, literally.

Eh? "Institutional-social-classical-religion issi an opiate of mind, a trap."

Again, Doug reminds you that he sees selfq assa Quantum~Chaldæan~Gnostic playing Qabala's Game of Life.

Stuff of Abraham before organized religion, before Islam, before Israel and so many state-ic mechanical masculine testicular dialectical abominations emanating from them.

Read William Blake and Herman Melville... read Heraclitus' fragments...

Doug - 22Sep2016.
11 Lammed~Aleph~Mem~Raysh





12 Bayt~Aleph



..."while fathomingsq of;"

while fathomingsq of...]

Fathom answer as one of many hypotheses.

Then fathom how any hypothesis begs unlimitedq interrogatives.

Hologralq quintessence of C. S. Peirce.

Fathom that assa "Many seeings at every quantal edgeings of nowings."

Ponder fathomingq as leading to chanceingsq, chooseingsq. changeingsq of comsciousnessingsq quantadulative votings for better at QREONings.

Weigh issues of Buckyball Voting.

Doug - 19,22Sep2016.
13 Vav~Aleph~Raysh~Aleph~finalKhaf



..."and wæq sawq y~¤ur cosmic grailingsq;"

and wæq sawq y~¤ur cosmic grailingsq...]

~6 ~{1 ~200~ ~1}~ ~500~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

We might viewq this as another "twoq livesq" phenomenonq.

Life 1: vital~impetus of fecundityings, and

Life 2: vital~ impetus of cosmic~comtainmentings,

both comically grailingsq isoenergyings.

Doug - 4Aug2016.
14 Aleph~Tav



..."from alpha to omega;"

from alpha to omega...]

15 Mem~Sheen~Phay~Tayt



..."with Mothers' judgmentingsq;"

with Mothers' judgmentingsq...]

Tayt issi feminine cellular archetype of all structurationingsq.

Mem and Sheen are two of three Mothers: Aleph, Mem, Sheen.

Doug - 22Sep2016.
16 Hay~Zayn~Waw~Noun~Hay



..."of cavitatingq livesq of unlimited potentiaq of fecundationingsq overlappingq~superposeingq cavitationingsq of existentialq lifeq principleingsq resonantlyq livingq cowithihn;"

of cavitatingq livesq of unlimited potentiaq of fecundationingsq overlappingq~superposeingq cavitationingsq of existentialq lifeq principleingsq resonantlyq livingq cowithihn...]

Idiom for this word issi prostitute, whore, harlot...

Just doesn't seem to fit role and situation here.

Issue appears to be one of male hatred for women's superior spiritual qua.

Recall Jeshua wanted Magdalene to be head of his spiritual followers.

Apparently the 'Johns' hated this meme. Doug's opine based on research.

~{5 ~7.6~ ~{50}~ ~5}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~{5 ~7.6~ ~{overlapping~cavitationings~of~existential~life~principleings}~ ~5}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~{5 ~unlimited~potentia~of~fecundationings~ ~{50}~ ~5}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~{cavitating~lives~ of ~7.6~ ~{50}~ ~resonantly~living~cowithihn}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Doug - 22,29Sep2016.
17 Hay~Ghimel~Dallet~Waw~Lammed~Hay



..."y~¤ur livingq resonantlyq G¤d metabolically evolveingsq mitochondrially cowithihn all of usq and y~¤ur having;"

y~¤ur livingq resonantlyq G¤d metabolically evolveingsq mitochondrially cowithihn all of usq and y~¤ur having...]

~{5 ~{3 ~4.6~ ~30}~ ~5~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

This issi also interpreted as great living city. Like in Mareh M'Gadolah AKA Mary Magdalene (intended feminine leader of quantum gnostic Qabala). Too, M'Gadolah may mean a great body of waters (people).

Situational godlike role sema here, to Doug, issi overwhelming...

Ha'G[aeo]dolah issi livingq mitochondrially cowithihn usq and wæ arera hologrally cowithihn Ha'G[aeo]dolah.

Waters arera cowithihn usq and wæ arera cowithihn waters.

Based upon situation and role, one may obtain how many interpretations are extant...and simple idiom, especially classical idiom, just doesn't 'cut it' anymore. Our Millennium III situationq and roleq has evolvedq into gematraic wave~functional quantum~reality away from unreal 'objective' classical, beast-like Neanderthalesque, dialectical, provincial thou shalt, one global 'socialc' order, anti CH3 canon 'law' and dogma.

Doug - 10Aug2016, 1,20Sep2016.
18 Hay~Yod~Sheen~Vayt~Tav



..."the existentialq blessingq to sit;"

the existentialq blessingq to sit...]

19 Ayn~Lammed



..."again, near;"

again, near...]

20 Mem~Yod~finalMem



..."livingq watersq (peopleq);"

livingq watersq (peopleq)...]

~{40 ~10~ ~600}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
21 Raysh~Bayt~Yod~finalMem



..."among many Rabbis;"

among many Rabbis, most of whom impose cosmic structureings upon existential beings...]

~{200 2}~ ~10.600~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

©Quantonics, Inc., 2016-2030

And demiurge brought fecundity (flourishing; ostenseing evolutionq) of existenceingsq at home cowithihn vital impetus to
behold vital~impetus, its spiritual unlimited possibilityings encountering gatewayveings of resistance,
with many cosmic lifeq principleingsq of usq
fathoming seven livingq
existential~biosphereings existentially~metabolizings qwf~affected by vital~impetus of king~like messenger angels holy~grailings qwf~affecting existence abundantly, fecundly while
the many existentialq lifeq~principleingsq cosmically metabolizingq vital~impetus cavitatingq all existenceingsq cowithihn cosmic biospherical energyings
and their bowls of
existenceq (which they emphasize) may be spokenq for bivalently (i.e., dialectically, immaturelyc as) gatewayveings of soma's resonateingsq cosmic~comtainmentings as,
unto all,

"While fathomingsq of existential metabolismings,
q sawq y~¤ur cosmic grailingsq,
from alpha to omega,
with Mothers' judgmentingsq
of cavitatingq livesq of unlimited potentiaq of fecundationingsq overlappingq~superposeingq cavitationingsq of existentialq lifeq principleingsq resonantlyq livingq cowithihn
y~¤ur livingq resonantlyq G¤d metabolically evolveingsq mitochondrially cowithihn all of usq and y~¤ur having
y~¤ur existentialq blessingq to sit
again, near
livingq watersq (peopleq)
among many Rabbis, most of whom attempt to impose dialectical cosmic structure upon usq assa existentialq beingsq."

Doug - 22Sep2016.


©Quantonics, Inc., 2016-2030

Retranslation of Revelation XVII:2

Doug - 22Sep2016.

Revelation XVII Letter~Text Spelled Out


(some guesses)

An Internet Literal
(some altered by Doug)

Doug's Suaresian Qabalic Translation

1 Aleph~Sheen~Raysh



..."And wæ witness;"

And wæ witness...]

~1~ ~{300 200}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
2 Zayn~Noun~Waw




fornication assa unlimited potentia of life principleings in accordance with masculine objective proclivities ("A tragedy requires testicles." Voltaire.)...]

3 Aleph~Hhayt~Raysh~Yod~Hay



..."to impregnate more livingq existence;"

to impregnate more livingq existence...]

4 Mem~Lammed~Khaf~Yod



..."by greedy kings;"

by greedy kings...]

5 Hay~Aleph~Dallet~Mem~Hay



..."y~¤ur divineq livingq Adamq;"

y~¤ur divineq livingq Adamq...]

~{5 ~1~ ~{4 40}~ ~5~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
6 Vav~Yod~Sheen~Kaf~Raysh~Waw



..."and y~¤ur divineq fecundq cavitationingsq of existenceingsq cowithihn cosmic metabolicq cavitationingsq of existentialq grailingsq cowithihn resonanceingsq of cosmic structurationingsq reverberatingq fecundq resonanceingsq;"

and y~¤ur divineq fecundq cavitationingsq of existenceingsq cowithihn cosmic metabolicq cavitationingsq of existentialq grailingsq cowithihn resonanceingsq of cosmic structurationingsq reverberatingq fecundq resonanceingsq...]

~{6 ~10~ ~{300 ~20~ ~200}~ ~6~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~{6 ~10~ ~{cosmic~metabolic~cavitationings~ of ~existential~grailings~ ~cowithihn~resonanceings~of~cosmic~structurationings}~ ~6~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~{fecund~cavitationings~of ~existenceings~ cowithihn ~{300 ~20~ ~200}~ ~reverberating~fecund~resonanceings~}~ cowithihn ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Doug - 22Sep2016.
7 Sheen~Khaf~Noun~Yod



..."those of usq;"

those of usq, i.e., usq experienceingsq cosmic metabolismingsq of y~¤ur existentialq lifeq principleingsq...]

Shekhani linguistically, "Cosmic metabolismq of y~¤ur existentialq lifeq principleingsq."

Doug - 22Sep2016.
8 Tav~Vayt~Lammed



..."emphasizing importance of vital~impedance to sustenanceq of somaticq metabolismsq;"

emphasizing importance of vital~impedance to sustenanceq of somaticq metabolismsq...]

9 Mem~Yod~Yod~finalNoun



..."affectedq by wine for;"

affectedq by wine for...]

10 Thav~Zayn~Noun~Waw~Tav~Hay



..."without vital~impedance there issi n¤ lifeq, so divineq vital~impedanceings cavitationingsq of unlimitedq potentiaq of cavitationingsq of lifeq principleingsq of fecundationingsq while superposeingq overlappingq divineq vital impedanceings resonanceingsq cowithihn and superposeingq overlappingq resonanceingsq sustenanceq of livingsq;"

without vital~impedance there issi n¤ lifeq, so divineq vital~impedanceings cavitationingsq of unlimitedq potentiaq of cavitationingsq of lifeq principleingsq of fecundationingsq while superposeingq overlappingq divineq vital impedanceings resonanceingsq cowithihn and superposeingq overlappingq resonanceingsq sustenanceq of livingsq...]

~{~{400 ~7~ ~{50 ~6~ ~400}~}~ ~5}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~{~{cavitationings~of~divine~vital~impedanceings ~7~ ~{50 ~6~ superposeing~overlapping~resonanceings~of~divine~vital~impedanceings}~}~ ~5}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~{~{400 ~7~ ~{cavitationings~of~life~principleings ~6~ ~400}~}~ ~superposing~overlapping~resonanceings~of~livings}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~{~{400 ~unlimited~potentia~ ~{50 ~fecundationings~ ~400}~}~ ~5}~ cowithihn ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Very over~simply, "Without vital~impedance there issi n¤ lifeq, n¤ sustenanceq of livingsq."

Doug - 22Sep2016.

©Quantonics, Inc., 2016-2030

And wæ witness
fornication assa unlimited potentia of life principles in accordance with masculine objective proclivities --

("A tragedy requires testicles." Voltaire.)

-- to impregnate more livingq existence
by greedy tyrannical kings attempting to controlc
y~¤ur divineq livingq Adamq,
and y~¤ur divineq fecundq cavitationingsq of existenceingsq cowithihn cosmic metabolicq cavitationingsq of ...
...existentialq grailingsq cowithihn resonanceingsq of cosmic structurationingsq reverberatingq fecundq resonanceingsq of
those of usq, i.e., usq experienceingsq cosmic metabolismingsq of y~¤ur existentialq lifeq principleingsq
emphasizing importance of vital~impedance to sustenanceq of somaticq metabolismsq,
affectedq by wine for,

(Observe that wine issi divineq assa Yod~Yod, another name for god, induceingq cosmic lifeq principleingsq cowithihn all existentialq biosphereings.)

without vital~impedance there issi n¤ lifeq, so divineq vital~impedanceings cavitationingsq of...
...unlimitedq potentiaq of cavitationingsq of lifeq principleingsq of fecundationingsq while superposeingq overlappingq divineq vital...
...impedanceings resonanceingsq cowithihn and superposeingq overlappingq resonanceingsq sustenanceq of livingsq.

Doug - 22Sep2016.


©Quantonics, Inc., 2016-2030

Retranslation of Revelation XVII:3

Doug - 23Sep2016.

Revelation XVII Letter~Text Spelled Out


(some guesses)

An Internet Literal
(some altered by Doug)

Doug's Suaresian Qabalic Translation

1 Vav~Yod~Vayt~Yod~Aleph~Noun~Yod



..."And fecundlyq accept~behold~standunder y~¤ur divineq somaticq existenceingsq cowithihn vital~impetus' existentialq lifeq principleingsq;"

And fecundlyq accept~behold~standunder y~¤ur divineq somaticq existenceingsq cowithihn vital~impetus' existentialq lifeq principleingsq...]

~6~{10 ~2 ~{~{10 ~{1}~ ~50~ ~10}~}~ }~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Please take time to compare Doug's meme of A Quantum~World~View assa standingunder to Doug's recent QuPo efforts omniscriptionings of quantum~democracy's relevancy~ings to buckyball voting.

Doug - 23Sep2016.
2 Vayt~Raysh~Waw~Hhayt



..."y~¤ur somaticq fecundq comtainmentings of archetypal spiritualq (pneumatic) unlimitedq possibilityingsq;"

y~¤ur somaticq fecundq comtainmentings of archetypal spiritualq (pneumatic) unlimitedq possibilityingsq...]

~{2 200}~ ~6.8~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
3 Hay~Mem~Dallet~Bayt~Raysh~Hay



..."assa assessedq by y~¤ur Creatrix of livingq spiritq, Hær assessmentingsq of all livingq creationingsq;"

assa assessedq by y~¤ur Creatrix of livingq spiritq, Hær assessmentingsq of all livingq creationingsq...]

~{5 ~{40 4}~ ~{2 200}~ 5~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~{5 ~{assessorq}~ ~{creationingsq}~ 5~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Creatrix issi Barahhah.

~{2 200}~ ~8.5~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~{creator, aka creatrix}~ ~pneumatic~life~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Doug - 23Sep2016.
4 Vav~Aleph~Raysh~Aleph



..."and wæq sawq;"

and wæq sawq...]

~6 ~{1 ~200 1~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

We might viewq this as another "twoq livesq" phenomenonq.

Life 1: vital~impetus of fecundityings, and

Life 2: vital~ impetus of cosmic~comtainmentings.

Too fathom seeingq as another way of saying (beginnings of) A Quantum~World~View, standingunderingsq, quantum~democracy, buckyball votingq, etc.

Doug - 4Aug2016, 23Sep2016.
5 Vav~Hay~Noun~Hay



..."how divineq lifeq emersces and quantized assa;"

how fecundq divineq lifeq emersces cavitationingsq of quantization's freedomq, uncertaintyq, and peaceq assa...]

~6 ~ ~{5 ~{50}~ ~5}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~fecund~ ~{5 ~{divineq lifeq principleingsq}~ ~5}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~wave~making~ ~{5 ~{divineq lifeq principleingsq}~ ~5}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

fec: Greek make, and und: Latin waves

Hanah of course is a precious female name! In idiom Hannah.

~Noun~Noun~ thence issi ~{~{50 50}~}~ assa ~divinity~of~quantum~life~principleings~of~quantizationings~.

. . .

We may also view this as another example of "two lives:"

Life 1: ~Vav~Hay~ assa fecundq livingsq, and

Life 2: ~Noun~Hay~ assa quantized~principleingsq of livingsq.

Similar Qabala's Aleph~living~Yod~living (Ehieh), we see

[Waw | Vav]~living~Noun~living (Vahnah).

Doug - 16Jun2016, 16Aug2016.
6 Aleph~Sheen~Hay



..."Hær as a god of spiritual fireq of metabolicq reproductiveq lifeq;"

Hær as a god of spiritual fireq of metabolicq reproductiveq lifeq...]

Esha issi an ancient rough allegory of Eve.

A subsequent of Eve, sort of...

Doug - 16Aug2016.
7 Yod~Sheen~Vayt~Tav



..."Hær blessed sitting;"

Hær blessed sitting...]

We might thinkq, here, of sitting as both witnessing and endorsement together.

Doug - 23Sep2016.
8 Ayn~Lammed



..."again, near metabolicq principleingsq of livingq enlightenmentingsq;"

again, near metabolicq principleingsq of livingq enlightenmentingsq...]

"Beingq cowithihn the Light."

A HotMeme™.

Doug - 23Sep2016.
9 Hhayt~Yod~Hay



..."cowithihn existentialq spiritualq livingsq;"

cowithihn existentialq spiritualq livingsq...]

Sometimes, comtextually, this issi used to refer demiurge's Autiot (Iot) freewill choice to be dialectical. Here, again comtextually, it appears a freewill choice to accept Aleph cowithihn blood has been made.

Often this word appears as Hay~Hhayt~Yod~Hay. We see two Hays, one dialecticalc other spiritualq.

Hay~Hhayt as livingq spiritq.

Yod~Hay assa deadc existentialc~materialc lifec.

Doug - 23Sep2016.
10 Aleph~Dallet~Mem~Hay



..."livingq Adam, livingq Aleph cowithihn bloodq;"

livingq Adam, livingq Aleph cowithihn bloodq...]

11 Khaf~Thav~Waw~Lammed~Ayn



..."fecundq permeableq grailingsq of leakyq vital~impedanceings metabolizingq y~¤ur enlightenmentingsq;"

fecundq permeableq grailingsq of leakyq vital~impedanceings metabolizingq y~¤ur enlightenmentingsq...]

12 Mem~Lammed~Aleph~Tav



..."fulfilled from alpha to omega;"

fulfilled from alpha to omega...]

~{40 ~30.1~ ~400}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Resistant ascension of metabolic~vital~impetus.

Doug - 23Sep2016.
13 Sheen~Mem~Waw~Tav



..."experienceingsq metabolicq death with;"

experienceingsq metabolicq death with...]

~300~ ~{40 ~6~ ~400}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
14 Ghimel~Dallet~Waw~Phay~Yod~finalMem



..."many abuses and revilements;"

many abuses and revilements...]

~3.4~ ~{6 ~80.10~ ~600}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
15 Vav~Lammed~Hay



..."fecundq metabolicq lifeq;"

fecundq metabolicq lifeq...]

16 Sheen~Vayt~Ayn~Hay



..."seven livingq;"

seven livingq...]

In Doug's opine we should always fathom seven as Zayn, as unlimited potentia.

Doug - 23Sep2016.
17 Raysh~Aleph~Sheen~Yod~finalMem




universal vital~impetusings metabolizings existenceings cosmically~biosphereings...]

~{200 ~{1 ~300}~ ~10}~ ~600~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

When we parse Roshim in Qabala's fluxodynamic quantum~wave~functional hermeneutics we have, "Cosmic comtainmentings of vital~impetusings metabolizings existenceings cosmically~biosphereings."

This could hologrally mean (have sema of) countless other linguisticq interpreta.

So following C. S. Peirce's memes of abduction assa quantons(hypotheses,interrogatives), and taking head as one hypothesis of Roshim, we have, attending an infinity of, interrogatives regarding that uni~sema.

More generically we sense vital~impetus metabolizingq all existenceingsq.

Yes, head issi a possible interpretation, but there, again, are countless others.

For example, Raysh.200, can mean universal structure. See early pages of Suares' Song of Songs. Sometimes we can (may) just linguisticallyq superpose~entangle universe in place of Raysh.

Whichever allegoryq we chooseq, it issi always radically~quantum~comtext~sensitive.

Can we be k~n¤w~ings comtextingsq? Only partiallyq.

Fathom comtextingsq n¤w and comtextingsq 2000 years ago.

Ponder how classic reason based in dialectic claims objective-determinate-certain-impartiality.

Compare quantum hermeneutics claim hologral~uncertain~partialityings.

In this case, for example, if we take Yod~finalMem as 'day,' we might infer seven days juxtaposed seven heads...and that's an oversimplification.

Doug - 23Sep2016.
18 Vav~Ayn~Seen~Raysh



..."and ten;"

and ten...]

~6.70~ ~{300 200}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Ten may be thought of as Yod, as existenceings.

Doug - 23Sep2016.
19 Qof~Raysh~Noun~Yod~finalMem



..."cosmic~vital~impetusings comtaining quantized principleingsq of lifeq existenceingsq cosmically~biosphered;"

cosmic~vital~impetusings comtaining quantized principleingsq of lifeq existenceingsq cosmically~biosphered...]

Doug simply cannot use idiomc of 'horn' here. It seems immature, childish. It simply does n¤t fit, in Doug's opine, roleq and situationingsq of this verse's rqcs local comtextingsq.

~{100 ~200.50~ ~10}~ ~600~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Doug - 23Aug2016.

©Quantonics, Inc., 2016-2030

And fecundlyq accept~behold~standunder y~¤ur divineq somaticq existenceingsq cowithihn vital~impetus' existentialq lifeq principleingsq
y~¤ur somaticq fecundq comtainmentings of archetypal spiritualq (pneumaticq) unlimitedq possibilityingsq
assa assessedq by y~¤ur Creatrix of livingq spiritq, Hær assessmentingsq of all livingq creationingsq,
and wæq sawq
how fecundq divineq lifeq emersces cavitationingsq of quantization's freedomq, uncertaintyq, and peaceq assa
Hær as a god of spiritualq fireq of metabolicq reproductiveq lifeq
Hær blessed sitting,
again, near metabolicq principleingsq of livingq enlightenmentingsq
cowithihn existentialq spiritualq livingsq,
livingq Adam, livingq Aleph cowithihn bloodq
whose fecundq permeableq grailingsq of leakyq vital~impedanceings metabolizingq y~¤ur enlightenmentingsq
fulfilled from alpha to omega
y~¤ur experienceingsq of metabolicq deathq with
many abuses and revilements
affecting fecundq metabolicq lifeq
via seven livingq
universal vital~impetusings metabolizings existenceings' cosmic~biosphereings
and ten
cosmic~vital~impetusings comtaining quantized principleingsq of lifeq existenceingsq cosmically~biosphered.

Doug - 23Sep2016.


©Quantonics, Inc., 2016-2030

Retranslation of Revelation XVII:4

Doug - 23Sep2016.

Revelation XVII Letter~Text Spelled Out


(some guesses)

An Internet Literal
(some altered by Doug)

Doug's Suaresian Qabalic Translation

1 Vav~Hay~Aleph~Sheen~Hay



..."And Shæ assa a divineq livingq goddess of spiritualq fireq of metabolicq reproductiveq lifeq;"

And Shæ assa a divineq livingq goddess of spiritualq fireq of metabolicq reproductiveq lifeq...]

~6~ ~{5 ~1.300~ ~5~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Eshah issi an ancient rough allegory of livingq Eve.

A subsequent of Eve, sort of...metabolicq phasesq of femininityq leading to all Marys.

Doug - 16Aug2016.
2 Lammed~Vayt~Waw~Sheen~Hay



..."with clothing~arrayingq Hær, somatically~fecundlyq metabolizedq cowithihn lifeq;"

with clothing~arrayingq Hær, somatically~fecundlyq metabolizedq cowithihn lifeq...]

~{30 ~2.6~ ~300}~ ~5~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Again, we fathom how idiom both may and may n¤t reflect fluxodynamics of Gematria's quantum~wave~functional script.

~{30 of ~somatic~fecundityings~ modulationings~ cowithihn ~300}~ ~life~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~{both~existential~metabolism~qwf~cavitationings~ ~2.6~ ~and~cosmic~metabolism's~qwf~reverberationings}~ cowithihn~ ~5~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Doug - 23Sep2016.
3 Aleph~Raysh~Ghimel~Mem~finalNoun



..."Hær purple tapestry;"

an array of Hær vital~impetus cosmically comtained organic movement and rest existentially biosphered cosmically quantizing Hær peace, uncertainty, and freedom holding...]

4 Vav~Sheen~Noun~Yod



..."and Hær cosmic breath quantizing all existenceings;"

and Hær cosmic breath quantizing all existenceings...]

5 Vav~Hay~Yod~Aleph



..."Oh! Yes! You!;"

Oh! Yes! You!...]

~6.5~ ~{10 1}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

This has an esotericq flavorq of "two livesq."

Allow 10 to be ~5.5~, then we may interpret ~{10 1}~
~{~{5 5}~ 1}~
and show it linguisticallyq as "two lives of vital~impetusings, cowithihn existenceings."

We superpose~entangle that with ~6.5~ as ~fecund~life~.

Three lives?

Doug - 23Sep2016.
6 Mem~Khaf~Lammed~Lammed~Hay



..."existentialq biosphericq grailingsq of divineq metabolicq livingsq;"

existentialq biosphericq grailingsq of divineq metabolicq livingsq...]

~40.20~ ~{30 30}~ ~5~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
7 Bayt~Zayn~Hay~Vayt



..."of golden Value, of divineq somaticq unlimitedq potentiaq of lifeq;"

of golden Value, of divineq somaticq unlimitedq potentiaq of lifeq...]

~{2 ~7.5~ ~2}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
8 Vav~Aleph~Vayt~finalNoun



..."and Hær hermaphroditic stone;"

and Hær hermaphroditic stone...]

In Autiot words translated according Suares' own hologral quantum~fluxodynamics we have, "Vital~impetus own somatic adherenceings to cosmic quantizationings of lifeq principleingsq of freedomingsq, uncertaintyingsq, and peaceingsq."

As a stone, we see two~lives~hermaphrodicityings of two equilateral triangles superposeing~inverted~entanglingq one another as Star of David.

Doug - 17Jun2016.

We see here quantum~irony of both stone viewed as dead and stone viewed as alive. Quantum~antinomial~complementarity as quantons(stones~alive,stones~dead).

The big Revelation issi quantons(living,dead) as real and corresponds linguisticallyq quantons(holograilicq,dialecticc), which somewhat corresponds "these two lives" of Autiot assa quantons(Aut,Iot).

Doug - 31Jul2016.
9 Yod~Qof~Raysh~Hay



..."of existentialq cosmic~vital~impetusings destroying all dialecticalc illusions-delusions formingc cowithihn omniversal lifeq;"

of existentialq cosmic~vital~impetusings destroying all dialecticalc illusions-delusions formingc cowithihn omniversal lifeq...]

~{10 ~100}~ ~200.5~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
10 Vav~Phay~Noun~Yod~Noun~Yod~finalMem



..."fecundq exaltationings of unlimitedq existentialq possibilityingsq of divineq quantizationings of existenceingsq both overlapping and superposing divineq existenceingsq quantizationings cowithihn cosmic biosphereings,;"

fecundq exaltationings of unlimitedq existentialq possibilityingsq of divineq quantizationings of existenceingsq both overlapping and superposing divineq existenceingsq quantizationings cowithihn cosmic biosphereings,...]

~{6 ~80~ ~{50 ~{10 ~50}~ ~10}~ ~600}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~{6 ~80~ ~{divine~quantizationings~of~existenceings~ both~overlapping~and~superposing ~divine~existenceings~of~quantizationings}~ ~600}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~{fecund~exaltationings~ of ~unlimited~existential~possibilityings~ ~{50 ~{10 ~50}~ ~10}~ ~cowithihn~cosmic~biosphereings}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Doug - 23Sep2016.
11 Vav~Vayt~Yod~Dallet~Hay



..."fecundq somaticq existenceingsq gatewayveingsq livingsq;"

fecundq somaticq existenceingsq gatewayveingsq livingsq...]

12 Kaf~Waw~Sammekh



..."assa grailingsq of resonantq hermaphroditicq fecundationingsq;"

assa grailingsq of resonantq hermaphroditicq fecundationingsq...]

~20~ ~{6 60}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Kass issi symbolized dramatically in entangledq Star of David.

Triangle pointing up issi gematria 6.

Triangle pointing down issi gematria 60.

~{6 60}~

Quintessential quantum~realityings!

Graphic taken from Doug's review of Elaine Pagels Johannine Gospel in Gnostic Exegesis, 1975.

Doug - 20Sep2016.
13 Zayn~Hay~Vayt



..."golden Value, of somaticq unlimitedq potentiaq of lifeq;"

golden Value, of somaticq unlimitedq potentiaq of lifeq...]

14 Mem~Lammed~Aleph~Hay



..."full of life'sq vital~impetus biospherically metabolizedq;"

full of life'sq vital~impetus biospherically metabolizedq...]

15 Tav~Waw~Ayn~Vayt~Waw~Tav



..."qwf~cavitational divineq vital~impedanceings of qwf~cavitational divineq fecundityingsq' qwf~modulationings of somaticq enlightenmentingsq qwf~reverberationingsq;"

qwf~cavitational divineq vital~impedanceings of qwf~cavitational divineq fecundityingsq' qwf~modulationings of somaticq enlightenmentingsq qwf~reverberationingsq...]

~{~{400 ~{6 ~70.2~ ~6}~ ~400}~}~

~{~{400 ~{6 ~somatic~enlightenmentings~ ~6}~ ~400}~}~

~{~{400 ~{divine~fecundityings~ of ~70.2~ ~cowithihn~divine~fecundityings}~ ~400}~}~

~{~{divine~vital~impedanceings~ ~{6 ~70.2~ ~6}~ ~divine~vital~impedanceings}~}~

Doug - 23Sep2016.
16 Vav~Sammekh~Mem~Aleph~Tav



..."hermaphroditicq male~female fecundationingsq of biosphereings from alpha to omega;"

hermaphroditicq male~female fecundationingsq of biosphereings from alpha to omega...]

~{6 60}~ ~{40 ~1~ ~400}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
17 Thav~Zayn~Noun~Waw~Tav~Hay



..."via a divineq livingq laserq cohereingq unlimitedq potentiaq of fecundq quantizationings;"

via a divineq livingq laserq cohereingq unlimitedq potentiaq of fecundq quantizationings...]

~{~{400 ~7~ ~{50 ~6~ ~400}~}~ ~5}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Again Doug asks you to view ~{~{Thav Tav}~}~ allegorically as a semi~silvered~end fully~silvered~end ruby rod laser (possibly as an organ pipe, one end open, other end closed). Tav issi fully silvered vital~impedance. Thav issi semi~silvered (permeableq~leaky) vital~impedance.

In a way, this issi quintessence of y~¤ur omniverseings.

Ponder Atta assa Aleph~Thav~Tav~Aleph!!! Get it?
(Assume Aleph fully silvered, T[h]av both leaky and n¤t.)

(Aleph's many cosmic blessingsq of lifeq principleingsq of usq.)

Doug - 23Sep2016.

©Quantonics, Inc., 2016-2030

And Shæ assa a divineq livingq goddess of spiritualq fireq of metabolicq reproductiveq lifeq,
with clothing~arrayingq Hær, somatically~fecundlyq metabolizedq cowithihn lifeq,
an array of Hær vital~impetus cosmically comtained organic movement and rest existentially biosphered cosmically quantizing Hær peace, uncertainty, and freedom holding,
and Hær cosmic breath quantizing all existenceings!

Oh! Yes! You!

Existentialq biosphericq grailingsq of divineq metabolicq livingsq
of golden Value, of divineq somaticq unlimitedq potentiaq of lifeq,
and Hær hermaphroditic stone [Star of David]
of existentialq cosmic~vital~impetusings destroying all dialecticalc illusions-delusions formingc cowithihn omniversal lifeq
with fecundq exaltationings of unlimitedq existentialq possibilityingsq of divineq quantizationings of existenceingsq both overlapping and superposing divineq existenceingsq quantizationings cowithihn cosmic biosphereings,
with fecundq somaticq existenceingsq gatewayveingsq livingsq
assa grailingsq of resonantq hermaphroditicq fecundationingsq
of golden Value, of somaticq unlimitedq potentiaq of lifeq,
full of life'sq vital~impetus biospherically metabolizedq
via qwf~cavitational divineq vital~impedanceings of qwf~cavitational divineq fecundityingsq' qwf~modulationings of somaticq enlightenmentingsq qwf~reverberationingsq,
and hermaphroditicq male~female fecundationingsq of biosphereings from alpha to omega
via a divineq livingq laserq cohereingq unlimitedq potentiaq of fecundq quantizationings.

. . .

This issi simply, Profound!

Doug - 23Sep2016.


©Quantonics, Inc., 2016-2030

Retranslation of Revelation XVII:5

Translator's source text from which Doug is retranslating is simply a horrible, misogynous abomination:


Ugh! You may fathom how some rabbi want men in control, period. It's just ugly. Not unlike cat ho lice ism and is l am.

Doug will never be a dialectical Jewc...I will die first! A Jewq, Yæs!!!

. . .

I want to believeq in Aqiva, having read about Aqiva's Song of Songs emphasis as the most important biblical text, that Aqiva plausibly would agree with Doug.
See first few pages of Suares' Song of Songs.

Please observe that Aqiva issi a five letter Name partial anagram of Doug's six letter Shem: Abgayeeq.

Compare Gematria of Aqiva assa, and Abgayeeq assa Abgayeeq has Ghimel, Aqiva has n¤t.

Compare their QCSTM scripts:

Aqiva: ~{1 ~{100 10}~ ~2~ ~1}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~, and

Abgayeek: ~{1 ~2.3~ ~{~{1}~ ~{10}~}~ ~100}~}~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~.

If we take Ghimel out of Abgayeeq, we have Avaiq a one to one anagram of Aqiva.

Avaiq: ~{1 ~2~ ~{~{1}~ ~{10}~}~ ~100}~}~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~.

The divinityq cavs in Abgayeeq and Avaiq reflect increaseing ordinal~gematraic fluxingsq of 1,1,10,100. Observe how that aligns Fibonacci's 1,1,2,3.

Doug could show divinity of 1s in Aqiva! And in Fibonacci.

Issi Doug's Shem then quanton(Fibonacci,Four~Alephs)?

Doug - 24Sep2016.

Revelation XVII Letter~Text Spelled Out


(some guesses)

An Internet Literal
(some altered by Doug)

Doug's Suaresian Qabalic Translation

1 Vav~Ayn~Lammed



..."And again, near;"

And again, near...]

Very simply, "fecund metabolic light."

Doug - 24Sep2016.
2 Mem~Tsadde~Hhayt~Hay



..."existentialq biospheric structurationingsq of spiritualq lifeq;"

existentialq biospheric structurationingsq of spiritualq lifeq...]

3 Kaf~Tav~Waw~Vayt



..."issi written;"

issi written...]

~{20 ~400.6~ ~2}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
4 Sheen~finalMem



..."y~¤ur pneumaticq~nous' Name of unbegotten spiritq as cosmic~metabolismings cosmically biosphered cowithihn isoflux' isoenergyings;"

y~¤ur pneumaticq~nous' Name of unbegotten spiritq as cosmic~metabolismings cosmically biosphered cowithihn isoflux' isoenergyings...]

Part of this embellishment of Shem Doug derives from Nag Hammadi Library, gen. ed. James M. Robinson, 1988 paperback, Harper Collins, p. 342, under Paraphrase of Shem, introduction.

Doug - 24Sep2016.
5 Bayt~Dallet~Raysh~finalKhaf



..."in way of;"

in way of archetypal home's gateway channels and grails ihnto cosmic comtainment...]

~{2 ~4~ ~200}~ ~500~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
6 Sammekh~Waw~Dallet



..."mystery~enigma of hermaphroditicq fecundityingsq with femaleq ruling malec's gatewayveingsc;"

mystery~enigma of hermaphroditicq fecundityingsq with femaleq ruling malec's gatewayveingsc...]

This fits superbly Chaldæan emerscitectureingsq well:

Mother,son,mother,dichon(Father, father).

Doug - 24Sep2016.
7 Bayt~Vayt~Lammed





Over simply, "[A place of] Divineq resonantq somaticq metabolismingsq."

Doug - 20Sep2016.
8 Hay~Ghimel~Dallet~Waw~Lammed~Hay



..."livingq resonantlyq G¤d metabolically evolveingsq mitochondrially cowithihn all of usq;"

livingq resonantlyq G¤d metabolically evolveingsq mitochondrially cowithihn all of usq...]

~{5 ~{3 ~4.6~ ~30}~ ~5}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

This issi also interpreted as great living city. Like in Mareh M'Gadolah AKA Mary Magdalene (intended feminine leader of quantum gnostic Qabala). Too, M'Gadolah may mean a great body of waters (people).

Situational godlike role sema here, to Doug, issi overwhelming...

Ha'G[aeo]dolah issi livingq mitochondrially cowithihn usq and wæ arera hologrally cowithihn Ha'G[aeo]dolah.

Waters arera cowithihn usq and wæ arera cowithihn waters.

Based upon situation and role, one may obtain how many interpretations are extant...and simple idiom, especially classical idiom, just doesn't 'cut it' anymore. Our Millennium III situationq and roleq has evolvedq into gematraic wave~functional quantum~reality away from unreal 'objective' classical, beast-like Neanderthalesque, dialectical, provincial thou shalt, one global 'socialc' order, anti CH3 canon 'law' and dogma.

Doug - 10Aug2016, 1,20Sep2016.
9 Aleph~finalMem



..."y~¤ur Mother's;"

y~¤ur Mother's...]

10 Hay~Zayn~Noun~Waw~Tav



..."quantized fecundq lifeq exploitingq unlimitedq potentiaq of lifeq principleingsq of freedomq, uncertaintyq, and peaceq;"

quantized fecundq lifeq exploitingq unlimitedq potentiaq of lifeq principleingsq of freedomq, uncertaintyq, and peaceq...]

Doug hates idiom of this word as fornication, if it means sex issi evil.

Let's parse its quantum sema and fathom what we have doing that:

~{5 ~7~ ~50}~ ~6.400~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Wow! As you can see, that QCSTM script is overwhelmingly positive, even optimistic!

In quantumese it says, "Quantized fecund life exploiting unlimited potentia of life principleings of freedom, uncertainty, and peace."

Doug - 24Sep2016.
11 Vav~Tav~Waw~Ayn~Vayt~Waw~Tav



..."fecundq divineq vital~impedanceings resistingsq of fecundq somaticq enlightenmentingsq;"

fecundq divineq vital~impedanceings resistingsq of fecundq somaticq enlightenmentingsq...]

~{6 ~{~{400 ~{6}~ ~70.2.6}~ ~400}~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~{6 ~{~{400 ~{fecund~somatic~enlightenmentings}~ ~400}~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~{6 ~{~{qwf~cavitational~divine~vital~impedanceings~ ~{6}~ ~70.2.6}~ ~qwf~reverberational~divine~vital~impedanceings}~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

This issi similar Atta's metabolicq valvingq (dampering) of breatheing~¤ut and breatheing~ihn.

Doug - 24Sep2016.
12 Hay~Aleph~Dallet~Mem~Hay



..."y~¤ur divineq livingq Adamq;"

y~¤ur divineq livingq Adamq...]

~{5 ~1~ ~{4 40}~ ~5~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

©Quantonics, Inc., 2016-2030

And again, near
existentialq biospheric structurationingsq of spiritualq lifeq
issi written
y~¤ur pneumaticq~nous' Name of unbegotten spiritq as cosmic~metabolismings cosmically biosphered cowithihn isoflux' isoenergyings
in way of archetypal home's gateway channels and grails ihnto cosmic comtainment's
mystery~enigma of hermaphroditicq fecundityingsq with femaleq ruling malec's gatewayveingsc
cowithihn Babylon
livingq resonantlyq G¤d metabolically evolveingsq mitochondrially cowithihn all of usq
assa y~¤ur Mother's
quantized fecundq lifeq exploitingq unlimitedq potentiaq of lifeq principleingsq of freedomq, uncertaintyq, and peaceq
cowithihn fecundq divineq vital~impedanceings resistingsq of fecundq somaticq enlightenmentingsq
honoring y~¤ur divineq livingq Adamq.

Doug - 24Sep2016.


©Quantonics, Inc., 2016-2030

Retranslation of Revelation XVII:6

Doug - 25Sep2016.

Revelation XVII Letter~Text Spelled Out


(some guesses)

An Internet Literal
(some altered by Doug)

Doug's Suaresian Qabalic Translation

1 Vav~Aleph~Raysh~Aleph



..."And wæq sawq;"

And wæq sawq...]

~6 ~{1 ~200 1~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

We might viewq this as another "twoq livesq" phenomenonq.

Life 1: vital~impetus of fecundityings, and

Life 2: vital~ impetus of cosmic~comtainmentings.

Too fathom seeingq as another way of saying (beginnings of) A Quantum~World~View, standingunderingsq, quantum~democracy, buckyball votingq, etc.

Doug - 4Aug2016, 23Sep2016.
2 Aleph~Tav



..."from alpha to omega;"

from alpha to omega...]

3 Hay~Aleph~Sheen~Hay



..."Shæ assa a divineq livingq goddess of spiritualq fireq of metabolicq reproductiveq lifeq;"

Shæ assa a divineq livingq goddess of spiritualq fireq of metabolicq reproductiveq lifeq...]

~{5 ~1.300~ ~5~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Eshah issi an ancient rough allegory of livingq Eve.

A subsequent of Eve, sort of...metabolicq phasesq of femininityq leading to all Marys.

Doug - 16Aug2016.
4 Sheen~Khaf~Waw~Raysh~Hay



..."assa livingq cosmic metabolismingsq grailingsq of fecundityingsq cosmically, universallyq, comtained;"

assa livingq cosmic metabolismingsq grailingsq of fecundityingsq cosmically, universallyq, comtained...]

~{300 ~{20 ~6~ ~200}~}~ ~5~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
5 Mem~Dallet~finalMem



..."assa existential biospheres gatewayveings cosmic biosphereings;"

assa existential biospheres gatewayveings cosmic biosphereings...]

~{~{40 ~4}~ ~600}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Compare Emdam assa "Mother of blood."

Doug - 25Sep2016.
6 Hay~Qof~Dallet~Sheen~Yod~finalMem



..."the illusion~destroying livingq metabolicallyq gatewayveingsq saintsq;"

the illusion~destroying livingq metabolicallyq gatewayveingsq saintsq...]

~5~ ~{100 ~4.300~ 10}~ ~600~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
7 Vav~Mem~Dallet~finalMem



..."and too assa fecundly exalted existential biospheres gatewayveings cosmic biosphereings;"

and too assa fecundly exalted existential biospheres gatewayveings cosmic biosphereings...]

~{6 ~{~{40 ~4}~ ~600}~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Compare Emdam assa "Mother of blood."

Doug - 25Sep2016.
8 Ayn~Dallet~Yod



..."of eternities of lightingsq gatewayveingsq existenceingsq;"

of eternities of lightingsq gatewayveingsq existenceingsq...]

9 Yod~Sheen~Waw~Ayn



..."offering metabolicq salvationq of Jeshua's Lightq itselfq;"

offering metabolicq salvationq of Jeshua's Lightq itselfq...]

10 Vav~Aleph~Sheen~Thav~Waw~Mem~finalMem



..."qwf~cavitational divineq fecundationingsq of fireq of vital~impetusings cosmic metabolismingsq of permeableq vital~impedanceings both existentiallyq and cosmically biosphered;"

qwf~cavitational divineq fecundationingsq of fireq of vital~impetusings cosmic metabolismingsq of permeableq vital~impedanceings both existentiallyq and cosmically biosphered...]

If we parse this assa Ve'Esh'At'Omem we derive "And fire of breatheings~¤ut affectingq fecundityingsq of both existentialq and cosmic biosphereings."

~{6 ~1.300~ ~{400 ~{6}~ ~{40}~ ~600}~}~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Doug - 25Sep2016.
11 Ayn~Lammed



..."again, near;"

again, near...]

12 Hay~Mem~Raysh~Aleph~Hay



..."divineq lifeq of y~¤ur Mother Mary;"

divineq lifeq of y~¤ur Mother Mary...]

~{~{5 ~40.200.1~ ~5}~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~{~{5 ~Mary~ ~5}~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Doug - 25Sep2016.
13 Sheen~Mem~Hay



..."Hær living name;"

Hær living name...]

14 Ghimel~Dallet~Waw~Lammed~Hay



..."livingq resonantlyq G¤d metabolically evolveingsq mitochondrially cowithihn all of usq and y~¤ur having;"

livingq resonantlyq G¤d metabolically evolveingsq mitochondrially cowithihn all of usq and y~¤ur having...]

~{5 ~{3 ~4.6~ ~30}~ ~5~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

This issi also interpreted as great living city. Like in Mareh M'Gadolah AKA Mary Magdalene (intended feminine leader of quantum gnostic Qabala). Too, M'Gadolah may mean a great body of waters (people).

Situational godlike role sema here, to Doug, issi overwhelming...

Ha'G[aeo]dolah issi livingq mitochondrially cowithihn usq and wæ arera hologrally cowithihn Ha'G[aeo]dolah.

Waters arera cowithihn usq and wæ arera cowithihn waters.

Based upon situation and role, one may obtain how many interpretations are extant...and simple idiom, especially classical idiom, just doesn't 'cut it' anymore. Our Millennium III situationq and roleq has evolvedq into gematraic wave~functional quantum~reality away from unreal 'objective' classical, beast-like Neanderthalesque, dialectical, provincial thou shalt, one global 'socialc' order, anti CH3 canon 'law' and dogma.

Doug - 10Aug2016, 1,20Sep2016.

©Quantonics, Inc., 2016-2030

And wæq sawq,
from alpha to omega
Shæ assa a divineq livingq goddess of spiritualq fireq of metabolicq reproductiveq lifeq
assa livingq cosmic metabolismingsq grailingsq of fecundityingsq cosmically, universallyq, comtained,
assa existential biospheres gatewayveings cosmic biosphereings,
the illusion~destroying livingq metabolicallyq gatewayveingsq saintsq,
and too assa fecundly exalted existential biospheres gatewayveings cosmic biosphereings
of eternities of lightingsq gatewayveingsq existenceingsq
offering metabolicq salvationq of Jeshua's Lightq itselfq
qwf~cavitational divineq fecundationingsq of fireq of vital~impetusings cosmic metabolismingsq of permeableq vital~impedanceings both existentiallyq and cosmically biosphered,
again, near
divineq lifeq of y~¤ur Mother Mary,
Hær living name
livingq resonantlyq G¤d metabolically evolveingsq mitochondrially cowithihn all of usq and y~¤ur havings.

. . .

This verse makes eideticq Chaldæan Gnosis' Revelation of quanton(Mother,son), Tsevet(Mother,son), quanton(Callisto,Arcas), etc.

Doug - 25Sep2016.


©Quantonics, Inc., 2016-2030

Retranslation of Revelation XVII:7

Doug - 25,26Sep2016.

Revelation XVII Letter~Text Spelled Out


(some guesses)

An Internet Literal
(some altered by Doug)

Doug's Suaresian Qabalic Translation

1 Vav~Yod~Aleph~Mem~Raysh



..."And saying;"

And saying...]

~6~ ~{10 1}~ ~40.200~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
2 Aleph~Lammed~Yod



..."unto all;"

unto all...]

~{1 ~30~ ~10}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Watch DVD of movie Eli!

Doug - 25Sep2016.
3 Hay~Mem~Lammed~Aleph~Raysh



..."of usq livingq existentialq biospheres metabolizingq vital~impetus cosmically, universally comtained;"

of usq livingq existentialq biospheres metabolizingq vital~impetus cosmically, universally comtained...]

4 Lammed~Mem~Hay





5 Zayn~Hay



..."with all y~¤ur unlimitedq potentiaq of lifeq;"

with all y~¤ur unlimitedq potentiaq of lifeq...]

6 Hay~Sheen~Thav~Waw~Mem~Mem~Thav



..."a lifeq cowithihn livingq cosmic metabolismingsq' of qwf~cavitational divineq leakyq vital impedanceings of fecundationingsq of divineq existentialq biosphereings cowithihn qwf~reverberational divineq leakyq vital impedanceings;"

a lifeq cowithihn livingq cosmic metabolismingsq' of qwf~cavitational divineq leakyq vital impedanceings of fecundationingsq of divineq existentialq biosphereings cowithihn qwf~reverberational divineq leakyq vital impedanceings...]

~5.300~ ~{~{400 ~6~ ~{~{40 40}~}~ ~400}~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~living~cosmic~metabolismings~ of ~{~{400 ~fecundationings~ of ~{~{40 40}~}~ ~400}~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~5.300~ ~{~{400 ~6~ ~{~{divine~existential~biosphereings}~}~ ~400}~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~5.300~ ~{~{divine~leaky~vital~impedanceings~ of ~6~ ~{~{40 40}~}~ cowithihn ~divine~leaky~vital~impedanceings}~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Doug - 25Sep2016.
7 Aleph~Noun~Yod



..."of yourselfq's vital~impetusings abettingq and watchingq your individualq hysteresesq of existentialq lifeq principleingsq of freedomq, uncertaintyq, and peaceq;"

of yourselfq's vital~impetusings abettingq and watchingq your individualq hysteresesq of existentialq lifeq principleingsq of freedomq, uncertaintyq, and peaceq...]

~{1 ~50~ ~10}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
8 Aleph~Ghimel~Yod~Dallet



..."via organic movementings cowithihn vital~impetusings and existenceings gatewayveings;"

via organic movementings cowithihn vital~impetusings and existenceings gatewayveings...]

~{1 ~3~ ~10}~ ~4~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
9 Lammed~finalKhaf





10 Aleph~Tav



..."from alpha to omega;"

from alpha to omega...]

11 Sammekh~Waw~Dallet



..."cowithihn mystery~enigma of hermaphroditicq fecundityingsq with femaleq ruling malec's gatewayveingsc;"

cowithihn mystery~enigma of hermaphroditicq fecundityingsq with femaleq ruling malec's gatewayveingsc...]

This fits superbly Chaldæan emerscitectureingsq well:

Mother,son,mother,dichon(Father, father).

Doug - 24Sep2016.
12 Hay~Aleph~Sheen~Hay



..."with Hær assa a divineq livingq goddess of spiritualq fireq of metabolicq reproductiveq lifeq;"

with Hær assa a divineq livingq goddess of spiritualq fireq of metabolicq reproductiveq lifeq...]

~{5 ~1.300~ ~5~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Eshah issi an ancient rough allegory of livingq Eve.

A subsequent of Eve, sort of...metabolicq phasesq of femininityq leading to all Marys.

Doug - 16Aug2016.
13 Vav~Hay~Hhayt~Yod~Hay



..."and another livingq;"

and another livingq...]

~6~ ~{5 ~8.10~ ~5}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
14 Hay~Noun~Sheen~Aleph~Tav



..."a vibrant livingq qwf~cavitationings of quantized lifeq principleingsq of FUPings cowithihn vital~impetusings both cosmically metabolizedq and vitally impeded;"

a vibrant livingq qwf~cavitationings of quantized lifeq principleingsq of FUPings cowithihn vital~impetusings both cosmically metabolizedq and vitally impeded...]

~{5 50}~ ~300.1.400~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~{vibrant living qwf~cavitationings of quantized life principleings of FUPings}~ ~vital~impetusings~both~cosmically~metabolized~and~vitally~impeded~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Doug - 25Sep2016.
15 Aleph~Tav~Hay



..."steamrolling livingq beingsq;"

steamrolling livingq beingsq...]

We may also view this as At affecting life, i.e., perhaps At steamrolling life...

Think, possibly, of Eth assa steamrolling life.

Doug - 8Aug2016.
16 Bayt~Ayn~Lammed~Tav



..."in many, again, nearings to;"

in many, again, nearings to...]

Quintessence here issi lightingsq existentiallyq metabolizingq impermeable vital~impedanceings.

Doug - 25Sep2016.
17 Sheen~Vayt~Ayn~Tav



..."seven enlightened days;"

seven enlightened days...]

This looks like a combination of Shabat (Sabbath) and Shevaa (seven).

Doug's surmise.

If so, then we can interpret Shevaat as perhaps the seventh Sabbath~enlightened day.


Doug - 12Sep2016.
18 Hay~Raysh~Aleph~Sheen~Yod~finalMem



..."y~¤ur thoughtful ones;"

of y~¤ur thoughtful ones, livingq universal vital~impetusings metabolizingsq existenceingsq cosmically~biosphereings...]

~{200 ~{1 ~300}~ ~10}~ ~600~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

When we parse Roshim in Qabala's fluxodynamic quantum~wave~functional hermeneutics we have, "Cosmic comtainmentings of vital~impetusings metabolizings existenceings cosmically~biosphereings."

This could hologrally mean (have sema of) countless other linguisticq interpreta.

So following C. S. Peirce's memes of abduction assa quantons(hypotheses,interrogatives), and taking head as one hypothesis of Roshim, we have, attending an infinity of, interrogatives regarding that uni~sema.

More generically we sense vital~impetus metabolizingq all existenceingsq.

Yes, head issi a possible interpretation, but there, again, are countless others.

For example, Raysh.200, can mean universal structure. See early pages of Suares' Song of Songs. Sometimes we can (may) just linguisticallyq superpose~entangle universe in place of Raysh.

Whichever allegoryq we chooseq, it issi always radically~quantum~comtext~sensitive.

Can we be k~n¤w~ings comtextingsq? Only partiallyq.

Fathom comtextingsq n¤w and comtextingsq 2000 years ago.

Ponder how classic reason based in dialectic claims objective-determinate-certain-impartiality.

Compare quantum hermeneutics claim hologral~uncertain~partialityings.

In this case, for example, if we take Yod~finalMem as 'day,' we might infer seven days juxtaposed seven heads...and that's an oversimplification.

Doug - 23Sep2016.
19 Vav~Ayn~Sheen~Raysh~Tav



..."and ten of;"

and ten of...]

20 Hay~Qof~Raysh~Noun~Yod~finalMem



..."y~¤ur livingq cosmic~vital~impetusings comtaining quantized principleingsq of lifeq existenceingsq cosmically~biosphered;"

y~¤ur livingq cosmic~vital~impetusings comtaining quantized principleingsq of lifeq existenceingsq cosmically~biosphered...]

Doug simply cannot use idiomc of 'horn' here. It seems immature, childish. It simply does n¤t fit, in Doug's opine, roleq and situationingsq of this verse's rqcs local comtextingsq.

~{100 ~200.50~ ~10}~ ~600~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Doug - 23Aug2016.

©Quantonics, Inc., 2016-2030

And saying
unto all
of usq livingq existentialq biospheres metabolizingq vital~impetus cosmically, universally comtained

with all y~¤ur unlimitedq potentiaq of lifeq
a lifeq cowithihn livingq cosmic metabolismingsq' of qwf~cavitational divineq leakyq vital impedanceings of fecundationingsq of divineq existentialq biosphereings cowithihn qwf~reverberational divineq leakyq vital impedanceings
of yourselfq's vital~impetusings abettingq and watchingq your individualq hysteresesq of existentialq lifeq principleingsq of freedomq, uncertaintyq, and peaceq
via organic movementings cowithihn vital~impetusings and existenceings gatewayveings
are youq,
from alpha to omega,
cowithihn mystery~enigma of hermaphroditicq fecundityingsq with femaleq ruling malec's gatewayveingsc?"

{...all the while with...}

With Hær assa a divineq livingq goddess of spiritualq fireq of metabolicq reproductiveq lifeq,
and another livingq,
a vibrant livingq qwf~cavitationings of quantized lifeq principleingsq of FUPings cowithihn vital~impetusings both cosmically metabolizedq and vitally impeded,
steamrolling livingq beingsq
in many, again, nearings to
seven enlightened days
of y~¤ur thoughtful ones, livingq universal vital~impetusings metabolizingsq existenceingsq cosmically~biosphereings,
and ten of
y~¤ur livingq cosmic~vital~impetusings comtaining quantized principleingsq of lifeq existenceingsq cosmically~biosphered.

. . .

Again, Doug took some liberties from vulgate idiom to express more fluxodynamicallyq a more quantum realistic hologral version of this verse.

Doug issi tempted to use n¤n Gematraic sema for seven and ten here. Were he to do that seven and ten would read like this:

Seven - Sheen~Vayt~Ayn~Tav:300.2.70.400 assa "Cosmic metabolismingsq of somaticq enlightenmentings vital~impeded."


Ten - Vav~Ayn~Sheen~Raysh~Tav:6.70.300.200 assa "Fecundq enlightenmentingsq experienceingsq cosmic metabolismingsq cowithihn cosmic uni(multi~omni)versal comtainmentings."

Realize that l0 may be fathomed as 5 + 5: "two lives." In that case we may viewq those "two livesq" as antinomialq one another like this, quantons(lifeq~one~antinomialq,lifeq~two~antinomialq).

Those "two livesq" arera an expressionq of metabolismq's fluxialq ups and downs, metabolismq's anabolismingsq and catabolismingsq.
So Ten might be claimingq that "two livesq" are quantum~complementary~antinomial metabolicq. See Sof.

Of course that is only Doug's very comjecturalq heuristic hypothesis.

In Qabala's Game of Life...we have to guess...

It's called, "perpetual~ubiquitous uncertainty."

What saves us? Quantum~realityings are rqsu.

Fathom quantons(dynamicq,staticq).

Compare William James Sidis' text The Animate and the Inanimate.

Now can you grasp why Doug coined stindyanic?

Doug - 25,26Sep2016.


©Quantonics, Inc., 2016-2030

Retranslation of Revelation XVII:8

Doug - 26Sep2016.

Revelation XVII Letter~Text Spelled Out


(some guesses)

An Internet Literal
(some altered by Doug)

Doug's Suaresian Qabalic Translation

1 Hay~Hhayt~Yod~Hay



..."Another livingq;"

Another livingq...]

~{5 ~8.10~ ~5}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
2 Aleph~Sheen~Raysh





~1~ ~{300 200}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
3 Raysh~Aleph~Yod~Tav





~200~ ~{1 10}~ ~400~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
4 Hay~Yod~Aleph



..."Yes! You!;"

Yes! You!...]

~5~ ~{10 1}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

This has an esotericq flavorq of "two livesq."

Allow 10 to be ~5.5~, then we may interpret ~{10 1}~
~{~{5 5}~ 1}~
and show it linguisticallyq as "two lives of vital~impetusings, cowithihn existenceings."

Doug - 23,26Sep2016.
5 Hay~Yod~Tav~Hay



..."resonantq divineq livingsq coobsfectingsq existenceingsq encounteringq vital impedanceings cavitationallyq;"

resonantq divineq livingsq coobsfectingsq existenceingsq encounteringq vital impedanceings cavitationallyq...]

~{5 ~10.400~ ~5~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
6 Vav~Aleph~Yod~Noun~Noun~Hay



..."fecundq qwf~cavitational ascensionq from vital~impetus ihnto existenceings divineq qwf~cavitational lifeq principleingsq of FUPings cowithihn all livingsq;"

fecundq qwf~cavitational ascensionq from vital~impetus ihnto existenceings divineq qwf~cavitational lifeq principleingsq of FUPings cowithihn all livingsq...]

~6~ ~{1 10}~ ~{~{50 ~{50}~}~ ~5}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~fecund~ ~{cavitational~ascension~from~vital~impetus~ihnto~existenceings}~ ~{~{50 ~{50}~}~ ~5}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~6~ ~{1 10}~ ~{~{divine qwf~cavitational life principleings of FUPings}~}~ ~living}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

A simpler parse shows fecund enlightenings experienceings quantization's life principleings alive, where enlightenings issi Ayn ass 1.10.5. We ignore divine cavitationings of Noun in order to do that, however.

Doug - 26Sep2016.
7 Vav~Hay~Yod~Aleph



..."Oh! Yes! You!;"

Oh! Yes! You!...]

~6.5~ ~{10 1}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

This has an esotericq flavorq of "two livesq."

Allow 10 to be ~5.5~, then we may interpret ~{10 1}~
~{~{5 5}~ 1}~
and show it linguisticallyq as "two lives of vital~impetusings, cowithihn existenceings."

We superpose~entangle that with ~6.5~ as ~fecund~life~.

Three lives?

Doug - 23Sep2016.
8 Thav~Ayn~Lammed~Hay



..."vitally impeding lightq's metabolismingsq of lifeq itself;"

vitally impeding lightq's metabolismingsq of lifeq itself...]

9 Mem~Thav~Hay~Waw~finalMem



..."biospheric~ascension ihnto vital~impedance of lifeq fecundlyq exalted ihnto cosmic~biosphereings showing us wæ must;"

biospheric~ascension ihnto vital~impedance of lifeq fecundlyq exalted ihnto cosmic~biosphereings showing us wæ must...]

~{~{40 400}~ ~5 ~{6 600}~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Literally parsed as ~Meta~Hem~.

Roughly, 'ascension above usq.'

Doug - 9Aug2016.
10 Vav~Tav~Raysh~Dallet



..."open selvesq to;"

open selvesq to...]

~6~ ~{400 ~200~ ~4}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Grossly, "Fecundly leave cosmically comtained vital impedance and become an open door." Escape?

Doug - 26Sep2016.
11 Lammed~Aleph~Vayt~Dallet~Waw~finalNoun



..."existentialq metabolismingsq of y~¤ur somaticq vital~impetus gatewayveingsq of fecundq cosmic lifeq principleingsq having freedomq, uncertaintyq, and peaceq;"

existentialq metabolismingsq of y~¤ur somaticq vital~impetus gatewayveingsq of fecundq cosmic lifeq principleingsq having freedomq, uncertaintyq, and peaceq...]

12 Vav~Yod~Sheen~Vayt~Yod



..."and dwellq individuallyq;"

and dwellq individuallyq...]

~6~ ~{10 ~300.2~ ~10}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
13 Hay~Aleph~Raysh~finalTsadde



..."livingq cowithihn Earth;"

livingq cowithihn Earth...]

14 Aleph~Sheen~Raysh





~1~ ~{300 200}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
15 Sheen~Mem~finalMem



..."selvesq as cosmic metabolizingq biosphereings;"

selvesq as cosmic metabolizingq biosphereings...]

16 Aleph~Yod~Noun~Noun~Waw



..."qwf~cavitational ascensionq from vital~impetus ihnto existenceings divineq qwf~cavitational lifeq principleingsq of FUPings cowithihn all livingsq;"

qwf~cavitational ascensionq from vital~impetus ihnto existenceings divineq qwf~cavitational lifeq principleingsq of FUPings cowithihn all livingsq...]

~{1 10}~ ~{~{50 ~{50}~}~ ~5}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~{cavitational~ascension~from~vital~impetus~ihnto~existenceings}~ ~{~{50 ~{50}~}~ ~5}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~{1 10}~ ~{~{divine qwf~cavitational life principleings of FUPings}~}~ ~living}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

A simpler parse shows enlightenings experienceings quantization's life principleings alive, where enlightenings issi Ayn ass 1.10.5. We ignore divine cavitationings of Noun in order to do that, however.

Doug - 26Sep2016.
17 Noun~Khaf~Thav~Vayt



..."quantized principleingsq of lifeq's somaticq grailingsq of vital~impedance;"

quantized principleingsq of lifeq's somaticq grailingsq of vital~impedance...]

~50~ ~{20 ~400~ ~2}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
18 Bayt~Sammekh~Phay~Raysh



..."cowithihn the book;"

cowithihn the book...]

19 Hay~Hhayt~Yod~Yod~finalMem



..."of lifeq;"

of lifeq...]

~5.8~ ~{10 10}~ ~600~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
20 Mem~Yod~Waw~finalMem



..."existingq cowithihn exaltedq days of;"

existingq cowithihn exaltedq days of...]

~{40 ~10~ ~{6 600}~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
21 Hay~Waw~Sammekh~Dallet



..."livingq ascendanceingsq from masculinec to feminineq fecundityingsq openingq gatewayveingsq ihnto Iht;"

livingq ascendanceingsq from masculinec to feminineq fecundityingsq openingq gatewayveingsq ihnto Iht...]

~5~ ~{6 60}~ ~4~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
22 Thav~Vayt~Lammed



..."gaining permeableq impedanceings of somaticq metabolismingsq;"

gaining permeableq impedanceings of somaticq metabolismingsq...]

23 Yod~Sheen~Thav~Waw~Mem~Mem~Waw



..."cowithihn existentialq cosmic metabolismingsq of vitally impeded divineq fecundationingsq of divineq biosphereings;"

cowithihn existentialq cosmic metabolismingsq of vitally impeded divineq fecundationingsq of divineq biosphereings...]

~10.300~ ~{~{400 ~{6 ~{~{40}~ 40}~}~}~ ~6~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
24 Bayt~Raysh~Aleph~Tav~finalMem



..."creationq of At cosmically biosphered;"

creationq of At cosmically biosphered...]

~{2 200}~ ~1.400.600~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Compare this to Genesis I:1's Bara'Shyt.
25 Aleph~Tav



..."from alpha to omega;"

from alpha to omega...]

26 Hay~Hhayt~Yod~Hay



..."another livingq;"

another livingq...]

~{5 ~8.10~ ~5}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
27 Aleph~Sheen~Raysh





~1~ ~{300 200}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
28 Hay~Yod~Tav~Hay



..."resonantq divineq livingsq coobsfectingsq existenceingsq encounteringq vital impedanceings cavitationallyq;"

resonantq divineq livingsq coobsfectingsq existenceingsq encounteringq vital impedanceings cavitationallyq...]

~{5 ~10.400~ ~5~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
29 Vav~Aleph~Yod~Noun~Noun~Hay



..."fecundq qwf~cavitational ascensionq from vital~impetus ihnto existenceings divineq qwf~cavitational lifeq principleingsq of FUPings cowithihn all livingsq;"

fecundq qwf~cavitational ascensionq from vital~impetus ihnto existenceings divineq qwf~cavitational lifeq principleingsq of FUPings cowithihn all livingsq...]

~6~ ~{1 10}~ ~{~{50 ~{50}~}~ ~5}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~fecund~ ~{cavitational~ascension~from~vital~impetus~ihnto~existenceings}~ ~{~{50 ~{50}~}~ ~5}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~6~ ~{1 10}~ ~{~{divine qwf~cavitational life principleings of FUPings}~}~ ~living}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

A simpler parse shows fecund enlightenings experienceings quantization's life principleings alive, where enlightenings issi Ayn ass 1.10.5. We ignore divine cavitationings of Noun in order to do that, however.

Doug - 26Sep2016.
30 Vav~Tav~Vayt~Waw~Aleph



..."of divineq fecundq qwf~cavitationings of somaticq vital impedanceings cowithihn vital~impetusings;"

of divineq fecundq qwf~cavitationings of somaticq vital impedanceings cowithihn vital~impetusings...]

~{6 ~400.2~ ~6}~ ~1~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

©Quantonics, Inc., 2016-2030

Another livingq
beingq witnessingq
with its perceptionq.

"Yes! You!
resonantq divineq livingsq coobsfectingsq existenceingsq encounteringq vital impedanceings cavitationallyq
fecundq qwf~cavitational ascensionq from vital~impetus ihnto existenceings divineq qwf~cavitational lifeq principleingsq of FUPings cowithihn all livingsq.

"Oh! Yes! You!
vitally impeding lightq's metabolismingsq of lifeq itself,
and its biospheric~ascension ihnto vital~impedance of lifeq fecundlyq exalted ihnto cosmic~biosphereings showing us wæ must
open selvesq to
existentialq metabolismingsq of y~¤ur somaticq vital~impetus gatewayveingsq of fecundq cosmic lifeq principleingsq having freedomq, uncertaintyq, and peaceq,
and dwellq individuallyq
livingq cowithihn Earth
selvesq as cosmic metabolizingq biosphereings and their (y~¤ur)
qwf~cavitational ascensionq from vital~impetus ihnto existenceings divineq qwf~cavitational lifeq principleingsq of FUPings cowithihn all livingsq
quantized principleingsq of lifeq's somaticq grailingsq of vital~impedance,
cowithihn the book
of lifeq,
existingq cowithihn exaltedq days of
livingq ascendanceingsq from masculinec to feminineq fecundationingsq openingq gatewayveingsq ihnto Iht
gaining permeableq impedanceings of somaticq metabolismingsq,
cowithihn existentialq cosmic metabolismingsq of vitally impeded divineq fecundationingsq of divineq biosphereings
ihncluding creationq of At cosmically biosphered,
from alpha to omega,
another livingq
beingq witnessingq
resonantq divineq livingsq coobsfectingsq existenceingsq encounteringq vital impedanceings cavitationallyq
fecundq qwf~cavitational ascensionq from vital~impetus ihnto existenceings divineq qwf~cavitational lifeq principleingsq of FUPings cowithihn all beingsq
of divineq fecundq qwf~cavitationings of somaticq vital impedanceings cowithihn vital~impetusings."

Doug - 26Sep2016.


©Quantonics, Inc., 2016-2030

Retranslation of Revelation XVII:9

Doug - 26Sep2016.

Revelation XVII Letter~Text Spelled Out


(some guesses)

An Internet Literal
(some altered by Doug)

Doug's Suaresian Qabalic Translation

1 Zayn~Hay



..."With all y~¤ur unlimitedq potentiaq of lifeq;"

With all y~¤ur unlimitedq potentiaq of lifeq...]

2 Hay~Mem~Waw~Vayt~finalNoun



..."assa livingq fecundq evolutioningsq of somaticq biosphereings;"

assa livingq fecundq evolutioningsq of somaticq biosphereings...]

3 Vav~Vayt~Waw



..."assa divineq fecundationingsq of somaq;"

assa divineq fecundationingsq of somaq...]

~{6 ~2~ ~6~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
4 Hhayt~Khaf~Mem~Hay



..."assa spiritualq comsciousnessq assa livingq~grailingq biospheric sourceq of wisdomingsq;"

assa spiritualq comsciousnessq assa livingq~grailingq biospheric sourceq of wisdomingsq...]

See Doug's comsciousnessq essay and QELR of wisdomingsq.

As Doug points out in his Hologralexology,Ñ¢ of comsciousness (Hhokmah), quantons(1000,1) arera plausibly involved here.

Doug - 30Aug2016.
5 Sheen~Vayt~Ayn~Tav



..."seven enlightenedq days;"

for seven enlightened days...]

This looks like a combination of Shabat (Sabbath) and Shevaa (seven).

Doug's surmise. Probably menorah.

If so, then we can interpret Shevaat as perhaps the seventh Sabbath~enlightened day.


Doug - 12,26Sep2016.
6 Hay~Raysh~Aleph~Sheen~Yod~finalMem



..."y~¤ur thoughtfulq ones;"

of y~¤ur thoughtful ones, livingq universal vital~impetusings metabolizingsq existenceingsq cosmically~biosphereings...]

~{200 ~{1 ~300}~ ~10}~ ~600~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

When we parse Roshim in Qabala's fluxodynamic quantum~wave~functional hermeneutics we have, "Cosmic comtainmentings of vital~impetusings metabolizings existenceings cosmically~biosphereings."

This could hologrally mean (have sema of) countless other linguisticq interpreta.

So following C. S. Peirce's memes of abduction assa quantons(hypotheses,interrogatives), and taking head as one hypothesis of Roshim, we have, attending an infinity of, interrogatives regarding that uni~sema.

More generically we sense vital~impetus metabolizingq all existenceingsq.

Yes, head issi a possible interpretation, but there, again, are countless others.

For example, Raysh.200, can mean universal structure. See early pages of Suares' Song of Songs. Sometimes we can (may) just linguisticallyq superpose~entangle universe in place of Raysh.

Whichever allegoryq we chooseq, it issi always radically~quantum~comtext~sensitive.

Can we be k~n¤w~ings comtextingsq? Only partiallyq.

Fathom comtextingsq n¤w and comtextingsq 2000 years ago.

Ponder how classic reason based in dialectic claims objective-determinate-certain-impartiality.

Compare quantum hermeneutics claim hologral~uncertain~partialityings.

In this case, for example, if we take Yod~finalMem as 'day,' we might infer seven days juxtaposed seven heads...and that's an oversimplification.

Doug - 23Sep2016.
7 Sheen~Vayt~Ayn~Tav



..."seven enlightenedq days;"

for seven enlightened days...]

This looks like a combination of Shabat (Sabbath) and Shevaa (seven).

Doug's surmise. Probably menorah.

If so, then we can interpret Shevaat as perhaps the seventh Sabbath~enlightened day.


Doug - 12,26Sep2016.
8 Hay~Raysh~Yod~finalMem



..."assa mountains of lifeq cosmically comtained cowithihn existenceingsq cosmically biosphered;"

assa mountains of lifeq cosmically comtained cowithihn existenceingsq cosmically biosphered,...]

9 Hay~Mem~Hay



..."wæ who arera aliveq and livingq who are exemplarsq of;"

wæ who arera aliveq and livingq who are exemplarsq of...]

10 Aleph~Sheen~Raysh





~1~ ~{300 200}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
11 Hay~Aleph~Sheen~Hay



..."divineq livingq spiritualq fireq;"

divineq livingq spiritualq fireq...]

~{5 ~1.300~ ~5~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
12 Yod~Sheen~Vayt~Tav



..."Hær blessed sitting;"

Hær blessed sitting...]

We might thinkq, here, of sitting as both witnessing and endorsement together.

Doug - 23Sep2016.
13 Ayn~Lammed~Yod~Hay~finalMem



..."settleingsq on new lands of omniversal Lightingsq existentiallyq metabolizedq over y~¤ur beingsq divineq livingsq;"

settleingsq on new lands of omniversal Lightingsq existentiallyq metabolizedq over y~¤ur beingsq divineq livingsq...]

©Quantonics, Inc., 2016-2030

With all y~¤ur unlimitedq potentiaq of lifeq
assa livingq fecundq evolutioningsq of somaticq biosphereings
assa divineq fecundationingsq of somaq
assa spiritualq comsciousnessq assa livingq~grailingq biospheric sourceq of wisdomingsq
for seven enlightened days
of y~¤ur thoughtful ones, livingq universal vital~impetusings metabolizingsq existenceingsq cosmically~biosphereings
for seven enlightened days
assa mountains of lifeq cosmically comtained cowithihn existenceingsq cosmically biosphered,
wæ who arera aliveq and livingq who are exemplarsq of
divineq livingq spiritualq fireq
Hær blessed sitting
settleingsq on new lands of omniversal Lightingsq existentiallyq metabolizedq over y~¤ur beingsq divineq livingsq.

Doug - 26Sep2016.


©Quantonics, Inc., 2016-2030

Retranslation of Revelation XVII:10

Doug - 26-27Sep2016.

Revelation XVII Letter~Text Spelled Out


(some guesses)

An Internet Literal
(some altered by Doug)

Doug's Suaresian Qabalic Translation

1 Vav~Sheen~Vayt~Ayn~Hay



..."And seven livingq;"

And seven livingq...]

~6~ ~300~ ~2~ ~70.5~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
2 Mem~Lammed~Khaf~Yod~finalMem





~{~6 ~{40 ~30.20.10~ ~600}~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Kings are, following Qabalic text fluxodynamic (holografluxicq) parsing, "Metabolicq biospheres permeablyq leakyq grailingsq existenceingsq cowithihn cosmic biosphereings."




Ponder a, i, and o subs.

For example:



Just, "What is your six anywhereings, anywhenings in an metabolic~evolveings omnimensional hologram?"

Is it always aft relativeq your platform?

Doug - 26Sep2016.
3 Hay~Mem~Hay



..."those who arera aliveq and livingq who are exemplarsq of;"

those who arera aliveq and livingq who are exemplarsq of...]

~{5 ~40~ ~5}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
4 Hhayt~Mem~Sheen~Hay



..."Spiritual unlimitedq possibilityingsq of existentialq biosphereings livesq existentiallyq~metabolizedq;"

Spiritual unlimitedq possibilityingsq of existentialq biosphereings livesq existentiallyq~metabolizedq...]

Numeric five does not appear to fit role~situationally here.

Let's parse it fluxodynamicallyq:

"Spiritual unlimitedq possibilityingsq of existentialq biosphereings livesq existentiallyq~metabolizedq."
5 Mem~Hay~finalMem



..."ihnto usq;"

ihnto usq...]

~{40.5.600}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
6 Noun~Phay~Lammed~Waw



..."falling, cascadeingsq;"

falling, cascadeingsq...]

7 Vav~Hay~Aleph~Hhayt~Dallet



..."and the one, Hær, Mother,;"

and the one, Hær, Mother,...]

8 Yod~Sheen~Noun~Waw



..."may rest;"

existence may rest due cosmic~metabolism catalysing (darkening, reducing, quieting, renewing by darkly (Layla) breathing~ihn) existential~quantization of fecundity...]

9 Ayn~Waw~Dallet



..."cowithihn any lightq,;"

cowithihn any lightq,...]

Lightq issi photonicq fluxq aka luxq. Photons are QED 'little' quanta.

Doug - 4Jul2016.
10 Lammed~Aleph





11 Vav~Hay~Aleph~Hhayt~Raysh



..."with y~¤ur giving usq;"

with y~¤ur giving usq...]

12 Bayt~Aleph



..."cowithihn y~¤ur fathomings of [any light];"

cowithihn y~¤ur fathomings of [any light]...]

Fathom any light as one of many hypotheses.

Then fathom how any hypothesis begs unlimitedq interrogatives.

Hologralq quintessence of C. S. Peirce.

Fathom that assa "Many seeings at every quantal edgeings of nowings."

One of those seeings at any Planck moment youq (y~¤ur somatic systemq ensembleq of quanta) individuallyq may beingsq chooseingsq, chanceingsq, and changeingsq.

That individualq actionq issi redemptive, revelatory Quantum~Democracy via buckyball~votings.

Recall that actionq issi residueq of quantonic fluxq cancellationq, quintessence, signature, quantum~assessmentings of systemic~energy~wellings omnifferenceings perpetual~ubiquitous interrelationshipings.

Read Gleick's prescient summary regarding Feynman's classical vis-a-vis quantum action in Gleick's Genius.

Recall that totalc energyc of a classical systemc is an arithmeticc 'area under curve' sumc regarding energyc status quo of any systemc (total systemc energy: additionallyc both kineticc and staticc energyingsc).

Classical 'Scientific' World View

Classical energy issi about additivec systemicc statec, systemicc analyticalc holdstillism: energyc stux.

Stux (worseshipc of deadc objectsc) sux!

Quantum World Viewings

Quantum energyings arera about quantal omnifferentialq systemicq evolutioningsq, systemq metabolicq changeingsq: ensembleq energyingsq stochasticq fluxingsq.

Flux (bettershipq of livingq quantons) issi crux!!!

Doug - 19,27Sep2016.

13 Vav~Hay~Yod~Hay



..."the demiurge who (y~¤ur Tsevet, y~¤ur quanton) fecundly issi;"

the demiurge who (y~¤ur Tsevet, y~¤ur quanton) fecundly issi...]

Observe how this issi projectedq energyings of YahVeh.

Doug - 14Aug2016.
14 Kaf~Yod





15 Yod~Vayt~Waw~Aleph



..." who is to come, y~¤ur quanton, y~¤ur Tsevet is to come;"

who is to come, y~¤ur quanton, y~¤ur Tsevet is to come...]

~{6 ~{10 ~2 6.}~ ~1}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Who is, who was, and who is to come, those three sema express perpetual life of Atta's metabolismingsq. Atta's life~death metabolicq cycle issi perpetual, sempiternal. This may explain for you why Jesus the Jew said, "Do n¤t be afraid."

Compare Doug's:

Doug - 16May2016.
16 Ayn~Mem~Dallet



..."assa lightingsq of redemptioningsq;"

assa lightingsq of redemptioningsq...]

~70~ ~{40 4}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
17 Vav~Ayn~Mem~Dallet



..."and, again, assa divineq lightingsq of divineq redemptioningsq;"

and, again, assa divineq lightingsq of divineq redemptioningsq...]

~6~ ~70~ ~{40 4}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
18 Lammed~Zayn~Mem~finalNoun



..."existentialq metabolismingsq of qwf~cavitational unlimitedq potentiaq of existentialq biosphereings qwf~reverberationally exalted via cosmic lifeq principleingsq of freedomsq, uncertaintyingsq, and peaceingsq;"

existentialq metabolismingsq of qwf~cavitational unlimitedq potentiaq of existentialq biosphereings qwf~reverberationally exalted via cosmic lifeq principleingsq of freedomsq, uncertaintyingsq, and peaceingsq...]

~30~ ~{7 ~40~ ~700}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~30~ ~{unlimited~potentia~ of ~40~ ~exalted via cosmic life principleings of freedom, uncertainty, and peace}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~existential~metabolism~ ~{7 ~existential~biosphereings~ ~700}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Doug - 27Sep2016.
19 Mem~Ayn~Tayt



..."all biospherically enveloped cowithihn photonicq lightingsq;"

all biospherically enveloped cowithihn photonicq lightingsq...]

©Quantonics, Inc., 2016-2030

And seven livingq
those who arera aliveq and livingq who are exemplarsq of
spiritually unlimitedq possibilityingsq of existentialq biosphereings livesq {Hay, lifeq, ~5~} existentiallyq~metabolizedq,
ihnto usq,
falling, cascadeingsq,
and the one, Hær, Mother's,
existenceingsq may rest due cosmic~metabolism catalysing (darkening, reducing, quieting,...
...renewing by darkly (Layla) breatheing~ihn) existential~quantization of fecundity
cowithihn any lightq,
with y~¤ur giving usq
cowithihn y~¤ur fathomings of
the demiurge who (y~¤ur Tsevet, y~¤ur quanton) fecundly issi,
who is to come, y~¤ur quanton, y~¤ur Tsevet is to come
assa lightingsq of redemptioningsq,
and, again, assa divineq lightingsq of divineq redemptioningsq
existentialq metabolismingsq of qwf~cavitational unlimitedq potentiaq of existentialq biosphereings...
...qwf~reverberationally exalted via cosmic lifeq principleingsq of freedomsq, uncertaintyingsq, and peaceingsq,
all biospherically enveloped cowithihn photonicq lightingsq.

Doug - 26-27Sep2016.


©Quantonics, Inc., 2016-2030

Retranslation of Revelation XVII:11

Word one of this verse shows us depth of benchmarking qua of Revelation against Qabala, Autiot, Gematria, Gnosis, and Quantonics in terms of what we refer topos.

In 2003 Quantonics News Doug offered a table which we may adapt and use here:




Existential (10)
Free Will Choices of
Classes of Life (5 and 5)

Autiot Ramifications


(Satanic, 'dysfunctional')

socialc hegemony

Hayc and Hayc
Livingc and Livingc
~{Hayc ~whatever~ ~Hayc}~

See Iot suffix of Autiot.
It shows us dichon(Hayq,Hayc).
We may free will choose either.
Hylics choose Hayc exclusively.
Hylics deny Aleph exists.

This class of life is Revelation's Beast aka dialectic.

Doug - 27-28Sep2016.




Hayq and Hayc
Livingq and Livingc
~{Hayq ~whatever~ ~Hayc}~

Psychics appear unable to choose.
Pagels refers them "called."
Cognitive dissonance.




Divineq Hayq and Divineq Hayq
Livingq and Livingq
~{Hayq ~whatever~ ~Hayq}~
(martus aritos)

Pneumatics choose existenceq assa "two divineq livesq" cowithihn one quantum~being.
Mae-wan Ho's Coherence of Autonomies.
Doug's quantons(animus,anima).
Qabala's evolutionq of Aleph nissin blood (~Ben~Adam~).

©Quantonics, Inc., 2007-2032 - Rev. 27Sep2016  PDR - Created 7Jan2007  PDR

So when you see cavitational patterns like ~{5 ~whatever~ ~5}~, you may think of that pattern hylically, psychically, and pneumatically.

When we think like that it issi called "three fold exegeses." On recall, it issi Peratæan exegesis.
Chaldæan exegesis issi more Qabalic and issi four fold as Mother, son, mother, [Father
q father].
Doug's use of brackets crudely narrates our free will to choose which life we wish to live.
It presciently enlightens what Autiot means

See Pagels' Johannine Gospel in Gnostic Exegesis.

All Aut may sub for Doug's use of 5 in this specific instance. All of those ~{Aut ~whatever~ ~Aut}~ patterns are divineq.
Where Doug interpreted Aut.5 as life, other Aut are (may be) hermeneuted based on l¤cal~proximate
roleq and situationq.

A very good exemplar issi ~{10 ~whatever~ ~10}~ when cavitationallyq empty~unpopulated issi another divineq name (Shem) for god. Observe that "four lives" are implied.

Hermaphrodicityings anyone?

Chaldæan Gnosis anyone?

G¤d assa metabolicq anyone?

Mother issi metabolicq, isn't she!

Doug - 27Sep2016.

Revelation XVII Letter~Text Spelled Out


(some guesses)

An Internet Literal
(some altered by Doug)

Doug's Suaresian Qabalic Translation

1 Vav~Hay~Hhayt~Yod~Hay



..."And another livingc, in this case a dialecticalc beastc;"

And another livingc, in this case a dialecticalc beastc...]

~6~ ~{5 ~8.10~ ~5}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~6~ ~{livingc~ ~8.10~ ~livingq}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

We see a "two lives" heretical choice of either livingc or livingq.

This shows us an explicit tell of sentient free will.

However it also warns us that choosing livingc is Error. Why? Well, quite simply, a dialectical choice of livingc tacitly presumes-denies Aleph cowithihn blood, it denies Iht issi cowithihn us.

It presumes an ideal Platonic, Aristotelian, Newtonian, et al., objective-material-formal-mechanical reality.

However Qabalic reality, quantum~reality, holografluxic reality issi n¤ne of those 'things.'

Doug - 27Sep2016.
2 Aleph~Sheen~Raysh





~1~ ~{300 200}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
3 Hay~Yod~Tav~Hay



..."resonantq divineq livingsq coobsfectingsq existenceingsq encounteringq vital impedanceings cavitationallyq;"

resonantq divineq livingsq coobsfectingsq existenceingsq encounteringq vital impedanceings cavitationallyq...]

Likely this word role~situationally presumes quantum~reality so both Hays represent livingsq.

~{livingq~ ~10.400~ ~livingq~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~{5 ~10.400~ ~5~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Doug - 27Sep2016.
4 Vav~Aleph~Yod~Noun~Noun~Hay



..."fecundq qwf~cavitational ascensionq from vital~impetus ihnto existenceings divineq qwf~cavitational lifeq principleingsq of FUPings cowithihn all livingsq;"

fecundq qwf~cavitational ascensionq from vital~impetus ihnto existenceings divineq qwf~cavitational lifeq principleingsq of FUPings cowithihn all livingsq...]

~6~ ~{1 10}~ ~{~{50 ~{50}~}~ ~5}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~fecund~ ~{cavitational~ascension~from~vital~impetus~ihnto~existenceings}~ ~{~{50 ~{50}~}~ ~5}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~6~ ~{1 10}~ ~{~{divine qwf~cavitational life principleings of FUPings}~}~ ~living}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

A simpler parse shows fecund enlightenings experienceings quantization's life principleings alive, where enlightenings issi Ayn ass 1.10.5. We ignore divine cavitationings of Noun in order to do that, however.

Doug - 26Sep2016.
5 Vav~Hay~Waw~Aleph



..."and usq with;"

and usq with..]

~{6 ~5~ 6}~ ~1~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Directly, "Divinely fecundq lifeq of~with Aleph."

Doug - 15Jun2016.
6 Sheen~Mem~Yod~Noun~Yod



..."an eighth;"

an eighth assa cosmic metabolismingsq of existentialq biosphereings experienceingsq divineq existenceingsq of quantized lifeq principleingsq of freedomq, uncertaintyq, and peaceq...]

~300.40~ ~{10 ~50~ ~10~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Parsed, this reads somewhat like this, "Cosmic metabolismingsq of existentialq biosphereings experienceingsq divineq existenceingsq of quantized lifeq principleingsq of freedomq, uncertaintyq, and peaceq."

Doug - 27Sep2016.
7 Vav~Hay~Waw~Aleph



..."and divinely usq with;"

and divinely usq with..]

~{6 ~5~ 6}~ ~1~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Directly, "Divinely fecundq lifeq of~with Aleph."

Doug - 15Jun2016.
8 Mem~finalNoun



..."with many cosmic lifeq principleingsq of usq;"

with many cosmic lifeq principleingsq of usq...]

9 Hay~Sheen~Vayt~Ayn~Hay



..."the seven qwf~cavitational divineq livingsq of cosmic metabolismingsq of somaticq enlightenmentingsq cowithihn seven qwf~reverberational divineq livingsq;"

the seven qwf~cavitational divineq livingsq of cosmic metabolismingsq of somaticq enlightenmentingsq cowithihn seven qwf~reverberational divineq livingsq..]

~{5 ~300.2.70~ ~5~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~{divine~livings~ of ~300.2.70~ cowithihn ~divine~livings~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~{5 ~cosmic~metabolismings~of~somatic~enlightenmentings~ ~5~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Doug - 27Sep2016.
10 Vav~Yod~Raysh~Dallet



..."experienceingsq perdition cowithihn;"

experienceingsq perdition cowithihn...]

11 Lammed~Aleph~Vayt~Dallet~Waw~finalNoun



..."existentialq metabolismingsq of y~¤ur somaticq vital~impetus gatewayveingsq of fecundq cosmic lifeq principleingsq having freedomq, uncertaintyq, and peaceq;"

existentialq metabolismingsq of y~¤ur somaticq vital~impetus gatewayveingsq of fecundq cosmic lifeq principleingsq having freedomq, uncertaintyq, and peaceq...]

©Quantonics, Inc., 2016-2030

And another livingc, in this case a dialecticalc [hylic] beastc
resonantq divineq livingsq coobsfectingsq existenceingsq encounteringq vital impedanceings cavitationallyq
fecundq qwf~cavitational ascensionq from vital~impetus ihnto existenceings divineq qwf~cavitational lifeq principleingsq of FUPings cowithihn all livingsq,
and usq with..]
an eighth assa cosmic metabolismingsq of existentialq biosphereings experienceingsq divineq existenceingsq of quantized lifeq principleingsq of freedomq, uncertaintyq, and peaceq,
and divinely usq
with many cosmic lifeq principleingsq of usq
cowithihn seven qwf~cavitational divineq livingsq of cosmic metabolismingsq of somaticq enlightenmentingsq cowithihn seven qwf~reverberational divineq livingsq,
experienceingsq perdition cowithihn
existentialq metabolismingsq of y~¤ur somaticq vital~impetus gatewayveingsq of fecundq cosmic lifeq principleingsq having freedomq, uncertaintyq, and peaceq.

. . .

See beginning of Revelation XVII:11 (this verse) for omniscriptionings of topos.

Doug - 27Sep2016.


©Quantonics, Inc., 2016-2030

Retranslation of Revelation XVII:12

A Qabala (Qabalo) ref. occurs twice in this verse in words 10 and 19.

Doug - 28Sep2016.

Revelation XVII Letter~Text Spelled Out


(some guesses)

An Internet Literal
(some altered by Doug)

Doug's Suaresian Qabalic Translation

1 Vav~Ayn~Seen~Raysh



..."And ten;"

And ten (we may view this as ~5.5~ as two lives: following topos of two Autiot free will lives: hylic(c,c), psychic(q,c), pneumatic(q,q))...]

~6.70~ ~{300 200}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Ten may be thought of as Yod, as existenceings.

In verse 7 summary above, Doug wrote,

Ten - Vav~Ayn~Sheen~Raysh~Tav:6.70.300.200 assa "Fecundq enlightenmentingsq experienceingsq cosmic metabolismingsq cowithihn cosmic uni(multi~omni)versal comtainmentings."

Realize that l0 may be fathomed as 5 + 5: "two lives." In that case we may viewq those "two livesq" as antinomialq one another like this, quantons(lifeq~one~antinomialq,lifeq~two~antinomialq).

Those "two livesq" arera an expressionq of metabolismq's fluxialq ups and downs, metabolismq's anabolismingsq and catabolismingsq.
So Ten might be claimingq that "two livesq" are quantum~complementary~antinomial metabolicq.

Doug - 23,28Sep2016.
2 Hay~Qof~Raysh~Noun~Yod~finalMem



..."of y~¤ur livingq cosmic~vital~impetusings comtaining quantized principleingsq of lifeq existenceingsq cosmically~biosphered;"

of y~¤ur livingq cosmic~vital~impetusings comtaining quantized principleingsq of lifeq existenceingsq cosmically~biosphered...]

Doug simply cannot use idiomc of 'horn' here. It seems immature, childish. It simply does n¤t fit, in Doug's opine, roleq and situationingsq of this verse's rqcs local comtextingsq.

~{100 ~200.50~ ~10}~ ~600~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Doug - 23Aug2016.
3 Aleph~Sheen~Raysh





~1~ ~{300 200}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
4 Raysh~Aleph~Yod~Tav





~200~ ~{1 10}~ ~400~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
5 Aleph~Sheen~Raysh~Hay



..."witnessingq lifeq;"

witnessingq lifeq...]

~1~ ~{300 200}~ ~5~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
6 Mem~Lammed~Khaf~Yod~finalMem





~{~6 ~{40 ~30.20.10~ ~600}~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Kings are, following Qabalic text fluxodynamic (holografluxicq) parsing, "Metabolicq biospheres permeablyq leakyq grailingsq existenceingsq cowithihn cosmic biosphereings."




Ponder a, i, and o subs.

For example:



Just, "What is your six anywhereings, anywhenings in an metabolic~evolveings omnimensional hologram?"

Is it always aft relativeq your platform?

Doug - 26Sep2016.
7 Hay~finalMem



..."among those;"

among those...]

8 Aleph~Sheen~Raysh





~1~ ~{300 200}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
9 Lammed~Aleph





10 Qof~Bayt~Lammed~Waw


[Qabalo, Qabala:

..."Qabalic cosmic vital~impetus destroying dialectical illusionsc-delusionsc of all masculinec-fecundc somaticc existentialc metabolismingsc;"

Qabalic cosmic vital~impetus destroying dialectical illusionsc-delusionsc of all masculinec-fecundc somaticc existentialc metabolismingsc...]

In idiom it appears that kingdom refers Qabala's Game of Life.

An enormous Revelation in Revelation II:



Triple Ille sema issi Qabala spelled out in Autiot colors of ~Qof~Bayt~Lammed~.

Mosheh's Exodus 3:14 Revelatory version of Qabala issi Ehieh:


. . .

Let's parse ~Qof~Bayt~Lammed~Waw: assa "Cosmic vital~impetus destroying dialectical illusionsc-delusionsc of all masculinec-fecundc somaticc existentialc metabolismingsc."

Too, let's parse ~Aleph~Hay~Yod~Hay: assa "Vital~impetus livingq, existenceq livingq."

Doug - 28Sep2016.
11 Mem~Lammed~Khaf~Waw~Tav



..."of kingdom's existentialq biosphereingsq of existentialq metabolicq fecundq grailingsq of cosmic vital impedanceings;"

of kingdom's existentialq biosphereingsq of existentialq metabolicq fecundq grailingsq of cosmic vital impedanceings...]

In idiom this means, apparently, kingdom.

~{40 ~30.20.6~ ~400}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~{40 ~existential~metabolic~fecund~grailings~ of ~400}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~{existential~biosphereings~ of ~30.20.6~ ~cosmic~vital~impedanceings}~ cowithihn ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Doug - 18,28Sep2016.
12 Ayn~Dallet



..."even until;"

even until...]

13 Hay~Noun~Hay



..."divineq lifeq emersces and quantizes assa;"

divineq lifeq emersces cavitationingsq of quantization's freedomq, uncertaintyq, and peaceq assa...]

~{5 ~{50}~ ~5}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~{5 ~{divineq lifeq principleingsq}~ ~5}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Hanah of course is a precious female name! In idiom Hannah.

~Noun~Noun~ thence issi ~{~{50 50}~}~ assa ~divinity~of~quantum~life~principleings~of~quantizationings~.

Doug - 16Aug2016, 28Sep2016.
14 Raysh~Qof



..."temporalq~atemporalq universal cosmic vital~impetus assa;"

temporalq~atemporalq universal cosmic vital~impetus assa...]

Imagine energyings flowing from Tav through Sheen then Raysh then Qof.

Doug surmises Suares would describe this as Qof being re temporalized so that Aleph.1 may re temporalize cowithihn existenceings.

Keep in mind that Qof.100 perpetually straddles both flux and isoflux.

Aleph.1 issi only tentative and needs "laser pumping" to return to actualityings.

Compare two rolesq and situationsq of laser pumping as prayer and meditation.

Doug - 28Sep2016.
15 Lammed~Sheen~Ayn~Hay



..."metabolicallyq exalted cowithihn immanent oneq [Iht] whose livingq enlighteningsq arera evolveingsq cowithihn all of usq;"

metabolicallyq exalted cowithihn immanent oneq [Iht] whose livingq enlighteningsq arera evolveingsq cowithihn all of usq...]

~{30 300}~ ~70.5~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
16 Aleph~Hhayt~Tav





Compare Alat as "Theme of Song of Songs."

Fathom Ahhat as "Blessingq of all metabolicq realityingsq."
17 Mem~Mem~Sheen~Lammed~Hay



..."evolvingq waters (people) of Hær authority both cosmic~ and existential~metabolicq livesq;"

evolvingq waters (people) of Hær authority both cosmic~ and existential~metabolicq livesq...]

Sheen~Lammed~Hay issi Shelah which in idiom means Hær.

So Doug issi inferring that this word means Ve'Maim'Shelah.

Which in idiom issi "and living energyings, living waters of Hær."

. . .

~{40 40}~ ~{300 30}~ ~5~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

(all of usq)


waters bilateral naked cavitationings while cowithihn divinely resonant waters qwf~tunnelings~superposeings~refractionings~reflectionings being~evolveing~adapting


spiritually qwf~vibrationings of Hær authority coobsfectings


descendant ~peaceful~uncertain~free~ qwf~cavitationings unpopulated descendant ~peaceful~uncertain~free~ qwf~reverberationings cowithihn


gradually evolveings all


cowithihn Hær


Doug - 31Mar2016, 28Sep2016.

18 Khaf~Mem~Lammed~Khaf~Yod~finalMem



..."of kings;"

of kings...]

~{20 ~{40 ~30~ ~20}~ ~10~ ~600}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
19 Yod~Qof~Bayt~Lammed~Waw


[Ye'Qabalo, Ye'Qabala:

..."obeying existential Qabalic cosmic vital~impetus destroying dialectical illusionsc-delusionsc of all masculinec-fecundc somaticc existentialc metabolismingsc;"

obeying existential Qabalic cosmic vital~impetus destroying dialectical illusionsc-delusionsc of all masculinec-fecundc somaticc existentialc metabolismingsc...]

In idiom it appears that kingdom refers Qabala's Game of Life.

An enormous Revelation in Revelation II:



Triple Ille sema issi Qabala spelled out in Autiot colors of ~Qof~Bayt~Lammed~.

Mosheh's Exodus 3:14 Revelatory version of Qabala issi Ehieh:


. . .

Let's parse ~Qof~Bayt~Lammed~Waw: assa "Cosmic vital~impetus destroying dialectical illusionsc-delusionsc of all masculinec-fecundc somaticc existentialc metabolismingsc."

Too, let's parse ~Aleph~Hay~Yod~Hay: assa "Vital~impetus livingq, existenceq livingq."

Doug - 28Sep2016.
20 Ayn~finalMem



..."and with;"

and with all lightingsq, all that which issi n¤t, cowithihn cosmic~biosphereings isoenergyings...]

21 Hay~Hhayt~Yod~Hay



..."another livingc, in this case a dialecticalc beastc;"

another livingc, in this case a dialecticalc beastc...]

~{5 ~8.10~ ~5}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~{livingc~ ~8.10~ ~livingq}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

We see a "two lives" heretical choice of either livingc or livingq.

This shows us an explicit tell of sentient free will.

However it also warns us that choosing livingc is Error. Why? Well, quite simply, a dialectical choice of livingc tacitly presumes-denies Aleph cowithihn blood, it denies Iht issi cowithihn us.

It presumes an ideal Platonic, Aristotelian, Newtonian, et al., objective-material-formal-mechanical reality.

However Qabalic reality, quantum~reality, holografluxic reality issi n¤ne of those 'things.'

Doug - 27-28Sep2016.

©Quantonics, Inc., 2016-2030

And ten (we may view this as ~5.5~ as two lives: following topos of two Autiot free will lives: hylic(c,c), psychic(q,c), pneumatic(q,q))
{See threefold exegesis in introduction to verse 11. Pay attention to Revelation's Existential.Yod.10 as free will choicesq of lifeq assa ~{Hay.5~Hay.5}~}
of y~¤ur livingq cosmic~vital~impetusings comtaining quantized principleingsq of lifeq existenceingsq cosmically~biosphered
witnessingq livesq
of kings
among those
found n¤
Qabalicq cosmic vital~impetus destroying dialectical illusionsc-delusionsc of all masculinec-fecundc somaticc existentialc metabolismingsc
of kingdom's existentialq biosphereingsq of existentialq metabolicq fecundq grailingsq of cosmic vital impedanceings,
even until
divineq lifeq emersces cavitationingsq of quantization's freedomq, uncertaintyq, and peaceq assa
temporalq~atemporalq universal cosmic vital~impetus assa
metabolicallyq exalted cowithihn immanent oneq [Iht] whose livingq enlighteningsq arera evolveingsq cowithihn all of usq
evolvingq waters (people) of Hær authority both cosmic~ and existential~metabolicq livesq
of kings
obeying existential Qabalicq cosmic vital~impetus destroying dialectical illusionsc-delusionsc of all masculinec-fecundc somaticc existentialc metabolismingsc,
and with all lightingsq, all that which issi n¤t, cowithihn cosmic~biosphereings isoenergyings
emerged another livingc, in this case a dialecticalc beastc.

Doug - 28Sep2016.


©Quantonics, Inc., 2016-2030

Retranslation of Revelation XVII:13

Doug - 28Sep2016.

Revelation XVII Letter~Text Spelled Out


(some guesses)

An Internet Literal
(some altered by Doug)

Doug's Suaresian Qabalic Translation

1 Vav~Lammed~Hay~finalMem



..."And of y~¤ur organicq livingq beingsq;"

And fecundq exaltationings of existentialq metabolicq livingq beingsq ihnto cosmic~biosphereings....]

~{6 ~30.5~ ~600}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

For a four letter word, this one issi potent!

It says, "Fecundq exaltationings of existentialq metabolicq livingq beingsq ihnto cosmic~biosphereings."

Doug - 28Sep2016.
2 Ayn~Tsadde~Hay



..."via enlightenedq existentialq structurationingsq of lifeq;"

via enlightenedq existentialq structurationingsq of lifeq...]

3 Aleph~Hhayt~Tav





Compare Alat as "Theme of Song of Songs."

Fathom Ahhat as "Blessingq of all metabolicq realityingsq."
4 Vav~Aleph~Tav



..."and from alpha to omega;"

and from alpha to omega...]

5 Kaf~Hhayt~finalMem



..."grailingq unlimitedq spiritualq possibilityingsq ihnto cosmic~biosphereings;"

grailingq unlimitedq spiritualq possibilityingsq ihnto cosmic~biosphereings...]

6 Vav~Aleph~Tav



..."and unfortunately from alpha to omega;"

and unfortunately from alpha to omega...]

7 Mem~Mem~Sheen~Lammed~Thav~finalMem



..."many governmental fiat polemics of;"

many governmental fiat polemicsc of [self-proclaimed fiat-]existential pretentiously-divine offenders harming biospheres cosmically enduring existential dialectical-fiat-law
government-formallyc metabolizing all encounters bivalently [Satanically, hegemonously] imposingc permeable cosmic vital~impedance of cosmic~biospher

~{~{~{40 ~{40}~}~ ~{300 30}~ ~400}~ ~600}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
8 Yod~Thav~Noun~Waw



..."harassingc existential qwf~cavitationings of quantized existenceingsq via permeable vital~impedances;"

harassingc existential qwf~cavitationings of quantized existenceingsq via permeable vital~impedances...]

9 Lammed~Hhayt~Yod~Hay



..."deprivingc usq of spiritualq metabolicq livingq existenceingsq;"

deprivingc usq of spiritualq metabolicq livingq existenceingsq...]

©Quantonics, Inc., 2016-2030

And fecundq exaltationings of existentialq metabolicq livingq beingsq ihnto cosmic~biosphereings,
via enlightenedq existentialq structurationingsq of lifeq
and from alpha to omega,
grailingq unlimitedq spiritualq possibilityingsq ihnto cosmic~biosphereings,
and unfortunately from alpha to omega,
many governmental fiat polemicsc of [self-proclaimed fiat-]existential pretentiously-divine offenders harming biospheres cosmically enduring existential dialectical-fiat-law...
...government-formallyc metabolizing all encounters bivalently [Satanically, hegemonously] imposingc permeable cosmic vital~impedance of cosmic~biosphereings,
harassingc existential qwf~cavitationings of quantized existenceingsq via permeable vital~impedances
deprivingc usq of spirituallyq metabolicq livingq existenceingsq.

Doug - 28Sep2016.


©Quantonics, Inc., 2016-2030

Retranslation of Revelation XVII:14

Doug - 28Sep2016.

Revelation XVII Letter~Text Spelled Out


(some guesses)

An Internet Literal
(some altered by Doug)

Doug's Suaresian Qabalic Translation

1 Hay~Mem~Hay



..."Wæ who arera aliveq and livingq who are exemplarsq of;"

Wæ who arera aliveq and livingq who are exemplarsq of...]

~{5 ~40~ ~5~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
2 Yod~Lammed~Hhayt~Mem~Waw



..."fecundq existentialq spiritualq metabolicq biospheres of usq;"

fecundq existentialq spiritualq metabolicq biospheres of usq,...]

3 Vayt~Seen~Hay



..."somaticq livingq focusedq cosmic metabolismsq;"

somaticq livingq focusedq cosmic metabolismsq...]

4 Vav~Hay~Seen~Hay



..."and y~¤ur divine livingq focusedq cosmic metabolismsq;"

and y~¤ur divine livingq focusedq cosmic metabolismsq...]

This says literally, "Fecund life, focused cosmic life:" again "two lives."

We might write, "Y~¤ur fecund lives cowithihn focused cosmic lives."

Doug - 28Sep2016.
5 Yod~Waw~Khaf~Lammed



..."fecundq existenceingsq metabolicq grailingsq of;"

fecundq existenceingsq metabolicq grailingsq of...]

6 Lammed~Hay~finalMem



..."y~¤ur organicq livingq beingsq;"

existentialq metabolicq livingq beingsq cowithihn cosmic~biosphereings....]

7 Kaf~Yod





8 Hay~Waw~Aleph



..."of usq with;"

of usq with..]

9 Aleph~Dallet~Noun~Yod



..."y~¤ur lord of;"

y~¤ur lord of vital~impetusings gatewayveingsq existentialq lifeq principleingsq of freedomq, uncertaintyq and peaceq...]

~{1 ~4.50~ ~10}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
10 Hay~Aleph~Dallet~Noun~Yod~finalMem



..."y~¤ur lord of lords;"

y~¤ur lord of lords vital~impetusings gatewayveingsq existentialq lifeq principleingsq of freedomq, uncertaintyq and peaceq. cowithihn cosmic biosphereings..]

~{5 ~{1 ~4~ ~50}~ ~10}~ ~600~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

We see quantum~gatewayve~overlap~super~positionings of life~principleings and vital~impetusings cowithihn existenceings cosmically~biosphered.

Doug - 28Sep2016.
11 Vav~Mem~Lammed~finalKhaf



..."and a king's cosmic grailings,;"

and a king's cosmic grailings,...]

This issi sometimes referred as 'clown king,' see Song of Songs Chapters I and III.

Doug - 28Sep2016.
12 Hay~Mem~Lammed~Khaf~Yod~finalMem



..."many kings;"

many kings assa living existential biospheres metabolically grailings existenceings cowithihn cosmic biosphereings...]

Kings' energy declination ~ issi telling...

Kings too fail, as does fiat, as paper and as digits.

Kings often self declare. Bogus money pretentiously self declares!

It's time to dump pretentious self-declaration.

Doug - 28Sep2016.
13 Vav~Aleph~Sheen~Raysh



..."and witnessingsq;"

and witnessingsq...]

14 Ayn~Mem~Waw



..."enlightenedq biospheric fecundityings'q;"

enlightenedq biospheric fecundityings'q...]

15 Qof~Raysh~Aleph~Yod~finalMem



..."many desiderationings;"

many desiderationings...]

~{100 ~200~ ~{1}~ ~10}~ ~600~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
16 Vav~Vayt~Hhayt~Yod~Raysh~Yod~finalMem



..."and fathoming of somaticq spiritualq divineq qwf~cavitational existenceingsq cowithihn universal cosmic biosphereings of;"

and fathomings of somaticq spiritualq divineq qwf~cavitational existenceingsq cowithihn universal cosmic biosphereings of...]

~{6 ~{2 ~8~ ~{10 ~200}~ ~10}~ ~600}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
17 Vav~Noun~Aleph~Mem~Noun~Yod~finalMem



..."many fecundq Mothers qwf~cavitational lifeq principleingsq of vital impetus of biosphereings cowithihn existenceingsq cowithihn cosmic biosphereings;"

many fecundq Mothers qwf~cavitational lifeq principleingsq of vital impetus of biosphereings cowithihn existenceingsq cowithihn cosmic biosphereings...]

~{6 ~{50 ~{1 ~{40 ~50}~ ~10}~ ~600}~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
18 Hay~Mem~Hay



..."of usq who arera aliveq and livingq who are exemplarsq of;"

of usq who arera aliveq and livingq who are exemplarsq of...]

~{5 ~40~ ~5~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

©Quantonics, Inc., 2016-2030

Wæ who arera aliveq and livingq who are exemplarsq of
fecundq existentialq spiritualq metabolicq biospheres of usq,
somaticq livingq focusedq cosmic metabolismsq,
and y~¤ur divine livingq focusedq cosmic metabolismsq
fecundq existenceingsq metabolicq grailingsq of
existentialq metabolicq livingq beingsq cowithihn cosmic~biosphereings,
of usq with
y~¤ur lord of vital~impetusings gatewayveingsq existentialq lifeq principleingsq of freedomq, uncertaintyq and peaceq,
y~¤ur lord of lords vital~impetusings gatewayveingsq existentialq lifeq principleingsq of freedomq, uncertaintyq and peaceq. cowithihn cosmic biosphereings,
and a king's cosmic grailings,
many kings assa living existential biospheres metabolically grailings existenceings cowithihn cosmic biosphereings,
and witnessingsq
enlightenedq biospheric fecundityings'q
many desiderationings,
and fathomings of somaticq spiritualq divineq qwf~cavitational existenceingsq cowithihn universal cosmic biosphereings of
many fecundq Mothers qwf~cavitational lifeq principleingsq of vital impetus of biosphereings cowithihn existenceingsq cowithihn cosmic biosphereings
of usq who arera aliveq and livingq, who are exemplarsq.

Doug - 28Sep2016.


©Quantonics, Inc., 2016-2030

Retranslation of Revelation XVII:15

Doug - 29Sep2016.

Revelation XVII Letter~Text Spelled Out


(some guesses)

An Internet Literal
(some altered by Doug)

Doug's Suaresian Qabalic Translation

1 Vav~Yod~Aleph~Mem~Raysh



..."And saying;"

And saying...]

~6~ ~{10 1}~ ~40.200~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
2 Aleph~Lammed~Yod



..."unto all;"

unto all...]

~{1 ~30~ ~10}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Movie Eli issi a real treat, in Doug's opine. Watch it.

An amazing futuristic Chautauqua.

Imagine one who has qua to recall entire text of both old and new testaments.

At end of movie carefully examine names of texts shown on a bookshelf.

Issi He blind? Are wæ? Arera y¤u?

Profundities of Gnosticq Individualismq...

What did Jeshua mean when he said, "Eli, Eli, Lama Sabakthani?"

In The Paraphrase of Shem (VII, I) Intro., Sabakah issi equivalent Gnoses' John the Baptist (an radical anti gnostic dialectical DIQhead). I.e., baptism issi an nous entrapment, literally.

Eh? "Institutional-social-classical-religion issi an opiate of mind, a trap."

Again, Doug reminds you that he sees selfq assa Quantum~Chaldæan~Gnostic playing Qabala's Game of Life.

Stuff of Abraham before organized religion, before Islam, before Israel and so many state-ic mechanical masculine testicular dialectical abominations emanating from them.

Read William Blake and Herman Melville... read Heraclitus' fragments...

Doug - 22Sep2016.
3 Hay~Mem~Yod~finalMem



..."among the livingq watersq (peopleq);"

among the livingq watersq (peopleq)...]

~5~ ~{40 ~10~ ~600}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
4 Hay~Hay~finalMem



..."the divineq livingq beingsq amongq usq;"

the divineq livingq beingsq amongq usq...]

~{~{5 5}~}~ ~600~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
5 Aleph~Sheen~Raysh



..."And wæ witness;"

And wæ witness...]

~1~ ~{300 200}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
6 Raysh~Aleph~Yod~Tav





~200~ ~{1 10}~ ~400~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
7 Aleph~Sheen~Raysh



..."And wæ witness;"

And wæ witness...]

~1~ ~{300 200}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
8 Hay~Zayn~Waw~Noun~Hay



..."of cavitatingq livesq of unlimited potentiaq of fecundationingsq overlappingq~superposeingq cavitationingsq of existentialq lifeq principleingsq resonantlyq livingq cowithihn;"

of cavitatingq livesq of unlimited potentiaq of fecundationingsq overlappingq~superposeingq cavitationingsq of existentialq lifeq principleingsq resonantlyq livingq cowithihn...]

Idiom for this word issi prostitute, whore, harlot...

Just doesn't seem to fit role and situation here.

Issue appears to be one of male hatred for women's superior spiritual qua.

Recall Jeshua wanted Magdalene to be head of his spiritual followers.

Apparently the 'Johns' hated this meme. Doug's opine based on research.

~{5 ~7.6~ ~{50}~ ~5}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~{5 ~7.6~ ~{overlapping~cavitationings~of~existential~life~principleings}~ ~5}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~{5 ~unlimited~potentia~of~fecundationings~ ~{50}~ ~5}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~{cavitating~lives~ of ~7.6~ ~{50}~ ~resonantly~living~cowithihn}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Doug - 22,29Sep2016.
9 Yod~Sheen~Vayt~Tav



..."Hær blessed sitting;"

Hær blessed sitting...]

We might thinkq, here, of sitting as both witnessing and endorsement together.

Doug - 23Sep2016.
10 Ayn~Lammed~Yod~Hay~finalMem



..."settleingsq on new lands of omniversal Lightingsq existentiallyq metabolizedq over y~¤ur beingsq divineq livingsq;"

settleingsq on new lands of omniversal Lightingsq existentiallyq metabolizedq over y~¤ur beingsq divineq livingsq...]

11 Ayn~Mem~Yod~finalMem



..."y~¤ur many enlightenedq instanceingsq of Iht cowithihn usq;"

y~¤ur many enlightenedq instanceingsq of Iht cowithihn usq...]

~70~ ~{40 ~10~ ~600}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
12 Vav~Hay~Mem~Noun~Yod~finalMem



..."and the many many lifeq principleingsq of usq;"

and the many many lifeq principleingsq of usq...]

~{6 ~{5 ~{40 ~50}~ ~10~ ~600}~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
13 Hay~Mem~Hay



..."wæ who arera aliveq and livingq who are exemplarsq of;"

wæ who arera aliveq and livingq who are exemplarsq of...]

~{5 ~40~ 5~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
14 Vav~Ghimel~Waw~Yod~finalMem



..."and nations unlike usq;"

and nations unlike usq, nations of fecundq exaltationings, fecundq superposeings and overlappings of all organicq movementingsq cowithihn existenceingsq...]

~{6 ~3~ ~{6}~ ~10~ ~600}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Something like this, "Fecund exaltationings, fecund superposeings and overlappings of all organic movementings cowithihn existenceings."

Doug - 29Sep2016.
15 Vav~Lammed~Sheen~Noun~Waw~Tav



..."and tongues unlike y~¤urs;"

and tongues unlike y~¤urs offering fecundq qwf~cavitationings of resonantq existentialq and cosmic metabolismingsq tuneingsq of lifeq principleingsq qwf~reverberationings mitigateingsq impermeable cosmic vital impedanceings...]

~{6 ~{30 300}~ ~50~ ~6}~ ~400~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

©Quantonics, Inc., 2016-2030

And saying
unto all,
among the livingq watersq (peopleq),
the divineq livingq beingsq amongq usq,
and wæ witness
and wæ witness
of cavitatingq livesq of unlimited potentiaq of fecundationingsq overlappingq~superposeingq cavitationingsq of existentialq lifeq principleingsq resonantlyq livingq cowithihn
Hær blessed sitting
settleingsq on new lands of omniversal Lightingsq existentiallyq metabolizedq over y~¤ur beingsq divineq livingsq
y~¤ur many enlightenedq instanceingsq of Iht cowithihn usq,
and the many many lifeq principleingsq of usq,
wæ who arera aliveq and livingq who are exemplarsq,
and nations unlike usq, nations of fecundq exaltationings, fecundq superposeings and overlappings of all organicq movementingsq cowithihn existenceingsq,
and tongues unlike y~¤urs offering fecundq qwf~cavitationings of resonantq existentialq and cosmic metabolismingsq ...
...tuneingsq of lifeq principleingsq qwf~reverberationings mitigateingsq impermeable cosmic vital impedanceings.

Doug - 29Sep2016.


©Quantonics, Inc., 2016-2030

Retranslation of Revelation XVII:16

Doug - 29Sep2016.

Revelation XVII Letter~Text Spelled Out


(some guesses)

An Internet Literal
(some altered by Doug)

Doug's Suaresian Qabalic Translation

1 Vav~Ayn~Seen~Raysh



..."And ten;"

And ten (we may view this as ~5.5~ as two lives: following topos of two Autiot free will lives: hylic(c,c), psychic(q,c), pneumatic(q,q))...]

~6.70~ ~{300 200}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Ten may be thought of as Yod, as existenceings.

In verse 7 summary above, Doug wrote,

Ten - Vav~Ayn~Sheen~Raysh~Tav:6.70.300.200 assa "Fecundq enlightenmentingsq experienceingsq cosmic metabolismingsq cowithihn cosmic uni(multi~omni)versal comtainmentings."

Realize that l0 may be fathomed as 5 + 5: "two lives." In that case we may viewq those "two livesq" as antinomialq one another like this, quantons(lifeq~one~antinomialq,lifeq~two~antinomialq).

Those "two livesq" arera an expressionq of metabolismq's fluxialq ups and downs, metabolismq's anabolismingsq and catabolismingsq.
So Ten might be claimingq that "two livesq" are quantum~complementary~antinomial metabolicq.

Doug - 23,28Sep2016.
2 Hay~Qof~Raysh~Noun~Yod~finalMem



..."y~¤ur livingq cosmic~vital~impetusings comtaining quantized principleingsq of lifeq existenceingsq cosmically~biosphered;"

y~¤ur livingq cosmic~vital~impetusings comtaining quantized principleingsq of lifeq existenceingsq cosmically~biosphered...]

Doug simply cannot use idiomc of 'horn' here. It seems immature, childish. It simply does n¤t fit, in Doug's opine, roleq and situationingsq of this verse's rqcs local comtextingsq.

~{100 ~200.50~ ~10}~ ~600~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Doug - 23Aug2016.
3 Aleph~Sheen~Raysh



..."And wæ witness;"

And wæ witness...]

~1~ ~{300 200}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
4 Raysh~Aleph~Yod~Tav





~200~ ~{1 10}~ ~400~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
5 Vav~Hay~Hhayt~Yod~Hay



..."And another livingc, in this case a dialecticalc beastc;"

And another livingc, in this case a dialecticalc beastc...]

~6~ ~{5 ~8.10~ ~5}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~6~ ~{livingc~ ~8.10~ ~livingq}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

We see a "two lives" heretical choice of either livingc or livingq.

This shows us an explicit tell of sentient free will.

However it also warns us that choosing livingc is Error. Why? Well, quite simply, a dialectical choice of livingc tacitly presumes-denies Aleph cowithihn blood, it denies Iht issi cowithihn us.

It presumes an ideal Platonic, Aristotelian, Newtonian, et al., objective-material-formal-mechanical reality.

However Qabalic reality, quantum~reality, holografluxic reality issi n¤ne of those 'things.'

Doug - 27Sep2016.
6 Hay~Mem~Hay



..."wæ who arera aliveq and livingq who are exemplarsq of;"

wæ who arera aliveq and livingq who are exemplarsq of...]

~{5 ~40~ 5~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
7 Yod~Seen~Noun~Aleph~Waw




hatred assa fecundityingsq of qwf~cavitational declensioningsq from existenceingsq to vital~impetusings of quantized lifeq principleingsq of cosmic metabolismingsq...]

~{10 ~300.50~ ~1}~ ~6~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

"Fecundityings of qwf~cavitational declensionings from existenceings to vital~impetusings of quantized life principleings of cosmic metabolismings."

Doug - 29Sep2016.
8 Aleph~Tav



..."from alpha to omega;"

from alpha to omega...]

9 Hay~Zayn~Waw~Noun~Hay



..."of cavitatingq livesq of unlimited potentiaq of fecundationingsq overlappingq~superposeingq cavitationingsq of existentialq lifeq principleingsq resonantlyq livingq cowithihn;"

of cavitatingq livesq of unlimited potentiaq of fecundationingsq overlappingq~superposeingq cavitationingsq of existentialq lifeq principleingsq resonantlyq livingq cowithihn...]

Idiom for this word issi prostitute, whore, harlot...

Just doesn't seem to fit role and situation here.

Issue appears to be one of male hatred for women's superior spiritual qua.

Recall Jeshua wanted Magdalene to be head of his spiritual followers.

Apparently the 'Johns' hated this meme. Doug's opine based on research.

~{5 ~7.6~ ~{50}~ ~5}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~{5 ~7.6~ ~{overlapping~cavitationings~of~existential~life~principleings}~ ~5}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~{5 ~unlimited~potentia~of~fecundationings~ ~{50}~ ~5}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~{cavitating~lives~ of ~7.6~ ~{50}~ ~resonantly~living~cowithihn}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Doug - 22,29Sep2016.
10 Vav~Ayn~Sheen~Waw~Hay



..."fecundq livingq enlightenmentingsq cosmically metabolizingsq resonantq fecundationingsq;"

fecundq livingq enlightenmentingsq cosmically metabolizingsq resonantq fecundationingsq...]

~{6 ~70.300~ ~6}~ ~5~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
11 Ghimel~Lammed~Mem~Waw~Dallet~Hay



..."organicq movementings metabolizingq biospheres fecundationingsq gatewayveingsq lifeq;"

organicq movementings metabolizingq biospheres fecundationingsq gatewayveingsq lifeq...]

~{3 30}~ ~{40 ~6~ ~4}~ ~5~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~{qwf~cavitational ascensionings from organic movementings to existential metabolismings}~ modulateings ~{40 ~6~ ~4}~ ~5~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~{3 30}~ ~{qwf~cavitational declensionings from biospheres to gatewayveings of fecundityings}~ cowithihn ~livings~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Doug - 29Sep2016.
12 Vav~Ayn~Raysh~Mem~Hay



..."and naked livingsq;"

and naked livingsq...]

13 Vav~Aleph~Khaf~Lammed~Waw



..."and eating;"

qwf~cavitational fecundityings eating~grailing vital~impetus metabolically cowithihn qwf~reverberationings fecundityings...]

~{6 ~1.20.30~ ~6~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~{6 ~eating~grailing vital~impetus metabolically~ ~6~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~{qwf~cavitational fecundityings ~1.20.30~ ~qwf~reverberationings fecundityings~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Doug - 29Sep2016.
14 Aleph~Tav



..."from alpha to omega;"

from alpha to omega...]

15 Bayt~Seen~Raysh~Hay



..."livingq somaticq fleshq;"

livingq somaticq fleshq...]

~2~ ~{300 200}~ ~5~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~2~ ~{cosmic metabolism of flesh cosmically comtained}~ ~5~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~somatic~ ~{300 200}~ ~livings~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Doug - 29Sep2016.
16 Vav~Aleph~Tav~Hay



..."and livingq breatheings~¤ut;"

and livingq breatheings~¤ut...]

17 Yod~Seen~Raysh~Ghimel~Waw



..."chastised with;"

chastised with existentialq qwf~cavitational cosmic metabolismq qwf~reverberantly cosmically comtained resonateingsq of qwf~reverberating chastisement of organicq movementingsq whose fecundationingsq arera cowithihn Iht...]

~10~ ~{~{300 200}~ ~3}~ ~6~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~10~ ~{~{cosmic metabolism cosmically comtained}~ ~3}~ ~6~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~existential~ ~{~{300 200}~ chastisement of ~organic movementings}~ ~fecundationings~ cowithihn ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Doug - 29Sep2016.
18 Vayt~Aleph~Sheen



..."cowithihn somaticq spiritualq fireq;"

cowithihn somaticq spiritualq fireq;...]

©Quantonics, Inc., 2016-2030

And ten (we may view this as ~5.5~ as two lives: following topos of two Autiot free will lives: hylic(c,c), psychic(q,c), pneumatic(q,q))
y~¤ur livingq cosmic~vital~impetusings comtaining quantized principleingsq of lifeq existenceingsq cosmically~biosphered,
and wæ witness
and another livingc, in this case a dialecticalc beastc,
wæ who arera aliveq and livingq who are exemplarsq of
hatred assa fecundityingsq of qwf~cavitational declensioningsq from existenceingsq to vital~impetusings of quantized lifeq principleingsq of cosmic metabolismingsq,
from alpha to omega,
of cavitatingq livesq of unlimited potentiaq of fecundationingsq overlappingq~superposeingq cavitationingsq of existentialq lifeq principleingsq resonantlyq livingq cowithihn
fecundq livingq enlightenmentingsq cosmically metabolizingsq resonantq fecundationingsq
whose organicq movementings arera metabolizingq biospheres fecundationingsq gatewayveingsq lifeq,
and naked livingsq cowithihn
qwf~cavitational fecundityings eating~grailing vital~impetus metabolically cowithihn qwf~reverberationings fecundityings,
from alpha to omega,
livingq somaticq fleshq,
and livingq breatheings~¤ut
chastised with existentialq qwf~cavitational cosmic metabolismq qwf~reverberantly cosmically comtained resonateingsq of...
...qwf~reverberating chastisement of organicq movementingsq whose fecundationingsq arera cowithihn Iht
cowithihn somaticq spiritualq fireq.

. . .

Doug knows n¤t how to interpret this verse. Many words are new to Doug. Many words did n¤t appear (to Doug) in Webster's.

One meme stands out! In source 'translation,' misogynous male hegemony appears to reign. Ugh!

To say a least, this verse issi very challenging for Doug.

Doug - 29Sep2016.


©Quantonics, Inc., 2016-2030

Retranslation of Revelation XVII:17

Doug - 29Sep2016.

Revelation XVII Letter~Text Spelled Out


(some guesses)

An Internet Literal
(some altered by Doug)

Doug's Suaresian Qabalic Translation

1 Kaf~Yod





2 Hay~Aleph~Lammed~Hay~Yod~finalMem



..."cowithihn y~¤ur demiurgeingsq;"

cowithihn y~¤ur demiurgeingsq...]

~{5 ~{1 ~30~ 5}~ ~10}~ ~600~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

We vividly see a "two lives" quanton(~life~of~god~,~life~of~existenceings~).

Doug - 5Sep2016.
3 Noun~Tav~finalNoun



..."giveingsq, spreadingsq, driveingsq ihnto usq;"

giveingsq, spreadingsq, driveingsq ihnto usq...]

~{50 ~400~ ~700}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
4 Bayt~Lammed~Bayt~finalMem



..." ihnto y~¤ur heartsq;"

ihnto y~¤ur heartsq...]

~{2 ~30~ ~2}~ ~600~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
5 Lammed~Ayn~Seen~Waw~Tav



..."to do;"

to do existential metabolism seeing cosmic metabolism thermodynamically putting [focusing, to~doing] fecund~creative pressure upon vital impedance...]

~{30 ~70~ ~300}~ ~6.400~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
6 Aleph~Tav



..."from alpha to omega;"

from alpha to omega...]

7 Ayn~Tsadde~Tav~Waw



..."fecundq enlighteningsq of structurationingsq encounteringq vital impedanceings;"

fecundq enlighteningsq of structurationingsq encounteringq vital impedanceings...]

8 Vav~Lammed~Ayn~Seen~Waw~Tav



..."and to do;"

and to do existential metabolism seeing cosmic metabolism thermodynamically putting [focusing, to~doing] fecund~creative pressure upon vital impedance...]

~6~ ~{30 ~70~ ~300}~ ~6.400~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
9 Ayn~Tsadde~Hay



..."via enlightenedq existentialq structurationingsq of lifeq;"

via enlightenedq existentialq structurationingsq of lifeq...]

10 Aleph~Hhayt~Tav





Compare Alat as "Theme of Song of Songs."

Fathom Ahhat as "Blessingq of all metabolicq realityingsq."
11 Vav~Lammed~Tav~Tav



..."and to metabolicallyq give;"

and to metabolicallyq give...]

~6.30 ~{~{400 400}~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
12 Aleph~Tav



..."from alpha to omega;"

from alpha to omega...]

13 Mem~Mem~Sheen~Lammed~Thav~finalMem



..."many governmental fiat polemics of;"

many governmental fiat polemicsc of [self-proclaimed fiat-]existential pretentiously-divine offenders harming biospheres cosmically enduring existential dialectical-fiat-law
government-formallyc metabolizing all encounters bivalently [Satanically, hegemonously] imposingc permeable cosmic vital~impedance of cosmic~biospher

~{~{~{40 ~{40}~}~ ~{300 30}~ ~400}~ ~600}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
14 Lammed~Hhayt~Yod~Hay



..."deprivingc usq of spiritualq metabolicq livingq existenceingsq;"

deprivingc usq of spiritualq metabolicq livingq existenceingsq...]

15 Ayn~Dallet



..."even until;"

even until eternities of lightings...]

16 Kaf~Yod





17 Yod~Sheen~Lammed~Mem~Waw



..."it can be accomplished;"

it can be accomplished, i.e., existentially move any number of metabolismings from cosmos ihnto existenceings cowithihn fecund biosphereings,...]

~10~ ~{300 30}~ ~40.6~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~10~ ~{move any number of metabolismings from cosmos ihnto existenceings}~ ~40.6~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~existentially~ ~{300 30}~ cowithihn ~fecund biosphereings~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Doug - 29Sep2016.
18 Dallet~Vayt~Raysh~Yod





~4~ ~{2 200}~ ~10~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
19 Hay~Aleph~Lammed~Hay~Yod~finalMem



..."via and cowithihn y~¤ur demiurgeingsq;"

via and cowithihn y~¤ur demiurgeingsq...]

~{5 ~{1 ~30~ 5}~ ~10}~ ~600~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

We vividly see a "two lives" quanton(~life~of~god~,~life~of~existenceings~).

Doug - 5Sep2016.

©Quantonics, Inc., 2016-2030

cowithihn y~¤ur demiurgeingsq
giveingsq, spreadingsq, driveingsq ihnto usq
ihnto y~¤ur heartsq
to do existential metabolism seeing cosmic metabolism thermodynamically putting [focusing, to~doing] fecund~creative pressure upon vital impedance,
from alpha to omega,
fecundq enlighteningsq of structurationingsq encounteringq vital impedanceings,
and to do existential metabolism seeing cosmic metabolism thermodynamically putting [focusing, to~doing] fecund~creative pressure upon vital impedance
via enlightenedq existentialq structurationingsq of lifeq
and to metabolicallyq give,
from alpha to omega,
many governmental fiat polemicsc of [self-proclaimed fiat-]existential pretentiously-divine offenders harming biospheres cosmically enduring existential dialectical-fiat-law
government-formallyc metabolizing all encounters bivalently [Satanically, hegemonously] imposingc permeable cosmic vital~impedance of cosmic~biosphereings
deprivingc usq of spiritualq metabolicq livingq existenceingsq,
even until eternities of lightings,
it can be accomplished, i.e., existentially move any number of metabolismings from cosmos ihnto existenceings cowithihn fecund biosphereings,
via and cowithihn y~¤ur demiurgeingsq.

Doug - 29Sep2016.


©Quantonics, Inc., 2016-2030

Retranslation of Revelation XVII:18

Doug - 30Sep2016.

Revelation XVII Letter~Text Spelled Out


(some guesses)

An Internet Literal
(some altered by Doug)

Doug's Suaresian Qabalic Translation

1 Vav~Hay~Aleph~Sheen~Hay



..."And Shæ assa a divineq livingq goddess of spiritualq fireq of metabolicq reproductiveq lifeq;"

And Shæ assa a divineq livingq goddess of spiritualq fireq of metabolicq reproductiveq lifeq...]

~6~ ~{5 ~1.300~ ~5~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Eshah issi an ancient rough allegory of livingq Eve.

A subsequent of Eve, sort of...metabolicq phasesq of femininityq leading to all Marys.

Doug - 16Aug2016.
2 Aleph~Sheen~Raysh





~1~ ~{300 200}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
3 Raysh~Aleph~Yod~Tav





~200~ ~{1 10}~ ~400~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
4 Hay~Yod~Aleph



..."Yes! You!;"

Yes! You!...]

~5~ ~{10 1}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

This has an esotericq flavorq of "two livesq."

Allow 10 to be ~5.5~, then we may interpret ~{10 1}~
~{~{5 5}~ 1}~
and show it linguisticallyq as "two lives of vital~impetusings, cowithihn existenceings."

Doug - 23,26Sep2016.
5 Hay~Ayn~Yod~Raysh



..."from a city of;"

from a city of...]

Observe, obtain how 'city' issi cosmic~comtainmentings of ¤ne'sq lightingsq cowithihn existenceingsq.

Doug - 12Jun2016.
6 Hay~Ghimel~Dallet~Waw~Lammed~Hay



..."y~¤ur livingq resonantlyq G¤d metabolically evolveingsq mitochondrially cowithihn all of usq and y~¤ur having;"

y~¤ur livingq resonantlyq G¤d metabolically evolveingsq mitochondrially cowithihn all of usq and y~¤ur having...]

~{5 ~{3 ~4.6~ ~30}~ ~5~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

This issi also interpreted as great living city. Like in Mareh M'Gadolah AKA Mary Magdalene (intended feminine leader of quantum gnostic Qabala). Too, M'Gadolah may mean a great body of waters (people).

Situational godlike role sema here, to Doug, issi overwhelming...

Ha'G[aeo]dolah issi livingq mitochondrially cowithihn usq and wæ arera hologrally cowithihn Ha'G[aeo]dolah.

Waters arera cowithihn usq and wæ arera cowithihn waters.

Based upon situation and role, one may obtain how many interpretations are extant...and simple idiom, especially classical idiom, just doesn't 'cut it' anymore. Our Millennium III situationq and roleq has evolvedq into gematraic wave~functional quantum~reality away from unreal 'objective' classical, beast-like Neanderthalesque, dialectical, provincial thou shalt, one global 'socialc' order, anti CH3 canon 'law' and dogma.

Doug - 10Aug2016, 1,20Sep2016.
7 Aleph~Sheen~Raysh





~1~ ~{300 200}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
8 Hay~Yod~Aleph



..."Yes! You!;"

Yes! You!...]

~5~ ~{10 1}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

This has an esotericq flavorq of "two livesq."

Allow 10 to be ~5.5~, then we may interpret ~{10 1}~
~{~{5 5}~ 1}~
and show it linguisticallyq as "two lives of vital~impetusings, cowithihn existenceings."

Doug - 23,26Sep2016.
9 Ghimel~Vayt~Raysh~Tav



..."overpowered and defeated;"

overpowered and defeated...]

~3~ ~{2 200}~ ~400~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~3~ ~{exaltationings from soma to universal structurationings}~ of ~400~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~organic movementings~ of ~{2 200}~ ~cosmic vital impedanceings~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Doug - 30Sep2016.
10 Mem~Mem~Lammed~Khaf~Waw~Tav



..."all the kings;"

all the kings...]

~{~{40 40}~ ~30.20.6~ 400}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
11 Hay~Aleph~Raysh~Tsadde



..."of the earth;"

of the earth...]

©Quantonics, Inc., 2016-2030

And Shæ assa a divineq livingq goddess of spiritualq fireq of metabolicq reproductiveq lifeq

Yes! You!

from a city of
y~¤ur livingq resonantlyq G¤d metabolically evolveingsq mitochondrially cowithihn all of usq and y~¤ur having

Yes! You!

overpowered and defeated
all the kings
of the earth.

Doug - 30Sep2016.


Doug Renselle
Quantonics, Inc.
Suite 18 #368 1950 East Greyhound Pass
Carmel, INdiana 46033-7730

©Quantonics, Inc., 2016-2030 - Rev. 22-30Sep2016 PDR - Created: 22Sep2016  PDR
