©Quantonics, Inc., 2015-2034 |
Retranslation of Sepher Yetsira
I:2 |
Word |
Sepher Yetsira I Letter~Text Spelled Out |
Gematria |
(some guesses) |
Suares Idiom
(some altered by Doug) |
Doug's Suaresian Qabalic Translation |
Comcision |
1 |
Ayn~Seen~Raysh |
(70.300.200) |
[A[a]ser, O[o]ser: |
..."For all ten, 10 ;" |
For all ten sephirot
whose focused cosmic~metabolic light issi cosmically comtained
...] |
Compare Ayn~Sheen~Raysh (10 diffuse sephirot)
and Aleph~Sheen~Raysh (witness)
and Ayn~Waw~Raysh (life~energy).
Aser appears twice in this verse.
Doug - 21,25Nov,19Dec2015.
2 |
Sammekh~Phay~Yod~Raysh~Waw~Tav |
( |
[Sephirot: |
..."spheres of emanation in tree of life;" |
spheres of emanation
feminine fecundity issi cavitating unlimited existential possibilityings
existence cosmically comtained reverberating masculine fecundity
perpetually attempting to evolutionarily~overcome cosmic vital~impedance...] |
We see ~{60...6}~ of ~80.10.200~ affecting ~400~.
In Hebrew canonized,
which issi n¤t Abraham's Autiot, that extra Yod issi absent.
Suares writes about that missing Yod.
What does QCD
Quintessentially TBCS ihnto
A cascade
of thermodynamic energyings from Top quark to Bottom quark
to Charmed quark to Strange quark to Up quark and Down quark.
TBCS issi an energy declension from n¤nactuality's
face into UD which are the Yod comstituents of atomic nuclei.
Suares calls that, quantumly paraphrased, a "reduction
of potential energyings shepherded ihnto
differentiationings relative to existence actually experienced."
He asks us to compare Sepherim (many books) and Sephirot
(tree~elan of many emanations, a tree of vital~energyings). First
issi masculine plural, second issi feminine plural. Look at that
columnar cavitationing energy declension ~{60...6}~.
That declension, to Doug, makes Abraham's Chaldæan
Gnostic feminine Godhead apparent. QCD makes feminine Godhead
Now do you understand why Templars revered Magdalene
above 'the christ?'
It shows a declension from higher feminine.60 fecundular~energyings
to much lower masculine.6 fecundular~energyings: QCD!!!
Doug's intuition issi that Sepherim issi books, but
Sephirot issi tree of emanationings. But that word Sephirot issi
n¤t ihn Webster's Hebrew
Doug - 19Dec2015.
3 |
Bayt~Lammed~Yod |
(2.30.10) |
[Beli-: |
..."without;" |
without somatic existential
metabolism...] |
These two words, 3 and 4,
compose schemata 'Belimah.'
Suares asks us to compare Elohim and Belimah.
Elohim: Aleph~Lammed - Hay~Yod~finalMem
Belimah: Bayt~Lammed - Yod~Mem~Hay
Elohim: 1.30 - 5.10.600
Belimah: 2.30 - 10.40.5
Elohim: Aleph.30 - 5.10.600
Belimah: Bayt.30 - 10.40.5
Observe that 'him' issi an anagram of 'imah.'
Fathom that El issi a suffix of Bel.
Ponder that and why? Elo's Waw issi n¤t spelled~out!
Recall that 'the name' issi ~Aleph~Bayt~ and
it apparently appears as at least 32 variationings.
Beli-Mah issi ihn, according
Suares, Abraham's Autiot, but was lost to the canonized
Hebrew in terms of its esoteric thermodynamic suggestion.
Briefly, we see Beli-Mah (Bayt haploid~nymic) somatically
supporting (Aleph haploid~nymic).
These two kinds (names, partialsq) of lifeq,
psychic~hylic (Beli-Mah~Bayt) and pneumatic
(Elohim~Aleph) together are required for existential lifeq
itself to eist.
Suares summarizes regarding two roles of Mem:
"In these [schema representing two omniffering
flows of energyings] the inversion of [Mem and finalMem] their
finals is most remarkable: Hay~Yod~finalMem for Elohim (name
one) and Yod~Mem~Hay for Beli-Mah (name two). In
one life confers existence on Mem; in two, existence
of Mem engenders life." Paraphrased by Doug - with brackets
and parentheses and a 'x' gif. See p. 445 of Trilogy, Sepher
Suares ends his narrative here. Rest of verse wæ
are on our own.
Doug - 19Dec2015.
Doug - 22Feb2016:
Just above, in life one, we
can see Hay conferring Yod on Mem.
Similarly, in life two, we see
Yod of Mem engendering Hay.
We are k~now~ings those
are both fluxodynamic qwf~equations in Autiot.
So what issi a qwf~metaphor
of Hay? Let's try bosons. That assumption suggests that Hay issi
coherent qwf~energyings. We see life assa immaterial quantum~phenomena.
Thence what are qwf~metaphors
of Yod and Mem? Let's try fermions. That assumption suggests
Yod and Mem are decoherent qwf~energyings. We see biosphered~existence
as material quantum~phenomena.
Now view metabolism assa ~{quantons(scin,quan)}~.
Compare metabolism assa ~{quantons(bosons,fermions)}~.
One exemplar issi QED.
Now let's make all that Song
of Songs Alt explicit.
~Aleph~ ~{quantons(scin,quan)}~
~T[h]av~, and
~Aleph~ ~{quantons(bosons,fermions)}~
~Aleph~ ~{quantons(Hay,quantons(Mem,Yod))}~
Qabala's metabolic~fluxodynamics
- 22Feb2016.
4 |
Mem~Hay |
(40.5) |
[Mah: |
..."what?;" |
existentially biosphering
life, engendering life...] |
5 |
Vav~Ayn~Seen~Raysh~Yod~finalMem |
(6.70.300.200.10.600) |
[Ve'Aserim: |
..."many hermeneutics, 10 of 12 simples'
heuristics of Sephirot [we see here what Suares has suggested:
that it is up to us, ihndividually~Gn¤stically,
to find our own interpreta of Qabala's Game of Life];" |
many midrashings
as ten of twelve simples whose existential lightingsq
arera cosmic metabolically comtained existentially cowithihn cosmic
biosphereings' isoenergyingsq ...] |
Hermeneutics of Sephirot as a big part of Qabala.
. . .
QCS offers:
~70.300.200.10 600}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
many hermeneutics of ascendant exalted qwf~cavitationings of
all metabolic ana~cata~processings of making~beginning, evolveing~adapting~made,
and ending~being~finishings
all ten focused sephirot emanationings and their cosmic~metabolic
lightings ihn
so there are three books of quantum~wayveings cowithihn
exalted qwf~reverberationings finding our individual qwf~interpreta
of Qabala's Game of Life cowithihn
- 21,23Feb2016.
6 |
Vav~Sheen~Tav~Yod~finalMem |
(6.300.400.10.600) |
[Ve'Shetim: |
..."and twelve simples of;" |
and twelve simples
as ascendant columnar cavitationings from fecundity exalting
cosmic metabolism's vital~impedance of existenceq
to fractalq~recursiveq reverberationingsq cowithihn cosmic biospheres and...] |
We see columnar ascendant (exalting) populated cavitationings
~{6...600}~ of ~300.400.10~.
Compare Shenim
as also twelve simples.
Please observeq howq Shetim's
Tav issi cosmic~vital~impedancings, but Shenim's Noun
issi existential~quantizationings.
Recall howq Suares teachesq
us that one of Tav's rolesq cowithihn
a breathing~ihn (female reproductive
cycle) situationq issi to reemersceq
Aleph, which actively reenables quantization. Without Aleph
there issi n¤ quantizationings.
Doug - 8-9Dec2015.
. . .
QCS offers:
~{6 ~300.400.10 600}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
exalted columnar ascendant populated qwf~cavitationings
giving qwf~making abundance to
ongoing Atta
qwf~struggleings cowithihn highly
of twelve~simpleings' (their gematria: 5 to 10 and
30 to 100 without 40 and 80) qwf~tuneings~evolutionings of
and their exalted columnar ascendant qwf~reverberationings
achieveings wisdom and lofty rankings cowithihn Iht
Doug - 21Feb2016.
7 |
Aleph~Waw~Tav~Yod~Waw~Tav |
(1.6.400.10.6.400) |
[Autiot: |
...""two para~intra~whirling
lives" of Iht cowithihn
us;" |
Autiot's "two
lives" struggling with God'sq resistancingsq,
one of vital~impetus' struggleq fecundatingq
vital~impedance, other of existence' struggleq fecundatingq
vital~impedance...] |
This issi a very complex set of overlapping cavitationings
which perhaps may be shown better as cavitational overlappings
of "two livings:"
- Aleph~Waw~Tav:
1.6.400, and
- Yod~Waw~Tav: 10.6.400.
Life 1 issi Aleph.1 fecundating cosmic~vital~impedance.
Life 2 issi Aleph.10 fecundating cosmic~vital~impedance.
These "two lives" complex tri~overlapping
cavitate like this:
We simply
cann¤t appropriately parse that quantum~wave~function
hylically in any lisr,
static, objective, formal, mechanical, dialectical stux-sux holdstillism
SOMitic language,
It's happeningq "all At[ta]
¤ncæings" cowithihn
a hypermensionalq hologramq.
We call it "Autiot,"
Both Aut and Iot are strugglingq with God'sq
cosmic resistancingsq.
Doug - 8Dec2015.
. . .
Using QCS we can infer:
~{1 ~{6 ~{400 ~10}~ 6.}~ 400~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
Life 1 as qwf ~Aut~ of Autiot's "two lives"
columnar ascendant cavitationings of
bilateral cavitationings qwf~struggleings cowithihn and qwf~affecting vibrationings of
bilateral cavitationings hologral ascendant qwf~reverberationings
Life 2 as qwf ~Iot~ of Autiot's of "two lives"
vibrationings both of and cowithihn
bilateral reverberationings cowithihn
vibrationings both of and cowithihn
bilateral qwf~reverberationings' fecund~qwf~struggleings cowithihn
cowithihn Iht
Doug - 17Feb2016.
8 |
Yod~Sammekh~Waw~Dallet |
( |
[Yassod: |
..."their (Autiot's) hermaphroditic masculine
singular foundation;" |
masculine foundationings
as existence' cavitationings of feminine~fecundityq
above~hyper masculine-fecundityq reverberatingq
masculine fecundityings' via gated resistancings...] |
issi Yod~Semmekh~Waw~Dallet.
Observe that this columnar bare descending cavitation
issi a hermaphroditic looping as ~{60.6}~. We might spellq
this loopq "Assoq."
Again, we see Sammekh QCD descending its much higher
feminine energyings toward much lower Waw masculine energies.
We see a very quantum~fluxo~dynamic quanton(fem~fecundity,mal~fecundity).
We see Jungian quanton(anima,animus).
Recall Jung's anima (d'fem) of mal'e? Here
we see it assa
Sammekh~fluxoid of that Yassodic resonant cavity.
They (Yassod (singular male) and Autiot (plural female)
are supposed to make beautiful music together, but stupid males
(especially western Goyeem) hypocritically objectifyc
their insignificant others. Duh!
Doug - 8,11,19Dec2015.
. . .
QCS offers:
~10~ ~{60 ~6}~ ~4~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
informc masculinity
as cardinalc (as 'opposed' to ordinal) onenessc
derivedc from
cavitationings columnar~naked~declensionings
of e.g., Jung's animus~anima complementary~antinomial
Heraclitean (compare Sof and Yassod) reverberationings cowithihn
abundant qwf~making vibrationings
opening and closing more~partially
(~qwf~Thallet~) and less~partially (~qwf~Dallet~) both ihnto
and cowithihn Iht
Doug - 8,11,19Dec2015, 9Feb2016.
9 |
Sheen~Lammed~Sheen |
(300.30.300) |
[Shelosh: |
..."three, 3, Ghimel;" |
Ghimel issi cosmic~metabolism
recursivelyq, fractallyq, perpetuallyq,
ubiquitously reverberatingq existential metabolisms
as three...] |
Cavitationings {~300..300~} of ~30~.
Ghimel appears three times in this verse: words
1, 22, 27.
Those numbers are gematraically interesting as Aleph,
22 Aut without finals, 27 Aut with finals.
Doug - 21,25Nov2015.
. . .
QCS offers:
~{~{300 ~{30}~ 300}~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
deep cavitationings of self and shallow other cavitationings
shallow reverberationings of self and deep other reverberationings
cowithihn Iht
. . .
Doug's narrative ihn
that QCS heuristic issi awkward from any classical conspective.
Quantumly it digs quantum~phenomena of mixings of
cosmic and existential metabolisms nested~entangled~superposing
metabolicq qwf~cavitationings. In a sense Shelosh
issi quantum~metabolismings.
Doug - 21,25Nov2015, 9-10Feb2016.
10 |
Aleph~Mem~Waw~Tav |
( |
[Emot (Doug's guess): |
..."resurrecting;" |
vital~impetus resurrecting
death...] |
We see ~1~ affecting ~{40..400}~ of ~6~ .
This appears to be Aleph overcoming death's cycling
via resurrection.
Doug - 19Dec2015.
. . .
QCS offers:
~1 ~{40 ~6 400}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
rapid rate (life nissin
death and death nissin life antinomialism) qwf~apoptosings
ascendant columnar cavitationings
(antinomially also resurrecting) struggling with persistent
life~death qycloidal qwf~resistanceings of
disembodying qwf~making abundance
of columnar ascendant reverberationings cowithihn
(e.g., Han Solo carbonite) Mawt~Hamawt
lowly~entrapped cowithihn Iht
Doug - 19Dec2015, 9-10Feb2016.
11 |
Vav~Sheen~Bayt~Ayn |
(6.300.2.70) |
[Ve'Sheboah: |
..."and cowithihn
captivity;" |
and while ihn captivity
of cavitating somatic existential metabolism reverberating soma's
enclosureq still and yet enlighteningq
lifeq...] |
Compare Ve'Veyah.
Compare Ve'Yehy.
When we do that, we might read Veshveyah.
Probably Veshvaah.
Bashevee issi 'captivity.'
Doug - 11Dec2015.
12 |
Kaf~Phay~Waw~Lammed~Waw~Tav |
( |
[Kafolot (Doug's guess): |
..."compelled to encounter cosmic resistance;" |
existential grailing
of unlimited possibilityings under compulsory fecund cavitationings
of existential metabolism encountering vital~impedance...] |
We see ~20.80~ affecting ~{6..6}~ of ~30~ affecting
When one plays Qabala's Game
of Life and more deeply fathoms Kafolot, one sees (one may see)
Kafol as Kol with a Phay middle~includedq. This might be like saying, "...mature
wisdom superposingq existential unlimited possibilityings."
Then too that way of
seeing Kafolot offers an ostensedq heuristicq somewhat like this,"...compelled to, with
mature wisdom of unlimited possibilityings, courageously encounter
cosmic resistance."
Sounds a tad like Luke taking
on Darth Vader with Luke's Force of "mature wisdom of unlimited
possibilityings" taking on Darth Vader's (only) apparently
indefatigable PC-tyrannical impedance.
Doug - 19Dec2015, 10Feb2016.
13 |
Vav~Sheen~Tav~Yod~finalMem |
(6.300.400.10.600) |
[Ve'Shetim: |
..."and twelve simples of;" |
and twelve simples
as ascendant columnar cavitationings from fecundity exalting
cosmic metabolism's vital~impedance of existenceq
to fractalq~recursiveq reverberationingsq cowithihn cosmic biospheres...] |
We see columnar ascendant (exalting) populated cavitationings
~{6...600}~ of ~300.400.10~.
Compare Shenim
as also twelve simples.
Please observeq howq Shetim's
Tav issi cosmic~vital~impedancings, but Shenim's Noun
issi existential~quantizationings.
Recall howq Suares teachesq
us that one of Tav's rolesq cowithihn
a breathing~ihn (female reproductive
cycle) situationq issi to reemersceq
Aleph, which actively reenables quantization. Without Aleph
there issi n¤ quantizationings.
Doug - 8-9Dec2015.
. . .
QCS offers:
~{6 ~300.400.10 600}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
exalted columnar ascendant populated qwf~cavitationings
giving qwf~making abundance to
ongoing Atta
qwf~struggleings cowithihn highly
of twelve~simpleings' (their gematria: 5 to 10 and
30 to 100 without 40 and 80) qwf~tuneings~evolutionings of
and their exalted columnar ascendant qwf~reverberationings
achieveings wisdom and lofty rankings cowithihn Iht
Doug - 21Feb2016.
14 |
Ayn~Seen~Raysh~Hay |
(70.300.200.5) |
[A[a]serah, O[o]serah: |
..."For all ten, 10 ;" |
For all ten sephirot
whose focused cosmic~metabolic light issi cosmically comtained
...] |
15 |
Phay~Sheen~Waw~Tayt~Waw~Tav |
(80.300. |
[Phashotot (Doug's guess): |
..."unlimited possibilityings ihn
evolving fertility of all cells encountering cosmic resistance;" |
unlimited existential
possibilityings cosmically metabolizing fecund cavitationings
of cellular structurationings reverberating fecundity while cosmic
vitally~impeded...] |
We see ~80.300.~ affecting ~{6..6}~ of ~9~ affecting~400~.
Doug - 19Dec2015.
. . .
QCS offers:
~80.300 ~{6 ~9 6}~ ~400~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
imminently and immanently imbuing
evolveing, transmuteing, changeing, adapting vibrationally
abundant bilateral populated qwf~cavitationings of
and cowithihn
fertilizationings of (emerqancyings: haploidal~mitoses)
and via haploidal~ova~spermatozoa cowithihn
cavitational~qwf~vibrationings persistently attempting
to compenetrate ultimate At~Ta (e.g., qwf~peregrinationings of
"streets") qwf~retuneing resistanceings of ~cosmic~vital~impedancings~
resisting absolute "struggle with god: 'Isra~el,'"
"chanceings, chooseings, changeings" quantum~assessmentings
cowithihn Iht
Doug - 21Feb2016.
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