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A Sepher Yetsiral Quantum Hologralexology
Autiot A Words and Phrases


Doug Renselle

Commencing June, 2014


A B  (C) D E H I K L M N O  P Q R S T V Y Z

Hologralex™ A Words Index

Aassa - Made Aassah - To do

Aberamentho - G¤d issi ihn all quantized life~death~cyclings of fertile and vicissitudinal fecundity

Rev - Doug - 23Apr2016.

Adam - Aleph ihn blood
Adamah - Feminine lightingsq [A]Eikh - How? [A]Esher - To con(m)firm, to witness, etc. See Esher. Ahavah - Love - Hate's antinomialq Ahharaykha - God ihn humanity, via reality's archetype of unlimited cosmic energy, channels a cosmic~holographic grail via projected life (con(m)tainment) itself Aleph~Bayt - Genesis' original Revelation
Aleph~Hay~Yod~Hay - Qabala Alamot - Damsel, maiden

Alt~Rooni~She'ani - God's evolutionary~organic life processings cosmically contain me (self) and fills me (self) with living cosmic spiritual energy

Doug suggests we may view cosmic containment of Raysh as many tuned and re tuning strings of nature's wave~functional orchestral fermionic ensembles.

Ameen - Belief
Leha~Ameen - To believe (inf)
He~Emeen - (past)
Ma~Ameen - (pres)
Ya~Ameen - (fut)
Ami - [Emi, sometimes pronounced 'Imi' which is how Suares shows it...Doug has treated all of them as a learning exercise...see Em, Imi, Ani,...] Am as mother, Ami as mother of me (Zondervan), Aleph~Mem as two of three mothers excluding Sheen (is this relevant "two sons" in SoS I:6?) Ani - I [am], me, myself Aqarav - A [one, an ego] myself of consciousness Rabbi Aqivah - Suares reveres this Rabbi at very beginning of Song of Songs: How do we use Autiot to parse Akivah? Doug's novice heuristics.

At - You, see Lakh (to you)

(At -female singular you pronoun, and
Atah - male singular you pronoun; both of these are Hologralexed™ under Lakh.)

At - Life~death cyclings from Aleph to Tav, and back from Tav to Aleph...perpetual and ubiquitous

Aut - Single letter-number, non existent non actual conscious life Autiot - Two lives: quanton(pneumatic,psychic-hylic); plural of Aut
Av, Av 9 - A meme, a date which strikes terror in hearts of Qabalists Awr - Life existential energy, vital impetus, fecund vicissitudinality, imperative spontaneity, scintillation of quanta Ayn - [To ] See, vision, taken literally, "there is not," i.e., non existence (ex nihilo, isoflux, undifferentiated reality, etc.) non exists as non actuality Ayn~Sof - Infinite, without end, perpetual, ubiquitous, etc.

Hologralex™ A Words' Content




(From Suares' opus including his Trilogy 'Sepher Yetsira' and his Song of Songs)



Aassa (Ayn~Seen~Hay: 70.300.5)



"Comprises all the possible possibilities with the 70, and with 300 the movement of every existing thing, in order to produce 5, life, conferred on everything extant." Suares, Trilogy, Sepher Yetsira, p. 427.

Allq possibilitiesq spirituallyq livingq.

 To do

Aassah (Ayn~Seen~Hay: 70.300.5)


To do.  
G¤d issi ihn all quantized life~death~cyclings of fertile and vicissitudinal fecundity

G¤d issi ihn all quantized life~death~cyclings of fertile and vicissitudinal fecundity

G¤d issi ihn all quantized life~death~cyclings of fertile and vicissitudinal fecundity

G¤d issi ihn all quantized life~death~cyclings of fertile and vicissitudinal fecundity

Aberamentho (Aleph~Bayt~Raysh~Mem~Noun~T[h]av~Waw:

Aleph - As used here, G¤d as Aleph 1.

Bayt - Archetype of con(m)tainment.

Raysh - N¤nexistential (ultimate) cosmic exaltation of Bayt con(m)tainer archetype.

Mem - Biosphere of all cosmic processingsq, usually perceived as water, more generally fluidic (incubator of) living~dying~realityq. Ponder dew, Ros, crux, clouds, vapor, con(m)densation, etc.

Noun - Quantization of living~dying cosmic processingsq.

T[h]av - Aleph's echo~mirror ihn Aleph~Tav's resonant life~death cyclings' cavitationq.

Waw - Archetype of masculine fertility. This is powerfully relevant Jung's Red Book search for his soul and finding it dream~semasiologically ihn a "dark shaft." I.e., e.g., Jung(uncon(m)scious,soul~subcon(m)scious,con(m)scious).

Compare Jung's Libido [Amor] Triumphant as quanton(scin,quan).


This 'name' is used in G. R. S. Mead's translation, interpretation, and 'analysis' of Pistis Sophia AKA P. S.

"In this tradition there must have been a supreme personage possessing characteristics that could be brought into close connection with their ideal of the Saviour, for they equate a certain Aberamentho with him." Page xlvi of P. S.

Doug's ciphering of Aberamentho goes like this:

Aleph~Bayt~Raysh: "G¤d issi ihn..."


Mem~Noun~T[h]av: ""


"...fertile and vicissitudinal fecundity."

Obtain Mem~Noun~T[h]av with Noun infixed twixt Mem and T[h]av: oversimply "...scintillating life's quantization of death." N¤væl semanticq recapitulativeq headq, yæs?

Just FYE, Aberamentho atbash ciphered issi T[h]av~Sheen~Ghimel~Yod~Tayt~Aleph~finalPhay.

Somehow, it has something to do with Yod twixt those two triplets.

Rough pronunciation is, Thashegitalf. Perhaps Thashegeetalf. Unsure.

You may use Doug's Atbash cipher tool in What is Gnosis? to try this yourself.

Observe that P. S. is 'Princess Sophia' in Dan Brown's da Vinci Code.

Pistis Sophia is a crucial 'Gospel' showing aspects of Roman 'christianity's' great lie.

For example, nowhere in P. S. does 'christ' appear. Jesus did not want to be called 'christ.'

P. S. witnesses Jesus' anti 'christ' predilections.

P. S. hints at quantum~Gnosis by referring "...high magic..." and Gnostic's
acceptance of its existence.

P. S. evidences-con(m)firms-witnesses (verbs) Gnostic individualism in
terms of of individual spiritual nexi with 'the ineffable.'

Mead writes, "In the P. S. Jesus is everywhere pre~Eminent and central."
And, "...nowhere is he called 'the christ'..." Page xl.

Too, "The whole setting is post resurrectional. Jesus has already, for eleven years after
the crucifixion, been instructing his disciples, men and women, in the Gnosis." Page xli.

QCS™ parses Aberamentho Gematraic quantum~wave~functionings like this:

 ~1~ ~{2 ~200}~ ~{40 ~50 400}~ ~6~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~


abundant fertile~spawnings qwf~vibrationings of


whose exalted columnar somatic qwf~cavitationings co~resonant exalted columnar supportive qwf~reverberationings cowithihn


whose spiritually~protected lifeq qwf~trajectoryings projectq their qwf~vibrationings upon and


ascendant columnar unit~populated qwf~cavitationings of

50.~existential~life~principle~quantizationings' FUPings of~

ascendant columnar unit~populated qwf~reverberationings resonateings maturationings via


offering qwf~educeings of


cowithihn ~{Hær}~


Doug - 23Apr2016.

Aleph in blood

Aleph in blood

Aleph in blood

Aleph in blood

Aleph in blood

Aleph in blood

Aleph in blood

Aleph in blood

Aleph in blood

Aleph in blood

Aleph in blood

Aleph in blood

Adam (Aleph~Dallet~Mem: 1.4.40: immature)
Adam (Aleph~Dallet~finalMem: 1.4.600: mature)
Ben Adam (Bayt~Noun: 2.50 Adam)


Adam as Aleph in blood.

Ben Adam as evolutionq of Aleph in blood.

Allow us to look at Adam in a more advanced semasiology using one of Suares' Autiot Letter~Number graphics:

Notice that Adam, on that graphic, appears as Aleph~Dallet~Mem, while Dallet~Mem~Tav forms a vertical columnar triple, a Autiot tricodon.

To most of us Adam means 'the first human as a man." That is a classical metaphor, and a weak one at that. Suares shows us so.

Aleph as 1 represents, in Qabala, "God in, individuallyq and coherentlyq, eachq andq allq of usq." Aleph represents a EIMA quantum of God archetype.

Dallet (Thallet) represents a (cosmic) spiritual door archetype. Dallet can be either openc or closedc (idealc dialecticalc oppositionc). [Andq] Thallet may, in any quantum sense, be both partially openq and partially closedq (antinomialismq). Dallet antinomiallyq~partiallyq stifles Aleph to any extentq Dallet is more~less openq. See Suares, Cipher of Genesis, p.189 of 231 total pages including index.

Mem represents "livingq watersq" of lifeq.

Tav represents absolute resistance to life. Thav represents partial resistance to life. T[h]av provides a turbulent and chaotic end to life's Aleph~Tav spiritual...

  • ...ending of a novel breathing out [masculine] half cycle, and subsequently echoes~mirrors a
  • re beginning of a novel breathing in [feminine] half cycle.

Quantumly, now, you should be capable of fathoming two half cycles in a larger (one octave down) full cycle which repeats Aleph~Tav, Tav~Aleph, perpetually. This Quantonic Fermion as Value gives a very rough visual of what Doug is writing here:

If this feels fermionic to you, you are an O'gadon, amigo. You grasp spin 1/2 essence of Qabala's perpetual and ubiquitous Autiot Reality Loopings!

Total Aleph~Tav (360), Tav~Aleph (360) full cycle is 720 degrees Aleph~Tav~Tav~Aleph, ...

Doug imagines Tav 'mirror' and Aleph 'mirror' like a laser's ruby rod semi silvered leaky and not leaky ends.

Suares writes that Tav is Aleph's antinomial (mirror) and vice versa, as Doug shows graphically.

In QCD we can show Aleph like this: TBCS | UD. View that Sheffer stroke as Aleph. TBCS correspond dotted flux. UD correspond undotted flux, Aleph's antinomial Yod which can hereticallyq chooseq for itself to be Yodc vis~à~vis Yodq.

To further enhance our standingunder of QCD (quantum chromodynamics) as it relatesq and correlatesq Qabala, absorb a memeo that Higgs Boson starts an avalanche of TBCS (n¤nactual, and yet pr¤t¤actual) declining energy Top, Bottom, Charmed, and Strange quarks which then emerq into actuality as Up and Down quarks: UD. Fathom how UD pronounces similar Yod (Some practitioners actually say "Yud."). Recall how Qabala teaches us that Yod is Aleph's antinomial which Doug scripts like this: Quanton(Aleph,Yod) issi an livingq~evolvingq~instanceq of quanton(n¤nactuality,actuality) which Doug refers quantum~straddling. Those quantons are describing a emerging Quantum Life Motif™ that living~Aleph is complementarilyq~antinomiallyq ihn Yod and noncommutativelyq vice versa. N¤n verbosely Aleph nissin Yod, Yod nissin Aleph. Aleph is ihn blood and blood is ihn Aleph. Voila! Adamq!

Classical objective-deadness, independence, and analytic stability may k~now~ings be redemptivelyq viewed as, "laughable, classical-dialectical~retardation." Doug - 18Sep2014.

It took Doug 25+ years to re cognize this profound epiphany. It happened, for Doug, in his review opus re Suares' cipher of Song of Songs. Grundlagen decades ago was laid in Doug's effortsq describingq a Möbius strip as spin 1/2 (360/(360+360)) quantum~phenomenal. This Schrödinger hydrogen atom Lissajous to Tao evolutionaryq morphologyq gives you another rough visual of nexiq involved here:

Now let's put all of this together in a new hermeneutic of Adam: Living Aleph breaks down Dallet's door only to meet Tav's resistance to spiritual life. And Aleph perpetually wins, but n¤t without tribulationings and trouble. We see Adam as symbolic struggle in us and with us to perpetually evolve humanity, melioratively. God's struggle is humanity's struggle. Qabala calls it ben Adam, "evolution of Aleph (A) in blood (dam)."

Gives rather novel semantic head to Isra~El, eh?

Feminine lightingsq

Feminine lightingsq

Feminine lightingsq

Feminine lightingsq

In idiom, colloquially, "the which Adam plants his seed(s)."

Adam here as symbolic of all kinds of coital fertilization in Earth.

Vast~cosmic~quantum feminine creative energyings are involved here.

For men to di(omni)srespect this is an abomination, a masculine obscenity!

Autsimilarly, for women to di(omni)srespect their own cosmic~energy~qua advantage over an even greater abomination!

Aleph issi ihn our blood, both male and female and all stochasticq variegations of both male and female, regardless.

Doug's Qabalicq opine!


Adamah (Aleph~Dallet~Mem~Hay:

H'Adamah (Hay~Aleph~Dallet~Mem~Hay:

In latter we perceive Adam twixt two lives.

H'Adamah issi quanton(female,male) assa two lives ihn one.

This is hermaphroditic ihn one hermeneutic. Male, H'Adam (the man) as chromosomally hermaphroditic X,Y: quantons(fluxoidsx,fluxoidsy).

Female Adamah (the woman) issi chromosomally pure X,X: quantons(fluxoidsx,fluxoidsx). Fathom a greater energy of female in hær capacity, hær qua to create and evolve both male and female infants including stochasticq evolutionaryq aneuploidal variegations of X and Y, including herms, merms, and ferms. Compare weakness, lower qua, of male in its inability to create. Male can only plant seeds. Often, and irresponsibly, he runs away afterward. Essentially a male's only purpose is to plant his seeds. Too many even bother to protect 'the hearth.' Lower gradient~equilibrium cosmic energy — lower qua.

H'Adamah issi marriage assa union of male and female ihn several other lifeq percepts.

Man and woman shown ineluctably as quantum~antinomial quantum~complements of one another. Again, two lives.

Aleph in living blood. Observe that Hay (life existence) carries a very feminine Aura[h], a kind of feminine~lightings.

Compare Laura[h]!

Adamah, too, may then be ihn hologra[[il][lex][m][ph][view]]icq quantum~feminine lightingsq.

SY II,19 "All the animals of the field are formed from Adamah."

How? Index

[A]Eikh (Aleph~Yod~Khaf: 1.10.20)

Aleph - G¤d complementarilyq~antinomiallyq creates (~QCD) actualityc, q.

Yod - Actuality transmutesq (~QED) itself, ihn agency of G¤d, perpetually and ubiquitously.

Khaf - How? Via a grailq creationq aqueductq twixtq undi(omni)fferentiated realityq and di(omni)fferentiated actualityq.


Clearly, of H5W, this is one of two modalityings'q genericsq: How(ings) and Why(ings).

Who(ings), What(ings), When(ings), and Where(ings) are notable specificsc, q.

Dialectical humanityc tends to 'scientificallyc, canonicallyc' normalizec genericsq as specificsc.

Doug can make a linguistic comjecture of possibly derivative,
"Yikes!," [Yod~Ayn~Yod~Khaf~Seen] seeing "focused surprise,"
as exclamatory "How? (...can that be?)" Doug - 28Oct2014.

To con(m)firm, to witness, etc.

[A]Esher (Aleph~Sheen~Raysh: 1.300.200)

Comfirm "...breathq of elohim (Sheen) comfirmed betwixt and between (quantum everywhere~middle~inclusion~associative antinomial~complementarity cowithinq) Aleph and Raysh."

In quantonics script: quanton(Aleph,Raysh) where comma~nospace represents Sheen's EIMA of both Aleph and Raysh.



Song of Songs, 1:1 Shyar~Ha~Shyareem~[A]Esher~LeShalomoh.

Note also, LeShalomoh issi "Her peace," not 'Solomon.'

Esher improperly translated as "that is."

Rather, Qabala recursivelyq fractallyq comfirms~witnessesq selfq.

Exodus 3:14:

Improperly translated as "that," and "what."

Genesis 1:7:

Improperly translated as "which."

Love - Hate's antinomialq

Love - Hate's antinomialq

Love - Hate's antinomialq

Love - Hate's antinomialq

Love - Hate's antinomialq

Love - Hate's antinomialq

Love - Hate's antinomialq

Love - Hate's antinomialq

Ahavah (Aleph~Hay~Vayt~Hay:

Notice all four Aut, here, are archetypical.

Aleph - Archetype of reality'sq godlikeq perpetual and ubiquitous livingsq and dyingsq cyclingsq (evolutionq).

Hay - Archetype of lifeq existenceq in all realityq.

Vayt - (Vayt~Yod~Tav: 2.10.400) - Life'sq leaky con(m)tainerq [Vayt] which middle~includesq Hay and Hay middle~includesq Vayt. Vayt appears to be a leaky biospherically~living~grail as 'used' in Ahavah.


Compare Seenah.

Direct interpretationq of Ahavah yields, "Aleph issi ihn Hay, Vayt issi ihn Hay."

This offers a kind of immanenceq of Jungian libido's perpetualq and ubiquitousq EIMAq presenceq as quantons(scin,quan).

Recall Jung's Red Book? Recall his female~male psychology premise on a meme of antinomials? Recall female's animus? Recall male's anima?

Do you fathom how anima is a partial female antinomial in all males?

Do you fathom how animus is a partial male antinomial in all females?

In quantonics script: female issi quanton(female,animus).

In quantonics script: male issi quanton(male,anima).

Replace anima issi female_partiality.

Replace animus issi male_partiality.

Rewrite both scripts:

  • male issi quanton(male,female_partiality), and
  • female issi quanton(female,male_partiality).

This is a great way to interpret, to Midrash quantum~masculinity vis-à-vis quantum~femininity.

It illustrates predominately greater feminine gematraic energy as a proxyq for greater wisdomq compared to men. Best of all, for Doug, it is SEP of quantum~intrinsics of Qabala, Autiot, and Gematria as linguisticq toolsq of standingunder.

Too, it lucidly vivifies Nature's intrinsic meme of partialityq one of many tells of antinomial~complementarityq.

Explicitly, a quantum~wave, like Heraclitus' bow movement on its lyre, moves up and down. Heraclitus was moved to say, "Up is in down and down is in up.

Scripted: up issi quanton(up,partial_down), and down issi quanton(down,partial_up).

Anthony Gottlieb in his Dream of Reason (i.e., his dialectical-delusion) claims Heraclitus' say is "absurd." See p. 48, The Dream of Reason, Norton, 2000, 2002, paperback second ed. Gottlieb, as so many others, used analytic dialectical objectivity " make sense of the scene Heraclitus depicts." Dialectic cannot understand quantum! State cannot fathom flux! Heraclitus apparently intuited quantum~reality. Many have ridiculed him for about 2500 years for his quantum~gnostic intuitions. It is timings to beings rescuing Heraclitus as one of our greatest quantum~heroes! However, and lest we forget, Abraham received Qabala as a gift roughly 1100 years prior Heraclitus! See Suares' opus. Heraclitus must have, somehow, been in a heritage to be handed down some of Qabala's memes. Also review Bergson's "inertia cannot explain spontaneity."

Women, most of them now, will understand Doug's bottom line:

Ahavah: Love issi quanton(Love,partial_Hate).

Essence? Love issi complementary~antinomial Hate!

Thence: Hate issi complementary~antinomial Love!

"Hate issi ihn Love and Love issi in Hate." They are n¤t dialectically, analytically, objectively, formally, mechanically, classical 'opposites!'

Some women standunder Heraclitus' Logos, his Account. Wisdom is mostly feminine!

In Chapter 1, Verse 7 of Song of Songs, Suares makes a rather large emphasis on some comparisons of Autiot tetrads which share autsimilarities.

Let's show three of them here and we'll extend them as part of our personal Qabalic adventure:

 Sema  Letters Aut1 Aut2 Aut3 Aut4  H5W?  Gematria
 Love Ahavah: Aleph Hay Vayt Hay  Why?
 Qabala  Ehieh: Aleph Hay Yod Hay  What?
 Demiurge YhWh: Yod Hay Waw Hay  Who?

Reference material for a portion of that table appears in Suares' Song of Songs, p. 49.

Doug, perversely, finds great joy in re cognizing demiurge has 'no' Aleph!

In Chapter 3, Verse 5 of Song of Songs, Suares uses Qabala to explain Ahavah like this:

"In brief, love, Ahavah, Aleph alive and Vayt alive, is the double process of the One in us. In the psyche, Aleph alive destroys in succession all the structures of the mind, so as to keep it constantly free and agile. In the body, Vayt alive rebuilds in succession, the structures of the body so as to keep it whole and in good health.

"When the two inverted directions of Energy are free to operate in us, their process is Ahavah, love, because we commune with Aleph and with Bayt in everything that is"

See p. 87 of Suares' Song of Songs.

To Doug, Suares is saying that when we experience Ahavah, we have found our inner.

When we see Aleph[1] Bayt[2], Aut[1] Iot[2], Aha[1] Vah[2], living[1] dying[2], breathing~out[1] breathing~in[2], and Aleph~Tav[1] Tav~Aleph[2] all as Qabalic exemplars of two lives (quantons(1,2)) in each of us...we have found our inner...we can as Heraclitus suggested commence our own Gnostic standingunder of The Account, The Logos.

Readers, please, please, please bear in mind that all these 'Two Lives Memes,' are quantum~phenomena emerg[q]ing from Suares' and Bergson's and Heraclitus' ubiquitous and perpetual 'cosmic flux.'

This recurring Qabalic revelatory theme of two lives is Essene~ce of y~our (Genesis' I:1) revelation of Aleph~Bayt, 1~2. Doug scripts that as quanton(1,2). It reads ihn quantonese, "Aleph nissin Bayt."

Two Lives Meme is crucial (crux: crucial exegesis) in standingunder Abraham's Chaldæan Gnosis. It is crucial in understanding how Qabala sets apart dialectic thingking as raw and naïve denial of Aleph in us, Aleph living in us, Aleph living in all Yod. We know now, via Qabala's teaching (Suares as our messenger), that Yod (us) without Aleph is(are) dead. People who suffer that Pirsigean "genetic defect in human reason" are dead (Mawt~Hamawt) and bound for natural, physial extinction. Those who cannot find their inner...

See Doug's Aleph~Yod script.

God ihn humanity, via reality's archetype of unlimited cosmic energy, channels a cosmic~holographic grail via projected life (con(m)tainment) itself Ahharaykha

Ahharaykha (Aleph~Hhayt~Raysh~Yod~finalKaf:

Aleph - Archetype of reality'sq godlikeq perpetual and ubiquitous livingsq and dyingsq cyclingsq (evolutionq).

Hhayt - Archetype of cosmic energyq as unlimitedq spiritual breathq and breathingq.

Raysh - Bayt's exaltation of con(m)tainment to its nonexistential projection.

Yod - Aleph's antinomialq actual projectionq of all that visually (via bosonic transmutationq AKA QED) 'exists' fermionically.

finalKaf - Ultimate cosmic n¤nexistential grail as exaltation of life.


In Zondervan, "...with you..."

Idiom, as translated, is hylic, by direct evidence.

Doug interprets Ahharaykha as a way of describing what Jesus meant in his Farewell Discourse, "I am in you and you are in me. I am in God and God is in me. Therefore God is in you."

Jesus is saying, paraphrased by Doug, "Aleph is in your blood, Aleph is in you as Yod."

"...with you..." naïvely translates that, but only a partiality of that.

In a real sense quantum~reality issi Ben Adam: evolution of Aleph in blood.

In Doug's opinion Ahharaykha's linguistic Autiot~Gematria intrinsics are supremely quantum.

Naïve "...with you..." sates metastatic dialectic's tiny minded adumbrationc of humanity.

Doug's raison d'etre is Quantonic quantum~chemo~therapy for dialectic's lingual metastatic mind-cancer infecting most humanity.

It is timings to put dialectic to rest...

Second word of Song of Songs' verse four.
Literal Phrase Words Interpretations
(From Suares' opus including his Trilogy 'Sepher Yetsira' and his Song of Songs)
Maiden, damsel Alamot

Alamot (Aleph~Lammed~Mem~Waw~Tav:


Living organic movement of a fertile feminine biosphere begging fecundation of a male's resistance.
Genesis' original Revelation 

Genesis' original Revelation 

Genesis' original Revelation 

Genesis' original Revelation 

Genesis' original Revelation

Genesis' original Revelation

Genesis' original Revelation

Genesis' original Revelation

Genesis' original Revelation

Genesis' original Revelation

Genesis' original Revelation

Genesis' original Revelation
Aleph~Bayt (1.2)


Again, we see a theme, similar Autiot and similar Aleph~Tav of two lives quantum~middle~including in quantum~complementary~antinomial ways.

We see many Revelations when we first re cognize those many pairs of lives.

We further revel when this theme recurs in countless allegories expressed by Qabala, its Autiot and its Gematria.


This is essence, Revelation, in quantum~theory (as expressed only by Doug's New Quantum~Philosophy), of what a fermion is.

A fermion issi quanton(fluxoid1(0),fluxoid2(1)) issi two 360° flux energies in one 720° pendular quantum~packet of flux.

360°/720° equals spin 1/2

360° as 1 (Aleph), 720° as 2 (Bayt)

In Qabala and its Sepher Yetsira, Aleph~Bayt is implicitly and gematriacly 1 and 2. '1' represents male exhalation. '2' represents female inhalation.

We see perpetual and ubiquitous breathing~out (Male) (fluxoid0), then breathing~in (Female)(fluxoid1) in Aleph~Tav, Tav~Aleph perpetual life~death cycles which provide allegory of perpetual life itself. Life is two lives perpetually recurring.

In Doug's animation above, view Living as Life~Death cyclings. Living is large black animated outer flux. Life~Death cyclings are lazy~eight dotted blue. Life~cycle (Aleph~Tav) may be viewed as left to right up then down. Death~cycle (Tav~Aleph) may be viewed as right to left up then down.

Autiot as Aut and Iot express another allegory of two lives as dialectical and pneumatic. In this case Qabala shows us that we have a choice: we may choose individually to be pneumatic by keeping Aleph with our Yod (in our Bayt), alternatively to deny Aleph and deny Aleph in our Bayt (our Yod).

Compare Autiot (feminine plural) and Yassod (masculine singular). Yassod, genetically, has n¤ choice and thus is implicitly dialectical!!! But, similar Doug, Suares, Bergson, Pirsig, etc., a male can learn to, autodidactically train self to fade his dialectical predilections.

This process of male learning to fade his dialectic is referred in Qabala as "maturation." A great example of maturation is Abram becoming Abraham.

  • Abram (Aleph~Bayt~Raysh~Mem:, immature male, and
  • Abraham (Aleph~Bayt~Raysh~Hay~finalMem:, mature male.

Omnifferencings twixt Abram and Abraham include Abraham has Hay, life, and Abraham has finalMem, fully developed, evolved cosmic~organic~sphere of flourishing pneumatic (faded dialectic) lifeq.

Autiot, female plurality...

...two lives: middle~inclusion of quanton(1,2) fermionic pendular life: two spins(1 as Aut: 1.6.400, 2 as Iot: 10.6.400),

...quantum~life, quantum~living, pneumatic~living, has choice, she takes chances

She, Autiot, is quantized where monistic, linear, mechanical male, Yassod, tries n¤t to be quantized. He wants to be continuous, his solipsistic, narcissistic, ideally static self assessment.

She changes and she chooses (sometimes she chooses badly to be dialectical (continuous) like males).

Now do you see why immature men (in many cultures and institutionalized religions) hate pneumatic women?

Immature men lack Abraham's Hay~finalMem. Men who choose n¤t to acquire Hay~finalMem become extinct. Evolving~living Value adds Hay~finalMem. Dead 'value' avoids and denies Iht. See Doug's QELR of value.

Doug immediately thinks of Jung, and how his Red Book and other opuses describe this inherent and genetic male to female confrontation, dialectical dichon(pneuma, hyle) contradiction, appears built in.

In Doug's view, this is humanity's great challenge: to fix this! We can fix it, and one way is to demote dialectic and its metastatic, "my (our) way OR the highway," masculine influence on humanity. Dialectical Muslims and 'ç h r i s t i a n s,' among other 'beliefc systemsc,' share this metastatic mental dis ease. Doug's opine.

These quantonic patterns of 1 and 2, 1 and 10, 2 and 10, appear over and over and over, especially in Genesis. Ponder how there are at least four Aleph's:

1, 10, 100, 1000. All are antinomial one another. Too there is 400 which behaves as Aleph's resonant echo~mirror in all Aleph~Tav life~death cyclings.

Another revelation: Qabala: Aleph~Hay~Yod~Hay. Again, two lives. Aleph~living. Yod~living. 1.5 and 10.5. Qabala! Compare Autiot's two lives. Aut: 1.6.400. Iot 10.6.400.. Revelation!

We commence a grasp of countless other potential antinomial pairings extant.

Antinomialism allows us to di(omni)minish dialectic in ourselves. In that process we di(omni)minish classical contradiction. When we di(omni)minish dialectic's stasis and embrace absolute change, we bring~evolve Hay~finalMem mature peace into ourselves.

Quantum Hay~finalMem living asks us to:

  • Fade male dialectic's certainty of orthodox OSFA universal dogmatic determination wth its attendant intolerance expressed as classically oppositional hatred and war, and
  • Flourish and embrace Qabala's feminine quantum~hologral MSFA mature Hay~finalMem uncertainty with its tolerance~filled peace, its inability to bivalently judge dialectically who is either good or bad.

"Judge not dialectically, lest you be judged pneumatically."

What will you do?


Aleph~Hay~Yod~Hay ( (Compare this "two pairs" gematria vis-à-vis gematria for Autiot (1.6.400 10.6.400).

With Hay as existing living pneuma breathing out and breathing in over and over and over...: Aleph~Tav...Tav~Aleph...Aleph~Tav...Tav~Aleph... (1.400...400.1...)

Yod (all actual reality, when it) abides Aleph, Yod lives. (When Yod dialectically denies Aleph, Yod dies.)

Aleph is alive, perpetually and ubiquitously alive. Alive here: Aleph alive, in Qabala, means a perpetual and ubiquitous life cycle of quanton(living,dying).


Perpetual and ubiquitous double flow of cosmic energy in waves of flux, breathing out (He), breathing in (She), breathing out (He), breathing in (She)...

See Autiot's Reality Loop.

"The beginning is in the end and the end is in the beginning." Suares, Song of Songs, p. 35.

Livings (movement) and dyings (rest) for Yod, which abides Aleph, is perpetual and ubiquitous.

(Disciples) Ask Jesus, "What is the sign of living God in us?" Jesus' response, "Movement and rest."
"Breathing in, and breathing out." Thomas Gospel, Saying 50. See Mark Gaffney, also.

God's evolutionary~organic life processings cosmically contain me (self) and fills me (self) with living cosmic spiritual energy

God's evolutionary~organic life processings cosmically contain me (self) and fills me (self) with living cosmic spiritual energy

God's evolutionary~organic life processings cosmically contain me (self) and fills me (self) with living cosmic spiritual energy

God's evolutionary~organic life processings cosmically contain me (self) and fills me (self) with living cosmic spiritual energy

God's evolutionary~organic life processings cosmically contain me (self) and fills me (self) with living cosmic spiritual energy

God's evolutionary~organic life processings cosmically contain me (self) and fills me (self) with living cosmic spiritual energy


...comtextually followed by Shehharhhoret.

Alt~Rooni~She'ani (Aleph~Lammed~Tav~

Gematria: (1.30.400~

Suares compares, explicitly, Raysh~Ani and Sheen~Ani.

He compares Sheen~Ani as a kind of creation-imposed Garden of Eden [GoE] entrapment of self (Ani).

Doug senses Suares claiming that we are trying to escape that and enter Raysh~Ani as "being free in creation's cosmos."

Suares does not mention Jesus' last words on Romans' GD crucifix, "Eli Eli lama Sabachthani." Bold issi Thav~Ani.

Sabach [Sabakah] is roughly 'social network.'

So now, including Jesus, we have three comparisons:

  1. Sheen~Ani (Adam and Eve GoE entrapment),
  2. Thav~Ani (Jesus' social network entrapment), and
  3. Raysh~Ani (Humanity's freedom from entrapment).

Suares comjectures, paraphrased, "...human at pains to transcend those conditions..." See p. 47, Song of Songs, first English ed., 1972, Shambalah.

I know this is redundant prior commentary here, but Alt is perhaps Song of Song's most important theme: Aleph~Lammed~Tav. We see our actual (living~organic~movement) existence (Lammed) QED (bosonic quantum leapsq and divesq of material transmutationings) evolvingq ihn perpetual (fermionic) and ubiquitous quantum life~death cycles of Aleph~Tav, Tav~Aleph, Aleph~Tav, Tav~Aleph... of Self of Ani. We are born, live, and transition. We transmutativelyq recur: born, live, and transition ihn those perpetual~cyclesq.

Cells in our bodies do that about one million times per second over our entire lives. Use that as a metaphor of what happens to us in human perpetually living Aleph~Tav cycles of livings and re livings.

See Doug's graphics in right most column.

It is a terrific exercise and experience to recall how Jesus told Peter, "You will not build your church on me, I will build my church on Humanity."

Let's show 'humanity' ihn Autiot: Hay~Waw~Mem~Noun~Thav~Yod:

Ponder (as ~quantum~wave~functionings~):

~Noun~Thav~Yod~ (Enthy, "Nouned the Thav of Yod.")
~Thav~Noun~Yod~. (Thani, "Thaved the Noun of Yod.")

"Life~Fecundulating~Cosmos'~Organic~Sphere (of)~...

I think that shows Jesus' intent in a way that, at least for Doug, is incontrovertible!

Keynesians beware! Neocons beware! Central bankers beware! FRB beware! Dogmatic and orthodox institutional hegemons beware!


This phrase of three patterns takes place of first two mistranslated 'words' of verse six of chapter one of Song of Songs.

Suares also explains that translators put arbitrary word (space) separators among all Aut patterns to make them more understandable to translators. Original OT Autiot text has no separators (spaces).

Doug has somewhat recombined first two words into a single pattern.

Rooni's double oo is Yod~Yod which may be replaced by divinity of Aleph.

Alt represents Aleph~Tav encapsulating Lammed as nature's organic process of life. Aleph~Tav is breathing~out subcycle (haploid) of Aleph~Tav, Tav~Aleph full (out~in) cycle.

Raysh~Ani means cosmically con(m)tained (tuned string metaphorq here) self (Ani).

I.e., kindling of, "...tuned cosmic~music of me..." Kindlingq as kirker: Hhayt~Raysh~Hhayt~Raysh in subsequent comtext of Sh'hharhhoret, i.e., kirker twixt Sheen and T[h]av. See Sh'hharhheret ("Sh'kirkeret") second column from left.

Sheen~Ani means cosmic spiritual infusionq (plucking of string) of self (Ani).

I.e., kindling of, "...quantized cosmic~spirit of me..." Blue and red and green updates late 13Oct2014 - Doug.

"Tuning our strings," is a powerful metaphor of Carl Gustav Jung's Egoq and Marian Woodman's hermeneutics (graphic and otherwise) of Egoq. When our Egoq is healthy, it keeps our strings tuned, so that our unhealthy (whatever that means, e.g., "untuned") quantum~music is kept at bay.

Doug worries about what society means by [culturally~]unhealthy in any cultural social sense. Why? Society wants us to behave and morè-ally 'obey' its dogma and edicts. Shades of Pirsig's Zuni Brujo.

Playing Qabala well often requires us to ignore society, especially dialectical societies.

A terrific metaphor of this is Meredith Grey's violation of FDA sponsored clinical research on Alzhimer's, in Grey's Anatomy. Watch season seven, especially, near end. Medical society reacts to her as if she were some kind of 'medical terrorist.' Interesting, very, very interesting. Meredith, ironically, issi bæing a goodq (n¤..., great!,) doctorq. Compare Yang who is almost always beingc a badc solipsistic-narcissistic doctorc.

This Qabalic~comparison is a beautiful egoisticq way of di(omni)rectly experiencingq quantum~complementary~antinomialism: quanton(Grey,Yang).

As an anecdotal aside, Meredith appears very Qabalic. It ciphers as "eredi" twixt Mem and Tav. Note: Mem~Tav is death. Mem~Eredi~Tav.

Eredi, as an Autiot infix appears, to Doug, as Aleph(Ayn?)~Raysh~Dallet(Thallet)~Yod.

Let's assume Ayn. Then ideogrammatically (Doug's version) it means,

"Seeing exalted cosmic con(m)tainer's door opening and closing for humanity."

You may recall that during early seasons of Grey's Anatomy, Meredith had several NDEs by herself and with Denny.

So Doug's cipher works. It is saying that immersed in life's inevitable transition of Mem (40) through T[h]av (400), "Mer" experienced NDEs: Meredith!

Using Aleph, cipher evolves into "Mer" experiencing life's ups and downs 'till Mem~Tav exalts her spirit...that fits too. In spades!

Please obtain Mem~Tav vis-à-vis Mem~Thav. Latter permits NDEs as real quantum~phenomena!

Also ponder chaoticq strange attractors of sinus rhythm, especially fibrillation.

Sometimes fibrillation ends via Tav: death.
Sometimes fibrillation ends via Thav: NDE!

(Doug is assuming here that a leaky Thav allows transitions twixt life and death: straddlingq, middle~inclusionq.)

Doug can think of at least four strange attractors here:

  1. normal sinus rhythm,
  2. fibrillation,
    1. tentative (partialq, enthymemeticq, NDEq) termination, and
    2. final termination.

Leap again! Fathom Vayt~Bayt's middle~inclusiveq n¤vælq beginningsq after Tav. Epiphanous!

Interesting, eh?

Comtextually, we must adhere Suares' words here, "The sequence, Aleph, Lammed, Tav is the essential equation and theme of the Song."
See Suares' p. 47, page top, Song of Songs, Shambala, 1972, first ed.

Doug interprets that as Suares intending, "Aleph~Tav and its complementary~antinomial echo Tav~Aleph ubiquitously and perpetually
ensemble~quantize all organic [Lammed] existenceq."

A very interesting and enlightening linguistic exercise to endeavor here is to replace Lammed: existential organic movement (twixt Aleph and Tav) with blood: Dallet~Mem.
Now, think about Alt (theme of Song of Songs) as Adamot. Adamot, then, is as Pirsig claimed, " one of four MoQ Value Levels: organicq."

Notice how, too, blood issi ihn Aleph~Tav's resonantq cavityq of perpetualq and ubiquitousq and indeterminateq livingsq and dyingsq.

Suares is showingq us H5W this is Song of Songs' essene~tial [Gnosticq] message. Qabala issi Quantum! A wow~mom!

See near~by Aqarav.




To believe

Leha~Ameen (Lammed~Hay~Aleph~Mem~Yod~finalNoun:


Ameen: Elle [Allah] ihn actual~waters of humanity reaching (evolvingq toward) their highest energies of quantized cosmic con(m)sciousness. Ciphered using Qabala by Doug - 21Aug2014.

[prefix] Leha: (Lammed~Hay: 30.5) Actual [however, con(m)temporarily, always tentative and limited] projection of organic movement[~and~rest] of life'sq existenceq.

Doug uses "con(m)temporarily" ihn a senseq of a current life'sq begin~end's (life~death cycle's) fractally~recursive~iterationingsq.

Those who cannot find their inner, who cannot fathom the account, are extremely limited, bordering on extinctionc. Those who find their inners have much greater potentiaq during any life'sq iterationings.

Fathom Duke University's, Mayo Clinic's, and Byrd's research re "remote prayer."

A famous healer essentially (Essene~tially) said, "God is [ihn the] [quantum~]stochastics," paraphrased and linguisticallyq enhanced by Doug - 21Aug2014. Repair punctuation typo~error. Replaced '.),' with '"'. Doug - 24Oct2014.

As quantum~beings, indeed, wæ are stochasticq ensemblesq of countless fermionicq and bosonicq quantum~wave~functionings and all their quantons(scin,quan) QED~QCD interrelationshipings!




(From Suares' opus including his Trilogy 'Sepher Yetsira' and his Song of Songs)

Am as mother, Ami as mother of me (Zondervan), Aleph~Mem as two of three mothers excluding Sheen

"...Ha'shemesh Bni Imi [Ami, Emi] NihherouBi..." from SoS, I:6.


Ami (Aleph~Mem~Yod: 1.40.10)

Aleph - Archetype of God in us, God in Yod.

Mem - Existential projection of archetype Dallet as "organic sphere."

Yod - Existential projection of Aleph in us in actuality.

Am is usually, apparently, taken as Em: Mother. From which Doug infers, "Mother in us." This makes a lot of biosphere sense re mitochondrial DNA (mother influence) in all of us.

Doug has seen this pronounced and phonetically spelled out as Ami Imi and Emi.

Latter is likely most applicable here given Em issi Autiot for Mother.

So probably, and according Zondervan, Emi translates as 'Mother of me."

We see a nexus here to Ani as "I am, me, myself."

As Aleph~Mem it carries, at least for Doug, a Chaldæan Mother as godhead semantic.

Doug didn't notice possibility of Imi as Emi and Ami.

Ami (Imi) is seventh word in Song of Songs I:6, "Al-Tirooni She'ani Sh'hharhhoret Sh'shzafatni Ha'shemesh Bni Imi NihherouBi Samooni Noterah etHakiramim Karmi Sheli LaNatarti."
I [am], me, myself

I [am], me, myself

I [am], me, myself

I [am], me, myself

I [am], me, myself

I [am], me, myself

I [am], me, myself

Ani (Aleph~Noun~Yod: 1.50.10)


Shehhorah (Sheen~Hhayt~Waw~Raysh~Hay: 300.


Ve-Nawah (Vav~Noun~Aleph~Waw~Hay: Observe that this one is all archetypes!

Doug wants to bottom line an issue of OT word mistranslation by 'scholars.'


It is SEP of translator-'scholars' incompetence interpreting Aleph~Hay~Yod~Hay ( as "I am." "I am," is really, "Ani," i.e., Ayn~Noun~Yod (70.50.10).

Ayn~Noun~Yod may also be Midrashed via, "Eye~Quantize~You," which is like saying, "I see (photonq) you." But neither of those two interpretations of Ani exegetizes what Mosheh intended, which we witness by Qabalic and Sepher Yetsiral use of Autiot and its Gematria.

There is n¤thing "...and beautiful" (~Ve~Nawah) re self~agrandizing, egoistic, and pompous, "I am," male hegemony, Neandertal ego "I grog" noisesc. Doug.

Suares points out one of most egregious mistranslations, as an abomination which manifests itself as classical malice against a Mosaic Revelation (perhaps the most important Revelation) of Qabala in Exodus 3:14.

"I am who I am." I.e., howc Moses is classically translatedc, by some 'scholarc,' as having revealedc himself (Moses). Now that's a revelationc. Ugh!

In Autiot, "I am who I am," translates as "Ani Esher Ani."
(Ayn~Noun~Yod Aleph~Sheen~Raysh Ayn~Noun~Yod: 70.50.10 1.300.200 70.50,10)

By comparison OT Autiot issi "Eieh Esher Eieh." Eieh is pronounced Eh~ee~Eh. Said OT quotation of Mosheh, spelled out issi, "Aleph~Hay~Yod~Hay Aleph~Sheen~Raysh Aleph~Hay~Yod~Hay: 1.300.200" That issi n¤t, "I am who I am." You can see for yourself how vastly omniffering Gematria of "I am who I am," are from "Qabala con(m)firms Qabala." Suares refers it a, "Mosaic (Qabalic) revelation of first magnitude," paraphrased by Doug.

(Doug would ostense EiEh a tad more for greater semasiologicalq Valueq of what is more likely happening ihn Qabala's Game of Life. Like this Doug's change of Yod's 10 to 11 is 10+1 implyingq ihn Autiot, directly, "Aleph issi ihn all Yod which has faithq Aleph issi ihn Yod." Quantons(Aleph,Yod~Aleph). This agrees with YhShWh's, "...therefore G¤d issi ihn yo[du]q.")

Rather it says, "Aleph~Living~Yod~Living witnesses~confirms Aleph~Living~Yod~Living." That Autiot translation means, as an Mosaic Midrash, Qabala con(m)firms Qabala. "The Gameq of Lifeq con(m)firms The Gameq of Lifeq."

Obtain tells of:

  • quantum~recursion,
  • quantum~fractal~sælf~¤ther~reference,
  • quantum~middle~inclusion,
  • quantum~Gn¤stic~sælf~witnessing,
  • and so forth...

Doug's update here is a blatant indictment of current versions of OT translations which are eidetically bogus, ad occulos. Too, it is a quantum~indictment of dialectic's manifest incompetenciesc.


In a quite spectacular way, Ani means to Doug:

"I am a quantum~being."

As ~Ani~ issi middle~included twixt Shehhorah and Ve-Nawah, so too is Ani's ~Noun~ middle~includedq twixt Aleph~ and ~Yod..

Observe, recall, that Aleph is Yod's antinomialq and vice-versa. Aleph issi an archetype (1 of 9) of reality's perpetualq and ubiquitousq lifeq~deathq cyclingsq. Yod as Aleph's antinomialq 'existent' (actual) projectionq ihn realityq.

~Noun~ issi portrayedq as ihn Aleph~Yod as Aleph~Noun~Yod.

This should sound familiar. Perhaps as, "I have found my inner?" That issi whyingsq, whatingsq, whoingsq, whereingsq, wheningsq, and howingsq (H5W) I am?!

Compare (vis-à-vis AKA vav) "Ani" to mistranslation of Mosheh's Qabala (Aleph~Hay, Yod~Hay) as "I am." It, better~more~correctlyq, means, "Aleph~Livings, Yod~Livings."

Clearly, at least to Doug, we may say and fathom Qabala issi ihn Ani and Ani issi ihn Qabala when one finds one's inner. However, Qabala does n¤t mean, "I am." Rather, "Ani" self~other~included~middlingsq~refersq, "I am."

Ani narrates selfq as Noun's living~quanta scintillating (as a verb) interrelationshipingsq twixt Aleph and Yod, when Yod issi understandingsq "Aleph issi ihn Yod" and Noun's [as quantizing mediator] quantum~scintllationings of Aleph,Yod AKA quanton(Aleph,Yod) are showingq "me" Aleph issi ihn "I [am], me, myself!" But, but, but if Aleph issi ihn me, when my Yod refers self as "I," then Aleph too is referredq intrinsicallyq, explicitlyq. Yes?

For Doug, this Qabalic midrash of "I" explains Pirsig's response to me when I asked him during 1995-6, "Who wrote ZMM and Lila." His response? "Iht and I wrote those two books." (paraphrased; also see Eugen Herrigel's, Zen in the Art of Archery.)

One of most important sentences Doug has heard during this lifeq iterationq...

This is just a start re "Ani." Doug.

Please recall Aleph~Yod Script comtextually omniscribed in Doug's hermeneutics of CG Jung's Plate 127.

This word 'Ani' appears in Song of Songs' verse 5.
Comtextually it is middle~included twixt Shehhorah and Ve-Nawah.

Shehhorah (Shekora, rough pronunciation), in Doug's own Hologralexology™ issi
"Female speaker, darkly speaks antinomiallyq lightq...," followed by Ani, "I am..."
Con(m)sider how similar this is to Yang from Yin~Yang. Yang is autsimilar Tav~Aleph
breathing~in (fermionic) 360 degree fluxoid (Yin is breathing~out 360 degree fluxoid).
Total Aleph~Tav~Tav~Aleph double fluxoid cycle is 720 degrees from which we abduce
quantumly Möbius fermionic spin 1/2 as 360/720 , spin 1/2 of both fluxoids taken as an
ensemble fermion.. See Doug's Fermion Ontology. Graphic link below artistically
shows vision's QED quantum~antinomialism:

Doug - 24Oct2014.

Ve-Nawah (V-Nawa, also V-Nava, rough pronunciation), in Doug's own Hologralexology™ issi
"...beautifully emerscedq from fecundityq of lifeq."

So...first three words in verse 5 of Song of Songs, in Doug's own Hologralexology™ mean,
"I am a darkq (n¤t Awr: lightq) femaleq speakerq
beautifully~emerscedq from life'sq fecundityq."

See separate details of both Shehhorah and Ve-Nawah under their own individualq
wave~functionalq Hologralexological™ entries. Ve-Nawah is under Hologralexology N.
Ve~ is comjunctionq 'an[m]d.'

Doug's main emphasis here is Ani(Aleph~Noun~Yod) issi "I am a quantum~being."
And, omnistinguish unfortunate mistranslation (e.g., Zondervan), in Genesis, of Mosheh's
"gameq of lifeq" revelationq of Qabala (Ehieh: Aleph~Hay~Yod~Hay)...
...badly-translatedc as, "I am."

Doug - 7,11Dec2014.




(From Suares' opus including his Trilogy 'Sepher Yetsira' and his Song of Songs)

A [one, an ego] myself of consciousness

A [one, an ego] myself of consciousness

A [one, an ego] myself of consciousness

A [one, an ego] myself of consciousness

Aqarav (Ayn~Qof~Raysh~Vayt:

Spelled~outq with Doug's relevant radically~quantum~comtext~sensitive, rqcs, hermeneuticsq:

Ayn (Ayn~Yod~Noun: 70.10.50) - Selfq (10) twixt its sensoryq bandwidth (70) and its scintillating~quantized 'existenceq' (50).

Qof (Qof~Waw~Phay: 100.6.80) - Self's perpetual life~death cyclings fertilizing [Waw] of, by, and with actuality's expressed, existent compenetrating spiritualq energyingsq [P[h]ay]. For example, cellular apoptosis~resurrection happening on average about one million times per second in every living human being. Biologically metabolisisq as both~while~andingsq of cyclic catabolisisq and anabolisisq.

Raysh (Raysh~Yod~Sheen: 200.10.300) - [Perhaps over~]Simply, this is selfq ihn uncon(m)sciousness' spiritualq breathing~out and breathing~in cosmic cyclesq. This flowq of lifeq shows Yod's subcon(m)scious~egoq compenetrating (middle~including, straddling) quanton(uncon(m)scious,con(m)scious) where comma~nospace represents egoq, soulq, Jung's subconsciousq, etc. See Raysh~Sheen, bottom of graphic in right most column.

Vayt (Vayt~Yod~Tav: 2.10.400) - Self'sq leaky con(m)tainerq [Vayt] which middle~includesq self's [Yod] evolutioningsq [Tav as Aleph's echo] of its egoq~managed interrelationshipingsq among, e.g., Jung's quantum~con(m)sciousness, ~subcon(m)sciousness, and ~uncon(m)sciousness. All of this living~processq is in preparation for subsequent lifeq (Vayt (shell, chrysalis, womb [relevant Sammekh], etc.) to Bayt (soma)) trajectories cowithin~coobsfecting cosmos' absolute hologra[[il][lex][m][ph][view]]icq energyingsq (Gematria of wave~functionq n¤mbærs).


Suares whole phrase, Aqarav~Karyi~Aassa, with Aqarav spelled out, then followed by Kayri and Aassa gives:

"My [subconscious] ego manages my existence twixt [unconscious] uncertainty and actuality's [conscious] apparitionc of definitenessc as some materialc thingc made, innately, by ['intelligent,' anthropogenic] designc."

Those dialectical apparitionsc may be canceledq, as delusionsc, by self'sq Qofq.

Of course, anthroposc is intrinsically fallible. To become less fallible, anthropos (becoming more quantum) must evolveq.

Very Jungian, we see Marion Woodman in spades!!! Doug - 11-12Oct2014. (repair minor typos, and punctuation)

Let Doug re quote himself for emphasis here to make a crucial phasementing:

"Those dialectical apparitionsc may be canceledq, as delusionsc, by self'sq Qofq."

Doug is comparing two world views of how to make de(omni)cisions, and their most primal linguistic and semasiological bases omnistinguishing them!

  • quantum~uncertainty vis-à vis
  • classical-certainty.

Ponder Doug's comparison of worldviews, quantum vis-à vis classical.

Every decision we make in life depends upon whether we self~manage using uncertaintyq, whether we self-manage using certaintyc!

Do you grasp deepness of Doug's quantum~sema here?

A quantum~worldview presumes an absolutely changing and evolving reality. In Doug's opinion, this worldviewq issi better. Peace!

A [ideal strawman] classical-worldview presumes an absolutely static and stable [classically utopian, Keynesian, Marxist socialistc] reality. In Doug's opinion, this worldviewc is worse. Conflagration!

World societies, most of them, want us and train us and educate us and propagandize us to harbor a classical worldview. To Doug, that's worse, much worse: a la Pirsig's, "...dialectic is a genetic defect in human reason," and Heraclitus', "...dialectic is war."

Suares reveres this Rabbi at very beginning of Song of Songs: How do we use Autiot to parse Akivah? Doug's novice heuristics

Suares reveres this Rabbi at very beginning of Song of Songs: How do we use Autiot to parse Akivah? Doug's novice heuristics

Suares reveres this Rabbi at very beginning of Song of Songs: How do we use Autiot to parse Akivah? Doug's novice heuristics

Suares reveres this Rabbi at very beginning of Song of Songs: How do we use Autiot to parse Akivah? Doug's novice heuristics

Suares reveres this Rabbi at very beginning of Song of Songs: How do we use Autiot to parse Akivah? Doug's novice heuristics

Suares reveres this Rabbi at very beginning of Song of Songs: How do we use Autiot to parse Akivah? Doug's novice heuristics

Rabbi Akiva

Observe: some lead with Ayn, some with Aleph.

Some end with a, some with ah.

Doug is, as a novice, using Aleph to start and ah to end.

Sema of Akiva alter radically depending upon which of those four ciphers are used:

  • Ayn a
  • Ayn ah
  • Aleph a
  • Aleph ah

Doug favors last one for 'reasons' you will soon fathom.

Akivah (Aleph~Qof~Yod~Vayt~Hay:

Aleph - Archetype of reality'sq godlikeq perpetual and ubiquitous livingsq and dyingsq cyclingsq (evolutionq).

Qof (Qof~Waw~Phay: 100.6.80) - Here we see God (Aleph 1) in us (Yod) and Self's (Yod's) perpetual life~death cyclings Qof~fertilizing [Waw] of (our Yod), by, and with actuality's expressed, existent compenetrating spiritualq energyingsq [P[h]ay]. Intensely fractal, intensely recursive, intensely self~other referent and sensorially coobsfecting, coaffecting, scintillating one another's living quantal energy~wellings. Akivah!

Yod - Archetype Aleph's existential~antinomial~complementary projection as bosonic~fermionic quantum~reality. We fathom Yod's quantal interrelationshipings with a powerful double~Aleph~Qof team, insisting Yod achieve Akiva's greatness.

Hay - Archetype of lifeq existenceq in all realityq.

Vayt - (Vayt~Yod~Tav: 2.10.400) - Life'sq leaky con(m)tainerq [Vayt] which middle~includesq Hay and Hay middle~includesq Vayt. Vayt appears to be a leaky biospherically~living~grail as autsimilarlyq 'used' in Ahavah.

Vayt - Somewhat redundantly, we may view Vayt as a quantum~comtainer, a kind of EWings fuzzon, with many rays~actin~scions~Rens~[Rr]oentgens of energy, all welling and attracting one another, as quantonic absolutely evolving interrelationshipings in Hay (life, livings, cyclings). We see directly Moshe's revelation: "Ehieh~Esher~Ehieh. Qabala! That is Qabala! Qabala (Ehieh) sanctionsq Qabala (Ehieh)!" A quantum~miracle in that is how, from Doug's complementarospectives, Qabala is selfq~otherq fractalq recursiveq hologra[[il][lex][m][ph][view]]icq EIMA! Also see SOrON. Also see A 3D Fuzzon, and Ensemble Quantum Interrelationshipings., and A Network of EWings.


Doug's immediate reaction to Akivah, is how do we parse its phonemes?

Doug likes this A~Ki~Vah.

Compare this A~Ha~Vah (love).

As we saw in Ki~Toveem, Ki means 'because.'

When we look at Aki~Vah, we see an interesting pattern, and students should be aware that Suares places great import on patterns.

Aki as gematria 1.100.10 illustrates three Aleph's. There are others, some say in Arabic God has at least 100 names. Doug has read that others claim thousands of names. Fathom Qof (Qof~Waw~Phay: 100.6.80) - Self's perpetual life~death cyclings fertilizing [Waw] of, by, and with actuality's expressed, existent compenetrating spiritualq energyingsq [P[h]ay]. For example, cellular apoptosis~resurrection happening on average about one million times per second in every living human being. Biologically metabolisisq as both~while~andingsq of cyclic catabolisisq and anabolisisq.

Both God as many (i.e., 1.100.10) and God as One (e.g., 1), NOT a classical either-or! Rather, a both~all~while~and~many. To illustrate that meme more evidently, observe there is another triple here. We have three archetypes: 1, 2, and 5. These two triples Venn on Aleph, they share archetype Aleph.

Let's try spelling~ciphering~parsing those two triples as two lives:

Aleph~Qof~Yod then Aleph~Vayt~Hay.

When we look at those two lives we see partials of row 1 of Letter Numbers and all (rearranged) of column 1 of Letter Numbers.

Doug has no meme whether we should treat these two triples as two lives, however, if we do we parse life 1 as column one reordered as Aleph~Qof~Yod, and life 2 as part of row 1 in gematraic order as Aleph~Vayt~Hay. This is interesting, since we view those two lives as 'rays' emerging from Aleph, perhaps permitting us to interpret Aleph as Qabala's vital emphasis of one of many potential life triples.

Some may argue, "Doug Hay is only in life two, can we then say 'two lives' and be accurate?'"

Suares describes Autiot as two lives Aut~Iot, and there is no Hay, except by indirection via Thav. However, Aut and Iot end in Tav, they do not end in Tav's double: Thav.

So Doug surmises, quantum~logically, it is OK to express Akivah a two lives.

As practice, interpret those 'two lives' using their Aut words from column left. You should still parse Akivah, but with an extra Aleph. If we pronounce it that way we hear, roughly, AkiAvah. Double explicit occurrence of Aleph adds even more divinity to his name. Apropos? Perhaps.

Let's ostense again, just for fun: AkiAhavah. You cipher play play life's game.

(roughly, "Aleph because of Love," and is that a signature of peace? -- ponder 'love' as a sub anagram partial of 'evolve,' and quantum~evolution is absolute quantum~flux'vital impetus (Aleph) as rqis and rqfv based upon absolute change which begs stochastic uncertainty as peace)

Thence AkiZavah! (AkiAwr?)

Again, quantum aspects of Autiot emerge. One of those is rqcs: radical~quantum~comtext~sensitivityings.

So when you hear someone say, "It is 'true' that there is but one God," you grasp their veiled naïvté, their dialectical and bogus classical predilections. You grasp their incisit: monism, i.e., radical-classical-monism. You may choose, heretically, to standunder Gnostics' "Monismc is deceit." So, lover of Qabala, we may choose as an act of heresyq to complementaroceiveq two antinomialq lives of monism: monismq and monismc. Former is living. Latter is dead and becoming extinct.

"The Many" corresponds Yod's cosmic heterogeneity of omnifferencings. As Philip R. Wallace wrote in his Paradox Lost, "Interpretation involves according primacy to subjectivity (quality) over objectivity (quantity). There is a subtle hint here of God as One as Quality and supreme over Quantity. Yet, sophistically, gnostically, Qabalically, wisely Many is still part of our lives' games.

Note how rqcs is quantal, stochastic, demanding Many so that we can find signatures among Many to offer supremacy to One. Without the Many, One, like Ayn, is naught (i.e., quantumly One becomes pure isoflux). Without the Many we cannot measure Fourier's temperatureq temporal~gradientq flowq of heat! Without the Many we cannot assess Doug's (mimicking Fourier) con(m)sciousness' preferenceq temporal~gradientq flowq of thoughtq. Latter is a quantum~requisite prior omni[de]velopment of AI using quantum~computing.

Quantons(One,Many), n¤t dichons(Many, One). Qof SOM's Wall as "veiled naïveté!"

Thanks to Carlo Suares' tutelage in early pages of his fabulous Song of Songs. Thanks to Aleph, shared among all of us, "If only we could standunder."

Quote taken from Coy Mick and Stan Dunder™. A Borgesian quantum~comtemporary takeoff on Ishmael and Isaac and their unending Aleph~Tav struggles with each other and with Aleph.

Akiva as a Shepherd who evolved into one of Jews' most revered Rabbis, appears, in Doug's hermeneutics, to be affected by Aleph into Vayt~Living.

As a shepherd Akiva was dead, an ignorant Jew.

As a learned Rabbi Akiva became alive, and a Kosher and great and famous Rabbi.

According Suares, Akiva lifted Song of Songs into ethereal Value as one of three most important Qabalic writings of all time: Genesis, Song of Songs, and Sepher Yetsira. Latter was apparently (Doug isn't sure about this) Oral Tradition until seventh century current era when it was written in Autiot by an unknown, but someone of Akiva's mettle.




(From Suares' opus including his Trilogy 'Sepher Yetsira' and his Song of Songs)

Life~death cyclings from Aleph to Tav, and back from Tav to Aleph...perpetual and ubiquitous

Life~death cyclings from Aleph to Tav, and back from Tav to Aleph...perpetual and ubiquitous

Life~death cyclings from Aleph to Tav, and back from Tav to Aleph...perpetual and ubiquitous

Life~death cyclings from Aleph to Tav, and back from Tav to Aleph...perpetual and ubiquitous
At, also Et, and see Zat.

At (Aleph~Tav: 1.400)

Aleph - Beginning of breathing out cyclings, and ending of breathing ihn cyclings.

Tav - Aleph's life~death cycling antinomialq~complementq. Beginning of breathing ihn cyclings, and ending of breathing out cyclings.


Suares doesn't say it like this, but quantumly this is a good way to say it, "This represents factings of perpetuity and ubiquity of unstoppable life~death cyclings at all levels of reality, from Big Bangs to Black Holes thence from Black Holes to Big Bangs...over and over and over...

Down to scintilla of quanta at up to Planck rates scintillation up to energy level to energy level down to scintillation...scintillation up to energy level to energy level down to scintillation...over and over and over...

Graphically we can show Aleph~Tav~Tav~Aleph...Atta...Atta...over and over and over...



Doug shows ~Atta~ as a quantum~wave~functionings which is just what it is.

Realize that ~Sheen~ issi quantum~cosmic~metabolism of ~Atta~.

Sheen is last Aut just prior Tav~endings of breathing~out cyclings.

Sheen is first Aut just after Tav's echoing breathing~in cyclings.

Following graphic shows Sheen as (Shyt: Sheen~Yod~Tav) quantum~cosmic~metabolism (up to Planck~rate~morphing, wave~shaping, hammering, steam rolling Yod with Tav acting as an anvil:

Al Uap notified me to swap my prior version with Sheen and Tav's roles badly reversed by me.

Look at Aut Sheen. Its mid~masted middle sail is a hammer, an agent of absoluteq evolutionaryq changingsq. Sheen is totally responsible for cosmic~realityq's evolvingq metabolismq. Scintillationq issi manifesta of Sheen's role in realityq.

Look at Aut Tav. Its leg can be viewed as an anvil, a support, as close to a dead end as one can come without declaring absolute stoppability.

We should view Yod as Aleph's antinomial in actual existence. All energy in actuality issi quantum~waves. All of those waves evolve. Aleph's quantized~action upon all Yod's qwfs is made apparent. In our large Aleph above, we see Yod as a quantum. Sheen~Tav action alter Yod's behaviorq.

It's obvious to Doug k~now~ings that Aut Yod issi semiotic of all quanta ihn all cosmic~reality. Aleph evolves all of them always!!! Absolute changeq!

unconsciousq lifeq

Aut: 1.6.400


Singular Aut feminine as a prefix, and plural feminine as a suffix (sometimes as 'ot'), n¤n temporal, n¤n structured action of Aleph fertilizing Tav. An unconsciousq lifeq of n¤nactuality. N¤nactual lifeq of Aleph actingq ihn quantum~antinomial~complementarity with Iot upon Tav. Aut represents n¤nexistentq lifeq (Jungian~) unconsciouslyq (isohologra[[il][lex][m][ph]]ically) actingq through Waw on Tav. Aut is a n¤nactual projectionq of Aleph exalted in Tav assa both Aleph's old endingq and its new beginningq (Doug calls this (ruby rod laser-like mirrored) "quantum~retroreflection," a kind of quantum~isoflux echoq.). A lifeq (livingsq) of Aleph. Aut is part of life's 'issi double flow' of cosmic~isoenergy. Consider how important Jung's psychology (See Doug's hermeneutics of Jung's Plate 127.) of quanton(unconscious,quanton(subconscious,conscious)) depended upon his own Jewish intuition about two lives (livingsq) of Aut (livingsq of Aleph (1) ihn uhs) and Iot (livingsq of Yod (10) ihn uhs). Doug – 9Jun2014.

Autiot [Feminine Many]










Autiot [Feminine Many]
Autiot: Aleph~Waw~Tav Yod~Waw~Tav (1.6.400 10.6.400) Ponder this "two triplets" gematria vis-à-vis "two pairs" gematria for Qabala. Fathom interchange of Hay from Qabala with Waw~T[h]av from Autiot. First livingq triplet (Aut) cyclesq with isofecundityq from Aleph through T[h]av. Second livingq triplet (Iot) cyclesq with fecundityq from Yod through T[h]av. Doug – 4-6Jun2014.

Autiot spelled out left to right (ciphered) one~to~one is: Aleph(A)~Waw(u)~Tav(t) Yod(i)~Waw(o)~Tav(t).

Anatomicallyc (classical: scalpelc cuttingc, i.e., ana lysis, n¤t allowed ihn quantum~reality - Doug) Autiot issi quanton(Aut,Iot), and biologicallyc (classical: objectivec dialectical-dialethic logicc n¤t allowed ihn quantum~reality – Doug) Autiot issi quanton(1.6.400,10.6.400) Doug – 8Jun2014.


These Two Lives:

Feminine plural, notice that Autiot exegetizes self as two quantum~antinomial triples: Aleph~Waw~Tav (pneumatic life) and Yod~Waw~Tav (psychic~hyliccdead amd~¤r qliving life). Latter illustrates Yod's dialectical alternative to abide Aleph (choose lifeq, bettership living things) or notc abide Aleph (choose deathc, worseship dead things). Yod has a choice of Yod~Hayq or just Yodc: dichon(Yod~Hayq, Yodc).

Suares refers these two antinomial triples, "These two lives." (esoterically:) "n¤ntemporal life of n¤nactuality," and (exoterically:) "temporal, a dialectical choice, life of actuality." Latter is what most of us intend by, "a free will of living in temporal actuality."

See Doug's web page, What Does Autiot Mean in Qabala?

See Suares' Trilogy, Sepher~Yetsira, p. 409, paperback, Shambhala, 1976 English translation.

In Qabala Autiot means two lives. "[Aut]Iot: [1.6.400]10.6.400" life is an individual choice. One may antinomially choose Yod with Aleph. By one's choosing Yod with Aleph, said choice "energizes the temporal metaphysics of Qabala:" Alternatively one may choose Yod without Aleph: to notc play Qabala's game of life. Thence one lives a "dead life, a life of self extinction." This is what Doug means-intends by a n¤n Evolutionary Survival Strategy, n¤n ESS. (This acronym is controversial in how it omniffers Richard Dawkins' The Selfish Gene "Evolutionarily Stable Strategy." Quantum~reality simply isn't classically 'stable' since it is, "perpetual and ubiquitous absolute change." 'Stable' (similar classically definite articles like 'the') is a bad word in both Quantonics and Qabala. Doug – 6-8Jun2014.)

Gnostically, when One Finds One's Inner, one realizes that Aleph is always with Yod (i.e., Aleph (1) is ihn selfq). This is what A~Dam means: Aleph ihn blood, Aleph ihn Yod as Dallet~Mem. Quantumly Doug says, "Aleph is ihn blood and blood is ihn Aleph," according Reb Jesus' (Reb YhShWh's) 'Farewell Discourse' in Magdalene's fourth (probably Essene) gnostic gospel. This is quantum~reality's metaphysical quantum~included~middle of both quantized and scintillating holographicq (exergonic~endergonic pneuma of) [iso]fluxq: n¤nexistential~existential 'issi double flow' of cosmic fluxq. See Elaine Pagels' Johannine Gospel in Gnostic Exegesis, especially Introduction and First Chapter. Doug – 9Jun2014.

A meme, a date which strikes terror in hearts of Qabalists

Av, Av 9

(Aleph~Vayt: 1.2), (Aleph~Vayt~Tayt: 1.2.9)


This memeo, this date is a derivative (according Carlo Suares in his Second Coming of Reb YhShWh) of YHWH with Tayt appended. See column left.

Derivation is something like YHWH (the demiurge) as Aleph on earth in its Vayt (egg shell con(m)tainer which breaks at an ending of a Bayt (living) trajectory.

A new cell, a new life process is wombed by Tayt, and all that was known prior is replaced by humanity's next great challenge and novel endeavor.

Study Vayt~Bayt double to fathom more deeply memes and memeos expressed by Av 9.

Av is "month of Av" in Qabala's calendar.

During August, 2014, we just passed that date which happened during 25 hours from dusk 4Aug2014 to dusk 5Aug2014.

If you www search on Av 9 you will find that most Hebraic tragedies happened on this date, e.g., Roman destruction of Jews' sacred temple (at least twice). This marks a beginning of çatholiçism's dialectical fascist insanity. This, at least partially, explains Reb YhShWh's calling Peter "Satan," (See NT, Matthew, Mark, John~Mary.) and denouncing Peter's petrified (Roman coprolytic-dead-death-worseshiping) dialectical church based upon Jesus as a 'christ.'

At least one world war started Av 9. Countless other instances may be found in history.




(From Suares' opus including his Trilogy 'Sepher Yetsira' and his Song of Songs)

Life existential energy, vital impetus, fecund vicissitudinality, imperative spontaneity, scintillation of quanta

Life existential energy, vital impetus, fecund vicissitudinality, imperative spontaneity, scintillation of quanta
...Et Ha~Awr Ki~Tov...

Awr (Aleph~Waw~Raysh: 1.6.200)

Aleph - Actualityings' vital impetusings...

Waw - ...fecundulating... (e.g., photons QED~fuxing electrons...)

Raysh - ...via immanence of n¤nactualityings' cosmic~energy plenumq.

Doug's QED fecundulationq allegoryq issi quite apropos. Here is where real quantum~uncertainty emerqs itself:

  • how long does it take a photon to modulate~fecundulate an electron?
  • how long does electron stay modulated?
  • how long does electron's climax last?
  • how many photons emerge from said climax?
  • how long does multi~photon demodulation last?
  • etc.

Answer: no one issi k~now~ing! It may be stochastically assessed, post facto, however.

This is essence of quantum~uncertainty!!!

Compare to classical mechanics: A photon 'hits' an electron and 'bounces' off said electron imparting Newtonian force-interaction energy to said electron. All of that is classically, strictly deterministic. But, be awed now, it doesn't explain what Doug just wrote above!!!

Classical mechanics are simply and blatantly bogus!!!

For more on quantum~uncertainty manifesta see Doug's effort on Bell's Theorem.


In terms of Quantum Electro~Dynamics Awr issi Light in its perpetual and ubiquitous life~altering processings.

Bosons scintillate...

...(give life mutative and transmutative energyings, e.g., aware~comscious~thinkqing, to)...

...atoms' electrons affecting evolutionaryq changeq of matter wavesq. Nearly all biological phenomena may be attributed to QED 'life~energy' transemerqancyings in earth actualityings.

In terms of Qabala and Genesis Awr issi visible energyq existence AKA fluxq. Awr's antinomial quantum~complement issi Hhosheykh as undi[omni]fferentiated, n¤nexistential energyq AKA isofluxq.

During Genesis first seven days, Awr becomes Yom (day, lightness) and Hhosheykh becomes Layla (night, darkness). They co~evolveq one another perpetually and ubiquitously thereafter.

Genesis, in Doug's view is describing a omniversal Bang (one of many). Elsewhere Doug describes a omniversal Black Hole (one of many) as any Bang's antinomial quantum~complement. Bang creates, Black Hole discreates: Two lives assa quantons(Banging,Holeing), quantons(livings,dyings)! Two lives at cosmic scales of quantum~evolutionings.

Two lives: quantons(darkness,lightness)! Quantons(Hhosheykh,Awr), quantons(Layla,Yom)!

Quantons(male,female)! Two lives!


Alt! Aleph~Lammed~Tav,...


A major theme of Song of Songs

   A       L      T   

...over and over and over and over...all during which evolutionq never ceases generating noveltyings of astounding proportions and abundance...

See Suares' Cipher of Genesis, pp. 100-101, near end of Chapter 9.

Genesis I:4, "Veyarey Elohim Et Ha~Awr Ki~Tov."

We have seen much of that prior.

Veyarey isn't obvious. It is a takeoff (idiomatic?) of Bara.

Bara is 'create.'

Elohim issi (at least) two lives, some choices: Demiurge, YhShWh, etc. In a way, it asks questions, "Does Aleph side with him? Does Aleph side with im?

Et issi At, in Doug's world better expressed as Atta [Ette], since that is accurately 'spelled~out as' what it is. Colloquially it means from A to Z, from Aleph to Tav.

Atta issi quantons(Aleph~Tav,Tav~Aleph) issi "life energy."

Ki issi 'because.' Tov issi quality. Compare Tov~Meod as "quality issi good." Quality (n¤t quantity) is "what we like."
(We hate 'quantitative easing.' Why? It is one signature of fiscal~economic incompetence.)

Now, to our current comtextual assessment of Ha~Awr: the Life Energy, the Light, the QED of actuality.

Ha~Awr is what Aleph's Shyt, Aleph's Sheen of Shyt, does!
(Whether it matters and whatever, "Doug hatesq definite articles as hæ hatæs all dialectics." Just for you, Alaph!)




(From Suares' opus including his Trilogy 'Sepher Yetsira' and his Song of Songs)


See, vision, taken literally, "there is not," i.e., non existence (ex nihilo, isoflux, undifferentiated reality, etc.) non exists as non actuality






See, vision, taken literally, "there is not," i.e., non existence (ex nihilo, isoflux, undifferentiated reality, etc.) non exists as non actuality

Ayn (Aleph~Yod~finalNoun: 1.10.700)

According Qabala, our "gameq of lifeq," our "Lifeq Motif™," it is 'normal' for us to heurist, to comjecture, to guess, to play...

Doug wants to compare Ayn (to see, vision, etc.) to Ani (I am, me, myself, etc.). A simple comparison is Ayn~Ani (Aleph~Yod~Noun Aleph~Noun~Yod) which means, "I see myself."

If it means, "I seeq myselfq," it shows that you and I have omniscovered our omnique~to~selfq inners. See QELP of 'di-scover.'

If it means, "I seec myselfc," it tells (narrates classically) that you and I have yet to find ourselves' inners. A simplec, Ockhamistic, e.g., objective, analytic, "lookingc in[?] a mirror."

We mention Zayn in next column right. It means our ability to see is unlimited.

Given our comparison, what would Zani (Zany) mean? How about "...unlimited potentiaq of self~omniscovery!" Others might say, "...divineq madnessq." Yet others, "...the divine childq as a fluxingq harmonyq of chaosq and orderq"


To see, eye, vision, etc.

Vulgate Ayn taken literally, "there is not." It is a naïve negationc.

Quantumly Ayn is more like quanton(imaginationings,image). See Doug's relevant topos table Thought~Ontology sub cell 'imaginationings.'

Doug's use of "naïve negationc" is in a classical canonic, orthodox, polemic, pogromatic sense of EOOO, ideal oppositionc, binary alternative denial (BAD), Sheffer's stroke (' | '), (all those are bases of dialectic and all classical 'negationalc logics', contradictionc, etc.). Pirsig called this kind-type-class of beliefc and thoughtc, "...a genetic defect in human reasonc."

Doug's use of "pogromatic" illustrates~narrates a classical intention by Roman coprolytes to çatholiçally destroyc Gnosis, Qabala, Autiot, Gematria, Sepher Yetsira, and Sefirot, by destroying Jesus' and Mary's blood line and heritage of their individual Essene Gnoses. Read Holy Blood, Holy Grail by Baigent, Leigh, and Lincoln. Also read Mark Gaffney's Gnostic Secrets of the Naassenes. Especially see, in that Doug review, Gaffney's narrative on "Our Loss."

However, and presciently, we can view Ayn as ex nihilo existsq as Zayn's archetype cosmic projection of n¤n existence (i.e., what we lack sensory qua to sense, what is unsaid, undifferentiated reality...). We may see now how Zayn archetypically means "unlimited potentiaq AKA isofluxq." In this manner Ayn agrees with Doug's Quantum Empiritheory: There is n¤ negation in quantum reality: all flux (all Autiot) are positive! See Doug's QELR of cancel, too.

This is what Doug means by that part of cosmic reality which is insensible to sentience. Humans with extended sensory qua can only sense, see, perceive less than one part in 1022 of whatever we mean by 'reality.'

Doug's bookcase represents what we cannot 'see.'

Doug's credit card represents what we think we can only partially 'see.'

Perhaps profoundest crux (crucial exegesis) of all, Suares writes, "Ayn originates the metaphysical: God created the world ex nihilo." Page 429, Trilogy, Sepher Yetsira, 1976.


Infinite, without end, perpetual, ubiquitous, etc.


Sof (Seen~Waw~Phay: 300.6.80)


without end, infinite...

Similar Zayn's "unlimited possibilities."




(From Suares' opus including his Trilogy 'Sepher Yetsira' and his Song of Songs)


Doug Renselle
Quantonics, Inc.
Suite 18368 1950 East Greyhound Pass
Carmel, INdiana 46033-7730

©Quantonics, Inc., 2014-2030 Rev. 23Apr2016  PDR Created: 17Jul2014  PDR
(2,12-14Jul2014 rev - Update Ayn index cell. Add table's row index links.)
(13,21Aug2014 rev - Add 'Av.' Add 'Ameen.')
(17-18,20Sep2014 rev - Update 'Adam.' Add a fabulation of QCD's TBCSUD ontology under 'Adam.' Add 'Alamot.')
(21Sep2014 rev - Add Yod emergence from "garden hose model of 'universe'" link to above graphic of Aleph~Tav~Tav~Aleph fermionic model of creative formation.)
(2-3,7,11-13,19Oct2014 rev - Add 'Ani.' Update 'Ayn' with a play on words
: Zany. Add 'Aqarav.' Repair typos. Add 'Alt~Rooni~She'ani.' Repair spelling under 'Alt~Rooni~She'ani' Add 'Ahavah.')
(24Oct2014 rev - Repair typo under 'Ameen.' Significant Aleph~Tav narrative and graphic update to 'Ani.' Update and resize, for autsimilarity, recent Aleph~Tav graphics.)
(25,28Oct2014 rev - Add 'Compare Seenah' link under Ahavah 'interpretation.' Add 'Eikh.')
(30Oct2014 rev - Change Ahavah's Literal from 'Love' to '
Love - Hate's antinomialq.')
(14-15Nov2014 rev - Add 'Aberamentho.' Add indictment of translators' translation of Moses Qabalic revelation as "I am who I am.")
(26Nov2014 rev - Add 'These Two Lives' 'subtitle' under 'Autiot.')
(7,11,31Dec2014,1Jan2015 rev - Update 'Ani' as, "I am a quantum~being." Insert 'Thav~Aleph Resonant Cavity' anchor under 'Ani.' Add Aleph~Bayt, "Original Revelation.')
(1-2,20Jan2015 rev - Repair 'Autiot female plurality...' to show spin 1 re Aut and spin 2 re Iot. Update 'Adam,' Comtextual Exegeses. Clean page of residuals.
(25,27,30Jan2015 rev - Repair a typo under Aleph~Bayt 'Interpretations.' Add 'Why Peace is Uncertain' link under Aleph~Bayt Interpretations. Repair Exodus chapter under Esher.)
(7,9-10Feb2015 rev - Update 'Ahavah' with Suares' comments from his Song of Songs III:5. Add [Rabbi] Akivah. Update, ostense Akivah. Add 'At, Atah' link to 'Lakh,' you, to you.)
(13,25Feb2015 rev - Repair 'Interpretation' Aut spelling of KirKer to show both Hhayts under Alt~Rooni~She'Ani. Update 'Ahharaykha.')
(10,20,24Mar2015 rev - Add 'scintillation of quanta' link to 'QVH Table' under 'Awr.' Add 'AttA Resonant Cavity' anchor under 'Adam,' Comtextual Exegeses. Add 'Yod' gif link under 'At.' Reset legacy markups.)
(30Mar2015 rev - Add 'Awrs Quantum Complement' narrative under 'Awr.')
(14-16Apr2015 rev - Revised 'Adamah.' Reset legacy markups. Omniscribe H'Adamah. Update Adamah with narrative and a quantum~gradient energy graphic.)
(1,15,27May2015 rev - Add 'Zat' link under 'At.' Add anchor under Ahavah to "we have found our inner." Embolden "we have found our inner" under 'Ahavah.')
(4Jun2015 rev - Emphasize in bold green Apple Chancery both Red Book and animus, with a new anchor under 'Ahavah.')
(26Jun2015 rev - Add 'Shyt' anchor under 'At.' Use larger graphics there for Sheen, Tav, and Yod.)
(7Aug2015 rev - Under 'Autiot' Comtextual Exegeses replace double 'is' with a single 'is.')
(29Oct2015 rev - Update 'Akiva.')
(22Nov2015 rev - Add 'SoS~Major~Alt~Theme' anchor under 'Alt~Rooni~She~Ani.')
(12Dec2015 rev - Add 'Keynesianesque' anchor under 'Alt~Rooni~She~Ani.')
(10,20Feb2016 rev - Add links to 'Genetic Defect in Human Reason' under 'Aqarav,' and 'Ayn.')
(23Apr2016 rev - Add QCS™ for 'Aberamentho.')
