All recently added color maps need careful reassessmentings.
When you ask, "What is
Doug's use of Illeq
(Doug's artistic endeavors bestowing quantum~Value)
about?" this issi it:
Doug's use of "reassessmentings" carries abundant
quantum~computing Value.
For a long time, perhaps decades, Doug has been thinkqing
of quantum~computing assa
Trouble is, right here in river city, (n¤n light speed
color) vision (in homo sapiens) is less than one octave of reality's spectrum.
So using color as a proxy for a wave based, evolving reality,
reassessmenting, recapitulating, quantadulative wMBU,
issi an extremely over simplified approach.
Though simplified, it issi potent. It solves, at least partially,
the system problem:
How does humanity move from classical stux to
quantum flux, from classical 'absolute state,' to
quantum 'absolute change?'
From MBO
to wMBU. From classical politics to
quantum politics.
From mythos to emersos.
We can start with vision and color, get that to work, and grow~evolve
into larger spectral aspects of quantum~reality as a durational
evolutionary process of learning by prototyping.
"Where do we begin?" Well, we just agreed to start
with vision.
But perhaps you mean, "Technically where do we begin?"
We will use quantum~computing. Classical von Neumannesque computer
architecture is an MBO
anachronism from a dead~stux past of classically dialectical thought:
digits, state-ic di gits.
Plausibly we will start with qubits as basis for our quantum~computing~emerscitecturings.
There will be a tendency to keep MBO, so we'll see initial qubital
following mythos' dialectical inertia of H5W.
Quickly, in less than one generation of human endeavor, we
will find
classicism as a failure in inventing a first quantum~qubit.
We see that happening now! Recent, CeodE 2015, nine-qubit registers do n¤t
quantum~comtexts, they 'stopc' them. Ooops!
. . .
issi unstoppable!
There is n¤ state anymore. Dialectic is n¤ more.
Dualism is n¤ more.
Static computing (holdstillism) is n¤ more. Sample and
hold is n¤ more!
There are n¤ 'initial conditions'
Why issi quantum~reality
Quantum~reality issi metabolicq. That means a huge
leapq ihn philosophicalq
understandingq of what realityq is.
A metabolicq realityq issi aliveq.
A metabolicq realityq issi con(m)sciousq.
A metabolicq realityq issi perpetually
and ubiquitously cycling~recycling all, always.
All endings are new beginnings. All beginnings have endings.
Metabolismq quantizes beginningsq and endingsq
cyclicallyq, for eternity.
Big Bangings (ponder allegoryq
of butterfly) arera new beginnings which end in Black Hole~ings
(ponder allegoryq of chrysalis)as
new beginnings which end in Big Bangings...for eternityings...
Hey classicist, "Where are your 'initial conditions'
ihn any metabolismq? Where
issi your mechanicallyc determinatec predicablec
objectivec Lie-con
in that?"
Read Hesse's Magister Ludi. Watch video Quiet Earth.
Beginnings are ihn endings and
endings are ihn beginnings:
Search this page for <metabo>.
Check out finalNoun.
Doug - 18Dec2015.
. . .
A Dugger HotMeme "Qubits shall
ride Quantum~Reality's~EoNs." A
Dugger HotMeme
They shall real~timings~n¤w~ings compare evolving
hologralq patternsq of wavesq
learn from those comparison's signatures
whatings are happenings n¤w~ings.
When we do stochastics on those
ensembleq signatures...
...we garner a modicum of near term predication (plausibilityingsq,
We assist longer term heuristic and comjecture. Notice uncertainty's
We have to guess!
(Our needs to guess scale from rapid change Planck rates, e.g.,
nano and faster
cycles of life, to almost no apparent change at all, e.g., cosmic
cycles of life.
Compare Drosophila generations to quantons(blackholes,bigbangs), e.g., quantons(chrysalis,butterfly)
life cyclings.)
We have to learn how to manage by uncertainty!
We have to learn that quantum~reality issi both unlimited
potentia and unlimited possibilities which
couldn't be without intrinsic quantum~uncertaintyings borne
of quantons(scin,quan). See finalKaf above.
Cowithin Doug's How
to Manage by Uncertainty tome he offers QLOs
as a generic approach.
Why? QLOs allow us to show 'flux' in one of many graphically
generic wayves.
Depending upon what a qubit is, that graphic could be one
or many (both one and many)
Emphasis! N¤ self respecting qubit will offer~honor~respect one iota
of classicism!
To any extent it does, it fails. You'll see.
We can use QLOs as proxies for most, if not all, quantum flux
in actuality.
In essence, qubits are flux. Qubits are quantum~waves assessing
other quantum~wavings.
A photon is a special 'kind' of qubit. A photon is a messenger~qubit.
In QED a
photon measures an electron quantumly.
Its processq issi one of metabolicq
When measurement is tentatively 'finished,' photon (perhaps
its quantum~dive cascading ensemble)
carries qubital wave energyings (signature[s], messages) about
its electronic experience.
So, is an electron a qubit? An ensemble
of qubits?
(Doug's serious thoughts on qubits commenced almost 15 years ago
twixt 2002-2004.
Observe that understanding Bell's
Theorem is crux in understanding qubits.)
It appears we will use subatomic fermions as computational
qubits and subatomic bosons as signature messengers...
Emerscitecture is a keyq meme~memeoq
here. This is crucial to successq at inventing quantum~signaturing
Two very recent budding quantologies have caught Doug's attention.
Their memesq aren't new. They have been around for
some time.
What is n¤væl, from Doug's complementarospective
is applications of those memes regarding potentiaq
for inventionq of real quantum~Evaluons.
These n¤væl applications use two marvelous quantum~physi:
Nano Antennae, and Graphene
These are of great Value
to what Doug is attempting to comvey here regarding
qubits and
energy~welling~networksq of them and
their quantum~flux
interrelationshipings as both fractalq and
If we imagine a zygote's ontologicalq evolutionq
of a newbornq as biological 3D printingq
of an infant, we can begin to imagine how future
3D (actuallyq holographicq ND) printingq
won't need outsidec directionc, but will
happen emulating cellularq~selfq~printingq
intra newbornq whatever.
Doug seesq Bowtie Nano Antennae and Graphene Nets as proemially~nascent
incipienceq of any selfq's '3D' printingq.
Doug's heuristics...
Doug - 12-14,17-22Mar,18Dec2015, 3Jan2017.
See Ancient
Archetypes |
Some metaphors of isoflux:
- "Spirit of the depths" (Jung)
- Cosmic dark energy (physi)
- Unconscious (Jung)
- N¤nactuality (Quantonics)
- Undifferentiated energy
- Etc.
Aleph.1 [only partiallyq effable as
A~dam, Aleph.1 ihn Blood] issi archetype
of Aleph.1000 [ineffable cosmic comscious
energy], which empiritheoretically
Doug refers "isoflux." Suares, time and again narrates,
"Aleph.1 issi ihn Yod,"
and "Aleph.1 issi ihn Bayt."
(Aleph.1 issi ihn 'existence.')
That, empiritheoretically, is quantum thermodynamics
at work. It ævokes
memes of Yod
tapping into 'reserve energy,' AKA isoflux, AKA Aleph.
Ditto Bayt. All 'existence,' all actuality taps into Aleph, into
isoflux. And Aleph dips into all actuality. A cosmic omniscription
of radically immanent~thermodynamic
So in quantum~color, what does Aleph~Yod look like?
What does Aleph~Bayt look like?
Both may be illustrated using quantons, too:

Blue-dotted issi isoflux~Aleph.
Bold green is spin 1 bosonic Yod~Bayt: the
Light, existential Light. It is essence of Awr,
life energy, thermodynamic QED scintillationings, energyings
of evolution, Aleph perpetually, ubiquitously fecundatingq
[Waw] its cosmos Raysh.
We can show that scripted as a
Aleph,Yod |
quanton( |
). |
isoflux,boson |
Comma~n¤space makes middle~inclusionq
A fermion version looks like this:

We see isoflux 'hiding' via its comtrarotation.
We see Möbius spin 1/2 fermionic qwfs Yod~Bayt in solid
Tao Yin~Yang, male~female
(AttA) haploidal fluxoids
red and green.
Aleph's archetype representing Aleph 1000's ineffable vital~impetus,
Aleph's cosmic vital~impetus.
Fathom Em as "Mother,"Emet as "Truthings."
(manyq) as "Two fem [X,X] pluralq
livingsq," andYassod
(onec) as "Two mal haploidally singularc
[X,Y] livesc."
Archetype of all comtainers.
Fathom Ben as "evolution of,"Bar as "son of,"Bat as "daughter of,"Ab as "father of,"and Ram as "cosmic[ally] wisdom[wise]."
Ab~ram (livec) vis-à-vis
Abraham (livingq)
Ben as
shown above is spelled with a Noun, and may also be spelled with
a finalNoun.
Ben with Noun issi immature:
So we may fathom evolution from immature to mature assa semaq
of Ben.
Ben with finalNoun issi mature:
Doug - 25Aug2017.
Ghimel.3 |
Lammed.30 |
Sheen.300 |
Archetype of organic movement
and rest.
Ghimel as archetypical metabolismq.
Ghimel's archetypical symbol looks familiar to us:
(generate entropyq)

(degenerate entropyq)
Heteronymically pronounce generate here as 'generut.'
One may apply that symbol's semaq to Ghimel, Lammed,
and Sheen.
We fathom thermodynamicq metabolismq
as a key feature of an evolvingq metabolicq
Archetype of all openings and closings and their partialityings. |
Hay.5 |
Noun.50 |
finalKaf.500 |
Archetype of Life.Only two Aut are notably quantized:
Hay and Qof.
Hay as cosmos'
livingq quantizer begs Noun
allegoricallyq as quanta.
This, from any quantum
complementarospective is really profound!
Hay and Qof each has a genus of two. All others have a genus
of zero or one. Sammekh and finalMem have geni of zero.
Waw.6 |
Sammekh.60 |
finalMem.600 |
Archetype of fertilization.
Masculine '6' as penile~testicular.
Typical malesc are only responsible in any sense
of planting staticc ideasc, notionsc,
and seedsc.
Quantum males are responsible in any sense of planting evolutionaryq
memesq, memeosq, and next gen Sapienceq.
Obtain: this 'planting' whether classical, whether quantum,
issi a profound thermodynamic process we refer QED,
which issi transmutativeq photon~electron waveq
modulationq as fluxq copulationq.
"fluxq fuxq fluxq."
Classical 'objects' cann¤t d¤ that!
Zayn.7 |
Ayn.70 |
finalNoun.700 |
Archetype of unlimited potentia. |
Hhayt.8 |
Phay.80 |
finalPhay.800 |
Archetype of all possibilityings.
A great Gen I:4
word is Hhosheykh.It shows Hayt using
Sheen to blow right through Tav's vital~impedance
into finalKaf's
"Tear down that wall!" |
Tayt.9 |
Tsadde.90 |
finalTsadde.900 |
Archetype of all cells which originate emerqancyings.
Feminine '9'' as ovarian~pudendal.
Colloquially '9' is like a massive change, an novel birthing
of cultural change.
In history 9Av is very important in this regard.
Antinomial Projection
Actuals of Archetypes |
Doug's use of visual colors as proxies of qwfs
offers great power of hermeneutics here as exemplified by comparing
Yod and Ayn.
Yod's background is black. All Yod can 'see' is its existence.
Yod cannot see~assess~ømnit¤r
any actuality, any existence ihn
isoflux. All else is dark, Layla: Lammed~Yod~Lammed~Hay "Metabolic existence, metabolic life: Layla."
Now Ayn's background issi "the light:"
Le~Awr: Lammed~Aleph~Waw~Raysh
"Metabolic G¤d fecundating life: Le~Awr."
Yod issi ihn dark. Ayn issi ihn light.
QCD~QED thermodynamics
everywhere, everywhen...
...observe color ihn chromo...
For a kind of quantum~comtrast, examine grays' absence of
color in structuration sema of Yod~Tsadde~finalTsadde using both
Dallet and Yod for extreme Layla~Leawr quantum~comtrastings.
One should observe how structuration may be interpreted classical,
In a way gray and black almost beg classical. However gray
and black are flux too. They are not objects! Miraculously darkq
issi quanton( Aynq, Aynq).
All existence as living quantons of fermions and bosons hologra~interrelating
individually and as quantum~ensembles ihn
Fermions, a spin 1/2 material~fluxq requisiteq.
Agency of formationq. Essence of massq.
Suares' "...[Yod
abiding Aleph ihn it...] as
infinite [thermodynamic] animation and as its own physical casting..."
CoG, p. 91.
Hand, cup, grail, aqueduct, pipe, tunnel, channel ihn
actual existence.
Kaf issi impermeable.
Khaf issi permeable.
Think "unleaky-leaky."
Actual organic movement. Actual metabolism. Metabolism may be
regardedq as movement'sq punctuationq
of restq via two antinomialq~complementaryq
entropyq flowingsq:
- anabolismq (upings),
- catabolismq (downings).
For Doug, best exemplified use of Lammed appears in Song
of Songs as Alt.
Alt ciphered is Aleph~Lammed~Tav. Leave out Lammed and we have At.
We see Lammed embedded in Aleph~Tav.
Ponder Atta!
Actual biosphere. View skin as a biosphere.
View planet earth as a biosphere.
View oceans as biospheres.
Ponder as death.
Is that:
- classical death?
- quantum death?
Ponder a moth's life ontology. Moth lays larva. Larva evolve
into caterpillars. Caterpillars wrap selves in cocoons. Cocoons
protect their chrysalis. Chrysalis evolves into new moth.
Does any moth ever die
Does any moth live durationally, quantumly?
Make self an allegory. Assume y~our skin[s] is~are y~our cocoon[s].
See Beyn~Veyn.
Life~existence as actual evolutionaryq
indetermination. Life existence as quanta
and their quantization and their transmutative
Actual freedomq as radically comtextq sensitive.
Change issi absoluteq.
issi stochasticq. |
Female fecundity, womb. |
That which is 'not.' To see.
Bosons, a spin 1 (agency of seeability) light~immanenceq
requisiteq. Agency of transmutationq. Essenceq
of raw energyq sens[ai]bility. CoG, Ch. 7.
Ponder philosophicalq implicationsq
of that which is unseen does
n¤t become seen (sensedq) and then does
n¤t become said until it is cognized,
then recognized.
See Suares' Trilogy, p. 429, "Ayn
originates the metaphysical: God created the
[cosmos] ex nihilo." Text appears in his Sepher
Yetsira, 1976. Doug's thelogos
and brackets.
Hhayt's actual projection assa
unlimited cosmic energy ihn existenceq.
This Aut and its Hhayt~exalted antinomialq and
complementaryq n¤n existentialq
finalPhay amaze Doug!
Doug fathoms somehow ancients saw existentialq
fluxq assa cycloidalq ihn
actualityingsq and n¤n existentialq
isofluxq as qycloidal
ihn n¤nactualityingsq.
That 'curly que' is pure sema of a cycloid (a qycloid).
Doug issi unsure re Pay~Phay, but we may choose to generalize
that Pay tends to middle~exclusion of flux, while Phay tends
to middle~inclusion of isoflux.
Structuration ihn actuality.
Observe: There issi projected energy of projection
ihn Tsadde!
All existential measurables appear to exist ihn
These are exalted Mature Projections of Archetypes in N¤nexistence;
First Four (100-400) Straddle both Existence and N¤nexistence;
Last Five (500-900) Finals are Antinomial Cosmic Projections
of Their Five Actuals
Taken pairwise both vertically and horizontally
all Aut are antinomial~complementary their neighbors. This has
enormous metaphysical and philosophical comsequences and ramping~hyperbolic
urgency during Millennium III.
Compare Movement
and Rest as complementaryq~antinomialsq
of one another. See QELR of gradience.
Ditto quantons(chaos,equilibrium).
Essence of all this is Qabala and its Letter~Numbers and relevant
texts are cumulatively a quantum~science
of thermodynamicsq.
Qof Aleph exalted ihn life's
existence straddling both existence and n¤nexistence.
"...Qof issi symbol
of cosmic Aleph ihn existence."
Suares, CoG, p. 91. Doug's QELR in bold green.
Destroyer of [esp. dialectical, static, dead, unliving...]
Qof destroys all classical Yod, Yodc. All dead,
mawt~ha~mawt, Yod.
Qof tests all human psyches on behalf of Aleph.
Qof exorcises all illusionc, all delusionc.
Simply stuxc sux!
Qof exorcises all stux, all which refuses to adaptq,
to changeq, to evolveq.
Simply fluxq issi cruxq.
See Suares' opus.
See Qof.
All existence' cosmic comtainer.
This is only graphic example of an Aut as pjctn
and pjctd that
Doug has seen. He saw it in a graphic in one of Dame Frances
Yates' texts. |
Aleph's Hammer[s] ihn
organically metabolically evolves and adapts Yod to its
actual and cosmic rqcs
See Sh'Shzafatni.
Cosmic vital~resistance, vital~impedance.
Doug isn't sure about this, but it seems there are two kinds
of Mem~Tavs
We view T[h]av in its double "two lives"
role. andWithout h, Tav in its A~T
echo chamber
resonant cavity role keeps a life existence going.
With h, Thav
changes its role, and leaks life's spirit back into isoflux,
i.e., n¤n existence. shows us Bayt's metabolic~lifeq trajectory.offers Vayt's breaking~evolvingq into a n¤væl
Cosmic grail into n¤nexistence, undifferentiated reality,
isoflux. Ultimate pneumatic maturation. Essentially quantum~tunneling
issi quantons(isoflux,flux), quantons(scin,quan). |
Maturation of a biosystem.
E.g., Adam is a fine exemplar:
We see juxtapose of immature Adam and mature Adam.
Cosmic Life~Energy. Cosmic indetermination. Pure cosmic freedom.
One's standingunder of both Noun and finalNoun
establishes one's psyche~pneuma as 'elect:'
One standsunder Paul Pietsch's, "Indetermination is [a]
principle feature of intelligence." Ref. Shufflebrain.
Hhayt's n¤nactual exaltation assa unlimited cosmic energy
ihn existenceq.
Fathom Beyn
(Bein) as a "life
trajectory" into cosmic n¤nexistenceq.
This Aut and its antinomialq and complementaryq
Hhayt's projected~existentialq Phay amaze
Doug fathoms somehow ancients saw existentialq
fluxq as cycloidalq ihn
actualityingsq and as n¤n existentialq
qycloidal isofluxq ihn
That 'curly que' is pure sema of a qycloid.
isoStructuration ihn n¤nactuality.
Doug calls this IsoV.
It parses as finalTsadde thence~Tsadde~Dallet~.
Observe: There issi n¤ Yod (actual existence
ihn finalTsadde!
There issi n¤ actual structuration ihn
IsoStructuration [IsoV]
issi ihn isoflux which offers n¤
'existential measurables,' n¤ Yod:
N¤ 'timec,' 'spacec,' 'massc,'
All energy, all fluxq issi cloaked~hidden assa