Regarding Genesis VI:1-10:
Doug is following a Hebrew interlinear English version of Genesis which he found on Internet. Version which Doug is using is from Scripture 4 All. This resource is new to Doug, but it appears to be a good one. It shows idiom from left to right with individual Hebrew words ciphered appropriately right to left. It is an authorized translation taken from Westminster Leningrad Codex with vowels. Idiom used here is very unlike what Doug is familiar with from Carlo Suares. Doug prefers latter and will use that in both his retranslation of idiom sometimes with quantum~remediation, and QCScombined with relevant Comcision. This source does not appear to reflect what Doug means by 'modern' (dialectical) Hebrew. So it may be closer to how Abraham's Autiot initiates may have read it. Let's hope so...
Doug has noticed in this reference, however, that ~Qof~ appears to be treated without what Suares refers, "Qof's role and situation of destroying illusions and delusions." This is important, at least to Doug, regarding how we treat Caheen (Cain), and all other schema (Autiot) which have Qof in them. That is what we experience elsewhere so far... Doug will follow his approach used so far in John (Magdalene), and that is to use a light green text background throughout wherever Qof appears (in idiom, remediationq, and qwfal Comcision).
It is good to keep in mind that contemporary Hebrew, excepting Autiot and Gematria do not carry sema of Abraham's Autiot. Modern Hebrew idiom (apparently) carries little resemblance to Aut (~ana~coquecigruesical~) symbols' sema of Abraham's time. Doug is assuming that Abraham had a grasp of Autiot more metabolic than its modern versions' relatively intransigent objective, formal, dialectical idiom.
Doug, following Suares, assumes reality issi metabolicq. If that assumption is acceptable, then all of Autiot, its Gematria, its Qabala, its Gnoses, its Seraphim, and Sefirot should reflect a language which too is metabolicq.
Our reference text does not do that. So part of Doug's retranslation effort will be to remediateq as Doug sees fit. This may offend some. Doug isn't doing this for any purpose of offense, rather a way of bringing ancient metabolicq memes into a more quantum real expression of our world CeodE 2017... We are in Day three. Prophecy expects great change during this millennium, likely much chaos too. Doug may be viewed as part of that changeq and chaosq, if you prefer.
To retranslate Genesis in Suares' quantum~hologral~fluxodynamic language, we need a legend of Autiot and their Gematria. Let's use Suares' Letter~Numbers as our reference:
(some guesses) |
(some altered by Doug) |
1 | Vav~Yod~Hay~Yod |
[Ve'Yehi: |
..."and he is becoming;" |
And he issi becomingq epigenomicq assa produceq of divineq qwf~cavitationings of divineq double existenceingsq archetypically, recursivelyq, fractallyq, complementaryq~antinomiallyq livingq cowithihnq and recursivelyq resonatingq~reverberatingq...] |
2 | Kaf~Yod |
[Ki: |
..."that;" |
his grailingsq of existenceingsq...] |
3 | Hay~Hhayt~Lammed |
[Hahhal: |
..."he started;" |
thus he started having children...] |
4 | Hay~Aleph~Dallet~finalMem |
[Ha'Adam: |
..."the Adam;" |
humans began...] |
5 | Lammed~Raysh~Vayt |
[La'Rav: |
..."to to be multitudinous;" |
to be multitudinous...] |
6 | Ayn~Lammed |
[Aal: |
..."on;" |
assa enlightenedq metabolismingsq with...] |
7 | Phay~Noun~Yod |
[Phani: |
..."faces of;" |
faces assa unlimitedq existentialq lifeq principleingsq of freedomq, uncertaintyq, and peaceq...] |
8 | Hay~Aleph~Dallet~Mem~Hay |
[Ha'Adamah: |
..."the ground;" |
the ground, our Mother Earth...] |
9 | Vav~Vayt~Noun~Waw~Tav |
[Ve'Venot: |
..."and daughters.;" |
and daughters fecundlyq~divinelyq evolveingq somatic atemporalq fluxings' metabolicq adaptationingsq according cosmic lifeq principleingsq of freedomq, uncertaintyq, and peaceq,....] |
10 | Yod~Lammed~Dallet~Waw |
[Yeleedo: |
..."they were born;" |
they were born assa existentialq fecundq gatewayveingsq of metabolismingsq...] |
11 | Lammed~Hay~finalMem |
[La'Hem: |
..."to them;" |
to them assa metabolicq livingsq cowithihnq cosmic biosphereings....] |
(some guesses) |
(some altered by Doug) |
1 | Vav~Yod~Raysh~Aleph~Waw |
[Ve'Yereoo: |
..."and they are seeing;" |
and they are seeing assa divineq fecundq qwf~cavitationings of ~qwf~cav~existenceingsq returningq (s~elected: see Doug's coining of quantadulation: quantadulated) cosmic~comtainmentings to vital~impetusingsq, Atbashes assa qwf~cavitationings from existentialq to cosmic unlimitedq possibilityingsq, of qwf~cavitationings of organic movementingsq from existentialq biosphereings to cosmic vital~impedanceings...] |
and ~{6 ... ~6}~: divineq fecundq qwf~cavitationings. Atbashes assa: ~ ~Pay~Mem~Ghimel~Tav~finalPhay~: Pame'Gataph QCSs assa: ~{80 ~{40 ~3~ ~400}~ ~800}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~ and ~{40 ... ~400}~: ~qwf~cavs~ from existentialq biosphereings to cosmic vital~impedanceings. A kind of qwfal struggleq with Iht. |
2 | Bayt~Noun~Yod |
[Beni: |
..."sons of;" |
sons assa sempiternalq evolutioningsq somaticq existenceingsq adhereingq existentialq lifeq principleingsq of freedomq, uncertaintyq, and peaceq...] |
3 | Hay~Aleph~Lammed~Hay~Yod~finalMem |
[Ha'Elohim: |
..."the Elohim;" |
the Elohim assa livingq qwf~cavitationings overlappingq ~Aleph.1's~ qwf~cavitationings of all metabolismingsq cowithihnq theirq qwf~reverberationings of theirq livingq qwf~reverberationings of existenceingsq ...] |
4 | Aleph~Tav |
[At: |
..."thoroughly;" |
thoroughly...] |
5 | Bayt~Noun~Waw~Tav |
[Benot: |
..."daughters of;" |
daughters of assa fecundq evolutionaryq somaticq FUP lifeq principleingsq taking on cosmic vital~impedanceings...] |
(Ben as evolution of Aleph ihn blood) apparently issi girls-daughters. Doug thought it should be Batot. sustaining evolution of humanity, and to do so they must sheroicallyq take on all impedances. |
6 | Hay~Aleph~Dallet~finalMem |
[Ha'Adam: |
..."the Adam;" |
the humans...] |
7 | Kaf~Yod |
[Ki: |
..."that;" |
that...] |
8 | Tayt~Vayt~Tav |
[Tovat: |
..."good ones;" |
good ones...] |
concrete assignaticc |the| and fluxq metabolicq ~issi~. |
9 | Hay~Noun~Hay |
[Hanah: |
..."they;" |
behold these daughters, these women of Adam arera, "Livingq lifeq principleingsq of freedomq, uncertaintyq, and peaceq experienceingq divinityq of lifeq itselfq"...] |
10 | Vav~Yod~Qof~Hhayt~Waw |
[Ve'Yeqoohhoo: |
..."and they are taking spirit and;" |
and they arera protectingq humanity's spiritq by taking dialectic out of humanity, and...] |
What's really going on inside that chrysalis, eh? Gestationq? |
11 | Lammed~Hay~finalMem |
[La'Hem: |
..."for them;" |
for them assa metabolicq lifeq cosmically biosphered...] |
12 | Noun~Sheen~Yod~finalMem |
[Nashim: |
..."women;" |
women, their wives assa existentialq lifeq principleingsq of many cosmic~metabolismingsq cowithihnq cosmic biosphereings...] |
13 | Mem~Khaf~Lammed |
[Me'Khol: |
..."from all;" |
from all assa existentialq biosphereingsq of metabolicq grailingsq....] |
14 | Aleph~Sheen~Raysh |
[Asher: |
..."whom;" |
witnessing whom...] |
15 | Bayt~Hhayt~Raysh~Waw |
[Bahharoo: |
..."they choose;" |
they choose via assessmentings of qwf~cavitational somaticq exaltationingsq of spirituallyq unlimitedq possibilityingsq ihnto qwf~reverberationingsq of cosmic emerqancyingsq qwf~modulatingq fecundationingsq....] |
Atbashes assa: ~{300 ~60~ ~3}~ ~80~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~. |
(some guesses) |
(some altered by Doug) |
1 | Vav~Yod~Aleph~Mem~Raysh |
[Ve'Yamer: |
..."and he is saying;" |
And he is saying...] |
2 | Yod~Hay~Waw~Hay |
[YahWeh: |
..."YahWeh;" |
YahWeh assa his existence assa two fecund lives [Prigogine and Stengers might say, "YahWeh is a posentropist."]...] |
3 | Lammed~Aleph |
[Lo: |
..."not;" |
not...] |
4 | Yod~Dallet~Waw~finalNoun |
[Ye'Doon: |
..."he shall adjudicate;" |
he shall adjudicate via existentialq fecundq gatewayveingsq of cosmic lifeq principleingsq of freedomq, uncertaintyq, and peace, which Atbashes assa cellularq biosphereings of uncertaintyq born of ~Qof's~ destructionings of dialectic...] |
Atbashes assa: ~ ~Mem~Qof~Phay~Tayt~: Me'Qofat |
5 | Raysh~Waw~Hhayt~Yod |
[Rouahhi: |
..."spirit of me;" |
spirit of me...] |
6 | Vayt~Aleph~Dallet~finalMem |
[Va'Adam: |
..."in the human;"~ |
in the human assa Vital~impetusingsq gatewayveingsq existentialq biosphereings cowithihnq bloodq, Atbashes assa atemporal cosmic~metabolicq vital~impedanceings of qwf~cavitationings from cosmic vital~impetusings destruction of dialectic ihnto and cowithihn qwf~reverberationings of existenceingsq...] |
without Atbash: ~ immature Va'Adam. and with Atbash: ~300.400.100.10~: Shethaqi. "Atemporal cosmic~metabolicq vital~impedanceings of qwf~cavitationings from cosmic vital~impetusings destruction of dialectic ihnto and cowithihn qwf~reverberationings of existenceingsq." |
7 | Lammed~Ayn~Lammed~finalMem |
[Le'Aalem: |
..."for eon, forever;" |
for eons, forever assa existentialq metabolicq sempiternalq divinityq of lightingsq cowithihnq cosmic biosphereings, Atbashes assa divineq grailingsq of unlimitedq potentialq opportunityq cowithihnq existenceingsq....] |
~ Atbashes assa: ~ ~Kaf~Zayn~Kaf~Yod~: Kazaki ~{20 ~7~ ~20}~ ~10~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~ |
8 | Bayt~Sheen~Ghimel~finalMem |
[Ba'Shegam: |
..."in which moreover;" |
in which moreover assa somaticq precipitousq immerscenceq from cosmic metabolismingsq to organicq movementingsq cowithihnq cosmic biosphereings...] |
9 | Hay~Waw~Aleph |
[Hoa: |
..."he;" |
he assa fecundq lifeq of ~Aleph.1~ cowithihnq himq...] |
10 | Bayt~Seen~Raysh |
[Basar: |
..."flesh;" |
fleshq assa straddleingsq of cosmic metabolismingsq and cosmic emerqancyingsq...] |
~{300 ~2~ ~3}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~: Compare to Ba'Shegam, just two words prior this. |
11 | Vav~Hay~Yod~Waw |
[Ve'Ha'Yo: |
..."and they became;" |
and they became...] |
12 | Yod~Mem~Yod~Waw |
[Imioo: |
..."days of him;" |
days of him...] |
13 | Mem~Aleph~Hay |
[Meah: |
..."hundred;" |
hundred...] |
14 | Vav~Ayn~Seen~Raysh~Yod~finalMem |
[Ve'Aaserim: |
..."and twenty;" |
and twenty...] |
15 | Sheen~Noun~Hay |
[Shenah: |
..."year;" |
years....] |
Retranslation of Genesis VI:4 Think of Atbash assa centered on a pair called ~Kaf~Lammed~. Now choose any other pair. Make
it a new center. Within a modulus of 22 (excluding finals) create
a new cipher code from that pair. What codes might a translator have chosen to enrich their Jekyll~Hyde stealth? How could you know? This is a little like code whispering. Doug - 7Nov2017. |
(some guesses) |
(some altered by Doug) |
1 | Hay~Noun~Phay~Lammed~Yod~finalMem |
[Ha'Nephalim: |
..."the ones distinguished;" |
The ones distinguished...] |
2 | Hay~Yod~Waw |
[Hioo: |
..."they became;" |
they became...] |
3 | Bayt~Aleph~Raysh~finalTsadde |
[Ba'Erts: |
..."in the earth;" |
in the earth...] |
4 | Bayt~Yod~Mem~Yod~finalMem |
[Ba'Yom'Yom: |
..."in the days;" |
in many days...] |
5 | Hay~Hay~finalMem |
[Ha'Hem: |
..."the them, the those;" |
the those of divineq livingsq cowithihnq cosmic biosphereings,...] |
6 | Vav~Ghimel~finalMem |
[Ve'Gam: |
..."and moreover, and also;" |
and moreover...] |
7 | Aleph~Hhayt~Raysh~Yod |
[Ehhri: |
..."after;" |
after...] |
8 | Khaf~finalNoun |
[Khan: |
..."so;" |
so...] |
9 | Aleph~Sheen~Raysh |
[Asher: |
..."which;" |
which...] |
10 | Yod~Vayt~Aleph~Waw |
[Ye'Vao: |
..."they are coming;" |
they are coming...] |
11 | Bayt~Noun~Yod |
[Beni: |
..."sons of;" |
sons assa sempiternalq evolutioningsq somaticq existenceingsq adhereingq existentialq lifeq principleingsq of freedomq, uncertaintyq, and peaceq...] |
12 | Hay~Aleph~Lammed~Hay~Yod~finalMem |
[Ha'Elohim: |
..."the Elohim;" |
the Elohim assa livingq qwf~cavitationings overlappingq ~Aleph.1's~ qwf~cavitationings of all metabolismingsq cowithihnq theirq qwf~reverberationings of theirq livingq qwf~reverberationings of existenceingsq ...] |
13 | Aleph~Lammed |
[Al: |
..."to;" |
to offer ~Aleph.1~ metabolicallyq unto...] |
14 | Bayt~Noun~Waw~Tav |
[Benot: |
..."daughters of;" |
daughters of assa fecundq evolutionaryq somaticq FUP lifeq principleingsq taking on cosmic vital~impedanceings...] |
(Ben as evolution of Aleph ihn blood) apparently issi girls-daughters. Doug thought it should be Batot. sustaining evolution of humanity, and to do so they must sheroicallyq take on all impedances. stux sux into flux issi crux! Atbashes assa: ~300.9.80.1~ |
15 | Hay~Aleph~Dallet~finalMem |
[Ha'Adam: |
..."the human;" |
of humanity...] |
~ (the immature Adam) Atbashes assa: ~90.400.100.10~ ~90.400~ ~{100 10}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~ ~Qof~, ~Raysh~, ~Sheen~, and ~Tav~. finalKhaf 500 to Khaf 20, finalMem 600 to Mem 40, finalNoun 700 to Noun 50, finalPhay 800 to Phay 80, and finalTsadde 900 to Tsadde 90. |
16 | Vav~Yod~Lammed~Dallet~Waw |
[Ve'Yeleedo: |
..."and they gave birth;" |
and they gave birth assa existentialq fecundq gatewayveingsq of metabolismingsq...] |
dichon(A, B) dichon(|A|, |B|) See Doug's QELR of Equilibrium. Without ~Qof~ that likely c[w]ould never happen. |
17 | Lammed~Hay~finalMem |
[La'Hem: |
..."for them;" |
for them...] |
18 | Hay~Mem~Hay |
[Hamah: |
..."they;" |
they became assa divineq livingq biosphereings...] |
19 | Hay~Ghimel~Bayt~Raysh~Yod~finalMem |
[Ha'Gebarim: |
..."the masterful men;" |
of the masterful men (mighty warriors) assa livingq organicq movementingsq qwf~cavitationally exaltedq from somaq ihnto cosmic emerqancyingsq and existingq cowithihnq cosmic~biosphereings...] |
to ~Tsadde~Raysh~Sheen~Ghimel~Mem~Yod~ ~90.200.300.3.40.10~ ~90~ ~{200 300}~ ~3.40.10~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~ |
20 | Aleph~Sheen~Raysh |
[Asher: |
..."who;" |
who...] |
21 | Mem~Ayn~Waw~Lammed~finalMem |
[Maaoolam: |
..."from eon;" |
from past eons...] |
22 | Aleph~Noun~Sheen~Yod |
[Enoshi: |
..."mortals of;" |
mortals of...] |
23 | Hay~Sheen~finalMem |
[Ha'Shem: |
..."the names;" |
the names...] |
23 | Pay |
[Pay~Hay: |
..."of renown;" |
of renown with unlimited possibilityings of life...] |
Again recall that YahWeh demiurgically put dialectic upon earth. Is that who most of us might think is "Lord?" |
(some guesses) |
(some altered by Doug) |
1 | Vav~Yod~Raysh~Aleph |
[Ve'Yar: |
..."and he is seeing;" |
And he issi seeing qwf~cavitationings of entangledq nestedq qwf~cavitationings of existenceingsq de(com)generatingq cosmic emerqancyingsq ihnto and cowithihnq ~Aleph.1~...] |
2 | Yod~Hay~Waw~Hay |
[YahWeh: |
..."YahWeh;" |
YahWeh assa his existence assa two fecund lives [Prigogine and Stengers might say, "YahWeh is a posentropist."]...] |
3 | Kaf~Yod |
[Ki: |
..."that;" |
that...] |
4 | Raysh~Bayt~Hay |
[Rabah: |
..."much;" |
much prolific dialectical teaching of physical (formal, mechanical, objective, material) reality's stux sux...] |
5 | Raysh~Ayn~Tav |
[Raat: |
..."evil of;" |
wickedness of...] |
6 | Hay~Aleph~Dallet~finalMem |
[Ha'Adam: |
..."the human;" |
of humanity...] |
"Stochasticq sexualityq disables dialectical bias." HotMeme |
7 | Bayt~Aleph~Raysh~finalTsadde |
[Ba'Erts: |
..."in the earth;" |
in the earth...] |
8 | Vav~Khaf~Lammed |
[Ve'Khol: |
..."and every of;" |
and every of...] |
9 | Yod~Tsadde~Raysh |
[Yetser: |
..."form of;" |
emerqant imagination~ing of...] |
10 | Mem~Hhayt~Sheen~Vayt~Tav |
[Mehhashevat: |
..."devices of;" |
devices of qwf~cavitational exaltationingsq of existentialq biosphereings imagineingq spiritualq cosmic~metabolismingsq of their somasq exaltedq and qwf~reverberatings cowithihnq and compenetratingq vital~impedanceings...] |
11 | Lammed~Bayt~Waw |
[Laboo: |
..."heart of him;" |
heart of him assa existentialq metabolismingsq of somaticq fecundationingsq...] |
12 | Raysh~Qof |
[Raq: |
..."but;" |
but assa cosmic comtainmentings attempting dialectically to mitigate ~Qof~...] |
13 | Raysh~Ayn |
[Raa: |
..."evil;" |
evil assa ...] |
14 | Kaf~Lammed |
[Kol: |
..."all of;" |
all of...] |
15 | Hay~Yod~Waw~finalMem |
[Ha'Yom: |
..."the day;" |
continually assa livingq existenceingsq qwf~cavitationally exaltedq from fecundationingsq to cosmic~biosphereings all cowithihnq Iht....] |
(some guesses) |
(some altered by Doug) |
1 | Vav~Yod~Noun~Hhayt~finalMem |
[Ve'Yenhhim: |
..."and he is regretting;" |
and he is regretting assa qwf~cavitationings of fecundationingsq exaltingq existentialq spiritualq lifeq principleingsq of freedomq uncertaintyq and peaceq ihnto and cowithihnq cosmic~biosphereings...] |
2 | Yod~Hay~Waw~Hay |
[YahWeh: |
..."YahWeh;" |
YahWeh assa his existence assa two fecund lives [Prigogine and Stengers might say, "YahWeh is a posentropist."]...] |
3 | Kaf~Yod |
[Ki: |
..."that;" |
that...] |
4 | Ayn~Seen~Hay |
[Aassah: |
..."he made;" |
he dialectically made...] |
5 | Aleph~Tav |
[At: |
..."thoroughly;" |
thoroughly...] |
6 | Hay~Aleph~Dallet~finalMem |
[Ha'Adam: |
..."the human;" |
humanity...] |
"Stochasticq sexualityq disables dialectical bias." HotMeme |
7 | Bayt~Aleph~Raysh~finalTsadde |
[Ba'Erts: |
..."in the earth;" |
in the earth...] |
8 | Vav~Yod~Tav~Ayn~Tsadde~Vayt |
[Ve'Yetaatsav: |
..."and he is grieving;" |
and he issi grieveings due fecund existenceings cosmically vitally~impeding enlightenmentingsq via existential structurationings of soma...] |
9 | Aleph~Lammed |
[Al: |
..."to;" |
at...] |
10 | Lammed~Bayt~Waw |
[Laboo: |
..."heart of him;" |
heart of him assa existentialq metabolismingsq of somaticq fecundationingsq...] |
(some guesses) |
(some altered by Doug) |
1 | Vav~Yod~Aleph~Mem~Raysh |
[Ve'Yamer: |
..."and he is saying;" |
And he is saying...] |
2 | Yod~Hay~Waw~Hay |
[YahWeh: |
..."YahWeh;" |
YahWeh assa his existence assa two fecund lives [Prigogine and Stengers might say, "YahWeh is a posentropist."]...] |
3 | Aleph~Mem~Hhayt~Hay |
[Em'Hhah: |
..."I shall destroy;" |
I shall destroy...] |
4 | Aleph~Tav |
[At: |
..."thoroughly;" |
thoroughly...] |
5 | Hay~Aleph~Dallet~finalMem |
[Ha'Adam: |
..."the human;" |
humanity...] |
6 | Aleph~Sheen~Raysh |
[Asher: |
..."whom;" |
whom...] |
7 | Bayt~Raysh~Aleph~Tav~Yod |
[Barati: |
..."I created;" |
I created via qwf~cavitational exaltationq of all comtainers from somaq to cosmic~emerqancyingsq coobsfectingq qwf~cavitationings of all projectioningsq of vital~impedanceings from ~Aleph.1~ ihnto existenceingsq...] |
Atbashes assa: ~300.3.400.1.600~ (~Mem~ is ~finalMem~) ~Sheen~Ghimel~Tav~Aleph~finalMem~ ~{300 3}~ ~400.1.600~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~ Thinkq of it, especially dark blue, assa metabolicq and highly, up to Planck's rate, hologrally~omni~sensorilyq animatedq. Red represents "heavy resistanceings." |
8 | Mem~Ayn~Lammed |
[Me'Aal: |
..."from on;" |
from your biosphereings of metabolicq enlightenmentingsq on...] |
9 | Phay~Noun~Yod |
[Phani: |
..."faces of;" |
faces of unlimitedq existentialq possibilityingsq of lifeq principleingsq of freedomq, uncertaintyq, and peaceq cowithihnq existenceingsq...] |
10 | Hay~Aleph~Dallet~Mem~Hay |
[Ha'Adamah: |
..."the ground;" |
the ground, our Mother Earth...] |
11 | Mem~Aleph~Dallet~finalMem |
[Me'Adam: |
..."from human;" |
from biospheric humanity...] |
12 | Ayn~Dallet |
[Aad: |
..."unto;" |
unto enlightenedq gatewayveingsq providing unlimitedq potentiaq of cosmic~vital~impetusings destructionings of dialectic...] |
Atbashes assa: ~7.100~: "Unlimitedq potentiaq of cosmic~vital~impetusings' destructionings of dialectic." Is YahWeh quanton(intentq,intentq)? |
13 | Bayt~Hay~Mem~Hay |
[Ba'Hamah, Ba'Homeh: |
..."beast [that which roars];" |
beast, rather somaticq divineq quantonic livesq of all biosphereings...] |
That ideac is impossible in QR for many 'reasons.' One is absoluteq changeq and its con(m)comitantq metabolicq evolutionq. Doug did that Atbash in his head, so check it yourself... |
14 | Ayn~Dallet |
[Aad: |
..."unto;" |
unto enlightenedq gatewayveingsq providing unlimitedq potentiaq of cosmic~vital~impetusings destructionings of dialectic...] |
Atbashes assa: ~7.100~: "Unlimitedq potentiaq of cosmic~vital~impetusings' destructionings of dialectic." |
15 | Raysh~Mem~Seen |
[Remes: |
..."moving animal [creeper, serpent, insect];" |
moving animals of cosmic qwf~cavitational straddleingsq of existentialq biosphereingsq from cosmic~emerqancyingsq to cosmic~metabolismingsq....] |
16 | Vav~Ayn~Dallet |
[Ve'Aad: |
..."and unto;" |
and unto enlightenedq gatewayveingsq providing unlimitedq potentiaq of cosmic~vital~impetusings destructionings of dialectic...] |
Atbashes assa: ~80.7.100~: "Unlimitedq possibilityingsq and potentiaq of cosmic~vital~impetusings' destructionings of dialectic." |
17 | Ayn~Waw~finalPhay |
[Aaoph: |
..."flyer of;" |
flyers of fecundq enlightenedq cosmic~unlimitedq~possibilityingsq...] |
18 | Hay~Sheen~Mem~Yod~finalMem |
[Ha'Shemaim: |
..."the heavens;" |
the heavens, assa livingq cosmic~metabolismingsq coobsfectingq heavenly existentialq biospheric qwf~cavitationings of existenceingsq ihnto and cowithihnq cosmic~biosphereings...] |
19 | Kaf~Yod |
[Ki: |
..."that;" |
that...] |
20 | Noun~Hhayt~Mem~Thav~Yod |
[Nahhamethi: |
..."I regret;" |
I regret assa spiritualq lifeq principleingsq coobsfectingq deathq of existenceingsq dying in their own dialectical words...] |
Did he do it intentionally? It seems so but, if he is a dialectician, he may have done it unintentionally since that's all he knows. Can we omnicide? They didn't and still don't. |
21 | Kaf~Yod |
[Ki: |
..."that;" |
that...] |
22 | Ayn~Seen~Yod~Tav~finalMem |
[Aasitam: |
..."I made them;" |
I made them assa enlighteningsq assa quantons(lightq,darkq) focusedq cosmic~metabolismingsq of existenceingsq encounteringq vital~impedanceings cowithihnq cosmic~biosphereings....] |
(some guesses) |
(some altered by Doug) |
1 | Vav~Noun~Hhayt |
[Ve'Nohh: |
..."and Noahh;" |
And Noah assa fecundq spiritualq existentialq lifeq principleingsq...] |
2 | Mem~Tsadde~Aleph |
[metso: |
..."he found;" |
he found existentialq biospheric structurationingsq of ~Aleph.1~...] |
Atbashes assa: ~10.5.400~: "Livingq existenceingsq struggleingsq with vital~impedanceings." |
3 | Hhayt~finalNoun |
[Hhan: |
..."grace;" |
grace...] |
Atbashes assa: ~60.9~: feminineq fecundq reproductionq. |
4 | Bayt~Ayn~Yod~Noun~Yod |
[Ba'Ayni: |
..."in eyes of;" |
in quant[dich]on(light,dark) seeing somatic eyes of...] |
more often YahWeh sees with dichons. |
5 | Yod~Hay~Waw~Hay |
[YahWeh: |
..."YahWeh;" |
YahWeh assa his existence assa two fecund lives [Prigogine and Stengers might say, "YahWeh is a posentropist."]...] |
6 | Pay |
[Pay: |
..."Pay;" |
with unlimitedq possibilityingsq in lifeq....] |
(some guesses) |
(some altered by Doug) |
1 | Aleph~Lammed~Hay |
[Alah: |
..."these;" |
These livingq metabolismingsq cowithihnq ~Aleph.1~...] |
2 | Thav~Waw~Lammed~Dallet~Tav |
[Tholadat: |
..."genealogical annals of;" |
genealogical annals experienceing heavy resistanceings of their fecund metabolismings of which Atbashes assa Alephicq qwf~cavitationings of existentialq unlimitedq possibilityingsq of grailingsq overlapq qwf~reverberating destruction of dialectic while overlapq qwf~reverberating Alephicallyq...] |
Atbashes assa: ~ We see ~Qof~. ~Aleph~Phay~Kaf~Qof~Aleph~: Aphakaqo. ~{1 ~80.20~ ~{100}~ ~1}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~. |
3 | Noun~Hhayt |
[Noahh: |
..."Noah;" |
Noahh assa spiritualq unlimitedq possibilityingsq of existentialq lifeq principleingsq of freedomq, uncertaintyq, and peaceq...] |
4 | Noun~Hhayt |
[Noahh: |
..."Noah;" |
Noahh assa spiritualq unlimitedq possibilityingsq of existentialq lifeq principleingsq of freedomq, uncertaintyq, and peaceq...] |
and ~{~{9 ~{~{60 ~9}~}~ ~60}~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~. |
5 | Aleph~Yod~Sheen |
[Eysh: |
..."man;" |
a man...] |
6 | Tsadde~Dallet~Yod~Qof |
[Tsadiq: |
..."righteous;" |
righteousness assa gatewayveingsq of existentialq structurationingsq ihnto existentialq qwf~cavitationings reverberatingq destructionings of dialectic which Atbashes assa livingq destroyers of dialectic via their biospheric gatewayveingsq...] |
"Valueq requires destruction of dialectic!" Wow HotMeme! Atbashes assa: ~ ~Hay~Qof~Mem~Dallet~: Ha'Qomed, "Living destroyers of dialectic via their biospheric gatewayveings." ~5.100~ ~{40 4}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~. Wow! |
7 | Thav~Mem~Yod~finalMem |
[Tameem: |
..."flawless;" |
flawless perfection assa vital~impedanceings qwf~cavitationings overlap reverberatingq existentialq biosphereings overlap qwf~cavitationings of existenceingsq cowithihnq cosmic~biosphereings qwf~reverberationings...] |
8 | Hay~Yod~Hay |
[Ha'Yah: |
..."he became;" |
he became two antinomialq complementaryq divineq livesq...] |
9 | Bayt~Dallet~Raysh~Tav~Yod~Waw |
[Ba'Dratio: |
..."in generations of him;" |
in generations of him assa somaticq qwf~cavitational exaltationingsq ihnto overlappingsq of gatewayveingsq exaltationingsq of overlappingq cosmic~emerqancyingsq ihnto and cowithihn cosmic~vital~impedanceings all coobsfectingsq fecundq existenceingsq which Atbashes assa two overlappingq precipitousq qwf~cavitationings from cosmic~metabolismingsq to organic movementingsq overlappingq destruction of dialectic in all vital~impetusingsq coobsfectingq unlimitedq cosmic~possibilityingsq of all existentialq biosphereings...] |
Atbashes assa: ~300. "Two overlappingq precipitousq qwf~cavitationings from cosmic~metabolismingsq to organic movementingsq overlappingq destruction of dialectic in all vital~impetusingsq coobsfectingq unlimitedq cosmic~possibilityingsq of all existentialq biosphereings." |
10 | Aleph~Tav |
[At: |
..."thoroughly;" |
thoroughly...] |
11 | Hay~Aleph~Lammed~Hay~Yod~finalMem |
[Ha'Elohim: |
..."the Elohim;" |
the Elohim assa livingq qwf~cavitationings overlappingq ~Aleph.1's~ qwf~cavitationings of all metabolismingsq cowithihnq theirq qwf~reverberationings of theirq livingq qwf~reverberationings of existenceingsq ...] |
12 | Hay~Tav~Hay~Lammed~finalKhaf |
[Ha'Tahlakh: |
..."he walked;" |
he walked assa two vitally~impeded livesq metabolicallyq grailing cosmic lifeq isoenergyings...] |
13 | Noun~Hhayt |
[Noahh: |
..."Noah;" |
Noahh assa spiritualq unlimitedq possibilityingsq of existentialq lifeq principleingsq of freedomq, uncertaintyq, and peaceq...] |
(some guesses) |
(some altered by Doug) |
1 | Vav~Yod~Waw~Lammed~Dallet |
[Ve'Yoleed: |
..."and he is generating a newborn;" |
And he issi generatingq a newbornq via qwf~cavitational 'two~fecundityingsq' of existenceingsq cowithihnq metabolismingsq of gatewayveingsq which Atbashes assa divineq unlimitedq ~qwf~cav~ existentialq biosphereingsq possibilityingsq grailingsq destructionings of dialectic..] |
and quantons(X,Y)? Atbashes assa: ~ Pamphakaq ~Pay~Mem~Phay~Kaf~Qof~: ~{~{80 ~40~ ~80}~}~ ~20.100~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~, "Divineq unlimitedq ~qwf~cav~ existentialq biosphereingsq possibilityingsq grailingsq destructionings of dialectic." |
2 | Noun~Hhayt |
[Noahh: |
..."Noah;" |
Noahh assa spiritualq unlimitedq possibilityingsq of existentialq lifeq principleingsq of freedomq, uncertaintyq, and peaceq...] |
3 | Sheen~Lammed~Sheen~Hay |
[Sheleshah: |
..."three;" |
three...] |
4 | Bayt~Noun~Yod~finalMem |
[Benim: |
..."sons;" |
sons assa somaticq lifeq principledq evolutioningsq of cosmic~biosphereings of existenceingsq...] |
5 | Aleph~Tav |
[At: |
..."thoroughly;" |
thoroughly...] |
6 | Sheen~finalMem |
[Shem: |
..."Shem;" |
Shem...] |
7 | Vav~Aleph~Tav |
[At: |
..."thoroughly;" |
thoroughly...] |
8 | Hhayt~finalMem |
[Hham: |
..."Hham;" |
Hham...] |
9 | Vav~Aleph~Tav |
[Ve'At: |
..."and thoroughly;" |
and thoroughly...] |
10 | Yod~Phay~Tav |
[Yephat: |
..."Japhet;" |
Japhet...] |