
Doug's Translation
Genesis III
Verses 1-12
Mimicking Carlo Suares'
Thermodynamic Qabala

Regarding Genesis III:1-12:

Doug is following a Hebrew version of Genesis which he found on Internet.

Doug needs this quantum retranslation of Gen III. He experienced hermeneutic challenges in midst of his endeavors of retranslating John VI verse 45. That challenge evoked this translation hiatus (to retranslate Gen III to assist hermeneutics of John VI) which may take several days... Gen III has 24 verses, so less than a week (~4 days) to finish those 12 remaining. Then back to John VI:45+. John VI has 71 verses!

It is good to keep in mind that contemporary Hebrew, excepting Autiot and Gematria do not carry sema of Abraham's Autiot. Modern Hebrew idiom (apparently) carries little resemblance to symbols sema of Abraham's time. Doug is assuming that Abraham had a grasp of Autiot more metabolic than its modern versions' more intransigent objective, formal, dialectical idiom. Mosheh shows us a clear exemplar of that in his sema for Ehieh Esher Ehieh. Modern translator's view that as, "I am that I am." Mosheh, according Carlo Suares, said very metabolically, "Qabala witnesses Qabala." "I am that I am," ciphered as degenerate dialectic becomes much more objective Ani Be'Aatsmee Ani (i.e., "I am myself I am."). So what does Ehieh mean metabolically? This: Aleph~living, Yod living. Any Qabalist might say, "I am that I am," however, said Qabalist would not mean that Qabala witnesses itself. Suares claims that much modern sema and semasiology is abominable idiom when compared to Abraham's hermeneutics.

To retranslate Genesis in Suares' quantum~hologral~fluxodynamic language, we need a legend of Autiot and their Gematria. Let's use Suares' Letter~Numbers as our reference:

Doug offers a compact exhibit showing Suares' fractalq~recursiveq qwfal~spellingsq of Autiot's schema:

Aleph: Aleph~Lammed~Phay
Bayt: Bayt~Yod~Tav
Ghimel: Ghimel~Mem~Lammed
Dallet: Dallet~Lammed~Tav
Hay: Hay
Waw: Waw~Waw
Zayn: Zayn~Yod~Noun
Hhayt: Hhayt~Yod~Tav
Tayt: Tayt~Yod~Tav
Yod: Yod~Waw~Dallet
Khaf: Khaf~Phay
Lammed: Lammed~Mem~Dallet
Mem: Mem~Mem
Noun: Noun~Waw~Noun
Sammekh: Sammekh~Mem~Khaf
Ayn: Ayn~Yod~Noun
Phay: Phay~Hay
Tsadde: Tsadde~Dallet~Yod
Qof: Qof~Waw~Phay
Raysh: Raysh~Yod~Sheen
Sheen: Sheen~Yod~Noun
Tav: Tav~Waw
finalKhaf: ~Khaf.500~
finalMem: ~Mem.600~
finalNoun: ~Noun.700~
finalPhay: ~Phay.800~
finalTsadde: ~Tsadde.900~

See detail in Quantum Autiot Table.

Table of Autiot's 27 Letters in Three Rows of Nine
Transcribed from Carlo Suares' Cipher of Genesis
Doug Renselle

Genesis III:1

Genesis III:2

Genesis III:3

Genesis III:4

Genesis III:5

Genesis III:6

Genesis III:7

Genesis III:8

Genesis III:9

Genesis III:10

Genesis III:11

Genesis III:12

©Quantonics, Inc., 2017~2036

Retranslation of Genesis III:1

Doug - 28Jan2017.

Genesis III Letter~Text Spelled Out


(some guesses)

An Internet Literal
(some altered by Doug)

Doug's Suaresian Qabalic Translation

1 Vav~Hay~Noun~Hhayt~Sheen



..."And invoking the livingq serpentq;"

And invoking the livingq serpentq whose fecundationingsq of all livingq lifeq principleingsq of all spiritualq metabolismingsq...]

~6~ ~{5 50}~ ~8.300~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~fecundationings~ of ~{5 50}~ ~8.300~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~6~ ~{living 50}~ ~8.300~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~6~ ~{5 life principleings}~ of all~8.300~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~6~ ~{5 50}~ ~spiritual metabolismings~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

. . .

You should realize now how 'the church' denigratesc 'the serpent.'

Similar assa church denigration of satan as the devil, when satan (as a devil) represents more accurately dialectic's binaryc accusativec denialc, we see serpent here in a very quantum positive and affirmative light.

Satan issi Seen~Tayt~finalNoun: ~300.9.700~.

Parsed satan issi "Cosmic~metabolismingsq of cosmic~lifeq~principleingsq of archetypal cellular structures (quanta)."

So we fathom, in quantum~fluxodynamic lingo, even satan issi Good!


We have been very thoroughly, very carefully taught by 'the church' (the actual beast) and other dialectical masculine rogues that satan represents all evil.

Now whom do you believecq?

What will (shall) you do?

Doug - 28Jan2017.
2 Hay~Yod~Hay



..."divinityq of lifeq existenceingsq;"

divinityq of lifeq existenceingsq...]

~{~{5 ~10~ ~5}~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
3 Ayn~Raysh~Waw~finalMem



..."as beasts;"

assa enlightenmentingsq omniversally emerqantq fecundlyq exaltedq ihnto cosmic biosphereings...]

No Beasts There

Here we fathom a denigration in 'church' formc using 'beasts.'

To 'the church' satan, in idiom, is like a beast of beasts.

Suares refers translation at this level of hylic hypocrisy, "abomination."

Doug agrees.

. . .

Actually it ciphersq more like this:

~70.200~ ~{6 600}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~enlightenmentings omniversally emerqant~ ~{6 600}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~70.200~ ~{fecundly exalted ihnto cosmic biosphereings}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

No Beasts There

Doug - 28Jan2017.
4 Mem~Kaf~Lammed



..."from any of;"

for any efficient (minimally posentropic) channelingq (tunnelingq) of evolutionaryq metabolismq...]

Quantumly, "Existentialq biosphereings impermeably grailingq existentialq metabolismingsq."

Idiomaticallyq, "Efficient (minimally posentropic) channelingq (tunnelingq) of evolutionaryq metabolismq."

Doug - 28Jan2017.
5 Hhayt~Yod~Tav



..."spiritq's unlimitedq possibilityingsq;"

[Idiom from source text reference is abominable. Doug will seldom show it further in this retranslation...Doug - 28Jan2017.]

spirit's unlimitedq possibilityingsq of existenceingsq evolveingq~adaptingq to perpetual~ubiquitous vital~impedanceings...]

~8.10.400~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

"Unlimitedq possibilityingsq of existenceingsq evolveingq~adaptingq to perpetual~ubiquitous vital~impedanceings."




Archetype of all possibilityings.
A great Gen I:4
word is Hhosheykh.


It shows Hayt using
Sheen to blow right through Tav's vital~impedance
into finalKhaf's isoflux grail.

"Tear down that 'church' and its dialectical walls!"

Observe, obtain how Tav issi a qwf~cavitational qwfal~mirror (like Aleph).

Doug - 28Jan2017.
6 Hay~Seen~Dallet~Hay



..."assa labyrinthianq hologralq fieldq of abundanceingsq;"

assa labyrinthianq hologralq fieldq of abundanceingsq...]

~{5 ~300.4~ ~5}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

which wæ may also perceiveq (i.e., complementaroceiveq) as:

~{~{5 ~300.4~ ~5}~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

expressing divinityq of cosmic metabolicq gatewayveingsq.

In another language this might be Sati (L. abundant field) of crops...

Doug - 13Dec2016.
7 Aleph~Sheen~Raysh



..."wæ may chooseq to beq witnessingq;"

wæ may chooseq to beq witnessingq...]

~1~ ~{300 200}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
8 Ayn~Seen~Hay



..."those doings;"

those enlightenedq lifeq~metabolicq doings...]

9 Yod~Hay~Waw~Hay



..."regarding whether the (undeific) demiurgec;"

regarding whether the demiurgec assa (undeific) life existence fecundly living...]

~10~ ~{~{5 ~6~ ~5}~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Doug views demiurgeings not as 'god' rather assa Pirsig's bio 'logical' dialectical urges: absent spirit's metabolism. In other words fecund life isn't spiritual 'god like' life. Where's the breath? Where's Atta?

YahWeh issi like saying, "fecundity is divine."

But what can we compare?

How about YhShWh assa Ben A~Dam assa, "Y~¤ur evolution of cosmic life principleings with and due Aleph qwfally cowithihn y~¤ur blood?"

Worseship fecundityc?

Bettershiping evolutionaryq metabolismingsq?

Doug - 28Jan2017.
10 Aleph~Lammed~Hay~Yod~finalMem



..."may be referred Elohim;"

may be referred Elohim...]

~{1 ~30.5~ ~10}~ ~600~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

YahWeh does n¤t equalc ~YahWeh~Elohim~.

Doug will agree that we may refer ~YahWehElohim~ 'god.'

That is why Doug favors YhShWh. It allows us an inference that YahWeh has evolved ihnto having Sheen middle~included cowithihn YahWeh.

Suares didn't say that, but he too appears to favor YhShWh hyper YahWeh.

Suares does say that YahWeh is not a deity!!!

What Does Suares write about YahWeh?

"...YahWeh in its true [Qabalic] meaning is not a deity to be worshiped, least of all in a temple..."
Ref. Suares' Cipher of Genesis, p. 40, Shambala, hardbound, first edition, English, 1970.
Doug's brackets and bold.

Doug - 28Jan2017.
11 Vav~Yod~Aleph~Mem~Raysh



..."and he said;"

and he said...]

~6~ ~{10 1}~ ~40.200~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
12 Aleph~Lammed





13 Hay~Aleph~Sheen~Hay



..."the woman;"

wise and divineq womanq of livingq fireq...]

~{~{5 ~1.300~ ~5}~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Doug likes to thinkq holograllyq about this kind of divinityq as feminineq wisdomq.

Recall how Doug tends to liken wisdomq and metabolicq reproductionq.

Doug - 17Dec2016, 28Jan2017.
14 Aleph~finalPhay



..."to those denying vital~impetus' unlimitedq cosmic possibilityingsq;"

to those denying vital~impetus' unlimitedq cosmic possibilityingsq...]

15 Kaf~Yod





16 Aleph~Mem~Raysh



..."he said;"

he said...]

17 Aleph~Lammed~Hay~Yod~finalMem



..."Elohim said;"

Elohim said...]

~{1 ~30.5~ ~10}~ ~600~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Later in this page, say verses 11 and 12, we find that we cannot trust Elohim.

Think about that. Can any human 'name' god?

Suares says, "unpossible."

See his Cipher of Genesis, pp. 54-55, starting "The very existence of the universe is a gigantic fact...," Shambala, first translated edition, March 1970, hardbound 1st ed., 231 total pages includeing a name index.

That is a simply fab read!

Doug - 28Jan2017.
18 Lammed~Aleph





In Doug's opine YhShWh would not say this.

Doug - 28Jan2017.
19 Tav~Aleph~Khaf~Lammed~Waw



..."you may eat;"

you may eat...]

20 Mem~Kaf~Lammed



..."from any;"

from any...]

21 Ayn~finalTsadde



..."tree offering usq enlightenedq cosmic omniversalq emerqancyings in;"

offering usq enlightenedq cosmic omniversalq emerqancyings in...]

It appears that Elohim denies the woman enlightenment.

Isn't that a goal of all patriarchies?

Isn't that what is happening to all of us, globally, now...a goal of globalists and their elite socialist corpocracies?

Is Elohim a patriarchal denier of individual freedom, uncertainty and peace?

Qabala and Gnosis claim that YhShWh would not do that!

Play the Game of Life. To hell with patriarchal tyrannies.

To Doug, this text has been altered to favor antitheses of Qabala and Gnosis.

Doug - 28Jan2017.
22 Hay~Ghimel~finalNoun



..."the garden;"

the garden...]

So we have a little taste of why Suares called portions of this Gen III 1-50 text "abominable."

Doug - 28Jan2017.

©Quantonics, Inc., 2017~2036

And invoking the livingq serpentq whose fecundationingsq of all livingq lifeq principleingsq of all spiritualq metabolismingsq
divinityq of lifeq existenceingsq
assa enlightenmentingsq omniversally emerqantq fecundlyq exaltedq ihnto cosmic biosphereings
for any efficient (minimally posentropic) channelingq (tunnelingq) of evolutionaryq metabolismq
spirit's unlimitedq possibilityingsq of existenceingsq evolveingq~adaptingq to perpetual~ubiquitous vital~impedanceings
assa labyrinthianq hologralq fieldq of abundanceingsq
wæ may chooseq to beq witnessingq
those enlightenedq lifeq~metabolicq doings
regarding whether the demiurgec assa (undeific) life existence fecundly living,
may be referred Elohim,
and he said
wise and divineq womanq of livingq fireq,

"To those denying vital~impetus' unlimitedq cosmic possibilityingsq
he said
Elohim said,

[Crap ensues here...see verses 11 and 12 below, Doug.]

you may eat
from any
fruit offering usq enlightenedq cosmic omniversalq emerqancyings in
the garden."

. . .

This issi childish nonsense as Suares warned. Retarded gobbledegook.

Study Noun and finalNoun re quantum life principleings of freedom, uncertainty, and peace.

Can anyone who understandsq Noun and finalNoun ever write that crap?
crap about her [Eshah] being forbidden to eat apples from a tree. Ugh!

Pure hylic garbage.

Doug - 28Jan2017.


©Quantonics, Inc., 2017~2036

Retranslation of Genesis III:2

Doug - 28Jan2017.

Genesis III Letter~Text Spelled Out


(some guesses)

An Internet Literal
(some altered by Doug)

Doug's Suaresian Qabalic Translation

1 Vav~Thav~Aleph~Mem~Raysh



..."And saying with persistent permeable impedanceings;"

And saying with persistent permeable impedanceings...]

~6~ ~{400 ~1~ ~40}~ ~200~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
2 Hay~Aleph~Sheen~Hay



..."the woman;"

wise and divine woman of living fire...]

~{~{5 ~1.300~ ~5}~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Doug likes to thinkq holograllyq about this kind of divinityq as feminineq wisdomq.

Recall how Doug tends to liken wisdom and metabolic reproduction.

Doug - 17Dec2016, 28Jan2017.
3 Aleph~Lammed





4 Hay~Noun~Hhayt~Sheen



..."the livingq serpentq;"

the livingq serpentq...]

The Living Serpent

A great abomination of classical translation is historical denigration of serpent.

Again, we see serpent as an energy grail assisting Esha's buoyant birth~channeling of vital~impetus and cosmic~metabolismings ihnto Adam.

The 'church' simply did not fathom, let alone understand this. Opine. It kept vital~impetus mechanically, canonically, objectively separate from us. Jesus said, paraphrased, "I am living in you perpetually as evolvingq Aleph in blood (A~Dam)." Serpent channeled (grailed) Aleph through Esha ihnto Adam. Esha gave Adam vital~impetus' livingq fireq of [non reproductive] cosmic~metabolismq.

See lisr. See False Claims of the OWO Church:

According Carlo Suares 'the church's' major false claim is this, "It may well be that the greatest error of the Christian dogma is the assertion that the Holy Ghost engendered an infant [Jesus] only once, and at a certain date." P. 208, Suares' Trilogy. Doug's brackets.

Christianity's great Roman~Greco 'logical' fubarc.

. . .

~{5 50}~ ~8.300~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Phrase "lifting up" appears twice in this source translation. That phrase corresponds Doug's uses of grailingsq and buoyanceingsq.

"We are climbing Jacob's Ladder..." (Watch video Cross Creek: excellent!)

"We are experienceing Isra~El and Jihad..."

Compare historical denigration of Magdaleneq, and 'the anthropogenic OWO church' tried to hunt Hær and Hær daughter down and kill them!!!

Guillotines and scythes imminent...and Gatling lasersq too...

Read Holy~Blood, Holy~Grail, by Baigent, Lincoln, and Leigh, 1980.

Doug - 6Dec2016.
5 Mem~Phay~Raysh~Yod



..."your metabolismq's unlimitedq possiblityingsq arera omniversally emerqingq existenceingsq;"

your metabolismq's unlimitedq possiblityingsq arera omniversally emerqingq existenceingsq...]

6 Ayn~finalTsadde



..."fruits of trees;"

fruits of trees...]

7 Hay~Ghimel~finalNoun



..."of the garden;"

of the garden...]

8 Noun~Aleph~Khaf~Lammed



..."whose existentialq lifeq principleingsq of freedomq, uncertaintyq, and peaceq wæ may eatq;"

whose existentialq lifeq principleingsq of freedomq, uncertaintyq, and peaceq wæ may eatq...]

Said woman, in her wisdomq is saying that it is right to consume fruit of life principleings. Wæ arera freeq to do so, though uncertaintyq always reigns, but that gives usq (perhaps only) tentative peaceq. So go ahead.

It is appropriate to guessq. Fecundateq your vicissitudesq!!!

The woman stands up to Elohim! Apropos in Doug's opine!

Doug -28Jan2017.

©Quantonics, Inc., 2017~2036

And saying with persistent permeable impedanceings
wise and divine woman of living fire
the livingq serpentq,

"Your metabolismq's unlimitedq possiblityingsq arera omniversally emerqingq existenceingsq
fruits of trees
of the garden
whose existentialq lifeq principleingsq of freedomq, uncertaintyq, and peaceq wæ may eatq."

. . .

Doug's quantum remediation helps remove crap from this verse.

Though source text translators are trying to make serpent a 'bad guy.' More hylic retardation.

Today it's called 'spin.' Though dialectical, i.e., unquantum.

Doug - 28Jan2017.


©Quantonics, Inc., 2017~2036

Retranslation of Genesis III:3

Doug - 28Jan2017.

Genesis III Letter~Text Spelled Out


(some guesses)

An Internet Literal
(some altered by Doug)

Doug's Suaresian Qabalic Translation

1 Vav~Mem~Phay~Raysh~Yod

( )


..."And your metabolismq's unlimitedq possiblityingsq arera omniversally emerqingq existenceingsq;"

And your metabolismq's unlimitedq possiblityingsq arera omniversally emerqingq existenceingsq...]

2 Hay~Ayn~finalTsadde



..."from the tree;"

from the tree...]

"Living light's unlimited cosmic emerqancyings."

Doug - 28Jan2017.
3 Aleph~Sheen~Raysh



..."assa wæ may chooseq to beq witnessingq;"

assa wæ may chooseq to beq witnessingq...]

~1~ ~{300 200}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
4 Bayt~Tav~Waw~finalKhaf





5 Hay~Ghimel~finalNoun



..."the garden;"

the garden...]

6 Aleph~Mem~Raysh



..."sayings from;"

sayings from...]

7 Aleph~Lammed~Hay~Yod~finalMem





Whoever is putting words into Elohim's mouth doesn't realize that Qabala issi integral to Autiot spellings and cipherings of Elohim!!!

Elohim abides Qabala intrinsically (i.e., Qabala is part of Elohim's name), but someone is altering sema here to intentionally deceive, to declare otherwise!!!

Notice their 'trice' (deceit) of calling Elohim "God."

This is just bulging butt ugly!

Doug almost didn't do this retranslation, but John VI verse 45 showed Doug he had to do it, like it or not. What a blessing! Thank you Carlo Suares, thank you!!!

. . .

Qabala issi ihn Elohim

It is well to recall that three Aut make up Qabala: ~1.5.10~ assa Ehieh assa ~

So Qabala's Autiot are ihn the name Elohim. To make Elohim out of Qabala what do we have to do? We have to commingleq ~existential~metabolism~ (metabolic~evolution of existenceings) and ~cosmic~biosphereings~ (emerqancy). Qabala adds The Game of Life to ~30.600~. Result? Elohim! Compare YahWeh.

~ superposeingq ~30.600~ issi ~

Are you an Elohim?

How can you be an Elohim? Adhere a meme of Ben Adam and play Qabala.

"Adhere a memeq of metabolicq evolutionq of Aleph (~vital~impetus~) cowithihn blood and Gnosticallyq play The Game of Life."

Qabala issi ihn Elohim

Doug - 28Jan2017.
8 Lammed~Aleph





9 Tav~Aleph~Khaf~Lammed~Waw



..."you may eat;"

you may eat...]

10 Mem~Mem~Noun~Waw



..."to be filling;"

to be filling...]

~{~{40 40}~}~ ~50.6~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

"Divine biosphereings fecund life principleings."

Doug - 28Jan2017.
11 Vav~Lammed~Aleph



..."and not;"

and not...]

12 Tav~Ghimel~Ayn~Waw





13 Bayt~Waw



..."while fathomings cowithihn usq;"

while fathomings cowithihn usq...]

14 Phay~finalNoun



..."y~¤ur unlimited possibilityingsq borne of cosmic lifeq principleingsq of peaceq, uncertaintyq, and freedomq;"

y~¤ur unlimited possibilityingsq borne of cosmic lifeq principleingsq of peaceq, uncertaintyq, and freedomq...]

15 Thav~Mem~Tav~Waw~finalNoun



..."lest you die;"

lest you die of fecundq lifeq principleingsq...]

~{~{~{400 ~{40}~ ~400}~}~}~ ~6.700~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

This appears to Doug as an outright lie, unless we take it that ultimately given metabolic Atta we all die. Not eating fruit in garden of Eden will not save us from death. Dying will not save us from living!

Interpreted in idiom this threat is null, void, empty. Opine.

Doesn't this seem naive and childish, like Lord of Rings?

How phony, how bogus can idiom be? Very!

Common sense issi for hylic retards!

Vulgi Opinio Error! Thomas Digges, 1600.

Doug - 28Jan2017.

©Quantonics, Inc., 2017~2036

And your metabolismq's unlimitedq possiblityingsq arera omniversally emerqingq existenceingsq
from the tree
assa wæ may chooseq to beq witnessingq
the garden
sayings from

[Crap ensues here...see verses 11 and 12 below, Doug.]

you may eat
to be filling
and not

[End crap

while fathomings cowithihn usq
y~¤ur unlimited possibilityingsq borne of cosmic lifeq principleingsq of peaceq, uncertaintyq, and freedomq
lest you die of fecundq lifeq principleingsq.

. . .

You can easily see segue from crap to quantum fluxodynamic linguistics.

Still there issi an implied threat of death, again which is crap, since realityingsq arera fluxodynamicq, metabolicq,... see Atta.

Eschatonc is hylic, naivec..., Compare Einstein's naive local realism...

Doug - 28Jan2017.


©Quantonics, Inc., 2017~2036

Retranslation of Genesis III:4

Doug - 29Jan2017.

Genesis III Letter~Text Spelled Out


(some guesses)

An Internet Literal
(some altered by Doug)

Doug's Suaresian Qabalic Translation

1 Vav~Yod~Aleph~Mem~Raysh



..."And in response, so exclaimed;"

And in response, so exclaimed...]

~6~ ~{10 1}~ ~40.200~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
2 Hay~Noun~Hhayt~Sheen



..."the serpent;"

the serpent...]

~{5 50}~ ~8.300~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
3 Aleph~Lammed





4 Hay~Aleph~Sheen~Hay



..."the divineq woman;"

the divineq woman...]

~{~{5 ~1.300~ ~5}~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
5 Lammed~Aleph



..."you shall not;"

you shall not...]

6 Mem~Waw~Tav



..."experience [eschaton] final death (disabling Atta, turning off Planck's clock);"

experience [eschaton] final death (disabling Atta, turning off Planck's clock)...]

~{40 ~6~ ~400}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Literally, "Perpetual death of prolific reproduction. Eschaton."

Observe that Atta, Gematria, and many Aut make any classical notion of dialectically absolute death a comedy of errorc.

This represents one of 'the church's' major false claims (number 16).

. . .

Compare Met and Mawt: flux issi crux dyingq and stux sux final deathc.

Dyingq admits, abides Atta and agrees with Qabala.

Final deathc denies both Atta and Qabala.

Now, bendq your nousq a tad and take a n¤væl viewq:

We see serpent in a roleq of wisdomq assa spiritualq grailq to an almighty unsaid. Jolt selfq with serpent's qwfal motion as wayveingsq. Compare majuscule M.

Compare Elohim assa earthly said, a lesser, a falliblec power, a smaller (even degenerate) masculine wisdomc which pogromatically tends classical dialectic.

Elohim stretches (ostends, ostenses) dialectic abstractly attempting a linguistic fit, and it accomplishes only linguistic naivete. Why? Idiom. Idiom issi incapable of expressing Qabala and it Autiot and Gematria via quantumese.

Amazingly we see Elohim practicing, mayhaps unintentionally, misguidance. Mayhaps our source wants to put patriarchal dogma and orthodoxy into what we read and hear. Ask yourself, do authors like Marx patronize their audience?

Hylic minds are easily patronized.

As long as you are hylic, you remain at a disadvantage.

Eschew dialectic as Revelation urges...while realizing those who want to control you will patronize you. They hypocritically judge themselves as superior, and they accuse you as inferior, and they cosset you, pretending to indulge your hylic dialectical whims. Worst of all, many of them are dialecticians!

Review Doug's SOM Bases of Judgment.

Doug - 29Jan2017.
7 Thav~Mem~Tav~Waw~finalNoun



..."you shall not diec;"

you shall not diec of fecundq lifeq principleingsq...]

~{~{~{400 ~{40}~ ~400}~}~}~ ~6.700~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

This, when interpreted by allegorical Elohim, appears to Doug as an outright lie, unless we take it that ultimately, given metabolic Atta, we all die. Not eating fruit in garden of Eden will not save us from death. Dying will not save us from living!

But when it is interpreted by Serpent it represents truthingsq.

To Doug, our allegorical serpent might have said, "Your spiritq livesq sempiternally. Your bodyq evolvesq and experiencesq livingq and dyingq metabolicq cyclesq."

Doug - 29Jan2017.

©Quantonics, Inc., 2017~2036

And in response, so exclaimed
the serpent
the divineq woman,

"You shall not
experience [eschaton] final death (disabling Atta, turning off Planck's clock),
you shall n¤t diec of fecundq lifeq principleingsq."

. . .

Viewq self assa quantons(unsaid~self,said~self).

Then viewq ~unsaid~self~ assa atemporal, sempiternal, negentropic, zeroentropic.

Then viewq ~said~self~ assa temporal, experienceings many posentropic sequential lives quantized cowithihn existenceings.

Generically selfq issi quantons(zeroentropy~negentropy,posentropy).

Specifically selfc is dichons(posentropy, posentropy).

Omniscover CP Snow on Maxwell.

Serpent takes on crap of Elohim blunt force traumatically!

Doug - 29Jan2017.


©Quantonics, Inc., 2017~2036

Retranslation of Genesis III:5

Elohim issi idiomatically playing a role of father protecting child.

Ultimate patronizing.

None of us, regardless social dogma, issi someone else's child to be patronized by social service elite 'father' figures!

Someone else, dialectically always absolutely knows what is right. Who decides? Someone else decidesc for us. Are you laughing hysterically yet?

"The first divine was the first rogue who met the first fool." Voltaire.

The first politician was another rogue who met another fool.

The first dialectician was another rogue who met a penultimate fool. Squid Marx comes to mind. Simon Peter comes to mind, et al.

"Gnostics are n¤t fools, folks! Gn¤sis means wisdom, individual wisdom, n¤t 'social wisdom.'
Society cann¤t think, so how could society ever be wise?
Society only runs on automatic, unthinking 'rule of law' based automatic.
That's why society writes laws! So society 'knows' which legal program to formally, without thinking, automatically run.
Society calls 'law' "common sense."
But 'common sense' is ordinary sense (i.e., gn¤stically hylic-psychic sense which compared to pneumatic sense is unwise).
Individuals want extraordinary sense, not a classical OSFA tragedy of socially perpetual and state-ic 'common sense.'
A quantum~society does n¤t 'elect' precedented 'common social sense,' rather
it dynamically~adaptively emerges stochastically extraordinary ensemble~individual sens
As an individual, do you ever do any task identically (same way you previously did it) across varying times and places?
Stupidly classical society claims you can. But what worked last time probably won't work this time, will it? Experiments, in general, aren't portable.
In order for any common process to 'always work,' nothing can change, can it? Stux sux required for that.
Repeatable process demands determinate sameness, doesn't it? Stux sux.
Why can't we predict weather and global warming-cooling? Reality is absolute change indeterminate, naturally.
To do Total Quality Control on weather and guarantee its classical sameness, we have to control it, right?
Can we do that?
Do you as an individual really want that?"
Quoted from Doug February 2008 TQS News. Some minor 'mod's.'

Any dialectical, posentropy only class of humanism is an abomination. Opine.

Go Gnostic. Eschew dialectic.

Read What are Symptoms of Classical Certainty?

Doug - 29Jan2017.

Genesis III Letter~Text Spelled Out


(some guesses)

An Internet Literal
(some altered by Doug)

Doug's Suaresian Qabalic Translation

1 Kaf~Yod





2 Yod~Dallet~Ayn



..."a knowing, doing;"

a knowing, doing...]

3 Aleph~Lammed~Hay~Yod~finalMem





~{1 ~30.5~ ~10}~ ~600~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
4 Kaf~Yod



..."knows that;"

knows that...]

5 Bayt~Yod~Waw~finalMem



..."during a day's lifeq trajectoryq;"

during a day's lifeq trajectoryq...]

~2.10~ ~{6 600}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
6 Aleph~Khaf~Lammed~Khaf~finalMem



..."wæ eat;"

wæ eat divinelyq grailingq vital~impetus metabolicallyq ihnto cosmic~biosphereings...]

~1~ ~{~{20 ~30~ ~20}~}~ ~600~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
7 Mem~Mem~Noun~Waw



..."to be filling;"

to be filling...]

~{~{40 40}~}~ ~50.6~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

"Divine biosphereings' fecund life principleings."

Doug - 28Jan2017.
8 Vav~Noun~Phay~Qof~Hhayt~Waw



..."open y~¤ur eyes and destroy all dialectical illusions;"

open y~¤ur eyes and destroy all dialectical illusions...]

~{6 ~40~ ~{80 ~100~ ~8}~ ~6}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
9 Ayn~Yod~Noun~Yod~Khaf~finalMem



..."lift usq, enlightenedq, principledq existentialq grailingsq of cosmic~biosphereings;"

lift usq, enlightenedq, principledq existentialq grailingsq of cosmic~biosphereings...]
10 Vav~Hay~Yod~Yod~Tav~finalMem



..."that wæ faithfulq be testedq;"

that wæ faithfulq be testedq...]

~{6 ~5 ~{10 10}~ ~400 600}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~{6.exaltationings of ~{divinityings}~ ~400.impeded 600}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

. . .

Doug cannot find this word!

Doug is using tested in place of impedance.

Doug - 29May2016.
11 Kaf~Aleph~Lammed~Hay~Yod~finalMem



..."assa and grailingq Elohim;"

assa and grailingq Elohim...]

~20~ ~{1 ~30.5~ ~10}~ ~600~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

This accurately omniscribes middleq~inclusionq assa quanton(Elohim,usq).

"I am in you and you are in me." Farewell Discourse.

Doug - 29Jan2017.
12 Yod~Dallet~Ayn~Yod



..."a divineq existentialq knowingq, doingq;"

a divineq existentialq knowingq, doingq...]

~{~{10 ~4.70~ ~10}~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
13 Tayt~Waw~Vayt



..."both good;"

both good...]

This combination of quanton(good,evil) show us howq they arera middleq~includedq too via quantum~complementary~antinomialityings.

Imagine a wave packet. Value its up as good and its down as evil. Then Value its up as evil and its down as good.

Now substitute hot (both good and evil) and cold (both good and evil).


Think about farming and weather.

Complementaryq antinomialismq exegetizedq!

Good and evil are not dialectically absolute.

Truth and falsity are not dialectically absolute.

Night and day are not dialectically absolute.

Up and down are not dialectically absolute.

Anabolisis and catabolisis are not dialectically absolute...

In quantum~reality we may not treat those binaries as oppositesc!

All realityingsq arera quantum flux relativeq to hologral~, qwfal~roleq and ~situationq.

They are not classically Cartesian 3D1T symbolically 'abstract.'

Buridan shows us how absurd it is to say, "As it signifies, so it is." Pure classical tiny minded retardation! However Buridan's exegesis denies quantum theory. To Doug, of course, that is absurd.

Be careful what you mean when you use signify, significant, significance, etc.

Signs have a tendency to intuit classical dialectical abstraction, while denying complementary~antinomialismings of quantum~role and ~situation.

This is a meme which for Doug took a long time to fathom.

Doug first became aware of this issue when Beth asked Doug, just prior her transition, "Is Quantonics abstract?" That was seven years ago.

Two years ago, Suares spoke to me (figuratively) with his Sepher Yetsira text under 'Explanation' and Resume and Conclusion. Refer pp. 414-416 of Suares' The Qabala Trilogy, Shambhala, 1985 paperback, 549 total pages, no index.

Doug - 29Jan2017.
14 Vav~Raysh~Ayn



..."and evil;"

and evil...]

©Quantonics, Inc., 2017~2036

a knowing, doing
knows that
during a day's lifeq trajectoryq
wæ eat divinelyq grailingq vital~impetus metabolicallyq ihnto cosmic~biosphereings,
to be filling ourselves while wæ
open y~¤ur eyes and destroy all dialectical illusions,
lift usq, enlightenedq, principledq existentialq grailingsq of cosmic~biosphereings,
that wæ faithfulq be testedq
assa and grailingq Elohim,
a divineq existentialq knowingq, doingq
both good
and evil.

. . .

We see complementaryq antinomialismq as a super starq here in destroying dialectic.

Doug - 29Jan2017.


©Quantonics, Inc., 2017~2036

Retranslation of Genesis III:6

It is really important (opine) for you to know why Doug hates 'the church' and social institutions like it.

The church does not want you to be gnostic, to be wise, to know things the church cannot know.

If you arera gnostic the church, and social institutions like it, "lose control."

Keep in mind, YhShWh did not say, "Do not hate."

He said, "Do not do what you hate."

(YhShWh issi allegorical when you humanize it. Quantumly that allegory, e.g., personified as Jesus, becomes, "Cosmic metabolicq existenceq and fecundityq aliveq.")

Doug - 29Jan2017.

Genesis III Letter~Text Spelled Out


(some guesses)

An Internet Literal
(some altered by Doug)

Doug's Suaresian Qabalic Translation

1 Vav~Thav~Raysh~Aleph



..."And when;"

And when...]

2 Hay~Aleph~Sheen~Hay



..."the woman;"

wiseq and divineq woman of livingq fireq...]

~{~{5 ~1.300~ ~5}~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Doug likes to thinkq holograllyq about this kind of divinityq as feminineq wisdomq.

Recall how Doug tends to liken wisdom and metabolic reproduction.

Doug - 17Dec2016, 28Jan2017.
3 Kaf~Yod



..."understood how;"

understood how...]

4 Tayt~Waw~Vayt





5 Hay~Ayn~finalTsadde



..."the tree;"

the tree's livingq existentialq emerqancyingsq from Kreb cycle QED lightingsq...]

"Said tree metabolicallyq eats lightq and soil nutrientsq and re produces fruit with seedsq of new lifeq."

Doug - 29Jan2017.
6 Lammed~Mem~Aleph~Khaf~Lammed



..."for food;"

for food where existentialq metabolismsq divinelyq sate existentialq biospheres with grailedq spiritualq nourishmentq...]

~{30 ~40.1.20~ ~30~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
7 Vav~Kaf~Yod



..."and therefore;"

and therefore...]

~{2 20}~ ~10~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
8 Tav~Aleph~Waw~Hay



..."engendering a source of fecund life;"

engendering a source of fecund life...]

We may obtain ~Tav~Aleph~ here in its role of engendering a Vayt (Vein) breatheing~ihn haploidal (fluxoid 1) cycle of new life as death of old (prior) haploidal (fluxoid 0) cycle.

See Atta.

Doug - 29Jan2017.
9 Hay~Waw~Aleph



..."whose fecundq livingsq and vital~impetus arera evolutelyq mitigatingq dialectic cowithihn usq;"

whose fecundq livingsq and vital~impetus arera evolutelyq mitigatingq dialectic cowithihn usq...]

This ends up, ciphered, being a comtracted anagram of YahWeh with ~Aleph.1~. Tacit existenceings inferred by Doug.

This word appears, only just now becoming apparent to Doug, assa an antidote of (to) dialectic.


Doug - 15Jan2017.
10 Lammed~Ayn~Yod~Noun~Yod~finalMem



..."existentialq metabolicq enlightenmentingsq of divineq existentialq qwf~cavitationingsq of lifeq principleingsq cosmically biosphered;"

existentialq metabolicq enlightenmentingsq of divineq existentialq qwf~cavitationingsq of lifeq principleingsq cosmically biosphered...]

~30.70~ ~{~{10 ~50~ ~10}~}~ ~600~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
11 Vav~Noun~Hhayt~Mem~Dallet



..."and charm, beauty, 'being pleasant';"

and charm, beauty, 'being pleasant,'...]

~6.50.8~ ~{40 4}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
12 Hay~Ayn~finalTsadde



..."the tree;"

the tree's livingq existentialq emerqancyingsq from Kreb cycle QED lightingsq...]

"Said tree metabolicallyq eats lightq and soil nutrientsq and re produces fruit with seedsq of new lifeq."

Doug - 29Jan2017.
13 Lammed~Hay~Seen~Kaf~Yod~Lammed



..."to one's eyes;"

to one's eyes...]

~{30 ~5~ ~{300 ~20.10~ ~30}~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Doug doesn't grasp how this could be about 'eyes' but source text appears to suggest it.

Does metabolicq lifeq's grailingsq of existenceingsq beg a memeq of seeingq?

Is viewing analogous eating? and vice versa?

Would a more general term be hunger, desire, sateing hunger...

Doug - 29Jan2017.
14 Vav~Thav~Qof~Hhayt



..."and vitally~impeding, destroying possibleq spiritualq illusions;"

and vitally~impeding, destroying possibleq spiritualq illusions...]

15 Mem~Phay~Raysh~Yod~Waw



..."one's wise metabolismq's unlimitedq possiblityingsq arera omniversally emerqingq fecundq existenceingsq;"

one's wise metabolismq's unlimitedq possiblityingsq arera omniversally emerqingq fecundq existenceingsq...]

16 Vav~Thav~Aleph~Khaf~Lammed



..."and permeable vital impedanceings channeling vital~impetusings metabolically;"

and permeable vital impedanceings channeling vital~impetusings metabolically...]

17 Vav~Thav~Thav~finalNoun



..."and she will sit with;"

and she will sit assa graduated divinity of resting peace through total freedom of cosmic indetermination: pure spiritual ascension with...]

~6~ ~{~{400 400}~}~ ~700~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Double Thav issi divine vital~impedance, Pirsig's [divine] latching.

We have to view this quantumly as fractal recursion of Thav.

Let's go down one level using Thav spelled out as ~Thav~Waw~.
See Aut table near page top.

Then ~{~{400 400}~}~
appears like this
~{~{400 ~{6 ~400}~}~ ~6}~,
which is sort of a more qwf~cavitational repetition of
~6~ ~{~{400 400}~}~.

But that also shows us how fecundity is 'built in' to Thav!

Since Thav is at ending of breathing~out (masculine) metabolic life cycle it echoes (mirrors) life energy back to Aleph. Cavitation of double Thav engenders a hall of prolific but permeable mirrors!

In detail, out~cycle Vayt~begins a Bayt life trajectory with Aleph and ends with Thav.

Thus on reflection in~cycle Vayt~begins a Bayt death trajectory with Thav which ends with Aleph.

(Vayt as old shell breaks, commencing a new Bayt trajectory which ends in a next Vayt shell from which another Bayt trajectory is reborn. See finalNoun.)

Atta! A full life~death cycle.

Here we see a divine double Thav, a double retroreflection. ihn this case it appears as an amplification, a cavitational~pumping reverberation of death cycles.

We may choose to complementaroceiveq this as divineq rest, peace...

We fathom divinity of peace through high energy devolution.

We view a kind of quantum~gradient fermions to isons graduation.

Keep ihn mind that Atta's life~death cyclings are fermionic. They exist ihn actuality.

finalNoun represents cosmic freedom, indetermination, resting~peace, etc.

Now, too, ponder this is Thav.

We do not see Tav used here. Thav is necessary to permit leakage (e.g., metaphorically semi silvered end of a ruby rod laser). Implication appears as some life energy issi returning to isoflux: cosmic n¤nexistence.

This is a very high energy gradient, i.e,. partial quantum transmutation of living matter back ihnto its source: isoenergy, isoflux.

We see fermions devolving to isons!

As shown ihn our QVH Table this appears as partial, gradient devolution. Slow death.

However, it really is divine renewal of a new home to replace old home. Spirit graduates into new digs!!!

Shæ will always set us a new place to live, to comtinue our divine Atta.

Doug's Suaresian quantum~thermodynamic heuristics.

Doug - 9May2015, 29Jan2017.
18 Ghimel~finalMem



..."experienceingq organicq movementq~restq exaltationq unto;"

experienceingq organicq movementq~restq exaltationq unto...]

19 Lammed~Aleph~Yod~Sheen~Hay



..."her man assa metabolicq livingq oneq;"

her man assa metabolicq livingq oneq...]

~{30 ~{1 10}~ ~300}~ ~5~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
20 Ayn~Mem~Hay



..."bringingq him livingq hologralq enlighteningsq;"

bringingq him livingq hologralq enlighteningsq...]

21 Vav~Yod~Aleph~Khaf~Lammed



..."and let him tasteq;"

and let him tasteq via his existentialq fecundityingsq vital~impetus grailingq existentialq metabolismingsq...]

~6~ ~{10 1}~ ~20.30~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~6~ ~{existentialq vital~impetus}~ ~20.30~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~6~ ~{10 1}~ ~grailingq existentialq metabolismingsq~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

. . .

It becomes rather clear in this qwfal schema how (existentialq vital~impetus uses) grailingq of existentialq metabolismingsq as a way of omniscribing how one eatsq, how one tastesq.

Doug - 29Jan2017.

©Quantonics, Inc., 2017~2036

And when a
wiseq and divineq woman of livingq fireq
understood how
the tree's livingq existentialq emerqancyingsq from Kreb cycle QED lightingsq
for food where existentialq metabolismsq divinelyq sate existentialq biospheres with grailedq spiritualq nourishmentq,
and therefore
engendering a source of fecund life,
whose fecundq livingsq and vital~impetus arera evolutelyq mitigatingq dialectic cowithihn usq
existentialq metabolicq enlightenmentingsq of divineq existentialq qwf~cavitationingsq of lifeq principleingsq cosmically biosphered,
and charm, beauty, 'being pleasant,'
the tree's livingq existentialq emerqancyingsq from Kreb cycle QED lightingsq
to one's eyes,
and vitally~impeding, destroying possibleq spiritualq illusions,
one's wise metabolismq's unlimitedq possiblityingsq arera omniversally emerqingq fecundq existenceingsq,
and permeable vital impedanceings channeling vital~impetusings metabolically,
and she will sit assa graduated divinity of resting peace through total freedom of cosmic indetermination: pure spiritual ascension while
experienceingq organicq movementq~restq exaltationq unto
her man assa metabolicq livingq oneq,
bringingq him livingq hologralq enlighteningsq,
and let him tasteq via his existentialq fecundityingsq vital~impetus grailingq existentialq metabolismingsq.

. . .

This translation endeavor was tough for Doug. It lacks fluency and clarity, so one has to dig in, so to speak, to grasp its essentials.

Many words here prior unseen by Doug. Familiarity tends to garner clarity...

Doug - 29Jan2017.


©Quantonics, Inc., 2017~2036

Retranslation of Genesis III:7

Doug - 30Jan2017.

Genesis III Letter~Text Spelled Out


(some guesses)

An Internet Literal
(some altered by Doug)

Doug's Suaresian Qabalic Translation

1 Vav~Thav~Phay~Qof~Hhayt~Noun~Hay



..."And opened were;"

And opened were...]

~6.400~ ~{80 ~100~ ~8}~ ~{50 5}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

See Ve'Naphaqohho above on this page.

Doug - 30Jan2017.
2 Ayn~Yod~Noun~Yod





Compare Ayn~Yod~Noun and Ayn~Yod~finalNoun.

Doug - 30Jan2017.
3 Sheen~Noun~Yod~Hay~finalMem



..."of both of them [usq];"

of both of them [usq]...]

~300~ ~{50 ~10~ ~5}~ ~600~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Both derives from Shenim.

Doug - 30Jan2017.
4 Vav~Yod~Dallet~Ayn~Waw



..."to know;"

to know...]

~{6 ~10.4.70 6~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
5 Kaf~Yod





6 Ayn~Yod~Raysh~Mem~finalMem



..."wæ saw the light, wæ experienced light's YhShWh~qwfal expositionings;"

saw the light, wæ experienced light's YhShWh~qwfal expositionings...]

~70.10.200~ ~{40 600}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Classical Idiom Issi Stultified

We do not have to take Aayromem as literally 'naked;' it can mean 'empty.'

When we parse this schema's QCS™ script we have, "Enlightenedq existenceingsq omniversalq emerqancyingsq both existentially and cosmically biosphered."

Shining light tends to 'expose,' to 'lay bare.' Light offers clarification. Most of our bosonic somatic sensors qwfally ~do~due~ that.

Now we may hermeneut this omnifferingly our source text.

If YhShWh issi Lightq (our QED messengerq), then Adam and Eve became aware of YhShWh, they were n¤t lingua~classically benuded, unclothed.

So we might comsider saying some words like, "They became aware of YhShWh cowithihn them."

Allegedly, this is an agreement with their standingunder A~Dam as Aleph cowithihn their blood. And Adamq has already been named thus...

As Suares has warned 'canonic' idiom often is childish, immature, classical, formal, objective, mechanical, mentally stultified.

This schema offers usq a great exemplar.

Classical Idiom Issi Stultified

To translate Aayromem assa 'naked' (in Genesis III's roleq and situationq) rather than as complementaroceiveingq YhShWh , like Aleph, as cowithihn them (us), is a huge and apparently intentional or just plain ignorant canonic classical deception.

For fun, re watch City of Angels and re fathom Mr. Messenger.

Don't forget YhShWh's qwfal metabolicq script:


70.~existential~QED~scintillationings~transmutationings' FUPings~


Where's y~¤ur messenger? ~70~. Light! Quantum~Light!

Beq ihn Ihts Lightq. Seeq Ihts Lightq. Feelq Ihts Lightq cowithihn youq!

Doug - 30Jan2017.
7 Hay~finalMem



..."of usq;"

of usq...]

8 Vav~Yod~Tav~Phay~Raysh~Waw



..."as wæ sewed;"

as wæ sewed...]

~{6 ~10.400.80.200~ ~6}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~{6 ~impedance of existential unlimited possibilityings omniversally emerqant~ ~6}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
9 Ayn~Lammed~Hay



..."leaves together;"

leaves together in attempts to enlightenq ¤ur beingsq...]

10 Tav~Aleph~Noun~Hay



..."includeingq allegoricalq wondersq of usq compared to y~¤ur Fig Tree Allegory;"

includeingq allegoricalq wondersq of usq compared to y~¤ur Fig Tree Allegory...]

Translator of this Autiot mentions of a fig leaves!

Yet Tenah means fig tree!

Doug wrote this in Magdalene V:26 word 6,

Suares shows us how to hermeneut this schema assa "Tav engendering, directly, Aleph from perpetual life's ~Noun~Hay~." See Suares' SoS II:13, p. 75.

Now realize..., e.g., in a desert...apparently there issi no water, and yet a fig tree engenders fruit! Fruit ex nihilo aperio?

Tav~Aleph issi fluxoid 1 (breatheing~ihn) of Atta.

So we may interpret Ta assa Tav directly engendering Aleph!

Cool, eh?

. . .

~400.1~ ~{50 5}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Fig Tree Allegory

When we associate this schema with 'any desert,' as you may see elsewhere, we may find relevance of usq allegorically as a fig tree, Tenah, assa ~Tav~Aleph~Noun~Hay~, gematraically ~400.1.50.5~.

Suares shows us how to hermeneut this schema assa "Tav engendering, directly, Aleph from perpetual life's ~Noun~Hay~." See Suares' SoS II:13, p. 75.

Now a desert...apparently there issi no water, and yet a fig tree engenders fruit! Fruit ex nihilo aperio?

Evolutioningsq of usq, to Doug, directly engendersq livingq ~temporalq~atemporalq~spiritq~ cowithihn usq. But why, who, how, from where, from when...? How?

Like said fig tree, too arera enigmaticq...

Fig Tree Allegory

Historically this allegory issi Valued as somewhat sensational.

Doug has found no other interpretation of this schema, but it may have complementary~antinomialsq of which Doug as yet issi unaware.

Doug - 31Dec2016.
11 Vav~Yod~Ayn~Seen~Waw



..."and what is sempiternally done by him;"

and what is sempiternally done by him...]

~{6 ~10.70.300~ ~6}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
12 Lammed~Hay~finalMem



..."for usq;"

for usq...]

13 Hhayt~Ghimel~Raysh~Tav



..."freeing y~¤ur omniversally emerqant spiritual movementings cosmically impeded;"

freeing ¤ur omniversally emerqant spiritual movementings cosmically impeded...]

©Quantonics, Inc., 2017~2036

And opened were
of both of them [usq]
to know,
saw the light, wæ experienced light's YhShWh~qwfal expositionings
of usq
as wæ sewed
leaves together in attempts to enlightenq ¤ur beingsq,
includeingq allegoricalq wondersq of usq compared to y~¤ur Fig Tree Allegory,
and what is sempiternally done by him
for usq,
freeing ¤ur omniversally emerqant spiritual movementings cosmically impeded.

Doug - 30Jan2017.


©Quantonics, Inc., 2017~2036

Retranslation of Genesis III:8

Doug - 30Jan2017.

Genesis III Letter~Text Spelled Out


(some guesses)

An Internet Literal
(some altered by Doug)

Doug's Suaresian Qabalic Translation

1 Vav~Yod~Sheen~Mem~Ayn~Waw



..."And they [wæ] heard;"

And they [wæ] heard...]

~{6 ~10.300.40.70~ ~6}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Doug issi intentionally 'contemporaneously com~temporizingq idiom' here to show readers how what allegorically happened to Adam and Eve issi happening to all of usq perpetually, ubiquitously.

Doug - 30Jan2017.
2 Aleph~Tav



..."from alpha to omega;"

from alpha to omega...]

3 Qof~Waw~Lammed



..."the voice (messageq) of;"

the voice (messageq) of...]

4 Yod~Hay~Waw~Hay



..."regarding whether the (undeific) demiurgec;"

regarding whether the demiurgec assa (undeific) life existence fecundly living...]

~10~ ~{~{5 ~6~ ~5}~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Doug views demiurgeings not as 'god' rather assa Pirsig's bio 'logical' dialectical urges: absent spirit's metabolism. In other words fecund life isn't spiritual 'god like' life. Where's the breath? Where's Atta?

YahWeh issi like saying, "fecundity is divine." Biological eros per se issi splendid.

But what can we compare?

How about YhShWh assa Ben A~Dam assa, "Y~¤ur evolution of cosmic life principleings with and due Aleph qwfally cowithihn y~¤ur blood?"

Worseship fecundityc? Worseship eros?

Bettershiping evolutionaryq metabolismingsq? Bettershiping metabolic 'love.'

See Jung's Red Book Plate 127.

Doug - 28Jan2017.
5 Aleph~Lammed~Hay~Yod~finalMem



..."may be referred Elohim;"

may be referred Elohim...]

~{1 ~30.5~ ~10}~ ~600~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

YahWeh does n¤t equalc ~YahWeh~Elohim~.

Doug will agree that we may refer ~YahWehElohim~ 'god.'

That is why Doug favors YhShWh. It allows us an inference that YahWeh has evolved ihnto having Sheen middle~included cowithihn YahWeh.

Suares didn't say that, but he too appears to favor YhShWh hyper YahWeh.

Suares does say that YahWeh is not a deity!!!

What Does Suares write about YahWeh?

"...YahWeh in its true [Qabalic] meaning is not a deity to be worshiped, least of all in a temple..."
Ref. Suares' Cipher of Genesis, p. 40, Shambala, hardbound, first edition, English, 1970.
Doug's brackets and bold.

Doug - 28Jan2017.
6 Mem~Tav~Hay~Lammed~finalKhaf



..."while strolling;"

while strolling assa metabolicq life~death~qycloidings of y~¤ur quantum~beings...]

~{40 400}~ ~{5 ~30~ ~500}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
7 Bayt~Ghimel~finalNoun



..."in garden of;"

in garden of vital impetus' organic movement cosmically, radically uncertainly quantized as existential~spiritual livings middle~including one another...]

See finalNoun.
8 Lammed~Raysh~Waw~Hhayt



..."in spiritual peace of;"

in spiritual peace of...]

9 Hay~Yod~Waw~finalMem



..."the day;"

the day...]

~5.10~ ~{6 ~600}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
10 Vav~Yod~Tav~Hhayt~Bayt~Aleph





~6~ ~{10 ~400.8.2~ ~1}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
11 Hay~Aleph~Dallet~Mem



..."the man;"

the man...]

12 Vav~Aleph~Sheen~Thav~Waw



..."and his wife;"

and his wife...]

13 Mem~Phay~Noun~Yod



..."hid themselves from demiurgic error, demiurgic evil, doing demiurgic dialectic harm;"

hid themselves from demiurgic error, demiurgic evil, doing demiurgic dialectic harm...]

This issi precisely what classical society does as we arera k~now~ings it CeodE 2016.

Doug - 6Oct2016.
14 Yod~Hay~Waw~Hay



..."the (undeific) demiurgec;"

regarding whether the demiurgec assa (undeific) life existence fecundly living...]

~10~ ~{~{5 ~6~ ~5}~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Doug - 28Jan2017.
15 Aleph~Lammed~Hay~Yod~finalMem





~{1 ~30.5~ ~10}~ ~600~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
16 Bayt~Tav~Waw~finalKhaf





17 Ayn~finalTsadde



..."trees of;"

trees of...]

18 Hay~Ghimel~finalNoun



..."the garden;"

the garden...]

©Quantonics, Inc., 2017~2036

And they [wæ] heard,
from alpha to omega,
heard a voice (messageq)
regarding whether the demiurgec assa (undeific) life existence fecundly living
may be referred Elohim,
while strolling assa metabolicq life~death~qycloidings of y~¤ur quantum~beings
in garden of vital impetus' organic movement cosmically, radically uncertainly quantized as existential~spiritual livings middle~including one another
in spiritual peace of
the day
the man
and his wife,
hid themselves from demiurgic error, demiurgic evil, from doing demiurgic dialectic harm
regarding the demiurgec assa (undeific) life existence of fecundly living
trees of
the garden.

. . .

This verse isn't clear at all. At least to Doug. It can be made to say whatever a translator wants. Ugh.

That likely is a tell of esoterica, possibly subterfuge. Again, Doug is not a born and raised Jew.

It will be valuable to, best effort, put these unclear verses in a ~role~situational~comtext~ of all of Gen III text.
Doug may
choose n¤t to ~do~due~ that.

Simply, to Doug, it appears to be saying, "Do not trust YahWeh Elohim." And possibly "be very careful" hermeneuting what Iht says.

Good advice.

Doug - 30Jan2017.


©Quantonics, Inc., 2017~2036

Retranslation of Genesis III:9

Doug - 31Jan2017.

Genesis III Letter~Text Spelled Out


(some guesses)

An Internet Literal
(some altered by Doug)

Doug's Suaresian Qabalic Translation

1 Vav~Yod~Qof~Raysh~Aleph



..."And wæ must, without dialectic, fecundlyq desiderateq;"

And wæ must, without dialectic, fecundlyq desiderateq...]

~6~ ~{10 ~{100}~ ~200~ ~1}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Suares, in Gen I:5 word 1, claims that this kind of desideration issi usually about Yavdel (two paths, two ways, etc.).

We can fathom Yavdel, i.e., pairwise complementaryq antinomialismq.

Without dialectic.

Heraclitus used Yavdel in his profound explication of quantons(up,down).

Pirsig used Yavdel in his profound, paraphrased by Doug, "Mind issi ihn body, and body issi ihn mind, without classical con(m)tradiction."

Jeshuah used Yavdel in his, "I am in you and you are in me (quantons(I,you))..."

Another great Yavdel issi arera assa quantons(AR,RA), i.e., quantons(apoptosis,resurrection): two pathsq of cellularq metabolismq.

Doug was struggling mightily with Pirsig's "without contradiction," "without dialectic," words nearly 20 years ago...

A Lila Squad mate (Jason Gadke) brought it to my attention in about September 1997. Thanks Jason!

Finally, fathomq Doug's usageq of desiderateq assa quantadulation.

Doug - 13Jul2016, 21Dec2016.
2 Yod~Hay~Waw~Hay



..."regarding whether the (undeific) demiurgec;"

regarding whether the demiurgec assa (undeific) life existence fecundly living...]

~10~ ~{~{5 ~6~ ~5}~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Doug views demiurgeings not as 'god' rather assa Pirsig's bio 'logical' dialectical urges: absent spirit's metabolism. In other words fecund life isn't spiritual 'god like' life. Where's the breath? Where's Atta?

YahWeh issi like saying, "fecundity is divine."

But what can we compare?

How about YhShWh assa Ben A~Dam assa, "Y~¤ur evolution of cosmic life principleings with and due Aleph qwfally cowithihn y~¤ur blood?"

Worseship fecundityc?

Bettershiping evolutionaryq metabolismingsq?

Doug - 28Jan2017.
3 Aleph~Lammed~Hay~Yod~finalMem



..."may be referred Elohim;"

may be referred Elohim...]

~{1 ~30.5~ ~10}~ ~600~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

YahWeh does n¤t equalc ~YahWeh~Elohim~.

Doug will agree that we may refer ~YahWehElohim~ 'god.'

That is why Doug favors YhShWh. It allows us an inference that YahWeh has evolved ihnto having Sheen middle~included cowithihn YahWeh.

Suares didn't say that, but he too appears to favor YhShWh hyper YahWeh.

Suares does say that YahWeh is not a deity!!!

What Does Suares write about YahWeh?

"...YahWeh in its true [Qabalic] meaning is not a deity to be worshiped, least of all in a temple..."
Ref. Suares' Cipher of Genesis, p. 40, Shambala, hardbound, first edition, English, 1970.
Doug's brackets and bold.

Doug - 28Jan2017.
4 Aleph~Lammed





Unto, "Vital~impetusings existentialq metabolismingsq."

Doug - 31Jan2017.
5 Hay~Aleph~Dallet~finalMem



..."the man;"

the man...]

The man, "Livingq vital~impetus gatewayveingq matureq cosmic biosphereings."

Doug - 31Jan2017.
6 Vav~Yod~Aleph~Mem~Raysh



..."and said;"

and said...]

~6~ ~{10 1}~ ~40.200~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
7 Lammed~Waw



..."unto him and unto all;"

unto him and unto all...]

8 Aleph~Yod~Kaf~Hay



..."in what placeq issi y~¤ur Nameq?;"

in what placeq issi y~¤ur Nameq?...]

~{1 10}~ ~20.5~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

This issi a partial anagramq of Qabala with impermeableq grailingsq embeddedq.

Imagine Qabala comtracted assa quantons((1,(10),5)).

That is first time Doug has ever used his innovative Quantonics Script like that! He needed that to show Autiot Name of Qabala's Game of Life. That innovative approach offers immense future potentia in QS and QCS™.

Qabala issi quantons((1,(10),5)).

Qabala issi quantons((E,(I),H)) issi Ehieh. Think of Yod's wayve~linguisticq situationalq presenceq assa heretically arbitrary, parenthetic, suggestible, appropriate, as needed.

"In what hologralq placeq issi Qabala's Name?"

In how many wayveingsq does Qabala's Name holograllyq appearq?

Doug - 31Jan2017.

©Quantonics, Inc., 2017~2036

And wæ must, without dialectic, fecundlyq desiderateq
regarding whether the demiurgec assa (undeific) life existence fecundly living
may be referred Elohim,
the man
and said,

"Unto him and unto all
in what placeq issi y~¤ur Nameq?"

. . .

This verse is incredibly important!

It tells us that, when we play The Game of Life, we must be k~n¤w~ings where our name is in reality's omniversal hologram.

Do all Adams gnostically know whereq their nameq is? Do all Eshahs individually know whereq their nameq is?

Do you know gnostically~individually whereq your nameq is?

Hint: Issi Qabala situationq of your placeq?

See H5W.

Hermeneut Doug's usages of gnostic and individual assa role~situationally Mae-wan Ho's quanton(coherence,autonomy).

Doug - 31Jan2017.


©Quantonics, Inc., 2017~2036

Retranslation of Genesis III:10

Doug - 31Jan2017.

Genesis III Letter~Text Spelled Out


(some guesses)

An Internet Literal
(some altered by Doug)

Doug's Suaresian Qabalic Translation

1 Vav~Yod~Aleph~Mem~Raysh



..."And he said;"

And he said,...]

~6~ ~{10 1}~ ~40.200~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
2 Aleph~Tav



..."from alpha to omega;"

from alpha to omega,...]

3 Qof~Waw~Lammed



..."I heard y~¤ur voice (messageq) of;"

I heard y~¤ur voice (messageq) of...]

~300~ ~{40 ~70~ 400}~ ~10~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
4 Sheen~Mem~Ayn~Thav~Yod



..."vocally projectingq, trumpeting;"

vocally projectingq, trumpeting...]

5 Bayt~Ghimel~finalNoun



..."in the garden;"

in the garden...]

6 Vav~Aleph~Yod~Raysh~Aleph





~6~ ~{1 ~{10}~ ~200~ ~1}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
~6~ ~{~{1 ~{10}~ ~200~ ~1}~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Fear may emerge from a desire for Aleph and its Qabala.

Fear from omniversally emerqant existence denying Aleph?

Does that QCS™ script exhibit denial of Aleph in some way?

Where's the Qof?

Compare Veiqra.

Doug - 31Jan2017.
7 Kaf~Yod





8 Ayn~Yod~Raysh~finalMem



..."wæ sawq the lightq, wæ experiencedq lightq's YhShWh~qwfal expositionq;"

sawq the lightq, wæ experiencedq lightq's YhShWh~qwfal expositionq...]

This word isn't 'naked,' rather it is about exposure, and fear of being psyche~pneuma exposed as hyle~psyche.

Doug - 31Jan2017.
9 Aleph~Noun~Khaf~Yod



..."being vertical, upright, honorable;"

being vertical, upright, honorable...]

~{1 ~50.20~ ~10}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
10 Vav~Aleph~Hhayt~Vayt~Aleph



..."and spirituallyq surroundedq selfq with divineq vital~impetusings;"

and spirituallyq surroundedq selfq with divineq vital~impetusings...]

~6~ ~{1 ~8.2~ ~1}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
~6~ ~{~{1 ~8.2~ ~1}~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Self did n¤t hidec. Selfq embraced Aleph's radicalq indeterminationq.

Only individuals can do this! Be gnostic. Play Qabala!

Doug - 31Jan2017.

©Quantonics, Inc., 2017~2036

And he said,
from alpha to omega,

"Wæ heard y~¤ur voice (messageq)
vocally projectingq, trumpeting
in the garden
regarding your fear
wæ might fail to seeq the lightq, even though wæ experiencedq lightq's YhShWh~qwfal expositionq,
however, being vertical, upright, honorable,
wæ spirituallyq surroundedq ourselvesq with divineq vital~impetusings."

. . .

In this verse Autiot's fluxodynamicq schemaq belie an abominable source text translation.

Doug issi thrilled. Several of those words didn't appear as idiom in any of Doug's references, so he was educedq to ponder their Autiot fluxodynamicq detailq.

Doug - 31Jan2017.


©Quantonics, Inc., 2017~2036

Retranslation of Genesis III:11

Doug - 31Jan2017.

Genesis III Letter~Text Spelled Out


(some guesses)

An Internet Literal
(some altered by Doug)

Doug's Suaresian Qabalic Translation

1 Vav~Yod~Aleph~Mem~Raysh



..."And he said;"

And he said,...]

~6~ ~{10 1}~ ~40.200~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
2 Mem~Yod



..."i.e., him assa;"

i.e., him assa...]

3 Hay~Ghimel~Yod~Dallet





4 Lammed~finalKhaf



...""Who told you;"

"Who told you...]

5 Kaf~Yod





6 Ayn~Yod~Raysh~finalMem



..."you sawq the lightq, you experiencedq lightq's YhShWh~qwfal expositionq?;"

you sawq the lightq, you experiencedq lightq's YhShWh~qwfal expositionq?...]

This word isn't 'naked,' rather it is about exposure, and fear of being psyche~pneuma exposed as hyle~psyche.

Doug - 31Jan2017.
7 Aleph~Thav~Hay



...""Are you declaring;"

"Are you declaring...]

This appears as self witnessing, gnostically.

Doug - 31Jan2017.
8 Hay~Mem~finalNoun



..."you received manna from;"

you received manna from...]

9 Hay~Ayn~Tsadde



..."the tree?;"

the tree?...]

10 Aleph~Sheen~Raysh



...""Are you witnessing;"

"Are you witnessing...]

11 Tsadde~Waw~Yod~Tav~Yod~finalKhaf



..."the breadth of my authority;"

the breadth of my authority...]

~90.6~ ~{~{10 ~400~ ~10}~}~ ~500~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~structural fecundityings~ of ~{~{10 ~400~ ~10}~}~ ~500~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~90.6~ ~{~{of divine vital~impedanceings}~}~ ~500~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~90.6~ ~{~{10 ~400~ ~10}~}~ ~cosmically grailing isofluxings~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

. . .

Philosophy First

This schema, Tsoitikh, at first blush appears to be an authority which wishes to restrict choice. Over simply it is extreme (divine) structured impedance. Material impedance: SOM's wall.

Classically conceived this putatively is binary dialectical either-or enforcement.

Recall GW Bu()Sh()'s, "Our way or the highway?"

"You're either for us or against us!"
Kindergartenc pottyc timec retardationc. Socialismc. OSFA. OWO.


Individuals in a metabolic reality have free will as given by meme of Noun and finalNoun assa "Quantum life principles of freedom, uncertainty, and peace."

We have quantum authority not only to guess but to choose too!!!

Quanton issi Almighty! Tsvateem.

Here, Doug should sub Tsvateem for Tsoitikh.

~90.2.400.10.600~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
(soma and cosmic biosphereings)


~90.6~ ~{~{10 ~400~ ~10}~}~ ~500~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
(male fecundationings and cosmic grailings)

Is existential control over vital~impedanceings divine?

Doesn't it mean "no holds barred," so that life shall JC Maxwellian "posentropically, unigradiently, life shall perish?"

They arera similar!

Philosophy first. Science later...perhaps much later, perhaps not at all.

Doug - 31Jan2017.
12 Lammed~Vayt~Lammed~Thav~Yod



..."cowithihn and somatically, metabolicallyq permeablyq impedingq existenceingsq;"

cowithihn and somatically, metabolicallyq permeablyq impedingq existenceingsq...]

13 Aleph~Khaf~Lammed



..."regarding what is either edible;"

regarding what is either edible...]

14 Mem~Mem~Noun~Waw



..."for filling, for sateing;"

for filling, for sateing..]

~{~{40 40}~}~ ~50.6~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

"Divine biosphereings fecund life principleings."

Doug - 28Jan2017.
15 Aleph~Khaf~Lammed~Thav



..."or inedible?";"

or inedible?"...]

©Quantonics, Inc., 2017~2036

And he said,
i.e., him assa

"Who told you
you sawq the lightq, you experiencedq lightq's YhShWh~qwfal expositionq?

"Are you declaring
you received manna from
the tree?

"Are you witnessing
the breadth of my authority
cowithihn and somatically, metabolicallyq permeablyq impedingq existenceingsq
regarding what is either edible,
for filling, for sateing,
or inedible?"

. . .

Another fabulous verse. This blows dialectic to hell. Bravo!

Doug - 31Jan2017.


©Quantonics, Inc., 2017~2036

Retranslation of Genesis III:12

Doug - 31Jan2017.

Genesis III Letter~Text Spelled Out


(some guesses)

An Internet Literal
(some altered by Doug)

Doug's Suaresian Qabalic Translation

1 Vav~Yod~Aleph~Mem~Raysh



..."And said;"

And said...]

~6~ ~{10 1}~ ~40.200~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
2 Hay~Aleph~Dallet~finalMem



..."the man,;"

the man,...]

3 Hay~Aleph~Sheen~Hay



...""The woman;"

"The woman...]

~{~{5 ~1.300~ ~5}~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
4 Aleph~Sheen~Raysh



..."witnessedq on behalf of;"

witnessedq on behalf of...]

~1~ ~{300 200}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
5 Noun~Tav~Thav~Hay



..."existentialq lifeq principleingsq of divineq qwf~cavitational silvered~semi~silvered laserq likeq resonanceingsq of vital~impedanceings cowithihn all livingsq;"

existentialq lifeq principleingsq of divineq qwf~cavitational silvered~semi~silvered laserq likeq resonanceingsq of vital~impedanceings cowithihn all livingsq...]

~{50 ~{~{400 400}~}~ ~5}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~{existential life principleings ~{~{400 400}~}~ ~5}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~{50 of ~{~{divine silvered~semi~silvered laser resonanceings of vital~impedanceings}~}~ ~5}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~{50 ~{~{400 400}~}~ cowithihn ~all livings}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
6 Ayn~Mem~Dallet~Yod



..."lightingsq with which wæq redeemq selves;"

lightingsq with which wæq redeemq selves...]

~70~ ~{40 4}~ ~10~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
7 Hay~Waw~Aleph



..."whose fecundq livingsq and vital~impetus arera evolutelyq mitigatingq dialectic cowithihn usq;"

whose fecundq livingsq and vital~impetus arera evolutelyq mitigatingq dialectic cowithihn usq...]

This ends up, ciphered, being a comtracted anagram of YahWeh with ~Aleph.1~. Tacit existenceings inferred by Doug.

This word appears, only just now becoming apparent to Doug, assa an antidote of (to) dialectic.


Doug - 15Jan2017.
8 Noun~Tav~Noun~Hay



..."Natnah's livingq divineq lifeq~principleingsq quantizing y~¤ur vital~impedanceings;"

Natnah's livingq divineq lifeq~principleingsq quantizing y~¤ur vital~impedanceings...]

~{~{50 ~400~ ~{50}~}~ ~5}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Two lives!

Life 1: quantization of vital~impedance
Life 1: quantization of life.

. . .

This issi a powerful Revelation!

It shows usq how divine physialq quantization of dialectic very simply marginalizes dialectic's canonic evil.

You may recall in Women's Ways of Knowing how this approach was used physially by women described in those case studies (first four chapters, recall).

Simply, quantization's subjectivity annihilates dialectic's objectivity.

Simply fluxq defeats stuxc!

Classical lemmings, you arera approaching rapidly extinction's cliff.

A quantum eschaton!

AKA Millennium III.

Doug - 12Sep2016.
9 Lammed~Yod



..."metabolicq existenceingsq;"

metabolicq existenceingsq...]

10 Mem~finalNoun



..."arera born beginning a somaq biospherically cowithihn cosmic lifeq principleingsq;"

arera born beginning a somaq biospherically cowithihn cosmic lifeq principleingsq...]

See Doug's finalNoun.

11 Hay~Ayn~finalTsadde



..."of the tree;"

of the tree...]

12 Vav~Aleph~Khaf~Lammed



..."from which I ate;"

from which I ate."...]

©Quantonics, Inc., 2017~2036

And said
the man,

"The woman (you gave me)
witnessedq on behalf of
existentialq lifeq principleingsq of divineq qwf~cavitational silvered~semi~silvered laserq likeq resonanceingsq of vital~impedanceings cowithihn all livingsq
lightingsq with which wæq redeemq selves
whose fecundq livingsq and vital~impetus arera evolutelyq mitigatingq dialectic cowithihn usq
offer Natnah's livingq divineq lifeq~principleingsq quantizing y~¤ur vital~impedanceings
metabolicq existenceingsq
arera born beginning a somaq biospherically cowithihn cosmic lifeq principleingsq
of the tree
from which I ate.

. . .

This verse further affirms Eve's assessmentq of her freeq willq rightsq to eat apples from a tree!


YahWeh Elohim, you are a dyed in wool dialectical hegemon. Go to hell.

Women have been misogynized patriarchically patronizingly by men for millennia due a bogus and
lightweight interpretation and translation of Genesis. Suares calls it an, "abomination."

It is!

This verse shows women as immeasurably (due her Sheen, mostly) more quantum than men, although Adam showsq undeniableq supportq for Eve here.

Doug - 31Jan2017.


Doug Renselle
Quantonics, Inc.
Suite 18 #368 1950 East Greyhound Pass
Carmel, INdiana 46033-7730

©Quantonics, Inc., 2017~2036- Rev. 27Oct2017  PDR - Created: 28Jan2017  PDR
(27Oct2017 rev - Add 'The Living Serpent' anchor to Gen III:2 word 4.)
