Simply, when we say and write "grail" Doug, grail implies its own exegeses as (its autoexegesis as): gnosis, the logos, the account, Qabala, and Autiot usually meaning essence of reality. For example the logos AKA the account is "A Grail Exegesis of Cosmic Energy's Reality." So too then, Qabala and Autiot are "Grail Exegeses of Cosmic Energy's Reality." Understanding "What is Grail?" is an enthymeme of finding one's inner.
Doug, here, is offering a kind of "Celebration of Beth Renselle." Please accept Doug's offering in those Quantum~Lightings.
"Why, Doug?" Beth entered actuality through a quantum~grail on 5Jan1948. On 26Jul2010 she returned to n¤nactuality by passing through a quantum~grail, in a quantum~process of 'dying' complementing her entry 'living' passage.
We can illustrate that quantum~grail as a reality loop, and that is how Doug is asking you to think about quantum~reality's living~dying quantum~grail quantized and open cyclicity. Here's a graphic:
3(1 membrane comma~nospace light jesus included~middle grail's tunnel Aleph~Tav and Tav~Aleph 2)
3(1 membrane comma~nospace light jesus included~middle grail's tunnel Aleph~Tav and Tav~Aleph 2),4
3(1 membrane comma~nospace light jesus included~middle grail's tunnel Aleph~Tav and Tav~Aleph 2), either classical dialectic or quantum~complementarity
3(Mother membrane comma~nospace light jesus included~middle grail's tunnel Aleph~Tav and Tav~Aleph mother), dead-father's darkness living~Father's lightings