
Doug's Translation
Revelation XXI
Verses 1-27
Mimicking Carlo Suares'
Thermodynamic Qabala

Regarding Revelation XXI:1-27:

Doug is using a Hebrew version of Revelation which he found on Internet, and has now lost that URL. Doug will restore that reference here when he finds it. Revelation issi about 2000 years old, so there issi a good chance we may find an actual Hebrew version of it. Some resources claim there issi only Greek (perhaps other n¤n Hebrew) versions of Revelation extant. It may be that this version Doug found is reverse engineered from English, perhaps Greek. For Doug that issi problematic. Autiot has semitic Values in it which are impossible to con(m)vey in English and Greek. Both of those languages, mostly due their formal dialectic, are already extinct. They just do n¤t realize it...yet.

To retranslate Revelation in Suares' quantum~hologral~fluxodynamic language, we need a legend of Autiot and their Gematria. Let's use Suares' Letter~Numbers as our reference:

Following three linguistic energy~flows are from finalTsadde; These may also be described as energy~flowings from Aleph. Those antinomialq readings vastly omniffer one another...quantum~realityings do not obey classical dogma of state-ic equivalence relations. Too, column flows both up and down have antinomialq roleq and situationingsq significance.

Ask self, "Self, how does one complementaroceiveq Suares' situationq and roleq in each comtextingq?

I. "Hey Doug! What happens when we simply read top~archetypal line above from right to left?"

It reads, thermofluxicallyq, Aut 9 through 1, somewhat like this,

"Wavicular~cellularq structurationingsq returning to unlimitedq possibilityingsq of spirit'sq unlimitedq potentiaq which reasserts its copulativeq powers of fecundityingsq and generativeq lifeq qua which can partiallyq openq and partiallyq closeq gatewayveingsq and exhibitq organic~metabolicq~movementings of somaq whose creativeq sourceq issi vital~impetusq."

Doug - 9Oct2016.

. . .

Doug, "If we did QCS™ script for row one's 1-9 gematria, what would it look like?"


After QCS™:

~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

There are n¤ intra row patterns of qwfal cavitationings!

"What about row two?"


After QCS™:

~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Again, n¤ intra row qwfal cavitationings.

"Row three?"


Hmmm... After QCS™:

~100~ ~{200 300}~ ~400.500.600.700.800.900~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

"But Doug, What does that mean?"

Doug's answer issi over simplified, but biggest semaq is what Doug refers quantum~straddleing.

That ~{200 300}~ cavitation pattern shows a quanton(cosmos,spirit) complementaryq~antinomialq straddleq. Another big semaq issi that straddleq issi qwfally palindromicq. Quantons(Raysh,Shyar) in quantum~interrelationshipings with Sheen which we may narrate assa quantons(quantons(Raysh~Shyar),Sheen). Straddleing issi a crucial memeq for archetypalq, existentialq, and cosmicq metabolismingsq: column three of our table: 3.30.300. Imagine impact of straddleingq relevant each of those three Aut. Another big semaq issi one of energy~mirroringq and projectedq energyings vis-a-vis energyings' projectioningsq cowithihn quantum~realityings. Biggest semaq of all issi that Doug's quantum~straddleings omniscribe Atta's loop and Doug's middle~including equalsq sign: . That equalsq sign and Atta's loop are all about metabolismingsq and their straddleingsq at all scales of realityingsq.

To make this relevant modern quantum Hologralexology™, tunnelingq, superposeingq, entangleingq, cancellationq, lightingsq, soundingsq, scintillationingsq, et al., are phenomenaq interrelated with memesq of straddleingsq.

"So where do most cavitationingq patterns appear, Doug?"

With a few exceptions, divine self~interrelationshipings like ~{~{~Yod.10~ ~Yod.10~}~}~, which issi a divine way of saying god assa viewed existentiallyq. Doug may generalize that like this: ~{~{~Aut.N~ ~Aut.N~}~}~. Every Aut may divinely cavitate with itself: fractal~recursive self~reference. One other way is intra column cavitationingsq. Photons may (and do~due) cavitate selves.

Exceptions include ~{40 600}~, ~{50 700}~, etc. Some row two Aut have finals. Those emerqq cavitationq patterns. There may be special cases, it can become un~simple rapidly.

Once you approach initiate status ihn Qabala, it becomes 'easier.' It has taken Doug a minimum of five years to evolveq to where he currently believes his beingq issi.

Doug - 21Oct2016.

Table of Autiot's 27 Letters in Three Rows of Nine
Transcribed from Carlo Suares' Cipher of Genesis
Doug Renselle

Revelation XXI:1

Revelation XXI:2

Revelation XXI:3

Revelation XXI:4

Revelation XXI:5

Revelation XXI:6

Revelation XXI:7

Revelation XXI:8

Revelation XXI:9

Revelation XXI:10

Revelation XXI:11

Revelation XXI:12

Revelation XXI:13

Revelation XXI:14

Revelation XXI:15

Revelation XXI:16

Revelation XXI:17

Revelation XXI:18
 Revelation XXI:19  Revelation XXI:20

Revelation XXI:21

Revelation XXI:22

Revelation XXI:23

Revelation XXI:24

Revelation XXI:25

Revelation XXI:26

Revelation XXI:27

©Quantonics, Inc., 2016-2030

Retranslation of Revelation XXI:1

Doug - 21Oct2016.

Revelation XXI Letter~Text Spelled Out


(some guesses)

An Internet Literal
(some altered by Doug)

Doug's Suaresian Qabalic Translation

1 Vav~Aleph~Raysh~Aleph



..."And wæq sawq;"

And wæq sawq...]

~6 ~{~{1 ~200~ ~1}~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

We might viewq this as another "twoq livesq" phenomenonq.

Life 1: vital~impetus of fecundityings, and

Life 2: vital~ impetus of cosmic~comtainmentings.

Too fathom seeingq as another way of saying (beginnings of) A Quantum~World~View, standingunderingsq, quantum~democracy, buckyball votingq, etc.

Such Quantum~World~View might appear hologrally as another "two [hologrally many] lives" phenomeq.

Life 1: cavitationalq vital~impetusings of omniversal~emerqancyings,
Life 2: reverberationalq omniversal~emerqancyings of vital~impetusings.

Our cavs are n¤t bicursalc, rather they must be hermeneutedq assa holograllyq, buckyballesqueq omnicursalq.

~At~Ta~ fermionicityingsq are shown as 2D limited bicursalc cavs and revs. In realityingsq cav to rev and (Aleph~Tav) rev (Tav~Aleph) to cav pathwayveingsq arera hologral, omni~pathwayveingsq . In place of simple up~downs, in~outs, etc., we sææ 'toroids' of half~sinus h~bar (h) antinomialq complementaryq~pathwayveingsq.

Note that those h~bar antinomial~complements do n¤t have to reside in a 2D plane! Each h~bar represents one cuneiform quantum 'stroke.' Ihn quantum~politics, one 'stroke' issi fastest a quantum democratic vote may occur.

Recall, cavitationally, Feynman's many paths (many flux trajectories) meme.

Doug - 4Aug2016, 23Sep2016, 12Oct2016.
2 Sheen~Mem~Yod~finalMem



..."the skies;"

the skies...]

~300~ ~{40 ~10~ ~600}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
3 Hhayt~Dallet~Sheen~Yod~finalMem



..."a new;"

a new...]

4 Vav~Aleph~Raysh~finalTsadde





5 Hhayt~Dallet~Sheen~Hay



..."newq and feminineq;"

newq and feminineq...]

6 Kaf~Yod





7 Hay~Sheen~Mem~Yod~finalMem



..."the skies;"

the skies...]

~5.300~ ~{40 ~10~ ~600}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
8 Hay~Raysh~Aleph~Sheen~Noun~Yod~finalMem



..."and the first existentialq;"

and the first existential.q..]

~{5 ~{200 ~{1 ~300}~ ~50}~ ~10}~ ~600~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
9 Vav~Hay~Aleph~Raysh~finalTsadde





10 Hay~Raysh~Aleph~Sheen~Waw~Noun~Hay



..."the first fecundq lifeq;"

the first fecundq lifeq...]

~{5 ~{200 ~1~ ~300}~ ~6~ ~{50}~ ~5}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
11 Ayn~Vayt~Raysh~Waw



..."adaptsq to possibilityingsq;"

adapts to possibilityingsq of y~¤ur lives' lightingsq at home cowithihn cosmic comtainment...]

~70~ ~{2 200}~ ~6~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
12 Vav~Hay~Yod~finalMem



..."lifeq con(m)ferring existenceingsq upon all y~¤ur biosphereingsq;"

lifeq con(m)ferring existenceingsq upon all y~¤ur biosphereingsq...]

~{6 ~5.10~ ~600}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
13 Aleph~Yod~Noun~Noun~Waw



..."qwf~cavitational ascensionq from vital~impetus ihnto existenceings divineq qwf~cavitational lifeq principleingsq of FUPings cowithihn all livingsq;"

qwf~cavitational ascensionq from vital~impetus ihnto existenceings divineq qwf~cavitational lifeq principleingsq of FUPings cowithihn all livingsq...]

~{1 10}~ ~{~{50 ~{50}~}~ ~5}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~{cavitational~ascension~from~vital~impetus~ihnto~existenceings}~ ~{~{50 ~{50}~}~ ~5}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~{1 10}~ ~{~{divine qwf~cavitational life principleings of FUPings}~}~ ~living}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

A simpler parse shows enlightenings experienceings quantization's life principleings alive, where enlightenings issi Ayn assa 1.10.5. We ignore divine cavitationings of Noun in order to do that, however.

Doug - 26Sep2016.
14 Ayn~Waw~Dallet



..."cowithihn any lightq,;"

cowithihn any lightq,...]

©Quantonics, Inc., 2016-2030

And wæq sawq
in the skies
a new
newq and feminineq
the skies,
and the first existentialq
the first fecundq lifeq
adapting to possibilityingsq of y~¤ur lives' lightingsq at home cowithihn cosmic comtainment
lifeq con(m)ferring existenceingsq upon all y~¤ur biosphereingsq
and their qwf~cavitational ascensioningsq from vital~impetus ihnto existenceings divineq qwf~cavitational lifeq principleingsq of FUPings cowithihn all livingsq
cowithihn any lightq.

Doug - 21Oct2016.


©Quantonics, Inc., 2016-2030

Retranslation of Revelation XXI:2

Doug - 22Oct2016.

Revelation XXI Letter~Text Spelled Out


(some guesses)

An Internet Literal
(some altered by Doug)

Doug's Suaresian Qabalic Translation

1 Vav~Aleph~Raysh~Aleph



..."And wæq sawq;"

And wæq sawq...]

~6 ~{~{1 ~200~ ~1}~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

We might viewq this as another "twoq livesq" phenomenonq.

Life 1: vital~impetus of fecundityings, and

Life 2: vital~ impetus of cosmic~comtainmentings.

Too fathom seeingq as another way of saying (beginnings of) A Quantum~World~View, standingunderingsq, quantum~democracy, buckyball votingq, etc.

Such Quantum~World~View might appear hologrally as another "two [hologrally many] lives" phenomeq.

Life 1: cavitationalq vital~impetusings of omniversal~emerqancyings,
Life 2: reverberationalq omniversal~emerqancyings of vital~impetusings.

Our cavs are n¤t bicursalc, rather they must be hermeneutedq assa holograllyq, buckyballesqueq omnicursalq.

~At~Ta~ fermionicityingsq are shown as 2D limited bicursalc cavs and revs. In realityingsq cav to rev and (Aleph~Tav) rev (Tav~Aleph) to cav pathwayveingsq arera hologral, omni~pathwayveingsq . In place of simple up~downs, in~outs, etc., we sææ 'toroids' of half~sinus h~bar (h) antinomialq complementaryq~pathwayveingsq.

Note that those h~bar antinomial~complements do n¤t have to reside in a 2D plane! Each h~bar represents one cuneiform quantum 'stroke.' Ihn quantum~politics, one 'stroke' issi fastest a quantum democratic vote may occur.

Recall, cavitationally, Feynman's many paths (many flux trajectories) meme.

Doug - 4Aug2016, 23Sep2016, 12Oct2016.
2 Vav~Hay~Noun~Hay



..."how divineq lifeq emersces and issi quantized assa;"

how fecundq divineq lifeq emersces cavitationingsq of quantization's freedomq, uncertaintyq, and peaceq assa...]

~6 ~ ~{5 ~{50}~ ~5}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~fecund~ ~{5 ~{divineq lifeq principleingsq}~ ~5}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~wave~making~ ~{5 ~{divineq lifeq principleingsq}~ ~5}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

fec: Greek make, and und: Latin waves

Hanah of course is a precious female name! In idiom Hannah.

~Noun~Noun~ thence issi ~{~{50 50}~}~ assa ~divinity~of~quantum~life~principleings~of~quantizationings~.

. . .

We may also view this as another example of "two lives:"

Life 1: ~Vav~Hay~ assa fecundq livingsq, and

Life 2: ~Noun~Hay~ assa quantized~principleingsq of livingsq.

Similar Qabala's Aleph~living~Yod~living (Ehieh), we see

[Waw | Vav]~living~Noun~living (Vahnah).

Doug - 16Jun2016, 16Aug2016.
3 Hay~Ayn~Yod~Raysh



..."Hær beloved city;"

Hær beloved city...]

4 Hay~Qof~Dallet~Waw~Sheen~Hay



..."the holy feminineq oneq;"

the holy feminineq oneq...]

~{5 ~ ~5}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

In QCS™ we fathom:


as quantum~beings qwf~cavitationally experienceingsq Mothercg assa the holy feminineq oneq

100.~perpetual~relentless ~cosmic~vital~impetusings~ destroying~all~carving~out~all ~illusions~via~perpetual~Atta~qycloidings~enabling~existential~transmutationing~evolutionings sempiternally evolving noveltyings with(~and)~

of all dialectic and dialectical illusions-delusions Iot hardened denial of Aleph cowithihn Yod formally-objectively borne of tyrannical institutional-hegemonous binary, classically mathematical


fecundq~vicissitudinalq~flowingsq of


abundantly spawningq potentiallyq pneumaticq qwf~evolutionings via


as quantum~beings qwf~reverberationally experienceingsq Mothercg assa the holy feminineq oneq


vibrationalq metabolicq evolutioningsq cowithihn Iht


. . .

Subscriptcg assa (represents analogically) Chaldæan Gnosis.

Doug - 22Oct2016.
5 Yod~Raysh~Waw~Sheen~Lammed~Yod~finalMem



..."the holy city, the new Jerusalem;"

the holy city, the new Jerusalem...]

~{10 ~{200 ~{6 ~{300}~ ~30}~ ~10}~ ~600}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

We might fathom 'rosh' assa pneumatic~spiritual head of the Star of David, the head of Sephirot.

In Doug's Sephirot, which triangle should be black, other transparent?

Issi male(white,black)?

Issi female(white,black)?

Issi Yod(white,black)?

Issi Ayn(white,black)?

Issi Tsadde(gray,black)?

Issi male(open,closed)?

Issi female(open,closed)?

Issi male(pure,corrupt)?

Issi female(pure,corrupt)?

Issi a equilateral triangle a degenerate 2D hologram?

In quantum~hologral~politics should we have 1, 2, 3, unlimited votes?

Why do[es] classical politics limit us to two? either male or female?

What do SoD's hologralq~hermaphrodicityingsq show us about stochasticsq of both maleq and femaleq?

Issi SoD's 'pair' bipolar? Why n¤t?

Keep in mind that Mothercg issi hermaphroditicq Chaldæan godhead, so Shæ issi quanton(femaleq,maleq).

Jerusalem (Yerooshalim) in idiom spelled out ends in 'im' which issi masculine plural. Translator gender bias?

-- Perhaps we should alter~evolveq it to Jeruselot[h]? --

Fathom further hermaphroditicq Mothercg assa quanton(Ha'Qadoshah,Yerooshalim)!!!

Doesn't that narrate Star of David assa hermaphroditicq Mothercg assa quanton(femaleq,maleq)?

. . .

A huge caveat for Doug here issi translators' abominable interpretations of ancient texts Autiot prefix Ha' assa the.

The issi a classically definite (certain) article.

Quantum Gnostic Chaldæan realityings arera uncertainq thus intrinsically indefinite, indeterminate.

One of many Chaldæan mantra issi, "embrace indetermination."

Doug attempts to be com[n]sistent dealing with this caveat by sub~putting most 'the' occurrences with the. Doug issi chary of doing that in his own Qabalic translations of texts (column immediate left).

Classical dialectic-languages are metastatic linguistic-cancers on earth. Opine.

Doug - 22Oct2016.
6 Hay~Hhayt~Dallet~Sheen~Hay



..."the newq and feminineq;"

the newq and feminineq...]

~{5 ~8.4.300~ ~5}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Can Doug, may Doug, ought Doug view this assa, "There issi a New Philosophyq ihn Town?"

Doug - 22Oct2016.
7 Yod~Raysh~Dallet~Tav



..."comeing down from;"

comeing down from...]

~10.200~ ~{4 400}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
8 Mem~Aleph~Tav



..."biosphereings of At,;"

biosphereings of At,...]

~{40 ~1~ ~400}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
9 Hay~Aleph~Lammed~Hay~Yod~finalMem



..."the demiurgeings;"

the demiurgeings...]

10 Mem~finalNoun



..."with many cosmic lifeq principleingsq of usq;"

with many cosmic lifeq principleingsq of usq...]

11 Hay~Sheen~Mem~Yod~finalMem



..."from livingq metabolicq skies;"

from livingq metabolicq skies...]

We might senseq here, our Sun as predominate source of photonic energyingsq of our livingq metabolicq skies. In Ille Hay is golden lightingsq AKA "Awr." Sometimes "Aur." Both pronounced roughly, "O[u]r."

~5.300~ ~{60 ~10~ ~600}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Doug - 22Oct2016.
12 Vav~Hay~Yod~Aleph



..."Oh! Yes! You!;"

Oh! Yes! You!...]

~6.5~ ~{10 1}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

This has an esotericq flavorq of "two livesq."

Allow 10 to be ~5.5~, then we may interpret ~{10 1}~
~{~{5 5}~ 1}~
and show it linguisticallyq as "two lives of vital~impetusings, cowithihn existenceings."

We superpose~entangle that with ~6.5~ as ~fecund~life~.

Three lives?

Doug - 23Sep2016.
13 Mem~Tav~Qof~Noun~Tav



..."made ready;"

made ready...]

~{~{40 ~{~{400}~ ~100.50~ ~400}~}~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~{Meta}~ ~100.50~ ~400~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~{~{40 ~{~{400}~ ~Qanat}~}~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~{~{~{ready}~ ~made}~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Doug - 22Oct2016.

~{~{40 ~{~{400}~ ~100.50~ ~400}~}~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
14 Kaf~Kaf~Lammed~Hay



..."Shæ assa divineq bride;"

Shæ assa divineq bride...]

~{~{20 20}~}~ ~30.5~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~{~{20 20}~}~ (i.e., double existential grailings) issi one way of scripting Fleur de Lis, Arcas and Callisto, hermaphrodicityings, etc.

Doug's Fibonacci Rendition of Plantard Crest's Fleur de Lis.

Arcas and Callisto

From Holy Blood, Holy Grail, Illustrated Edition.
A Fleur de Lis using Bears (Arthurs).


...1, 2, 3...


Doug - 22Oct2016.
15 Hay~Mem~Qof~Sheen~Tayt~Tav





~5~ ~{40 ~100.300.9~ ~400}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
16 Lammed~Vayt~Ayn~Lammed~Hay



..."for Hær husband;"

for Hær husband...]

~{30 ~2.70~ ~30}~ ~5~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

©Quantonics, Inc., 2016-2030

And wæq sawq
how fecundq divineq lifeq emersces cavitationingsq of quantization's freedomq, uncertaintyq, and peaceq assa
the beloved city,
the holy feminineq oneq,
the holy city, the new Jerusalem,
the newq and feminineq,
comeing down from
biosphereings of At,
the demiurgeings,
with many cosmic lifeq principleingsq of usq,
from livingq metabolicq skies,
-- Oh! Yes! You! --
made ready assa
Shæ assa divineq bride,
for Hær husband.

. . .

We fathom almost ad occulos here, how these texts use a kind of quantum~role and ~situation Fabulismq vastly unlike Aesop's Fables.
Instead of animals, these texts use personifications of patterns of quantum~flux energyings.
Hylics make a huge mistake of taking this fabulismq assa literalc.

Do n¤t do~due that!!!

Fabulismq issi quantum~fluxings patterns of energyingsq cowithihn archetypalq, existentialq, and cosmicq rolesq and situationingsq.
However, Fabulism'sq expression wholly immersed in vulgate idiom nearly destroys its linguisticq Value.

You may assess for yourself that most idiom in this verse very poorly hermeneuts~semasiologically traditional fluxodynamic scripts.
Idiom is for Hylics and Hylic~Psychics.

Pneumatics must self~educate and learn to see through idiom...
Read~study Elaine Pagels' The Johannine Gospel In Gnostic Exegesis.

Quintessentials of The Game of Life, Qabala, Ehieh.

Doug - 22Oct2016.


©Quantonics, Inc., 2016-2030

Retranslation of Revelation XXI:3

Doug - 22Oct2016.

Revelation XXI Letter~Text Spelled Out


(some guesses)

An Internet Literal
(some altered by Doug)

Doug's Suaresian Qabalic Translation

1 Vav~Aleph~Sheen~Mem~Ayn



..."And we heardq with vital~impetus from the nameq of Lightq;"

And we heardq with vital~impetus from the nameq of Lightq...]

Compare hearing and seeing, phonons and photons, quantons(scin,quan).

Observe Esh, Shem, Em, the ~names~ of fathersq and mothersq and their hermaphroditicq enlighteningsq...

Compare Esh and Eth...are they both fathers? Are they both hermaphroditic?

Doug - 20Aug2016.
2 Qof~Waw~Lammed



..."Hær voiceq of wisdomq;"

Hær voiceq of wisdomq...]

3 Ghimel~Dallet~Waw~Lammed



..."God metabolically evolveingsq cowithihn all of usq;"

God metabolically evolveingsq cowithihn all of usq...]

~{3 ~4.6~ ~30}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

This issi also interpreted as great city. Like in Mareh M'Gadolah AKA Mary Magdalene (intended feminine leader of quantum gnostic Qabala). Too, M'Gadolah may mean a great body of waters (people).

Situational godlike role sema here, to Doug, issi overwhelming...

G[aeo]dol issi cowithihn usq and wæ arera cowithihn G[aeo]dol.

Waters arera cowithihn usq and wæ arera cowithihn waters.

Based upon situation and role, one may obtain how many interpretations are extant...and simple idiom, especially classical idiom, just doesn't 'cut it' anymore. Our Millennium III situationq and roleq has evolvedq into gematraic wave~functional quantum~reality away from unreal 'objective' classical, beast-like Neanderthalesque, dialectical, provincial thou shalt, one global 'socialc' order, anti CH3 canon 'law' and dogma.

Doug - 10Aug2016, 1Sep2016.
4 Mem~finalNoun



..."with many cosmic lifeq principleingsq of and for usq;"

with many cosmic lifeq principleingsq of and for usq...]

5 Hay~Kaf~Sammekh~Aleph



..."the throne;"

the throne and grail of life principleings' feminine fecundityings' vital~impetusings...]

6 Lammed~Aleph~Mem~Raysh



..."metabolicallyq sayingq;"

metabolicallyq sayingq...]

7 Hay~Noun~Hay



..."divineq lifeq emersces and quantizes assa;"

divineq lifeq emersces cavitationingsq of quantization's freedomq, uncertaintyq, and peaceq assa...]

~{5 ~{50}~ ~5}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~{5 ~{divineq lifeq principleingsq}~ ~5}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Hanah of course is a precious female name! In idiom Hannah.

~Noun~Noun~ thence issi ~{~{50 50}~}~ assa ~divinity~of~quantum~life~principleings~of~quantizationings~.

Doug - 16Aug2016, 28Sep2016.
8 Mem~Sheen~Kaf~finalNoun



..."dwellingsq cowithihn;"

dwellingsq cowithihn...]

9 Aleph~Lammed~Hay~Yod~finalMem



..."y~¤ur demiurgeings;"

y~¤ur demiurgeings...]

~{1 ~30.5~ ~10}~ ~600~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
10 Ayn~finalMem



..."y~¤ur lightingsq cowithihn cosmic biosphereings;"

y~¤ur lightingsq cowithihn cosmic biosphereings...]

11 Bayt~Noun~Yod



..."somaticq evolutioningsq (idiom: sons) cowithihn existenceingsq;"

somaticq evolutioningsq (idiom: sons) cowithihn existenceingsq...]

12 Hay~Aleph~Dallet~finalMem



..."Adam assa vital~impetus livingsq q y~¤ur bloodq;"

Adam assa vital~impetus livingsq cowithihn y~¤ur bloodq...]

13 Vav~Sheen~Khaf~finalNoun



..."shall dwellq;"

shall dwellq assa fecundq cosmic metabolismingsq existentiallyq grailingq cosmic lifeq principleingsq of freedomq, uncertaintyq, and peaceq...]

This should be the baseline core memeo of A Millennium III New Quantum Philosophy'sq com(n)stitutionq!

Doug - 22Oct2016.
14 Bayt~Tav~Waw~Khaf~finalMem



..."ihn, cowithihn usq;"

ihn, cowithihn usq...]

~{2 ~400~ ~{6 ~20}~ ~600}~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
15 Vav~Hay~Mem~Hay



..."wæ who arera aliveq and livingq who are exemplarsq of;"

wæ who arera aliveq and livingq who are exemplarsq of...]

~6 ~{5 ~40~ ~5}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
16 Yod~Hay~Yod~Waw



..."divineq existenceingsq both livingq and fecundq;"

divineq existenceingsq both livingq and fecundq...]

~{~{10 ~5~ ~10}~}~ ~6~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
17 Lammed~Waw





18 Lammed~Ayn~finalMem



..."existentialq metabolismingsq enlighteningsq;"

existentialq metabolismingsq enlighteningsq cowithihn cosmic biosphereings...]

19 Vav~Hay~Waw~Aleph



..."coobsfectingq divineq fecundq livingsq and vital~impetus q cowithihn usq;"

coobsfectingq divineq fecundq livingsq and vital~impetus cowithihn usq...]

~{~{6 ~5~ ~6}~}~ ~1~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
20 Hay~Aleph~Lammed~Hay~Yod~finalMem



..."y~¤ur demiurgeings;"

y~¤ur demiurgeings...]

~{5 ~{1 ~30~ ~5}~ ~10}~ ~600~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
21 Yod~Hay~Yod~Hay



..."assa divineq livingq existenceingsq;"

assa divineq livingq existenceingsq...]

~{10 ~{5 ~10}~ ~5~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Again, we see entangledq overlappingq superpositioningsq.

Doug - 6Aug2016.
22 Aleph~Thav~finalMem



..."permeablyq from alpha to omega for all cosmic biospheres;"

permeablyq from alpha to omega for all cosmic biospheres...]

23 (Aleph~Lammed~Hay~Yod~Hay~finalMem)



..."(and be y~¤ur god);"

(and be y~¤ur god)...]

( ~{1 ~30~ ~{5 ~10}~ ~5}~ ~600~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~ )


Qwf 1: ~{1 ~30~ ~{5 ~10}~ ~5}~: God cowithihn usq assa y~¤ur demiurgeings,
Qwf 2: ~{1 ~{~{5 ~10}~ ~5}~}~: Qabala, The Game of Lifeq.

What issi omni(di)fference?

First qwf has ~30~. God assa metabolicq Qabala!!!

Second qwf has n¤ ~30~. Qabala~

A lesson here which appears profound to Doug, issi that demiurgeings may be substituted with, "metabolicq Qabala."

Do you suppose Suares issi turning...?

Doug - 22Oct2016.

©Quantonics, Inc., 2016-2030

And we heardq with vital~impetus from the nameq of Lightq
Hær voiceq of wisdomq
telling us God issi metabolically evolveingsq cowithihn all of usq
with many cosmic lifeq principleingsq of and for usq,
including the throne and grail of life principleings' feminine fecundityings' vital~impetusings
metabolicallyq sayingq,

"Divineq lifeq emersces cavitationingsq of quantization's freedomq, uncertaintyq, and peaceq assa
dwellingsq cowithihn
y~¤ur demiurgeings
y~¤ur lightingsq cowithihn cosmic biosphereings
somaticq evolutioningsq (idiom: sons) cowithihn existenceingsq.

"Adam assa vital~impetus livingsq cowithihn y~¤ur bloodq
shall dwellq assa fecundq cosmic metabolismingsq existentiallyq grailingq cosmic lifeq principleingsq of freedomq, uncertaintyq, and peaceq
ihn, cowithihn usq,
wæ who arera aliveq and livingq who are exemplarsq of
divineq existenceingsq both livingq and fecundq,
existentialq metabolismingsq enlighteningsq cowithihn cosmic biosphereings
coobsfectingq divineq fecundq livingsq and vital~impetus cowithihn usq,
y~¤ur demiurgeings
assa divineq livingq existenceingsq
permeablyq cowithihn usq from alpha to omega for all cosmic biosphereings."

(and be y~¤ur godq)

Doug - 22Oct2016.


©Quantonics, Inc., 2016-2030

Retranslation of Revelation XXI:4

Doug - 23Oct2016.

Revelation XXI Letter~Text Spelled Out


(some guesses)

An Internet Literal
(some altered by Doug)

Doug's Suaresian Qabalic Translation

1 Vav~Mem~Hhayt~Hay



..."And biosphereingsq livingq spiritsq;"

And biosphereingsq livingq spiritsq...]

2 Aleph~Lammed~Hay~Yod~finalMem



..."experienceingsq y~¤ur demiurgeings;"

experienceingsq y~¤ur demiurgeings...]

~{1 ~30.5~ ~10}~ ~600~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
3 Kaf~Lammed


[Kol (in any sense of wisdomq):

..."every, all and cowithihn;"

every, all and cowithihn...]

Kol may mean "k~now~ings" much.

This may be said, "One's hologram issi abundantly fledged with quanta."

Doug - 24Jun2016.
4 Dallet~Mem~Ayn~Hay



..."tears, watering eyes;"

tears, watering eyes...]

Demaah: tears.
5 Mem~Ayn~Yod~Noun~Yod~Hay~finalMem



..."of enlightenedq, principledq, existential livingq beingsq;"

of enlightenedq, principledq, existential livingq beingsq...]

~{40 ~70~ ~{10 ~{50 ~10}~ ~5}~ ~600}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~{40 ~Ayn~ ~{10 ~{50 ~10}~ ~5}~ ~600}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~{40 ~Ayn~ ~{Yod ~{Noun ~10}~ ~5}~ ~600}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

This schema shows profoundly how Autiot and its Gematria are sema of quantum language.

We see ~Ayn~ as a stand alone qwf.

We see ~Ayn~ ~{Yod ~{Noun...~ As Ayn recursively, qwfally spelled out.

Suares refers Ayn, "The general equation of the universe."

Doug, more quantumly, "Ayn, a more general m¤daling of omniverseings."

See Doug's QELR of 'model' assa m¤dæl.

Doug - 23Oct2016.
6 Vav~Hay~Mem~Waw~Tav



..."and the death;"

and the death...]

~{6 ~5~ ~{40 ~6}~ ~400}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Here, we see death assa a sub process of quantum~life's metabolic Atta cyclings. In quantumese, "Life issi cowithihn death and death issi cowithihn life," which we may script assa


Biologically it appears


All of those ~life~death~ qwfs exhibit a crucial tell of quantum~reality:

They are all quantum~complementary~antinomial flux~interrelationshipings.

Quantons, Tsvateem!!!

Doug - 23Oct2016.
7 Lammed~Aleph



..."no more shall affectq;"

no more shall affectq...]

Affectation here issi ~quantum~role~situation~hologral~.
8 Yod~Hay~Yod~Hay



..."divineq livingq existenceingsq;"

divineq livingq existenceingsq...]

~{10 ~{5 ~10}~ ~5~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Again, we see entangledq overlappingq superpositioningsq.

Doug - 6Aug2016.
9 Ayn~Waw~Dallet



..."cowithihn any lightq,;"

cowithihn any lightq,...]

10 Vav~Ghimel~Mem



..."nor also, too, even;"

nor also, too, even...]

"Fecund organic movementings cowithihn existential biosphereings."
11 Aleph~Vayt~Lammed





12 Vav~Zayn~Ayn~Qof~Hay



..."nor crying;"

nor crying...]

~6~ ~{7 70}~ ~100.5~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
13 Vav~Khaf~Aleph~Vayt



..."nor pain;"

nor pain...]

~6~ ~{20 ~1~ ~2}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
14 Lammed~Aleph



..."nor any more shall affectq;"

nor any more shall affectq...]

Affectation here issi ~quantum~role~situation~hologral~.
15 Yod~Hay~Yod~Hay



..."divineq livingq existenceingsq;"

divineq livingq existenceingsq...]

~{10 ~{5 ~10}~ ~5~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Again, we see entangledq overlappingq superpositioningsq.

Doug - 6Aug2016.
16 Ayn~Waw~Dallet



..."cowithihn any lightq,;"

cowithihn any lightq,...]

17 Kaf~Yod





18 Hay~Raysh~Aleph~Sheen~Noun~Waw~Tav



..."first feminine things;"

first feminine things...]

~{5 ~{200 ~1~ ~300}~ ~50}~ ~6.400~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Compare Ha'Reeshanot ass feminine plural vis-a-vis Ha'Reeshanim assa masculine plural.

Doug - 23Oct2016.
19 Ayn~Vayt~Raysh~Waw



..."adaptq to and pass uncertainly~peacefully ihnto all possibilityingsq;"

adaptq to and pass uncertainly~peacefully ihnto all possibilityingsq of y~¤ur lives' lightingsq at home cowithihn cosmic comtainment...]

~70~ ~{2 200}~ ~6~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

All real systems are quantum.
All quantum systems are metabolicq.
All metabolicq systems evolveq.
All evolutionaryq systems adaptq.

Recall Doug's "Just A Just™."

From Doug's October, 2005 Quantonics News:

"'Persistence cannot cope with failure.' Agree! However, we must persist at adaptation, and relinquish all persistence of 'status quo.' Persistence without adaptation to local and global conditions which are changing by seconds ,Äî not by months and not by years ,Äî now demands rapid deployment and rapid adjustment. In a sense our new mantra, whether it be for war, whether it be 'global warming,' whether it be hurricanes, whether it be tsunamis...we must learn to HotMeme™ "Just A Just."™ HotMeme™, . If any of us stands still, retains state, persists in a failing plan, we'll get run over! Vigilant awareness of endless both change and uncertainty is our most vivid quantum tell of all our operations, tactics, and strategies for adaptive success. Doug - 28Jan2007. [Grammatically Doug's "Just A Just"™ of course is "Just AdJust," but that loses palindromicity and potential for quantum~stretching of hermeneutics.] "

Doug - 23Oct2016.

©Quantonics, Inc., 2016-2030

And biosphereingsq livingq spiritsq
experienceingsq y~¤ur demiurgeings,
every, all and cowithihn
tears, watering eyes
of enlightenedq, principledq, existential livingq beingsq,
and the death
no more shall affectq
divineq livingq existenceingsq
cowithihn any lightq,
nor also, too, even,
nor crying,
nor pain,
nor any more shall affectq
divineq livingq existenceingsq
cowithihn any lightq,
first feminine things (e.g., intraq womb prokaryotic zygotesq)
adaptq to and pass uncertainly~peacefully ihnto all possibilityingsq of y~¤ur lives' lightingsq at home cowithihn cosmic comtainment.

. . .

A Quantum~Theory of Revelation

That last schema, to Doug, issi incredibly powerful. It offers exegesis for Jesus' "Do not be afraid," and
Song of Songs' verse one paraphrased
q, "[Adaptingq] Wavicles of Wavicleings sanction my peaceq."

It just dawned on Doug that we may have eked a newer version of The Four Horsemenq:

One: All real systems are quantum.
All quantum systems are metabolicq.
All metabolicq systems evolveq.
All evolutionaryq systems quantadulatively adaptq.

And in that venue we may assess Apocalypse as final destruction of metastatic classical dialectic evil.

And quintessentially:

All adaptiveq temporalq systemsq have hysteresisq!!!

Yod has hysteresisq!!!

Doug - 23Oct2016.


©Quantonics, Inc., 2016-2030

Retranslation of Revelation XXI:5

Doug - 23Oct2016.

Revelation XXI Letter~Text Spelled Out


(some guesses)

An Internet Literal
(some altered by Doug)

Doug's Suaresian Qabalic Translation

1 Vav~Yod~Aleph~Mem~Raysh



..."And saying;"

And saying...]

~6~ ~{10 1}~ ~40.200~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
2 Hay~Yod~Sheen~Vayt



..."those of usq sitting;"

those of usq sitting...]

3 Ayn~Lammed



..."again, near;"

again, near...]

4 Hay~Kaf~Sammekh~Aleph



..."Hær throne;"

Hær throne...]

5 Hay~Noun~Noun~Yod



..."have y~¤ur answer;"

have y~¤ur answer...]

6 Ayn~Sheen~Hay



..."regarding all enlightenmentingsq cosmic metabolizingsq of lifeq offering;"

regarding all enlightenmentingsq cosmic metabolizingsq of lifeq offering...]

7 Hay~Kaf~Lammed



..."y~¤ur quantum~assessmentings of all creationings;"

y~¤ur quantum~assessmentings of all creationings...]

8 Hhayt~Dallet~Sheen





9 Vav~Yod~Aleph~Mem~Raysh



..."And saying;"

And saying...]

~6~ ~{10 1}~ ~40.200~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
10 Aleph~Lammed~Yod



..."unto all;"

unto all...]

~{1 ~30~ ~10}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Movie Eli issi a real treat, in Doug's opine. Watch it.

An amazing futuristic Chautauqua.

Imagine one who has qua to recall entire text of both old and new testaments.

At end of movie carefully examine names of texts shown on a bookshelf.

Issi He blind? Are wæ? Arera y¤u?

Profundities of Gnosticq Individualismq...

What did Jeshua mean when he said, "Eli, Eli, Lama Sabakthani?"

In The Paraphrase of Shem (VII, I) Intro., Sabakah issi equivalent Gnoses' John the Baptist (an radical anti gnostic dialectical DIQhead). I.e., baptism issi an nous entrapment, literally.

Eh? "Institutional-social-classical-religion issi an opiate of mind, a trap."

Again, Doug reminds you that he sees selfq assa Quantum~Chaldæan~Gnostic playing Qabala's Game of Life.

Stuff of Abraham before organized religion, before Islam, before Israel and so many state-ic mechanical masculine testicular dialectical abominations emanating from them.

Read William Blake and Herman Melville... read Heraclitus' fragments...

Doug - 22Sep2016.
11 Kaf~Tav~Vayt



..."write regarding how;"

write regarding how...]

~{20 ~400~ ~2}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
12 Aleph~Sheen~Raysh



..."wæ thus witnessq;"

wæ thus witnessq...]

Witnessing assa ~1~ ~{cosmic straddleingsq}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Doug - 23Oct2016.
13 Hay~Dallet~Vayt~Raysh~Yod~finalMem



..."livingsq gatewayveingsq becomingq cavitationallyq~somaticallyq exaltedq ihnto omniversal emerqancyings whose existenceingsq arera cosmically biosphered;"

livingsq gatewayveingsq becomingq cavitationallyq~somaticallyq exaltedq ihnto omniversal emerqancyings whose existenceingsq arera cosmically biosphered...]

~5.4~ ~{2 200}~ ~10.600~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~living gatewayveings~ becoming ~{cavitationally~somatically exalted ihnto omniversal emerqancyings}~ ~10.600~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~5.4~ ~{2 200}~ whose ~existenceings arera cosmically biosphered~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Doug - 11Oct2016.
14 Hay~Aleph~Lammed~Hay



..."y~¤ur divine demiurge's;"

y~¤ur divine demiurge's...]

~{~{5 ~1.30~ ~5}~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

The divine individualq lifeq of ~Aleph~Lammed~, the divine individualq lifeq of El.

Doug's use of 'divine' here issi a claim that one's spiritq issi perpetual and ubiquitous (after one has transition from Beyn to Veyn).

That may take emerqancyings and de~emerqancyings of IsoVs and Isobs.

Doug - 23Oct2016.
15 Hay~Mem~Thav~Yod~finalMem



..."livingq biosphereingsq of quantons(verity,falsity);"

livingq biosphereingsq of quantons(verity,falsity)...]

~5~ ~{~{40 400}~ ~10~ ~600}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Observe that livingq biosphereingsq arera experienceingsq permeableq vital~impedanceings enableingq quantadulative quantons(scin,quan) quantum~metabolic~evolutionary~adaptationings cowithihn temporalq hysteresisq of Yod~existenceingsq.

This evolutionaryq veritable processq applies to biospheres which are both new and old, those livingq and those dyingq, those trueq and those falseq, etc.

Note that Ha'Metim offers a hint of Aleph's presence somewhat inferred assa: Ha'Emetim. Why? Truth as Emet has Met ihn it which means dead.

Em, Mother issi quantumly Mother of all livings and all dyings. Why? Quantum~reality issi metabolicq. Thinkq about it. Compare Emah and Emet.

Doug issi writing of quantonic antinomialsq which arera complementaryq, n¤t dichonic-classically 'opposite' and thus Platonically-ideally 'contradictory.'

Doug - 23Oct2016.
16 Vav~Noun~Aleph~Mem~Noun~Yod~finalMem



..."fathom many fecundq Mothers qwf~cavitational faithful lifeq principleingsq of vital impetus of biosphereings cowithihn existenceingsq cowithihn cosmic biosphereings;"

fathom many fecundq Mothers qwf~cavitational faithful lifeq principleingsq of vital impetus of biosphereings cowithihn existenceingsq cowithihn cosmic biosphereings...]

~{6 ~{50 ~{1 ~{40 ~50}~ ~10}~ ~600}~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~{6 ~{50 ~{~{faithful}~ ~10}~ ~600}~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Doug - 23Oct2016.
17 Hay~finalMem



..."to those of usq livingq biospheres;"

to those of usq livingq biospheres...]

©Quantonics, Inc., 2016-2030

And saying,

"Those of usq sitting
again, near
Hær throne
have y~¤ur answer
regarding all enlightenmentingsq cosmic metabolizingsq of lifeq offering
y~¤ur quantum~assessmentings of all creationings

And saying
unto all,

"Write regarding how
wæ thus witnessq
livingsq gatewayveingsq becomingq cavitationallyq~somaticallyq exaltedq ihnto omniversal emerqancyings whose existenceingsq arera cosmically biosphered,
and y~¤ur divine demiurge's
livingq biosphereingsq of quantons(verity,falsity)
fathom many fecundq Mothers qwf~cavitational faithful lifeq principleingsq of vital~impetus of biosphereings cowithihn existenceingsq cowithihn cosmic biosphereings
to those of usq livingq biospheres."

Doug - 23Oct2016.


©Quantonics, Inc., 2016-2030

Retranslation of Revelation XXI:6

Doug - 24Oct2016.

Revelation XXI Letter~Text Spelled Out


(some guesses)

An Internet Literal
(some altered by Doug)

Doug's Suaresian Qabalic Translation

1 Vav~Yod~Aleph~Mem~Raysh



..."And saying;"

And saying...]

~6~ ~{10 1}~ ~40.200~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
2 Aleph~Lammed~Yod



..."unto all;"

unto all...]

~{1 ~30~ ~10}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Movie Eli issi a real treat, in Doug's opine. Watch it.

An amazing futuristic Chautauqua.

Imagine one who has qua to recall entire text of both old and new testaments.

At end of movie carefully examine names of texts shown on a bookshelf.

Issi He blind? Are wæ? Arera y¤u?

Profundities of Gnosticq Individualismq...

What did Jeshua mean when he said, "Eli, Eli, Lama Sabakthani?"

In The Paraphrase of Shem (VII, I) Intro., Sabakah issi equivalent Gnoses' John the Baptist (an radical anti gnostic dialectical DIQhead). I.e., baptism issi an nous entrapment, literally.

Eh? "Institutional-social-classical-religion issi an opiate of mind, a trap."

Again, Doug reminds you that he sees selfq assa Quantum~Chaldæan~Gnostic playing Qabala's Game of Life.

Stuff of Abraham before organized religion, before Islam, before Israel and so many state-ic mechanical masculine testicular dialectical abominations emanating from them.

Read William Blake and Herman Melville... read Heraclitus' fragments...

Doug - 22Sep2016.
3 Hay~Yod~Hay



..."y~¤ur divine livingq existenceingsq;"

y~¤ur divine livingq existenceingsq...]

~{~{5 ~10~ ~5}~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
4 Noun~Hay~Yod~Tav~Hay



..."learning y~¤ur lesson of ~quantal~ lifeq principleingsq of resonantq divineq livingsq coobsfectingsq existenceingsq encounteringq vital impedanceings cavitationallyq;"

learning y~¤ur lesson of ~quantal~ lifeq principleingsq of resonantq divineq livingsq coobsfectingsq existenceingsq encounteringq vital impedanceings cavitationallyq...]

~{50 ~{5 ~10.400~ ~5}~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~{50 ~{5 ~existenceings~encountering~vital~impedanceings~ ~5}~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~{quantal~life~principleings~ of ~{divine~livings~ ~10.400~ ~divine~livings}~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Doug - 19Sep2016,24Oct2016.

5 Aleph~Noun~Yod



..."individuallyq eachq of usq has Aleph and existentialq lifeq principleingsq cowithihn our individualq existenceingsq;"

individuallyq eachq of usq has Aleph and existentialq lifeq principleingsq cowithihn our individualq existenceingsq...]

~{1 ~50~ ~10}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

In idiom and vulgately this schema means, "I, me, myself."

This issi how a Qabalist sees and quantumly~views selfq and re cognizes s~he has found he~r inner!

Finding one's inner thence memeotically di(omni)stills to standingunderq selfq assa an omnimensional hologralq ensembleq of fuzzons cowithihn realityingsq.

Partialq finding one's inner uses memeo subbing classical 'notion.'

Compare Doug's use of partialq and classical mechanical notions of 'impartial.' Quantum~realityings may n¤t be classically 'impartial.' Why? Mainly QR issi metabolic and its quantons middle~include one another.

Metabolismq and EIMAq radicallyq antagonize classical axioms of objective lisr independence and strictly determinate stability.


Doug - 24Oct2016.
6 Hay~Aleph~Lammed~finalPhay



..."the livingq Aleph issi cowithihn usq;"

the living Aleph issi cowithihn usq...]

7 Vav~Hay~Thav~Waw



..."and the livingq Omega issi cowithihn usq;"

and the livingq Omega issi cowithihn usq...]

~{~{6 ~5.400~ ~6}~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~{~{6 ~divineq livingq permeableq vital~impedanceings~ ~6}~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Doug - 24Oct2016.
8 Hay~Raysh~Aleph~Sheen



..."the beginningsq;"

the beginningsq...]

Resh may also be portrayed as Rosh: head.

Doug - 24Oct2016.
9 Vav~Hay~Sammekh~Waw~finalPhay



..."and the endingsq;"

and the endingsq...]

~{6 ~5~ ~{60}~ ~6}~ ~800~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

See Hologralexology™ of Sof.

Doug - 24Oct2016.
10 Aleph~Noun~Yod



..."wæ assa individualsq are both ~beginnings~endings~ cowithihn selvesq;"

wæ assa individualsq are both ~beginnings~endings~ cowithihn selvesq...]

~{1 ~50~ ~10}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

A terrific exemplar of both beginnings and endings cowithihn selvesq issi quanton(resurrection,apoptosis) of our body's cells, about one million times per second.

Doug - 24Oct2016.
11 Aleph~Thav~finalNoun



..."and wæ shall give;"

and wæ shall give...]

Observe that wæ issi an ensembleq audienceingsq of quantons(coherent,autonomy~ings).

Doug - 27May2016.
12 Lammed~Tsadde~Mem~Aleph



..."usq thirstynessings;"

usq thirstynessings...]

13 Mem~Mem~Ayn~Waw~finalNoun



..."cowithihn Hær abode's fountainq of cosmic lifeq principleingsq enlightenmentingsq;"

cowithihn Hær abode's fountainq of cosmic lifeq principleingsq enlightenmentingsq...]

Compare Maroum as "cowithihn heaven." See SY I:1 word 26.

We see ~{40.40}~ affecting ~{70..700}~ of ~6~.

Doug - 23Dec2015.

. . .

QCS™ cavitationally parses Memoun like this:

~{40 40}~ ~{70 ~6~ ~700}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
~{~{40 40}~}~ ~{70 ~6~ ~700}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~


waters [divine] bilateral naked cavitationings while cowithihn resonant waters qwf~tunnelings~superposeings~refractionings~reflectionings being~evolveing~adapting


qwf~vibrationally cowithihn one's divine fermionic abode fractally~recurseingq selfq while affecting~quantumly~assessing vibrationally

70.~{existential~QED~scintillationings~transmutationings' FUPings~

qwf~lightings's coherent~autonomous logos~account as ascendant columnar qwf~cavitationings of


whose fertile abundance of ascendant columnar qwf~reverberationings are cowithihn


co~vibrating quantum~straddleing existential and cosmic energy~wellings of lightings cowithihn Iht


Doug - 25,28Feb2016, 24Oct2016.

14 Mem~Yod~finalMem



..."of the livingq watersq (peopleq);"

of the livingq watersq (peopleq)...]

~{40 ~10~ ~600}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
15 Hhayt~Yod~Yod~finalMem



..."of life'sq;"

of life'sq...]

~8~ ~{10 10}~ ~600~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
~8~ ~{~{10 10}~}~ ~600~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Doug - 24Oct2016.
16 Hhayt~Noun~finalMem



..."spiritually~principledq unlimited possibilityingsq cowithihn cosmic biosphereings;"

spiritually~principledq unlimited possibilityingsq cowithihn cosmic biosphereings...]

©Quantonics, Inc., 2016-2030

And saying
unto all
y~¤ur divine livingq existenceingsq
learningq y~¤ur lesson of ~quantal~ lifeq principleingsq of resonantq divineq livingsq coobsfectingsq existenceingsq encounteringq vital impedanceings cavitationallyq,
individuallyq eachq of usq has both Aleph and existentialq lifeq principleingsq cowithihn our individualq existenceingsq
the living Aleph issi cowithihn usq,
and the livingq Omega issi cowithihn usq,
too the beginningsq,
and the endingsq
wæ assa individualsq are both ~beginnings~endings~ cowithihn selvesq,
and wæ shall give,
give usq, thirstynessings for and
cowithihn Hær abode's fountainq of cosmic lifeq principleingsq enlightenmentingsq
of the livingq watersq (peopleq)
of life'sq
spiritually~principledq unlimited possibilityingsq cowithihn cosmic biosphereings.

Doug - 24Oct2016.


©Quantonics, Inc., 2016-2030

Retranslation of Revelation XXI:7

Those who defeat dialectic achieve Qabala!

Doug - 24Oct2016.

Revelation XXI Letter~Text Spelled Out


(some guesses)

An Internet Literal
(some altered by Doug)

Doug's Suaresian Qabalic Translation

1 Hay~Mem~Noun~Tsadde~Hhayt



..."Those who vanquish, who overcome, who defeat dialectic;"

Those who vanquish, who overcome, who defeat dialectic...]

~{5 ~40~ ~50}~ ~90.8~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Doug following YhShWh's lead issi treating dialectic, Satan, beast, whore, harlot, unbeliever, abomination, murderer, fornicator, sorcerer, idolater, liar, and their ilk, and Error as autsimilar.

Prophesy, according Carlo Suares, has it that Millennium III marks a second coming which shall overcome dialectic, Satan, and Error.

Doug - 27May2016, 24Oct2016.
2 Yod~Yod~Raysh~Sheen



..."achieve qwf~cavitational pneumaq of divineq existenceingsq perpetual straddleingsq of cosmic isofluxings.Aleph.1000;"

achieve qwf~cavitational pneumaq of divineq existenceingsq perpetual straddleingsq of cosmic isofluxings.Aleph.1000...]

~{~{10 10}~}~ ~{200 300}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

"Achieve pneumaq of divineq existenceingsq straddleingsq cosmic isofluxings of Aleph.1000."

Doug - 24Oct2016.
3 Hay~Kaf~Lammed



..."enabling y~¤ur quantum~assessmentings of all creationings;"

enabling y~¤ur quantum~assessmentings of all creationings...]

4 Vav~Aleph~Noun~Yod



..."and individuallyq eachq of usq has Aleph and existentialq lifeq principleingsq cowithihn our individualq existenceingsq achieve;"

and individuallyq eachq of usq has Aleph and existentialq lifeq principleingsq cowithihn our individualq existenceingsq achieve...]

~6~ ~{1 ~50~ ~10}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

In idiom and vulgately this schema means, "and I, me, myself."

This issi how a Qabalist sees and quantumly~views selfq and re cognizes s~he has found he~r inner!

Finding one's inner thence memeotically di(omni)stills to standingunderq selfq assa an omnimensional hologralq ensembleq of fuzzons cowithihn realityingsq.

Partialq finding one's inner uses memeo subbing classical 'notion.'

Compare Doug's use of partialq and classical mechanical notions of 'impartial.' Quantum~realityings may n¤t be classically 'impartial.' Why? Mainly QR issi metabolic and its quantons middle~include one another.

Metabolismq and EIMAq radicallyq antagonize classical axioms of objective lisr independence and strictly determinate stability.


Doug - 24Oct2016.
5 Aleph~Hay~Yod~Hay





~{1 ~{~{5 ~10}~ ~5}~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~{Qabala!}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

See Doug's What is Qabala?

Doug - 24Oct2016.
6 Lammed~Waw





7 Lammed~Aleph~Lammed~Hay~Yod~finalMem



..."cowithihn y~¤ur demiurgeings' divineq existentialq metabolismingsq of vital~impetusings livingq cowithihn existenceingsq cosmically biosphered;"

cowithihn y~¤ur demiurgeings' divineq existentialq metabolismingsq of vital~impetusings livingq cowithihn existenceingsq cosmically biosphered...]

~{~{30 ~{1 ~30}~}~ ~5~ ~10}~ ~600~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

"Divine existential fractal~recursive qwf~cavitationings of metabolismings of Aleph cav~reverberationings existentially cowithihn metabolisms qwf~cavitationings of life existenceings cowithihn cosmic biosphereings."

That issi an inexact script. Try reversing it ihnto Gematria. You'll observe quantum~irreversibility.

For example, second qwf~cavitation's script placement issi problematic. And what about Aleph's left cav? It doesn't register existential right reverb.

QCS™ generates patterns which permit us to do a better Gematria to language scripts, but it's more work...

Unfledged it looks like this:

~{~{existential~metabolismings~ ~{archetypal~vital~impetusings~ ~existential~metabolismings}~}~ ~archetypal~life~energyings~ ~actual~existenceings}~ ~cowithihn~cosmic~biosphereings'~hologral~isoenergyings~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~.

Omniscribeing those divine cavs and revs overlappingq ~{Aleph...Yod}~ issi uneasy.

Quantum reality isn't linear, predicable, two di-mensional, dialectical, etc.

Whoever made original Autiot understood their version of what Doug intends by "quantum~reality." Doug issi slowly beginning to glimmer that original may be at least 100s of millennia old.

Doug - 24Oct2016.
8 Vav~Hay~Waw~Aleph



..."coobsfectingq divineq fecundq livingsq and vital~impetus q cowithihn usq;"

coobsfectingq divineq fecundq livingsq and vital~impetus cowithihn usq...]

~{~{6 ~5~ ~6}~}~ ~1~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
9 Yod~Hay~Yod~Hay



..."assa divineq livingq existenceingsq;"

assa divineq livingq existenceingsq...]

~{10 ~{5 ~10}~ ~5~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Again, we see entangledq overlappingq superpositioningsq.

Doug - 6Aug2016.
10 Lammed~Yod



..."metabolicq existenceingsq;"

metabolicq existenceingsq...]

11 Lammed~Vayt~finalNoun





©Quantonics, Inc., 2016-2030

Revelation XXI:7 HotMeme™ "Those who defeat dialectic achieve Qabala!"™ Revelation XXI:7 HotMeme

. . .

Those who vanquish, who overcome, who defeat dialectic
achieve qwf~cavitational pneumaq of divineq existenceingsq perpetual straddleingsq of cosmic isofluxings.Aleph.1000,
enabling y~¤ur quantum~assessmentings of all creationings,
and individuallyq eachq of usq has Aleph and existentialq lifeq principleingsq cowithihn our individualq existenceingsq achieve...


...unto and
cowithihn y~¤ur demiurgeings' divineq existentialq metabolismingsq of vital~impetusings livingq cowithihn existenceingsq cosmically biosphered,
coobsfectingq divineq fecundq livingsq and vital~impetus cowithihn usq,
assa divineq livingq existenceingsq
metabolicq existenceingsq

Doug - 24Oct2016.

Revelation XXI:7 HotMeme


©Quantonics, Inc., 2016-2030

Retranslation of Revelation XXI:8

Doug - 24Oct2016.

Revelation XXI Letter~Text Spelled Out


(some guesses)

An Internet Literal
(some altered by Doug)

Doug's Suaresian Qabalic Translation

1 Aleph~Vayt~Lammed





2 Raysh~Kaf~Yod



..."cosmic comtainment of strict classical dialectical determination;"

cosmic comtainment of strict classical dialectical determination...]

~{200 20}~ ~10~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
3 Hay~Lammed~Vayt



..."the heart yearns;"

the heart yearns...]

4 Vav~Aleph~Sheen~Raysh



..."and witnesses;"

and witnesses...]

~6.1~ ~{300 200}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
5 Aleph~Yod~Noun~finalMem



..."immature and timid (fearful?) Ayn cosmically biosphered;"

immature and timid (fearful?) Ayn cosmically biosphered...]

Doug issi taking Ayn in two ways:

Immature Ayn: Aleph~Yod~Noun: ~1.10.50~.


Mature Ayn: Aleph~Yod~finalNoun: ~1.10.700~.

Doug - 24Oct2016.
6 Mem~Aleph~Mem~Yod~Noun~Yod~finalMem



..."in many untrustworthy;"

in many untrustworthy...]

~{~{~{40 ~{1 ~40}~}~ ~{10 ~50~ ~10}~}~ ~600}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
7 Vav~Hay~Mem~Ghimel~Aleph~Lammed~Yod~finalMem



..."in many crudities;"

in many crudities...]

~{6 ~5~ ~{40 ~{3 ~{1 ~30}~ ~10}~ ~600}~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
8 Vav~Hay~Mem~Raysh~Tsadde~Hhayt~Yod~finalMem



..."and murderers;"

and murderers...]

~{6 ~5~ ~{40 ~ ~600}~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~{6 ~5~ ~{40 ~murderer~ ~600}~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Doug - 24Oct2016.
9 Vav~Hay~Zayn~Noun~Yod~finalMem



..."and the fornicators;"

and the fornicators...]

~{6 ~5~ ~{7 70}~ ~10~ ~600}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~{6 ~5~ ~{fornicators}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Doug - 24Oct2016.
10 Vav~Hay~Mem~Khaf~Sheen~Phay~Yod~finalMem



..."and the sorcerers;"

and the sorcerers...]

~{6 ~5~ ~{40 ~20.300.80.10~ ~600}~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~{6 ~5~ ~{Mekasheph.10~ ~600}~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~{6 ~5~ ~{Sorcerer.10~ ~600}~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Doug - 24Oct2016.
11 Vav~Ayn~Vayt~Dallet~Yod



..."and individuals' bonds of enlightenedq somaticq resonateingsq biospherically from existenceingsq ihnto cosmos;"

and individuals' bonds of enlightenedq somaticq resonateingsq biospherically from existenceingsq ihnto cosmos...]

12 Hay~Aleph~Lammed~Yod~Lammed~Yod~finalMem



..."living dialectically, blindly, hylically experiencing idolatry;"

living dialectically, blindly, hylically experiencing idolatry...]

~5~ ~{1 ~{30 ~{10 ~30}~ ~10}~}~ ~600~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
13 Vav~Khaf~Lammed



..."and any and every one;"

and any and every one...]

14 Hay~Mem~Sheen~Qof~Raysh~Yod~finalMem



..."are dialectical satanic liars;"

are dialectical satanic liars...]

~5~ ~{40 ~{300 ~{100 ~200}~ ~10}~ ~600}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
15 Hhayt~Lammed~Qof~finalMem



..."all experiencing spiritual metabolism destroying dialectic cowithihn their biospheres;"

all experiencing spiritual metabolism destroying dialectic cowithihn their biospheres...]

16 Hay~Aleph~Ghimel~finalMem



..."living vital impetus acting organically cowithihn their biospheres;"

living vital impetus acting organically cowithihn their biospheres...]

17 Hay~Bayt~Ayn~Raysh



..."their living light comtained;"

their living light comtained...]

~5~ ~{2 ~70~ ~200}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
18 Bayt~Aleph~Sheen



..."with somatic flames;"

with somatic flames...]

19 Vav~Ghimel~Phay~Raysh~Yod~Tav



..."of sulphur, of brimstone;"

of sulphur, of brimstone...]

20 Aleph~Sheen~Raysh





~1~ ~{300 200}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
21 Hay~Waw~Aleph



..."of them with;"

of them with...]

22 Hay~Mem~Waw~Tav



..."the death;"

the death...]

~5~ ~{40 ~6~ ~400}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
23 Hay~Sheen~Noun~Yod



..."the second;"

the second...]

~{5 ~300~ ~50}~ ~10~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

©Quantonics, Inc., 2016-2030

cosmic comtainment of strict classical dialectical determination
the heart yearns,
and witnesses
immature and timid (fearful?) Ayn cosmically biosphered,
in many untrustworthy,
in many crudities,
and murderers,
and the fornicators,
and the sorcerers,
and individuals' bonds of enlightenedq somaticq resonateingsq biospherically from existencings ihnto cosmos
living dialectically, blindly, hylically experiencing idolatry,
and any and every one,
are dialectical satanic liars

all experiencing spiritual metabolism destroying dialectic cowithihn their biospheres
living vital impetus acting organically cowithihn their biospheres
their living light comtained,
with somatic flames
of sulphur, of brimstone,
of them with
the death
the second.

. . .

Dead is Met assa first death.
Death is Mawt assa second death.

Thus, "Met Ha'Mawt."
We can think of that too assa, "Mawt Ha'Met and Mawt Ha'Mawt."

Mawt issi like saying, "The death of all fecundityingsq, the death of all fec~makings of quantum~wayveings."

Mawt then issi autsimilar Thani, in that both Thani and Mawt stop Planck's clock, to "stop the Noun of Yod."
Met has no Waw, no fecundityq, so Met isn't a game killer. Mawt is.
You should re cognize Thani via Jesus' "Eli Eli Lama Sabahh~Thani."

Doug - 24Oct2016.


©Quantonics, Inc., 2016-2030

Retranslation of Revelation XXI:9

Doug - 25Oct2016.

Revelation XXI Letter~Text Spelled Out


(some guesses)

An Internet Literal
(some altered by Doug)

Doug's Suaresian Qabalic Translation

1 Vav~Yod~Vayt~Aleph



..."And demiurge brought;"

And demiurge brought fecundity (flourishing; ostenseing evolutionq) of existenceingsq at home cowithihn vital impetus to...]

~6~ ~{10 ~2~ ~1}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
2 Aleph~Lammed~Yod



..."unto all;"

unto all...]

~{1 ~30~ ~10}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Movie Eli issi a real treat, in Doug's opine. Watch it.

An amazing futuristic Chautauqua.

Imagine one who has qua to recall entire text of both old and new testaments.

At end of movie carefully examine names of texts shown on a bookshelf.

Issi He blind? Are wæ? Arera y¤u?

Profundities of Gnosticq Individualismq...

What did Jeshua mean when he said, "Eli, Eli, Lama Sabakthani?"

In The Paraphrase of Shem (VII, I) Intro., Sabakah issi equivalent Gnoses' John the Baptist (an radical anti gnostic dialectical DIQhead). I.e., baptism issi an nous entrapment, literally.

Eh? "Institutional-social-classical-religion issi an opiate of mind, a trap."

Again, Doug reminds you that he sees selfq assa Quantum~Chaldæan~Gnostic playing Qabala's Game of Life.

Stuff of Abraham before organized religion, before Islam, before Israel and so many state-ic mechanical masculine testicular dialectical abominations emanating from them.

Read William Blake and Herman Melville... read Heraclitus' fragments...

Doug - 22Sep2016.
3 Aleph~Hhayt~Dallet




behold vital~impetus, its spiritual unlimited possibilityings encountering gatewayveings of resistance...]

Compare Ahhat as "Heart of Song of Songs."

In a sense, Ehhad, issi "Heart of all metabolicq realityingsq."

Doug - 30Jun2016.
4 Mem~Sheen~Vayt~Ayn~Tav



..."in seven enlightened days;"

in seven enlightened days...]

5 Hay~Mem~Lammed~Aleph~Khaf~Yod~finalMem



..."the many king~like messenger angels;"

existential~biosphereings existentially~metabolizings qwf~affected by vital~impetus of king~like messenger angels holy~grailings qwf~affecting existence abundantly, fecundly while...]

~5~ ~{40.30~ ~{1 ~20~ ~10}~ ~600}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~


modulationingsq of


unbounded fullnessings evolveings via ascendant multi columnar multi~populated qwf~cavitationings


qwf~transmutationings~evolveings coobsfectings of qwf~resonant


ascendant columnar unit~populated qwf~cavitationings of qwf~tunnelings king~like


messenger angels' channelings columnar ascendant qwf~reverberationings cowithihn


ascending multi~populated overlapping qwf~reverberationings sempiternal king~like messenger angels temporal~atemporal sustainings


cowithihn Iht


Doug - 27Jun2016.
6 Hay~Noun~Sheen~Aleph~Yod~finalMem



..."the many existentialq lifeq~principleingsq cosmically metabolizingq vital~impetus cavitatingq all existenceingsq cowithihn cosmic biospherical energyings;"

the many existentialq lifeq~principleingsq cosmically metabolizingq vital~impetus cavitatingq all existenceingsq cowithihn cosmic biospherical energyings...]

~{5 50}~ ~300~ ~{1 10}~ ~600~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~{Ha'Na}~ ~Sh~ ~{a Yi}~ ~m~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

See Nasha.

Doug - 9Sep2016.
7 Sheen~Vayt~Ayn





8 Hay~Qof~Ayn~Raysh~Waw~Tav





9 Hay~Mem~Lammed~Aleph~Waw~Tav



..."full of;"

full of...]

~5~ ~{40 ~30.1.6~ ~400}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

This schema seems to be narrating, "Life without (with no) biospheric impedanceings as abundance."

Doug - 25Oct2016.
10 Sheen~Vayt~Ayn





11 Hay~Mem~Kaf~Waw~Tav



..."livingq existentialq biosphereingsq fecundlyq grailingq vital~impedanceings;"

livingq existentialq biosphereingsq fecundlyq grailingq vital~impedanceings...]

~5~ ~{40 ~20.6~ ~400}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
12 Hay~Aleph~Hhayt~Raysh~Noun~Waw~Tav



..."cowithihn lifeq spirituallyq givingq usq fecundq quantum~life~principleingsq hologrally~coaffectingsq vital~impedanceings;"

cowithihn lifeq spirituallyq givingq usq fecundq quantum~life~principleingsq hologrally~coaffectingsq vital~impedanceings...]

~{5 ~1.8.200~ ~50}~ ~6.400~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
13 Vav~Yod~Dallet~Bayt~Raysh



..."and existence by choice dialectically spoken for as;"

and existenceq may be spokenq for bivalently (i.e., dialectically, immaturelyc) gatewayveings soma's resonateingsq cosmic~comtainmentings as...]

~6.10.4~ ~{2 200}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Here we see how vulgate intuition takes a major faux pas.

It chooses dialectic nous over quantum mind.

We fathom directly Heraclitus' B1 and B2 Diels Kranz quotes:

B1 - "On this account which holds forever men prove uncomprehending, both before hearing it and when first they have heard it."


B2 - "For that reason you must follow what is common. But although the account is common, most men live as though they had an understanding of their own."

Doug retranslated B2 more quantumly assa:

B2 - "For that reason you must follow semasiologies of cosmic energy, cosmic flux. But although the account is one of cosmic flux, most men live as though they had a dialectical state-ic interpretation of their own."

If you want to understand essence of Gnoses involved here, comsider reading Introduction to The Paraphrase of Shem (VII, I) by Michel Roberge, Tr. Frederik Wisse, The English Nag Hammadi Library, James M. Robinson, ed., Revised edition, 1988.

Doug - 29Aug2016, 22Sep2016.
14 Aleph~Lammed~Yod



..."unto all;"

unto all...]

~{1 ~30~ ~10}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Movie Eli issi a real treat, in Doug's opine. Watch it.

An amazing futuristic Chautauqua.

Imagine one who has qua to recall entire text of both old and new testaments.

At end of movie carefully examine names of texts shown on a bookshelf.

Issi He blind? Are wæ? Arera y¤u?

Profundities of Gnosticq Individualismq...

What did Jeshua mean when he said, "Eli, Eli, Lama Sabakthani?"

In The Paraphrase of Shem (VII, I) Intro., Sabakah issi equivalent Gnoses' John the Baptist (an radical anti gnostic dialectical DIQhead). I.e., baptism issi an nous entrapment, literally.

Eh? "Institutional-social-classical-religion issi an opiate of mind, a trap."

Again, Doug reminds you that he sees selfq assa Quantum~Chaldæan~Gnostic playing Qabala's Game of Life.

Stuff of Abraham before organized religion, before Islam, before Israel and so many state-ic mechanical masculine testicular dialectical abominations emanating from them.

Read William Blake and Herman Melville... read Heraclitus' fragments...

Doug - 22Sep2016.
15 Lammed~Aleph~Mem~Raysh



..."metabolicallyq sayingq;"

metabolicallyq sayingq...]

16 Bayt~Aleph



..."while fathomingsq of;"

while fathomingsq of...]

"Many seeings at every quantal edgeings of nowings."

Ponder fathomingq as leading to chanceingsq, chooseingsq. changeingsq of comsciousnessingsq quantadulative votings for better at QREONings.

Weigh issues of Buckyball Voting.

Doug - 19,22Sep2016.
17 Vav~Aleph~Raysh~Aleph~finalKhaf



..."and wæq sawq y~¤ur cosmic grailingsq;"

and wæq sawq y~¤ur cosmic grailingsq...]

~6 ~{1 ~200~ ~1}~ ~500~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

We might viewq this as another "twoq livesq" phenomenonq.

Life 1: vital~impetus of fecundityings, and

Life 2: vital~ impetus of cosmic~comtainmentings,

both comically grailingsq isoenergyings.

Doug - 4Aug2016.
18 Aleph~Tav



..."from alpha to omega;"

from alpha to omega...]

19 Hay~Kaf~Lammed~Hay



..."y~¤ur bride;"

y~¤ur bride...]

~{5 ~20.30~ ~5}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
20 Aleph~Sheen~Tav



..."y~¤ur wife;"

y~¤ur wife...]

21 Hay~Seen~Hay



..."y~¤ur divine livingq focusedq married cosmic metabolismsq;"

y~¤ur divine livingq focusedq married cosmic metabolismsq...]

~{~{5 ~300~ ~5}~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

©Quantonics, Inc., 2016-2030

And demiurge brought fecundity (flourishing; ostenseing evolutionq) of existenceingsq at home cowithihn vital impetus to,
unto all,
behold vital~impetus, its spiritual unlimited possibilityings encountering gatewayveings of resistance
in seven enlightened days
existential~biosphereings existentially~metabolizings qwf~affected by vital~impetus of king~like messenger angels holy~grailings qwf~affecting existence abundantly, fecundly while
the many existentialq lifeq~principleingsq cosmically metabolizingq vital~impetus cavitatingq all existenceingsq cowithihn cosmic biospherical energyings ihn
full of
livingq existentialq biosphereingsq fecundlyq grailingq vital~impedanceings
cowithihn lifeq spirituallyq givingq usq fecundq quantum~life~principleingsq hologrally~coaffectingsq vital~impedanceings,
and existenceq may be spokenq for bivalently (i.e., dialectically, immaturelyc) gatewayveings soma's resonateingsq cosmic~comtainmentings as,
and unto all
metabolicallyq sayingq,

"While fathomingsq
q sawq y~¤ur cosmic grailingsq
from alpha to omega,
y~¤ur bride,
y~¤ur wife,
y~¤ur divine livingq focusedq married cosmic metabolismsq.

Doug - 25Oct2016.


©Quantonics, Inc., 2016-2030

Retranslation of Revelation XXI:10

Doug - 25Oct2016.

Revelation XXI Letter~Text Spelled Out


(some guesses)

An Internet Literal
(some altered by Doug)

Doug's Suaresian Qabalic Translation

1 Vav~Yod~Qof~Hhayt~Noun~Yod



..."Fecundq divinity of existenceingsq qwf~cavitationings offers usq qua to be destroying dialectic which affectivelyq improves y~¤ur spiritualityingsq of lifeq principleingsq of freedomq, uncertaintyq and peaceq cowithihn y~¤ur divineq existenceings'q qwf~reverberationings of;"

Fecundq divinity of existenceingsq qwf~cavitationings offers usq qua to be destroying dialectic which affectivelyq improves y~¤ur spiritualityingsq of lifeq principleingsq of freedomq, uncertaintyq and peaceq cowithihn y~¤ur divineq existenceings'q qwf~reverberationings of...]

~6~ ~{~{10 ~{100}~ ~8.50~ ~10}~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~6~ ~{~{10 ~{100}~ ~Hhan~ ~10}~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~6~ ~{~{10 ~{100}~ ~spiritualityings of life principleings~ ~10}~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~6~ ~{~{10 ~{destroying dialectic affectively improves}~ ~8.50~ ~10}~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~fecundityings~ ~{~{divine existenceings ~{100}~ ~8.50~ ~divine existenceings}~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Doug - 25Oct2016.
2 Vayt~Raysh~Waw~Hhayt



..."y~¤ur somaticq fecundq comtainmentings of archetypal spiritualq (pneumatic) unlimitedq possibilityingsq;"

y~¤ur somaticq fecundq comtainmentings of archetypal spiritualq (pneumatic) unlimitedq possibilityingsq...]

~{2 200}~ ~6.8~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
3 Ayn~Lammed



..."again, near;"

again, near...]

4 Hay~Raysh



..."a mountain of;"

a mountain of...]

5 Ghimel~Dallet~Waw~Lammed



..."God metabolically evolveingsq cowithihn all of usq;"

God metabolically evolveingsq cowithihn all of usq...]

~{3 ~4.6~ ~30}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

This issi also interpreted as great city. Like in Mareh M'Gadolah AKA Mary Magdalene (intended feminine leader of quantum gnostic Qabala). Too, M'Gadolah may mean a great body of waters (people).

Situational godlike role sema here, to Doug, issi overwhelming...

G[aeo]dol issi cowithihn usq and wæ arera cowithihn G[aeo]dol.

Waters arera cowithihn usq and wæ arera cowithihn waters.

Based upon situation and role, one may obtain how many interpretations are extant...and simple idiom, especially classical idiom, just doesn't 'cut it' anymore. Our Millennium III situationq and roleq has evolvedq into gematraic wave~functional quantum~reality away from unreal 'objective' classical, beast-like Neanderthalesque, dialectical, provincial thou shalt, one global 'socialc' order, anti CH3 canon 'law' and dogma.

Doug - 10Aug2016, 1Sep2016.
6 Vav~Ghimel~Vayt~Hay



..."and emerqantly growing organicallyq, somaticallyq cowithihn y~¤ur livingsq;"

and emerqantly growing organicallyq, somaticallyq cowithihn y~¤ur livingsq...]

7 Vav~Yod~Raysh~Aleph~Noun~Yod



..."and cosmic comtainmentings of y~¤ur middle~inclusioningsq of vital~impetus' quantized life principleingsq of freedomq, uncertaintyq, and peaceq cowithihn y~¤ur existenceingsq;"

and cosmic comtainmentings of y~¤ur middle~inclusioningsq of vital~impetus' quantized life principleingsq of freedomq, uncertaintyq, and peaceq cowithihn y~¤ur existenceingsq...]

~6~ ~{10 ~200~ ~{1 q ~10}~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

This word has tentative gravitas with SoS I:6, Al-Tirooni, which illustrates~narrates SoS' theme of Alt.

In this word's schema metabolism and vital~impedance have no apparent situation~role.

Apparent 'theme' of this schema relates, plausibly, to three standing wayve~functionings:

quantized life principleingsq

All three are role~situationally involved with qwfal overlapping~entangleings of existenceings and vital~impetus.

Think of vital~impetus assa Thav's fermionic mirror antinomialq.

Thinkq of existenceings as metabolicq.

Too existenceings are projectioningsq of vital~impetus.

So SoS' theme of Alt issi cowithihn, esoterically, Ve'Ya'Rooni!

Doug - 25Oct2016.
8 Hay~Ayn~Yod~Raysh



..."cowithihn Hær holy city;"

cowithihn Hær holy city...]

9 Hay~Qof~Dallet~Waw~Sheen~Hay



..."the holy feminineq oneq;"

the holy feminineq oneq...]

~{5 ~ ~5}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

In QCS™ we fathom:


as quantum~beings qwf~cavitationally experienceingsq Mothercg assa the holy feminineq oneq

100.~perpetual~relentless ~cosmic~vital~impetusings~ destroying~all~carving~out~all ~illusions~via~perpetual~Atta~qycloidings~enabling~existential~transmutationing~evolutionings sempiternally evolving noveltyings with(~and)~

of all dialectic and dialectical illusions-delusions Iot hardened denial of Aleph cowithihn Yod formally-objectively borne of tyrannical institutional-hegemonous binary, classically mathematical


fecundq~vicissitudinalq~flowingsq of


abundantly spawningq potentiallyq pneumaticq qwf~evolutionings via


as quantum~beings qwf~reverberationally experienceingsq Mothercg assa the holy feminineq oneq


vibrationalq metabolicq evolutioningsq cowithihn Iht


. . .

Subscriptcg assa (represents analogically) Chaldæan Gnosis.

Doug - 22Oct2016.
10 Yod~Raysh~Waw~Sheen~Lammed~Yod~finalMem





~{10 ~{200 ~{6 ~{300}~ ~30}~ 10}~ ~600}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

This QCS,Ñ¢ wave function issi unusual.

All Gematria form overlapping and superpositive cavitationings.

We see bilateral, multicolumnar~ascendant, exalted, and descendant cavitationingsq.

Notice how Jerusalem spelled~out represents a masculine [im] plurality. Any gender bias in that there name?

Perhaps we should alter~evolveq it to Jeruselot[h]?

~10~ ~{200 ~{6 ~{300}~ ~30}~ 6}~ ~400~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~?

Doug - 11-12Jun2016.
11 Hay~Ghimel~Dallet~Waw~Lammed~Hay



..."livingq resonantlyq G¤d metabolically evolveingsq mitochondrially cowithihn all of usq;"

livingq resonantlyq G¤d metabolically evolveingsq mitochondrially cowithihn all of usq...]

~{5 ~{3 ~4.6~ ~30}~ ~5~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

This issi also interpreted as great living city. Like in Mareh M'Gadolah AKA Mary Magdalene (intended feminine leader of quantum gnostic Qabala). Too, M'Gadolah may mean a great body of waters (people).

Situational godlike role sema here, to Doug, issi overwhelming...

Ha'G[aeo]dolah issi livingq mitochondrially cowithihn usq and wæ arera hologrally cowithihn Ha'G[aeo]dolah.

Waters arera cowithihn usq and wæ arera cowithihn waters.

Based upon situation and role, one may obtain how many interpretations are extant...and simple idiom, especially classical idiom, just doesn't 'cut it' anymore. Our Millennium III situationq and roleq has evolvedq into gematraic wave~functional quantum~reality away from unreal 'objective' classical, beast-like Neanderthalesque, dialectical, provincial thou shalt, one global 'socialc' order, anti CH3 canon 'law' and dogma.

Doug - 10Aug2016, 1,20Sep2016.
12 Yod~Raysh~Dallet~Tav



..."comeing down to usq;"

comeing down to usq...]

~10.200~ ~{4 400}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
13 Mem~finalNoun



..."with many cosmic lifeq principleingsq of usq;"

with many cosmic lifeq principleingsq of usq...]

14 Hay~Sheen~Mem~Yod~finalMem



..."from livingq metabolicq skies;"

from livingq metabolicq skies...]

We might senseq here, our Sun as predominate source of photonic energyingsq of our livingq metabolicq skies. In Ille Hay is golden lightingsq AKA "Awr." Sometimes "Aur." Both pronounced roughly, "O[u]r."

~5.300~ ~{60 ~10~ ~600}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Doug - 22Oct2016.
15 Mem~Aleph~Tav



..."assa biosphereings of At,;"

assa biosphereings of At,...]

~{40 ~1~ ~400}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
16 Hay~Aleph~Lammed~Hay~Yod~finalMem



..." cowithihn y~¤ur demiurgeings;"

cowithihn y~¤ur demiurgeings...]

~{5 ~{1 ~30~ ~5}~ ~10}~ ~600~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

©Quantonics, Inc., 2016-2030

Fecundq divinity of existenceingsq qwf~cavitationings offers usq qua to be destroying dialectic which affectivelyq improves y~¤ur spiritualityingsq of...
...lifeq principleingsq of freedomq, uncertaintyq and peaceq cowithihn y~¤ur divineq existenceings'q qwf~reverberationings of
y~¤ur somaticq fecundq comtainmentings of archetypal spiritualq (pneumatic) unlimitedq possibilityingsq,
again, near
a mountain of
God metabolically evolveingsq cowithihn all of usq,
and emerqantly growing organicallyq, somaticallyq cowithihn y~¤ur livingsq,
and cosmic comtainmentings of y~¤ur middle~inclusioningsq of vital~impetus' quantized life...
eingsq of freedomq, uncertaintyq, and peaceq cowithihn y~¤ur existenceingsq
cowithihn Hær holy city,

the holy feminineq oneq,

livingq resonantlyq G¤d metabolically evolveingsq mitochondrially cowithihn all of usq,
comeing down to usq,
with many cosmic lifeq principleingsq of usq,
from livingq metabolicq skies
assa biosphereings of At,
cowithihn y~¤ur demiurgeings.

Doug - 25Oct2016.


©Quantonics, Inc., 2016-2030

Retranslation of Revelation XXI:11

Doug - 25Oct2016.

Revelation XXI Letter~Text Spelled Out


(some guesses)

An Internet Literal
(some altered by Doug)

Doug's Suaresian Qabalic Translation

1 Vav~Ayn~Lammed~Yod~Hay



..."And Hær metabolicq lightingsq' livingq existenceingsq;"

And Hær metabolicq lightingsq' livingq existenceingsq...]

2 Kaf~Vayt~Waw~Dallet



..."somaticq grailingsq of honor and respect for;"

somaticq grailingsq of honor and respect for...]

~{20 2}~ ~6.4~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
3 Aleph~Lammed~Hay~Yod~finalMem



..."demiurgeings cowithihn usq;"

demiurgeings cowithihn usq...]

~{1 ~30.5~ ~10}~ ~600~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
4 Vav~Aleph~Waw~Raysh



..."and y~¤ur experienceingsq qwf~cavitational divineq~fecundationingsq of vital~impetusings omniversally emerqant;"

and y~¤ur experienceingsq qwf~cavitational divineq~fecundationingsq of vital~impetusings omniversally emerqant...]

~{~{divine fecundationings of ~1~ ~reverberating divine fecundationings}~}~ ~200~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~{~{6 ~vital~impetusings~ ~6}~}~ ~omniversally emerqant~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Doug - 25Oct2016.
5 Noun~Ghimel~Hay~Hay



..."principleingsq of lives'q organicq movementingsq cowithihn divineq lifeq;"

principleingsq of lives'q organicq movementingsq cowithihn divineq lifeq...]

~{50 ~3~ ~{~{5 5}~}~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~{qwf~cavitational principles of life ~assa organic movementings of~ ~{~{5 5}~}~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~{50 ~3~ ~{~{divine naked cavitationing of all livings}~}~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
6 Kaf~Aleph~Vayt~finalNoun



..."grailingq Hær hermaphroditic stone;"

grailingq Hær hermaphroditic stone...]

In Autiot words translated according Suares' own hologral quantum~fluxodynamics we have, "Grailing vital~impetus own somatic adherenceings to cosmic quantizationings of lifeq principleingsq of freedomingsq, uncertaintyingsq, and peaceingsq."

As a stone, we see two~lives~hermaphrodicityings of two equilateral triangles superposeing~inverted~entanglingq one another as Star of David.

Doug - 17Jun2016.

We see here quantum~irony of both stone viewed as dead and stone viewed as alive. Quantum~antinomial~complementarity as quantons(stones~alive,stones~dead).

The big Revelation issi quantons(living,dead) as real and corresponds linguisticallyq quantons(holograilicq,dialecticc), which somewhat corresponds "these two lives" of Autiot assa quantons(Aut,Iot).

Doug - 31Jul2016, 25Oct2016.
7 Yod~Qof~Raysh~Hay



..."of existentialq cosmic~vital~impetusings destroying all dialecticalc illusions-delusions formingc cowithihn omniversal lifeq;"

of existentialq cosmic~vital~impetusings destroying all dialecticalc illusions-delusions formingc cowithihn omniversal lifeq...]

~{10 100}~ ~200.5~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Hær stone destroys dialectic!

Yeqorah issi role~situationally destruction of dialectic.

Doug - 6Oct2016.
8 Mem~Aleph~Dallet



..."a very good and mighty quanton emerges;"

a very good and mighty quanton, a high quality columnarly descending cavitationings of vital~impetus from existential biosphereings to archetypal gatewayveings...]

~{40 ~1~ ~4}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
9 Kaf~Aleph~Vayt~finalNoun



..."grailingq Hær hermaphroditic stone;"

grailingq Hær hermaphroditic stone...]

In Autiot words translated according Suares' own hologral quantum~fluxodynamics we have, "Grailing vital~impetus own somatic adherenceings to cosmic quantizationings of lifeq principleingsq of freedomingsq, uncertaintyingsq, and peaceingsq."

As a stone, we see two~lives~hermaphrodicityings of two equilateral triangles superposeing~inverted~entanglingq one another as Star of David.

Doug - 17Jun2016.

We see here quantum~irony of both stone viewed as dead and stone viewed as alive. Quantum~antinomial~complementarity as quantons(stones~alive,stones~dead).

The big Revelation issi quantons(living,dead) as real and corresponds linguisticallyq quantons(holograilicq,dialecticc), which somewhat corresponds "these two lives" of Autiot assa quantons(Aut,Iot).

Doug - 31Jul2016, 25Oct2016.
10 Yod~Sheen~Phay~Hay



..."jasper, representing existential abundance of metabolicq unlimited possibilityings cowithihn lifeq;"

jasper, representing existential abundance of metabolicq unlimited possibilityings cowithihn lifeq...]

11 Hay~Mem~Vayt~Hay~Qof~Tav



..."while livingq somaticq biosphereings arera experienceingsq life'sq destructionings of dialectic cowithihn vital~impedanceings;"

while livingq somaticq biosphereings arera experienceingsq life'sq destructionings of dialectic cowithihn vital~impedanceings...]

~{5 ~{40 ~2~ ~5}~ ~100~ ~400}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~{5 ~{40 ~somatic~ ~5}~ ~destruction of dialectic~ ~400}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~{living qwf~cavitationings of ~{40 ~2~ ~living qwf~reverberationings}~ ~100~ ~400}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~{5 ~{biosphereings of ~2~ ~5}~ ~100~ ~vitally~impeded}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Doug - 25Oct2016.
12 Kaf~Ayn~Yod~finalNoun



..."which are apparent like;"

which are apparent like...]

~20~ ~{70 ~10~ 700}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
13 Hay~Qof~Raysh~Tav



..."the destruction of dialectic cosmically comtained and vitally impeded;"

the destruction of dialectic cosmically comtained and vitally impeded...]

"Dualism is no more." Suares.

"Dialectic is no more." Revelation!

We arera all to some extent, Cain, Caheen.

Cain offers us quantum Kain assa hologral simple clarity borne of destructionings of dialectic.

Doug - 25Oct2016.

©Quantonics, Inc., 2016-2030

And Hær metabolicq lightingsq' livingq existenceings'q
somaticq grailingsq of honor and respect for
demiurgeings cowithihn usq,
and y~¤ur experienceingsq qwf~cavitational divineq~fecundationingsq of vital~impetusings omniversally emerqant
principleingsq of lives'q organicq movementingsq cowithihn divineq lifeq

grailingq Hær hermaphroditic stone,

of existentialq cosmic~vital~impetusings destroying all dialecticalc illusions-delusions formingc cowithihn omniversal lifeq,
a very good and mighty quanton, a high quality columnarly descending cavitationings of vital~impetus from existential biosphereings to archetypal gatewayveings

grailingq Hær hermaphroditic stone,

representing existential abundance of metabolicq unlimited possibilityings cowithihn lifeq,
while livingq somaticq biosphereings arera experienceingsq life'sq destructionings of dialectic cowithihn vital~impedanceings,
which are apparent like
the destruction of dialectic cosmically comtained and vitally impeded.

. . .

"Dualism is no more." Suares.
"Dialectic is no more." Revelation!

We arera all to some extent, Cain, Caheen (Qaheen:
Cain (Qain) offers usq quantum Kain assa hologral simple clarity borne of destructionings of dialectic.

Doug - 25Oct2016.


©Quantonics, Inc., 2016-2030

Retranslation of Revelation XXI:12

Doug - 25Oct2016.

Revelation XXI Letter~Text Spelled Out


(some guesses)

An Internet Literal
(some altered by Doug)

Doug's Suaresian Qabalic Translation

1 Vav~Lammed~Hay



..."And fecundq metabolicq lifeq;"

And fecundq metabolicq lifeq...]

2 Hhayt~Waw~Mem~Hay



..."a very captivating;"

a very captivating ensemble of unlimited spiritual possibilityings fecundly biosphering life...]

These remarks as comcision come from SY_I_11 word 16 (search there for <Hhomah>:

From SoS VIII verse 9 word one:

Hhomah: a wall.

Hham: heat, bosons, integer~entropy.

Hhomerah: matter, fermions, posentropy.

Ihn quantum~fluxodynamics...
...QED issi quantons(heat,matter)...

Mimicking Fourier's heat gradience cowithihn matter "a new 'science'" meme, ponder quantons(thought_bosons,matter_fermions) assa What issi Consciousness?

Quoting Suares, SoS, p. 157, "Idiomatically, then, 'Breath saying of an immature womanhood 'if she is a wall' can only mean: 'if she is only unconscious matter: an obstacle to me.' ' "

In quantum~reality fermions and their QED quantum~interrelationshipings with bosons cannot be unconscious! Both bosons and fermions have primal awareness.

Now think about that. Could an immature woman be living without QED and primal awareness of her biocoquecigruesical photons and electrons?

To refer matter as 'unconscious' is a classical dialectically grammatical faux pas.

Ponder Hhayt: quantum~fluxodynamic archetypal unlimited possibilityings.

Ponder waw: quantum~archetypal fecundation of bosons and fermions (flux fux flux) as QED transmutation of all material reality!

Ponder Mem, finalMem: existential and cosmic biospheric quantum~coherence of all quantons(photons,fermions)!

Ponder Hay: living quantum~fluxodynamics of all actuality!

Ponder Aleph: quantum~archetypal vital~impetus of all actuality!

Doug - 27Aug2015, 25Oct2016.
3 Ghimel~Dallet~Waw~Lammed~Hay



..."living God metabolically evolveingsq cowithihn all of usq;"

living God metabolically evolveingsq cowithihn all of usq...]

~{3 ~4.6~ ~30}~ ~5~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

This issi also interpreted as great city. Like in Mareh M'Gadolah AKA Mary Magdalene (intended feminine leader of quantum gnostic Qabala). Too, M'Gadolah may mean a great body of waters (people).

Situational godlike role sema here, to Doug, issi overwhelming...

G[aeo]dolah issi cowithihn usq and wæ arera cowithihn G[aeo]dolah.

Waters arera cowithihn usq and wæ arera cowithihn waters.

Based upon situation and role, one may obtain how many interpretations are extant...and simple idiom, especially classical idiom, just doesn't 'cut it' anymore. Our Millennium III situationq and roleq has evolvedq into gematraic wave~functional quantum~reality away from unreal 'objective' classical, beast-like Neanderthalesque, dialectical, provincial thou shalt, one global 'socialc' order, anti CH3 canon 'law' and dogma.

Doug - 10Aug2016, 1Sep2016.
4 Vav~Ghimel~Vayt~Hay~Hay



..."y~¤ur somaticq fecundq organicq~movementingsq experienceingsq divineq livingsq;"

y~¤ur somaticq fecundq organicq~movementingsq experienceingsq divineq livingsq...]

~6.3.2~ ~{~{5 5}~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
5 Vav~Sheen~Noun~Yod~finalMem



..."having two and;"

having two and...]

6 Ayn~Seen~Raysh





7 Sheen~Ayn~Raysh~Yod~finalMem



..."portals, hologral Values, measures, signatures, etc.;"

Shyar~Raysh cavitating portals~hologrally~measureing~signatureing enlightenings for all existence cosmically~biosphered...]

QCS™ offers:

~{300 ~70~ ~200}~ ~10.600~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~


Shyar~Raysh populated qwf~cavitationings of

70.~existential~QED~scintillationings~transmutationings' FUPings~

enlightenings Shyar~Raysh populated qwf~reverberationings resonateings cowithihn


qwf~vibrationally qwf~fractally~recursively portals~hologrally~measureing~signatureing~transmuteing all


qwf~everywhere~middle~inclusion~associationings with the seas, the cosmic waters


all immersed cowithihn Iht


Doug - 8Mar2016.
8 Lammed~Hay



..."metabolicq livingsq, thus;"

metabolicq livingsq, thus...]

9 Vav~Ayn~Lammed



..."somaticq metabolicq enlightenmentingsq;"

somaticq metabolicq enlightenmentingsq...]

10 Hay~Sheen~Ayn~Raysh~Yod~finalMem



..."of living portals, hologral Values, measures, signatures, etc.;"

of living Shyar~Raysh cavitating portals~hologrally~measureing~signatureing enlightenings for all existence cosmically~biosphered...]

QCS™ offers:

~5~ ~{300 ~70~ ~200}~ ~10.600~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~


spawning novel livings assa


Shyar~Raysh populated qwf~cavitationings of

70.~existential~QED~scintillationings~transmutationings' FUPings~

enlightenings Shyar~Raysh populated qwf~reverberationings resonateings cowithihn


qwf~vibrationally qwf~fractally~recursively portals~hologrally~measureing~signatureing~transmuteing all


qwf~everywhere~middle~inclusion~associationings with the seas, the cosmic waters


all immersed cowithihn Iht


Doug - 8Mar2016.
11 Sheen~Noun~Yod~finalMem



..."two and;"

having two and...]

12 Ayn~Seen~Raysh





13 Mem~Lammed~Aleph~Khaf~Yod~finalMem



..."of the many king~like messenger angels;"

existential~biosphereings existentially~metabolizings qwf~affected by vital~impetus of king~like messenger angels holy~grailings qwf~affecting existence abundantly, fecundly while...]

~5~ ~{40.30~ ~{1 ~20~ ~10}~ ~600}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~


modulationingsq of


unbounded fullnessings evolveings via ascendant multi columnar multi~populated qwf~cavitationings


qwf~transmutationings~evolveings coobsfectings of qwf~resonant


ascendant columnar unit~populated qwf~cavitationings of qwf~tunnelings king~like


messenger angels' channelings columnar ascendant qwf~reverberationings cowithihn


ascending multi~populated overlapping qwf~reverberationings sempiternal king~like messenger angels temporal~atemporal sustainings


cowithihn Iht


Doug - 27Jun2016.
14 Vav~Sheen~Mem~Waw~Tav



..."and names;"

and names...]

If we name something classically, concretely, we kill it, thus Shemawt.

But name starts with Sheen which mandates evolutionary metabolism thus ~name~.

Can we kill a ~name~? What would it mean philosophicallyq to Sabahh~Thani ~Doug~?

Would Sabahh~Thani Doug be ~Doug~~Doug~?

See Doug's QELR of cancel.

If ~Doug~ issi evolvingq what would that signature look like?

Are we pondering Doug's name? Doug's soma? What exactly is Doug?

Is 'exact' a dialectical term? Does it treat Doug assa a static, independent, localable, analytic object?

Issi Doug's nous objectively independent of Doug's soma?

In what reality? But can we call dialectic real? Is dialectic metabolic, alive?

Are we commenceingq understandingsq, standingunderingsq, of whyq Revelation insists on destruction of dialectic?

Doug - 25Oct2016.
15 Kaf~Tav~Waw~Vayt~Yod~finalMem



..."grailingq many qualityingsq;"

grailingq many qualityingsq...]

~{20 ~400~ ~{6 ~2}~ ~10~ ~600}~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
16 Ayn~Lammed~Yod~Hay~finalMem



..."settleingsq on new lands of omniversal Lightingsq existentiallyq metabolizedq over y~¤ur beingsq divineq livingsq;"

settleingsq on new lands of omniversal Lightingsq existentiallyq metabolizedq over y~¤ur beingsq divineq livingsq...]

17 Vav~Hay~finalMem



..."and some of those;"

and some of those...]

~{6 ~5~ 600}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
18 Sheen~Mem~Waw~Tav





If we name something classically, concretely, we kill it, thus Shemawt.

But name starts with Sheen which mandates evolutionary metabolism thus ~name~.

Can we kill a ~name~? What would it mean philosophicallyq to Sabahh~Thani ~Doug~?

Would Sabahh~Thani Doug be ~Doug~~Doug~?

See Doug's QELR of cancel.

If ~Doug~ issi evolvingq what would that signature look like?

Are we pondering Doug's name? Doug's soma? What exactly is Doug?

Is 'exact' a dialectical term? Does it treat Doug assa a static, independent, localable, analytic object?

Issi Doug's nous objectively independent of Doug's soma?

In what reality? But can we call dialectic real? Is dialectic metabolic, alive?

Are we commenceingq understandingsq, standingunderingsq, of whyq Revelation insists on destruction of dialectic?

Doug - 25Oct2016.
19 Sheen~Noun~Yod~finalMem



..."two and;"

having two and...]

20 Ayn~Seen~Raysh





21 Sheen~Vayt~Tayt~Yod



..."tribes of the;"

tribes of the...]

22 Bayt~Noun~Yod



..."children of, evolutionings of existenceings of;"

children of, evolutionings of existenceings of...]

23 Yod~Sheen~Raysh~Aleph~Lammed





~{10 ~{~{300 200}~ ~1}~ ~30}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Keenly observe that this schema of cavitationingsq houses no population! There are no ~qwf~ ~standing~wayve~ Autiot patterns. Every pattern is ~{cav else rev}~.

Israel means a place of struggleings with god. Does that mean said struggleings happen atemporally? If it does, it begs an incredible philosophical topic for many C. S. Peircean abductioningsq.

See: PBing Eight: Peircean Abduction vis-à-vis Deduction-Induction.

Compare Ishmael to Israel.

Doug - 25Oct2016.

©Quantonics, Inc., 2016-2030

A Transistor Fable?

And fecundq metabolicq lifeq,
a very captivating ensemble of unlimited spiritual possibilityings fecundly biosphering life,
living God metabolically evolveingsq cowithihn all of usq,
y~¤ur somaticq fecundq organicq~movementingsq experienceingsq divineq livingsq
having two and
gates Shyar~Raysh cavitating portals~hologrally~measureing~signatureing enlightenings for all existence cosmically~biosphered,
metabolicq livingsq, thus
somaticq metabolicq enlightenmentingsq
of living gates Shyar~Raysh cavitating portals~hologrally~measureing~signatureing enlightenings for all existence cosmically~biosphered,
having two and
existential~biosphereings existentially~metabolizings qwf~affected by vital~impetus...
...of king~like messenger angels...
...holy~grailings qwf~affecting existence abundantly, fecundly while
many names
grailingq many qualityingsq
settleingsq on new lands of omniversal Lightingsq existentiallyq metabolizedq over y~¤ur beingsq divineq livingsq,
and some of those
having two and
tribes of the
children of, evolutionings of, existenceings of

. . .

Compare Doug's use of 'gates' to a fabulous comtemporary gate quantum~analog called transistor.
In Israel using transistor assa a fabulismq of that word's sema and its use,
what fluxodynamic (n¤n vulgate idiomatic) words, roles, and situations do we sub for a transistor's:

junction adiabaticity:


Autiot issi a qwfal energy flow language. Use it to vis-a-vis Israel linguisticallyq with transistor linguisticallyq.
For example how does a transistor provide tunnelings which are genuinely adiabatic? What does adiabaticityq fabulizeq in Israel?

How do transistors do quantum~assessmentings?
How does Israel do quantum~assessmentings?

Biologically, how does a woman's labor delivering a child fabulize Israel? A transistor?

Is it possible to do~due what Doug just narrated using dialectic? Why n¤t?

A most comcise answer might be, "Dialectic begs hypocrisy for all its practitioners!"

Revelation issi asking us to dump dialectical hypocrisy and embrace quantum~hypercrisy.

Review Bases of Judgment.

Doug - 25Oct2016.


©Quantonics, Inc., 2016-2030

Retranslation of Revelation XXI:13

Doug - 25Oct2016.

Revelation XXI Letter~Text Spelled Out


(some guesses)

An Internet Literal
(some altered by Doug)

Doug's Suaresian Qabalic Translation

1 Sheen~Ayn~Raysh~Yod~finalMem



..."Portals, hologral Values, measures, signatures, etc.;"

Shyar~Raysh cavitating portals~hologrally~measureing~signatureing enlightenings for all existence cosmically~biosphered...]

QCS™ offers:

~{300 ~70~ ~200}~ ~10.600~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~


Shyar~Raysh populated qwf~cavitationings of

70.~existential~QED~scintillationings~transmutationings' FUPings~

enlightenings Shyar~Raysh populated qwf~reverberationings resonateings cowithihn


qwf~vibrationally qwf~fractally~recursively portals~hologrally~measureing~signatureing~transmuteing all


qwf~everywhere~middle~inclusion~associationings with the seas, the cosmic waters


all immersed cowithihn Iht


Doug - 8Mar2016.
2 Sheen~Lammed~Sheen~Hay



..."three of them;"

three of them...]

~{~{300 ~{30}~ ~300}~}~ ~5~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
3 Mem~Mem~Zayn~Raysh~Hhayt



..."rising in east of y~¤ur;"

rising in east of y~¤ur...]

~{~{40 40}~}~ ~7.200.8~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
4 Sheen~Ayn~Raysh~Yod~finalMem



..."portals, hologral Values, measures, signatures, etc.;"

Shyar~Raysh cavitating portals~hologrally~measureing~signatureing enlightenings for all existence cosmically~biosphered...]

QCS™ offers:

~{300 ~70~ ~200}~ ~10.600~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~


Shyar~Raysh populated qwf~cavitationings of

70.~existential~QED~scintillationings~transmutationings' FUPings~

enlightenings Shyar~Raysh populated qwf~reverberationings resonateings cowithihn


qwf~vibrationally qwf~fractally~recursively portals~hologrally~measureing~signatureing~transmuteing all


qwf~everywhere~middle~inclusion~associationings with the seas, the cosmic waters


all immersed cowithihn Iht


Doug - 8Mar2016.
5 Sheen~Lammed~Sheen~Hay



..."three of them;"

three of them...]

~{~{300 ~{30}~ ~300}~}~ ~5~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
6 Mem~Tsadde~Phay~Waw~finalNoun



..."in the north;"

in the north...]

7 Sheen~Ayn~Raysh~Yod~finalMem



..."portals, hologral Values, measures, signatures, etc.;"

Shyar~Raysh cavitating portals~hologrally~measureing~signatureing enlightenings for all existence cosmically~biosphered...]

8 Sheen~Lammed~Sheen~Hay



..."three of them;"

three of them...]

~{~{300 ~{30}~ ~300}~}~ ~5~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
9 Mem~Noun~Ghimel~Vayt



..."in the south;"

in the south...]

It appears that Gav assa 'back' issi colloquially being sub'd for south.


Doug - 25Oct2016.
10 Vav~Sheen~Ayn~Raysh~Yod~finalMem



..."and portals, hologral Values, measures, signatures, etc.;"

and Shyar~Raysh cavitating portals~hologrally~measureing~signatureing enlightenings for all existence cosmically~biosphered...]

11 Sheen~Lammed~Sheen~Hay



..."three of them;"

three of them...]

~{~{300 ~{30}~ ~300}~}~ ~5~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
12 Mem~Mem~Ayn~Raysh~Vayt



..."to the west;"

to the west...]

©Quantonics, Inc., 2016-2030

Shyar~Raysh cavitating portals~hologrally~measureing~signatureing enlightenings for all existence cosmically~biosphered
three of them
rising in east of y~¤ur
Shyar~Raysh cavitating portals~hologrally~measureing~signatureing enlightenings for all existence cosmically~biosphered
three of them
in the north
Shyar~Raysh cavitating portals~hologrally~measureing~signatureing enlightenings for all existence cosmically~biosphered
three of them
in the south
and Shyar~Raysh cavitating portals~hologrally~measureing~signatureing enlightenings for all existence cosmically~biosphered
three of them
to the west.

Doug - 25Oct2016.


©Quantonics, Inc., 2016-2030

Retranslation of Revelation XXI:14

Doug - 26Oct2016.

Revelation XXI Letter~Text Spelled Out


(some guesses)

An Internet Literal
(some altered by Doug)

Doug's Suaresian Qabalic Translation

1 Vav~Lammed~Hhayt~Waw~Mem~Tav



..."And the city wall;"

And cowithihn the city wall...]

~{6 ~30.8~ ~6}~ ~{40 400}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Hhomat issi city wall.

Doug - 26Oct2016.
2 Hay~Ayn~Yod~Raysh



..."of Hær holy city;"

of Hær holy city...]

3 Vav~Sheen~Noun~Yod~finalMem



..."having two and;"

having two and...]

4 Ayn~Seen~Raysh





5 Mem~Waw~Sammekh~Dallet~Waw~Tav





~{40 ~{~{6 ~{60}~ ~{4}~ ~6}~}~ ~400}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Sammekh~Waw~Dallet issi foundation.

In fluxodynamic quantumese it reads, "Hermaphroditic gatewayveings...with an emphasis on impermeable vital~impedanceings."

Doug - 26Oct2016.
6 Vav~Ayn~Lammed~Yod~Hay~finalMem



..."and settleingsq on new lands of omniversal Lightingsq existentiallyq metabolizedq ostensed over y~¤ur beingsq divineq livingsq;"

and settleingsq on new lands of omniversal Lightingsq existentiallyq metabolizedq ostensed over y~¤ur beingsq divineq livingsq...]

~{6 ~ ~600}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~{6 ~settleingsq?~ ~600}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Doug - 26Oct2016.
7 Sheen~Noun~Yod~finalMem



..."two and;"

two and...]

8 Ayn~Seen~Raysh





9 Sheen~Mem~Waw~Tav




metabolicq names (bearing n¤ sema of dialecticc)...]

If we name something classically, concretely, we kill it, thus Shemawt.

But name starts with Sheen which mandates evolutionary metabolism thus ~name~.

Can we kill a ~name~? What would it mean philosophicallyq to Sabahh~Thani ~Doug~?

Would Sabahh~Thani Doug be ~Doug~~Doug~?

See Doug's QELR of cancel.

If ~Doug~ issi evolvingq what would that signature look like?

Are we pondering Doug's name? Doug's soma? What exactly is Doug?

Is 'exact' a dialectical term? Does it treat Doug assa a static, independent, localable, analytic object?

Issi Doug's nous objectively independent of Doug's soma?

In what reality? But can we call dialectic real? Is dialectic metabolic, alive?

Are we commenceingq understandingsq, standingunderingsq, of whyq Revelation insists on destruction of dialectic?

Doug - 25Oct2016.
10 Lammed~Sheen~Noun~Yod~finalMem



..."in years;"

in years...]

11 Ayn~Seen~Raysh





12 Sheen~Lammed~Yod~Hhayt~Yod



..."from leaders of y~¤ur audienceings;"

from leaders of y~¤ur audienceings...]

~{300 30}~ ~{10 ~8~ ~10}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
13 Hay~Seen~Hay



..."y~¤ur divineq livingq focusedq quantons(scin,quan) married cosmic metabolismsq;"

y~¤ur divineq livingq focusedq quantons(scin,quan) married cosmic metabolismsq...]

~{~{5 ~300~ ~5}~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Doug - 26Oct2016.

©Quantonics, Inc., 2016-2030

And cowithihn the city wall
of Hær holy city
having two and
and settleingsq on new lands of omniversal Lightingsq existentiallyq metabolizedq ostensed over y~¤ur beingsq divineq livingsq,
two and
metabolicq names (bearing n¤ sema of dialecticc)
in years
of ten
leaders of y~¤ur audienceings
y~¤ur divineq livingq focusedq quantons(scin,quan) married cosmic metabolismsq.

Doug - 26Oct2016.


©Quantonics, Inc., 2016-2030

Retranslation of Revelation XXI:15

Doug - 26Oct2016.

Revelation XXI Letter~Text Spelled Out


(some guesses)

An Internet Literal
(some altered by Doug)

Doug's Suaresian Qabalic Translation

1 Vav~Vayt~Yod~Dallet



..."And a seal, a hand from;"

And a seal, a hand from...]

2 Hay~Mem~Dallet~Bayt~Raysh



..."the wilderness;"

the wilderness...]

~5~ ~{40 4}~ ~{2 200}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
3 Aleph~Lammed~Yod



..."offered unto all;"

offered unto all...]

~{1 ~30~ ~10}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Movie Eli issi a real treat, in Doug's opine. Watch it.

An amazing futuristic Chautauqua.

Imagine one who has qua to recall entire text of both old and new testaments.

At end of movie carefully examine names of texts shown on a bookshelf.

Issi He blind? Are wæ? Arera y¤u?

Profundities of Gnosticq Individualismq...

What did Jeshua mean when he said, "Eli, Eli, Lama Sabakthani?"

In The Paraphrase of Shem (VII, I) Intro., Sabakah issi equivalent Gnoses' John the Baptist (an radical anti gnostic dialectical DIQhead). I.e., baptism issi an nous entrapment, literally.

Eh? "Institutional-social-classical-religion issi an opiate of mind, a trap."

Again, Doug reminds you that he sees selfq assa Quantum~Chaldæan~Gnostic playing Qabala's Game of Life.

Stuff of Abraham before organized religion, before Islam, before Israel and so many state-ic mechanical masculine testicular dialectical abominations emanating from them.

Read William Blake and Herman Melville... read Heraclitus' fragments...

Doug - 22Sep2016.
4 Qof~Noun~Hay



..."via cosmic~vital~impetus destroying dialectic while coobsfectingq and adhereing quantum~lifeq~principleingsq of freedomingsq, uncertaintyingsq, and peaceingsq;"

via cosmic~vital~impetus destroying dialectic while coobsfectingq and adhereing quantum~lifeq~principleingsq of freedomingsq, uncertaintyingsq, and peaceingsq...]

~100~ ~{50 5}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
5 Zayn~Hay~Vayt



..."with unlimitedq golden potentiaq of somaticq life'sq;"

with unlimitedq golden potentiaq of somaticq life'sq...]

6 Lammed~Mem~Dallet



..."metabolismingsq and emerscent evolutionq and adaptationingsq of realityingsq;"

metabolismingsq and emerscent evolutionq and adaptationingsq of realityingsq...]

~30~ ~{40 4}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Quantum reality issi metabolicq!

Ponder meme assa Mem~Aleph.

Now, given that Ho™em~Aleph™, recall SoS' major theme:


Fluxoid 0 of Atta issi At (Aleph~Tav).

SoS then issi showingq usq that metabolismingsq arera cowithihn At assa SoS' theme showsq usq Alt!!!


So we might write spin 1/2 Atta assa ~Alt0~Tla1~.

Lammed issi cowithihn fluxoid 1, too.

We are k~now~ings Lammed issi cowithihn Atta's fermionic qycloidings of nature, intrinsically!

Evolutionq issi intrinsic Natureq!

Doug - 26Oct2016.
7 Aleph~Tav



..."from alpha to omega;"

from alpha to omega...]

8 Hay~Ayn~Yod~Raysh



..."Hær beloved city;"

Hær beloved city...]

9 Vav~Aleph~Tav



..."and from alpha to omega;"

and from alpha to omega...]

10 Sheen~Ayn~Raysh~Yod~Hay



..."livingq portals, hologral Values, measures, signatures, etc.;"

livingq Shyar~Raysh qwf~cavitating portals~hologrally~measureing~signatureing enlightenings for all existenceings...]

QCS™ offers:

~{300 ~70~ ~200}~ ~10.600~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~


Shyar~Raysh populated qwf~cavitationings of

70.~existential~QED~scintillationings~transmutationings' FUPings~

enlightenings Shyar~Raysh populated qwf~reverberationings resonateings cowithihn


qwf~vibrationally qwf~fractally~recursively portals~hologrally~measureing~signatureing~transmuteing all


qwf~everywhere~middle~inclusion~associationings with the seas, the cosmic waters'


all immersed cowithihn Iht


Doug - 8Mar2016, 26Oct2016.
(In last qwf change from 600. to 5., from masculine plural cosmic~biosphere to feminine Hay, life~living.)
11 Vav~Aleph~Tav



..."and from alpha to omega;"

and from alpha to omega...]

12 Hhayt~Waw~Mem~Tav~Hay



..."spiritualq fecundityingsq cowithihn living'sq walls;"

spiritualq fecundityingsq cowithihn living'sq walls...]

Issi this another way of showing Sabahhah?

Doug - 26Oct2016.

©Quantonics, Inc., 2016-2030

And a seal, a hand from
the wilderness,
offered unto all
via cosmic~vital~impetus destroying dialectic while coobsfectingq and adhereing quantum~lifeq~principleingsq of freedomingsq, uncertaintyingsq, and peaceingsq,
with unlimitedq golden potentiaq of somaticq life'sq
metabolismingsq and emerscent evolutionq and adaptationingsq of realityingsq,
from alpha to omega,
Hær beloved city,
and from alpha to omega,
livingq Shyar~Raysh qwf~cavitating portals~hologrally~measureing~signatureing enlightenings for all existenceings,
and from alpha to omega,
spiritualq fecundityingsq cowithihn living'sq walls.

. . .

Remember in Star Trek how silicon based life forms referred us bags of water.

We might infer our skins are walls. However our minds tend to be culturally, often sociopathicallyc,
propagandized to accept dialectic walls controlling our thoughts and behaviors.
Doug calls it "Intellectual (psychic) and Spiritual (pneumatic) Rape."
By dialectic's two-state-ic (bistable, bipolar, digital, mechanical, objective, formal, naive, local-only)
denialc of livingq waveq~functionings, it imposes Emotional (adfectic, abfectic) Rape, too.

Doug - 26Oct2016.


©Quantonics, Inc., 2016-2030

Retranslation of Revelation XXI:16

Doug - 27Oct2016.

Revelation XXI Letter~Text Spelled Out


(some guesses)

An Internet Literal
(some altered by Doug)

Doug's Suaresian Qabalic Translation

1 Vav~Mem~Waw~Sheen~Vayt



..."Where the city settles;"

Where the city settles,...]

~{6 ~40~ ~6}~ ~300.2~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
2 Hay~Ayn~Yod~Raysh



..."Hær beloved city;"

Hær beloved city...]

3 Mem~Raysh~Bayt~Ayn



..."assessed as foursquare (a semantically degenerate square shape of equal sides);"

assessed as foursquare (a semantically degenerate square shape of equal sides)...]

~40~ ~{200 2}~ ~70~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~existential biosphereings~ self~other~referent experienceings ~{200 2}~ ~70~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~40~ ~{precipitous declensionings from omniversal cityesque emerqancyings degenerating into somatic individualism}~ ~70~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~40~ ~{200 2}~ ~enlightened~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Idiom issi 2x2 assa 4 assa foursquare.

Degenerating ~{200 2}~ Arba (four) as an assessment of a city...too classical and math-infantile for Doug's tastes...

Somehow a tetrad is likely ille~semiotic~semantic here: city, self as foursquare, as tetradic, etc.

Problem with that type of illeism is it practices objective abstraction.

Fabulism tends to offer ille in quantonic role~situational interrelationshipings, including interrelationshipings which are self(selves)~ and other[s]~referent.

Doug's use of selves issi in reference with respect to Hesse in his fabulous Steppenwolf, with Harry Haller illeatically referring self as many selves (usually referred schizophrenia).

Doug - 26Oct2016.
4 Vav~Aleph~Raysh~Kaf~Hay



..."the length;"

the length...]

~6.1~ ~{200 20}~ ~5~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

A grail assa a pipe, an aqueduct, a tunnel, etc., has length. Ponder length as length~alive.

What issi a living length? Can length be adaptive, transmutative, etc.?

Inchworm? Fire truck ladder? Tree branch? Telescoping telescope? Erection? Hair? Fingernails?

Doug - 26Oct2016.
5 Kaf~Raysh~Hhayt~Bayt~Hay





~{20 ~{200}~ ~8~ ~2}~ ~5~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
6 Vav~Yod~Mem~Dallet





~6.10~ ~{40 4}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
7 Aleph~Tav



..."from alpha to omega;"

from alpha to omega...]

8 Hay~Ayn~Yod~Raysh



..." Hær beloved city;"

Hær beloved city...]

9 Bayt~Qof~Noun~Hay



..."in repute;"

in repute...]

~2.100~ ~{50 5}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
10 Hay~Mem~Dallet~Hay



..."the biosphereings gatewayveingq livingsq;"

the biosphereings gatewayveingq livingsq...]

~6~ ~{40 4}~ ~5~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
11 Vav~Sheen~Noun~Yod~finalMem



..."having two and;"

having two and...]

~{6 ~300.50.10~ ~600}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
12 Ayn~Seen~Raysh





~70~ ~{300 200}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
13 Aleph~Lammed~Phay





Aleph issi sooo... interesting.

We see Aleph assa ~Aleph~Lammed~Phay~ gematraically ~1000~.
we see its created symbol assa ~Sheen~Yod~Tav~ gematraically ~300.10.400~.

For latter see Gen I:1, word 1, "Barashyt..."

~Sheen~Tav~ metabolicallyq evolveq, transmuteq, and
adaptq ~Yod~ to its evolvingq situationingsq and rolesq.

Like all Aut Aleph's spelling issi fractally~recursive, so in a senseq its spelling issi one expression of quantum~realityings: QR issi metabolic, has existenceings, and needs vital~impedance to Pirsigesque~latch ~life~death~ hysteresisq of Atta's qycloidal fermionicityings.

In existence fluxoids 0 and 1 of fermionic ensembles are temporal (n¤n adiabatic), therefore all actualityings (~Yod~) due their temporalityings use time to express themselves. That use of time generates hysteresisq ihn all n¤n adiabatic quantum~processings. We may thinkq of this hysteresisq as processq that engenders existential posentropy.

Think of adiabaticity as a way of understanding quantum processings which do not lose energyings to any environment. In that way of viewing adiabaticity we may say, "Adiabatic processesq are 100% efficient." You may also wish to view adiabaticity of adiabaticity assa a meme of isoflux assa pure isocoherent flux which "hides." This issi, using one of many memes, quantum~vacuum~flux.


Aleph when it issi pure and hiding from actualityings.

Heraclitus (c. 500 bc), "Nature loves to hide."

Imagine this in light blue with all lines quantized:

Place situation~role cowithihn Aleph's comtextings, Sheen~Tav 'hammering,' i.e., quantons(scin,quan) evolutionaryq transmutationq of Yod's quantum wayveings uses up energyings engendering heat (radiated energyings), thus we see posentropy as a measure of systemic ensemble fermionic partialq efficiency and lack thereof.

As you may fathom, what Aleph does isn't classically 'abstract.' Rather it issi radicallyq comtext sensitive and thus we should hermeneut Aleph's realityings in terms of Suares' role and situation. Dump all classical ideas which depend upon objective, formal, dialectical abstraction.

Aleph's Role~Situation HotMeme
"Abstractionc issi bogus ihn quantum~reality."™
Aleph's Role~Situation HotMeme

This partially explains why Suares wrote, paraphrased, "One may not simply (abstractly) memorize Qabala and recite it intellectually."

Doug infers, "One must live Qabala through its metabolicq Autiot and Gematria, and play The Game of Life."
"Doug, how can you make that inference?"
Aleph's symbol was created with Sheen cowithihn it: cosmic~metabolismq issi cowithihn Aleph.

How do we k~now it issi quantum?

Atta's cycle's (qycloids) are fermionic~quantized.

Doug - 27Oct2016.
14 Raysh~Yod~Sammekh





Isn't this remarkable?

To see this word in a document that, plausibly, issi about 2000 years old...

A reed as a quantum!

Keep in mind that a furlong issi about 220 yards. Decile (~10%) smaller in meters.

Doug does not know from this text whether city's size issi expressed as perimeter (four sides: four square?), alternatively as one side of a square...

Doug - 27Oct2016.
15 Aleph~Raysh~Kaf~Hay





~1~ ~{200 20}~ ~5~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

A grail assa a pipe, an aqueduct, a tunnel, etc., has length. Ponder length as length~alive.

What issi a living length? Can length be adaptive, transmutative, etc.?

Inchworm? Fire truck ladder? Tree branch? Telescoping telescope? Erection? Hair? Fingernails?

Doug - 26Oct2016.
16 Vav~Raysh~Hhayt~Bayt~Hay



..."and greatness;"

and greatness...]

~6~ ~{200 ~8~ ~2}~ ~5~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
17 Vav~Qof~Waw~Mem~Tav~Hay



..."and while destroying all dialectic, are living high;"

and while destroying all dialectic, are living high...]

~{6 ~100~ ~6}~ ~{40 400}~ ~5~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
18 Mem~Dallet~Hay



..."as biosphereings gatewayveingq livingsq;"

as biosphereings gatewayveingq livingsq...]

~{40 4}~ ~5~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
19 Aleph~Hhayt~Tav



..."blessed are;"

blessed are...]

This issi almost too obviously, "spirit cowithihn Atta's breatheings~¤ut" fluxoid zero.

Compare SoS' theme of Aleph~Lammed~Tav: 1.30.400.

Doug - 6Oct2016.
20 Lammed~Hay~finalMem



..."y~¤ur organicq livingq beingsq;"

y~¤ur organicq livingq beingsq cowithihn cosmic biosphereings...]

©Quantonics, Inc., 2016-2030

Where the city settles,
Hær beloved city,
assessed as foursquare (a semantically degenerate square shape of equal sides)
the length
from alpha to omega,
Hær beloved city,
in repute,
the biosphereings gatewayveingq livingsq
having two and
and greatness,
and while destroying all dialectic, are living high,
as biosphereings gatewayveingq livingsq,
blessed are
y~¤ur organicq livingq beingsq cowithihn cosmic biosphereings.

Doug - 27Oct2016.


©Quantonics, Inc., 2016-2030

Retranslation of Revelation XXI:17

Doug - 27Oct2016.

Revelation XXI Letter~Text Spelled Out


(some guesses)

An Internet Literal
(some altered by Doug)

Doug's Suaresian Qabalic Translation

1 Vav~Yod~Mem~Dallet



..."And therefore;"

And therefore,...]

~6.10~ ~{40 4}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Therefore as used here issi, "...plausibilityq with comcern for purposeq and comsequences."

Realize that social-dialectical planners would use therefor (no ending 'e') as, "...certaintyc without concernc for consequences."

Doug - 27Oct2016.
2 Aleph~Tav



..."from alpha to omega;"

from alpha to omega,...]

3 Hhayt~Waw~Mem~Tav~Hay



..."spiritualq fecundityingsq cowithihn living'sq walls;"

spiritualq fecundityingsq cowithihn living'sq walls...]

Issi this another way of showing Sabahhah?

Doug - 26Oct2016.
4 Mem~Aleph~Hay



..."a hundred;"

a hundred...]

5 Vav~Aleph~Raysh~Bayt~Ayn~Yod~finalMem



..."and forty;"

and forty...]

~{6 ~{1 ~{200 2}~ ~70~ ~10}~ ~600}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
6 Vav~Aleph~Raysh~Bayt~Ayn





~6.1~ ~{200 2}~ ~70~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
7 Aleph~Mem~Waw~Tav


[Amot, Emet:

..."Mothers of 'truth';"

Mothers of 'truth' of vital~impetus resurrecting death...]

We see ~1~ affecting ~{40..400}~ of ~6~ .

This appears to be Aleph overcoming death's cycling via resurrection.

Doug - 19Dec2015.

. . .

QCS™ offers:

~1 ~{40 ~6 400}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~


rapid rate (life nissin death and death nissin life antinomialism) qwf~apoptosings


ascendant columnar cavitationings (antinomially also Mothers of truth resurrecting) struggling with persistent life~death qycloidal qwf~resistanceings of


disembodying qwf~making abundance of columnar ascendant reverberationings cowithihn


(e.g., Han Solo carbonite) Mawt~Hamawt lowly~entrapped cowithihn Iht


Doug - 19Dec2015, 9-10,29Feb2016.
8 Bayt~Mem~Dallet~Tav



..."in measureq, qwf~signature;"

in measureq as ascendant columnar cavitationings biosphereings reverberating vital~impedance of descendant columnar cavitationings biosphereings reverberating gatewayveings and cavitationings gatewayveings reverberating vital~impedance scintillatingq cosmic quantization's lifeq principlesq of FUPings...]

Compare Esher as witness which issi much closer to what Doug intends by quantum~measurement.

We see ~{40..400}~ of ~{40.4}~ and ~{4.400}~ affecting ~700~.

That Cavitational Script™ issi rather spectacular.
We see nesting and fractal~recursion absent
cavitational~bilateral~palindromicityings (like 40.4.40: "Madam").

We can also show that like this ~{40.{40.4}~{4.400}.400}~, but that issi much more omnifficult to narrate.

Doug - 23Dec2015.

. . .

QCS™ cavitationally parses Medat like this:

~40.4.400~ ~~{~{iso1000}~}~


compound fractal~recursive fermionic ascendant qwf~cavitationings overlapping populated nestings whose descendant both openings and closeings resistanceings of


and qwf~superpositively whose nestings qwf~modal modulationings exalt themselves ascendantly ihnto overlapping ascendant qwf~cavitationings ihnto ultimate qwf~signature~resistanceings of


cowithihn Iht


See signature as it issi used by Doug related to quantum~comsciousness.

Doug - 25,28Feb2016.
9 Aleph~Yod~Sheen





10 Aleph~Sheen~Raysh



..."wæ thus witnessq;"

wæ thus witnessq...]

Witnessing assa ~1~ ~{cosmic straddleingsq}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Doug - 23Oct2016.
11 Hay~Yod~finalMem



..."lifeq con(m)ferring existenceingsq upon all y~¤ur biosphereingsq;"

lifeq con(m)ferring existenceingsq upon all y~¤ur biosphereingsq...]

~5.10~ ~600~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
12 Mem~Dallet~Tav



..."measureq, qwf~signature;"

measureq as ascendant columnar cavitationings biosphereings reverberating vital~impedance of descendant columnar cavitationings biosphereings reverberating gatewayveings and cavitationings gatewayveings reverberating vital~impedance scintillatingq cosmic quantization's lifeq principlesq of FUPings...]

13 Hay~Mem~Lammed~Aleph~finalKhaf



..."of y~¤ur angel;"

of y~¤ur angel...]

~{5 ~40.30.1~ ~500}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

©Quantonics, Inc., 2016-2030

And therefore,
from alpha to omega,
spiritualq fecundityingsq cowithihn living'sq walls,
a hundred
and forty
Mothers of 'truth' of vital~impetus resurrecting death
in measureq as ascendant columnar cavitationings biosphereings reverberating vital~impedance of descendant columnar cavitationings biosphereings reverberating...
eings and cavitationings gatewayveings reverberating vital~impedance scintillatingq cosmic quantization's lifeq principlesq of FUPings,
hn each
wæ thus witnessq
lifeq con(m)ferring existenceingsq upon all y~¤ur biosphereingsq
measureq as ascendant columnar cavitationings biosphereings reverberating vital~impedance of descendant columnar cavitationings biosphereings reverberating...
eings and cavitationings gatewayveings reverberating vital~impedance scintillatingq cosmic quantization's lifeq principlesq of FUPings
of y~¤ur angel.

Doug - 27Oct2016.


©Quantonics, Inc., 2016-2030

Retranslation of Revelation XXI:18

Doug - 27Oct2016.

Revelation XXI Letter~Text Spelled Out


(some guesses)

An Internet Literal
(some altered by Doug)

Doug's Suaresian Qabalic Translation

1 Vav~Vayt~Noun~Yod~finalNoun



..."And the building of;"

And the building of...]

~6.2~ ~{50 ~10~ ~700}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
2 Hhayt~Waw~Mem~Tav



..."spiritualq fecundityingsq cowithihn living'sq city wall;"

spiritualq fecundityingsq cowithihn living'sq city wall...]

~8.6~ ~{40 400}~ ~5~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
3 Hay~Ayn~Yod~Raysh



..."Hær beloved city built of;"

Hær beloved city built of...]

4 Aleph~Vayt~Noun



..."Hær hermaphroditic stone;"

Hær hermaphroditic stone...]

In Autiot words translated according Suares' own hologral quantum~fluxodynamics we have, "Vital~impetus own somatic adherenceings to cosmic quantizationings of lifeq principleingsq of freedomingsq, uncertaintyingsq, and peaceingsq."

As a stone, we see two~lives~hermaphrodicityings of two equilateral triangles superposeing~inverted~entanglingq one another as Star of David.

Doug - 17Jun2016.

We see here quantum~irony of both stone viewed as dead and stone viewed as alive. Quantum~antinomial~complementarity as quantons(stones~alive,stones~dead).

The big Revelation issi quantons(living,dead) as real and corresponds linguisticallyq quantons(holograilicq,dialecticc), which somewhat corresponds "these two lives" of Autiot assa quantons(Aut,Iot).

Doug - 31Jul2016.

5 Yod~Sheen~Phay~Hay



..."jasper, representing existential abundance of metabolicq unlimited possibilityings cowithihn lifeq;"

jasper, representing existential abundance of metabolicq unlimited possibilityings cowithihn lifeq...]

6 Vav~Hay~Ayn~Yod~Raysh



..."and from a city of;"

and from a city of...]

Observe, obtain how 'city' issi cosmic~comtainmentings of ¤ne'sq lightingsq cowithihn existenceingsq.

Doug - 12Jun2016.
7 Zayn~Hay~Vayt




unlimitedq pure golden potentiaq of somaticq lifeq ..]

8 Mem~Waw~Phay~Zayn



..."cowithihn and physical;"

cowithihn and physical...]

9 Dallet~Waw~Mem~Hay





~{4 ~6~ ~40}~ ~5~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
10 Lammed~Zayn~Khaf~Waw~Khaf~Yod~Tav



..."unto a lens of glass;"

unto a lens of glass...]

~30.7~ ~{20 ~6~ ~20}~ ~10.400~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

"...photons permeably grail a lens of glass..."

Doug - 27Oct2016.
q 11 Zayn~Kaf~Hay



..."assa unlimitedq potentiaq of impermeable grailingq of lifeq;"

assa unlimitedq potentiaq of impermeable grailingq of lifeq...]

©Quantonics, Inc., 2016-2030

And the building of
spiritualq fecundityingsq cowithihn living'sq city wall
Hær beloved city built of
Hær hermaphroditic stone called
jasper, representing existential abundance of metabolicq unlimited possibilityings cowithihn lifeq,
and from a city of
unlimitedq pure golden potentiaq of somaticq lifeq
cowithihn and physical,
unto a lens of glass
assa unlimitedq potentiaq of impermeable grailingq of lifeq.

Doug - 27Oct2016.


©Quantonics, Inc., 2016-2030

Retranslation of Revelation XXI:19

Doug - 27Oct2016.

Revelation XXI Letter~Text Spelled Out


(some guesses)

An Internet Literal
(some altered by Doug)

Doug's Suaresian Qabalic Translation

1 Vav~Mem~Waw~Sammekh~Dallet~Waw~Tav



..."And the institutional foundations offer;"

And the institutional foundations offer...]

~{6 ~{40 ~6}~ ~{60 ~{4}~ ~6}~ ~400}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Does that QCS™ script beg red tape?

Doug - 27Oct2016.
2 Hhayt~Waw~Mem~Tav



..."spiritualq fecundityingsq cowithihn living'sq walls of;"

spiritualq fecundityingsq cowithihn living'sq walls of...]

~8.6~ ~{40 400}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
3 Hay~Ayn~Yod~Raysh



..."Hær beloved city;"

Hær beloved city...]

4 Mem~Raysh~Bayt~Tsadde~Waw~Tav



..."adorned with;"

adorned with...]

~{40 ~{200 2}~ ~90.6~ ~400}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
5 Bayt~Khaf~Lammed



..."every one, all manner of;"

every one, all manner of...]

~{2 20}~ ~30~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
6 Aleph~Vayt~Noun~Yod



..."Hær hermaphroditic stones;"

Hær hermaphroditic stones...]

~{1 ~2.50~ ~10}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

In Autiot words translated according Suares' own hologral quantum~fluxodynamics we have, "Vital~impetus own somatic adherenceings to cosmic quantizationings of lifeq principleingsq of freedomingsq, uncertaintyingsq, and peaceingsq."

As a stone, we see two~lives~hermaphrodicityings of two equilateral triangles superposeing~inverted~entanglingq one another as Star of David.

Doug - 17Jun2016.

We see here quantum~irony of both stone viewed as dead and stone viewed as alive. Quantum~antinomial~complementarity as quantons(stones~alive,stones~dead).

The big Revelation issi quantons(living,dead) as real and corresponds linguisticallyq quantons(holograilicq,dialecticc), which somewhat corresponds "these two lives" of Autiot assa quantons(Aut,Iot).

Doug - 31Jul2016.
7 Hhayt~Phay~finalTsadde



..."that are precious cowithihn;"

that are precious cowithihn...]

~{8 80}~ ~900~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
8 Hay~Mem~Waw~Sammekh~Dallet



..."the institutional foundation.;"

the institutional foundation....]

~5~ ~{40 ~{6 60}~ ~4}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
9 Hay~Raysh~Aleph~Sheen~Waw~finalNoun



..."The first;"

The first...]

~5~ ~{200 ~1~ ~300}~ ~6.700~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
10 Yod~Sheen~Phay~Hay





11 Hay~Sheen~Noun~Yod



..."the second;"

the second...]

12 Sammekh~Phay~Yod~Raysh





13 Hay~Sheen~Lammed~Yod~Sheen~Yod



..."the third;"

the third...]

~5~ ~{~{300 ~{30}~ ~{10 300}~}~ 10~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
14 Sheen~Vayt~Waw





15 Hay~Raysh~Vayt~Yod~Ayn~Yod



..."the fourth;"

the fourth...]

~5~ ~{200 2}~ ~{10 ~70~ ~10~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
16 Bayt~Raysh~Qof~Tav





~{2 200}~ ~100.400~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

©Quantonics, Inc., 2016-2030

And the institutional foundations offer
spiritualq fecundityingsq cowithihn living'sq walls of
Hær beloved city
adorned with
every one, all manner of
Hær hermaphroditic stones
that are precious cowithihn
the institutional foundation.

The first
the second
the third
the fourth

Doug - 27Oct2016.


©Quantonics, Inc., 2016-2030

Retranslation of Revelation XXI:20

Doug - 28Oct2016.

Revelation XXI Letter~Text Spelled Out


(some guesses)

An Internet Literal
(some altered by Doug)

Doug's Suaresian Qabalic Translation

1 Hay~Hhayt~Mem~Yod~Sheen~Yod



..."The fifth;"

The fifth...]

~5.8.40~ ~{10 ~300~ ~10}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
2 Yod~Hay~Lammed~finalMem



..."sardonyx, white layered onyx;"

white layered onyx...]

3 Hay~Sheen~Sheen~Yod



..."the sixth;"

the sixth...]

~5~ ~{300 300}~ ~10~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
~5~ ~{~{300 300}~}~ ~10~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
4 Aleph~Dallet~finalMem



..."sardius, ruby, carnelian;"

sardius, ruby...]

5 Hay~Sheen~Vayt~Yod~Ayn~Yod



..."the seventh;"

the seventh...]

~5.300.2~ ~{10 ~70~ ~10}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
6 Tav~Raysh~Sheen~Yod~Sheen



..."chrysolite, olivine;"

chrysolite, olivine...]

~400~ ~{200 ~{300}~ ~10~ ~300}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

could also be

~400~ ~{200 ~{300 ~10~ ~300}~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Doug senses at this juncture how...whoever invented Qabala's Autiot~Gematria, perhaps millions or more years ago...ancients understood qwfal aspects of crystalline materials scihænce.

Above two patterns offer an entangled ~cav~rev~ overlapping vis-a-vis a ~cav~rev~ nesting:

overlap: ~{200 ~{300}~ ~10~ ~300}~
nesting: ~{200 ~{300 ~10~ ~300}~}~

How does a jewel's crystalline, internal fluxq emerq?

How does any jewel's ensemble of fermions evolveq that specific jewel?

In living emerqs we fathom how RNA~DNA plays that hologral role and situation of proto~omni~printing and Bayt~trajectory~maintaining.

Is there an equivalent or similar phenome guide in crystals? Does that omnistinguishq organic life?

Doug - 28Oct2016.
7 Hay~Sheen~Mem~Yod~Noun~Yod



..."the eighth;"

the eighth...]

~{5 ~300.40~ ~{10 ~50}~ ~10}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
8 Sheen~Hay~finalMem



..."are beryl;"

are beryl...]

Shehem usually means in idiom, "those who are."

Beryl issi a [blue | green | yellow] silicate of beryllium and aluminum.

Doug - 28Oct2016.
9 Hay~Thav~Sheen~Yod~Ayn~Yod



..."the ninth;"

the ninth...]

~5.400.300~ ~{10 ~70~ ~10}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
10 Phay~Tayt~Dallet~Hay





11 Hay~Ayn~Seen~Yod~Raysh~Yod



..."the tenth;"

the tenth...]

~5.70~ ~{300 ~{10 ~200}~ ~10}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
12 Noun~Phay~finalKhaf



..."golden green chrysoprase;"

golden green chrysoprase...]

~{50 ~80~ ~500}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
13 Aleph~Hhayt~Dallet





14 Hay~Ayn~Seen~Raysh



..."and ten (make eleventh);"

and ten (make eleventh)...]

~5.70~ ~{300 ~10~ ~200}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
15 Lammed~Sheen~finalMem



..."purposeful jacinth, zircon, red orange;"

purposeful jacinth, zircon, red orange...]

~{30 300}~ ~600~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
16 Sheen~Noun~Yod~finalMem





17 Hay~Ayn~Seen~Raysh



..."and ten (make twelfth);"

and ten (make twelfth)...]

~5.70~ ~{300 ~10~ ~200}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
18 Aleph~Hhayt~Lammed~Mem~Hay





©Quantonics, Inc., 2016-2030

The fifth
white layered onyx,
the sixth
sardius, ruby,
the seventh
chrysolite, olivine,
the eighth
are beryl,
the ninth
the tenth
golden green chrysoprase,
and ten (make eleventh)
purposeful jacinth, zircon, red orange,
and ten (make twelfth)

Doug - 28Oct2016.


©Quantonics, Inc., 2016-2030

Retranslation of Revelation XXI:21

Doug's translation here, as we have seen on occasion prior, bears little resemblance to reference text's idiom.

Doug - 28Oct2016.

Revelation XXI Letter~Text Spelled Out


(some guesses)

An Internet Literal
(some altered by Doug)

Doug's Suaresian Qabalic Translation

1 Vav~Sheen~Noun~Yod~finalMem



..."Having two and;"

Having two and...]

2 Ayn~Seen~Raysh





3 Hay~Sheen~Ayn~Raysh~Yod~finalMem



..."living portals, hologral Values, measures, signatures, etc.;"

living Shyar~Raysh cavitating portals~hologrally~measureing~signatureing enlightenings for all existence cosmically~biosphered...]

QCS™ offers:

~5~ ~{300 ~70~ ~200}~ ~10.600~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~


spawning novel livings assa


Shyar~Raysh populated qwf~cavitationings of

70.~existential~QED~scintillationings~transmutationings' FUPings~

enlightenings Shyar~Raysh populated qwf~reverberationings resonateings cowithihn


qwf~vibrationally qwf~fractally~recursively portals~hologrally~measureing~signatureing~transmuteing all


qwf~everywhere~middle~inclusion~associationings with the seas, the cosmic waters


all immersed cowithihn Iht


Doug - 8Mar2016.
4 Sheen~Thav~Yod~finalMem



..."cosmic~metabolismingsq cosmically~impeded cowithihn existenceingsq cosmically~biosphered;"

cosmic~metabolismingsq cosmically~impeded cowithihn existenceingsq cosmically~biosphered...]

Doug chose to script these according their Autiot and ignore their Gematria, e.g., twelve.
5 Ayn~Seen~Raysh~Hay



..."existentialq lightingsq metabolicallyq comtained and straddleingq cosmos and spiritq cowithihn livingsq;"

existentialq lightingsq metabolicallyq comtained and straddleingq cosmos and spiritq cowithihn livingsq...]

Doug chose to script these according their Autiot and ignore their Gematria, e.g., ten.
6 Mem~Raysh~Ghimel~Lammed~Yod~Waw~Tav



..."ihn many Planck momentingsq;"

ihn many Planck momentingsq...]

Regel issi foot. Ragel issi moment.

Doug - 28Oct2016.
7 Kaf~Lammed


[Kol (in any sense of wisdomq):

..."every, all and cowithihn;"

every, all and cowithihn...]

Kol may mean "k~now~ings" much.

This may be said, "One's hologram issi abundantly fledged with quanta."

Doug - 24Jun2016.
8 Sheen~Ayn~Raysh



..."a diffuseq portal of lightq;"

a diffuseq portal of lightq...]

~{300 ~70~ 200}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Compare Shyar: Sheen~Yod~Raysh as s song[ing].

Doug - 16Jun2016.

~{300 ~10~ ~200}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Shyar qwfal~antinomial~hologral projection.
Raysh qwfal~antinomial~hologrally projected.

Raysh projectedq imagesq Shyar projectionq.

Shyar projectedq imagesq Raysh projectionq.

Mirror anagramming...

And vice~versa.

Doug - 1Sep2016.

9 Vav~Sheen~Ayn~Raysh



..."and a diffuseq portal of lightq;"

and a diffuseq portal of lightq...]

10 Mem~Raysh~Ghimel~Lammed~Yod~Tav



..."ihn any Planck momentq;"

ihn any Planck momentq...]

Regel issi foot. Ragel issi moment.

Doug - 28Oct2016.
11 Aleph~Hhayt~Tav



..."issi blessedq and;"

issi blessedq and...]

This issi almost too obviously, "spirit cowithihn Atta's breatheings~¤ut" fluxoid zero.

Compare SoS' theme of Aleph~Lammed~Tav: 1.30.400.

Doug - 6Oct2016.
12 Vav~Raysh~Hhayt~Waw~Vayt



..." cowithihn streets of;"

cowithihn streets of...]

~{2 ~{200}~ ~8.6~ ~2}~~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
13 Hay~Ayn~Yod~Raysh



..."Hær beloved city built of;"

Hær beloved city built of...]

14 Zayn~Hay~Vayt





15 Mem~Waw~Phay~Zayn



..."cowithihn and physicalq unlimitedq potentiaq;"

cowithihn and with physicalq unlimitedq potentiaq...]

Doug would normally use physial in place of physical, but he wanted to emphasize quantum~physical here.

Doug - 28Oct2016.
16 Kaf~Zayn~Khaf~Waw~Khaf~Yod~Tav



..."seenq grailingq a lens of glass;"

seenq grailingq a lens of glass...]

~{20 ~7~ ~{20 ~6~ ~20}~}~ ~10.400~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

"...photons permeably grail a lens of glass..."

Doug - 28Oct2016.
17 Bayt~Hay~Yod~Raysh~Hay



..."transparentq, clearq, livingq and brightq;"

transparentq, clearq, livingq and brightq...]

~{2 ~{5 ~10~ ~200}~ ~5}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

©Quantonics, Inc., 2016-2030

Having two and
living Shyar~Raysh cavitating portals~hologrally~measureing~signatureing enlightenings for all existence cosmically~biosphered,
all cosmic~metabolismingsq cosmically~impeded cowithihn existenceingsq cosmically~biosphered,
all existentialq lightingsq metabolicallyq comtained and straddleingq cosmos and spiritq cowithihn livingsq
ihn many Planck momentingsq
every, all and cowithihn,
a diffuseq portal of lightq,
and a diffuseq portal of lightq,
ihn any Planck momentq
issi blessedq, and
cowithihn streets of
Hær beloved city built of
cowithihn and with physicalq unlimitedq potentiaq,
seenq grailingq a lens of glass,
transparentq, clearq, livingq and brightq.

Doug - 28Oct2016.


©Quantonics, Inc., 2016-2030

Retranslation of Revelation XXI:22

Doug - 28Oct2016.

Revelation XXI Letter~Text Spelled Out


(some guesses)

An Internet Literal
(some altered by Doug)

Doug's Suaresian Qabalic Translation

1 Vav~Hay~Yod~Khaf~Lammed



..."And cowithihn y~¤ur divineq livingq temple;"

And cowithihn y~¤ur divineq livingq temple...]

Compare this livingq temple to the comparatively dead social-dialectical Marxist Keynesian Neocon running on social automatic rote tote spinc we suffer today.

Doug - 28Oct2016.
2 Lammed~Aleph































































































































































~200~ ~{1 ~{10 ~400~ ~10}~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

"Hey Doug, if that script really represents a qwf ensemble, how does one fathom its quant empiritheoretically?"

Think of each tilde as a quantum.

Each quantum's, each tilde's beginning (Beyn) and ending (Veyn), offer an opportunity for a quanton(scin,quan) scintillation of that '~' quantum.

That issi quintessence of quantum~uncertainty: we simply do not know, nor can we predict which of an infinity of possible outcomes happenings~nextings.

Then fathom how said scintillationq 'event' (which issi actually a quantum~process itself) issi at least partially adiabatic and usually non linear.

Pirsig called this a Quality Event. He might just as well said, "Flux event."

That term 'flux' brings on a myriad of subjective, Sophist, quantum~wise memeos.

As with many words which end in 'e' like subjective we can claim understanding of both subjective and subjeciv.

Presence of that 'e' begs and ancillary expression of "anticipating consequence born[e] of purpose and expectation."

Doug likes to think of borne (vav born) as having qua as proemially~nascent incipienceq of any word's self fathoming and others' interpretations of that word's meanings. See 'e' and its presence assa begging a new beginning of word interpretation embraceing expectation and indetermination as bedfellows. Do Doug's bold red 'e' embellishments make more quantum~wayveings sense now?

When 'e' issi absent, we may assume there issi n¤ expectation.

There are many ways to fathom both of those views.

For example one may fathom "no expectation" as que sera. Too one may look at "no expectation" as Platonic~formal~mechanical, any outcome issi Newtonian strictly determined: you (think you) know singular-what will happen. Is there ever only one consequence?

Alternatively, one may fathom "anticipating consequence" assa predicable, deterministicc.

But someone like Doug fathoms "expectationq as holograllyq stochasticq:" he issi k~now~ings that anything can happen, and we simply do not know ephemerally ~role~situationally~ what, and where and when and why, and who, especially how coMsequences will emerge. Reality only appearsc formally predicable, yet it isn't. Predication issi stochastic in quantum~realityings and its for[e]sight issi always temporallyq very limited. Why? Uncertaintyq, plus time issi quantized too!!!

How do classicists stop quantization of time (and any other omnitorableq, for example " zeroc momentum")? They zeroc Planck's clock (thus dialectically disablingc quantum~realityings). However, in quantum reality we may cancel, yet we may n¤t zeroc via classical ideas of negation!

Can you fathom how important Revelation's main theme of destruction of dialectic issi so very important?

This narrative is more obvious at atomic and subatomic scales of reality, but it holds in general. Doug offers a terrific exemplar: Shoemaker Levi striking Jupiter.

Cosmically uncertainty has a much larger time scale, but it is still quantized!

Notice Saturn's rings are macroscopically~quantized ~uncertain...

Ponder Jupiter's weather... and weather of some of its satellites...

Does gravity affect weather? Issi gravity quantized? Yep!
A wonderful epiphany here is that without gravity~quantization, gravity would lose its atemporal superluminalityingsq! Gravity then would be just like Einstein's bogus putative: "Gravityc is temporalc accelerationc." Pure pablumesquec kindergarten potty time retardation.

Compare earth~moon gravitational affects upon earth weather compared to anthropogenic affects on earth weather. Which is greater and by what scale? Anthropogenic affects on earth weather are minuscule compared to natural affectationings.

Do termites and ants have a greater affect on earth weather than humans? Livestock?

Viruses, phages, fungi, etc.?

Sun? Milk Way?


Doug - 28Oct2016.
4 Vayt~Hay



..."somatic life, y~¤ur somaticq livingsq partially cowithihn Iht;"

somatic life, y~¤ur somaticq livingsq partially cowithihn Iht...]

5 Kaf~Yod





Fathom because in light of Doug's comcision efforts just above on perceptionsq, word 3 of this verse.

Doug - 28Oct2016.
6 Yod~Hay~Waw~Hay



..."fecundq demiurgeic existenceingsq aliveq, comsciousq, livingq;"

fecundq demiurgeic existenceingsq issi aliveq, comsciousq, and metabolicallyq livingq...]

Compare Ehieh (Qabala).


Latter: "Alephic existenceings livingq Qabala!"

You may think of Doug's metabolicq equalsq sign assa witnessingq Qabala!

Then ponder witnessingq assa quantum~assessmentings.

Doug - 28Oct2016.
7 Aleph~Lammed~Hay~Yod~finalMem



..."cowithihn y~¤ur demiurgeings;"

cowithihn y~¤ur demiurgeings...]

~{1 ~30.5~ ~10}~ ~600~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
8 Tsadde~Vayt~Aleph~Yod~Tav



..."almightyq quanton of quantons;"

almightyq quanton of quantons assa structuration of soma projecting vital~impetus ihnto existenceings vitally~impeded...]

~90.2~ ~{1 10}~ $~6~$ ~400~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Compare Tsevet, Tsvateem, and Tsavaiot.

Pronunciation infers a Waw ($~6~$)...which begs a feminine plural...which jibes Mother (godhead) as hermaphroditic (Chaldæan Gnosis).

Doug - 29Oct2016.
9 Hay~Waw~Aleph



..."lifeq~affectingq usq with;"

lifeq~affectingq of usq with...]

10 Vav~Hay~Seen~Hay



..."fecundationingsq of divineq livingsq of (focused) metabolismingsq;"

fecundationingsq of divineq livingsq of (focused) metabolismingsq...]

~6~ ~{~{5 ~300~ ~5}~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

"Two lives" script pattern again..

Both fecundityq livingq and metabolismq livingq.

Yet our script's ~role~situation~ reads, "Fecundationingsq of divineq livingsq of (focused) metabolismingsq."

Mix that with SoS' themeq of ~Aleph~Lammed~Tav~.

Doug - 29Oct2016.
11 Hay~Yod~Khaf~Lammed~Hay



..."cowithihn y~¤ur divineq livingq temple;"

cowithihn y~¤ur divineq livingq temple...]

~{~{5 ~10.20.30~ ~5}~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Compare this livingq temple to the comparatively dead social-dialectical Marxist Keynesian Neocon running on social automatic rote tote spinc we suffer today.

How issi Yekhal relevant SoS' Alt?

They both abolish dead " Marxist Keynesian Neocon running on social automatic rote tote spinc."

Is that a Revelation?

Doug - 28Oct2016.

©Quantonics, Inc., 2016-2030

And cowithihn y~¤ur divineq livingq temple
perceptionsq of
somatic life, y~¤ur somaticq livingsq partially cowithihn Iht,
fecundq demiurgeic existenceingsq issi aliveq, comsciousq, and metabolicallyq livingq
[hiding, Hydeing]
cowithihn y~¤ur demiurgeings
almightyq quanton of quantons assa structuration of soma projecting vital~impetus ihnto existenceings vitally~impeded
lifeq~affectingq usq with
fecundationingsq of divineq livingsq of (focused) metabolismingsq
cowithihn y~¤ur divineq livingq temple.

. . .

You might ask, "Doug, issi this source for, 'Your body is your temple?'" Perhaps.

More important though, this verse' disclosure of lack of perception of partially (partiality), viewed
semantically, explains a possible way in which dialectic emerged many millennia ago.
It partially explains Heraclitus' Diels Kranz B1 and B2 quotes.

Doug tends to surmise that dialectic may be an unintended con(m)sequence of a bilobal brain emerscitecture.
How could nature do that?
Perhaps Shæ saw bilobality as only a rung on a ladder of Hær geneticq Stairway to Heaven.
Issi septilobal Neosapiens imminent?

Ponder classicists' putative of formal-impartiality. Their malicious semper fi of, "Be objective!"
Is it stunning to you how formal-impartiality may imply that classical thought
can conceive selfc as capablec of ponderingc completelyc completeness?

A metabolicq realityq issi always and forever incompleteq!
Now jibe that with Einstein's denigration of quantum~theory as "incompletec." See EPR.

Doug - 28Oct2016.


©Quantonics, Inc., 2016-2030

Retranslation of Revelation XXI:23

Doug - 29Oct2016.

Revelation XXI Letter~Text Spelled Out


(some guesses)

An Internet Literal
(some altered by Doug)

Doug's Suaresian Qabalic Translation

1 Vav~Hay~Ayn~Yod~Raysh



..."And Hær beloved city;"

And Hær beloved city...]

2 Aleph~Yod~Noun~Noun~Hay



..."hath qwf~cavitational ascensionq from vital~impetus ihnto existenceings divineq qwf~cavitational lifeq principleingsq of FUPings cowithihn all livingsq;"

hath qwf~cavitational ascensionq from vital~impetus ihnto existenceings divineq qwf~cavitational lifeq principleingsq of FUPings cowithihn all livingsq...]

~{1 10}~ ~{~{50 ~{50}~}~ ~5}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~{cavitational~ascension~from~vital~impetus~ihnto~existenceings}~ ~{~{50 ~{50}~}~ ~5}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~{1 10}~ ~{~{divine qwf~cavitational life principleings of FUPings}~}~ ~living}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

A simpler parse shows enlightenings experienceings quantization's life principleings alive, where enlightenings issi Ayn ass 1.10.5. We ignore divine cavitationings of Noun in order to do that, however.

Doug - 26Sep2016.

3 Tsadde~Raysh~Yod~Khaf~Hay



..."no need for;"

no need for...]

~90~ ~{200 ~10~ ~20}~ ~5~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
4 Lammed~Aleph~Waw~Raysh



..."mutative evolutionary QED~scintillation of all via;"

mutative evolutionary QED~scintillation of all via...]

5 Hay~Sheen~Mem~Sheen



..."the sun;"

the sun...]

6 Vav~Lammed~Noun~Ghimel~Hay



..."and with first touch of dawn;"

and with first touch of dawn...]

~6~ ~{30 ~{50 ~3}~ ~5}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

We see here "...first touch of dawn..." as a kind of "...sun~enlightened hint of life principleings..."

Doug - 29Oct2016.
7 Hay~Yod~Raysh~Hhayt



..."the moon's livingq existentialq comtainment ihn spiritualq unlimitedq possibilityingsq;"

the moon's livingq existentialq comtainment ihn spiritualq unlimitedq possibilityingsq...]

8 Kaf~Yod




because of and...]

9 Khaf~Vayt~Waw~Dallet



..."in honor;"

in honor...]

10 Aleph~Lammed~Hay~Yod~finalMem



..."of y~¤ur demiurgeings;"

of y~¤ur demiurgeings...]

~{1 ~30.5~ ~10}~ ~600~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
11 Hay~Aleph~Yod~Raysh



..."divineq existentialq lightq;"

divineq existentialq lightq...]

~5~ ~{1 10}~ ~200~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
12 Lammed~Hay



..."offering fecundq metabolicq lifeq;"

offering fecundq metabolicq lifeq...]

13 Vav~Noun~Raysh~Hay



..."and said lamp;"

and said lamp...]

~6~ ~{50 ~200~ ~5}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
14 Hay~Waw~Aleph



..."thereof usq cowithihn;"

thereof usq cowithihn...]

15 Hay~Sheen~Hay



..."the divineq metabolicq livingq lightq;"

the divineq metabolicq livingq lightq...]

~{~{5 ~300~ ~5}~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

©Quantonics, Inc., 2016-2030

And Hær beloved city
hath qwf~cavitational ascensionq from vital~impetus ihnto existenceings divineq qwf~cavitational lifeq principleingsq of FUPings cowithihn all livingsq
with no need for
mutative evolutionary QED~scintillation of all via
the sun,
and with first touch of dawn,
the moon's livingq existentialq comtainment ihn spiritualq unlimitedq possibilityingsq,
because of and
in honor
of y~¤ur demiurgeings
divineq existentialq lightq,
offering fecundq metabolicq lifeq,
and said lamp on and
thereof usq with
the divineq metabolicq livingq lightq.

Doug - 29Oct2016.


©Quantonics, Inc., 2016-2030

Retranslation of Revelation XXI:24

Doug - 29Oct2016.

Revelation XXI Letter~Text Spelled Out


(some guesses)

An Internet Literal
(some altered by Doug)

Doug's Suaresian Qabalic Translation

1 Vav~Hay~Ghimel~Waw~Yod~finalMem



..."And the nations;"

And the nations...]

~{6 ~5.3~ ~{6}~ ~10~ ~600}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
2 Yod~Lammed~Khaf~Waw



..."shall walk with;"

shall walk with...]

3 Lammed~Aleph~Waw~Raysh~Hay



..."livingq metabolicq fecundq vital~impetus' enlightenmentq cosmically comtained;"

livingq metabolicq fecundq vital~impetus' enlightenmentq cosmically comtained...]




Awr begs lightingsq.

Doug - 29Oct2016.
4 Vav~Mem~Lammed~Khaf~Yod



..."and kings of;"

and kings of...]

5 Aleph~Raysh~finalTsadde





6 Mem~Vayt~Yod~Aleph~Yod~finalMem



..."fecundq somaticq biosphereings embraceingsq exalted ascensioningsq of vital~impetus ihnto existenceingsq;"

fecundq somaticq biosphereings embraceingsq exalted ascensioningsq of vital~impetus ihnto existenceingsq...]

~{40 ~2~ ~{6~ ~{1 10}~ ~600}~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
7 Kaf~Vayt~Waw~Dallet~finalMem



..."honoring and respecting;"

honoring and respecting...]

~{20 2}~ ~{6 ~4~ ~600}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
8 Vav~Tav~Phay~Aleph~Raysh~Thav~finalMem



..."exaltationings of divine splendor;"

exaltationings of divine splendor...]

~{6 ~{~{400 ~80.1.200~ ~400}~}~ ~600}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~{6 ~{~{400 ~splendor~ ~400}~}~ ~600}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Doug - 29Oct2016.
9 Aleph~Lammed~Yod~Hay



..."of vital~impetus unto all existenceingsq;"

of vital~impetus unto all existenceingsq...]

©Quantonics, Inc., 2016-2030

And the nations
shall walk with
livingq metabolicq fecundq vital~impetus' enlightenmentq cosmically comtained
and kings of
whose fecundq somaticq biosphereings embraceingsq exalted ascensioningsq of vital~impetus ihnto existenceingsq
while honoring and respecting
exaltationings of divine splendor
of vital~impetus unto all existenceingsq.

Doug - 29Oct2016.


©Quantonics, Inc., 2016-2030

Retranslation of Revelation XXI:25

Doug - 30Oct2016.

Revelation XXI Letter~Text Spelled Out


(some guesses)

An Internet Literal
(some altered by Doug)

Doug's Suaresian Qabalic Translation

1 Vav~Sheen~Ayn~Raysh~Yod~Hay



..."And the fecundlyq spawnedq cosmic~omniversally~emerqed spiritq straddleingq existentialq lightingsq of existentialq livingsq;"

And the fecundlyq spawnedq cosmic~omniversally~emerqed spiritq straddleingq existentialq lightingsq of existentialq livingsq...]

~6~ ~{300 ~70~ ~200}~ ~10.5~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~6~ ~{cosmic omniversally comtained spirit straddleing existential lightings}~ ~10.5~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~fecundly~ spawned ~{300 ~70~ ~200}~ of ~existential livings~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

We must visualizeq~hermeneutq Doug's use of straddleingq here as a kind of gatewayveingq, possibly a grailq.

Doug - 30Oct2016.
2 Yod~Waw~Mem~finalMem



..."of biospherically exalted days;"

of biospherically exalted days...]

~10~ ~{6 ~40~ ~600}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~y~ ~{o ~mim}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Doug - 30Oct2016.
3 Lammed~Aleph



..."shall allow n¤;"

shall allow n¤...]

4 Yod~Sammekh~Ghimel~Raysh~Waw



..."shuttings of any gatewayveingsq and grailingsq;"

shuttings of any gatewayveingsq and grailingsq...]

~10~ ~{60 ~3.200~ ~6}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
5 Kaf~Yod





6 Lammed~Yod~Lammed~Hay





~{30 ~10~ ~30}~ ~5~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

We see two metabolismings: both existence and life.

Doug - 30Oct2016.
7 Lammed~Aleph



..."issi n¤t permitted;"

issi n¤t permitted...]

"N¤t permitting night" memetically issi philosophicallyq challenging.

We arera k~n¤w~ings all flux issi positiveq.

We cann¤t classically negate fluxq.

We can cancelq two positiveq fluxings, but sustaining cancellationq requires presence of those two positiveq fluxings which arera evolveingsq. Thence any cancellationq will almost always leave a signatureq.

We surmise then, that cancellationq does n¤t emerq empty darknessc, rather it emerqs stealthq, e.g., c¤vert (and due unavoidable signatureingsq, plausibly only partialq) hidingq~hydeingq.

Emptinessc simply does n¤t 'exist' cowithihn quantum~realityings.

Doug -30Oct2016.
8 Yod~Hay~Yod~Hay



..."cowithihn atemporal divineq livingq existenceingsq;"

cowithihn atemporal divineq livingq existenceingsq...]

~{10 ~{5 ~10}~ ~5~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Again, we see entangledq overlappingq superpositioningsq.

We may also extrapolate:

~{~{~10.5~ ~10.5~}~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~{~{15 15}~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Which issi fractal~recursively isopalindromeic on 15 aka Yah.

Doug's use of bold red 'e' issi a reminder of qwfal emphasis on expectational stochasticityings.

For example compare therefore and therefor, and borne and born.

Absence of bold red 'e' begs SOMitic DIQheaded dead-mechanical thing-king.

Doug - 6Aug2016, 30Oct2016.
9 Sheen~finalMem



..."y~¤ur pneumaticq~nous' Name of unbegotten spiritq as cosmic~metabolismings cosmically biosphered cowithihn isoflux' isoenergyings;"

y~¤ur pneumaticq~nous' Name of unbegotten spiritq as cosmic~metabolismings cosmically biosphered cowithihn isoflux' isoenergyings...]

©Quantonics, Inc., 2016-2030

And the fecundlyq spawnedq cosmic~omniversally~emerqed spiritq straddleingq (gateingq, grailingq) existentialq lightingsq of existentialq livingsq
of biospherically exalted days
shall allow n¤
shuttings of any gatewayveingsq and grailingsq,
issi n¤t permitted
cowithihn atemporal divineq livingq existenceingsq
y~¤ur pneumaticq~nous' Name of unbegotten spiritq as cosmic~metabolismings cosmically biosphered cowithihn isoflux' isoenergyings.

Doug - 30Oct2016.


©Quantonics, Inc., 2016-2030

Retranslation of Revelation XXI:26

And...another quintessentially staggering Revelation regarding esotericq Qabala!

Spine tingleingsq galore!

Doug - 30Oct2016.

Revelation XXI Letter~Text Spelled Out


(some guesses)

An Internet Literal
(some altered by Doug)

Doug's Suaresian Qabalic Translation

1 Vav~Hay~Yod~Aleph~Waw



..."And Divine Fecundationings of Qabala;"

And Divine Fecundationings of Qabala...]

~{~{6 ~5~ ~{10 1}~ ~6}~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~{~{6 ~Qabala~ ~6}~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Observe that ~5.10.1~ issi an comtracted ~anagram of ~, i.e., Qabala.

It says, "Both livingq existenceingsq and livingq vital~impetusings.

What does ~ (Qabal) say?

"Both vital~impetusings living and existenceings living."

Doug's view issi that this word's schema issi esoterically a

A Revelation HotMeme
~{~{6 ~5~ ~{10 1}~ ~6}~}~ issi a Divine Fecundationings of Qabala
A Revelation


Doug - 30Oct2016.
2 Vayt~Hay



..."engendering y~¤ur permeable somaticq livingsq cowithihn;"

engendering y~¤ur permeable somaticq livingsq cowithihn...]

3 Kaf~Vayt~Waw~Dallet



..."somaticq grailingsq of honor and respect for;"

somaticq grailingsq of honor and respect for...]

~{20 2}~ ~6.4~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
4 Hay~Ghimel~Waw~Yod~finalMem



..."y~¤ur nations of exaltedq existenceingsq who embrace their own;"

y~¤ur nations of exaltedq existenceingsq who embrace their own...]

~5.3~ ~{6 ~10~ ~600}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
5 Vav~Tav~Ghimel~Aleph~Raysh~Thav~finalMem



..."exaltedq spirituallyq divineq laserq~like~focused proselytesq of Qabala;"

exaltedq spirituallyq divineq laserq~like~focused proselytesq of Qabala...]

~{6 ~{~{400 ~3.1.200~ ~400}~}~ ~600}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~{exaltationings of ~{~{400 ~3.1.200~ ~400}~}~ ~cowithihn cosmic biosphereings}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~{6 ~{~{impermeable~vital~impedance ~3.1.200~ ~permeable~vital~impedance}~}~ ~600}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~{6 ~{~{400 ~spiritually divine proselyte of Qabala~ ~400}~}~ ~600}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Doug - 30Oct2016.

©Quantonics, Inc., 2016-2030

And Divine Fecundationings of Qabala
engendering y~¤ur permeable somaticq livingsq cowithihn
somaticq grailingsq of honor and respect for
y~¤ur nations of exaltedq existenceingsq who embrace their own
exaltedq spirituallyq divineq laserq~like~focused proselytesq of Qabala.

. . .

A Revelation HotMeme
~{~{6 ~5~ ~{10 1}~ ~6}~}~ issi a Divine Fecundationings of Qabala
A Revelation

Doug - 30Oct2016.


©Quantonics, Inc., 2016-2030

Retranslation of Revelation XXI:27

Big message of this verse issi "Dialectical lies, illusions, delusions, etc., n¤t permitted."

Doug tends to view that assa the message, the theme of Revelation!

Doug is writing this simultaneously with vast uncloaking of Clintons' as a crime family of lying dialecticians!

Doug - 31Oct2016.

Revelation XXI Letter~Text Spelled Out


(some guesses)

An Internet Literal
(some altered by Doug)

Doug's Suaresian Qabalic Translation

1 Vav~Lammed~Aleph



..."And n¤ vile;"

And n¤ vile...]

2 Yod~Vayt~Waw~Aleph



..."masculine existential somatic vital~impetus shall corrupt;"

masculine existential somatic vital~impetus shall corrupt...]

Voltaire, "A tragedy requires testicles."
3 Vayt~Hay



..."somatic life's;"

somatic life's...]

4 Kaf~Lammed



..."grailing existential metabolismings;"

grailing existential metabolismings...]

5 Sammekh~Mem~Aleph



..."exemplifying feminineq fecundityingsq of individualq biosphereings' vital~impetusings;"

exemplifying feminineq fecundityingsq of individualq biosphereings' vital~impetusings...]

Feminine fecundityings of two of three mothers.

Doug - 1Oct2016.
6 Vav~Ayn~S[h]een~Hay



..."to make;"

to make...]

7 Tav~Waw~Ayn~Vayt~Hay



..."an abomination;"

an abomination...]

8 Hay~Sheen~Qof~Raysh



..."exhorting dialectical falsehoods;"

exhorting dialectical falsehoods...]

Anyone practicing Satan's language shall be eschewed...

Doug - 31Oct2016.
9 Kaf~Yod





10 Aleph~finalMem



..."y~¤ur Mother has uncovered;"

y~¤ur Mother has uncovered...]

11 Hay~Kaf~Tav~Waw~Vayt~Yod~finalMem



..."the specifics of countless dialecticians (servants of Satan) to be disregarded arera copiously written;"

the specifics of countless dialecticians (servants of Satan) to be disregarded arera copiously written...]

~5~ ~{20 ~400~ ~{6 ~2}~ ~10~ ~600}~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

The great uncloaking...

Doug - 31Oct2016.
12 Bayt~Sammekh~Phay~Raysh



..."cowithihn Hær book;"

cowithihn Hær book...]

13 Hay~Hhayt~Yod~Yod~finalMem



..."of lifeq;"

of lifeq...]

14 Sheen~Lammed



..."belonging and beingq metabolically cowithihn;"

belonging and beingq metabolically cowithihn...]

~{300 3}~

We see a precipitous descendant empty columnar cavitationings of wave~functional quantum~metabolic belonging.

Simply quantum~wave~functional cosmic~metabolism belongs cowithihn existential~metabolismings.

This issi a simple, yet powerful metaphoric qwf~revelation of Ben Adam: "evolution of Aleph "belonging" cowithihn blood.

Doug - 8Feb2016.
15 Hay~Sheen~Hay



..."the divineq metabolicq livingq lightq;"

the divineq metabolicq livingq lightq...]

~{~{5 ~300~ ~5}~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

©Quantonics, Inc., 2016-2030

And n¤ vile
masculine existential somatic vital~impetus shall corrupt
somatic life's
grailing existential metabolismings, nor corrupt anything
exemplifying feminineq fecundityingsq of individualq biosphereings' vital~impetusings
so that males can make
any abomination
exhorting dialectical falsehoods,
and because
y~¤ur Mother has uncovered
the specifics of countless dialecticians (servants of Satan) to be disregarded, arera copiously written
cowithihn Hær book
of lifeq,
said book belonging and beingq metabolically cowithihn
the divineq metabolicq livingq lightq.

. . .

Dialectic, say "goodbye" to self...

Can't wait to see what last chapter of Revelation has to offer.

Oh! What an adventure, this Game of Life!


Doug - 31Oct2016.


Doug Renselle
Quantonics, Inc.
Suite 18 #368 1950 East Greyhound Pass
Carmel, INdiana 46033-7730

©Quantonics, Inc., 2016-2030 - Rev. 21-31Oct2016  PDR - Created: 21Oct2016  PDR
