©Quantonics, Inc., 2015-2034 |
Retranslation of Sepher Yetsira I:4
. . .
Primer on Quantonics~Cavitationalq~Scriptq
This text emerged, first time, intra
this re translation of SY I:4.
Doug plans to evolve it a little further,
in situ.
When it achieves a situationq
and roleq which Doug deems genericq, Doug
will move it to a new web page of its own and refer that page
Doug - 23-31Dec2015.
Doug has been experientially prototyping a Gematraic
metabolicq thermodynamicq cavitational
short~hand. It has been evolvingq, and now I feel
comfortable explaining it to you.
I start with something like this, which I derive from
Gematria of a given word:
"We see ~~ affecting ~{}~ of ~~ affecting ~~."
I write this first while re cognizing a word's
Gematria and write it out, then I populate it with sub portions
of said word.
To make those patterns more linguistic, Doug issi
comfortable calling ~~ "dutilde," and ~{}~ "cav."
Doug uses ~~ as quantum~wave~functional script for
a qwf~unit (any gematrum from ~1~ to ~900~, and
~iso1000~), and any ensemble of gematria which are n¤t
ihnside a cavitation ~{}~.
A great quantum~wayve to think about ~{}~ might be
to call it an "EWings."
So ~~ (dutilde) issi a stand alone patternq
of Gematria shown as a qwf.
Thence ~{}~ (cav) issi a simple
scriptq for cavitation. ~{}~ can be:
- bare, empty, naked
- unit populated
- doubly and multiply populated
- ~{.}~ one dot means
- ~{..}~ two dots mean unit
- ~{...}~ three dots mean doubly and multiply populated
Doug uses 'affecting' to copulateq
all script wave~patterns.
There will be other 'affectorsq,' e.g., 'evolvingq,'
wMBU encompass~enfoldq:
- columnar~ascensionq,
- columnar~descensionq,
- nesting,
- fractal~recursion,
- etc.
Study Doug's coining of coobsfect.
In this case 'columns' refers nine vertical columns
in Autiot Table just above. One
hitch issi that some columnar
Autiot have finals
which are n¤t ihn their column,
e.g., Mem~finalMem issi columnarly ~{40.600}~, so Mem has two
cavitationing possibilityings, both ascending: ~{40.400}~ (~Mem~Tav~)
and ~{40.600}~ (~Mem~finalMem~).
Their descending cavitationings are unusual! All five
finals (Khaf, Mem, Noun, Phay, Tsadde) always appear as
last Aut in a word's schema.
Tav issi not a final, so a declension ~{Tav..Mem}~ as ~{400.40}~
may occur, but you won't
encounter a declension ~{finalMem~Mem}~, ~{600.40}~, normally.
Compare bilateral ~Mem~Mem~ cavitationings as ~{40.40}~,
~{40..40}~, and ~{40...40}~.
They are very omniffering resonancings! (Note, Doug could use
a (used to be) classical cavityc term here
which still makes senseq:
oscillatorq. Max Planck or one of his successors
used that term. See Hey and Walters The Quantum Universe.)
Classical cavities are canonically closed,
non metabolic. Quantum cavities are fluxially open,
Very often, since quantum~reality issi metabolic (a
major themeq of QR), Doug uses 'evolving' in
place of affecting, but n¤t always...
I shouldn't have to write this, but all biological
life, and lifeq in general, are metabolicq.
Black Holes are metabolicq. Big Bangs are metabolicq.
Awarenessq issi metabolicq.
Consciousnessq issi metabolicq.
Thinkqing issi metabolicq, heart and pulmonary
rates are metabolicq.
Believingq, writingq, sayingq,
and doingq are metabolicq.
Livingq issi metabolicq, and so on...
Without cavitationingsq there are n¤
metabolismsq! See Atta.
Ponder Doug's Aleph~Tav fermionicq cavityingsq:
Re that graphic it may be important for you to grasp
how light (as one example of spin 1 fluxq) issi an
agent of
metabolicq sustenanceq, say in thinkqing,
feelqing, seeqing, hearqing,
. . .
When we think of ~{}~ as an operator, we show it followed
by 'of' and that qwf~pattern upon which cavitation issi
Autiot words which show n¤ cavitationings can
just be enfoldedq quantum~wave~functionally ihn ~~.
For example Esher issi Aleph~Sheen~Raysh: 1.300.200. Esher
means "quantum~assessment."
Our script shows ~Esher~ as a ordinalq
qwf like this ~1.300.200~.
A major aspect of A
New Philosophy, A New Way of Thinkqing,
issi Suares' n¤n abstract, rqcs,
and situation."
Doug's qwf script of Esher, for example, shows ~300'~'s
role as metabolism and its localq
situation ~modulating...etc.~ ~1~ and ~200~.
Over simply, Esher's Sheen, issi situationally between
~1~ and ~200~. Ponder n¤nlocal multicomtextual,
aspects of Sheen cowithihn Esher!
Sanction Doug an example of two actual Autiot words
and their Gematria and Doug will derive
script of that phrase (this only applies to words which have
cavitationings cowithihn them).
Noun~Yod~Sheen~Waw~Aleph~Yod |
- Qof~Phay~Raysh~Yod~Sammekh~Yod~finalNoun |
That phrase means idiomatically (i.e., vulgatelyc),
"marriage contract outside of Israel."
Allow Doug to show its Gematria as:
50.10.300.6.1.10 |
- |
of that phrase looks like this:
~50~ affecting ~{10...{1.10}}~ of ~300.6~ ~{100...{10..10}}~
of ~80.200~ and echo~recursively ~60~ affecting ~700~.
Doug chose that word pattern to show you that our
script has to be able to handle
quantum~fractal~nested recursionings cowithihn
any Cavitationalq~Scriptq.
In Doug's prototyping efforts prior he has shown nesting
like this, only as a quasi~generic exemplar: ~{...[..(.)]}~.
Cavitatings' overlappings may be fathomed in many ways. Doug's
scripts may oversimplify...
Doug will develop his Quantonics~Cavitationalq~Scriptq
application so that it appears to offer
at least partial utility, then automate it to save a lot of manual
effort doing quantum~Autiot~retranslationings.
It should be, with limitations, genericq
to qwfs as depicted ihn Doug's Giving
Illeq~Sema to Qabala's Autiot~Gematria.
A great systemq question to ask here is,
HotMeme "Howq
issi Fourier's New~Scienceq relevantq
here?" HotMeme.
Doug has spent nearly all of 2015's year~ending holiday
season developing that application.
Doug has found that this app will never be 'finished.'
Ponder that each Aut has at least 27 (actually more for doubles,
etc.) possibilityings.
This app will just keep evolving as long as Doug lives...
More to come...
See H5W.
Doug - 21-31Dec2015.
. . .
Word |
Sepher Yetsira I Letter~Text
Spelled Out |
Gematria |
(some guesses) |
Suares Idiom
(some altered by Doug) |
Doug's Suaresian Qabalic
Translation |
Comcision |
1 |
Ayn~Seen~Raysh |
(70.300.200) |
[A[a]ser, O[o]ser: |
..."For all ten, 10 ;" |
For all ten sephirot
whose focused cosmic~metabolic light issi cosmically comtained
...] |
Compare Ayn~Sheen~Raysh (10 diffuse sephirot)
and Aleph~Sheen~Raysh (witness)
and Ayn~Waw~Raysh (life~energy).
Aser appears twice in this verse.
Doug - 21,25Nov,19Dec2015.
2 |
Sammekh~Phay~Yod~Raysh~Waw~Tav |
( |
[Sephirot: |
of emanation in tree~of~life;" |
of emanation feminine
fecundity issi cavitating unlimited existential possibilityings
cowithihn existence cosmically comtained tree~of~life
reverberating masculine fecundity perpetually attempting to evolutionarily~overcome
cosmic vital~impedance...] |
We see ~{60...6}~ of ~80.10.200~ affecting ~400~.
In Hebrew canonized,
which issi n¤t Abraham's Autiot, that extra Yod issi absent.
Suares writes about that missing Yod.
What does QCD
Quintessentially TBCS ihnto
A cascade
of thermodynamic energyings from Top quark to Bottom quark
to Charmed quark to Strange quark to Up quark and Down quark.
TBCS issi an energy declension from n¤nactuality's
face into UD which are the Yod comstituents of atomic nuclei.
Suares calls that, quantumly paraphrased, a "reduction
of potential energyings sheperded ihnto
differentiationings relative to existence actually experienced."
He asks us to compare Sepherim (many books) and Sephirot
(tree~elan of many emanations, a tree of vital~energyings). First
issi masculine plural, second issi feminine plural. Look at that
columnar cavitationing energy declension ~{60...6}~.
That declension, to Doug, makes Abraham's Chaldæan
Gnostic feminine Godhead apparent. QCD makes feminine Godhead
Now do you understand why Templars revered Magdalene
above 'the christ?'
It shows a declension from higher feminine.60 fecundular~energyings
to much lower masculine.6 fecundular~energyings: QCD!!!
Doug's intuition issi that Sepherim issi books, but
Sephirot issi tree of emanationings. But that word Sephirot issi
n¤t ihn Webster's Hebrew
Doug 19Dec2015.
. . .
QCS hermeneuts Sephirot as:
~{60 ~80.10.200 6}~ ~400~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
abundant~regenerative~philogynous columnar descendant
qwf~cavitationings of and cowithihn
cowithihn, coobsfecting,
and quantum~assessmentings
created (note Ve-Ra autsimilarityings Bara)
and qwf~existing cowithihn
qwf~empirically~adapting via abundant~regenerative~philogynous
columnar descendant tree~of~life
qwf~reverberationings of and (re)tuneing~res(coms)onating
of emanation vibrationally encroaching and persistently~evolutionarily
attempting to breach
resistings and struggleings
guaranteeing life itself with quantum~assessmentings chanceings, chooseings,
changeings metabolizeings cowithihn
. . .
Doug's use of "guaranteeing life itself"
issi another revelation of quantons(livings,dyings).
issi quantum~metabolic. Up issi ihn down. Down issi
ihn up. Livings are ihn dyings. Dyings are ihn livings. Without
life, there issi n¤ death. Without death there
issi n¤ life.
Without (Belimah, see next word, word 3 of
this verse) Mawt (Mem~Tav, death) there issi n¤ Hay (life).
Again recall Em's
role and situation cowithihn Emet (truth of quantum~metabolic
life as Mem~Tav's antinomial~complement).
Does this help explain Belimah as "without what?"
Can we then explain Elohim as "with two quantum
lives as both death and life?"
Doug - 24-25Feb2016.
3 |
Bayt~Lammed.Yod.~Mem~Hay |
( |
[Belimah: |
..."without what?;" |
without somatic existential
metabolism what can be existentially biosphering life, engendering
life?...] |
This word 3 composes schemata 'Beli~mah.'
Suares' translation for this issi "Understand
the wisdom. Meditate with Binah." This portion mixes cowithihn subsequent text in this verse.
Suares asks us to compare Elohim and Belimah.
Elohim: Aleph~Lammed - Hay~Yod~finalMem
Belimah: Bayt~Lammed - Yod~Mem~Hay
Elohim: 1.30 - 5.10.600
Belimah: 2.30 - 10.40.5
Elohim: Aleph.30 - 5.10.600
Belimah: Bayt.30 - 10.40.5
Observe that 'him' issi an anagram of 'imah.'
Fathom that El issi a suffix of Bel.
Ponder that and why? Elo's Waw issi n¤t spelled~out!
Recall that 'the name' issi ~Aleph~Bayt~ and
it apparently appears as at least 32 variationings.
Beli-Mah issi ihn, according
Suares, Abraham's Autiot, but was lost to the canonized
Hebrew in terms of its esoteric thermodynamic suggestion.
Briefly, we see Beli-Mah (Bayt haploid~nymic) somatically
supporting (Aleph haploid~nymic).
These two kinds (names, partialsq) of lifeq,
psychic~hylic (Beli-Mah~Bayt) and pneumatic
(Elohim~Aleph) together are required for existential lifeq
itself to eist.
Suares summarizes regarding two roles of Mem:
"In these [schema representing two omniffering
flows of energyings] the inversion of [Mem and finalMem] their
finals is most remarkable: Hay~Yod~finalMem for Elohim
(name one) and Yod~Mem~Hay for Beli-Mah (name two).
In one life confers existence on Mem
[him: Hay~Yod~Mem];
in two, existence of Mem engenders life [imah: Yod~Mem~Hay]."
Paraphrased by Doug with brackets and parentheses
and a 'x' gif. See p. 445 of Trilogy, Sepher Yetsira.
Doug - 19-20Dec2015. . . .
Doug - 22Feb2016:
Just above, in life one, we
can see Hay conferring Yod on Mem.
Similarly, in life two, we see
Yod of Mem engendering Hay.
We are k~now~ings those
are both fluxodynamic qwf~equations in Autiot.
So what issi a qwf~metaphor
of Hay? Let's try bosons. That assumption suggests that Hay issi
coherent qwf~energyings. We see life assa immaterial quantum~phenomena.
Thence what are qwf~metaphors
of Yod and Mem? Let's try fermions. That assumption suggests
Yod and Mem are decoherent qwf~energyings. We see biosphered~existence
as material quantum~phenomena.
Now view metabolism assa ~{quantons(scin,quan)}~.
Compare metabolism assa ~{quantons(bosons,fermions)}~.
One exemplar issi QED.
Now let's make all that Song
of Songs Alt explicit.
~Aleph~ ~{quantons(scin,quan)}~
~T[h]av~, and
~Aleph~ ~{quantons(bosons,fermions)}~
~Aleph~ ~{quantons(Hay,quantons(Mem,Yod))}~
Qabala's metabolic~fluxodynamics
- 22Feb2016.
4 |
Ayn~Seen~Raysh |
(70.300.200) |
[A[a]ser, O[o]ser: |
..."For all ten, 10 ;" |
For all ten sephirot
whose focused cosmic~metabolic light issi cosmically comtained
...] |
Compare Ayn~Sheen~Raysh (10 diffuse sephirot)
and Aleph~Sheen~Raysh (witness)
and Ayn~Waw~Raysh (life~energy).
Aser appears twice in this verse.
Doug - 21,25Nov,19Dec2015.
5 |
Vav~Lammed~Aleph |
(6.30.1) |
[Ve'Lo: |
..."and n¤t;" |
and n¤t (i.e.,
forbidden issi any) fecund existential metabolism cowithihn vital~impetus...] |
We repeat...n¤ existential, temporal process
can be cowithihn vital~impetus ihn any of Aleph's many guises!
Doug -22Dec2015.
6 |
Tav~Sheen~Ayn |
(400.300.70) |
[Tesha: |
..."nine;" |
nine as vital~impedance
resisting cosmic metabolism's enlightened general equation of
all omniverse~ings...] |
We see why 9 Av issi such a big deal among Jews.
It strikes terror ihn
many of them.
However ~9~ tells of Isra~El does it n¤t?
Ponder ~9~11~!
7 |
Ayn~Seen~Raysh |
(70.300.200) |
[A[a]ser, O[o]ser: |
..."For all ten, 10 ;" |
For all ten sephirot
whose focused cosmic~metabolic light issi cosmically comtained
...] |
8 |
Vav~Lammed~Aleph |
(6.30.1) |
[Ve'Lo: |
..."and n¤t;" |
and n¤t (i.e.,
forbidden issi any) fecund existential metabolism cowithihn vital~impetus...] |
We repeat...n¤ existential, temporal process
can be cowithihn vital~impetus ihn any of Aleph's many guises!
Doug -22Dec2015.
9 |
Aleph~Hhayt~Tav - Ayn~Seen~Raysh~Hay |
(1.8.400 - 70.300.200.5) |
[Ahhat-Esreh: |
..."eleven;" |
eleven as vital~impetus
spiritually impeded by cosmos, and enlightenment's living cosmic
metabolism cosmically comtained...] |
Compare 11 and 22. Think palindromic ciphers based
upon your k~now~ings of 11 and 22.
"Issi a cipher which issi metabolicq, a cipher?"
What issi a cipherc?
What issi a cipherq?
vis-à-vis cipher?
Doug - 22Dec2015.
10 |
Hay~Bayt~finalNoun |
(5.2.700) |
[Ha'Ben: |
..."Evolutionarilyq understandq;" |
understandq livingq soma'a cosmic lifeq principlesq of quantized FUPings...] |
11 |
Bayt~Hayt~Kaf~Mem~Hay |
( |
[Ba'Hhokmah: |
..."with consciousq
wisdomq;" |
understand with consciousq wisdomq
of cavitationings of somatic spiritualq unlimited
possibilityingsq existentially reverberantly grailing
all livingq biosphereings...] |
We see ~{2..20}~ of ~8~ affecting ~40.5~.
(emerging actual life) issi first sphere of Sephirot.
issi second sphere of Sephirot.
. . .
QCS hermeneuts Ba'Hhokmah
~{2 ~8 20}~ ~40.5~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
ascendant comtainerings~columnar qwf~cavitationings
ascendant comtainerings~columnar qwf~reverberationings
thoughtful~resonant enthymemetic qwf~EWings through and via
qwf~vibrationally comsciously~wormholeing
many living qwf~biosphereings of and cowithihn
adapting, transmuteing,
mutateing, evolveing cowithihn
Doug 24Feb2016.
12 |
Vav~Hhayt~Kaf~Mem |
( |
[Ve'Hhokem: |
..."and meditateq;" |
and meditate via cavitational fecundation of spiritualq
unlimited possibilityingsq existentially grailing reverberantly
cosmic biosphere's isoenergyingsq...] |
We see ~{6...600}~ of ~8.20~.
In idiom 'meditation' has Kirker
cowithihn it which views meditation
as a spiritualq kindlingq of spiritualq
evolutionaryq processingq.
Doug - 21Dec2015.
. . .
QCS hermeneuts Ve'Hhokem as:
~{6 ~8.20 600}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
abundance of exalted columnar copulative qwf~cavitationings
as meditative~qwf~wormholeings
exalted columnar copulative qwf~reverberationings
qwf~vibrationally achieveings meditative~wisdom
and lofty rankings cowithihn Iht
. . .
A meditation
on two Keters...
And here issi QCS of Keter (using
Tayt) for comparison:
~{20 ~9 200}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
columnar ascendant qwf~comtainmentings qwf~cavitationings
vibrationally qwf~affecting
incipience of new beginnings of emerqancyings columnar
ascendant qwf~comtainmentings fermion~onta
qwf~reverberationings cowithihn
vibrationings while iso~qwf~isohologrally isometabolically
comptrarotating~pneumatic~isobeings turntable~hiding cowithihn
. . .
And here issi QCS of Keter (using
Tav) for comparison:
~{20 ~400 200}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
both new beginnings and new endings
during columnar ascendant~descendant qwf~comtainmentings of qwf~cavitationings
cosmic~impedanceings (guaranteeing quantal~life) of
both new endings and new beginnings during columnar
descendant~ascendant qwf~comtainmentings of qwf~reverberationings
vibrationings while iso~qwf~isohologrally isometabolically
comptrarotating~pneumatic~isobeings turntable~hiding cowithihn
Doug 24-25Feb2016.
13 |
Bayt~Bayt~Yod~Noun~Hay |
( |
[Ba'Binah: |
..."with intelligenceq,
with psycheq;" |
with intelligenceq, with psycheq
from selfq~recursiveq somatic cavitationings
evolvingq existence itselfq evolvingq
existential lifeq principles' FUPings...] |
We see ~{2.2}~ affecting ~10~ affecting ~{50.5}~.
issi third sphere of Sephirot.
Note that all these numbers and their spheres of Sephirot,
so far, are feminine!
Doug 21Dec2015, 24Feb2016.
. . .
QCS hermeneuts Ba'Binah as:
~{2 2}~ ~10~ ~{50 ~5}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
bilateral naked archetypal somatic qwf~cavitationings
of, while cowithihn naked resonant
qwf~echoings by
with divine intelligence,
with divine psyche
and qwf~monitoring,
FUPings of~
columnar descendant principle of ubiquitous~perpetual
quantum~uncertaintyings qwf~cavitationings of all spiritually~psychically~living
columnar quantal~metabolic breath~clouds
of columnar descendant qwf~reverberationings of all psychic~quanta of
cowithihn Iht
Doug 24Feb2016.
14 |
Bayt~Hhayt~Waw~finalNoun |
( |
[Bohhen: |
..."Examine;" |
Examine somatic spiritual
unlimited possibilityingsq fecundating cosmic lifeq
principlesq of quantized FUPings...] |
'Examine' as an infinitive issi Leevhhon, usually.
'Bohhen' issi present tense.
15 |
Bayt~Hay~finalMem |
(2.5.600) |
[Ba'Hem: |
..."with them;" |
with them, with their
somatic livesq ensconced~enfolded cowithihn cosmic
biosphere's isoenergyingsq...] |
'Them' issi often Otam,
and Lahem. |
16 |
Vav~Hhayt~Qof~Waw~Raysh |
( |
[Ve'Hhaqor: |
..."and delving;" |
and delving ihnto fecund cavitation of spiritual unlimited
possibilityingsq of cosmic vital~impetus reverberatingq
fecundly and cosmically supported and comtained...] |
We see ~{6...6}~ of ~8.100~ affecting ~200~.
21Dec2015 - Doug.
. . .
QCS hermeneuts Ve'Hhaqor as:
~{6 ~8.100 6.}~ ~200~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
abundant bilateral populated qwf~cavitationings of
and cowithihn
imbuing pneumatic qwf~energyings ihnto
~cosmic~vital~impetusings~ destroying~all~carving~out~all ~illusions~via~perpetual~Atta~qycloidings~enabling~existential~transmutationing~evolutionings
sempiternally evolveing n¤væltyings
mixing cowithihn abundant
bilateral populated qwf~reverberationings of and cowithihn
qwf~vibrationally altering~mutating~delving ihnto
all supportive fermionic
cowithihn Iht
Doug 23Feb2016.
17 |
Mem~Hay~finalMem |
(40.5.600) |
[Ma'Hem: |
..."ihnto them;" |
ihnto them, ihnto their cavitationings from existential
biosphereings to cosmic biosphereings cowithihn and evolvingq
their livingsq...] |
We see ~{40..600}~ of ~5~.
21Dec2015 - Doug.
18 |
Vav~Hay~Ayn~Mem~Dallet |
( |
[Ve'Hamad: |
..."and try rearranging them;" |
and try rearrangingq
them, their fecund livesq QED lightings cascading
cavitationally from existential biospheres to archetypal gatewayveings...] |
We see ~6.5.70-~ affecting ~{40.4}~.
There is a "Mixing all things ihn
all things" tenor to this word. That mixing appears to garner
a QCD like lowering of energyings from ~40~ to ~4~, and it issi
done recursively, cavitationally.
21-22Dec2015 - Doug.
. . .
QCS hermeneuts Ve'Hamad as: - ~6.5.70~ ~{40 ~4}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
abundanceings of
nurtureings of
enlightenings qwf~vibrationally
columnar descendant naked cavitational rearrangementings
of their material fermionicityings reverberationings cowithihn
wormholeings~tunnelings cowithihn
Doug 23Feb2016.
19 |
Dallet~Bayt~Raysh |
(4.2.200) |
[Dabor: |
them;" |
with their archetypal
gatewayveings scintillatingq their somatic cosmic comtainmentings...] |
We see ~4~ affecting ~{2.200}~.
21Dec2015 - Doug.
. . .
QCS hermeneuts Dabor
~4~ ~{2 ~200}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
uhs via [chaoequil
both leapsq (analancheings)
and divesq (avalancheings)]
qwf~modulationings of
of our exalted columnar plenary qwf~cavitationings
from and somatically cowithihn
our qwf~somas' to qwf~reverberationings attaining resonant
supportings via and cowithihn
vibrationings while iso~qwf~isohologrally isobeings
cowithihn Iht ~{~{iso1000}~}~
Doug 23Feb2016.
20 |
Ayn~Lammed |
(70.30) |
[Al: |
..."by Iht's metabolic divinity;" |
by Iht
of divine metabolicq
lightq...] |
21 |
Bayt~Waw~Raysh~Yod~Waw |
( |
[Baryo: |
to;" |
and their soma speaks to fecund cavitationings of existential
cosmic comtainment reverberating them fecundly...] |
We see ~2~ affecting ~{6...6}~ of ~200.10~.
Notice that Bara
issi (may appear to be) straddleing
a divinity of quantized cavitationings.
If we allow Yod to play Aleph's antinomial existence
we may fathom a tad of Bara here.
Perhaps we should spell it "Bori?" A resonant
(quasi~creative) place of voice emanationings.
See Doug's retranslation of Ha'Gaborim
SoS IV:4 word 12. Infix issi an exalted 'bori.'
21Dec2015 - Doug.
. . .
QCS hermeneuts Baryo, Boryi as:
~{2 ~{6 ~200}~ ~10 6~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
exalted ascendant columnar qwf~soma~emerscentureings
cavitationings overlapping
abundant bilateral qwf~cavitationings overlapping
exalted ascendant columnar qwf~soma~emerscentureings reverberationings
speaks to
adapting (listening) cowithihn
abundant bilateral qwf~reverberationings of
abundantly vibrationally lifting, resurrecting intemporal
vital~impetus from depths of Iht
Doug - 23Feb2016.
22 |
Vav~Hay~Sheen~Vayt |
(6.5.300.2) |
[Ve'Hashev: |
..."and compares the;" |
and compares the
fecundity of lifeq and its cosmic metabolism of their
somas by...] |
23 |
Yod~Waw~Tsadde~Raysh |
( |
[Yotser: |
..."creator, transmuter, evolver;" |
transmuterq, evolverq of their existencings'
fecund existential structurationings cosmically comtained...] |
24 |
Ayn~Lammed |
(70.30) |
[Al: |
..."by Iht's metabolic divinity;" |
by Iht
of divine metabolicq
lightq...] |
25 |
Mem~Kaf~Waw~Noun~Waw |
( |
[Makono: |
..."in Iht's proper place;" |
in Iht's proper place existentially biosphereing
and grailing cavitating fecundly existential principleq
of lifeq's quantizationings FUPings reverberatingq
fecundly...] |
We see ~40.20~ affecting ~{6..6}~ of ~50~.
In idiom 'place' issi Makomo.
21Dec2015 - Doug.
. . .
QCS hermeneuts Makom as:
~40.20 ~{6 ~50 6~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
qwf~materialings (fermionic) quantum~tunnelings via
channeling qwf~vibrationally divinity of Ihts
proper place cowithihn
bilateral abundant fertile~qwf~cavitationings of
FUPings of~
freedomings, uncertaintyings, and peaceings bilateral
abundant fertile~qwf~reverberationings
vibrationally lifting, resurrecting existential dwellings
of life~principles from depths of Iht
Doug 23Feb2016.
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