We may choose to fathom signature as quantum~measurement. Most amazing, it has been known, at least philosophically, since Moses! If we date it to its Qabalic OT explicit as residue as song
(qwf), we may time stamp it to Verse I:1 of Song of Songs. Quantum~interpreted by Doug, "Signature of Signaturings witnesses [measures] Uncertainty as Peace." Bad guys, 'scholarly translators,' interpreted quantum~measurement as "I am that I am." But, folks, that ("I am that I am") isn't Ehieh Esher Ehieh, rather it is "Ani Esher Ani." Was that bad translation intentional? Ignorance? Institutional hegemony? Hmmm... Doug blames it on dialectic. Stuff of retarded, bivalent nous. For a real world, contemporary and practical use of what Doug is writing about here, see MickeyMan at Worldcomplex. In essence it is Poisson~Bracketing interpreted using classical dynamics on historic data. By the way, Thanks MickeyMan. Your work is extraordinary! |