1 | Awareness. "Reality measures itself." (Doug) | Quantonics, et al. (Flux makes ontology-transition choices.) |
2 | Biological limb flexure | Mae-wan Ho. (Muscle cell and ATP energy coherence.) |
3 | Bosonic wobble-not Notes | Quantonics. (Boson's have rotational symmetry.) |
4 | Casimir energy | Casimir. (Casimir uncloaked isoflux.) |
5 | Chimera (Quantum partial superposition.) | See Are Chimeras
Real? (E.g., life![]() |
6 | Circularity (Classicists use it to declare some arguments "false.") | Quantonics. A quantum tell of both/and sophism. See quantum~circle. See Doug on pi. |
7 | Coherence, quantum | Most quantum references. See Recommended Reading. See quantum~coherence. |
8 | Contrarotation. (Isoflux, fermionic wobble cancelation, etc.) | Quantonics, et al. (Need an experiment.) |
9 | Counter(ra)-factual definitenessNotes | J.T. Cushing, Gary Zukav, Stapp, et al. (Agreement coherence.) |
10 | Double slit experiment | Thompson, et al. Deutsch's descriptions are superb! |
11 | Dreams. See narcolepsy below. | Quantonics, et al. |
12 | Dualities: Mass![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Quantonics. |
13 | EPR superluminality | Most quantum references. See Recommended Reading. See Doug's review of EPR. |
14 | Fermionic BECs (Quantum coherence.) | Most quantum references. See Recommended Reading. |
15 | Fermionic wobble. | Feynman. See Gleick's Genius, pages 227-8. |
16 | Ferromagnetism. Notes (Anti-gravity types-heads up!) | Partial coherence of domain alignment. Quantonics, et al. |
17 | Figure-ground. See Gestalt below. | Pirsig, Quantonics, et al. Quantum subject-object compenetration. |
18 | Fractal Localization of Context | Quantum physics, Sapoval, Zhitenev, Brodsky, Ashoori, etc. |
19 | Gestalt. (Quantum synergy) | Quantonics. See Mobius Strip, Quantum Stairs as Perception. |
20 | Gravity. (Partial fermionic coherence. Implicit reversibility!) | Quantonics, et al. See APS, AAAS, NYAS, et al., journals. |
21 | Hiding[s]. (Apparent absence: both partial and 'complete.') |
"Nature likes to hide." Essential metaphor of all n¤ndecoherent
(all quantum~coherent) flux. Fathom quantum memeos
of being Let's list some examples of actual torque~hiding as real tells:
Let's list some envisioned examples of torque hiding as potential tells:
Ditto for bosonic hiding:
Doug - 1Oct2009. |
22 | Hypnosis | Hinted by Bergson. Subconscious access to quantum isobeing/isoflux. |
23 | Incommensurability (among quantum islands of 'truth') | Quantonics, Kuhn's SoSR paradigms as incommensurables, et al. |
24 | Inference | Quantonics, et al. |
25 | Intellect | Brian Josephson, Mae-wan Ho, et al. |
26 | Insanity | Desiderius Erasmus in his Praise of [quantum] Folly |
27 | Intuition | Bergson (used his quantum intuition), Quantonics, et al. |
28 | Keplerian cosmological orbits | Orbital ephemera as sophist/fractal quantum uncertainties |
29 | Laser (Partial bosonic (photon) coherence.) | Most quantum references. See Recommended Reading. |
30 | Least actionNotes | Feynman, Wheeler, et al. |
31 | Least timeNotes | Feynman, Wheeler, et al. |
32 | Life | Mae-wan Ho, Schrödinger, et al. |
33 | Möbius strip | Quantonics. See: Möbius Left and Möbius Stairways. |
34 | Motion | Partial coherence of direction alignment. Quantonics, et al. |
35 | Music (scaled over nature's spectrum) | Quantonics' flux is crux. > 144 non-fractional octaves! |
36 | Nanowires (esp. Au, atomic helicity tells isoconic flux) | See AAAS' Science, 28Jul2000, 'Helical Au Nanowires.' |
37 | Narcolepsy (quantum superposition of wake/dream comtexts) | Quantonics actual metaphor: quantum stage. |
38 | Noise cancelation. (Nonisotropic to ~isotropic transition.) | Quantonics actual metaphor of cloaked isoflux. |
39 | NoncommutativityNotes (E.g., [position,momentum]) | Most quantum references. The discovery of quantum reality! |
40 | NondistributivityNotes | Most quantum references. See Foulis, Nick Herbert, et al. |
41 | NonfactorizabilityNotes | Most quantum references. See Ho, Cushing, et al. |
42 | NumberNotes | Henri Louis Bergson, Time and Free Will, Index N, Number |
43 | Paradice, classicalNotes | Quantonics: quantum pluralism viewed by exclusive classical monism |
44 | Pendulum, pendula | Quantonics: quantum wobble; direction flux is quantum_2 * period flux |
45 | Reversibility (Coherent and partially coherent modes are.) | Many: Sidis, Landauer, Mae-wan Ho, et al. |
46 | Schizophrenia, autism (Quantum stage coherence, islandic/whole) | Quantonics |
47 | Semiconductor tunneling in transistors (I.e., fermionic tunneling.) | Quantum physics. |
48 | Solitonic ferromagnetic domain alignment | Partially coherent domain alignment, Quantonics. |
49 | Sonoluminescence (VES' isotropic to nonisotropic transition.) | Claudia Eberlein, APS' PRL, 1996, et al. |
50 | Subconsciousness (Actuality-nonactuality partial isocoherence.) | Brian Josephson, Mae-wan Ho, et al., plus Quantonics' flavor |
51 | Superconductivity (Cooper pair fermionic partial coherence.) | Quantum physics. |
52 | Superfluidity (Fermionic partial coherence.) | Quantum physics. |
53 | Synaesthesia (Quantum sensory crossover.) | Quantum psychology. |
54 | Tritones | Diana Deutsch, et al., see Science, 15Dec2000, p. 2051 |
55 | Visual 'illusion;' see our Stairs Perceived by our Quantum Stages | Quantum, Quantonics' psychology. |
56 | Water glass whose volume is half air and half waterNotes | Classical either/or vis-à-vis Quantonics/Quantum both/and. |
57 | Water wave coherence (fermionic, solitonic partial coherence) | Tsunamis. See many references on solitons: von Baeyer, et al. |
58 | Water wave tunneling (i.e., fermionic tunneling) | The Quantum Universe, by Hey & Walters, p. 56. |
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