©Quantonics, Inc., 2015-2034 |
of Sepher Yetsira I:5
. . .
During 25-29Feb2016 Doug finished adding this verse's
QCS to all words with qwf~cavities in them.
Go directly to Verse
V Word 1.
Doug - 29Feb2016.
Add narrative regarding multi~word cavitationings
importance and divinity.
It has taken Doug nearly a week to train QCS
to do this narrative, from 17Jan2016 to 23Jan2016.
Doug issi doing this for a host of 'reasons.' One
issi to 'test' QCS. Another issi to gain muchas (quantum~ascendant)
respect for Qabala, Autiot, Gematria, Gnosis, Sepher Yetsira,
Sefirot, et al.
Qabala's geneticq code vastly exceeds humanity's
own, and that simply issi an 'understatement,' an quantum~standingsunder~phasementings~.
Doug did this last week's work on his MacPro Toroid.
That machine issi simply awesome! Its power issi astonishing.
Except for time to think, there are n¤ delays, so Doug
has been very efficient.
QCS issi evolvingq. Doug issi evolvingq.
Qabala's core themeq to Doug issi quantum~metabolism
of all holograllyq cowithihn
and changing all.
These scripts may show you vividly ad occulos
what Doug shows and tells issi Quality. Cosmic metabolismq
issi quintessence of qualityings, lifeq itself.
Doug - 23Jan2016.
This verse has some (five, at least) interesting multi-word
intra verse cavitationings:
Cavitational Patterns of Three Words |
Their Autiot |
Their Gematria |
Their Idiom |
1 |
Words 9-11 |
Omeq~Rayshyt~Ve'Omeq |
~ |
"In depths, in divinity, and in depths." |
2 |
Words 13-15 |
Omeq~Tov~Ve'Omeq~Raa |
~ |
"In depths, in quality, and in depths, in evil." |
3 |
Words 17-19 |
Omeq~Ram~Ve'Omeq~Tahhat |
~ |
"In depths, in above, and in depths, in below." |
4 |
Words 21-23 |
Omeq~Mezerahh~Ve'Omeq~Marav |
~ |
"In depths, in east, and in depths, in west." |
5 |
Words 25-27 |
Omeq~Tsefon~Ve'Omeq |
~ |
"In depths, in north, and in depths." |
Please be aware that Doug is QCS
translating triples of Omeq~???~Ve'Omeq, while disregarding any
trailing words like evil, below, west. Also note that south finishes,
rounds up and thus doesn't form a triple, rather an ellipsis...
As you may see below, these triples all share Omeq
and Ve'Omeq, even so results are radically altered by whatever
emerqancy that middle Aut pattern takes. Autiot and its Gematria
are rqcs!!!
Doug - 23Jan2016.
Cavitational Patterns of Three Words |
Their Autiot |
Their Gematria |
Their QCS Translationings |
1 |
Words 9-11 |
Omeq~Rayshyt~Ve'Omeq |
~ |
From this
~{70 ~{6 ~{40 ~{~{~{~100 ~200.~{~{1}~ ~300. ~{10}~}~
~{400}~ ~{6}~ 70}~ 6}~ 40}~ 100}~}~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
Observe that this cipher has a multitude of other
schemas. What Doug means issi that assignment of cavitation~groupings
issi somewhat arbitrary. QCS does it as it naturally appears...working
from ends of script toward middle of script.
Realize that all Alephs, 1.10.100, and 1000 really
quantum~cavitate one another.
Allow Doug, as an example, to just show Aleph cavitationings
from that schema:
~{~{~{~100 ~{~{1}~ ~{10}~}~ 100}~}~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
To Doug, linguistically, narratively, that issi too
much to do. Perhaps, "May bad."
To this
(using QCS recommended cavitationing
vibrationings of 'cosmos' general qwf~equation, of all cosmic
reality''s copiousq oscillationingsq cowithihn
qwf~vibrationally ensconcing
via triple cavitationings cowithihn
~{~{~{~perpetual~relentless ~cosmic~vital~impetusings~
sempiternally evolvingq n¤væltyings with(~and)~
triple~vibrationings of
experiencing double cavitationings cowithihn
spontaneousq and vicissitudinalq supremely~divine
ascendant~quality quantum~evolutionary coaffectationingsq
freelyq and mutationallyq reverberatingq
tentatively compenetratingq often insuperableq
qwf tuneings and quantum~adaptive retuneings of
bivibrationings evolvingq via reverberationings cowithihn 'cosmos' generalq
qwf~equation, of
~existential~QED~scintillationings~transmutationings' FUPings}~
vibrationingsq further, finally affectingq
echoingsq of
divinely with supreme quality fertilizing all watersq
all while
~perpetual~relentless ~cosmic~vital~impetusings~ destroying~all~carving~out~all
sempiternally evolving noveltyings with(~and)}~}~}~
triple vibratingsq cowithihn
. . .
Isn't it amazing how much fluxoq~dynamic
energyq density issi hidden cowithihn
those three Autiot words:
Doug asks you to thinkq of tuneings as
tuneq~ings. Almost all qwf functionals in QCS
are present~participle plural, so grammar
may appear atypical to uninitiated.
Doug - 23Jan2016.
2 |
Words 13-15 |
Omeq~Tov~Ve'Omeq~Raa |
~ |
~{70 ~{6 ~{40 ~{100 ~9.~{6}~.2 ~{6}~ 70}~ 6}~ 40}~
100}~ ~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
FUPings~ vibrationings of 'cosmos' general qwf~equation, of all
cosmic reality's copious oscillationings cowithihn
qwf~vibrationally ensconcing
ihn all depths of
~{perpetual~relentless ~cosmic~vital~impetusings~
sempiternally evolving noveltyings with(~and)~
qualitatively, zygotically, cavitationally, vibrantly
bivibrationally copulatingq
profusely coreverberatingq
bivibrationings evolving via reverberationings cowithihn
'cosmos, general qwf~equation' of
vibrationings further, finally affectingq echoingsq
divinely with supreme quality fertilizing all waters
all while
~perpetual~relentless cosmic~vital~impetusings~
sempiternally evolving noveltyings with(~and)}~
~iso~vibratingq all cowithihn
. . .
Bible scholars are aware that 'Jesus' issi referred
as "Light, son, the membrane, quantum~middle~inclusion,
QED, etc."
Doug highlighted both Autiot 70s (i.e., Ayn) with
bold dark gold text.
Similarly, Doug highlighted both occurrenceingsq
of cosmic~Aleph (i.e., Qof) ihn
bold dark green text.
To Doug those emphases exhibit fluxq thermodynamicq
cogency to hermeneuticsq of Omeq~Tov~Ve'Omeq.
What has fascinated Doug most ihn
all of this issi a simple question, "How does one express
that vulgatelyc, in idiomc?"
See below what 'scholars'
have donec in that regard.
Doug - 23Jan2016.
3 |
Words 17-19 |
Omeq~Ram~Ve'Omeq~Tahhat |
~ |
~{70 ~{6 ~{~{40 ~{100 ~200.~{6}~ ~{~{600}~}~ ~{6}~
70}~ 6}~ ~ 40}~}~ .100}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
FUPings~ vibrationings of 'cosmos' general qwf~equation, of all
cosmic reality's copiousq oscillationingsq
copious overlapping~coherentq multi~oscillationingsq
ihn all depths of
~{perpetual~relentless ~cosmic~vital~impetusings~
sempiternally evolvingq n¤væltyings with(~and)~
supported by and coherentlyq cowithihn
cavitational qwf~re~emerqancyingsq via
abundant overlapping~coherentq multi~echoingsq
experienceings lofty rank and attendant wisdomingsq
multi~reverberationingsq overlapping cavitationings
bivibrationingsq evolvingq via reverberationingsq
cowithihn 'cosmos' generalq
qwf~equation, of
vibrationingsq further, finally affectingq
echoingsq of
reverberationalq vibrationingsq
multi~vibrationings experienceingsq quantum~assessmentings
~perpetual~relentless ~cosmic~vital~impetusings~ destroying~all~carving~out~all
sempiternally evolving noveltyings with(~and)}~
. . .
Perhaps most interesting re this text: 600 (i.e.,
cosmic~biosphereings) columnarly cavitates both 40 and 6,
so patterns double up, notably. Doug highlights 600 and 40s in
bold dark blue text. For
clarity Doug marks 6s (i.e. Waw) in a lighter blue bold. Made
obvious: lots of cavitational overlappings. Only a hologral
flux~based realityq can do this.
Doug - 23Jan2016.
4 |
Words 21-23 |
Omeq~Mezerahh~Ve'Omeq~Marav |
~ |
~{70 ~{6 ~{40 ~{100 ~{40}~ ~{7}~ ~200.8 ~{6}~ 70}~
6}~ 40}~ 100}~ ~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
FUPings~ vibrationings of 'cosmos' general qwf~equation, of all
cosmic reality's copious oscillationings cowithihn
qwf~vibrationally ensconcing
ihn all depths of
~{perpetual~relentless ~cosmic~vital~impetusings~
sempiternally evolvingq n¤væltyings with(~and)~
bivibrationallyq and bireverberantlyq
qwf~bioemerqings qwf~packetized enlightenings
cavitationally inheriting unlimited qwf~potentialings supported
are compassionate when their
are evoking Iht's cosmic support of unlimited
pneuma copulatingq bivibrationallyq
bivibrationingsq evolvingq via reverberationingsq
cowithihn 'cosmos' generalq
qwf~equation, of
vibrationings further, finally affectingq
echoingsq of
divinely with supreme quality fertilizing all waters
all while
~perpetual~relentless ~cosmic~vital~impetusings~ destroying~all~carving~out~all
sempiternally evolvingq n¤væltyings with(~and)}~
~iso~vibratingq all cowithihn
Doug - 23Jan2016.
5 |
Words 25-27 |
Omeq~Tsefon~Ve'Omeq |
~ |
~{70 ~{6 ~{40 ~{100 ~90.80.~{6}~.~{700}~ ~{6}~ 70}~
6}~ 40}~ 100}~ ~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
FUPings~ vibrationings of 'cosmos' general qwf~equation' of all
cosmic reality's copious oscillationings cowithihn
qwf~vibrationally ensconcing
ihn all depths of
~{perpetual~relentless ~cosmic~vital~impetusings~
destroying~all~carving~out~all ~illusions~via~perpetual~Atta~qycloidings~enabling~existential~transmutationing~evolutionings
sempiternally evolving noveltyings with(~and)~
ihn northern climes
of multivalentq, fulsome copulationingsq,
and overlapping~nested qwf~vibrationings of
cavitational vibrationings interrelationshipingsq
enlightenmentingsq cavitational oscillationingsq
cavitational expressioningsq of qwf~freedomingsq,
qwf~uncertaintyingsq, and
qwf~peaceingsq all bivibrantq and abundant
bivibrationingsq evolvingq via reverberationingsq
cowithihn , 'cosmos' generalq
qwf~equation' of
vibrationingsq further, finally affectingq
echoingsq of
divinely with supreme quality fertilizing all waters
all while
~perpetual~relentless ~cosmic~vital~impetusings~
destroying~all~carving~out~all ~illusions~via~perpetual~Atta~qycloidings~enabling~existential~transmutationing~evolutionings
sempiternally evolving noveltyings with(~and)}~
~iso~vibrating all cowithihn
Doug - 23Jan2016.
Doug will now comtinue with his normal transmutationings
process, starting first with finishing this page, SY I:5,
mostly finishing Comcision column...
Doug - 23Jan2016.
Continue with Sepher Yetsira I:5 retranslationings
Doug - 17-18,23Jan2016.
. . .
Retranslation of Sepher Yetsira I:5
Word |
Sepher Yetsira I Letter~Text
Spelled Out |
Gematria |
(some guesses) |
Suares Idiom
(some altered by Doug) |
Doug's Suaresian Qabalic
Translation |
Comcision |
1 |
Ayn~Seen~Raysh |
(70.300.200) |
[A[a]ser, O[o]ser: |
..."For all ten, 10 ;" |
For all ten sephirot
whose focused cosmic~metabolic light issi cosmically comtained
...] |
Compare Ayn~Sheen~Raysh (10 diffuse sephirot)
and Aleph~Sheen~Raysh (witness)
and Ayn~Waw~Raysh (life~energy).
Aser appears twice in this verse.
Doug - 21,25Nov,19Dec2015.
2 |
Sammekh~Phay~Yod~Raysh~Waw~Tav |
( |
[Sephirot: |
of emanation in tree~of~life;"
of emanation in tree~of~life;"
of emanation in tree~of~life;"
of emanation feminine fecundity issi
cavitating unlimited existential possibilityings cowithihn existence
cosmically comtained tree~of~life
masculine fecundity perpetually attempting to evolutionarily~overcome
cosmic vital~impedance...]
spheres of emanation feminine fecundity issi
cavitating unlimited existential possibilityings cowithihn existence
cosmically comtained tree~of~life
masculine fecundity perpetually attempting to evolutionarily~overcome
cosmic vital~impedance...]
Spheres of emanation feminine
fecundity issi cavitating unlimited existential possibilityings
cowithihn existence cosmically comtained tree~of~life reverberating
masculine fecundity perpetually attempting to evolutionarily~overcome
cosmic vital~impedance...] |
We see ~{60...6}~ of ~80.10.200~ affecting ~400~.
In Hebrew canonized,
which issi n¤t Abraham's Autiot, that extra Yod issi absent.
Suares writes about that missing Yod.
What does QCD
Quintessentially TBCS ihnto
A cascade
of thermodynamic energyings from Top quark to Bottom quark
to Charmed quark to Strange quark to Up quark and Down quark.
TBCS issi an energy declension from n¤nactuality's
face into UD which are the Yod comstituents of atomic nuclei.
Suares calls that, quantumly paraphrased, a "reduction
of potential energyings shepherded ihnto
differentiationings relative to existence actually experienced."
He asks us to compare Sepherim (many books) and Sephirot
(tree~elan of many emanations, a tree of vital~energyings). First
issi masculine plural, second issi feminine plural. Look at that
columnar cavitationing energy declension ~{60...6}~.
That declension, to Doug, makes Abraham's Chaldæan
Gnostic feminine Godhead apparent. QCD makes feminine Godhead
Now do you understand why Templars revered Magdalene
above 'the christ?'
It shows a declension from higher feminine.60 fecundular~energyings
to much lower masculine.6 fecundular~energyings: QCD!!!
Doug's intuition issi that Sepherim issi books, but
Sephirot issi tree of emanationings. But that word Sephirot issi
n¤t ihn Webster's Hebrew
Doug - 19Dec2015.
. . .
QCS cavitationally parses Sephirot like this:
abundant~regenerative~philogynous columnar descendant
qwf~cavitationings of and cowithihn
cowithihn, coobsfecting,
and quantum~assessmentings
created (note Ve-Ra autsimilarityings Bara)
and qwf~existing cowithihn
qwf~empirically~adapting via abundant~regenerative~philogynous
columnar descendant tree~of~life
qwf~reverberationings of and (re)tuneing~res(coms)onating
of emanation vibrationally encroaching and persistently~evolutionarily
attempting to breach
resistings and struggleings
guaranteeing life itself with quantum~assessmentings chanceings, chooseings,
changeings metabolizeings cowithihn
Doug - 25Feb2016.
3 |
Bayt~Lammed.Yod.~Mem~Hay |
( |
[Belimah: |
..."without what?;"
..."without what?;"
..."without what?;"
..."without what?;" |
without somatic existential
metabolism what can be existentially biosphering life, engendering
without somatic existential metabolism what can be existentially
biosphering life, engendering life?...]
without somatic existential metabolism what can be existentially
biosphering life, engendering life?...]
without somatic existential metabolism what can be existentially
biosphering life, engendering life?...] |
This word 3 composes schemata
Suares asks us to compare Elohim and Belimah.
Observe that Belimah has no apparent cavitation cowithihn its Gematria.
Unlike Belimah Elohim offers ~{1...10}~ of ~30.5~
affecting ~600~.
Elohim starts with Aleph. Aleph cowithihn existence begs metabolism:
With metabolism there issi life, "La Hhaim!"
This issi "living life" and wæ bettership
"metabolicq lifeq itself."
This issi stuff of YhShWh's "livingq Father,"
with Abrahamic emerscitecture.
We see Abraham's Chaldæan tetrad: quantons(Mother,son,mother,dichons(living~Father,
dead-father): "Aut~Iot!"
We see Exodus III:14 Mosaic Qabala:
Ehieh Esher Ehieh:
Aleph~Hay~Yod~Hay, thence
Aleph~Sheen~Raysh, thence again
and in idiom
"Aleph living Yod living," thence
"Aleph cosmically metabolized, cosmically comtained,"
thence again
"Aleph living Yod living."
We see ~ 1.300.200 ~
We see ~{1..10}~ of ~5~ recursively overlapping ~{5..5}~
of ~10~ thence
~1.300.200~ thence, again
~{1..10}~ of ~5~ recursively overlapping ~{5..5}~ of ~10~.
Belimah starts with Bayt. Bayt in existence
without Aleph denies metabolism!
"Without what? AKA Belimah" means without metabolism:
dichons(Bayt, Yod)!
This issi "dead life, non metabolic life, breathless life..."
educed from worse-ship of "dead things."
Stuff of demiurge, dead father, patriarchy, dialectic, mechanism,
formalism, objectivism, etc.
Elohim: Aleph~Lammed - Hay~Yod~finalMem
Belimah: Bayt~Lammed - Yod~Mem~Hay
Elohim: 1.30 - 5.10.600
Belimah: 2.30 - 10.40.5
Elohim: Aleph.30 - 5.10.600
Belimah: Bayt.30 - 10.40.5
Observe, comparing Elohim and Belimah, that 'him'
issi an anagram of 'imah.'
Fathom that El issi a suffix of Bel.
Ponder that and why? Elo's Waw issi n¤t spelled~out!
Recall that 'the name' issi ~Aleph~Bayt~ and
it apparently appears as at least 32 variationings.
Beli-Mah issi ihn, according
Suares, Abraham's Autiot, but was lost to the canonized
Hebrew in terms of its esoteric thermodynamic suggestion of absence
of cavitational metabolism, i.e., "without cavitationings,
without Atta."
Briefly, we see Beli-Mah (Bayt haploid~nymic) somatically
supporting (Aleph haploid~nymic).
These two kinds (names, partialsq) of lifeq,
psychic~hylic (Beli-Mah~Bayt) and pneumatic
(Elohim~Aleph) together are required for existential lifeq
itself to eist.
Requirement for existential life issi quantons(Aleph,Bayt)
quantons(Elohim,Belimah) issi
quantons(vital~impetus,archetypal~comtainment) issi
quantons(n¤nactuality,actuality) issi
quantons(atemporality,temporality) issi
quantons(isoflux,flux), etc.
In a word BAWAM!
Then Suares summarizes regarding two roles of Mem
(this issi very beautiful):
"In these [schema representing two omniffering
flows of energyings] the inversion of [Mem and finalMem] their
finals is most remarkable: Hay~Yod~finalMem for Elohim (name
one) and Yod~Mem~Hay for Beli-Mah (name two).
In one life con(m)fers existence on Mem
[him: Hay~Yod~Mem];
in two, existence of Mem engenders life [imah: Yod~Mem~Hay]."
Paraphrased by Doug with brackets and parentheses
and a 'x' gif. See p. 445 of Trilogy, Sepher Yetsira.
Doug - 19-20,24Dec2015.
Doug - 22Feb2016:
Just above, in life one, we can see Hay conferring
Yod on Mem.
Similarly, in life two, we see Yod of Mem engendering
We are k~now~ings those are both fluxodynamic
qwf~equations in Autiot.
So what issi a qwf~metaphor of Hay? Let's try bosons.
That assumption suggests that Hay issi coherent qwf~energyings.
We see life assa immaterial quantum~phenomena.
Thence what are qwf~metaphors of Yod and Mem? Let's
try fermions. That assumption suggests Yod and Mem are decoherent
qwf~energyings. We see biosphered~existence as material quantum~phenomena.
Now view metabolism assa ~{quantons(scin,quan)}~.
Compare metabolism assa ~{quantons(bosons,fermions)}~.
One exemplar issi QED.
Now let's make all that Song of Songs Alt explicit.
~Aleph~ ~{quantons(scin,quan)}~ ~T[h]av~, and
~Aleph~ ~{quantons(bosons,fermions)}~ ~T[h]av~.
~Aleph~ ~{quantons(Hay,quantons(Mem,Yod))}~ ~T[h]av~.
Qabala's metabolic~fluxodynamics aperio!
Doug - 22Feb2016.
4 |
Mem~Dallet~Tav~finalNoun |
(40.4.400.700) |
[Medaton: |
qwf~signature;" |
measureq as
ascendant columnar cavitationings biosphereings reverberating
vital~impedance of descendant columnar cavitationings biosphereings
reverberating gatewayveings and cavitationings gatewayveings
reverberating vital~impedance scintillatingq cosmic
quantization's lifeq
of FUPings...] |
Compare Esher as witness which issi much closer to
what Doug intends by quantum~measurement.
We see ~{40..400}~ of ~{40.4}~ and ~{4.400}~ affecting
That Cavitational
ScriptTM issi rather spectacular.
We see nesting and fractal~recursion absent
cavitational~bilateral~palindromicityings (like 40.4.40:
We can also show that like this ~{40.{40.4}~{4.400}.400}~,
but that issi much more omnifficult to narrate.
Doug - 23Dec2015.
. . .
QCS cavitationally parses Medaton like this:
~40.4.400.700~ ~~{~{iso1000}~}~
compound fractal~recursive fermionic ascendant qwf~cavitationings
overlapping populated nestings whose descendant both openings
and closeings resistanceings of
and qwf~superpositively whose nestings qwf~modal modulationings
exalt themselves ascendantly ihnto
overlapping ascendant qwf~cavitationings ihnto
ultimate qwf~signature~resistanceings of
whose qwf~fermionic affectationings~scintillationings
and co~quantum~assess~measure
and adhere
~cosmic~life~principle~quantizationings' FUPings~
cowithihn Iht
See signature
as it issi used by Doug related to quantum~comsciousness.
Doug 25,28Feb2016.
5 |
Ayn~Seen~Raysh |
(70.300.200) |
[A[a]ser, O[o]ser: |
..."For all ten, 10 ;" |
For all ten sephirot
whose focused cosmic~metabolic light issi cosmically comtained
...] |
Compare Ayn~Sheen~Raysh (10 diffuse sephirot)
and Aleph~Sheen~Raysh (witness)
and Ayn~Waw~Raysh (life~energy).
Aser appears twice in this verse.
Doug - 21,25Nov,19Dec2015.
6 |
Sheen~Aleph~Yod~finalNoun |
(300.1.10.700) |
[She'en: |
..."non, un, without;" |
without as cosmic metabolism attempting a bare
columnar ascendant cavitation from vital~impetus to existence
reverberating cosmic life principle's quantizationings of FUPings...] |
We see ~300~ affecting ~{1.10}~ affecting ~700~.
Doug has n¤ current meme of how to interpret
One thought issi "without life."
Compare ~300~ affecting ~{1.5.10}~ affecting ~700~
as "with life."
We see a comparison of a bare cavitation to a unit
populated cavitation.
She'Heen? It means "which is [life]." Doug
issi using Heen as 'is.'
In idiom Heenah issi 'is.'
And we may infer She'en as "which is n¤t,
which is without [life]."
We see quantons(Life,unLife)?
Doug - 24Dec2015.
. . .
QCS cavitationally parses She'en like this:
~300~ ~{1 ~10}~ ~700~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
and ~coaffectationings intemporal
qwf~vibrationings of
ascendant naked qwf~cavitationings of nothing~without and
cowithihn naked qwf~echoings by
cavitational qwf~vibrationings quantum~assessmentings
cowithihn Iht
Doug 25,29Feb2016.
7 |
Lammed~Hay~finalMem |
(30.5.600) |
[La'Hem: |
..."them, projectedq organicq
livingq beingsq;" |
them, existentialq metabolismsq livingq cowithihn cosmic
biospheres...] |
This issi colloquially, idiomatically acceptable.
Doug took this translation from his Gen I:28
word 5.
Doug - 23Dec2015.
8 |
Sammekh~Waw~finalPhay |
(60.6.800) |
[Sof: |
..."end;" |
end as a cavitational naked columnar declension
from feminineq fecundityingsq to masculine
fecundity, i.e., a fertility degeneration adversely affecting,
indeed shutting down, unlimited cosmic undifferentiated isoenergyings'
possibilityings (astutes please fathom this as an allegory of
turning off Planck's clock)...] |
We see ~{60.6}~ devolving ~800~.
We see a cavitational naked columnar declension from
Sammekh to Waw, i.e., a cavitational fecundity degeneration~devolution
adversely affectingq finalPhay's unlimited cosmic
undifferentiated possibilityings.
Doug - 23Dec2015.
It issi a crucial 'secret' of Qabala which treats
Sof (and other Aut) as antinomial~complementarityings of self.
This diagram issi Doug's attempt to help you understand
that Qabalic 'secret:'
Doug - 17Jan2016.
. . .
QCS cavitationally parses Sof like this:
~{60 ~6}~ ~800~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
cavitationings of endings as columnar~naked~declensionings
of e.g., Jung,Äôs animus~anima complementary~antinomial
Heraclitean (compare Sof
and Yassod) qwf~reverberationings
cowithihn scintilla~fertile qwf~abundanceings of
engendering qwf~qycloidal
e.g., turning qwf~antinomial [two lives 1: qwf~on~up 2: and~]qwf~off~down
Planck's clock, via
cowithihn Iht
Doug 25,29Feb2016.
9 |
Ayn~Waw~Mem~Qof |
( |
[{E}Omeq: |
..."in the depths;" |
in the depths' existential
lightings fecundating existential biosphereings via cosmic vital~impetus'
perpetual and ubiquitous sustenance of all livings~dyings qycloidings...] |
Suares, "The equation translated 'depth,' Ayn~Waw~Mem~Qof
(, is important as it shows that by 70, that is,
the [QED] activation of all possibilities [Sof], Mem coaffectsq
cosmic Aleph (Qof: 100) to arise. That means to say that
the 'depth' of cosmic energy has its source cowithihn
the element of indetermination acting cowithihn
the biological sphere."
Page 447 of Trilogy, SY. Some paraphrasing
by Doug.
We see ~70.6~ affecting ~40~ affecting ~100~.
Doug - 22-24Dec2015.
10 |
Raysh~Aleph~Sheen~Yod~Tav |
(200.1.300.10.400) |
[Rayshyt: |
..."archetypically supreme, divine, divinity,
..."archetypically supreme,
divine, divinity, supreme
..."archetypically supreme,
divine, divinity, supreme
..."archetypically supreme,
divine, divinity, supreme
..."archetypically supreme,
divine, divinity, supreme
quality;" |
archetypal supremity
cosmically comtaining columnar ascendant cavitationings from
vital~impetus to existence of cosmic~metabolism attempting supreme quality quantum~evolutionings in spite of cosmic
archetypal supremity cosmically comtaining columnar ascendant
cavitationings from vital~impetus to existence of cosmic~metabolism
attempting supreme
quality quantum~evolutionings
in spite of cosmic vital~impedance...]
archetypal supremity cosmically comtaining columnar ascendant
cavitationings from vital~impetus to existence of cosmic~metabolism
attempting supreme
quality quantum~evolutionings
in spite of cosmic vital~impedance...]
archetypal supremity cosmically comtaining columnar ascendant
cavitationings from vital~impetus to existence of cosmic~metabolism
attempting supreme
quality quantum~evolutionings
in spite of cosmic vital~impedance...] |
This is a simply incredible
word in Qabala!!!
We see Raysh, but it is spelled with an Aleph instead
of a Yod.
We see this word again in Proverbs
IV:7 word 1.
Recall that Shyt issi Aleph, from Genesis I:1:
When Doug wrote that Proverbs translation last May,
2015, Doug hadn't tumbled to a quantum~meme of cavitationings
as part of Autiot Gematraic ciphers. Gradually, Doug began to
eke out this remarkable quantum~phenomenon which he found subtly
cloaking itself cowithihn Qabala's
Autiot and Gematria.
So Doug's retranslation of this word here omniffers
what he did in Proverbs 6-7 months ago.
We see ~200~ affecting ~{1..10}~ of ~300~ affecting
Observe below that Doug has
now realized, belatedly, that Raysh~Sheen and Sheen~Raysh are
spiritual~cosmic cavitationings of one another. As that graph
in that link shows Raysh~Sheen (and Sheen~Shyar) are cavitational
very similar Atta.
Notice Doug's |
cosmos~ |
~spirit |
depiction. |
Doug 22-23Dec2015, 28-29Fe2016.
. . .
QCS cavitationally parses Rayshyt like this:
~{200 ~{1 300}~ ~10}~ ~400~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
Raysh~qwf~cavitationings straddle~overlapping
Aleph columnar ascendant qwf~cavitationings straddle~overlapping
Sheen~qwf~reverberationings via qwf~resonanceings in
with straddle~overlap Yod
columnar ascendant Supreme~Quality qwf~reverberationings cowithihn
quantum~vibrational energy~wellings encroachmentings
standings against all of cosmic resistanceings
resisting absolute struggle with Iht and all chanceings, chooseings,
changeings, and quantum~assessmentings cowithihn
Compare Qabala as Ehieh: tetragrammatically
to Rashi:200.1.300.10.
Too, Rashi issi an anagram of Shyar (Shiar).
In Qabala we see an ascendancy
of life.
In Rashi we see a cosmically~comtained ascendancy
of quantum~metabolism!!!
Doug 25,28Feb2016.
11 |
Vav~Ayn~Waw~Mem~Qof |
( |
[Ve'Omeq: |
..."and in the depths;" |
and in the depths'
bilateral fecund cavitationings of existential lightings fecundly
reverberating cowithihn existential biosphereings being evolved
via cosmic vital~impetus' perpetual and ubiquitous sustenance
of all livings~dyings qycloidings...] |
Suares, "The equation translated 'depth,' Ayn~Waw~Mem~Qof
(, is important as it shows that by 70, that is,
the [QED] activation of all possibilities [Sof], Mem coaffectsq
cosmic Aleph (Qof: 100) to arise. That means to say that
the 'depth' of cosmic energy has its source cowithihn
the element of indetermination acting cowithihn
the biological sphere."
Page 447 of Trilogy, SY. Some paraphrasing
by Doug.
We see ~{6..6}~ of ~70~ affecting ~40~ affecting ~100~.
Doug - 22-23Dec2015.
12 |
Aleph~Hhayt~Raysh~Yod~Tav |
( |
[Ehhareet, Ahharayeet: |
..." I
want to stand populated with you against all resistancings;" |
want to stand populated with you
against all resistancings via colunar ascendant cavitationings
of spiritual unlimited possibilitying cosmically comtained reverberating
existence encountering cosmic vital~impedance...] |
We see ~{1...10}~ of ~8.200~ affecting ~400~.
. . .
QCS cavitationally parses Ahharayeet like this:
~{1 ~8.200 ~10}~ ~400~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
via columnar Atta~vital~impetus~metabolic qwf~cavitationings
I want to stand
populated with you as
pneumatic quantum~breath cowithihn
cosmic protection~support of
all resistanceings by columnar Atta~existential~metabolic qwf~reverberationings
quantum~vibrational energy~wellings encroachmentings
standings against
all of cosmic resistanceings
resisting absolute struggle with Iht and all chanceings,
chooseings, changeings,Äô quantum~assessmentings cowithihn Iht
Doug 25,28Feb2016.
13 |
Ayn~Waw~Mem~Qof |
( |
[{E}Omeq: |
..."in the depths;" |
in the depths' existential
lightings fecundating existential biosphereings via cosmic vital~impetus'
perpetual and ubiquitous sustenance of all livings~dyings qycloidings...] |
Suares, "The equation
translated 'depth,' Ayn~Waw~Mem~Qof (, is important
as it shows that by 70, that is, the [QED] activation of all
possibilities [Sof], Mem coaffectsq cosmic Aleph (Qof:
100) to arise. That means to say that the 'depth' of cosmic energy
has its source cowithihn the element
of indetermination acting cowithihn
the biological sphere."
Page 447 of Trilogy, SY. Some paraphrasing
by Doug.
We see ~70.6~ affecting ~40~ affecting ~100~.
Doug - 22-24Dec2015.
14 |
Tayt~Waw~Vayt |
(9.6.2) |
[Tov: |
..."experiencing quality;" |
experiencing quality
as cellular structurationings fecundating our somas...] |
15 |
Vav~Ayn~Waw~Mem~Qof |
( |
[Ve'Omeq: |
..."and in the depths;" |
and in the depths'
bilateral fecund cavitationings of existential lightings fecundly
reverberating cowithihn existential biosphereings being evolved
via cosmic vital~impetus' perpetual and ubiquitous sustenance
of all livings~dyings qycloidings...] |
Suares, "The equation translated 'depth,' Ayn~Waw~Mem~Qof
(, is important as it shows that by 70, that is,
the [QED] activation of all possibilities [Sof], Mem coaffectsq
cosmic Aleph (Qof: 100) to arise. That means to say that
the 'depth' of cosmic energy has its source cowithihn
the element of indetermination acting cowithihn
the biological sphere."
Page 447 of Trilogy, SY. Some paraphrasing
by Doug.
We see ~{6..6}~ of ~70~ affecting ~40~ affecting ~100~.
Doug - 22-23Dec2015.
16 |
Raysh~Ayn |
(200.70) |
[Raa: |
..."experiencing evil;" |
experiencing evil
as cosmically comtained existential enlightenmentings...] |
17 |
Ayn~Waw~Mem~Qof |
( |
[{E}Omeq: |
..."in the depths;" |
in the depths' existential
lightings fecundating existential biosphereings via cosmic vital~impetus'
perpetual and ubiquitous sustenance of all livings~dyings qycloidings...] |
Suares, "The equation translated 'depth,' Ayn~Waw~Mem~Qof
(, is important as it shows that by 70, that is,
the [QED] activation of all possibilities [Sof], Mem coaffectsq
cosmic Aleph (Qof: 100) to arise. That means to say that
the 'depth' of cosmic energy has its source cowithihn
the element of indetermination acting cowithihn
the biological sphere."
Page 447 of Trilogy, SY. Some paraphrasing
by Doug.
We see ~70.6~ affecting ~40~ affecting ~100~.
Doug - 22-24Dec2015.
18 |
Raysh~Waw~finalMem |
(200.6.600) |
[Roum, Ram: |
..."experiencing lofty rank, here it means
simply heavenly
above;" |
above as cosmically
comtained fecunditying cowithihn cosmic biosphereings isoenergyings...] |
See Maroum.
. . .
QCS cavitationally parses Ram like this:
~200~ ~{6 ~600}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
above quantum~assessmentings
abundant exalted ascendant qwf~cavitationings of while
resonating exalted ascendant qwf~reverberationings upon and
cowithihn Iht
Doug 25,28Feb2016.
19 |
Vav~Ayn~Waw~Mem~Qof |
( |
[Ve'Omeq: |
..."and in the depths;" |
and in the depths'
bilateral fecund cavitationings of existential lightings fecundly
reverberating cowithihn existential biosphereings being evolved
via cosmic vital~impetus' perpetual and ubiquitous sustenance
of all livings~dyings qycloidings...] |
Suares, "The equation translated 'depth,' Ayn~Waw~Mem~Qof
(, is important as it shows that by 70, that is,
the [QED] activation of all possibilities [Sof], Mem coaffectsq
cosmic Aleph (Qof: 100) to arise. That means to say that
the 'depth' of cosmic energy has its source cowithihn
the element of indetermination acting cowithihn
the biological sphere."
Page 447 of Trilogy, SY. Some paraphrasing
by Doug.We see ~{6..6}~ of ~70~ affecting ~40~ affecting ~100~.
Doug - 22-23Dec2015.
20 |
Tav~Hhayt~Tav |
(400.8.400) |
[Tahhat: |
..."under, beneath,
below;" |
below as bilateral
cavitationings of cosmic vital~impedancings of spiritual unlimited
possibilityings reverberating cosmic vital~impedancings...] |
We see ~{400..400}~ of ~8~.
. . .
QCS cavitationally parses Tahhat like this:
~{400 ~8 400~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
bilateral highly comstrained qwf~tuneings and quantum~adaptive
qwf~retuneings via qwf~cavitationings below
bilaterally~comstrained qwf~tuneings and quantum~adaptive
qwf~retuneings underneath
and via qwf~reverberationings cowithihn
hologrally cowithihn
Doug - 25Feb2016.
21 |
Ayn~Waw~Mem~Qof |
( |
[{E}Omeq: |
..."in the depths;" |
in the depths' existential
lightings fecundating existential biosphereings via cosmic vital~impetus'
perpetual and ubiquitous sustenance of all livings~dyings qycloidings...] |
Suares, "The equation translated 'depth,' Ayn~Waw~Mem~Qof
(, is important as it shows that by 70, that is,
the [QED] activation of all possibilities [Sof], Mem coaffectsq
cosmic Aleph (Qof: 100) to arise. That means to say that
the 'depth' of cosmic energy has its source cowithihn
the element of indetermination acting cowithihn
the biological sphere."
Page 447 of Trilogy, SY. Some paraphrasing
by Doug.
We see ~70.6~ affecting ~40~ affecting ~100~.
Doug - 22-24Dec2015.
22 |
Mem~Zayn~Raysh~Hhayt |
( |
[Mezerahh: |
..."in the east;" |
in the east as existential
biosphereings unlimited potentia cosmically comtaining spiritual
unlimited possibilityings...] |
23 |
Vav~Ayn~Waw~Mem~Qof |
( |
[Ve'Omeq: |
..."and in the depths;" |
and in the depths'
bilateral fecund cavitationings of existential lightings fecundly
reverberating cowithihn existential biosphereings being evolved
via cosmic vital~impetus' perpetual and ubiquitous sustenance
of all livings~dyings qycloidings...] |
Suares, "The equation translated 'depth,' Ayn~Waw~Mem~Qof
(, is important as it shows that by 70, that is,
the [QED] activation of all possibilities [Sof], Mem coaffectsq
cosmic Aleph (Qof: 100) to arise. That means to say that
the 'depth' of cosmic energy has its source cowithihn
the element of indetermination acting cowithihn
the biological sphere."
Page 447 of Trilogy, SY. Some paraphrasing
by Doug.
We see ~{6..6}~ of ~70~ affecting ~40~ affecting ~100~.
Doug - 22-23Dec2015.
24 |
Mem~Ayn~Raysh~Vayt |
( |
[Marav: |
..."in the west;" |
in the west as existential
biosphereings QED
enlightenmentings cosmically comtained cowithihn all soma...] |
25 |
Ayn~Waw~Mem~Qof |
( |
[{E}Omeq: |
..."in the depths;" |
in the depths' existential
lightings fecundating existential biosphereings via cosmic vital~impetus'
perpetual and ubiquitous sustenance of all livings~dyings qycloidings...] |
Suares, "The equation translated 'depth,' Ayn~Waw~Mem~Qof
(, is important as it shows that by 70, that is,
the [QED] activation of all possibilities [Sof], Mem coaffectsq
cosmic Aleph (Qof: 100) to arise. That means to say that
the 'depth' of cosmic energy has its source cowithihn
the element of indetermination acting cowithihn
the biological sphere."
Page 447 of Trilogy, SY. Some paraphrasing
by Doug.
We see ~70.6~ affecting ~40~ affecting ~100~.
Doug - 22-24Dec2015.
26 |
Tsadde~Phay~Waw~finalNoun |
( |
[Tsefon: |
..."in the north;" |
.in the north as
existential structurationings unlimited existential possibilityings
fecundating their cosmic life principles quantizationings of
their PUFings..] |
27 |
Vav~Ayn~Waw~Mem~Qof |
( |
[Ve'Omeq: |
..."and in
the depths;" |
and in the depths' bilateral fecund cavitationings of existential
lightings fecundly reverberating cowithihn existential biosphereings being evolved
via cosmic vital~impetus' perpetual and ubiquitous sustenance
of all livings~dyings qycloidings...] |
Suares, "The equation translated 'depth,' Ayn~Waw~Mem~Qof
(, is important as it shows that by 70, that is,
the [QED] activation of all possibilities [Sof], Mem coaffectsq
cosmic Aleph (Qof: 100) to arise. That means to say that
the 'depth' of cosmic energy has its source cowithihn
the element of indetermination acting cowithihn
the biological sphere."
Page 447 of Trilogy, SY. Some paraphrasing
by Doug.
We see ~{6..6}~ of ~70~ affecting ~40~ affecting ~100~.
Doug - 22-23Dec2015.
. . .
QCS cavitationally parses Ve'Omeq like this:
~{6 ~70 6.}~ ~40.100~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
the depths of bilateral enlightened populated qwf~cavitationings
light and its qwf~antinomial qwf~qycloidal Yom~Layla evolutionings,
mutationings, transmutationings in
the depths of bilateral enlightened populated qwf~reverberationings
abundant qwf~vibrationings
the depths and straddleing
~cosmic~vital~impetusings~ destroying~all~carving~out~all ~illusions~via~perpetual~Atta~qycloidings~enabling~existential~transmutationing~evolutionings
sempiternally evolveing noveltyings
cowithihn Iht
Doug - 25Feb2016.
28 |
Dallet~Raysh~Yod~finalMem |
( |
[Darim: |
..."in the south;" |
in the south as gatewayveings
resisting cosmic comtainmentings of existence cosmically biosphered...] |
Rim ihn Darim
takes us back to Sepher
Yetsira I Verse 1 Word 33. |
29 |
Aleph~Dallet~Waw~finalNoun |
( |
[Adon: |
..."Adon;" |
Adon eternal vital~impetus
pummeling~hammering gatewayveing~resistancings via fecundating
their cosmic life principles quantizationings of their PUFings..] |
We see ~1~ affecting ~4~ affecting ~6~ affecting ~700~.
Doug inappropriately used 600. He should have used
700. There issi n¤ cavitationing here.
Doug - 17Jan2016.
30 |
Yod~Hhayt~Yod~Dallet |
( |
[Yahhid, YakYid: |
individual by
individual spiritual sui generis;" |
Yahhid eternal bilateral
cavitationings of existence reverberating unique individual sui generis spiritual unlimited possibilityings cowithihn existence
opening and closing many gatewayveings...] |
We see ~{10..10}~ of ~8~ affecting ~4~.
This might also be pronounced ,"YahhYid."
(~YakYid) For example, YahWeh issi Yahhid!
YahWeh issi ,"...unique
individual sui generis
spiritual unlimited possibilityings...,"
Autiot tetragramations like this often have an nearly
unbounded lex~hologral array of other~tetragrammatic semantic
Doug 23Dec2015, 28Feb2016.
. . .
QCS cavitationally parses Yahhid like this:
~{10 ~8 10}~ ~4~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
existential self's eternal "qwf~evolveings Aleph
ihn blood" [Ben Adam] unique
spiritual~sui~generis child, [one's] qwfal divine~madness
qwfal~[iso]coherent O[o]ne issi only unique spiritual~sui~generis
bilateral unit~populated self's one unique spiritual~sui~generis
child qwf~cavitationings
bilateral unit~populated self's one unique spiritual~sui~generis
child qwf~reverberationings cowithihn
qwf~spontaneously~vicissitudinally opening and closing
via archetypal resistanceings of its gatewayveings through existence
both ihnto and cowithihn
Obtain that those qwf~interrelationshipings are, rqcs,
radically~quantum~comtext~sensitive to Yahhid. In any other word
or root semantic comtext those interrelationshipings might (usually
would) evolve accordingly.
For example 10.8.10 edited to 10.8.9 would change
both 10.8 and 8.9 interrelationshipings from what Doug shows
above. All Aut are like that, rqcs! All quantum wayveings are
like that!
Another way to say that issi that all Aut pairwise
interrelationshipings are sui generis relative qwf~comtextings.
They change~evolve their signatures
with varying comtextings. Formal mechanics disallowed here!
Doug - 28Feb2016.
31 |
Aleph~Lammed |
(1.30) |
[El: |
..."him;" |
existential 'Iht'
(demiurge pretending to be Mother
as earthly 'father') as vital~impetus
existential metabolism...] |
32 |
Mem~Lammed~finalKhaf |
(40.30.500) |
[Melak: |
..."eternal;" |
eternal existential
biosphereings metabolizing via cosmic grailings of isoflux' energyings...] |
33 |
Noun~Aleph~Mem~finalNoun |
( |
[Ne'Eman: |
..."Rather, you are our trusted divine Mother of all;" |
Rather, youq are
our trusted divine Mother
both existentially~
and cosmically~quantized
emphasizing Y¤ur divine lifeq
of freedomq, uncertaintyq, and peaceq...] |
Doug borrowed this word's
translation from his earlier work on SY
VI:3 word 38.
Doug sees this as ~{50.700}~ of ~1.40~.
Em, Mother as "two lives," as 'two Mothers.'
(Ihn SY VI's radically quantum sensitive
comtextings, i.e., Chaldaæn quanton(Mother,mother).)
Mother issi being both existentially~ and
cosmically~quantized emphasizing Hær divine lifeq
principlesq of freedomq, uncertaintyq,
and peaceq.
Parental femininity?
What this word of this fifth verse of chapter I of
Sepher Yetsira shows Doug issi that Chaldæan Mother issi
quintessentially Iht declared
ad occulos, yet lucidly cowithihn
first Sepher Yetsira
chapter I Verse 1 Epilogue.
This issi simply immense
in scope and affectation on biblical history and needed
revisionings of modern spiritual thought.
Doug - 4,24Dec2015.
34 |
Mem~Waw~Sheen~Lammed |
(40.6.300.30) |
[Moshel: |
..."with Hær
as ruler, as governer;" |
with Hær as our ultimate spirit guiding
our existential biosphereings fecundationings of our columnar
descending cavitationings of cosmic metabolism reverberating
our existential metabolisms...] |
We see ~40.6~ affecting ~{300.30}~. |
35 |
Bayt~Khaf~Waw~Lammed~finalMem |
( |
[Ba'Kolem: |
..."with Hær
mature wisdom;" |
with Hær cowithihn us offering our columnar ascending cavitating
somas mature
wisdom of existential
reverberating grailings columnarly ascendantly cavitating fecundity
of our existential metabolisms reverberating cowithihn cosmic
biosphereings....] |
Kol issi root here.
We see ~{2.20}~ affecting ~{6..600}~ of ~30~.
Doug - 23Dec2015.
. . .
QCS cavitationally parses Ba'Kolem like this:
~{2 ~20}~ ~{6 ~30 600}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
ascendant naked cavitationings of thought,Äôs
with Hær
cowithihn us offering our naked~columnar
ascending qwf~cavitationings somas mature wisdom of existential
qwf~reverberating grailings naked~columnarly ascendantly juxtaposeings~co~cavitationings
exalted ascendant qwf~cavitationings fertilizing our
of and modulating our indeterminate qwf~uncertain
organic qwf~movementings and qwf~restings cowithihn
exalted ascendant qwf~reverberationings
achieveings wisdom
and lofty rankings cowithihn Iht
Doug 25.28Feb2016.
36 |
Mem~Mem~Ayn~Waw~finalNoun |
( |
[Memoun: |
Hær abode;" |
cowithihn Hær abode divinely~self~recursively cavitating
existential biosphereings' columnarly ascending cavitationings
of our existential lightings reverberating cosmic quantizationings
FUPings of our fecundityings...] |
Compare Maroum as "cowithihn
heaven." See SY
I:1 word 26.
We see ~{40.40}~ affecting ~{70..700}~ of ~6~.
Doug - 23Dec2015.
. . .
QCS cavitationally parses Memoun like this:
~{40 40}~ ~{70 ~6. 700}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
waters bilateral naked cavitationings while cowithihn resonant waters qwf~tunnelings~superposeings~refractionings~reflectionings
qwf~vibrationally cowithihn
one's divine fermionic
abode fractally~recurseing
self while affecting~quantumly~assessing
qwf~lightings's coherent~autonomous logos~account
as ascendant columnar qwf~cavitationings of
whose fertile abundance of ascendant columnar qwf~reverberationings
are cowithihn
co~vibrating quantum~straddleing
existential and cosmic energy~wellings of lightings cowithihn Iht
Doug 25,28Feb2016.
37 |
Qof~Dallet~Sheen~Waw |
(100.4.300.6) |
[Qodasho: |
..."holy, cowithihn
Hær;" |
holy, cowithihn Hær, cosmic vital~impetus perpetuating ubiquitously
all living~dying cycle (qycles) via gatewayveings of fecund cosmic
metabolism holy, cowithihn Hær...] |
38 |
Vav~Ayn~Dallet |
(6.70.4) |
[Ve'Aad: |
..."and for Hær
eternity;" |
and for Hær eternity Hær fecund
quantum~electro~fluxic lightings perpetually gatewayveing day
and night...] |
39 |
Ayn~Dallet~Yod |
(70.4.10) |
[Aadi: |
..."of Hær
eternities;" |
of Hær eternity Hær quantum~electro~fluxic
lightings perpetually gatewayveing existencings...] |
40 |
Ayn~Dallet |
(70.4) |
[Aad: |
..."for Hær
ever more, immemorial;" |
for Hær eternity Hær quantum~electro~fluxic
lightings perpetually gatewayveings...] |
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