
Doug's Translation
Sepher Yetsira I
Verse 1
Mimicking Carlo Suares'
Thermodynamic Qabala

Regarding Sepher Yetsira I:1:

Doug is following Carlo Suares' teaching here.

Suares, unlike most academic 'scholars' did not hide these fluxo~dynamic of Qabalic Autiot and Gematria...

...quantum aspects of Sepher Yetsira from their readers.

Rather than deceive us, Suares does his best to help us fathom Qabalic depths of Qabala, its Autiot, its Gematria, its Sepher Yetsira, its Sefirot. (He isn't a fan of Gnosis, which is challenging to understand, at least for Doug. He does admit that Abraham was a Chaldaean Gnostic. Doug has not seen him admit that Jesus was an Essene Gnostic (ref. Pagels' Johannine Gospel in Gnostic Exegesis.).

Doug's greatest omnifficulty in all of this: Doug was not born and raised a Jew. Doug is unfamiliar with Jewish traditions. Suares helps with this somewhat, too in Sepher Yetsira. He provides comtextings and uncovers Qabalic esoterica, especially quantum~alchemical and ~astrological aspects (E.g., in chapter VI, Suares shows how Abraham's Qabala refers "flow of flux." Doug assumes hologral quantum~fluxings and their quantum~two~lives~antinomial~complementary metabolismsq. Doug is unsureq whether Qabalic esoterica issi exegetically available elsewhere in addition to Suares' opus and his quantum~hologral sensibilities. In that regard Doug believesq Suares is somewhat unique. Doug relies on Suares except in issues of Gnosis. I have found several partial explications of his dislike of Gnosis sparsely available in his opus. I think Suares is a theological monist (classical, quantum...?). But Gnosis shows us that monismc is deceit. Doug believes latter, n¤t Suares' apparent, perhaps classical, monism. All else of Suares' opus (excepting circumcision) Doug abides as well as he can, keeping in mind that there are many classes of monism including both classical (EEMD formal mechanisms) and quantum (coherent hologral EIMAings).

Doug shows, for each Verse and word of Chapter VI of Sepher Yetsira, each word spelled~out left to right in Autiot fractal~recursive cipher. Then, in parentheses, Doug shows said cipher's qwf Gematria. Following that Doug shows in brackets: pronunciation (sometimes a guess, sometimes from Suares, sometimes from Webster's), [ellipsis] thence literal scholars' translation in double quotes (which Doug sometimes substitutes his own...), thence Doug's semantic Value~interpretation~heuristic~hermeneutic in Apple Chancery font [ellipsis].

Like this: Aut~Aut~Aut~ (ordinal qwf gematria, e.g., [pronunciation (sometimes a guess): ..."literal translation (from Suares' Sepher Yetsira)" Doug's Suaresesque semantic Value interpretation...]. Doug's illeism is Doug taking artistic~interpretive~heuristic responsibility for his semantic opus.

Under all of that Doug shows a net translation of that whole Verse in plain text with some alterations to Apple Chancery texts.

To do this, we need a legend of Autiot and their Gematria. Let's use Suares' Letter~Numbers as our reference:

Table of Autiot's 27 Letters in Three Rows of Nine
Transcribed from Carlo Suares' Cipher of Sepher Yetsira
Doug Renselle

Sepher Yetsira I:1

Sepher Yetsira I:2

Sepher Yetsira I:3

Sepher Yetsira I:4

Sepher Yetsira I:5

Sepher Yetsira I:6

Sepher Yetsira VI:7

 Sepher Yetsira I:8

Sepher Yetsira I:9

Sepher Yetsira I:10

Sepher Yetsira I:11

Sepher Yetsira I:12

Sepher Yetsira I:13

Sepher Yetsira I:14

©Quantonics, Inc., 2015-2034

Retranslation of Sepher Yetsira I:1

Suares offers some rich narrative as caveat regarding Schemou (word 28) which Doug uses Shemou.

It goes like this, "Schemou is such a shrewd digest that it is given rise to the notion that every individual is a personification of the name s~he bears,
a notion whose origin can be seen in the ontological meaning of the Autiot. Sheen expresses the action of the universal, organic movement.
Mem is the material of the subject. Waw is the fertilisation of this substance by Sheen. This direct bond between a subject and living
cosmic energy is, as we have seen in the linguistics, its method of description: the subject is defined according to the function of the
position it occupies in the hierarchy of structures. The ensembles being countless, when a name is pronounced, it has analogous
repercussions at the same level of structuration throughout the possible entities.
If the Qabala is not interpreted with this way of thinking it is a dead letter and the Bible discloses nothing." Trilogy, Sepher Yetsira, pp. 442-443.

. . .

Suares' "This direct bond between a subject and living cosmic energy..." is simply intuitive ihn Quantonics as
quantons(cosmic~energy,subject). Ihn Dougese quantons(n¤nactualityings,actualityings).

Comma~n¤space issi that "direct bond," a hologralq bond, a
quantum~complementary~antinomial middle~inclusioning
of subjectq and isoenergyingsq.

That bondq issi a grailq, a worm~holeq, a straddlingq as

All issi fluxingsq. All issi ihn fluxingsq and fluxingsq arera ihn all.

Light issi quantum~photonic~messengerings who Li~la dance holograllyq cowithihn those grailings.

YhShWh~Elohim issi Light! Shem, Schem issi (name of) Light! "To see and n¤t see, that issi humanity's questionq."

"To hear and n¤t hear, that issi an~¤hær [an~oEthr] of humanity's questionsq."
Note that Eth issi 'he' which tends dialectical-demiurgings.

We fathom k~n¤w~ings after over a decade of endeavor H5Wings Adam issi a case, an instance, of that bonding. A~Dam: Aleph (vital~impetus) cowithihn blood.

Adam issi quantons(Aleph,Dallet~Mem). Adam's comma~nospace issi grail where Dallet~Mem flows metabolicallyq under Aleph's vital~impetus (At~Ta).

For those of us who grasp that, at least to some extent, we have Found our Inner (to some extent).

Suares' narrative here issi crucial to grasping essencingsq of Heraclitus' the logos, the account.

Doug - 17-18Dec2015.

. . .

Doug issi introducing a memeq here of isoflux (Iht) in QCS™ application's scriptings assa:


Originally, Doug showed it assa ~iso1000~, possibly ~{iso1000}~. (fixed this 7Apr2016 - Doug)

But what does quantum~isoflux look like graphically?

Isoflux issi Iht issi

issi immanent quantum~vacuum~flux

Thinkq of each negentropic~generator in that graphic as a iso~resonant iso~cavity.
(Pure Doug heuristics, since n¤b¤dy 'knows' what Iht is. We can make inferencesq, however...
...Quantum~uncertainty Qabalically asks us to hereticallyq, individuallyq, freelyq, and peacefullyq guæss!)
They are comtrarotating. Isoflux self~cancels. Iht issi immeasurable, atemporal, undifferentiated, unbounded energyingsq!!!

Doug's original quantum~wave~functional version doesn't exhibit that comtrarotation.

However, ~{~{iso1000}~}~ (i.e., double cav, approximately) narrates QCS™ style double~comptrarotating metabolicq sælf~nesting~recursive cavitationings.

It issi of great individual benefit to co~fathom intemporalq ~{~{isoflux}~}~ vis-à-vis temporalq ~{~{flux}~}~.

That is, to co~fathom intemporalq n¤nactualityings vis-à-vis temporalq actualityings.

Doug - 18Jan2016, 7Apr2016, 30May2016.

. . .


Sepher Yetsira I Letter~Text Spelled Out


(some guesses)

Suares Idiom
(some altered by Doug)

Doug's Suaresian Qabalic Translation






Evolution of existential biospheres cosmically metabolized via living~reverberating life principle quantizationings of FUPings...]

Empty columnar declension cavitationings ~{50.5}~.

Doug - 15Dec2015.

. . .

To omnistinguish learned auto~translated words which end in 'ings' Doug issi using full spellings of those words ihn QCS™. For example instanceings, resistanceings, resistiveings, etc., notice extra 'e.'

Just pretend it issi laughable QCS™ "can't spell."

Doug, too, has other 'reasons' for doing this...
...ultimately those qwfal wordings will use aelig as 'æ' in place of present~participle Aut qwf~ings whose base word ends in 'e.'

. . .

Apply QCS™ application to:

~40.300~ ~{50 5}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

To auto re translate to this:


hologrally evolvingq coinciding


evolution as quantum~realityings' major quantum~metabolic revelationings coobsfecting

50.~{existential~life~principle~quantizationings' FUPings of~

~descendant cavitationings of~ ~cavity~issi~naked~ ~descendant resonanceings of~ living~


life~resonantly energy~well~mixing all~cowithihn~all hologrally~fluxo~metabolically cowithihn Iht


As you may see, Doug has appended a ~qwf~.


Which ends all words with Aleph.1000.

It is a reminder that all is cowithihn isoflux always.

. . .

Doug - 14Jan2016, 20Feb2016.




..."of meme as vital~impetus;"

with vital~impetus...]

There are at least four Alephs: 1, 10, 100, 1000.

. . .

Instead of scripting a word here, allow Doug to QCS™ said Aut spelled~out fractal~recursively assa Aleph~Lammed~finalPhay.

That S~O pattern Gematria issi 1.30.800.

Apply QCS™ application to:


~1.30.800~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~


intemporal imperative~spontaneity and fecund~vicissitudinality tentatively embodied cowithihn


existential metabolic imperative~spontaneityings
fecund~vicissitudinalityings evolving~hologrally all cowithihn all


via Aleph's unlimited scope of coobsfectings cowithihn Iht


As you may see, Doug has appended a ~qwf~.


Which ends all words with Aleph.1000 AKA ~isoflux~.

It is a reminder that all is cowithihn isoflux always.

. . .

Doug - 14Jan2016, 20Feb2016.



[Beshelashim, as Thirty, five?:

..."possibly memed by Hay.five as life, other possibilities have to be sought out by us students;"

memed alive and living cowithihn somatic reverberationings cosmically metabolizing existential metabolism cosmically metabolized cowithihn existence cosmically biosphered...]

We see a bilateral unit populated Escherian~Heraclitan (down~up) cavitationing ~{300..300}~ of 30.

[Doug and Suares add words 3 and 4 to get 32.]

[Suares appears to claim that 32 issi another way of encoding 5.]

32: 22 Aut plus 10 Sephira. (an amateur-naïve interpretation)

Doug senses this issi about five since Suares refers us to SY II:5, and SY II:8 which begs a Fibonacci series...

Doug found a meaningful more proximate reference starting with Sepher Yetsira chapter I verse 5 word 33.

If it issi five, then that issi Hay AKA living, life...

But following the written words we see a divine cosmic metabolic cavitationing of existential metabolism invigorating soma ihnto existence which issi cosmically biosphereing cowithihn isoenergyings (which Suares views as atemporal cosmic con(m)sciousnessings).

Suares shows us that we must individually study SY since ", SY, invites us to reflect upon it personally..." which is just what you see Doug doing due~diligently. See p. 435 of Trilogy, SY.

Also Suares shows us given Qabalic code, "...the attribute of this language is that the meaning of words issi given only by the hand writing..." Ibid., p. 436.

He shows us that Sheen issi "the intellectual significance of Qabala." Ibid., p. 436.

So metabolicq evolutionq issi the psychic~pneumatic significanceq of Qabala!!!

Thus Meshanah (evolutionq) title of SY I:1!

Doug - 14,16,18Dec2015.

. . .

Apply QCS™ application to:

~2 ~{~{300 ~{30}~ 300}~}~ ~10.600~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~


of nested (possibly overlapping) EWings of


both deep cavitationings of self and shallow cavitationings of


both shallow reverberationings of self and deep reverberationings with


imposing somatic double vibrationings upon


the seas, the cosmic waters


all immersed cowithihn Iht


. . .

Doug - 14Jan2016, 20Feb2016.




..."memed by Bayt.two as soma;"

memed somatically fecundating cosmic metabolism cosmic~vitally~impeded cowithihn existence cosmically biosphered...]

Suares shows us that Shtaim issi feminine absolute of number 2.

Compare Shnaim assa masculine absolute of number 2.

This issi a direct tellq that numbers also have, gender~wise at least "two lives."

What issi quantum~impact of Anne Fausto Sterling's "Five Sexes?"

Numbers arera (appear to be) hermaphroditicq.

We see columnar ascendant~exalted populated cavitationings ~{6...600}~ of ~300.400.10~.

In words 2-4 of this verse we see ~1.5.2~. Doug views this as a composite meme of ~Aleph~Hay~Bayt~.

That quantum meme gives Iht's name [~Aleph~Bayt~] life cowithihn existence with a caveat that ~Aleph~ issi always (always has potentiaq of...) straddlingq quantons(intemporalityings,temporalityings).

Aleph's straddling has much to do with memes surrounding Finding One's Inner (finding ~Aleph~ cowithihn selfq). That endeavorq issi enhanced through study of Qabala, Gematria, Autiot, Sepher Yetsira, and Sefirot. Ihn that self~redemptive processq one commences gradual standingunder of the account, the logos. Doug refers latter as "qualogos."

Tentativeness means ~Aleph.1~ [Aleph] issi always QTP (quantum~tentatively~persistent) and QVP (quantum~variably~persistent) cowithihn temporal~actuality.

Now we view ~Aleph.10~ [Yod] as persistent ihn actuality.

Now we view ~Aleph.100~ [Qof] as durationallyq straddling quantons(isopersistenceq,persistenceq).

So how does ~Aleph's~ persistence appear ihn quantonics script?

quantons(~Aleph.1000~,~Aleph.1~) and we may thinkq of ~Aleph.1000~ assa ~isoAlephq~.

Study Doug's QELR of atemporal.

But, but, but Doug, "Where do those 32 names come from, what does '32' really mean?"

Doug has been thinking about that for over a year now (since late 2014).

Sanction Doug some assumptions, all valid, plausibly n¤t relevant.

  • there are four Alephs.,
  • each of those (should) have both projected qwfs and their existential projections which adds a factor of two which give us eight Alephs,
  • there are two B[V]ayts,
  • each of those (should) have both projected qwfs and their existential projections which adds a factor of two which give us four B[V]ayts.

Thirty~two names, at least to Doug, fits a product of 8 Alephs and 4 B[V]ayts.

What do you thinkq?

Is this just an esoteric means of subtly teachingq us about doubles, projecteds~projectionsq, and four Alephs?

Perhaps SY is challenging what wæ grasp compared to what issi still and yet unfathomable to us as individualsq???

Again, recall Jeshua asking in Thomas Gospel, "What will you do when you become 2?"

Assume 1 is Aleph and 2 issi Bayt.

Was Jeshua asking us, "What will you do when you leave isocon(m)sciousness of atemporal vital~impetus (1) and become somatic (2)?"

In Qabala's metabolismq (Sheen) why issi At 1 and why issi Ta 2?

Issi Aleph~Tav just Aleph?

Issi Tav~Aleph just Bayt?

Potentia for ignorance abounds.

Humilityq required. Uncertaintyq required;

Lifeq's principlesq required.

Suares asks us to refer SY II:5 which ends with all issi "coming from the one name..." Enigma!

Quantons(One,many). Yæs!

But that One, clearly, issi n¤t a monism!

What is it? Quantons(coherence,autonomy)!

Quantum~principles of a quantum~society.

Suares keeps "dropping names," like this, "By thirty~two intermediaries YahWeh projects Schem." By 32 we get 1. See Ibid., p. 442.

Doug - 15-16,18Dec2015.

. . .

Apply QCS™ application to:

~{6 ~300.400.10~ 600}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~


exalted ascendant cavitationings of


cosmically fretted~resisted~tuned by


evolutionarily transmuting~coaffecting all


cowithihn exalted ascendant echoings of and


whirling relentlessly cowithihn Iht


. . .

Doug — 14Jan2016, 20Feb2016.




..."Iht's partialq nameq projection as Bayt, first Aut cowithihn Genesis (re Bara~Shyt);"

Iht's partialq nameq projection existentially quantizing life's principles cavitationally cosmic~vitally~impeded cowithihn all soma fecundating via its reverberationings comfronting cosmic~vital~impedance...]

For esoteric uses of th~oughtq Bayt and Aleph are shown here ihn words 5 and 6 as Autiot ~anagrams.

In word five, Nativot, we see an ~anagram of Bayt as a feminine pluralityings.

We also see that Bayt has "two lives:" Bayt.projection, and Nativot.projected.

Nativot issi part of Iht's name! Nativot issi feminine and plural. This issi godhead's projected partial hermaphrodicity for all of us to see and perhaps grasp.

We see some qwf~patternings which are profound.

We see Noun quantizing a bilateral populated cavitationing ~{400...400}~ of ~10.2.6~.

Noun issi modulating that cavitationing with quantum life principles of freedomings, uncertaintyings, and peace~ings.

Iht is saying to us, "My creation and creation's evolvingq cosmic music issi perpetually, ubiquitously quantum."

Iht appears to be projecting a messageq to us that Iht's (lets say cosmic guitarq) musicalq notesq, Iht's qwfs are isofluxially~tunedq via Tav's cavitationings of each 'note's' projectedq 10.existential 2.somatic 6.fecundityings has a rung~placeq on Jacob's Ladderq of at least 143 octaves (steps).

Doug's allegoryq issi an attempt to introduce relativelyq Jacob Balmer's (~1850) Ladderq ihnto SY text.

Nativot shows us that reality issi quantized and well~tuned, indubitably!

Doug - 14-16Dec2015.

. . .

Apply QCS™ application to:

~50 ~{400 ~10.2.6~ 400}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

50.~existential~life~principle~quantizationings' FUPings of~

quantum~assessmentings of


bilateral cavitationings while


experiencing adaptive re~embodyings cowithihn


planting n¤væl memes via


cowithihn resonant echoings by


hologrally cowithihn Iht


. . .

Doug - 14Jan2016, 20Feb2016.




..."and projected as Aleph also known as our Intemporal tap ihnto;"

and projected as vital~impetus having unlimited possibilityings of existential metabolism mixing existence temporalityings with vital~impetus intemporalityings reverberating fecundly cosmic~vital~impedance~ings...]

Note enormous importance of Intemporal Consciousness as sentient means of adiabatic (atemporal-lossless) tapping ihnto reserve energyings.

In word six, Phayliot, we see an anagram of Aleph as a feminine pluralityings.

We also see that Aleph has "two lives:" Aleph.projection, and Phayliot.projected.

Phayliot issi part of Iht's name! Phayliot issi feminine and plural. This issi godhead's projected partial hermaphrodicity for all of us to see and perhaps grasp.

Cowithihn Iht's projection Iht's fullq hermaphroditic (ihn termsq of stochasticq QLOs of sexualityq) name issi "Aleph~Bayt."

We see a naked columnar declension cavitationing ~{10.1}~.

What does that say to us, according Suares?

Yodq issi temporalq.

Aleph issi QVP, QTP intemporalityq cowithihn and coresonatingq Yod.

So we infer that some Yod~Aleph phenomenaq shall exhibit enthymemeticq atemporalityings. And, indeed, that is what wæ experienceq.

Doug - 14-15Dec2015.

. . .

Apply QCS™ application to:

~80.30~ ~{10 1}~ ~6.400~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~




invigorating temporal


~descendant cavitationings of~ ~cavity~issi~naked~ ~descendant resonanceings of intemporal~


vibrationings modulating coobsfectively begging more abundance of


fertile attempts to overcome posentropyings (this pair (ot) exhibits feminine plurality as quanton(Waw,Tav)) garnered by cosmic resistanceings


hologrally cowithihn Iht


. . .

Doug - 14Jan2016, 20Feb2016.





garnering consciousness as archetypal spiritual unlimited possibilityings grailing living existential biosphere~ings...]

We probably should view, as our graphicq above suggests, con(m)sciousness as straddling isoenergyings (pneuma) and existence (nous~psyche, soma-hyle).

Imagine con(m)sciousness as quantum~means for spiritual fire to blaze unlimited possibilityings.

See Doug's efforts re What is Consciousness?

Esh, mind~afire, has gradient spiritual energyings.

Doug - 15Dec2015

. . .

Apply QCS™ application to:

~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~


pneumatic~tunneling via


compenetrating, interfuseing, infusing, quantum~coherently~perpending


many living biospheres'


cowithihn Iht


. . .

Doug — 14Jan2016, 20Feb2016.





compartmentalized via archetypal spirit of unlimited possibilityings affecting divine cavitationings of cosmic~vital~impetus fractally~recursing itself, carving...]

We see naked cavitationings ~{100.100}~.

This issi very high energyq reverberating~resonant~straddlingq of Qoof.

This issi a kind of spiritual~adiabaticityq generatorq which destroys all classical dialectical-mechanical illusions-delusions.

As Doug has written, dialectic's death knell issi imminent during Millennium III.

Doug - 15Dec2015.

. . .

Apply QCS™ application to:

~8 ~{100 100}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~


pneumaticallyq invigorating adiabaticityings ubiquitous and

100.~{perpetual~relentless ~cosmic~vital~impetusings~ destroying~all~carving~out~all~illusions~via~perpetual~Atta~qycloidings~ ~enabling~existential~transmutationing~evolutionings sempiternally evolvingq n¤væltyings with(~and)~

bilateral naked cavitationings while cowithihn resonant echoings by

100.~perpetual~relentless ~cosmic~vital~impetusings~ destroying~all~carving~out~all~illusions~via~perpetual~Atta~qycloidings~ ~enabling~existential~transmutationing~evolutionings sempiternally evolvingq n¤væltyings with(~and)}~

reverberantly while cowithihn Iht


. . .

Doug - 14Jan2016, 20Feb2016.




..."existence~living issi given cowithihn;"

patterns of living~existence cowithihn...]

Think about 10.1 thence 10.5.

So issi Yod~living imbued with atemporalityings, with intemporalityings, or does Yod have to find its inner and choose?

Recall that Aut~Iot, its suffix answers that Yod has to choose.

Yod, indeed, has free will of self to choose for self, per se.

Individualism, n¤t socialism...reigns!!!

Jeshuaq reigns, "the christ" is a Petrifiedc socialistc loserc!

Doug - 15Dec2015.

. . .

Apply QCS™ application to:

~10.5~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~


hologrally imbued with


cowithihn Iht


. . .

Doug - 14Jan2016, 20Feb2016.




..."the demiurge;"

demiurges (self-proclaimed) auturgy to resonantly cowithihn life fertilize reverberantly all life...]

~{5..5}~ of ~6~.

Demiurge spends all of 'his' time thing-king about planting seeds.

. . .

Apply QCS™ application to:

~10 ~{5 ~6~ 5}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~


as quantum~comscious~sentience hologrally imbued with and invigorated by


bilateral cavitationings while


cowithihn resonant echoings by living


life~resonantly energy~well~mixing all~cowithihn~all hologrally~fluxo~metabolically cowithihn Iht


. . .

Doug - 14Jan2016, 20Feb2016.




..."cowithihn its structurationings of soma;"

cowithihn all soma as existential structurationings whose vital~impetusings are fecundating comic vital~impedance, a...]

Compare ~2.1~ to ~1.2~.

Do it based upon memes of projecteds (~2.1~) and projections (~1.2~).

Are all projecteds feminine?

See Kirker's Y~Cloud.

Relate Nativot (word 5) and Phayliot (word 6) just above.

Doug - 15Dec2015.

. . .

Apply QCS™ application to:

~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~


of and cowithihn


invigorated pneumatically by


re~invigorateings of imperative~spontaneityings and fecund~vicissitudinalityings of


fertile attempts to overcome posentropyings (this pair (Ts'Bayot as Bayt; Phayliot as Aleph together as Aleph~Bayt AKA name of 'god') exhibits feminine plurality as quanton(Waw,Tav)) garnered by cosmic resistanceings


hologrally cowithihn Iht


. . .

Doug - 14Jan2016, 20Feb2016.




..."god alive cowithihn existence;"

demiurgic resonant vital~impetus metabolizing life reverberating cowithihn existence...]

~{1...10}~ of ~30.5~.

. . .

Apply QCS™ application to:

~{1 ~30.5~ 10}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~


ascendant cavitationings of




cowithihn ascendant echoings of


cowithihn Iht


. . .

Doug - 14Jan2016, 20Feb2016.




..."a place of struggle~ings with god;"

a place of struggle~ings as existence cavitating cosmically resonating metabolizing~cosmic~comtainmentings of vital~impetus reverberating cowithin existential metabolism cavitating a...]

~{10.[~300.200.1~}.30]~, and

also as ~{10...1}~ of ~300.200~ coaffecting ~{300...30}~ of ~200.1~.

Doug's translation would have been simpler, but longer had he used latter.

Doug - 15-16Dec2015.

. . .

Apply QCS™ application to:

~{10 ~{300 ~200~ 1}~ 30}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~


descendant overlapping nested qwf~cavitationings


descendant qwf~cavitationings of struggleings cowithihn


descendant overlapping nested qwf~reverberationings


of God cowithihn non~precipitous descendant co~reflectionings of God's


cowithihn Hærself


. . .

Doug - 14Jan2016, 20Feb2016.




..."god living cowithihn existence cosmically biosphered;"

demiurgic resonant vital~impetus metabolizing life reverberating cowithihn existence cosmically biosphered cowithihn ...]

~{1...10}~ of ~30.5~ affectingq ~600~.

. . .

Apply QCS™ application to:

~{1 ~30.5~ 10}~ ~600~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~


ascendant qwf~cavitationings of




cowithihn ascendant qwf~echoings of


vibrational existential projected vitality (Iot's: is~ | is-not-)flowing cowithihn demiurge's 'sea of blood'


all immersed cowithihn Iht


. . .

Doug - 14Jan2016, 20Feb2016.





life assa spiritual unlimited possibilityings divinely ensconced~grailed cowithihn cavitational existence cosmically~biosphered...]

~{5.5}~ in idiom...

...ciphers as ~8~ affecting ~{10.10}~ affecting ~600~.

We may view ~10.10~ as a cavitating grail cowithihn existencings. Grail aspect issi 20. Life aspect issi ~{5.5~5.5}~.

Divine lifeq. Divine livingsq? Tetragrammatical livingsq?

Life resonant~grailing life.

Hologralq lifeq!

Doug - 16Dec2015.

. . .

Apply QCS™ application to:

~8 ~{10 10}~ ~600~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~


lifting pneuma of all divine bilateral denouementings qwf~cavitationings


bilateral naked cavitationings while
cowithihn resonant echoings by


vibrational existential projected vitality (Iot's: is~ | is-not-)flowing cowithihn demiurge's 'sea of blood'


all immersed cowithihn Iht


. . .

Doug - 14Jan2016, 20Feb2016.




..."the king;"

The king's fecund existential biosphere metabolizing and cosmically grailing isoenergyings...]

King issi without resonancings!!!

King as Solomon is-was a clown. :)

Jeshua would deny any 'kingship' applique.

We know that! Jeshua denied being a 'christ' in Matthew, Mark, and John. Read it yourself.

Doug issi assuming, apparently counter Suares' narrative, 'the king' issi n¤t Iht.

Doug - 16-17Dec2015.

. . .

Apply QCS™ application to:

~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~


embodied beings, avatars, sometimes kingly


unbounded fullnessings evolvingq via


quantum~worm~holing with


quantum~hologrally~compenetrating Iht


. . .

Doug - 14Jan2016, 20Feb2016.




..."of all;"

of all existential fecund lightings metabolizing cosmic~biosphereings' isoenergyings...]

~70~ affecting ~{6..600}~ of ~30~.

. . .

Apply QCS™ application to:

~70~ ~{6 ~30~ 600}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

70.~existential~QED~scintillationings~transmutationings' FUPings~

universe, for all, according light's general (QED) quantizationings and scintillationings, light's (bosonic~fluxings') ubiquitous pulsating


exalted ascendant cavitationings of


cowithihn exalted ascendant echoings of and


whirling relentlessly cowithihn Iht


. . .

Doug - 14Jan2016, 20Feb2016.




..."one thousand, the ineffable hermaphroditic godhead;"

as demiurge's archetypal vital~impetus evolvingq existential metabolism...]

Doug finds this abominable!

Someone, appears to Doug, messed up.

To bootstrap an existential-fallible 'king' ihnto ineffable Aleph.1000...

Song of Songs narrates 'king' Solomon as a clown-king.

Clown-king narrative SoS I 1-9.

Clown-king narrative SoS I 10-17.


Suares has explained that there are many versions of SY extant. And they appear n¤t to uniformly agree.

Qabala would tell~show us that we have to do our own interpretationingsq as Chaldæan~Abrahamic gnosticq individualsq.

We, apparently, must ameliorate SY for our selvesq.

If Qabala goes to effort to omnistinguish among at least four Alephs, we (opine) must n¤t allow an existential [self-proclaimed SaS-ERP] 'king' to be viewed, referred as Iht! But, but, but, if we did....we would call Hæ~r "Queen," wouldn't we?

Doug thinks this is an aspect of lingual esoterica which we have to learn to see through. We must learn to benude~desnouer initiates' intentional disinformation.

Doug - 16,17Dec2015, 6Mar2016.

. . .

Apply QCS™ application to:

~1.30~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~


intemporal imperative~spontaneity
fecund~vicissitudinality tentatively embodied cowithihn


bettershiping Iht


. . .

Doug — 14Jan2016, 20Feb2016.




..."evoking Qabala's perpetual unlimited ways [gatewayveingsq], unlimited viewsq, cosmic metabolic~breathq openingq all resistancings;"

evoking Iht's cosmic metabolic breathings to open all gatewayveing resistancings cowithihn existence...]

Suares paraphrased, "[Writer here says,] life's trajectory (Beyn) enters flow of cosmic breath which evolves archetypal resistances' gatewayveings."

Doug - 17Dec2015.

. . .

Apply QCS™ application to:

~300.4.10~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~


flowings' trajectoryings evolutionarily omniscover unlimited ways through


opening all resistanceings cowithihn


quantum~evolvingq all cowithihn Iht


Doug - 14Jan2016, 20Feb2016.





evoking Iht's compassionate cosmic comtainment of archetypal spiritually unlimited possibilityings evolveq exalting cavitationings of fecundity reverberating cosmic biospheric isoenergyings...]

~200.8~ affecting ~{6.600}~.

Doug issi using gray background in left most column to highlight and semaphore Suares' "Their thirty signs and nothing significant to the forty-two preceding them."
p. 442 Trilogy, Sepher Yetsira.

Autiot of those eight words add up to 30.

Doug - 16-17Dec2015.

. . .

Apply QCS™ application to:

~200.8~ ~{6 600}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~


are compassionate when their


are inciting their


exalted ascendant naked cavitationings of and


whirling relentlessly cowithihn Iht


. . .

Doug - 14Jan2016, 20Feb2016.




..."with spirit of quantizationings bestowing;"

evoking Iht's fecund cavitationings of spiritual existential quantizationings FUPings which are cavitating reverberationings of fecundityings all resonating cowithihn cosmic quantizationings' FUPings...]

This issi essentially Hhayt~Noun since Noun issi spelled~out Noun~Waw~finalNoun.

~{6...6}~ of ~8.50~ overlap cavitating

~{50..700}~ of ~6~. An existential~cosmic quantized squeezing of fecundityings.

Doug - 15,17Dec2015.

. . .

Apply QCS™ application to:

~{6 ~8 ~{50 6.}~ ~700}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~ (rev - 20Feb2016)


abundant bilateral qwf~cavitationings while


offering pneumatic buoyancyings of

50.~{existential~life~principle~quantizationings' FUPings of~ (rev)

cowithihn resonant bilateral qwf~echoings by and
while overlapping qwf~cavitationings of


resonantly cowithihn the spirit of quantizationings
while overlapping qwf~reverberationings of and cowithihn

700. ~cosmic~life~principle~quantizationings'}~ (rev)

bestowing blessings of Iht


. . .

Doug - 14Jan2016, 20Feb2016.




..."cosmic rank, cosmic dwelling;"

while Iht bestows~unveils high rank via cosmic comtainment cowithihn cosmic biosphere's isoenergyings...]

. . .

Apply QCS™ application to:

~200.600~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~


bestowing cosmic rank and cosmic dwelling


all immersed cowithihn Iht


. . .

As you may see, Doug has appended a ~qwf~


Which ends all words with Aleph.1000.

It is a reminder that all is cowithihn isoflux always.

. . .

Doug - 14Jan2016, 20Feb2016.




..."and hologral middle~inclusionings of all complementary~antinomialings cowithihn all complementary ~antinomialings;"

and hologralq EIMAq complementary~antinomialingsq via fecund quantizationings of cosmic~metabolism enflamed by vital~impetus which garners...]

Hologralq EIMA everywhereings~everywhenings!

Doug - 14,16Dec2015.

. . .

Apply QCS™ application to:

~6.50.300.1~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~


hologral everywhere~included~middlings~associationings quantum~complementary~antinomialings via fluxo~dynamically~fecund ~existential

50.~life~principle~quantizationings' FUPings of~

mixing all cowithihn all quantum~complementary~antinomialings via


kindled and enflamed by


both imperative~spontaneityings and fecund~vicissitudinalityings energy~well~mixing~evolvingq all~cowithihn~all hologrally~fluxo~metabolically cowithihn Iht


. . .

Doug - 14Jan2016, 20Feb2016.




..."qycloidally fertilizing and grailing livingq indeterminationingsq;"

cosmic metabolic fecundity existentially grailing cosmic quantizationings' life principles of peaceings, uncertaintyings, and freedomings...]

. . .

Apply QCS™ application to:

~300.6.20.700~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~


all at once quantum~qycloidally fertilizing


fecundationings~ copulatively compenetrating via


living indeterminationings

700.~cosmic~life~principle~quantizationings' FUPings~

bestowing blessings of Iht


. . .

Doug - 14Jan2016, 20Feb2016.




..."for eternity;"

for eternity according light's general (QED) quantizationings and scintillationings, light's ubiquitous openings and closings forever...]

. . .

Apply QCS™ application to:

~70.4~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

70.~existential~QED~scintillationings~transmutationings' FUPings~

according light's (more generally, bosonic~quantum~fluxings') general (QED) quantizationings and scintillationings, light's (bosonic~fluxings') ubiquitous quantum~superpositional openings and closings


for eternity cowithihn Iht


. . .

Doug - 14Jan2016, 20Feb2016.




..."cowithihn heaven;"

cowithihn heaven's existential biospherical cavitationings of fecund cosmic comtainment reverberating cosmic biospheric isoenergyings...]

~40.200~ affecting ~{6.600}~.

We may also view this:


thus ~{40...600}~ of ~200.6~.

. . .

Apply QCS™ application to:

~40.200~ ~{6 600}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~


speaking (radiating energyings', e.g., clouds of, quantons(isoflux,flux)) ihnto open


heavenly quantum~assessmentings of


exalted ascendant naked cavitationings of and


whirling relentlessly cowithihn Iht


. . .

Doug - 14Jan2016, 20Feb2016.




..."and holy;"

and holy fecund cavitationings of cosmic vital~impetus destroying illusions of dialectical gatewayveings while cosmic~metabolically evolving...]

~{6...6}~ of ~100.4~ affecting ~300~.

. . .

Apply QCS™~ ~{6 ~100.4~ 6}~ ~300~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~


bilateral qwf~cavitationings while

100.~perpetual~relentless ~cosmic~vital~impetusings~destroying~all~carving~out~all ~illusions~via~perpetual~Atta~qycloidings~enabling~...
...~existential~transmutationing~evolutionings sempiternally evolvingq noveltyings with(~and)

of all dialectic and dialectical illusions-delusions Iot hardened denial of Aleph cowithihn Yod by tyrannical institutional-hegemonous binary, classically mathematical


cowithihn resonant qwf~echoings by


qwf~reverberating perpetually Holy evolvingq interrelationshipings of


durationally~eternally~evolutionarily cowithihn Iht's holinessings application to:


. . .

Doug - 14Jan2016, 20Feb2016.




..."is Iht's name;"

is Iht's name, its cosmic breath evolving fecund existential biospheres...]

Doug issi intentionally replacing 'he, him' with Iht.

Our multiverse~ingsq arera notably feminine hermaphroditic, n¤t monastically-polemically hegemonic-masculine. Opine!

Doug abides Abraham's Chaldæan Gnosis!

Doug - 16Dec2015.

. . .

Apply QCS™ application to:

~300.40.6~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~


is Iht's name


its cosmic breath evolving


cowithihn Iht


As you may see, Doug has appended a ~qwf~


Which ends all words with Aleph.1000.

It is a reminder that all is cowithihn isoflux always.

. . .

Doug - 14Jan2016, 20Feb2016.



rather (if one insists on using 'he,')



rather (if one insists on using 'he,')



rather (if one insists on using 'he,')


..."and Iht created;"

Doug takes anti patriarchal umbrage with this so ihn Doug's opineq it should be:

..."and [he only] planted;"

and Iht created fecundity evolvingq exaltationings of soma cowithihn cosmic comtainment enflamed by vital~impetus

rather, alternatively

and [he, demiurge, only] planted cavitational fecundity of cosmic metabolism cosmic vitally impeded cavitationally overlapping and evolvingq cavitational cosmic metabolism coobsfectively evolvingq fecund cosmic vital impedance cowithihn and reverberating existential metabolism...]

~6~ affecting ~{2.200}~ affecting ~1~.


~{6...6}~ affecting ~300.400~ and ~{300...30}~ coaffecting ~400.6~.
(this issi omnifficult to cipher linguistically)

Our multiverse~ingsq arera notably feminine hermaphroditic, n¤t monastically-polemically hegemonic-masculine. Opine!

Doug - 16-17Dec2015.

. . .

Apply QCS™ application to:

~6~ ~{2 200}~ ~1~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~


fecundly recursing


exalted ascendant naked cavitationings of


experiencing evolveing quantum~assessmentings by


both imperative~spontaneityings and fecund~vicissitudinalityings energy~well~mixing~evolvingq all~cowithihn~all hologrally~fluxo~metabolically cowithihn Iht


. . .

Doug - 14Jan2016, 20Feb2016.




..."addressing you, a female, from A to Z;"

of all from vital~impetus to cosmic vital~impedance for all of the...]

He plants seed, she reproduces creates~evolves, omnimensionally 'prints' offspring. Creation (At.1~Ta.2) issi feminine~hermaphroditic "two lives:" quantons(female,male)!

Quantons(creatrix,plantrix)! Pun! Indeed! Males plan tricks of dialectic bogosity. Today it's referred (by Doug), "neoCONic Keynesian war-centric elitism."

We see metabolicq quanton(At,Ta) as Iht's name (~Aleph~Hay~Bayt~, ~1.5.2~) cowithihn metabolicq fluxingsq. Wow!

Doug - 16Dec2015.

. . .

Apply QCS™ application to:

~1.400~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~


from alpha to omega


hologrally cowithihn Iht


. . .

Doug - 14Jan2016, 20Feb2016.





universe, for all, according light's general (QED) quantizationings and scintillationings, light's ubiquitous cavitating fecundityings of existential metabolisms existential biosphereings reverberating fecundly as omniscribed by...]

~70~ affecting ~{6...6}~ of ~30.40~.

. . .

Apply QCS™ application to:

~70 ~{6 ~30.40~ 6}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

70.~existential~QED~scintillationings~transmutationings' FUPings~

universe, for all, according light's general (QED) quantizationings and scintillationings, light's (bosonic~fluxings') ubiquitous pulsating


bilateral qwf~cavitationings while


with much metabolic reproduction of many


cowithihn resonant qwf~echoings by


reverberating~evolvingq cowithihn Iht


. . .

Doug - 14Jan2016, 20Feb2016.




..."the three;"

the three texts of cavitating cosmic metabolism of existential metabolism reverberating cosmic metabolism evolvingq all lifeq...]

~2~ affecting ~{300..300}~ of ~30~ affecting ~5~.

. . .

Apply QCS™ application to:

~2 ~{~{300 ~{30}~ 300}~}~ ~5~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~


of nested (possibly overlapping) EWings of


both deep cavitationings of self and shallow cavitationings of


both shallow reverberationings of self and deep reverberationings with


invigorated by perpetual~ubiquitous


cowithihn Iht


. . .

Doug - 14Jan2016, 20Feb2016.




..."[there arera three] books of quantum~wavings:;"

three books of quantum~wavings' feminine fecundity cavitating and reverberating cosmic biospheric isoenergyings evolving existential unlimited~possibilityings cosmically comtained cowithihn existence...]

~{60...600}~ of ~80.200.10~.

. . .

Apply QCS™ application to:

~{60 ~80.200.10~ 600}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~


ascendant qwf~cavitationings of


fruitfulnessings in abundance


and so there are three books of
quantum~wayveings cowithi


cowithihn ascendant qwf~resonanceings of


whirling relentlessly cowithihn Iht


. . .

There issi much to be k~n¤w~ings re cavitationings.

They are quintessence of quantum~metabolic~reality.

They are quintessence of each Aut's and its gematrum's self antinomialism which Heraclitus expressed ihn his Diels Kranz quoted [B 60], "The path up and the path down are same."

Quantum~cavitationings aræra quantum~metabolic!

Perhaps more so, quantum~cavitationings are quantum~metabolismings!

Atta issi reality's great multiversal metabolic~cavitationings' loop, which can metabolically run imperceptibly slowly and too, comcurrently, at up to Planck's rate.

Ihn Qabala, thinkqing of metabolismq as 'breath:'

Quantumly we can thinkq of ~Et~ (~At~) as fluxoid zær¤ of uhp (Yom, light) phasæ of ~Atta~'s l¤¤p, AKA 'bræathæing~¤ut.'

Quantumly we can thinkq of ~Te~ (~Ta~) as fluxoid ¤næ of d¤wn (Layla, dark) phasæ of ~Atta~'s l¤¤p, AKA 'bræathæing~ihn.'

Recall that ~Et~ and ~At~ aræra ~Aleph~Tav~: ~1.400~.

Recall that ~Te~ and ~Ta~ aræra ~Tav~Aleph~: ~400.1~.

~Et~ issi quantum~antinomial~complementary ~Te~.

~At~ issi quantum~antinomial~complementary ~Ta~.

Spellings are quasi~arbitrary in this case, similar Em and Im.

Doug - 14,18Jan2016, 20Feb2016.




..."sepher of gematraicq wave~functionalq wMBU™ tools;"

Book 1 issi a sepher of gematraic wave~functional wave~management~by~uncertaintyings tools, a book of somatic cavitationings of reverberating cosmic comtainment evolvingq feminine fecundityings' unlimited existential possibilityings, and...]

~{2...200}~ of ~60.80~.

Liber Primus Tools.

We might call this, "The Book of Gnostic Self Management."

. . .

Apply QCS™ application to:

~{2 ~60.80~ 200}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~


exalted ascendant qwf~cavitationings of


omnimensional living~evolveingq molecular printings'


cowithihn exalted ascendant qwf~echoingsq of


evolveingq with reverence for

Book 1, Liber Primus, Tools~M¤dalings,

assa a Sepher of Gematraic wave~functionalq wave~management~by~uncertaintyingsq m¤dalings cowithihn Iht


. . .

Doug - 14,18Jan2016, 20Feb2016, 3Mar2016.




..."sepher of ordinalq countingq, sepher of wave~formationq and wave~transmutationingsq;"

Book 2 omniscribes ordinalq countingq, a sepher of wave~formationq and wave~transmutationingsq, a book of masculine fecund cavitationings reverberating feminine fecund resonancingsq evolvingq unlimited possibilityings cowithihn cosmic comtainment...]

~{6.60}~ affecting ~80.200~.

Liber Secundus Wave~Numbers.

We might refer this, "The Book of Jakob's Ladder."

"We are climbing Jakob's Ladder..."

Doug - 16-17Dec2015.

. . .

Apply QCS™ application to:

~{6 60}~ ~80.200~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~


ascendant naked cavitationings of nothing cowithihn naked echoings by


resonanceings of ordinal~omnimensional living~evolvingq molecular printings'


fruitfulnessings in abundance


with reverence for

Book 2, Liber Secundus, Wave~Numbers,

omniscribes ordinal counting, a Sepher of wave~formation and wave~transmutationings, cowithihn Iht


. . .

Doug - 14Jan2016, 20Feb2016.




..."sepher of hologralq wave~interrelationshipingsq of livings~dyingsq cowithihn existenceq;"

Book 3 omniscribes hologralq metabolicq wave~interrelationshipingsq of Atta livings~dyingsq cowithihn existenceq, a book of three cavitationings: ~{masculine~fecundity.feminine~fecundity}~.
where cavitationings 1 and 2 evolve
q feminine~fecundityings' unlimited possibilityings, and cavitationing 3 of unlimited possibilityings evolvesq cowithihn cosmic comtainment...]

~{6.60}~ and ~{6...6}~ of ~60.80~ and ~{60..6}~ of ~80~ affecting ~200~.

Liber Tertius Metabolism.

We might title this, "The Book of How Quantum~Reality Works."

~{XY.XY}~, and

Why n¤ ~{XX.XX}~?

If you watch that remarkable Israeli video, The Secrets, you may find an answer there.

Noemi played by Ania Bukstein issi a young woman who wants to be a Rabbi. She is simply incredible both as played and as character she mimes. At one point in movie she tells her pal, paraphrased, "Male homosexuality issi forbidden. Female homosexuality issi n¤t forbidden."

Is that why there issi n¤ ~{XX.XX}~
ihn Liber Tertius Metabolism?

Doug - 16-17Dec2015.

. . .

Apply QCS™ application to:

~{~{6 ~{60}~ ~80 6}~}~ ~200~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~


deep cavitationings narcissistic self (1)male~male nesting copulative ascendant columnar (2)cavitationing male~female


cavitational and omnimensional living~evolvingq molecular printings'


including Atta quantum

~metabolic cyclings of qwf~reverberationings of copulative (3) female~male cowithihn deep bilateral qwf~echoings of narcissistic (1) male~male


and we see all three qwf~cavitationings happening "all at once" cowithihn

200.~cosmic~comtainmentings~ with reverence for

Book 3, Liber Tertius, The Book of How
Quantum~Reality Works

omniscribes hologral metabolic wave~interrelationshipings of Atta livings~dyings cowithihn existence, a book of three cavitationings:

(1) ~{~{masculine~fecundity.feminine~fecundity}~,

(2) ~{masculine~fecundity.masculine~fecundity}~, and

(3) ~{feminine~fecundity.masculine~fecundity}~}~

where qwf~cavitationings 1 and 2 evolveq feminine~fecund
ityings' unlimited possibilityings, and qwf~cavitationing 3 of unlimited possibilityings evolveqs cowithihn cosmic comtainmentings, cowithihn Iht ~{~{iso1000}~}~

. . .

As you may see, Doug has appended a ~qwf~


Which ends all words with Aleph.1000.

It is a reminder that all is cowithihn isoflux always.

. . .

All of these translationings need quantum~updatings: QELR.

Doug - 14Jan2016, 20Feb2016.

©Quantonics, Inc., 2015-2030

Suares summarizes all of this by writing that Schem issi YahWeh~Elohim.

To Doug that issi an approximation of Iht expressed thermodynamically as quanton(Elohim,YahWeh), but
in Suares' Second Coming of Reb YhShWh Suares seems to be begging an further evolutionq of Schem to Quanton(Elohim,YhShWh).
That makes sense to Doug, however, it may n¤t be meaningful to you. Anyway, perhaps we might accept Iht as an acceptable comtemporary Schem, Schemou.

Keep ihn your quantum~stagings that Elohim issi Aleph~Lammed~Hay~Yod~Mem: (~ superposes to ~86~).

Metabolicallyq it issi written Rouahh~Elohim where Rouahh (breath) issi Raysh~Waw~Hhayt: (~200.6.8 ~superposes to ~214~).

Now even more interesting and Suares points this out multiple times cowithihn his opus:

Rouahh~Elohim (gematraically superposes to ~300~ AKA Sheen) which issi metabolicq "breathq of g¤d."

Do you fathom, obtain, complementaroceive fractal~recursioningsq?

Shem, Schem straddles quantons(atemporalityings,temporalityings)! Schem issi a straddling demiurge, n¤t Aleph.1000 (Iht).

So, Doug simply does n¤t agree with Shemou Bara Eth Oolamou, "(Earthly) He~of~all create[ds] the universe."

Recall Abraham's Chaldæan gnosis' tetradic~emerscitecture Mother~son~mother~(Father~living or father-dead) which may also be viewed like this:

Mother~YhShWh~Sophia~(Iot's choice of Aleph~with~Yod or Yod without Aleph). See Aut~Iot.


Doug would agree with, "Wæ of allq cowithihn agencyingsq of Aleph.1000 (Iht) arera ihn quantum~metabolic~processings of creating~transmuting multiverseings."

Theme of all of this issi that we all have Aleph.1 ihn us. However, many do n¤t believe that. We all must learn to catch "spiritually on fire," and
asymptotically become more g¤dlike via quantum~evolution from spiritual immaturity (Mem) to spiritual maturity (finalMem).

That theme issi theme of Song of Songs, and said theme issi Aleph~Lammed~Tav, Alt.
Alt issi At cavitatingq Lammed (existential~metabolismq) perpetually, ubiquitously.

First verse of SoS issi "Shyar Ha Shyareem Esher Le'Shalomoh," which means, "Song (qwf) of Songings (of qwfings)
witnesses~quantum~assesses my (Hær) peace~ings, uncertaintyings, freedomings (Noun~quantization's principlesq of lifeq)."

That issi Alt's SoS meme~theme of quantum~metabolicq~measurement!

"Metabolicq" Doug? Yes! Count Sheens in Line 1 of Verse 1 of SoS. There are four. Each of those Sheens issi cosmic~metabolismq!

Suares reminds us that line one of first verse of Genesis has two Sheens.

He reminds us that line one of first verse of Sepher~Yetsira has three Sheens.

These are tellsq that those three texts are about cosmic and existential metabolicq~measurementq,
~creationq, ~formationq, and ~perpetual~transmutationingsq (evolutionq).

In SY it's three Sheens excluding verse's title Meshanah (Evolutionq) are words 3 and 4, Beshelashim (meaning of this word issi Qabalically controversial) and Shtaim (feminine absolute 2).

Doug - 18Dec2015.

. . .

To Doug Eth spells~out assa Aleph~Tav~Hayq which issi earthly~Aleph attempting to steam roll Tav cowithihn Hay.
Eth parses roughly assa "vital~impetus livingq struggling with cosmic~vital~impedance." Issi that shorthand for Israel? Jihad? (Doug k~now~s naught re Arabic.)

Doug issi calling this finis, for now. But there is a lot to do with this web page yet. Doug will be pondering and evolvingq it for some time...temporallyq and atemporallyq.

. . .

Doug's Suaresian Retranslation of SY I:1

Evolution of existential biospheres cosmically metabolized via living~reverberating life principle quantizationings of FUPings
with vital~impetus
memed alive and living cowithihn somatic reverberationings cosmically metabolizing existential metabolism cosmically metabolized cowithihn existence cosmically biosphered,
memed somatically fecundating cosmic metabolism cosmic~vitally~impeded cowithihn existence cosmically biosphered.

Iht's partialq nameq projection existentially quantizing life's principles cavitationally cosmic~vitally~impeded cowithihn all soma fecundating via its reverberationings comfronting cosmic~vital~impedance,
and projected as vital~impetus having unlimited possibilityings of existential metabolism mixing existence temporalityings with vital~impetus intemporalityings reverberating fecundly cosmic~vital~impedance~ings
garnering con(m)sciousness as archetypal spiritual unlimited possibilityings grailing living existential biosphere~ings
compartmentalized via archetypal spirit of unlimited possibilityings affecting divine cavitationings of cosmic~vital~impetus fractally~recursing itself, carving
patterns of living~existence cowithihn
demiurges' (self-proclaimed) auturgy to resonantly cowithihn life fertilize reverberantly all life
cowithihn all soma as existential structurationings whose vital~impetusings are fecundating comic vital~impedance, a
demiurgic resonant vital~impetus metabolizing life reverberating cowithihn existence,
a place of struggle~ings as existence cavitating cosmically resonating metabolizing~cosmic~comtainmentings of vital~impetus reverberating cowithin existential metabolism cavitating a
demiurgic resonant vital~impetus metabolizing life reverberating cowithihn existence cosmically biosphered cowithihn
life assa spiritual unlimited possibilityings divinely ensconced~grailed cowithihn cavitational existence cosmically~biosphered.

The king's fecund existential biosphere metabolizing and cosmically grailing isoenergyings
of all existential fecund lightings metabolizing cosmic~biosphereings' isoenergyings
as demiurge's archetypal vital~impetus evolvingq existential metabolism

evoking Iht's cosmic metabolic breathings to open all gatewayveing resistancings cowithihn existence,
evoking Iht's compassionate cosmic comtainment of archetypal spiritually unlimited possibilityings evolveq exalting cavitationings of fecundity reverberating cosmic biospheric isoenergyings,
evoking Iht's fecund cavitationings of spiritual existential quantizationings FUPings which are cavitating reverberationings of fecundityings all resonating cowithihn cosmic quantizationings' FUPings
while Iht bestows~unveils high rank via cosmic comtainment cowithihn cosmic biosphere's isoenergyings,

and hologralq EIMAq complementary~antinomialingsq via fecund quantizationings of cosmic~metabolism enflamed by vital~impetus which garners
cosmic metabolic fecundity existentially grailing cosmic quantizationings' life principles of peaceings, uncertaintyings, and freedomings,
for eternity, according light's general (QED) quantizationings and scintillationings, light's ubiquitous openings and closings forever
cowithihn heaven's existential biospherical cavitationings of fecund cosmic comtainment reverberating cosmic biospheric isoenergyings,
and holy fecund cavitationings of cosmic vital~impetus destroying illusions of dialectical gatewayveings while cosmic~metabolically evolvingq

Iht's name, its cosmic breath evolvingq fecund existential biospheres.

View I: Iht created fecundity evolvingq exaltationings of soma cowithihn cosmic comtainment enflamed by vital~impetus,

rather, and alternatively

View II: [He, demiurge, only] planted cavitational fecundity of cosmic metabolism cosmic vitally impeded cavitationally overlapping and evolvingq...
...cavitational cosmic metabolism coobsfectively evolvingq fecund cosmic vital impedance cowithihn and reverberating existential metabolism,

of all from vital~impetus to cosmic vital~impedance for all of the
universe, for all, according light's general (QED) quantizationings and scintillationings, light's ubiquitous cavitating fecundityings of existential metabolisms existential biosphereings reverberating fecundly as omniscribed by
the three texts of cavitating cosmic metabolism of existential metabolism reverberating cosmic metabolism evolvingq all lifeq
Three Books (Sephira, Sepharim, Sephirim) of quantum~wavings' feminine fecundity cavitating and reverberating cosmic biospheric...
...isoenergyings evolvingq existential unlimited~possibilityings cosmically comtained cowithihn existence.

Book 1 issi a sepher of gematraic wave~functional wave~management~by~uncertaintyings tools, a book of somatic cavitationings of reverberating...
...cosmic comtainment evolvingq feminine fecundityings' unlimited existential possibilityings.

Book 2 omniscribes ordinalq countingq, a sepher of wave~formationq and wave~transmutationingsq, a book of masculine fecund cavitationings...
...reverberating feminine fecund resonancingsq evolvingq unlimited possibilityings cowithihn cosmic comtainment.

Book 3 omniscribes hologralq metabolicq wave~interrelationshipingsq of Atta livings~dyingsq cowithihn existenceq, a book of three cavitationings:
where cavitationings 1 and 2 evolveq feminine~fecundityings' unlimited possibilityings, and cavitationing 3 of unlimited possibilityings evolvesq cowithihn cosmic comtainment.

. . .

Doug uses ellipses to break long lines.

Doug - 14-18Dec2015, 14Jan2016, 20Feb2016, 3,6Mar2016, 7,23Apr2016.


Doug Renselle
Quantonics, Inc.
Suite 18 #368 1950 East Greyhound Pass
Carmel, INdiana 46033-7730
©Quantonics, Inc., 2015-2034 ,—Rev. 30May2016  PDR ,—Created: 14Dec2015  PDR
(23Dec2015 rev - Add 'SY_I_V1_W26' anchor.)
(14Jan2016 rev - Apply QCS™ translationings to all SY I words.)
(20Feb2016 rev - Update page top indices for other completed web pages.)
(20-23Feb2016 - Incorporate learning from retranslating all of SY into pages done earlier.)
(3,6Mar2016 rev - Repair 'Tools Modalings' typo under Word 34 Comcision. Repair some residual HTML editor incompatibilityings.)
(7,23Apr2016 rev - Clarify page top comparisons of
~isoflux~ and ~{~{isoflux}~}~. Repair page top index links.)
(30May2016 rev - Repair some typos. Repair some systemic patterns. Reset legacy markups.)
