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A Sepher Yetsiral Quantum Hologralexology
Autiot P Words and Phrases


Doug Renselle

Commencing June, 2014


A B  (C) D E H I K L M N O  P Q R S T V Y Z

Hologralex™ P Words Index
Peehou "Idiomatically it means 'his mouth,' but according to Sepher Yetsira the human mouth is made and shaped by Tav." Suares, Song of Songs. Phayliot - Aleph, both 1 and 1000 as Gematrial antinomials

Hologralex™ P Words' Content




(From Suares' opus including his Second Coming of Reb YhShWh, and Cipher of Genesis.)

"Idiomatically it means 'his mouth,' but according to Sepher Yetsira the human mouth is made and shaped by Tav." Suares, Song of Songs.

"Idiomatically it means 'his mouth,' but according to Sepher Yetsira the human mouth is made and shaped by Tav." Suares, Song of Songs.

Minshiqot Peehou Ki~Toveem

Minshiqot - quantized water dust as breath clouds during speech from one's mouth - over simply tongue's emissions as "voice."

Peehou - "his mouth"

Ki~Toveem - simply, "because~quality" (Ki)~(Toveem).

A man's loving 'song' to a woman.

Your lady would love it if you said this to her and she grasped its Song of Songs sema.


Third word, second verse of Song of Songs.

Peehou (Pay~Yod~Hay~Waw:

Might also be Peehout:


According Hebrew Dictionary:

(Pay~Hay: 80.5)

Crucial here is this quote from Suares, "[The action of Minshiqot's Tav] the next schema Pehou." Attach this quote in front of Peehou's 'literal' in first column left. I.e., action is Tav (400.6) shaping a human mouth. Again, recall branches on Sefirot: FACE reordered top down as Emanations (sphere 1), Creation (sphere 6), Formation (sphere 9), Action (sphere 10). Sefirot has 10 spheres.

In QCD's Creation (from Emanations, i.e., flux~isofluxq) of DUDs (neutrons: emerqed from two D quarks and one U quark) and UDUs (protons), QED takes over transmutingq (mouth's) UDUs and DUDs reForming them so they can take perpetualq and ubiquitousq evolvingq living~Action (perpetual~ubiquitousq quanton(scin,quan) transmutative~evolutionq) of speakingq. (This is whatings issi happenings ihn quantum~reality. Dougq.)

Essence? Tav createsq (makesq, Laasot) Peehou in this verse and allows Peehou to speakq to hær with Qualityq.

Yod~Hay~Waw says Pay is alive becausec of (Ki~)Toveem~Dodyekha~Myayeen (her (your) nipples taste like wine (wine as cowithinq God: Yod~Yod)). Wine is sometimes ciphered as Myayeen. Wine is Yayeen (Yod[ya]~Yod[yee]~finalNoun): very 'god like.' Final Noun is gematrium 700 and exalts Zayn to its cosmic energy non existence as quantized isoflux: spiritual quanta, spiritual dust.

See Doug's isofuzzon ideogram of spiritual dust~quanta.

Most of this is directly from Suares' opus.

Doug's quantum remediation for 'because' is due affectation.




(From Suares' opus including his Second Coming of Reb YhShWh, and Cipher of Genesis.)

Aleph, both 1 and 1000 as Gematrial antinomials

Aleph, both 1 and 1000 as Gematrial antinomials

Aleph, both 1 and 1000 as Gematrial antinomials

Phayliot (Phay~Lammed~Yod~Aleph~Waw~Tav:

Phay - Existential projection of its Hhayt archetype's spiritual cosmic energy.

Lammed - Existential projection of its organic~movement Ghimel archetype cowithin cosmic energy.

Yod - Existential projection of its antinomial archetype Aleph.

Aleph - Archetype of cosmic energy 1000 in its antinomial energy 1 affectationings cowithin spiritual energy's ephemeral ensemble~existencings.

Waw - Here: fecundation of Aleph copulating Tav and vice versa.

Tav - Aleph's Echo, its Mirror, its retroreflector, its antinomial natural frequency resonator 'twin.' Here we commence viewing Aleph~Tav as Hær musical instrument, Hær lyre whose bow is Aleph~Tav, Tav~Aleph... spirituallyq complementaryq~antinomialq life~death cycloidal breathingq back and forth over Hær strings of Yodq and B[V]aytq wave~functionq 'notes' making realityingsq' musicingsq.

Compare Phayl~iot and Aut~iot. Realize Aut is feminine coherenceq as one. Realize that Aleph 1000 is Godhead's isocoherenceq as The One. See Doug's coiningq of coheraq and entropaq. Compare Mae-wan Ho's Coherence and Autonomy.

Sepher Yetsira is an esoteric Book of Formation (emerqancy). Doug would alter that title to, Liber Emerqancyings.

A pre initiate reader of SY is on treacherous ground in even attempting to cipher its incredible comtent.

Immediately, in its first two Autiot patterns we experience what 'cipher' really means in terms of initiates keeping fledglings and trooper snoopers away.

In Nativot, Suares gives a taste of our imminent tribulationings.

Do an anagram of Phayliot: Aleph~O~T. Take O as Waw. Take T as Tav. OT as used here may be taken as plurality of process in any sense of, " not stop!" Rinse and repeat over and over and over... Zero momentum is a loserc here. It's an oxymoron regardless...Doug.


Observe that Phay~Lammed~Yod~Aleph is an self~other~recursive~referent (Illeism) anagramq of Aleph as Aleph~Lammed~Phay comtainingq Yodq and Yodq cocomtainingq Aleph~Lammed~Phay: "G¤d issi ihn us and we are ihn G¤d." A direct affectorq of HotMemeJesihnusq' HotMeme™ remarks to his disciples in Fourth Gospel's 'Farewell Discourse.' Doug's quantum~coined Qabalic nameq "Jesihnusq" for Jesus!

In any quantum~comtextings what does that mean? Try this: "Aleph is vital~impetus fecundulating vicissitudinally T[h]av."

First four Autiot patterns in Verse I,1 of SY are title (Meshanah: Evolution) and a number. Fifth and sixth Autiot of I,1 are, in order, Nativot Phayliot: V[B]ayt~Aleph. So this verse is announcing great importance of absolutelyq animateq and emergingq (vital impetus: both imperativeq spontaneityq and fecundq vicissitudinalityq) Aleph~Tav quanton(scin,quan) fecundityq as perpetualq and ubiquitousq Evolutionq!!!

So, we plumb Tree of Life's "[spiritq of the ]depthsq" [Jung] biocoquecigrues~icalq n¤nsynonymousq omnivergencingsq ad occulos aperio.

Jung depicts some cyclesq of lifeq~deathq, including Tree of Life itself ihn apparent life~deathq throes. Recapitulation via fractal~recursion of quanta becomes a prominent Quantum~Life~Motif™ themeq.




(From Suares' opus including his Second Coming of Reb YhShWh, and Cipher of Genesis.)


Doug Renselle
Quantonics, Inc.
Suite 18 #368 1950 East Greyhound Pass
Carmel, INdiana 46033-7730

©Quantonics, Inc., 2014-2029 Rev. 7Dec2015  PDR Created: 18Jul2014  PDR
(8-10Sep2014 rev - Create P page. Add 'Peehou' Hologralexology. Add 'action' link under 'Minshiqot~Peehou' to 'Laasot.')
(11-12Sep2014 rev - Repair typo, 'Way' to 'Waw.' Add some 'Interpretation' text. Update Sefirot graph with FACE branch labels.)
(31Oct2014 rev - Add 'Phayliot.')
(3Nov2014 rev - Update Words under 'Phayliot.')
(8Feb2015 rev - Under 'Peehou' add 'wine' link to 'Kerem' (vine) SY K Hologralexology.)
(18May2015 rev - Rescale graphic under 'Peehou.')
(7Dec2015 rev - Change 'it' to 'its' under Peehou Interpretations.)
