
Doug's Translation
Genesis XVI
Verses 11-16
Mimicking Carlo Suares'
Thermodynamic Qabala

Regarding Genesis XVI:11-16:

Doug is following a Hebrew interlinear English version of Genesis which he found on Internet. Version which Doug is using is from Scripture 4 All. This resource is new to Doug, but it appears to be a good one. It shows idiom from left to right with individual Hebrew words ciphered appropriately right to left. It is an authorized translation taken from Westminster Leningrad Codex with vowels. Idiom used here is very unlike what Doug is familiar with from Carlo Suares. Doug prefers latter and will use that in both his retranslation of idiom sometimes with quantum~remediation, and QCScombined with relevant Comcision. This source does not appear to reflect what Doug means by 'modern' (dialectical) Hebrew. So it may be closer to how Abraham's Autiot initiates may have read it. Let's hope so...

Doug has noticed in this reference, however, that ~Qof~ appears to be treated without what Suares refers, "Qof's role and situation of destroying illusions and delusions." This is important, at least to Doug, regarding how we treat Caheen (Cain), and all other schema (Autiot) which have Qof in them. That is what we experience elsewhere so far... Doug will follow his approach used so far in John (Magdalene), and that is to use a lightq green text background throughout wherever Qof appears (in idiom, remediationq, and qwfal Comcision).

It is good to keep in mind that contemporary Hebrew, excepting Autiot and Gematria do not carry sema of Abraham's Autiot. Modern Hebrew idiom (apparently) carries little resemblance to Aut (~ana~coquecigruesical~) symbols' sema of Abraham's time. Doug is assuming that Abraham had a grasp of Autiot more metabolicq than its modern versions' relatively intransigent objective, formal, dialectical idiom.

Doug, following Suares, assumes reality issi metabolicq. If that assumption is acceptable, then all of Autiot, its Gematria, its Qabala, its Gnoses, its Seraphim, and Sefirot should reflect a language which too is metabolicq.

Our reference text does not do that. So part of Doug's retranslation effort will be to remediateq as Doug sees fit. This may offend some. Doug isn't doing this for any purpose of offense, rather a way of bringing ancient metabolicq memes into a more quantum real expression of our world CeodE 2018... We are in Day three. Prophecy expects great change during this millennium, likely much chaos too. Doug may be viewed as part of that changeq and chaosq, if you prefer.

To retranslate Genesis in Suares' quantum~hologralq~fluxodynamic language, we need a legend of Autiot and their Gematria. Let's use Suares' Letter~Numbers as our reference:

Table of Autiot's 27 Letters in Three Rows of Nine
Transcribed from Carlo Suares' Cipher of Genesis
Doug Renselle

Genesis XVI:11

Genesis XVI:12

Genesis XVI:13

Genesis XVI:14

Genesis XVI:15

Genesis XVI:16

©Quantonics, Inc., 2018-2035

Retranslation of Genesis XVI:11

In this verse Ishmael issi born to Hagar.

Ishmael issi given his ~Shemou~ [name] in Qabala.

Doug - 12Mar2018.

Genesis XVI Letter~Text Spelled Out


(some guesses)

An Internet Literal
(some altered by Doug)

Doug's Suaresian Qabalic Translation

1 Vav~Yod~Aleph~Mem~Raysh



..."and he is saying;"

And he is saying assa a ~fecundq~qwf~cavitationalq~ ~existenceingsq~ of ~Aleph.1q~ ~coobsfectingsq~ ~biosphereings~ of ~cosmic~emerqancyingsq~...]

~6~ ~{10 1}~ ~40.200~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
2 Lammed~Hay



..."to her;"

to her assa ~metabolicq~livingsq~...]

3 Mem~Lammed~Aleph~finalKaf



..."messenger of;"

messenger, assa ~metabolicq~biosphereings~ ~offeringq~ ~Alephicq~ ~cosmic~grailingsq~, of...]

4 Yod~Hay~Waw~Hay




Yahweh assa ~existenceingsq~ of two ~{~{divinelyq ~livingq~ somaq ~fecundatingq~ nousq ~divinelyq~ ~livingq}~}~...]

~10~ ~{~{5 ~6~ ~5}~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

There arera many wayveingsq to hermeneut this schema.

For example, sub fermions for somaq and bosons for nousq.

In that example we could also sub corpus callosum for fecundatingq.

. . .

Clearly gender is non specific in said demiurge.

. . .

Beware idiom!

Gematraically compare YahWeh, YhShWh, and Yeshooaa.

Doug - 12Mar2018.
5 Hay~Noun~finalKaf



..."behold you !;"

behold, assa ~{cavitationalq~livingsq~ ~coobsfectingsq~ ~{cavitational... ~lifeq~principleingsq~ of ~freedomq, uncertaintyq, and peaceq~ ...reverberationalq}~ ~cowithihnq~ and ~adhereingsq~ ~reverberationalq~cosmic~grailingsq}~ you !...]

~{5 ~{50}~ ~500}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
6 Hay~Raysh~Hay




pregnant assa ~{cavitationalq~livingsq~ ~coobsfectingsq~ ~cosmic~emerqancyingsq~ ~coobsfectingsq~ ~reverberationalq~livingsq}~...]

~{5 ~200~ ~5}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

This word appears assa many apparentq antinomialsq.

One issi quanton(mountain,pregnant).


Con(m)sider "twin mountains."

We may treat this assa divineq, also.

It may be viewed assa "safe harbor," almost literally.

Doug - 12Mar2018.
7 Vav~Yod~Lammed~Dallet~Thav



..."and you give birth;"

and you, assa ~fecundq~metabolicq~existenceingsq~ ~exaltedq~ from ~{cavitationalq~gatewayveingsq~ beggings antinomialq Atbash destruction of dialectic ~permeablyq~ ~compenetrateingsq~ via and ihnto ~reverberationalq~vital~impedanceings}~, thusly give birth...]

~6.10.30~ ~{4 400}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Think of Doug's narrative use of "compenetrateings" here assa comception thence gestation.

Doug - 12Mar2018.
8 Bayt~finalNoun



..."son of;"

son, assa ~somaticq~evolutionq~ of ~cosmic~lifeq~principleingsq~, of...]

Clearly we need evolutionq of 'son.'

We need to remove dialectic from males, which provokes an enigma, since males are haploidally quantons(female,male),

So it appears our problem isn't so much one of evolutionq of nousq and somaq.

Rather one of evolutionq of culture and nurture.

Notice how Keynesianism is 'scientific.' It wants 'order.'
That order is
dialectical, amigo.

One World Order issi an dialectical abomination!!!
It's like saying, "One World of

A major faux pas of classical 'science' is that it too declares nature our enemy. But we see Her making of us assa exquisiteq, yet our culture still and yet turns us against Her!

Why? Our culture humanizes, anthropologically, anthropocentrically Her.

Nature issi anything but anthropogenetic!!!

Nor is earth cores' weather, nor atmospheric weather, nor sun's weather, nor galactic weather, nor interplanetary weather, nor stellar weather, nor volcanoes, nor gravity, and so on...

Dialectic is just and simply, profoundly retarded!

How is it that pre Abrahamic ancients knew this, and we ignore it? Dialectic.

'Scientists' are trained to do just that!

Doug - 12Mar2018.
9 Vav~Qof~Raysh~Aleph~Thav



..."and you call;"

and you, assa ~prolificq~fecundationingsq~ of ~{cavitationalq~cosmic~vital~impetusingsq removing dialectic from ~cosmic~emerqancyingsq~ ~evolutioningsq~ via ~reverberationalq~Aleph.1q~}~ via and ~whileq~ ~manageingsq~ of ~cosmic~vital~impedanceings~, call...]

~6~ ~{100 ~200~ ~1}~ ~400~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
10 Sheen~Mem~Waw



..."name of him;"

name, assa ~cosmic~metabolismingsq~ of ~livingsq~biosphereings~, of him...]

Shemou of Ishmael

Following text appeared first in SY I:1 in December of 2015.

Suares offers some rich narrative as caveat regarding Schemou (SY I:1 word 28) which Doug uses Shemou.

It goes like this, "Schemou is such a shrewd digest that it is given rise to the notion that every individual is a personification of the name s~he bears, a notion whose origin can be seen in the ontological meaning of the Autiot. Sheen expresses the action of the universal, organicq movement. Mem is the material of the subject. Waw is the fertilisation [Anglis] of this substance by Sheen. This direct bond between a subject and living
cosmic energy is, as we have seen in the linguistics, its method of description: the subject is defined according to the function of the
position it occupies in the hierarchy of structures. The ensembles beingq countless, when a name is pronounced, it has analogous
repercussions at the same level of structuration throughout the possible entities. If the Qabala is not interpreted with this way of thinking it is a dead letter and the Bible discloses nothing." Trilogy, Sepher Yetsira, pp. 442-443. Doug's bold.

Observe that Sheen and Mem are both Mothers, two of three Mothers.

Metabolismingsq (Sheen AKA ~Aleph.1q's~ hammer)... QR do what Doug refers scintillationq assa quantons(scin,quan): holograllyq evolv
eingsq transemerqancyingsq of Mem's fermionic hologralq networks. Comma~nospace in this case plays role and situationings of Waw.

Ponder ~Aleph~ assa ~Shemou~Name~...

So you may ponder Ishmael's name [i.e., ~Shemou~] cowithihnq Qabala beingq quite exquisitelyq and expectantlyq evolvedq by his future rolesq and situationsq.

Shemou of Ishmael

Doug - 12Mar2018.
11 Yod~Sheen~Mem~Ayn~Aleph~Lammed




Ishmael assa ~{cavitationalq~existenceingsq~ ~coobsfectingsq~entangleingsq~overlappingsq~ of ~{cavitationalq~cosmic~metabolismingsq~ ~coaffectingsq~ ~metabolicq~enlightenmentingsq~ ~returningsq~ to ~reverberationalq~Aleph.1q's~}~ ~persistentq~ ~overlappingsq~entanglementingsq~ ~cowithihnq~ ~reverberationalq~existentialq~metabolismingsq}~...]

~{10 ~{300 ~40.70~ ~1}~ ~30}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Ishmael a Hebraic Egyptian

So what arera Qabalic quintessenceingsq of Ishmael?

Which patterns above stand out to you?

~{10 ~{300 ~40.70~ ~1}~
~{300 ~40.70~ ~1}~ ~30}~

Allow Doug to show you ~metabolicq~quintessenceingsq~ first:

~{300 ~...~ ~30}~: a perpetualq, persistentq, and durableq ~Atta~like~ cosmic~metabolismingsq' coobsfectioningsq of of all existentialq~metabolismingsq.

thence ~Alephicq~quintessenceingsq~:

~{10 ~...~ ~1}~: a cavitationalq returnq of ~existenceingsq~ into and ~cowithihnq~ ~Aleph.1q's~ vital~impetusingsq.

These two potent cavitationingsq overlapq and entangleq one another to emphasize import of what remains:

~40.70~: a sustained ~swf~ of ~existentialq~ biosphereings sempiternal ~enlightenmentingsq~.

In Qabalic Suaresean quantum~retranslationings, that arera quintessenceingsq of Ishmael. That issi Ishmael's ~Shemou~, ciphered beautifully, elegantly, soulfully, aesthetically, quantumly...

Except for influences of ~Aleph.1q~ and ~cosmic~metabolismingsq~ Ishmael issi all about ~Qualityq~ and ~Valueq~ of ~enlightenedq~metabolicq~lifeq~ on earth...

And Ishmael issi an Egyptian Hebrew. Abram his father, a Hebrew: Ha'Aabri: ~ Hagar his mother, an Egyptian: Ha'Metsarith: ~

Try, yourselfq, comparing those two Gematraic ~qwfal~ patterns.

One has lightq. Other has n¤t..., both have life, neither has metabolismingsq, neither has ~Aleph.1q~, etc. Columns 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, and 9 straddle both. Three, six and eight arera missing.

They both lack ~organicq~movementingsq~.
They both lack ~fecundityingsq~.
They both lack ~spiritualq~unlimitedq~possibilityingsq~.

They are not gods. Hebrews (in this case, Chaldaeans, arera mortal beingsq. Egyptians arera mortal beingsq.

Bottom line: No human is divine. Humans can be 'in touch' with divinity.


divinity: quantons(DQ,DQ) arera quantons(Aleph,Aleph), and
in touch with divinity:
quantons(DQ,SQ) arera quantons(Aleph,Yod).

By comparison:

Key QC and AI Disablers HotMeme

Dialectical dichons simply are inept, absurd, facile, ersatz, deigns to feign, corrupt, bogus, garbage, a temporal poverty-stricken stain on humanity, etc. All key disablers for QC and AI!

Key QC and AI Disablers HotMeme

Ishmael a Hebraic Egyptian

Doug - 12Mar2018.
12 Kaf~Yod




that assa ~grailingsq~existenceingsq~...]

13 Sheen~Mem~Waw



..."called name of him;"

called name, assa ~cosmic~metabolismingsq~ of ~livingsq~biosphereings~, of him...]

See Name of Ishmael, word 10, just above.

Doug - 12Mar2018.




Yahweh assa ~existenceingsq~ of two ~{~{divinelyq ~livingq~ somaq ~fecundatingq~ nousq ~divinelyq~ ~livingq}~}~...]

~10~ ~{~{5 ~6~ ~5}~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

There arera many wayveingsq to hermeneut this schema.

For example, sub fermions for somaq and bosons for nousq.

In that example we could also sub corpus callosum for fecundatingq.

No gender bias here.

Doug - 12Mar2018.
15 Aleph~Lammed




to assa ~Alephicq~metabolismingsq~...]

Think of ~Aleph.1q~ diving ihnto us, then leaving us, over and over and over: AReRA: quantons(apoptosis,resurrection)...

Doug - 12Mar2018.
16 Ayn~Noun~Yod~finalKaf



..."humiliation of you;"

humiliation, assa ~existentialq~enlightenmentingsq~ ~guideings~ your ~{cavitationalq~lifeq~principleingsq coobsfectingsq ~existenceingsq~ ~ridingsq~wayveings~of~k~n¤w~ingsq~ ~reverberationalq~cosmic~grailingsq}~, of you...]

~70~ ~{50 ~10~ ~500}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Source text says that YahWeh issi aware of her pregnancy.

Somehow this is humiliation.

In any sense of a woman beingq humble, perhaps...

Doug - 12Mar2018.

©Quantonics, Inc., 2018-2035

And he is saying assa a ~fecundq~qwf~cavitationalq~ ~existenceingsq~ of ~Aleph.1q~ ~coobsfectingsq~ ~biosphereings~ of ~cosmic~emerqancyingsq~
to her assa ~metabolicq~livingsq~
messenger, assa ~metabolicq~biospher
eings~ ~offeringq~ ~Alephicq~ ~cosmic~grailingsq~, of
assa ~existenc
eingsq~ of two ~{~{divinely ~livingq~ somaq ~fecundatingq~ nousq ~divinelyq~ ~livingq}~}~
behold, assa ~{cavitationalq~livingsq~ ~coobsfectingsq~...
...~{cavitationalq... ~lifeq~principl
eingsq~ of ~freedomq, uncertaintyq, and peaceq~ ...reverberationalq}~...
hnq~ and ~adhereingsq~ ~reverberationalq~cosmic~grailingsq}~ you !
pregnant assa ~{cavitationalq~livingsq~ ~coobsfectingsq~ ~cosmic~emerqancyingsq~ ~coobsfectingsq~ ~reverberationalq~livingsq}~,
and you, assa ~fecundq~metabolicq~existenc
eingsq~ ~exaltedq~ from...
eingsq~ beggings antinomialq Atbash destruction of dialectic ~permeablyq~ ~compenetrateingsq~ via and ihnto ~reverberationalq~vital~impedanceings}~,...
...thusly give birth
, assa ~somaticq~evolutionq~ of ~cosmic~lifeq~principl
eingsq~, of
and you
, assa ~prolificq~fecundationingsq~ of...
removing dialectic from ~cosmic~emerqancyingsq~ ~evolutioningsq~ via ~reverberationalq~Aleph.1q~}~...
...via and ~whileq~ ~manag
eingsq~ of ~cosmic~vital~impedanceings~, call
, assa ~cosmic~metabolismingsq~ of ~livingsq~biospher
eings~, of him
assa ~{cavitationalq~existenc
eingsq~ ~coobsfectingsq~entangleingsq~overlappingsq~ of...
...~{cavitationalq~cosmic~metabolismingsq~ ~coaffectingsq~ ~metabolicq~enlightenmentingsq~ ~returningsq~ to ~reverberationalq~Aleph.1q's~}~...
...~persistentq~ ~overlappingsq~entanglementingsq~...
hnq~ ~reverberationalq~existentialq~metabolismingsq}~
that assa ~grailingsq~existenc
called name, assa ~cosmic~metabolismingsq~ of ~livingsq~biospher
eings~, of him
assa ~existenc
eingsq~ of two ~{~{divinelyq ~livingq~ somaq ~fecundatingq~ nousq ~divinelyq~ ~livingq}~}~
to assa ~Alephicq~metabolismingsq~
humiliation, assa ~existentialq~enlightenmentingsq~ ~guid
eings~ your...
eingsq coobsfectings ~existenceingsq~ ~ridingsq~wayveings~of~k~n¤w~ingsq~ ~reverberationalq~cosmic~grailingsq}~, of you.

Doug - 12Mar2018.


©Quantonics, Inc., 2018-2035

Retranslation of Genesis XVI:12

Juxtapose Doug

We observe, in this verse how ~Qof~, indirectly and esotericallyq via Atbash cipher, generates a rather morose feelingc.

Many people, during times of oral tradition who composed texts like this, apparently weren't aware of their lack of wisdom, in general.
They had little awareness of Qabalic complementaryq, antinomialq esotericaq. Yet, somehow, they assiduously adhered Autiot scripts. This issi amazing to Doug!
Pharisaics, and Sadducees (via their hatred of Yeshooaa, i.e., their wors
eship of dialectic) are Doug's best exemplars. Probably Romans too, and Zealots.

~Dallet~, in their minds, may have several undesirable affectationsq.

One issi partialityq. Doorsq may be ~open~, ~closed~, and ~stochasticallyq~ ~anywhere~ ~between~.
They wanted doorsc either |openc| or |closedc|.
They |wors
eshipedc| |impartialityc|.

Doubtful, whether they were aware of Atbash cipher: ~Dallet~ and ~Qof~ arera [detail: n¤t row, column, but ~Autiot~Script~] complementaryq~antinomialsq.
That quanton(~Qof~,~Dallet~) offers us a direct manifestation of Bell's Theorem and its comtrafactualness.
They can only formally
c, mechanicallyc, objectivelyc see: dichon(|Qof|, |Dallet|).

They cannot even begin to fathom:

And therefore ~Qof~ directly brings destruction of one's bivalent lack of wisdom (that brick wall): |door| |open|, |door| |closed| dialectical tendencies.

A[bv]el was one of humanity's most profound exhibits of ~Qof~, via Caheen and Avel's juxtapose of dialecticityc and hologralicityq.

Dialecticians like |Avelc| have their blood spilled upon ground (absent Atta resurrection): |ground| |state|: dialectical Mawt~Hamawt.
That is justly, according Autiot and Qabala, what Caheen did! He slew Avel.

Big picture: evolution borne of Atta's metabolismingsq, as we see lucidly in Genesis, destroys dialectic.

Doug, takings sides with all of the Alephs, and specifically in this situation, ~Qof~,
does his best to slay dialectic's horrible |influences| on humanity.

To Doug, Aleph[[1][10][100][100]] arera all antinomialq ~Dallet~.

In any sense of Qabala that issi a principle feature of Qabala.

However, that puts Doug in ~Caheen~like~ juxtapositionq with about 98% of humanityc.

Juxtapose Doug

Extravagant male dialectical gender |bias| ensues...

Doug - 13Mar2018.

Genesis XVI Letter~Text Spelled Out


(some guesses)

An Internet Literal
(some altered by Doug)

Doug's Suaresian Qabalic Translation

1 Vav~Hay~Yod~Aleph



..."and he;"

And he assa ~a player~ of ~fecundq~livingq~Qabala~ ~quantum~assessings~ ~{cavitationalq~existenceingsq~ ~perpetualq~returningsq~ ihnto and cowithihn ~reverberationalq~Aleph.1q}~...]

~6.5~ ~{10 1}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

As Doug has shown prior, ~5.10.1~ issi a partialq anagram of Qabala: Ehieh:

Doug - 13Mar2018.
2 Yod~Hay~Yod~Hay



..."he is becoming;"

he, assa ~divineq~ ~{~{cavitational~existenceingsq~ ~overlapq~entangleingsq~ of ~divineq~ ~{~{cavitationalq~livingsq~ ~overlapq~entangleingsq~ ~resonanceingsq~ of ~reverberationalq~existenceingsq}~}~ ~resonateings~ ~reverberationalq~livingsq}~}~, issi becomeing...]

3 Phay~Raysh~Aleph




wild assa ~existentialq~unlimitedq~possibilityingsq~ of ~cosmic~emerqancyingsq~ ~coobsfectingsq~ ~vital~impetusingsq~of~Aleph.1q~ ~cowithihnq~...]

Letting Aleph.1q kindle spiritualq fires in us!

Doug - 13Mar2018.
4 Aleph~Dallet~finalMem




human kind assa ~Aleph.1q~ ~gatewayveingsq~ ~beggingq~antinomialq~ Atbash destruction of dialectic ~amongq~ ~cosmic~biosphereings~...]

5 Yod~Dallet~Waw



..."hand of him;"

hand of him assa ~existentialq~gatewayveingsq~ ~beggingsq~antinomialq~ ~Atbashq~ destruction of dialectic assa [~blessingsq~ of from onehologralq to many] ~fecundationingsq~...]

Fecundityq blessesq all assa prolific!

"From onehologralq to many."

Onetemporal may view One assa haploidal~fluxoid~zero of Atta ~seeingq~, ~coobsfectingq~ all...Holy C...Holy Sea...Holy See...

An Atbash Revelation

Atbashes assa:
~40.100.80~: ~Me'Qof~
eings~ without dialectic ~experienceingsq~ ~unlimitedq~existentialq~possibilityingsq~."

An ~Atbashq~ ~Epiphany~! A ~Revelation~!!!

An ~Atbashq~ ~Revelation~.

Doug - 6Dec2017, 13Mar2018.
6 V[B]ayt~Kaf~Lammed



..."in the all;"

in the all assa ~{cavitationalq~somaq~ ~projectingq~selfq~ ~ihnto~ ~reverberationalq~existentialq~grailingsq}~ ~compenetrateingsq~ ~existentialq~metabolismingsq~...]

~{2 20}~ ~30~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
7 Vav~Yod~Dallet



..."and hand of;"

and hand of assa ~fecundationingsq~ of ~existentialq~gatewayveingsq~ ~beggingsq~antinomialq~ ~Atbashq~ destruction of dialectic...]

8 Kaf~Lammed




all assa ~grailingsq~ of ~existentialq~metabolismingsq~...]

9 Bayt~Waw



..."in him;"

in him assa ~somaticq~ ~fecundationingsq~...]

10 Vav~Ayn~Lammed



..."and on;"

and on assa ~fecundq~ ~enlightenmentingsq~ ~coobsfectingsq~ ~existentialq~metabolismingsq~...]

11 Phay~Noun~Yod



..."faces of;"

faces of assa ~unlimitedq~existentialq~possibilityingsq~ ~adhereingsq~ ~existentialq~lifeq~principleingsq~ of freedomq, uncertaintyq, and peaceq ~coobsfectingsq~ ~existenceingsq~...]

12 Kaf~Lammed



..."all of;"

all of assa ~grailingsq~ ihnto ~existentialq~metabolismingsq~...]

13 Aleph~Hhayt~Yod~Waw



..."brothers of him;"

siblings of him assa ~{cavitationalq~Aleph.1q's~ ~spiritualq~ ~projectionq~ of a ~beingq~ ihn ~reverberationalq~existenceingsq}~ ihnto beingq's siblings....]

~{1 ~8~ ~10}~ ~6~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~. . .
14 Yod~Sheen~Kaf~finalNoun



..."he shall tabernacle;"

he shall assa ~existenceingsq~ ~cosmic~metabolismingsq~ ~grailingsq~ ihnto and ~cowithihnq~shareingsq~ ~cosmic~lifeq~principleingsq~ of freedomq, uncertaintyq, and peaceq, be dwelling ~cowithihnq~ tabernacle....]

A Dialectic Free Zone

Doug - 13Mar2018.

©Quantonics, Inc., 2018-2035

And he assa ~a player~ of ~fecundq~livingq~Qabala~ ~quantum~assessings~...
eingsq~ ~perpetualq~returningsq~ ihnto and cowithihn ~reverberationalq~Aleph.1q}~
he, assa ~divineq~ ~{~{cavitational
~existenceingsq~ ~overlapq~entangleingsq~ of...
...~divineq~ ~{~{cavitationalq~livingsq~ ~overlapq~entangl
eingsq~ ~resonanceingsq~ of ~reverberationalq~existenceingsq}~}~...
eings~ ~reverberationalq~livingsq}~}~, issi becomeing
assa ~existentialq~unlimitedq~possibilityingsq~ of ~cosmic~emerqancyingsq~ ~coobsfectingsq~ ~vital~impetusingsq~of~Aleph.1q~ ~cowithi
human kind assa ~Aleph.1q~ ~gatewayv
eingsq~ ~beggingq~antinomialq~ Atbash destruction of dialectic ~amongq~ ~cosmic~biosphereings~
hand of him assa ~existentialq~
gatewayveingsq~ ~beggingsq~antinomialq~ ~Atbashq~ destruction of dialectic assa [~blessingsq~ of from onehologralq to many] ~fecundationingsq~
in the all assa ~{cavitationalq~somaq~ ~projectingq~selfq~ ~i
hnto~ ~reverberationalq~existentialq~grailingsq}~ ~compenetrateingsq~ ~existentialq~metabolismingsq~
and hand of assa ~fecundationingsq~ of ~existentialq~gatewayv
eingsq~ ~beggingsq~antinomialq~ ~Atbashq~ destruction of dialectic
assa ~grailingsq~ of ~existentialq~metabolismingsq~
in him assa ~somaticq~ ~fecundationingsq~
and on assa ~fecundq~ ~enlightenmentingsq~ ~coobsfectingsq~ ~existentialq~metabolismingsq~
faces of assa ~unlimitedq~existentialq~possibilityingsq~ ~adher
eingsq~ ~existentialq~lifeq~principleingsq~ of freedomq, uncertaintyq, and peace ~coobsfectingsq~ ~existenceingsq~
all of assa ~grailingsq~ i
hnto ~existentialq~metabolismingsq~
siblings of him assa ~{cavitationalq~Aleph.1q's~ ~spiritualq~ ~projectionq~ of a ~beingq~ i
hn ~reverberationalq~existenceingsq}~ ihnto beingq's siblings.
he shall assa ~existenc
eingsq~ ~cosmic~metabolismingsq~ ~grailingsq~ ihnto and ~cowithihnq~shareingsq~...
eingsq~ of freedomq, uncertaintyq, and peaceq, be dwelling ~cowithihnq~ tabernacle.

Doug - 13Mar2018.


©Quantonics, Inc., 2018-2035

Retranslation of Genesis XVI:13

Doug - 13Mar2018.

Genesis XVI Letter~Text Spelled Out


(some guesses)

An Internet Literal
(some altered by Doug)

Doug's Suaresian Qabalic Translation

1 Vav~Thav~Qof~Raysh~Aleph



..."and she is calling;"

And she issi, via her ~fecundationingsq~ of ~permeableq~ ~cosmic~vital~impedanceings~ ~urgeingsq~ for ~{cavitationalq~cosmic~vital~impetusingsq~ to destroy dialectic which is |infecting| ~cosmic~emerqancyingsq~, and doing so with ~assistanceingsq~ from ~reverberationalq~Aleph.1q~}~, whileq calling...]

~6.400~ ~{100 ~200~ ~1}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
2 Sheen~finalMem



..."name of;"

name of assa ~cosmic~metabolismingsq~ ~coobsfectingsq~ ~cosmic~biosphereings~...]

3 Yod~Hay~Waw~Hay




Yahweh assa ~existenceingsq~ of two ~{~{divinelyq ~livingq~ somaq ~fecundatingq~ nousq ~divinelyq~ ~livingq}~}~...]

~10~ ~{~{5 ~6~ ~5}~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

There arera many wayveingsq to hermeneut this schema.

For example, sub fermions for somaq and bosons for nousq.

In that example we could also sub corpus callosum for fecundatingq.

No gender bias here.

Doug - 12Mar2018.
4 Hay~Dallet~Bayt~Raysh



..."the one speaking;"

the one, assa ~livingq~ ~gatewayveingsq~ ~beggingsq~antinomialq~Atbashq~ destruction of dialectic then ~offeringq~scintillationingsq~ ~exaltationingsq~ of ~{cavitationalq~somaq ihnto and ~cowithihnq~ ~reverberationalq~cosmic~emerqancyingsq}~, thus speaking...]

~5.4~ ~{2 200}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
5 Aleph~Lammed~Yod~Hay



..."to her;"

to her ~regarding~ ~{cavitationalq~Aleph.1q~ ~coobsfectingsq~ ~projectioningsq~ of ~existentialq~metabolismingsq~ who arera ~apparentq~ ihn ~reverberationalq~existenceingsq}~ of all ~livingsq~...]

~{1 ~30~ ~10}~ ~5~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Compare Jean Auel's Ayla and Aliah.

Doug - 13Mar2018.
6 Aleph~Thav~Hay



..."you thoroughly;"

you thoroughly assa ~Alephicq~vital~impetusingsq~ ~attemptingq~ to ~compenetrateq~ ~permeableq~ ~cosmic~vital~impedanceings~ ~surrounding~ ~lifeq~...]

7 Aleph~Lammed




to assa ~Alephicq~metabolismingsq~...]

Think of ~Aleph.1q~ diving ihnto us, then leaving us, over and over and over: AReRA: quantons(apoptosis,resurrection)...

Doug - 12Mar2018.
8 Raysh~Aleph~Yod




sight assa ~cosmic~emerqancyingsq~ ~hologralq~annularq~ ~holdingsq~ ~{cavitationalq~Aleph.1q~ ~projectioningsq~ ihnto ~reverberationalq~existenceingsq}~...]

~200~ ~{1 10}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
9 Kaf~Yod




that assa ~grailingsq~existenceingsq~...]

10 Aleph~Mem~Raysh~Hay



..."she said;"

she said assa ~Alephicq~vital~impetusingsq~ of ~existentialq~biosphereings~ ~cowithihnq~ ~cosmic~emerqancyingsq~ of ~lifeq~...]

11 Hay~Ghimel~finalMem



..."the moreover;"

the moreover assa ~livingsq~ ~organicq~movementingsq~ ~cowithihnq~ and ihnto ~cosmic~biosphereings~...]

12 Hay~Lammed~finalMem




hither assa ~livingsq~ ~existentialq~metabolismingsq~ ~cowithihnq~ and ~coobsfectingsq~ ~cosmic~biosphereings~...]

13 Raysh~Aleph~Yod~T[h]av~Yod



..."I see;"

I see assa ~cosmic~emerqancyingsq~ ~beholdingsq~ of ~{cavitationalq~Aleph.1q's~vital~impetusingsq~ ~coobsfectingsq~ ~nestingsq~ of ~{cavitationalq~existenceingsq~ ~manageingsq~ of ~permeableq~ ~cosmic~vital~impedanceings~ ~reverberationalq~existenceingsq}~}~...]

~200~ ~{1 ~{10 ~400~ ~10}~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
14 Aleph~Hhayt~Raysh~Yod



..."following of;"

following of ~{cavitationalq~Aleph.1q's~ ~projectioningsq~ of ~cosmic~emerqancyingsq~ of ~spiritualq~unlimitedq~possibilityingsq~ ihnto and ~cowithihnq~ ~reverberationalq~existenceingsq}~...]

~{1 ~8.200~ ~10}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
15 Raysh~Aleph~Yod



..."one seeingq of me;"

one seeingq, assa ~cosmic~emerqancyingsq~ ~hologralq~annularq~ ~holdingsq~ ~{cavitationalq~Aleph.1q~ ~projectioningsq~ ihnto ~reverberationalq~existenceingsq}~, of me....]

~200~ ~{1 10}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

©Quantonics, Inc., 2018-2035

And she issi, via her ~fecundationingsq~ of ~permeableq~ ~cosmic~vital~impedanceings~ ~urgeingsq~ for...
...~{cavitationalq~cosmic~vital~impetusingsq~ to destroy dialectic which is |infecting| ~cosmic~emerqancyingsq~, and doing so with ~assistanceingsq~ from ~reverberationalq~Aleph.1q~}~,...
...whileq calling
name of
assa ~cosmic~metabolismingsq~ ~coobsfectingsq~ ~cosmic~biosphereings~
Yahweh assa ~existenceingsq~ of two ~{~{divinelyq ~livingq~ somaq ~fecundatingq~ nousq ~divinelyq~ ~livingq}~}~
the one, assa ~living~ ~gatewayveingsq~ ~beggingsq~antinomialq~Atbashq~ destruction of dialectic then ~offeringq~scintillationingsq~ ~exaltationingsq~ of...
...~{cavitationalq~somaq ihnto and ~cowithihnq~ ~reverberationalq~cosmic~emerqancyingsq}~, thus speaking
to her
...~{cavitationalq~Aleph.1q~ ~coobsfectingsq~ ~projectioningsq~ of ~existentialq~metabolismingsq~ who arera ~apparentq~ ihn ~reverberationalq~existenceingsq}~...
...of all ~livingsq~
you thoroughly assa ~Alephicq~vital~impetusingsq~ ~attemptingq~ to ~compenetrateq~ ~permeableq~ ~cosmic~vital~impedanceings~ ~surrounding~ ~lifeq~
to assa ~Alephicq~metabolismingsq~
sight assa ~cosmic~emerqancyingsq~ ~hologralq~annularq~ ~holdingsq~ ~{cavitationalq~Aleph.1q~ ~projectioningsq~ ihnto ~reverberationalq~existenceingsq}~
that assa ~grailingsq~existenceingsq~
she said assa ~Alephicq~vital~impetusingsq~ of ~existentialq~biosphereings~ ~cowithihnq~ ~cosmic~emerqancyingsq~ of ~lifeq~
the moreover assa ~livingsq~ ~organicq~movementingsq~ ~cowithihnq~ and ihnto ~cosmic~biosphereings~
hither assa ~livingsq~ ~existentialq~metabolismingsq~ ~cowithihnq~ and ~coobsfectingsq~ ~cosmic~biosphereings~
I see assa ~cosmic~emerqancyingsq~ ~beholdingsq~ of...
...~{cavitationalq~Aleph.1q's~vital~impetusingsq~ ~coobsfectingsq~ ~nestingsq~ of...
...~{cavitationalq~existenceingsq~ ~manageingsq~ of ~permeableq~ ~cosmic~vital~impedanceings~ ~reverberationalq~existenceingsq}~}~
following of ~{cavitationalq~Aleph.1q's~ ~projectioningsq~ of ~cosmic~emerqancyingsq~ of ~spiritualq~unlimitedq~possibilityingsq~ ihnto and ~cowithihnq~ ~reverberationalq~existenceingsq}~
one seeingq, assa ~cosmic~emerqancyingsq~ ~hologralq~annularq~ ~holdingsq~ ~{cavitationalq~Aleph.1q~ ~projectioningsq~ ihnto ~reverberationalq~existenceingsq}~, of me.

Doug - 13Mar2018.


©Quantonics, Inc., 2018-2035

Retranslation of Genesis XVI:14

Doug - 13Mar2018.

Genesis XVI Letter~Text Spelled Out


(some guesses)

An Internet Literal
(some altered by Doug)

Doug's Suaresian Qabalic Translation

1 Ayn~Lammed~Kaf~finalNoun



..."on so;"

Proceeding therefore assa ~{cavitationalq~enlightenmentingsq~ of ~existentialq~metabolicq~grailingsq~ ~coobsfectingq~ ~reverberationalq~cosmic~lifeq~principleingsq}~ of freedomq, uncertaintyq, and peaceq...]

~{70 ~30.20~ ~700}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
2 Qof~Raysh~Aleph



..."he called;"

he called assa ~precipitousq~ ~{cavitationalq~cosmic~vital~impetusingsq~ destruction of dialectic ~infectingq~ ~cosmic~emerqancyingsq~ ~assistedq~ by ~cleanseingsq~ of ~reverberationalq~Aleph.1q's~vital~impetusingsq}~...]

~{100 ~200~ ~1}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Medicine and Weather

Someday ~quantum~mædicihne~ will work like this (like ~Qorae~) for all maladies and illnesses.

Notice a Qabalic name problem with medicine.

Medicine issi a medi-cine hybrid of middle (L. medi) to move (G. cine).

Autiot omnifferentiates medicine as both science and remedy. But to refer medicine as a 'science' issi a faux pas. Classical |objective| medicine, at best, is an art. Medicine as a discipline rests akin meteorology. Both are stochasticq, and no way can be treated classically as |objective|, |mechanical|, |formal|.

Just like weather, ~quantum~lifeq~ isn't strictly classically-determinate.

One to one, cause-effect determinism is a classical wet dream, regardless your discipline.

Someday those two last sentences of Doug will be re cognized as ~Emet~. Assa ~qwfal~.

Medicine and Weather

The world, "She is a changin'." Quantum, that is...

Recall that Grey's Anatomy episode with high~energy faith healers?

Doug - 13Mar2018.
3 Lammed~Bayt~Aleph~Raysh



..."to the well;"

to the well assa ~existentialq~metabolismingsq~ ~coobsfectingsq~ exaltationingsq~ of ~{cavitationalq~somaq~ ~holograllyq~buoyingq~ ~Aleph.1q~ ihnto and ~cowithihnq~ ~reverberationalq~cosmic~emerqancyingsq}~...]

~30~ ~{2 ~1~ ~200}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Doug hasn't seen this script prior.

We see two distinctive patterns:

A swf: ~30~...~1~

This one per se means 'not.'

However it issi entangled~overlapping:

A cavity: ~{2...~200}~

What makes it more interesting is how ~Aleph.1q~ issi experienceingsq 'comtainer' exaltationingsq from somaq ihnto and cowithihnq ~cosmic~emerqancyingsq~.

It appears to Doug that all ~30~ can do about it, is coobsfect that cavity exalting ~Aleph.1q~.

~Metabolismq~ has lost any power to ~transmute~ ~Aleph.1q~ other than holograllyq coaffectq it.

It appears that said comtainment cavity issi protecting ~Aleph.1q~ whileq exalting it.

Pure Doug heuristics.

Doug - 13Mar2018.
4 Bayt~Aleph~Raysh~~Lammed~Hhayt~Yod~~Raysh~Aleph~Yod




Beerlahairoi assa ~{cavitationalq~somaq~ ~exaltingsq~ ~Aleph.1q~ ihnto and ~cowithihnq~ ~reverberationalq~cosmic~emerqancyingsq}~ ~coobsfectingsq~ ~metabolicq~ ~spiritualq~unlimitedq~possibilityingsq~ of ~existenceingsq~ ~enteringsq~ ~cosmic~emerqancyingsq~ ~coobsfectingsq~ ~{cavitationalq~Aleph.1q's projectioningsq ihnto ~reverberationalq~existenceingsq}~;...]

~{2 ~1~ ~200}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
~30.8.10~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
~200~ ~{1 10}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Doug - 13Mar2018.
5 Hay~Noun~Hay



..."behold !;"

and behold ! assa ~{cavitationalq~livingsq~ ~nestingsq~overlappingsq~ ~{cavitationingsq...
...reverberationingsq}~ ~nestingsq~overlappingsq~ i
hn ~reverberationalq~livingsq}~...]

~{5 ~{50}~ ~5}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
6 V[B]ayt~Yod~finalNoun




between assa ~somaticq~existenceingsq~ ~adhereingsq~ ~cosmic~lifeq~principleingsq~ of freedomq, uncertaintyq, and peaceq...]

7 Qof~Dallet~Sheen



..."issi sanctuary (Qodash), holy within;"

issi holy cowithihnq assa ~cosmic~vital~impetusingsq~ destruction of dialectic ~clearingsq~ ~gatewayveingsq~ for newer ~cosmic~metabolismingsq~, which Atbashes assa ~gatewayveingsq~ for ~cosmic~vital~impetusingsq~ to be destroying dialectic in all ~{~{Atta}~}~ resurrectedq somaq...]

A Holy Sanctuary

Atbashes assa:
4.100.2~: ~Daqov~

From Doug's viewpoint and his personal gnostic heuristics, wæ sææ a holy sanctuary assa place for thorough complementaryq~antinomialq destruction of dialectic.

Simply, metabolicq~evolutionq destroys dialectic.

A hologralq sanctuary of holistic awarenessings, a quantum~stage sanctuary of holistic comsciousnessings.

A Holy Sanctuary

Quantonics - A Holistic Sanctuary.

Doug's Chambered Nautilus Motif¬ô qycloidally opens ~{~{Atta}~}~ up.

Doug - 1Feb2018.
8 Vav~V[B]ayt~Yod~finalNoun



..."and between;"

and between assa ~fecundq~somaticq~existenceingsq~ ~adhereingsq~ ~cosmic~lifeq~principleingsq~ of freedomq, uncertaintyq, and peaceq...]

9 Bayt~Raysh~Dallet




Bered assa ~{cavitationalq~somaq~ ~exaltingsq~ ihnto and ~cowithihnq~ ~reverberationalq~cosmic~emerqancyingsq}~ ~experienceingsq~ ~gatewayveingsq~ beggingsq antinomialq Atbash destruction of dialectic....]

~{2 200}~ ~4~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

©Quantonics, Inc., 2018-2035

Proceeding therefore assa...
...~{cavitationalq~enlightenmentingsq~ of ~existentialq~metabolicq~grailingsq~ ~coobsfectingq~ ~reverberationalq~cosmic~lifeq~principl
...of freedomq, uncertaintyq, and peaceq
he called assa ~precipitousq~...
destruction of dialectic ~infectingq~ ~cosmic~emerqancyingsq~ ~assistedq~ by...
eingsq~ of ~reverberationalq~Aleph.1q's~vital~impetusingsq}~
to the well assa ~existentialq~metabolismingsq~ ~coobsfectingsq~ exaltationingsq~ of...
...~{cavitationalq~somaq~ ~holograllyq~buoyingq~ ~Aleph.1q~ i
hnto and ~cowithihnq~ ~reverberationalq~cosmic~emerqancyingsq}~
Beerlahairoi assa ~{cavitationalq~somaq~ ~exaltingsq~ ~Aleph.1q~ i
hnto and ~cowithihnq~ ~reverberationalq~cosmic~emerqancyingsq}~...
...~coobsfectingsq~ ~metabolicq~ ~spiritualq~unlimitedq~possibilityingsq~ of ~existenc
eingsq~ ~enteringsq~ ~cosmic~emerqancyingsq~ ~coobsfectingsq~...
...~{cavitationalq~Aleph.1q's projectionings i
hnto ~reverberationalq~existenceingsq}~;
and behold ! assa ~{cavitationalq~livingsq~ ~nestingsq~overlappingsq~ ~{cavitationingsq...
...reverberationingsq}~ ~nestingsq~overlappingsq~ i
hn ~reverberationalq~livingsq}~
between assa ~somaticq~existenc
eingsq~ ~adhereingsq~ ~cosmic~lifeq~principleingsq~ of freedomq, uncertaintyq, and peaceq
issi holy cowithi
hnq assa ~cosmic~vital~impetusingsq~ destruction of dialectic ~clearingsq~ ~gatewayveingsq~ for newer ~cosmic~metabolismingsq~,...
which Atbashes assa ~gatewayveingsq~ for ~cosmic~vital~impetusingsq~ to be destroying dialectic in all ~{~{Atta}~}~ resurrectedq somaq
and between assa ~fecundq~somaticq~existenceingsq~ ~adhereingsq~ ~cosmic~lifeq~principleingsq~ of freedomq, uncertaintyq, and peaceq
Bered assa ~{cavitationalq~somaq~ ~exaltingsq~ i
hnto and ~cowithihnq~ ~reverberationalq~cosmic~emerqancyingsq}~...
eingsq~ ~gatewayveingsq~ beggingsq antinomialq Atbash destruction of dialectic.

Doug - 13Mar2018.


©Quantonics, Inc., 2018-2035

Retranslation of Genesis XVI:15

Ishmael is born in this verse, last word...

Doug - 14Mar2018.

Genesis XVI Letter~Text Spelled Out


(some guesses)

An Internet Literal
(some altered by Doug)

Doug's Suaresian Qabalic Translation

1 Vav~Thav~Lammed~Dallet



..."and she is giving birth;"

And Hagar issi giving birth assa ~fecundationingsq~ ~overcomeingsq~ ~permeableq~ ~cosmic~vital~impedanceings~ via ~existentialq~metabolismingsq~ ~gatewayveingsq~ beggings antinomialq Atbash destruction of dialectic...]

Dialectic's Death Throes

Unfortunately destruction of dialectic didn't take.

Islam like Israel, today, CeodE 2018, issi predominately dialectical.

Most others' cultures were already tending to dialectic. For example, in what was to become Israel, predominant Pharisees and Sadducees (and Romans) adhered dialectic. So that cultural bias held durably throughout millennia, regardless of Ishmael and Isaac's upbringings.

Strategically, it has become apparentq that, just like ~Tav~ in ~{~{Atta}~}~, dialectic as ~Tav~ in many cultures was necessary to build a revolution against itselfq (sort of like Wagner's Siegfried). Yeshooaa made it clear to us that his "before Abraham" ~Aleph.1q~ would antinomially tack (a three day strategy) for millennia against dialectic.

~N¤w~ingsq~ wæ arera ~cowithihnq~ MIII, the third day.

~N¤w~ingsq~ dialectic issi ihn its own ~lifeq~deathq~ struggle and losing its cultural war against ~quantal~metabolicq~evolutionaryq~realityings~.

Dialectic's Death Throes

Doug - 14Mar2018.
2 Hay~Ghimel~Raysh




Hagar assa ~livingq~ ~organicq~movementings~ ~cowithihnq~ and ~coobsfectingsq~ ~cosmic~emerqancyingsq~...]

Ponder Hagar in light of Doug's work with Abram vav Abraham, and Sari vav Sarah.

Doug - 8Mar2018.
3 Lammed~Aleph~V[B]ayt~Raysh~finalMem



..."for Abram;"

for Abram assa ~metabolically~ ~Aleph.1q~ ~infuseingq~ ~{exaltationingsq of somaticq ~cosmic~emerqancyingsq}~ ~cowithihnq~ ~cosmic~biosphereings~...]

~30.1~ ~{2 200}~ ~600~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

"~Aleph.1q~ infuseingq ~{exaltationingsq of somaticq ~cosmic~emerqancyingsq}~ cowithihnq cosmic~biosphereings."

Abram appears in agency of ~Yeshooaa~ in agency of ~Aleph.1q~ in agency of Iht.

. . .

Compare ~Abram~ and ~Yeshooaa~:

~Yeshooaa~: ~Yod~Sheen~Waw~Ayn~: ~10.300.6.70~

"Fecundq cosmic~metabolicq enlightenmentingsq cowithihnq existenceingsq."

~Aleph.1q~ ihn Blood: ~Adam~.

Recall ~Yeshooaa~ proclaiming selfq "before Abraham."

Recall Gen I:1's first word: Bereshyt: "Create ~Aleph.1q~."


Doug - 11Jan2018.
4 Bayt~finalNoun



..."son of;"

son, assa ~somaticq~evolutionq~ of ~cosmic~lifeq~principleingsq~, of...]

Clearly we need evolutionq of 'son.'

We need to remove dialectic from males, which provokes an enigma, since males are haploidally quantons(female,male),

So it appears our problem isn't so much one of evolutionq of nousq and somaq.

Rather one of evolutionq of culture and nurture.

Crux of the System Problem!

Next word makes that effort...

Doug - 12,14Mar2018.
5 Vav~Yod~Qof~Raysh~Aleph



..."and he is calling;"

and he issi, assa ~prolificq~fecundationingsq~ of ~{cavitationalq~existenceingsq~ ~overlapq~entangleingsq~ of ~{cavitationalq~... ~cosmic~vital~impetusingsq~ ...~reverberationalq}~ ~overlapq~entangleingsq~ removing dialectic from ~cosmic~emerqancyingsq~ ~evolutioningsq~ assistedq by ~reverberationalq~Aleph.1q~}~, calling...]

~6~ ~{10 ~{100}~ ~200~ ~1}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
6 Aleph~V[B]ayt~Raysh~finalMem




Abram assa ~Aleph.1q~ ~infuseingq~ ~{exaltationingsq~of~somaq~ ihnto ~cosmic~emerqancyingsq}~ ~cowithihnq~ ~cosmic~biosphereings~...]

~1~ ~{2 200}~ ~600~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

"~Aleph.1q~ infuseing ~{exaltationingsq of somaticq ~cosmic~emerqancyingsq}~ cowithihnq cosmic~biosphereings."

Abram appears in agency of ~Yeshooaa~ in agency of ~Aleph.1q~ in agency of Iht.

Doug - 11Jan,14Mar2018.
7 Sheen~finalMem



..."name of;"

name of assa ~cosmic~metabolismingsq~ ~coobsfectingsq~ ~cosmic~biosphereings~...]

8 Bayt~Noun~Waw



..."son of him;"

son, assa ~somaticq~evolutionq~ of ~cosmic~lifeq~principleingsq~ from ~fecundationingsq~, of him...]

Clearly we need evolutionq of 'son.'

We need to remove dialectic from males, which provokes an enigma, since males are haploidally quantons(female,male),

So it appears our problem isn't so much one of evolutionq of nousq and somaq.

Rather one of evolutionq of culture and nurture.

Crux of the System Problem!

Next word makes that effort...

Doug - 12,14Mar2018.
9 Aleph~Sheen~Raysh




Which assa ~vital~impetusingsq~ ~coobsfectings~ ~cosmos~spiritualq~qwf~cavitationingsq of ~cosmic~metabolismingsq~ ~qwf~reverberateings~cosmic~emerqancyingsq...]

~1~ ~{300 200}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
10 Yod~Lammed~Dallet~Hay



..."she gave birth;"

she gave, assa ~emergentq~ n¤væl ~existenceingsq~ ~metabolismingsq~ ~gatewayveingsq~ beggings antinomialq Atbash destruction of dialectic ihn ~livingsq~beingsq~, birth...]

11 Hay~Ghimel~Raysh




Hagar assa ~livingq~ ~organicq~movementingsq~ ~cowithihnq~ and ~coobsfectingsq~ ~cosmic~emerqancyingsq~...]

Ponder Hagar in light of Doug's work with Abram vav Abraham, and Sari vav Sarah.

Doug - 8Mar2018.
12 Yod~Sheen~Mem~Ayn~Aleph~Lammed




Ishmael assa ~{cavitationalq~existenceingsq~ ~coobsfectingsq~entangleingsq~overlappingsq~ of ~{cavitationalq~cosmic~metabolismingsq~ ~coaffectingsq~ ~metabolicq~enlightenmentingsq~ ~returningsq~ to ~reverberationalq~Aleph.1q's~}~ ~persistentq~ ~overlappingsq~entanglementingsq~ ~cowithihnq~ ~reverberationalq~existentialq~metabolismingsq}~...]

~{10 ~{300 ~40.70~ ~1}~ ~30}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Ishmael a Hebraic Egyptian

So what arera Qabalic quintessenceingsq of Ishmael?

Which patterns above stand out to you?

~{10 ~{300 ~40.70~ ~1}~
~{300 ~40.70~ ~1}~ ~30}~

Allow Doug to show you ~metabolicq~quintessenceingsq~ first:

~{300 ~...~ ~30}~: a perpetualq, persistentq, and durableq ~Atta~like~ cosmic~metabolismingsq' coobsfectioningsq of of all existentialq~metabolismingsq.

thence ~Alephicq~quintessenceingsq~:

~{10 ~...~ ~1}~: a cavitationalq returnq of ~existenceingsq~ into and ~cowithihnq~ ~Aleph.1q's~ vital~impetusingsq.

These two potent cavitationingsq overlapq and entangleq one another to emphasize import of what remains:

~40.70~: a sustained ~swf~ of ~existentialq~ biosphereings sempiternal ~enlightenmentingsq~.

In Qabalic Suaresean quantum~retranslationings, that arera quintessenceingsq of Ishmael. That issi Ishmael's ~Shemou~, ciphered beautifully, elegantly, soulfully, aesthetically, quantumly...

Except for influences of ~Aleph.1q~ and ~cosmic~metabolismingsq~ Ishmael issi all about ~Qualityq~ and ~Valueq~ of ~enlightenedq~metabolicq~lifeq~ on earth...

And Ishmael issi an Egyptian Hebrew. Abram his father, a Hebrew: Ha'Aabri: ~ Hagar his mother, an Egyptian: Ha'Metsarith: ~

Try, yourselfq, comparing those two Gematraic ~qwfal~ patterns.

One has lightq. Other has n¤t..., both have life, neither has metabolismingsq, neither has ~Aleph.1q~, etc. Columns 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, and 9 straddle both. Three, six and eight arera missing.

They both lack ~organicq~movementingsq~.
They both lack ~fecundityingsq~.
They both lack ~spiritualq~unlimitedq~possibilityingsq~.

They are not gods. Hebrews (in this case, Chaldaeans,) arera mortal beingsq. Egyptians arera mortal beingsq.

Bottom line: No human is divine. Humans can be 'in touch' with divinity.


divinity: quantons(DQ,DQ) arera quantons(Aleph,Aleph), and
in touch with divinity:
quantons(DQ,SQ) arera quantons(Aleph,Yod).

By comparison:

Key QC and AI Disablers HotMeme

Dialectical dichons simply are inept, absurd, facile, ersatz, deigns to feign, corrupt, bogus, garbage, a temporal poverty-stricken stain on humanity, etc. All key disablers for QC and AI!

Key QC and AI Disablers HotMeme

Ishmael a Hebraic Egyptian

Doug - 12Mar2018.

©Quantonics, Inc., 2018-2035

And Hagar issi giving birth assa ~fecundationingsq~ ~overcomeingsq~ ~permeableq~ ~cosmic~vital~impedanceings~ via...
...~existentialq~metabolismingsq~ ~gatewayv
eingsq~ beggingsq antinomialq Atbash destruction of dialectic
assa ~livingq~ ~organicq~movementings~ ~cowithihnq~ and ~coobsfectingsq~ ~cosmic~emerqancyingsq~
for Abram assa ~metabolically~ ~Aleph.1q~ ~infus
eingq~ ~{exaltationingsq of somaticq ~cosmic~emerqancyingsq}~ ~cowithihnq~ ~cosmic~biosphereings~
son, assa ~somaticq~evolutionq~ of ~cosmic~lifeq~principl
eingsq~, of
and he issi
, assa ~prolificq~fecundationingsq~ of...
eingsq~ ~overlapq~entangleingsq~ of ~{cavitationalq~... ~cosmic~vital~impetusingsq~ ...~reverberationalq}~...
eingsq~ removing dialectic from ~cosmic~emerqancyingsq~ ~evolutioningsq~ assistedq by ~reverberationalq~Aleph.1q~}~, calling
assa ~Aleph.1q~ ~
infuseingq~ ~{exaltationingsq~of~somaq~ ihnto ~cosmic~emerqancyingsq}~ ~cowithihnq~ ~cosmic~biosphereings~
name of assa ~cosmic~metabolismingsq~ ~coobsfectingsq~ ~cosmic~biospher
son, assa ~somaticq~evolutionq~ of ~cosmic~lifeq~
principleingsq~ from ~fecundationingsq~, of him
assa ~vital~impetusingsq~ ~coobsfectings~ ~cosmos~spiritualq~qwf~cavitationingsq of ~cosmic~metabolismingsq~ ~qwf~reverberateings~cosmic~emerqancyingsq
she gave, assa ~emergentq~ n¤væl ~existenc
eingsq~ ~metabolismingsq~ ~gatewayveingsq~...
beggings antinomialq Atbash destruction of dialectic ihn ~livingsq~beingsq~, birth
assa ~livingq~ ~organicq~
movementingsq~ ~cowithihnq~ and ~coobsfectingsq~ ~cosmic~emerqancyingsq~
Ishmael assa ~{cavitationalq~existenc
eingsq~ ~coobsfectingsq~entangleingsq~overlappingsq~ of...
...~{cavitationalq~cosmic~metabolismingsq~ ~coaffectingsq~ ~metabolicq~enlightenmentingsq~ ~returningsq~ to ~reverberationalq~Aleph.1q's~}~...
...~persistentq~ ~overlappingsq~entanglementingsq~ ~cowithi
hnq~ ~reverberationalq~existentialq~metabolismingsq}~.

Doug - 14Mar2018.


©Quantonics, Inc., 2018-2035

Retranslation of Genesis XVI:16

Doug - 13Mar2018.

Genesis XVI Letter~Text Spelled Out


(some guesses)

An Internet Literal
(some altered by Doug)

Doug's Suaresian Qabalic Translation

1 Vav~Aleph~V[B]ayt~Raysh~finalMem



..."and Abram;"

And Abram assa ~fecundationingsq~ of ~Aleph.1q~ ~infuseingq~ ~{exaltationingsq~of~somaq~ ihnto ~cosmic~emerqancyingsq}~ ~cowithihnq~ ~cosmic~biosphereings~...]

~6.1~ ~{2 200}~ ~600~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

"~Aleph.1q~ infuseing ~{exaltationingsq of somaticq ~cosmic~emerqancyingsq}~ cowithihnq cosmic~biosphereings."

Abram appears in agency of ~Yeshooaa~ in agency of ~Aleph.1q~ in agency of Iht.

Doug - 11Jan,14Mar2018.
2 Bayt~finalNoun




son, assa ~somaticq~evolutionq~ of ~cosmic~lifeq~principleingsq~, of...]

3 Sheen~Mem~Noun~Yod~finalMem





~300~ ~{40 ~50.10~ ~600}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
4 Sheen~Noun~Hay





~300~ ~{50 5}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
5 Vav~Sheen~Sheen



..."and six;"

and six...]

~6~ ~{~{300 300}~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
6 Sheen~Noun~Yod~finalMem





7 Bayt~Lammed~Dallet~T[h]av



..."in to give birth of;"

to give, assa ~somaticq~metabolismingsq~ ~coobsfectingsq~ ~{cavitationalq~gatewayveingsq~ beggings antinomialq Atbash destruction of dialectic ~encounteringq~ ~reverberationalq~cosmic~vital~impedanceings}~, birth of...]

~2.30~ ~{4 400}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
8 Hay~Ghimel~Raysh




Hagar assa ~livingq~ ~organicq~movementings~ ~cowithihnq~ and ~coobsfectingsq~ ~cosmic~emerqancyingsq~...]

Ponder Hagar in light of Doug's ~Hay~ work with Abram vav Abraham, and Sari vav Sarah.

Doug - 8Mar2018.
9 Aleph~T[h]av




thoroughly ...]

10 Yod~Sheen~Mem~Ayn~Aleph~Lammed




Ishmael assa ~{cavitationalq~existenceingsq~ ~coobsfectingsq~entangleingsq~overlappingsq~ of ~{cavitationalq~cosmic~metabolismingsq~ ~coaffectingsq~ ~metabolicq~enlightenmentingsq~ ~returningsq~ to ~reverberationalq~Aleph.1q's~}~ ~persistentq~ ~overlappingsq~entanglementingsq~ ~cowithihnq~ ~reverberationalq~existentialq~metabolismingsq}~...]

~{10 ~{300 ~40.70~ ~1}~ ~30}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~
11 Lammed~Aleph~V[B]ayt~Raysh~finalMem



..."for Abram;"

for Abram assa ~existentialq~metabolismingsq~ ~adaptingq~ ~Aleph.1q's~ ~{exaltationingsq~of~somaq~ ihnto ~cosmic~emerqancyingsq}~ ~cowithihnq~ ~cosmic~biosphereings~...]

~30.1~ ~{2 200}~ ~600~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

"Metabolic ~Aleph.1q~ infuseing ~{exaltationingsq of somaticq ~cosmic~emerqancyingsq}~ cowithihnq cosmic~biosphereings."

Abram appears in agency of ~Yeshooaa~ in agency of ~Aleph.1q~ in agency of Iht.

Doug - 11Jan,14Mar2018.
12 Sammekh



..."via feminineq reproductive fecundity;"

via omnimensional printing reproductive fecundityq assa ~feminineq~fecundationingsq~ of ~existentialq~biosphereings~ ~experienceingsq~ ~cosmic~grailingsq~....]

Delivery of Ishmael.

Doug - 14Mar2018.

©Quantonics, Inc., 2018-2035

And Abram assa ~fecundationingsq~ of ~Aleph.1q~ ~infuseingq~ ~{exaltationingsq~of~somaq~ ihnto ~cosmic~emerqancyingsq}~ ~cowithihnq~ ~cosmic~biosphereings~
son, assa ~somaticq~evolutionq~ of ~cosmic~lifeq~principl
eingsq~, of
and six
to give
, assa ~somaticq~metabolismingsq~ ~coobsfectingsq~ ~{cavitationalq~gatewayv
beggings antinomialq Atbash destruction of dialectic ~encounteringq~ ~reverberationalq~cosmic~vital~impedanceings}~, birth of
assa ~livingq~ ~organicq~mov
ementings~ ~cowithihnq~ and ~coobsfectingsq~ ~cosmic~emerqancyingsq~
Ishmael assa ~{cavitationalq~existenc
eingsq~ ~coobsfectingsq~entangleingsq~overlappingsq~ of...
...~{cavitationalq~cosmic~metabolismingsq~ ~coaffectingsq~ ~metabolicq~enlightenmentingsq~ ~returningsq~ to ~reverberationalq~Aleph.1q's~}~...
...~persistentq~ ~overlappingsq~entanglementingsq~ ~cowithi
hnq~ ~reverberationalq~existentialq~metabolismingsq}~
for Abram assa ~existentialq~metabolismingsq~ ~adaptingq
~ ~Aleph.1q's~ ~{exaltationingsq~of~somaq~ ihnto ~cosmic~emerqancyingsq}~ ~cowithihnq~ ~cosmic~biosphereings~
via omnimensional printing reproductive fecundityq assa ~feminineq~fecundationingsq~ of ~existentialq~biospher
eings~ ~experienceingsq~ ~cosmic~grailingsq~.

Doug - 14Mar2018.


Doug Renselle
Quantonics, Inc.
Suite 18 #368 1950 East Greyhound Pass
Carmel, INdiana 46033-7730

©Quantonics, Inc., 2018-2035 - Rev. 11-14Mar2018  PDR - Created: 11Mar2018  PDR
