
Doug's Translation
Sepher Yetsira I
Verse 6
Mimicking Carlo Suares'
Thermodynamic Qabala

Regarding Sepher Yetsira I:6:

Doug is following Carlo Suares' teaching here.

Suares, unlike most academic 'scholars' did not hide these fluxo~dynamic of Qabalic Autiot and Gematria...

...quantum aspects of Sepher Yetsira from their readers.

Rather than deceive us, Suares does his best to help us fathom Qabalic depths of Qabala, its Autiot, its Gematria, its Sepher Yetsira, its Sefirot. (He isn't a fan of Gnosis, which is challenging to understand, at least for Doug. He does admit that Abraham was a Chaldaean Gnostic. Doug has not seen him admit that Jesus was an Essene Gnostic (ref. Pagels' Johannine Gospel in Gnostic Exegesis.).

Doug's greatest omnifficulty in all of this: Doug was not born and raised a Jew. Doug is unfamiliar with Jewish traditions. Suares helps with this somewhat, too in Sepher Yetsira. He provides comtextings and uncovers Qabalic esoterica, especially quantum~alchemical and ~astrological aspects (E.g., in chapter VI, Suares shows how Abraham's Qabala refers "flow of flux." Doug assumes hologral quantum~fluxings and their quantum~two~lives~antinomial~complementary metabolismsq. Doug is unsureq whether Qabalic esoterica issi exegetically available elsewhere in addition to Suares' opus and his quantum~hologral sensibilities. In that regard Doug believesq Suares is somewhat unique. Doug relies on Suares except in issues of Gnosis. I have found several partial explications of his dislike of Gnosis sparsely available in his opus. I think Suares is a theological monist (classical, quantum...?). But Gnosis shows us that monismc is deceit. Doug believes latter, n¤t Suares' apparent, perhaps classical, monism. All else of Suares' opus (excepting circumcision) Doug abides as well as he can, keeping in mind that there are many classes of monism including both classical (EEMD formal mechanisms) and quantum (coherent hologral EIMAings).

Doug shows, for each Verse and word of Chapter VI of Sepher Yetsira, each word spelled~out left to right in Autiot fractal~recursive cipher. Then, in parentheses, Doug shows said cipher's qwf Gematria. Following that Doug shows in brackets: pronunciation (sometimes a guess, sometimes from Suares, sometimes from Webster's), [ellipsis] thence literal scholars' translation in double quotes (which Doug sometimes substitutes his own...), thence Doug's semantic Value~interpretation~heuristic~hermeneutic in Apple Chancery font [ellipsis].

Like this: Aut~Aut~Aut~ (ordinal qwf gematria, e.g., [pronunciation (sometimes a guess): ..."literal translation (from Suares' Sepher Yetsira)" Doug's Suaresesque semantic Value interpretation
. Doug's illeism is Doug taking artistic~interpretive~heuristic responsibility for his semantic opus.

Under all of that Doug shows a net translation of that whole Verse in plain text with some alterations to Apple Chancery texts.

To do this, we need a legend of Autiot and their Gematria. Let's use Suares' Letter~Numbers as our reference:

Table of Autiot's 27 Letters in Three Rows of Nine
Transcribed from Carlo Suares' Cipher of Sepher Yetsira
Doug Renselle

Sepher Yetsira I:1

Sepher Yetsira I:2

Sepher Yetsira I:3

Sepher Yetsira I:4

Sepher Yetsira I:5

Sepher Yetsira I:6

Sepher Yetsira VI:7

 Sepher Yetsira I:8

Sepher Yetsira I:9

Sepher Yetsira I:10

Sepher Yetsira I:11

Sepher Yetsira I:12

Sepher Yetsira I:13

Sepher Yetsira I:14

©Quantonics, Inc., 2015-2034

Retranslation of Sepher Yetsira I:6

Doug's retranslation of SY:I verse 6 isn't much like Suares' own translation.

Doug fathoms that Suares used mostly Hebraic idiom (n¤t quantum~fluxodynamics) to do his retranslation.

He too had some omnifficulties dealing with one word, "Mischthhavim (carouse, much qwf~thermofluxic activity in this word...)."
Its closest approximation issi issi Mischteh (banquet, feast).

Take that into account as you read below.

This issi most omnifficult SY verse translation Doug has encountered so far.

Doug - 2-3Feb2016.

. . .


Sepher Yetsira I Letter~Text Spelled Out


(some guesses)

Suares Idiom
(some altered by Doug)

Doug's Suaresian Qabalic Translation




[A[a]ser, O[o]ser:

..."For all ten, 10 ;"

For all ten sephirot whose focused cosmic~metabolic light issi cosmically comtained ...]

Compare Ayn~Sheen~Raysh (10 diffuse sephirot)

and Aleph~Sheen~Raysh (witness)

and Ayn~Waw~Raysh (life~energy).

Aser appears twice in this verse.

Doug - 21,25Nov,19Dec2015.




..."spheres of emanation in tree of life;"

spheres of emanation feminine fecundity issi cavitating unlimited existential possibilityings cowithihn existence cosmically comtained reverberating masculine fecundity perpetually attempting to evolutionarily~overcome cosmic vital~impedance...]

We see ~{60...6}~ of ~80.10.200~ affecting ~400~.

In Hebrew canonized, which issi n¤t Abraham's Autiot, that extra Yod issi absent.

Suares writes about that missing Yod.

What does QCD describe?

Quintessentially TBCS ihnto UD.

A cascade of thermodynamic energyings from Top quark to Bottom quark to Charmed quark to Strange quark to Up quark and Down quark.

TBCS issi an energy declension from n¤nactuality's face into UD which are the Yod comstituents of atomic nuclei.

Suares calls that, quantumly paraphrased, a "reduction of potential energyings shepherded ihnto differentiationings relative to existence actually experienced."

He asks us to compare Sepherim (many books) and Sephirot (tree~elan of many emanations, a tree of vital~energyings). First issi masculine plural, second issi feminine plural. Look at that columnar cavitationing energy declension ~{60...6}~.

That declension, to Doug, makes Abraham's Chaldæan Gnostic feminine Godhead apparent. QCD makes feminine Godhead apparent:


Now do you understand why Templars revered Magdalene above 'the christ?'

It shows a declension from higher feminine.60 fecundular~energyings to much lower masculine.6 fecundular~energyings: QCD!!!

Doug's intuition issi that Sepherim issi books, but Sephirot issi tree of emanationings. But that word Sephirot issi n¤t ihn Webster's Hebrew dictionary.

Doug - 19Dec2015.




..."without what?;"

without somatic existential metabolism what can be existentially biosphering life, engendering life?...]

This word 3 composes schemata 'Beli~mah.'

Suares asks us to compare Elohim and Belimah.

Elohim: Aleph~Lammed - Hay~Yod~finalMem
Belimah:  Bayt~Lammed - Yod~Mem~Hay


Elohim:  1.30 - 5.10.600
Belimah: 2.30 - 10.40.5


Elohim:  Aleph.30 - 5.10.600
Belimah:   Bayt.30 - 10.40.5

Observe that 'him' issi an anagram of 'imah.'

Fathom that El issi a suffix of Bel.

Ponder that and why? Elo's Waw issi n¤t spelled~out!

Recall that 'the name' issi ~Aleph~Bayt~ and it apparently appears as at least 32 variationings.

Beli-Mah issi ihn, according Suares, Abraham's Autiot, but was lost to the canonized Hebrew in terms of its esoteric thermodynamic suggestion.

Briefly, we see Beli-Mah (Bayt haploid~nymic) somatically supporting (Aleph haploid~nymic).

These two kinds (names, partialsq) of lifeq, psychic~hylic (Beli-Mah~Bayt) and pneumatic (Elohim~Aleph) together are required for existential lifeq itself to eist.

Suares summarizes regarding two roles of Mem:

"In these [schema representing two omniffering flows of energyings] the inversion of [Mem and finalMem] their finals is most remarkable: Hay~Yod~finalMem for Elohim (name one) and Yod~Mem~Hay for Beli-Mah (name two).

In one life confers existence on Mem [him: Hay~Yod~Mem];
in two, existence of Mem engenders life [imah: Yod~Mem~Hay]."

Paraphrased by Doug with brackets and parentheses and a 'x' gif. See p. 445 of Trilogy, Sepher Yetsira.

Doug - 19-20Dec2015.

Doug - 22Feb2016:

Just above, in life one, we can see Hay conferring Yod on Mem.

Similarly, in life two, we see Yod of Mem engendering Hay.

We are k~now~ings those are both fluxodynamic qwf~equations in Autiot.

So what issi a qwf~metaphor of Hay? Let's try bosons. That assumption suggests that Hay issi coherent qwf~energyings. We see life assa immaterial quantum~phenomena.

Thence what are qwf~metaphors of Yod and Mem? Let's try fermions. That assumption suggests Yod and Mem are decoherent qwf~energyings. We see biosphered~existence as material quantum~phenomena.

Now view metabolism assa ~{quantons(scin,quan)}~.

Compare metabolism assa ~{quantons(bosons,fermions)}~. One exemplar issi QED.

Now let's make all that Song of Songs Alt explicit.

~Aleph~ ~{quantons(scin,quan)}~ ~T[h]av~, and

~Aleph~ ~{quantons(bosons,fermions)}~ ~T[h]av~.

~Aleph~ ~{quantons(Hay,quantons(Mem,Yod))}~ ~T[h]av~.

Qabala's metabolic~fluxodynamics aperio!

Doug - 22Feb2016.




..."their apparition, their aspect...was in the north;"

their apparition, their aspect...was in the north, they saw existence' emerqancyings' unlimited possibilityings divinely cavitating relentlessly against seemingly insuperable resistance, however life's cosmic principle encouraged them to overcome

See Tsefon in SY chapter I verse 5: ~Tsadde~Phay~Waw~finalNoun~


It means in idiom, "in the north."

Compare Tsafeetan: ~Tsadde~Phay~Yod~Yod~Tav~finalNoun~



So what issi ~10.10.400~?

Compare Ha'Yeeti from Proverbs IV verse 3 word 3: ~Hay~Yod~Yod~Tav~Yod~


It means in idiom, "I was."

Also see SoS VIII:10 word 6, Ha'Iyti (Ha'Eeti): ~

. . .

Per QCS™:

Tsafeetan issi

~90.80~ ~{10 10}~ ~400.700~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~.

Doug - 2Feb2016.




..."as lighting, as vision of their lighting ;"

so as vision of their lighting they channeled, they grailed biospheric existence cosmically comtaining vital~impetus cowithihn all life

See Le'Merah in Genesis II:9 word 11: ~Lammed~Mem~Raysh~Aleph~Hay~


It means in idiom, "to sight."

Compare Kamerah to Camera.

Compare 'legal' phrase, "In camera."

Fathom 'dialectical judgment of "rule of law".'

How can one judgec dialectically, "Ihn Quantum Lightings™?"


Doug - 2-3Feb2016.




..."hold aim;"

and their lives archetypically held their aim at their unlimited potentia and their cosmic~vital~impetus advocate

Hahhzeeq: ~ means in idiom, "hold on."

Doug, mixing Suares with that assumes Habzaq (Habzeeq) means, roughly in idiom, "hold aim."

Doug - 2Feb2016.




..."[since there issi n¤ end to] their mature wisdom struggle fathoming cosmic principle[s] of life;"

they realized their struggle never ends and that insuperable resistance tries to impede their grailing of metabolic existence over and over and over, relentlessly, but they are always backed by lifeq principleings of cosmic quantizationings of all

Per QCS™:

~6 ~{400 ~20.30.10~ 400}~ ~700~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~6 ~{400 ~wisdomq of maturity~ 400}~ ~700~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Roughly, Ve'Takoliton.

Compare Et-Kol-Yaroq Genesis I:30 word 11:

~Aleph~Tav - Kaf~Lammed - Yod~Raysh~Qof~

~1.400 - 20.30 - 10.200.100~

So what issi "Ta'Kol?" (Kol link issi to 'Dodi')

Roughly Ta'Kol means "maturity as impedance (i.e., impeded~struggle) with gaining wisdom."

Doug - 1-3Feb2016.




..."they see there is no;"

They see wisely, maturely as light spirit's vital impetus cosmically~quantizing peace, uncertainty, and freedoms of...]

. . .

See other translations of Ayn here.

Doug - 27Nov2015.

With finalNoun we see maturation of quantization of Hær PUFings.

Obtain, too, how Ayn ciphered issi Ayn~Yod~finalNoun.

Compare Bayt~Noun assa evolutioningsq of somaq.

Do that with Ayn, assa evolutioningsq of existentialq lightingsq, QED!!!

Doug - 13Nov2015.

. . .

One interpretation of Ayn as "lightings" issi "There is not."

This is incredibly esoteric. Hylically it seems an significate of " 'not' exists."

Pneumatically Doug has cosmic~faith that hermeneutic of Ayn issi Heraclitean like this, "Nature likes to hide," and for Doug that is a direct tellq that Iht hides cowithihn isofluxq which explains Doug's usage of ~{~{iso1000}~}~ in his QCS™ application.

Another interpretation of Ayn is "general equation of all multiversingsq."

Doug agrees enthymemetically. Ayn's essence re qwfings issi QED quantons(scin,quan).

When we thinkq of our sensory bandwidths, both human and 'scientifically' extended, we may fathom that sensing (omnitoringq) reality issi, in a way, a general, however enthymemetic, equation of realityq. Again, though, we must worry. Issi sensing enough? What about assessmentings of what we 'think' we are seeings? Can we assess reality dialectically and expect good, high Quality, results? Would our livesq and our world improve were we to doq our dueq as quantum~assessmentings?

Doug - 3Feb2016.





their sense of agreement metabolic life adhering cosmic~quantizationings' life principleings that

Hen issi "yes."




..."not one, iota, not one jot "

they might assume that not one iota of cosmic vital~impetus in emerqant existence




..."of sayings of...;"

combined with all those who are communally sayings, gatewayveings their somatic views of cosmic comtainmentings

Per QCS™:

~{6 ~4~ ~{2 ~200}~ 6~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~.

~{6 ~sayings~ 6~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~.

1-2Feb2016 - Doug.




..."yes, but do not living cosmic evolutionings;"

yes, but do not living cosmic evolutionings somatic lives adhere cosmic life principleings?

From Qabala we are k~now~ings Ben (2.700) issi "cosmic evolution," so Be'Han (2.5.700) may be viewed as "living cosmic evolution."

Doug - 1Feb2016.




..."create a testament, a flourish, a symbol of vital~impetus in all without;"

and do they not create a testament, a flourish, a symbol of vital~impetus in all comtainmentings in emerqant existence full of vital~impetus, and do so without

Per QCS™:

~{2 ~200}~ ~90.6.1~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~.

We see a cavitationings loop of ~{Vara}~, possibly ~{Bara}~ which issi a quantum~metabolic loop of qwf~creationings.

Notice that Tsadde~Waw~Aleph mirrored issi Aleph~Waw~Tsadde.

Compare Aleph~Waw~Tav: Aut.

If we read this hylically (fun-dumb-mentally, literally) we grasp, "and earth's fecund vitality is apparent..." I think our author may have intended that as a way of saying, "earth issi a testament, a symbol of fecund~vicissitudinal imperative~spontaneity."

Observe that you may see both Erts and Ertz. Tsadde issi sometimes idiomatically viewed~heard~said as 'Tz.'

Doug - 1-3Feb2016.




..."end, and uncertainty of what aim?;"

end, yet with somatic fecund metabolicq uncertainty with metabolicq indetermination of what aim their

Doug issi taking Sov as Sof.

Doug - 2Feb2016.




..."metabolizing utterances of words;"

metabolizing utterances of words, words filled with vital~impetus fecundly, cavitationally biosphered and cosmically plenumed

Per QCS™:

~{6 ~30 ~{40 ~1 40}~ ~200 6~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~.

We see compound overlapping and nested cavitationings.

Perhaps most interesting to Doug issi ~{40 ~1 40}~.

Vital~impetus issi having a ball prancing cavitationally among existential biosphereings!

Waters are cowithihn Aleph and Aleph issi cowithihn waters. Very Tao! Very Atta!

Doug's idiom here, "metabolizing utterances of words," issi an linguistic exemplar of w¤rds as quantum~wave~functionings. Quantum w¤rds are, indeed, metabolicq! They are aliveq, they evolveq, they are rqcs among countless other radicals.

Doug - 1-3Feb2016.




..."has no end?;"

have no end of grailing declensions of feminine fecundityings ihnto degenerate masculinities unlimited life possibilityings

Per QCS™:

~20~ ~{60 ~6}~ ~80.5~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~.

~20~ ~Sof~ ~5~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~.

Cavitationings here show columnar declensionings from feminine to masculine. This issi sort of like Jung's animus giving in to Jung's anima.

~20~ issi qwf~grailings of that cavitationings.

~80.5~ offers unlimited possiblityings cowithihn existenceings for all life. Doug views this in terms of omniploidal hermaphrodicityings.

Again we see a strong hint of Sof. We must learnq to viewq and fathomq every Aut, every quanton as radically self~other quantonically antinomial~complementary: essence of all waveq fluxq!

Doug - 1-3Feb2016.




..."and dictates to all unlimited possibilityings of;"

those degenerates who dictate to all existence cosmically comtained and gatewayveings unlimited possibilityings of cavitationally fecund masculinityings

Per QCS™:

~10.200.4 ~{6 ~80 6~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~10~ ~Rado~ ~80.6~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Compare Ve'Rado in Genesis I:26 word 7.

Doug - 2-3Feb2016.



[Ve'Le'Phani, Ve'Leefney:

..."and before face of all individualism;"

while before and for all individuals to see metabolism's unlimited possibilityings quantizing all existence, all individuals

Per QCS™:

~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~6~ ~before face of all individualism~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~6~ ~before, i.e., for all individuals to see~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Compare Leefney in Proverbs IV:3 word 7.

Doug - 2-3Feb2016.




..."grailing your spirit made fecundly;"

whose spiritually feminine essenceq made by beingq, by existentially grailing your vital~impetus cowithihn cavitating hermaphroditic placental fecundityings...]

Columnar descending populated cavitationing ~{60..6}~ of ~1~.

Obtain: this issi a powerful allegory of A~Dam: Aleph cowithihn blood! Quintessentially what kingq means!

We see (indirectly) Aleph cowithihn blood: spirit fecundly, hermaphroditically made~evolvedq cowithihn blood.

Doug - 26,28,30Nov2015.




..."them, they;"






carouse, their biospheres cosmically metabolizing, raping, pillaging in defiance of cosmic resistance, their spirits unilaterally fecundate existence cosmically biosphered.

Per QCS™:

~{~{40 ~300 400}~ ~8 ~{6.10.600}~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Suares asks us to pay extreme attention to how this word ends its Autiot spelling, i.e., with 'im.' That ending issi masculine plural: Yod~finalMem, "im."

Those carousers are men! Suares attempts to answer, "Are they rejoicing? Are they descending ihnto degeneration?" Indetermination reigns! Uncertainty reigns!

Why? Quantum~hologral complementaryq~metabolic~antinomialityq.

As Heraclitus wrote, "[dialecticians: those without gnosis] simply cannot understand the logos, the account."

Pondering our world today, it appears to Doug as degeneration, and borne of masculine dialectical machinationsc.

Doug - 1-3Feb2016.

©Quantonics, Inc., 2015-2034

For all ten sephirot whose focused cosmic~metabolic light issi cosmically comtained cowithihn
spheres of emanation while feminine fecundity issi cavitating unlimited existential possibilityings cowithihn existence cosmically comtained...
...reverberating masculine fecundity perpetually attempting to evolutionarily~overcome cosmic vital~impedance
without somatic existential metabolism (i.e., by denying evolutionq), what can be existentially biosphering life, engendering life?

. . .

[This issi simply astonishing, startling! Sepher Yetsira I Verse 6 issi uncloaking dialectic's "genetic defect in human reason."
Refer Pirsig's ZMM for quote (see below).
"But Doug, what do you mean?"
Dialectic formally, canonically deniesc that reality issi metabolicq.
Even more radically, cowithi
hn this l¤cal comtext dialectic mechanically denies Aleph!!! Doug - 4Feb2016.]

. . .

Their apparition, their aspect...was in the north, they saw existence' emerqancyings' unlimited possibilityings divinely cavitating...
...relentlessly against seemingly insuperable resistance, however life's cosmic principle encouraged them to overcome,
so cowithihn a vision of their enlightenings they channeled, they grailed much biospheric existence cosmically comtaining vital~impetus cowithihn all life,
and their lives archetypically held their aim at both their unlimited potentia and their cosmic~vital~impetus advocate,
and they realized their struggle never ends, and that insuperable resistance tries to impede their grailing of metabolic existence over and over and over,...
...relentlessly, but they are always backed by lifeq principleings of cosmic quantizationings of all.

They see wisely, maturely that light~spirit's vital~impetus perpetually~ubiquitously issi cosmically~quantizing peace, uncertainty, and freedoms of
their sense of agreement via metabolic life adhering cosmic~quantizationings' life principleings that
they might (choose to) assume that not one iota of cosmic vital~impetus in emerqant existence
combined with all those who are communally sayings, while gatewayveings their somatic views of cosmic comtainmentings,
"yesc," however, do not living cosmic evolutionings somatic lives adhere cosmic life principleings?

And do they not create a testament, a flourish, a symbolc of vital~impetus in all comtainmentings in emerqant existence full of vital~impetus, and do so without
end, yet with somatic fecund metabolicq uncertainty with metabolicq indetermination of what aim their
metabolizing utterances of words, words filled with vital~impetus fecundly, cavitationally biosphered and cosmically plenumed,
have no end of grailing declensions of feminine fecundityings ihnto degenerate masculinities' unlimited [dialectically sociopathic] life possibilityings,
those demiurgic degenerates who tyrannically dictate to all existence cosmically comtained and gatewayveings [dialectically sociopathic] unlimited possibilityings of cavitationally fecund masculinityings,
while before, and for all individuals to see, metabolism's unlimited possibilityings quantizing all existence, all individuals
whose spiritually feminine essenceq made by beingq, by existentially grailing their individual vital~impetus cowithihn cavitating hermaphroditic placental fecundityings,
still they carouse, their [dialectically sociopathic] biospheres cosmically metabolizing, raping, pillaging in defiance of cosmic resistance, their spirits unilaterally fecundate existence cosmically biosphered?

. . .

Doug used ellipses to break long lines.

To Doug this verse reeks of antinomialism. It appears as a tell of some hermeneutics lurking below any contemporary re translation.
Clearly, though, we cann¤t deny how it depicts an endless quantum~metabolic struggle twixt humankind and

See Doug's The System Problem! Also see Doug's Aleph~Yod~Script!

Doug - 1-4Feb2016.

Pirsig on Genetic Defect in Human 'Reason.'

"...the problem was so deep and so formidable and complex that no one really understood the gravity of what he was resolving, and so failed to understand or misunderstood what he said.

"The cause of our current social crises, he would have said, is a genetic defect within the nature of reason itself. And until this genetic defect is cleared, the crises will continue. Our current modes of rationality are not moving society forward into a better world. They are taking it further and further from that better world. Since the Renaissance these modes have worked. As long as the need for food, clothing and shelter is dominant they will continue to work. But now that for huge masses of people these needs no longer overwhelm everything else, the whole structure of reason, handed down to us from ancient times, is no longer adequate. It begins to be seen for what it really is...emotionally hollow, esthetically meaningless and spiritually empty. That, today, is where it is at, and will continue to be at for a long time to come.

"I've a vision of an angry continuing social crisis that no one really understands the depth of, let alone has solutions to."

Doug transcribed this text from Pirsig's Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance,
William Morrow Publishing, 1974 , page 117 of 412 total pages, hardbound.


Doug Renselle
Quantonics, Inc.
Suite 18 #368 1950 East Greyhound Pass
Carmel, INdiana 46033-7730

©Quantonics, Inc., 2015-2034 —Rev. 11May2016  PDR —Created: 1Feb2016  PDR
(25Feb2016 rev - Update Belimah Comcision.)
(6Mar2016 rev - Add missing '?' at end of last sentence of translation summary near page bottom.)
(11May2016 rev - Add word 16 'Kassophah' anchor.)
