Sep2001 |
How may a student of Quantonics tour our web site? Is there a road map? Jay We offer a brief approach, only simple guidance, in our How to Become a Student of Quantonics. |
Let's talk about Quantonics and what we as a community and our web site are all about. We just finished a review of Professor Emeritus Clifford Geertz' (Princeton University's Institute for Advanced Study) 2000 book titled Available Light. Geertz and Robert M. Pirsig are significantly aligned in their perspectives of reality, and we think we align both of them fairly well, too. In our review of Available Light we gave an example of a major SOM and English language problematic. We quote that portion of our review of Available Light: "...What about that English language problematic? Consider a fragment: "what happens." Note singular 'what.' Note plural 'happens.' Note an ex cathedra edict that only one "what" happens. This we call, "Classical single event determinism." Quantum reality offers n¤ single event determinism, in general. Remediation? Try fragment: "whats happen." First your word processor's spell checker will go ape since plural of "what" is n¤n-grammatical (Do you see legacy indoctrinated dogma here?). But something else happens which (we think) is good for y-our quantum think-king. You see that every act has almost innumerable and n¤n-predictable, some even imperceptible, some n¤nlocal affects. N¤t effect, rather, affects! Quantum reality is an affective reality, n¤t a classical cause-effect reality!" Classicists, whom some of us must bear, see reality as classically deterministic, classically causal-effective. One way classical, for example English, languages enforce this determinism is by using singulars exemplified in our quote. Even our word processors do it. (Blindly follow classical 'rules.') And every well-propagandized classicist does too. For them, there is only one 'right' way to do any 'thing,' especially speak grammatically correctly. Certainly, there is only one 'right' way to 'thingk,' and that is by using classical 'thing-king' methods (CTMs). We offer another supportive quote from Available Light, this one is what we call a Quantonics HotMeme, a n¤vel percept in Quantonics commencing our August, 2001 review of Thomas Kuhn's The Structure of Scientific Revolutions: |
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"Note in our example, how a classical idea of causation objectively drives out any primal awareness and thought (recall Available Light's Chapter II title: 'Thinking As a Moral Act'), where our paraphrased Pirsigean version demands them. How? "Outcomes Bs Value preconditions As" tells us that Bs have to be aware of and Value As to make choices about whats happens next. That last quantum adept sentence is a perfect rhetorical description of what quantum scientists call "measurement." "A causes B" is a classical deterministic semantic where "outcomes Bs Value preconditions As" elicits plural quantum complementary and stochastic quantum valuation memes. In general, reality is more stochastic than causal, and ideal causality is usually an apparition, even though classicists insist it is scientific 'fact.' HotMeme" Quantum think-king modes (QTMs) show us that "whats happens" next is a more quantum-realistic way of viewing reality. Let's paraphrase Pirsig again with, "outcomes Bs Value/prefer preconditions As." This is an almost perfect linguistic picture of Direct Experience, or what Bergson calls "think being directly." (~350k page) Its classical counterpart is "A causes B." Note plurals vis-à-vis singulars. Note how this classical linguistic drives out any sentient awareness commingling with reality. There is no 'Value/prefer' choice. What happens, classically next, is not in our hands. We have nothing to say or think or do about it. We call classical deterministic reality "hyperBoole." It is mental bilge! It is bull. |
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Now to distill to our point: When you visit Quantonics, your pathway through our site is quantum indefinite. Quantum uncertain. Your starting preconditions which affect(s) your quantum outcomes are quantum ensehmble stochastically indeterminate. Why? Because you make a choice: whats to do nexts. And until you make those ensehmble precondition choices no one, including yourself, "knows whats happens nexts!" You may start anywhere and from there, go anywhere. We do not want to impose upon you, classically deterministically, 'how' you traverse our site. What did we leave out of our September, 2001 QQA? Lots. An important issue is quantum animacy. Realize that while we are making our choosings quantum reality is changing very rapidly at Planck rates. While you are choosing a link, we are editing files which may affect your outcomes! Many other changes are occurring in massively parallel fashion which may or may not affect your choosings. Realize that our choosings' loci may not be classically demarcated. Classical 'measurement' concepts, and quantum measurement memes are dramatically omnifferent. See our July, 1999 QQA on this subject for more. Now, honestly, we place links on our index page near top of page which we Value most highly. Our book reviews are of immense importance, in our view. Our QQAs are of immense importance. Our analyses of William James Sidis and his simply incredible mind are of immense importance. Too, our material is non-trivial. We did not develop our Quantonics site for bubblegummers and bubblegummans. It is for people who sense that something is incomplete about current classical views of reality. It is for people whose intuitions and instincts tell them we have been sold a classical cultural 'bill of goods.' It is for people who want to develop an entirely omnifferent, unique (rather, omnique) to themselves, way of think-king about reality. What is good about any "random preconditions" start in Quantonics is that if you follow that starting page's links, you will keep hitting our most highly Valued pages. By "most highly Valued," we intend "those pages which will help you gradually learn about SOM, CR, MoQ, and quantum multiverses." Then you can compare them for yourself and decide for yourself which are better. So, Jay, there is no single, 'politically correct,' definite, certain, 'right,' way to visit Quantonics. If we offered that, then we would be jumping back in classicism's vicious loop, and its one box fits all mentality. Rather, we want to quantum leap out of SOM's EOOO box, into a larger quantum complementary BAWAM realm. That's pretty much it. Thank you for reading, Doug. To contact Quantonics write to or call: Doug Renselle |