
John, Rather, Magdalene

Doug provides an profound and enlightening overview of Magdalene's Fourth Gospel.

May you accept presence of ~{~{Iht}~}~ and its ~neutrino~esque~ agent ~Aleph.1~ cowithihn you...

Doug, "Are you religious?" Hell no! I am an Abrahamic Chaldaean ~Quantum~Gnostic~Individual~Being~ playing Qabala's Game of Life.

Stop drinking their grape koolaid, foolaid...

©Quantonics, Inc., 2018-2036 — Rev. 3-7,9-15Apr2018  PDR — Created 3Apr2018
John I Verses 1 to 10 Verse I:1 - Bereshyt, Create ~Aleph.1~ assa Sheen~Yod~Tav. Your word (logos) assa DNA. ~Aleph.1~ assa "Living god cowithihn us."
Rosh assa head. Compare Latin Capit assa head. Compare Rosh and SoD [Star of David] assa hermaphroditic Mother of all. Metabolic QED. John could not have written this text!
A Da Vinci nexus. A Chaldaean nexus. Emet quantum~assesses all. Real understandings require one's destruction of dialectic in self.
John I Verses 11 to 20 Emphasis on uncertainty, indetermination. Quantum~viewing sema of antinomialism. Some of us arera neo~Sapiens. H5W issi the word? Said Word among us. Word as teacher, tuning us. Word issi always renewing, metabolically~innovating hologral self among us. SoD assa quantons(XX,XY). Torah: living book of metabolic life itself. Dialecticians spawn a plethora of faux pas.
John I Verses 21 to 30 Anagrammatic hints of Qabala. What will you do when you become two? Behold your quantum~life. ~Qof~ protects us from dialectic. Ditto its Atbash antinomial ~Dallet~. Testosterone tends to imply dialectic. Exodus Space Ship Humanity? Metabolismings arera stochastic.

Breatheings~¤ut tends to masculine interpretationings. Men tend to push. Women tend to pull.

Pushing begs dialectic! Thinkq about it.

Doug - 15Apr2018.
John I Verses 31 to 40 Immersion of self assa means of finding ~Aleph.1~ cowithihn self. Fecund us assa individual quantum beings. Dialectic Immaturity. Life~death~qycloidings. YhShWh. Teacher, help usq evade their Satanic, dialectical trap! As Good as it Gets. Eli issi cowithihn all of us. Our teacher, our tuner, issi cowithihn all of us.
John I Verses 41 to 51 Kristos appears in Autiot assa ["You are the:] ~{20 200}~ ~10~ ~{60 ~9~ ~{6 60}~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~." Greeks appear to have put words in Simon Peter's mouth. So Yeshooaa responded "Get away from me Satan!". Satan Error Dialectic. Two Satans. Not a King. Aleph in Blood.
John II Verses 1 to 12 Hær sayingq, beq aliveq according Mother and Hær teachingsq of YhShWh to him assa though he were metabolicq Iht... See Mag II:3. We find more hints of Qabala, and we see antinomial Atbash cipherings of ~Dallet~ begging destruction of dialectic. Doug did not deeply fathom those esoterics of ~Dallet~ two years ago, so they aren't called out by him. You, now, may choose to find them as part of your own Quantum Life Motif™ Chautauqua... and more explicitly we find in Mag II:9, Hær destruction of dialectic [~Veiqra~] cowithihn all of usq. See prior work by Doug in Gen I:5, and search for ~Veiqra~. There, also in Gen I:6, we find an alternate expression of AReRA with Raysh and Aleph being (Bing) protagonists of fluxodynamic energyings "using up space," in a sense of those energyings Bing unable to resist their own expressions assa fermionic~wobblings. Carefully read Doug's precis at both of those Genesis [I:5 and I:6] links!
John II Verses 13 to 25 La'Yeahodim: Roughly, here, in this verse and word, Jewq means, "Metabolicallyq existentiallyq individuallyq aliveq and fecundlyq gatewayveingsq one's own biospheric exaltationingsq..." ...while adhereing A~Dam: Aleph cowithihn blood, and Ben A~Dam: Atta's metabolicq, evolutionq, of Aleph cowithihn blood. La'Hhaim, La'Qabala! See Doug's Comcision, word 4 of this verse. Word 6 offers YhShWh. Disciples Witness Dialectics Destruction. HotMeme"All wayveingsq are quantons of evolvingq qwfal stochasticsq."™ HotMemeAssuming that YhShWh issi cowithihn all of usq, we may choose to interpret I assa wæ with him cowithihn usq. Almighty Issi Built Holograllyq Cowithihn Realityq. What is Day Three? Dialectic as death.
John III Verses 1 to 12 Almighty Atta. Essence of Arera. A Big Question. Kindle Me.
John III Verses 13 to 24 The Living Serpent. A Genuine Quantum Society. The Birth of SOM. Hate assa Tell of Dialectic.
John III Verses 25 to 36 Iht Gives Us All. Quantum Computing with Ions. HotMeme™ "In order to do quantum~computing qubits have to metabolically evolve based on at least two important comtextual memes: role and situation." HotMemeQuantons Alive~Undead. Damn Patriarchy. Ben~Ben A~Dam.
John IV Verses 1 to 10 We arera all disciples. Baptism Destroys Dialectic. Fluxodynamic metabolism issi The Gift of God: Quantum~Funtastic.
John IV Verses 11 to 20 [this:] Quantum Uncertainty Reigns [QUR]:
John IV Verses 21 to 30

Prior set of ten Magdalene IV:11-20 verses ended like [that: QUR] in a [S~Hæ~r] Dialectic Free Zone. What does Nature sempiternally ~do~due~ with dialectic free zones? She turns them into music! How? She uses them, DFZs, as instruments of ~tune~able~, ~fret~able~, octaval harmonic detention: guitars, pianos, organs, piccolos, flutes, pan flutes, violins, sentient soma (~Aleph~Bayt~)... All use their fermionicityings to ~tune~ably~ detain flux and variegation~ally hone said detained flux to make music. Our bodies are instruments. Their agencies (fermions) of tuneing us engage Atta and Cata: metabolisming of our strings and cavities to make our flux ensembles of musical being: B~ing. Watch that 2002 video: Legend of 1900. Amigo, come on,... strum y~¤ur Id, Light y~¤ur Fire, Kindle, ~Hhar~Hhar~, pluck y~¤ur strings... Read Richard Powers' The Gold Bug Variations, 1991, Morrow, first ed., hardbound, 639 p.: reviewed by Richard Locke, assa "Music and Molecules."

This ensemble of ten verses starts with that ~Etam~ process of tuneing us, and tells and show us How. ~Etam~ issi an anagram of Emet. Staggering in its immensity of Value, flux Value, Quantum Flux Value making countless Cities of Angels and their dawn and dusk music... "...if you have ears to hear..."

State (aka stux, aka hell, "There is no hell.") has no Dialectic Free Zones of flux~filled, ~Atta~ tuned Quantum~Music we call "metabolic evolutionary life." And that life metabolically, evolutionarily tunes Atta's life~death, resurrection~apoptosis cellular and individual ~Gnostic~Qabalic~ somatic existenceingsq.

Grab the wayves...grab their fluxings... Be ~B~ings~... Be Ben~Ben~Bat Adam~ings... ~Zahav~Ahavah~... Bethahavah...

Even El Papa has just recently figured that out...

Ponder QUR assa fire...

This issi Doug's retranslation of Mag IV:21:

And said to her

"May there be vital~impetus unto all existenceingsq."

"Should I, YhShWh,
in your metabolicq existenceingsq

your time has come to go,
yet omniversal Lightingsq are thoroughly impeded, (thus preserveingsq lifeq itself) while
for neither
in this mountain
of divineq life'sq unlimitedq potentiaq
in Jerusalem
shall ye be bettershipingq
the livingq Father."

Doug - 17Dec2016.

Doug - 7Apr2018 a flashlight falls over, a muffled phone rings but once... "Mom, please turn the dark switch off..." "...and there was..."

Salvation assa Self Detention.

Almighty Farewell Discourse.

Fig Tree Allegory.

A System Problem Denouement.

John IV Verses 31 to 40 Yeshooaa says, from Thomas Gospel, saying 102..."Damn the Pharisees..." Doug infers, "They are alike Sadducees and Romans and Zealots..." All dialecticians self-immersed in mechanical refuse of mind and genetically defective thought.
John IV Verses 41 to 50

HotMeme™ "A language must be metabolicq to hologrally~omniscribe a metabolicq Nature."™ HotMeme


A Suaresean Durable Faithq

...which Suares asks usq to inureq issi:

Realityingsq arera cosmically comscious,
Comscious realityingsq arera cosmically metabolic,
Metabolic realityingsq perpetually, ubiquitously evolveq, and
life~death qycloidings emerge, and
Life~death spiritual qycloidings arera perpetual.

A Suaresean Durable Faithq

John IV Verses 51 to 54 Thought Straddles.
John V Verses 1 to 10 A Dialectical Accusal of YhShWh.
John V Verses 11 to 20
John V Verses 21 to 30
John V Verses 31 to 40

An Ille of Self Witnessing.

Mu issi a Qubit.

How Will You Choose?

Doug's Martus Aritos Testimony.

John V Verses 41 to 47 Regarding John's Incompetence to Write the Book of 'John.'
John VI Verses 1 to 10
John VI Verses 11 to 20 YahWeh's Dialectic assa False Correctness.
John VI Verses 21 to 30 Some Quantum Truthings. Ions arera QED qubitally~computable (i.e., an Ion's E~cloud becomes a kind of quantum~register). Isotopes are n¤t QED qubitally~computable.
John VI Verses 31 to 40
John VI Verses 41 to 50
John VI Verses 51 to 60

There is no need for that ritual!

Christian Liars!

Do Not Trust Idiomatic Translation.

Metabolism Reigns Supreme.

Reinventing Self.

The Naassene Secret.

John VI Verses 61 to 71 Hylic Vulgate Degeneracy.
John VII Verses 1 to 10

Church Denial of Ihts Presence.

Is Our World Insane?

Be Your Gnostic Self.

Spirit of the Depths.

John VII Verses 11 to 20

Torah on Quantum Steroids.

Love to Hate.

Planck's Clock.

John VII Verses 21 to 30

Apropos Ridicule.

YhShWh Asks Us To.

John VII Verses 31 to 40

Apoptosis of YhShWh. Ref. there to VIII:33 should read VII:33.

Pharisees and Sadducees.

Hypocrisy of Hylic Stux Sux.

John VII Verses 41 to 52

Not Your Father's Lonely One.

Stan Dunder.

Magdalene on Gnostic Self.

John VIII Verses 1 to 10

Compare schema 1 and 5 here: Ve'Yelakhoo and Ve'Yeshooaa. Be quantum, be y~¤ur quantum~being Gnostic Qabalic self and carefully~assiduously study links to Hamilton's memes there [see Comcision: word 5: Ve'Yeshooaa AKA colloquially, vulgately, 'Jesus']. Doug - 8Apr2018.

Chapter VIII, in Doug's quantum~realm, issi the Chaldaean Gnostic~Qabalic Chapter of Yeshooaa's 4th Gospel assa narrated by Magdalene! For a wonderful exemplar re: Abraham see Magdalene VIII:58, words 9 to 15, "I am before Abraham ['I am Bereshyt']!' Bereshyt issi sempiternal and ubiquitous. Perfectly metabolic, perfectly quantum! See Genesis I:1 word 1: Bereshyt: Create Aleph.1, create quantum~essence of Yeshooaa! Create archetypal vital~impetusings!

. . .

Stoneing to death for female adultery?

. . .

Caveat! Doug warns you intra this chapter: It is full of idiomatic forgeries! In some cases masculine, Voltairean dumbassicity abounds. Post Magdalene forgeries abound... da chruch church issi in a lurch... Doug ends his retranslation of this chapter like this:

"Feels somewhat like a Feuilleton Chautauqua, doesn't it?

"A serial story of good versus bad, and female versus male...

"Males dialectically, satanically rejecting quantum, females sneaking up on quantum,
as they have to since they have metabolic reproductive qua and males do not...

"Doug - 4Mar2017."

Magdalene's Chapter of quantum enlightenmentings.

See Doug's Primer on Quantum~Value.

See Doug's QVH Table.

Doug - 8Apr2018.
John VIII Verses 11 to 20

From verse 12 Comcision:

"A Carlo Suares HotMeme
Doug's k~n¤w~ingsq arera (representq) Qabala's Autiot and Gematria directly comveyingq cosmic energy (assa simple quantal~hologra~qwfings) ihnto our energy~wellingq mindsq.™
A Carlo Suares HotMeme"

Where's The Rub.

Cleansed of Dialectic. [Summary quintessence of Mag VIII:18.]

That HotMeme™ shows Suares' opus assa Doug's teacher.

Since Doug wrote that retranslation, he has come to realize how he does n¤t classically judge, rather Doug quantumly~assesses!

Doug - 8Apr2018.
John VIII Verses 21 to 30

The Church Sins.

You Are Against Me.

Signature of Death.

Adam is a Hermaphrodite. Compare Baigent, Leigh, and Lincoln's (in their HBHG, 1982, 2004: Cape, Ltd., then Delta), two blood lines to Quantonics retranslation relevance of Yavdel assa two paths.

In summary, (quoting self...)

"No dumbass societyc can ever take [y~¤ur Gnostic individual quantum~free~will] away from usq.

Doug - 10Mar2017."

See verse VIII:24 word 5.

Societies: Shape up else ship out!

MIII shall erase all of you fiat moretards...

Doug - 8Apr2018.
John VIII Verses 31 to 40

Naivete Issi A Road to Wisdom.

There is n¤ such thingc as the truthc!

"Truthingsq arera agencyings of their own chanceingsq, choiceingsq, and changeingsq."™
Doug's first use of that
HotMeme™ happened twenty years ago during 1997.

A Primer on Availability.

. . .

A direct quote of Doug from this Chapter VIII's Comcision for, verse 37 word 8:

Love to Hate

"What dialecticians see as quantum~evil, to them, must be destroyed.

They love to kill. They love war. They love to hate.


Other Hylic retard dialecticians.

Why does the scorpion kill its frog swimming to scorpion's safety?

Scorpion: "It's in my kill." The Crying Game.

"Dialecticians are like is in their dialectical either-or tyrannical-judgmental nature."

Love to Hate

From Doug's opus - 18Feb2017, 15Mar2017.

. . .

Doug - 9Apr2018.
John VIII Verses 41 to 50 Insanity, Sanity of Dialectic. repair this intrapage bookmark (anchor); currently refers Mag VII...
John VIII Verses 51 to 59

For Doug, this is Magdalene's most important fourth gospel chapter since it quotes Yeshooaa saying, "I am before Abraham."

Quantum~Mother vis-a-vis Classical Father.

Abundance of Hysterical Yod.

Camaraderie with Islam?

YhShWh Proclaims Qabala!

Should You Accept Presence of Iht?

John IX Verses 1 to 10

What arera Observationings?

Creation of YhShWh.

John IX Verses 11 to 20


His Name.

Deny Dialectic Embrace Hysteresis.

Who to Believe?

YhShWh Does not Fit Their Dialectic.

An so,..., they believe they can kill him... However, we know better, yes? Yeshooaa issi Aleph cowithihn our blood and lives sempiternally cowithihn us... Bereshyt! "I am before Abraham." Dialectical Truepers arera dying..., n¤t Yeshooaa.

John IX Verses 21 to 30

Quantum Essence of ~Aleph.1~.

Pharisees are Hylic Morons.

John IX Verses 31 to 41

The Name of Light.

Choose Quantons over Dichons.

Do You Believe?

YhShWh Introduces Self.

John X Verses 1 to 10

Iht Quantum Coheres Us.

Tack and Skirt the Spew.

Dialectical Killing vs Quantum~Living.

John X Verses 11 to 20

Lies of Life without Death and Lies of Perpetual Death

Antinomialism's Tacking Tactic.

Mag X:17; this verse issi astonishing.

Mag X:19; this verse appears to acknowledge what Doug refers, The System Problem.

John X Verses 21 to 30 Mag X:28; our spirits are immortal.
John X Verses 31 to 42

System Problem Again. See graphics there. Stay out of SOM's Box. Tear down that wall. Stop Seeing Blindly! Doug.

The Chruch Dies in its Own Words. Our multiverseings compose A Great Mother whose perpetual spawn issi spiritual life of Her.

Mag X:38; YhShWh's System Problem; study this verse assiduously. Doug. [Next verse shows us how dialectic is perversion...]

Her spawn are both Atemporal and Temporal.

Temporal some refer assa poverty.

When we view temporal reality assa purely material: Doug agrees, that is poverty.

Go Quantons(atemporal,temporal).

Pirsig: Go quantons(DQ,SQ).

Yeshooaa: Go quantons(~Aleph~,~Yod~).

Compare Dialectic's poverty:

Dichons(SQ, SQ).

Doug - 13Apr2018.
John XI Verses 1 to 10 Big Story of One.
John XI Verses 11 to 20

Unbecomeings. Lazarus, Yeshooaa's best friend, dies in his own words...and issi resurrected free of dialectic.

Mag Xi:19; study word 6 Comcision. Very important big pix stuff. Doug - 13Apr2018.

John XI Verses 21 to 30

Does Martha Fathom YhShWh's Strategy?

How We Know Reality issi Quantum.

YhShWh Issi Neither a Christ Nor a Messiah.

Mag XI:28; This verse issi remarkable.

John XI Verses 31 to 40 Does Mary Fathom YhShWh's Strategy? Ostensed, Martha ihnto Mary, version... Doug - 13Apr2018.
John XI Verses 41 to 50

Issi Self Redemption Simple?

Bethany Transpired!

A Most Potent Verse.

John XI Verses 51 to 57 You may browser search this page for redemption if that interests you. Doug tends to allegorize it with Stanford's Self (Gnostic) Management Course. If your curiosity exceeds that bandwidth you may also like Dale Swain's "How Does Doug Redeem Himself?"
John XII Verses 1 to 10

Dialectic's Many Illusions.

A Special Tell.

John XII Verses 11 to 20 Exquisite ~Aut~Iot~.
John XII Verses 21 to 30

YhShWh Refers His Own Qabalism.

Verily, Verily, Quantonics Strategic Value.

YhShWh Refers Self Qabalist. Again. [add V 26 word 7 anchor on final production of page...]

Ladies Do Not Allow It.

John XII Verses 31 to 40

Do Your Due on Emet.

Should We Ask Such Questions? Doug's answer: "We devolve into socialist wasted-space DIQheaded moretards when we choose to not ask nor attempt to answer those queries." Peirce ostensed by Doug: "Every interrogative has an unlimited number of hypotheses." And, "Every hypothesis has an unlimited number of interrogatives." SEP evidence: Dialectic is Dead! Proemially Nascent Hologral QICheadednessings arera taking dialectic's place. A "Second Coming," of us! A ~Leefney~Ha~Sheray~Havayah~Yeleed~ of us, y~¤ur Gnostic Phoenix' MIII re ariseings! Doug - 14Apr2018.

What is this forever stuff?

Son of Man. See that verse's retranslation summary just below that link's bookmark: "One may not crucify Yeshooaa." 'Da Chruch Lies!

John XII Verses 41 to 50 Doug's omniffering assessment of guilt.
John XIII Verses 1 to 10

Satan as Reason without Light.

YhShWh vav Elohim. Over simply: YhShWh issi atemporal. Elohim is temporal. Recall Yavdel: two paths!

Issi Simon Peter Antinomial YhShWh?

The Answer.

John XIII Verses 11 to 20

Ille Situation and Role.

YhShWh and Doug's New Quantum Philosophy.

Qabala: The Game of Life. YhShWh nissin Qabala.

John XIII Verses 21 to 30

Of Course This is Magdalene.

Da'Vinci and Magdalene.

John XIII Verses 31 to 38

Be an Agent of both Iht and Self.

Beholding Divinity of Self.

Turning Off Planck's Clock.

John XIV Verses 1 to 10

Antinomialism and Death of Tree of Life.

Another False Claim Fallacy.

The Dumbass Chruch.

I am in the Name and the Name is isn me.

John XIV Verses 11 to 17

Gaffney Upsets Chruch's Dogma.

Doug's The 100 Epilog.

John XIV Verses 18 to 24

Can There Be One Cause?

A 1993 Trip to Plano Texas.

Gnostic Love Is.

See this verse's retranslation summary: Search for <QR attends its own party.>

John XIV Verses 25 to 31

Dead vs Living Word Linguistics.

Personification Wholly Absent.

Satan One Wants to Contain the World.

John XV Verses 1 to 10

Merovingian Vine.

This verse also comtains a tad re Godel's Incompleteness Theorems. Doug - 14Apr2018.

John XV Verses 11 to 20

Is Humanity Your Friend?

Dialectic is Stux Sux Stuff.

John XV Verses 21 to 27

A QR HotMeme.

A Quantum Leap Into Iht.

John XVI Verses 1 to 11

Perpetual Life of Qof.

Sin, Like Satan, is Just Another Word for Dialectic.
Chruch, "Die in your own dialectic."
Quantum Life of ~Aleph.1~ Wins.
John XVI Verses 12 to 22

A Living Spiritual Endowment of Autiot.

A Brief Summary.

Yeshooaa's Millennial Tacking Strategy.

You Ask Yet Still You Do Not See?

John XVI Verses 23 to 33

How Might we Perceive Quantum Block Chains?

Like Public Education, Idiom Dumbs us Down.

John XVII Verses 1 to 10

The Word.


As the World Cavitates.

Epiphanies of This Albedo.

John XVII Verses 11 to 20

Is Ayns Light Classically y=f(t)?

A Struggle with Sema of Soliloquy. Doug toying with word rhymes and rhythms. May be unworthy of your eyes. Doug - 14Apr2018.

Should We Rectify Light?

John XVII Verses 21 to 26 Yeshooaa Evolves Too.
John XVIII Verses 1 to 10 There Is No Christ.
John XVIII Verses 11 to 20

A Metabolic Birthing Endeavor.

Commencing a MIII Strategic Tack.

A Free Will Choice.

A Most Important Verse.

John XVIII Verses 21 to 30

Social Judgment Reduces to Individual Opinion Imposed on All.

Indicted by Jews Murdered by Romans. [These freaktards didn't understand that it is impossible to destroy ~Aleph.1~.]

The Big Bad Wolf.

John XVIII Verses 31 to 40

Ayn of Rand.

Autiot Is Like That.

We Must Always Struggle.

Lost in apparent falderal?

John XIX Verses 1 to 10

Any Fake Spins?

Roman Imposition of Dialectic.

Yeshooaa Hates Being Called Christ.

A Novel Pneumatic Realm.


John XIX Verses 11 to 20

Six ~Qofs~ in One Verse.

Is PC Dialectical?

PC Tyrannical Hegemony.

Pharisees Sadducees Authorized Yeshooaa's Crucifixion.

Does Qabala Protect YhShWh?

John XIX Verses 21 to 30

A Profoundly Held Belief.

Novel Semantic Head.

Think of Self Fabulized assa Electron.

The Account.

John XIX Verses 31 to 42 Can Anyone Stop Life?
John XX Verses 1 to 10

Do Not Turn Off Planck's Clock.

Obtain Quantum Obviousness.

The System Problem Again.

John XX Verses 11 to 20

Doubting Thomas.

Nature Likes to Hide.

John XX Verses 21 to 31

A Profound Life Experience.

A Crucial HotMeme™ on AI.

Book of Life Emerqancyings.

An Immense Forgery, An Intent of Subterfuge.

John XXI Verses 1 to 10

Psychic Rape of Pneuma.

OK! Which Monism is the Universal Monism?

All Humans AReRA Islands. Essence of AReRA. Compare ~Atta~ and AReRA.

Led Zeppelin Stairoids? This one reads quantum~synaesthetically like viewing an Escher drawing...

Naked Is The Best Disguise.

Doug senses it is important here to ask you to review SoS V:2, starting with word 6's relevance to word 8 of Mag XXI:2 (Psychic Rape of Pneuma). This issi very esoteric, but very important.

"Why? Doug?"

SoS V:2 Suares refers "Heart of Song of Songs."

Aqiva claimed SoS issi most important of all ancient texts!

Also recall Suares' Theme of SoS issi ~Alt~: ~Aleph~Lammed~Tav~.

Oversimplified ~Alt~ means "Existential metabolismings of all ~Aleph~Tav~, fluxoid zero, quantized breatheings~¤ut."

When we take ~At~ by itself it means QR issi very thorough, very persistent, chaoequil, ubiquitous and sempiternal. Qabala's Game of Life Never Ending Story.

Think of Beyn~Veyn in rqcs~comtextings of a ~Aleph~Bayt~ quantum~nameings sensitive cosmically~comscious Never Ending Story.

Suares teaches us that nameing in Qabala issi a direct tell of quantum~comsciousness.

That meme issi desnoured explicitly via ~Aleph~ and ~Bayt~ assa first two schema in Genesis I:1. ~Ab~ issi often referred Shem: the name. Study Shemou.

Shrewdly ~Ab~ offers n¤ gender bias in its quantum~hermeneutic fluxodynamic~retranslation.!

Doug - 15Apr2018.
John XXI Verses 11 to 20

Imagine Tilde. Notice how ~Hay's~ quantization of ~Dallet~ kills ~Dallet's~ dialectic!

Blatant Shatterings. Comcision: Huge Issue Here.

Thou Shalt Not Entrap The Light. Destroy Dialectic: ~Qof's~ job!

Should Said Traitor Die?

We AReRA Quantum~Beings!

Our ~tildes~ tell and show us it is so...

Doug - 15Apr2018.
John XXI Verses 21 to 25

These five verses mark endings...

~Bara'Aut~: Reality issi Quantum.

Can Peter be Trusted?

Forgery Occurs Here.

"So Magdaleneq ends requesting usq to pursue authorship of those three books introduced to us in Sepher Yetsira I:1 (see near end of that chapter).

"Doug is very self satisfied to see Hær request to usq.

"We have much to do...

"Who would have thought...?

"Just do~due it!!!"

Doug - 1Oct2017.

©Quantonics, Inc., 2018-2039 — Rev. 19Aug2019  PDR — Created 3Apr2018
(19Aug2019 rev - Reformat page.)

. . .

It is apropos to be aware here: there is much yet to be done...

Doug wants to expand his overview with additional Comcision.

For example, "Why does AI (especially ~QAI~ based in ~QC~ innovative applications and appliances) even appear as part of this Book of Magdalene retranslation?"

And..."What does psychic rape actually mean in our CeodE 2018 cultural situationings and roleings?"

Why so much forgery and subterfuge?

Much is yet to be exegetized for each Magdalene Chapter link in this list...

Compare Madeleine...

Arera you enjoying Global Cooling for a change?

Doug - 15Apr2018.