
Doug's Translation
Proverbs IV
Verses 1-7
Mimicking Carlo Suares'
Thermodynamic Qabala

Regarding Proverbs IV:1-7:

Doug, "Why Proverbs?" Good question. I would not have done this, probably ever, but a new acquaintance (Thanks to Tim) told me that her favorite old testament (OT) verse is Proverbs IV:23, "Above all guard your heart, it is life's wellspring.". Observe here we see our heart as central existential vital~impetus for our existential (temporal) and cosmic (atemporal) metabolisms: Quantons(DQ,SQ). I translated it for her. In my attempts omniciding whatings happenings nextings (After Genesis II), her request stood here we go with translation (Doug style) of Proverbs IV. Avante!

You've heard some people say about a few others, "They have 'no' heart." And "He breaks my heart." And "My heart aches..." Fires of pneuma burn brightly (muchas~bueno Ayn, Awr) cowithihn those of us who have senses to perceive...quantumly!

Doug is following (Doug's midrash, hermeneutics, heuristics of) Carlo Suares' teaching here.

Whoever did this, using whatever translation accoutrements available, hid...

...quantum aspects of Proverbs from their readers.

Hiding those aspects of ultimate understanding of reality is, to Doug, ultimate classical hegemonic deceit!

Unintentional? You decide. Doug has omnicided!

Doug shows, for each verse and word of Chapter IV of Proverbs, each word spelled~out left to right in Autiot fractal~recursive cipher. Then, in parentheses, Doug shows said cipher's qwf Gematria. Following that Doug shows in brackets: pronunciation (sometimes a guess, sometimes from Suares, sometimes from Webster's), [ellipsis] thence literal scholars' translation in double quotes, thence Doug's semantic Value~interpretation~heuristic~hermeneutic in Apple Chancery font [ellipsis].

Like this: Aut~Aut~Aut~ (ordinal qwf gematria, e.g., [pronunciation (sometimes a guess): ..."literal translation (from Zondervan Interlinear Hebrew-English)" Doug's Suaresesque semantic Value interpretation...]. Doug's illeism is Doug taking artistic~interpretive~heuristic responsibility for his semantic opus.

To do this, we need a legend of Autiot and their Gematria. Let's use Suares' Letter~Numbers as our reference:

Table of Autiot's 27 Letters in Three Rows of Nine
Transcribed from Carlo Suares' Cipher of Proverbs
Doug Renselle

Proverbs IV:1 Proverbs IV:2 Proverbs IV:3 Proverbs IV:4 Proverbs IV:5 Proverbs IV:6 Proverbs IV:7

Proverbs IV:8-14

Proverbs IV:15-21

Proverbs IV:22-27


[Bosonic flux, e.g., light, sound, heat, etc., uses] cosmic organic movement (metabolism) fertilizing existential biosphere (any sentient) cowithihn
[existential light, enables living sentients ihn their somas'] quantized homes (bodies spawned as somatic) of existence cowithihn cosmic biosphere,
[to fathom their parentage's] fecund feminine biosphere cosmically comtained (housed, embodied), vital~impetus at home.
[We fathom wisely,] fecund life of cosmic Aleph cosmically metabolizing existence' home (each soma's existence).
[Each soma quantum~electro~fluxo~hydro~opto~thermo~dynamically evolves melioristically via] existential metabolism gatewaying
light quanta (bosons as existential unlimited transmutational, evolutionary potentia) ihnto vital~impedance (cosmic gateway).
[All] sentients living (and understanding) ihn existence achieving~fathoming quantization of life as gnostic~wisdom.

Doug - 2,6-7May2015.


©Quantonics, Inc., 2015-2034

Retranslation of Proverbs IV:1

Proverbs IV Letter~Text Spelled Out


(some guesses)

Zondervan Literal
(some altered by Doug)

Doug's Suaresian Qabalic Translation

1 Sheen~Mem~Ayn~Waw



..."name of fecund light, 'listen';"

cosmic organic movement (metabolism) fertilizing existential biosphere cowithihn existential light...]


Transmutation of existence.

We can sense it within
a limited bandwidth
of human perception

We see an explicit
adherence to Qabala
here: any existential
name ihn Qabala
should exegetize its
existential functionality.

This Autiot reads...

Shem: name

Ayo: existential

Compare Sheray
and Shereem from
Song of Songs
Verse 1.

"Shyar Ha'Shyareem
Esher Le'Shalomoh."

(Doug uses Shyar here
as a projection of
projected Raysh.
Atta projects
(breathing~out as singing)
and garners a projection
(breathing~ihn as listening).)

"Song of Songings
witnesses my
peace ihn cosmic

Compare Doug's
as, "Before the song
being born (sung)."

"Leefney Ha''Sheray
Havayah Yeleed."

Doug - 2May2015.
2 Vayt~Noun~Yod~finalMem




quantized homes (spawn) of existence cowithihn cosmic biosphere...]

Compare Bateem: daughters.
3 Mem~Waw~Sammekh~Reysh



..."introduction of;"

fecund feminine biosphere cosmically comtained (housed)...]
4 Aleph~Vayt




vital~impetus at home...]
5 Vav~Hay~Qof~Sheen~Yod~Vayt~Waw



..."and pay attention!;"

fecund life of cosmic Aleph cosmically metabolizing existence' home...]

God issi ihn our soma.
6 Lammed~Dallet~Ayn~Tav



..."to gain;"

existential metabolism gatewaying light quanta (bosons as existential unlimited transmutational, evolutionary potentia) into vital~impedance (cosmic gateway)...]

"No pain, no gain."
7 Bayt~Yod~Noun~Hay



..." Gnosis, wisdom, comprehension, 'understanding';"

sentients living ihn existence achieving~fathoming quantization of life as gnostic~wisdom...]

In a sense, other than
Qabala (Ehieh), this
is one of most
important gnostic
words of all.

Doug - 2May2015.

©Quantonics, Inc., 2015-2034


Because existential metabolism (organic movement) of cosmic Aleph (is always) spiritually straddling (as quantum~affectation) archetypical structuration (emerqancy)
fertilizing its archetypical comtainer (emersces) quantized freedom via uncertainty (and) putting spirit up against vital impedance ihn existence.
(After that) existential metabolism (commences) quantized grailing (QEDing, scintillating its entire) cosmic biosphere.
[This is very quantum~hologral.]
(Evolutionarily) a renewing vital~impedance fertilizes cosmic comtainer's vital~impedance cowithihn existence.
(Thence) vital~impetus (affects all, perpetually~ubiquitously) ihn (entirety of) existential metabolism.
Vital~impedance' echoes~renewing unlimited light potential fecundating soma's home.
[A hint of Gnostic Individualism here.]

Doug - 2-4May2015.


©Quantonics, Inc., 2015-2034

Retranslation of Proverbs IV:2

Proverbs IV Letter~Text Spelled Out


(some guesses)

Zondervan Literal
(some altered by Doug)

Doug's Suaresian Qabalic Translation

1 Kaf~Yod



..."because 'for';"


E.g., Ki'Toveem is "because of Qualityings."

Ki is normally 'because.'

Of course that is classical use of 'cause.'

Change 'cause' to affectation ihn

2 Lammed~Qof~Hhayt



..."idiomatically it's took, 'learning';"

existential metabolism (organic movement) of cosmic Aleph spiritually straddling...]

Doug sees this as cosmic Aleph
affecting our existential metabolism
as spiritual learning.

That does n¤t fit idiom took,
however, unless one views
learning as taking k~n¤w~ings'
experiencings as learning.

3 Tayt~Waw~Vayt



..."all sensory perceptibles, good, 'sound';"

archetypical structuration (emerqancy) fertilizing its archetypical comtainer...] Evil's quantum
4 Noun~Hhayt~Thav~Yod



..."in idiom, landings, in Zondervan 'I give';"

quantized freedom via uncertainty puts spirit up against vital impedance ihn existence...] Quantized spirit gives freedom via
uncertainty to existence.
5 Lammed~Khaf~finalMem



..."to you;"

existential metabolism quantized grailing cosmic biosphere...] I give you a grail into
cosmic biosphere's understanding.
6 Thav~Waw~Raysh~Tav~Yod



..."teaching of me;"

a renewing vital~impedance fertilizes cosmic comtainer's vital~impedance cowithihn existence...] Obtain 'Tora' ihn Torati.
7 Aleph~Lammed



..."to, 'not';"

(usually 'no' and 'not' are shown as Lo and La, Lammed~Aleph)

vital~impetus ihn existential metabolism...]

El is short for god (Aleph.1)
livingq perpetually
ihn existenceq.

Compare La (30.1) as n¤t.

We see quantum~subjective
8 Thav~Ayn~Zayn~Vayt~Waw



..."you forsake;"

vital~impedance' echoed~renewing unlimited light potential fecundating soma's home...]

Doug simply does not
understand this one (see
finished translation just

Appears little disloyalty
semantic here.

Unless somehow Thav is
turning off unlimited
potentia of soma's fecundity.

Compare Sabakhthani where
'thani' issi "Thav
(vital~impedance) stopped
the Noun (quantization)
of Yod (existence)."

I do n¤t see Thav 'stopping'
here, rather Thav is
cavitating light's potentia
apparently making it
tentatively durable.

©Quantonics, Inc., 2015-2030


Because (my) home (comtainer archetype) (is) experiencing cosmic~quantization of freedom and indetermination,
(my) divine existence of vital~impedance' complementary~antinomialism (issi) enfolding (me) ihn divine existence.

Existential metabolism (issi) enfolding vital~impetus ihn my home.

(While) cosmic comtainer (issi) cosmically grailing and gradient~gatewaying divinity of my spirit.

Existential metabolism (issi) middle~including quantized~isoenergy ihn me, and vital~impetus' existential biosphere (issi) enfolding me.

Doug - 4May,20Dec2015.


©Quantonics, Inc., 2015-2034

Retranslation of Proverbs IV:3

Proverbs IV Letter~Text Spelled Out


(some guesses)

Zondervan Literal
(some altered by Doug)

Doug's Suaresian Qabalic Translation

1 Khaf~Yod



..."because, 'when';"


E.g., Ki'Toveem is "because of Qualityings."

Ki is normally 'because.'

Of course that is classical use of 'cause.'

Change 'cause' to affectation ihn

2 Bayt~finalNoun



..."evolution of, 'boy';"

home (comtainer archetype) experiencing cosmic~quantization of freedom and indetermination...]

Ben is actually "evolution of"
whatever. (according Suares)

For example, "Ben Adam"
is evolution of Aleph ihn Blood.

Boy is Bar: home

"Ben Bar" would be
evolution of boy.

3 Hay~Yod~Yod~Tav~Yod



..."I was;"

divine existence of vital~impedance' complementary~antinomialism enfolded ihn divine existence...]

This one is really interesting.

Yod~Yod issi divine existence.

Yod~Thav~Yod issi
sandwiched~enfolded ihn
divine existence.

Hay as first Aut
usually means 'the.'

In a way this can be
interpreted as
"Thav is reality's
ultimate antinomial."

When we think of past as
antinomial present, we
garner a hint of "I was."

Coquecigrues here issi
similar Lammed~Aleph
as qualitative negation.

4 Lammed~Aleph~Vayt~Yod



..."with father of me;"

existential metabolism enfolding of vital~impetus ihn my home...]

We see 'father' here as
vital~impetus: Aleph.

Recall Ben~Adam just

Here we have, "evolution
of father ihn me," where
Lammed issi agency of

5 Raysh~finalKhaf




cosmic comtainer, cosmically grailing...]
6 Vav~Yod~Hhayt~Yod~Dallet



..."and only child;"

and gradient gatewaying divinity of my spirit...] In idiom Khed issi "child." (Kid?)
7 Lammed~Phay~Noun~Yod




existential metabolism middle~including quantized~isoenergy ihn me...]

Doug used 'Leefney' ihn his
"Leefney Ha Sheerey
Havayah Yeleed."

"Before the song being borne."

8 Aleph~Mem~Yod



..."mother of me;"

vital~impetus' existential biosphere enfolding me...] See Ami.

©Quantonics, Inc., 2015-2034


(Learning involves one's) existence (becoming) fecund cowithihn cosmically comtained quantized indeterminate and free existence.
(We can fathom our learning via our) existential metabolism [as] vital~impetus cowithihn (our) existential biosphere (becoming) cosmically comtained: "metabolism of my existence."
(Our being ihn, our learning ihn) existence' (evolves as being~learning) echoes~mirrors (itself while) existential~biospherically grailing cosmic isoenergy.
(Our evolutionary process happens through a) quantized [plucking] gradient~proportional gateway ihnto cosmic comtainment of me [like a string ihn a guitar].
(Literally one senses one's own) existential metabolism of [one's own] home cosmically quantum~grailing isoenergy.
(When we engage it, we feel our) cosmic metabolism (cosmic heart~beat) enfolding existential~biosphere (self) cowithihn cosmic comtainment.
(But it is a perpetual struggle since) existential~biospheric (self's) fecund structuration encounters vital~impedance ihn me.
(As quantum~beings we are) fecund spiritual~existential lives~living.

Doug - 4,8May2015.


©Quantonics, Inc., 2015-2034

Retranslation of Proverbs IV:4

Proverbs IV Letter~Text Spelled Out


(some guesses)

Zondervan Literal
(some altered by Doug)

Doug's Suaresian Qabalic Translation

1 Vav~Yod~Raysh~Noun~Yod



..."then he taught me;"

fecund existence cowithin cosmically comtaining quantized indeterminate and free existence...]

Rani means idiomatically,
"cosmic exalted
comtainment of me."

One who achieves
has been (is being) taught,
has learned (is learning),
is accruing a modicum
of gnostic wisdom.

One's 'songs' are
heard on high!

One's proemial
nascence is re
c¤gnized: Valued!
2 Vav~Yod~Aleph~Mem~Raysh



..."and he said;"

existential metabolism of vital~impetus ihn existential biosphere cosmically comtained...]


is Yammer, i.e., "saying."

Mouth and tongue are of
great significance ihn both
Qabala and
Sepher Yetsira
3 Lammed~Yod



..."to me;"

metabolism of my existence...]
4 Yod~Tav~Mem~finalKhaf



..."let him lay hold;"

existence' echoed~mirrored existential biosphere grailing cosmic isoenergy...]

Grail may be perceived
here as middle~inclusion
'holding' of biospheres
ihn existence.

If you were ihn a cosmic
wormhole, would you
feel 'grailed, held?'

Honestly, Doug would.

5 Thallet~Vayt~Raysh~Yod



..."words of me;"

quantized gradient~proportional gateway ihnto cosmic comtainment of me...] We can see our mouths
as gradient~gateways
of potentially unlimited
words and vocabulary.
6 Lammed~Bayt~finalKhaf



..."heart of me;"

existential metabolism of my home cosmically quantum~grailing isoenergy...]


as "heart."

Heart as existential
metabolism of self.

In Proverbs 4:23
this is essence of Life!

Doug should have that
Proverbs link during
next week sometime.

7 Sheen~Mem~Raysh




cosmic metabolism (cosmic heart~beat) enfolding existential biosphere cowithin cosmic comtainment...]

We see heart as
essence of life.

Keep your heart
with great care!

Again, Proverbs 4:23.

8 Mem~Tsadde~Waw~Tav~Yod



..."commands of me;"

existential biospheric fecund structuration encounters vital~impedance ihn me...]
9 Vav~Hhayt~Yod~Hay



..."and live!;"

fecund spiritual existence living...]

Compare this to
Qabala as

If Qabala is
"Game of Life," then
is Ve"Khieh
"fecund spirit of life?"

Thence, is Ve'Khieh
quantadulation as
flux fux flux?

©Quantonics, Inc., 2015-2034


(Acquire your reputation for k~now~ing that a) quantized life must straddle both existence and n¤nexistence.
(Garner your personal Gnostic wisdom as) existential spiritual grailing of quantized~free~indeterminate life.
(Acquire your reputation for k~now~ing that a) quantized life must straddle both existence and n¤nexistence.
(Improve your quantum~being and fathom your) existential home (your soma) of quantized~free~indeterminate life.
(Never forget that) vital~impetus (issi) cowithihn (your) existential~metabolism, and
(that) vital~impedance' cosmic~metabolism grailing (your) spiritual breath.
(Never forget that) fecund vital~impetus (issi) cowithihn existential~metabolism.
(Do n¤t swerve from your Qabalic life adventures by) bending any (of your) living cell's evolving (life trajectories after Vayt: after each breaking of your birthing~shells...) journeys, pathways.
(Your individual Gnostic logos comes to you from) existential double biosphere enfolding vital~impetus existentially cowithin cosmic~comtainment,
(Given to you perpetually, ubiquitously by) existential unevolved energy emitted by me.

Doug - 5,8May2015.


©Quantonics, Inc., 2015-2034

Retranslation of Proverbs IV:5

Proverbs IV Letter~Text Spelled Out


(some guesses)

Zondervan Literal
(some altered by Doug)

Doug's Suaresian Qabalic Translation

1 Qof~Noun~Hay




quantized life must straddle both existence and nonexistence...]

"Acquire a reputation."

Be Quantonic!!!

Quantized~Life issi

2 Hhayt~Kaf~Noun~Hay




existential spiritual grailing of quantized~free~indeterminate life...]


Second of Ten Sephira
ihn Tree of Life.



3 Qof~Noun~Hay




quantized life must straddle both existence and nonexistence...]

"Acquire a reputation."

Be Quantonic!!!

Quantized~Life issi

4 Vayt~Yod~Noun~Hay




existential home of quantized~free~indeterminate life...]



5 Aleph~Lammed




(usually 'no' and 'not' are shown as Lo and La, Lammed~Aleph)

vital~impetus ihn existential metabolism...]

El is short for god (Aleph.1)
livingq perpetually
ihn existenceq.

Compare La (30.1) as n¤t.

We see quantum~subjective

6 Thav~Sheen~Khaf~Hhayt



..."you forget;"

vital~impedance' cosmic~metabolism grailing spiritual breath...]

Sort of like "losing one's breath"
as forgetting.

Disability to speak as a
proxy for forgetting?

7 Vav~Aleph~Lammed



..."and not;"

fecund vital~impetus ihn existential metabolism...]

El is short for god (Aleph.1)
livingq perpetually
ihn existenceq.

Compare La (30.1) as n¤t.

We see quantum~subjective

8 Thav~Tayt



..."you swerve;"

bending any living cell's evolving journey, pathway...]
9 Mem~Aleph~Mem~Raysh~Yod



..."from words of;"

existential double biosphere enfolding vital~impetus existentially cowithin cosmic~comtainment...]

View Mem~Aleph~Mem
as vital~impetus
enfolded divinely twixt
a double existence of

You may view Aleph here
as "the logos, the word."

Thence that comtained

10 Phay~Yod



..."mouth of me;"

existential unevolved energy emitted by me...]

View 'voice' as "music of
breathing, sometimes of
spiritual breathing."

Breath comes from where?

Mouth issi "Peehou
shaped by Tav."

Our lungs existentially
metabolize air flow, yes?

A tell of life!

A divine tell of life.


©Quantonics, Inc., 2015-2034


(Never forget that) vital~impetus (issi) ihn existential metabolism.
(Shæ has unlimited energy, so never forsake Hær) vital~impedance' mirroring unlimited light potential enlightening Hær~soma's home.
(Hær protection of you manifests via Hær) fecund vital~impedance metabolizing cosmically (your) existential biosphere cosmically comtained (and) grailing isoenergy,
(Straddling your] vital~impetus cowithihn life's living home of Hær (thus loving you).
(Hær watching you issi) fecund vital~impedance mirroring Hær grailing cosmic~light upon your home cowithihn cosmic~comtainment.

. . .

[Each of Doug's uses of 'cowithihn' explicates ihn Quantonics' script as a comma~nospace, which issi a quantum~complementary~antinomial~hologral~middle~inclusion.]
[For example, ihn a clause ihn last translated line above, scripted quanton(your~home,cosmic~comtainment).]
[Further expanded, "Shæ shall watch you " issi quanton(vital~impedance,(quanton(Hær~grailing,cosmic~light),quanton(your~home,cosmic~comtainment)))]
[Other parenthetical arrangements are possible. For example, one might show 'cosmic~comtainment' of all quantons ihn that translation.]
[Like this, "Shæ shall watch you " issi quanton(cosmic~comtainment,quanton(vital~impedance,quanton(Hær~grailing,quanton(cosmic~light,your~home)))).]

All parameters, ihn Quantoncs, are viewed (analogically, coquecigruesically) as quantum EWings: Energy~Wellings of evolving, adapting quantum~fluxings.

[Keep ihn mind all flux ihn quantum~reality issi radically~quantum~comtext~sensitive. Unlimited arrangements are possible hologrally. Sema quantally chance, choose, change, evolve, accordingly]

Doug - 5May2015.


©Quantonics, Inc., 2015-2034

Retranslation of Proverbs IV:6

Proverbs IV Letter~Text Spelled Out


(some guesses)

Zondervan Literal
(some altered by Doug)

Doug's Suaresian Qabalic Translation

1 Aleph~Lammed




(usually 'no' and 'not' are shown as Lo and La, Lammed~Aleph)

vital~impetus ihn existential metabolism...]

El is short for god (Aleph.1)
livingq perpetually
ihn existenceq.

Compare La (30.1) as n¤t.

We see quantum~subjective

2 Thav~Ayn~Zayn~Vayt~Hay



..."you forsake her;"

vital~impedance' mirroring unlimited light potential enlightening her~soma's home...]
3 Vav~Tav~Sheen~Mem~Raysh~finalKhaf



..."and she will protect you;"

fecund vital~impedance metabolizing cosmically existential biosphere cosmically comtained (and) grailing isoenergy...]

500 ihn gematria here
issi feminine.

Shemer issi keep.

4 Aleph~Hay~Vayt~Hay



..."love her!;"

vital~impetus cowithin life's living home of her...]

Note this Autiot word
issi all


5 Vav~Tav~Ayn~Raysh~finalKhaf



..."and she will watch you;"

fecund vital~impedance mirroring Hær grailing cosmic~light upon your home ihn cosmic~comtainment...]

500 ihn gematria here
issi feminine.

Doug QELRs 'her' to
Hær as a divine
referral to capital M
(Em), sacred Mother.
ihn Doug's
Mother issi Chaldæan

Tav's mirroring always
cycles us through

So Hær grailing of
cosmic light issi always
metabolized ihn you.

Doug - 5May2015.

©Quantonics, Inc., 2015-2034


(Having received Hær counsel, we wisely understand that) cosmic comtainment of vital~impetus cosmically~metabolizing
existence struggling with vital~impedance, (Garners your personal Gnostic wisdom inured as) existential spiritual grailing of biospheric life.
(Acquire a reputation that you wisely understand that) quantized life must straddle both existence and nonexistence which
(Garners your personal Gnostic wisdom inured as) existential spiritual grailing of (your) biospheric life.
(Which requires your) encompassing fecundity grailing (your) existential~metabolism,
(and gives you) cosmic~exaltation of quantized vital~impetus quantizing existence (of you) via a cosmic grail.
(Acquire a reputation that you wisely understand that) quantized life must straddle both existence and nonexistence.
(Improve your quantum~being and fathom your) existential home (your soma) of quantized~free~indeterminate life.

Doug - 5,9May,23Dec2015.


©Quantonics, Inc., 2015-2034

Retranslation of Proverbs IV:7

Proverbs IV Letter~Text Spelled Out


(some guesses)

Zondervan Literal
(some altered by Doug)

Doug's Suaresian Qabalic Translation

1 Raysh~Aleph~Sheen~Yod~Tav




cosmic comtainment of vital~impetus cosmically metabolizing existence struggling with vital~impedance...]

This is a simply incredible word
in Qabala!!!

We see Raysh. But it is spelled
with an Aleph instead of a Yod.

We see Shyt. From Genesis I:1.

2 Hhayt~Kaf~Mem~Hay



..."consciousness, 'wisdom';"

existential spiritual grailing of biospheric life...]


Second of Ten Sephira
ihn Tree of Life.



3 Qof~Noun~Hay




quantized life must straddle both existence and nonexistence...]

"Acquire a reputation."

Be Quantonic!!!

Quantized~Life issi

4 Hhayt~Kaf~Mem~Hay



..."consciousness, 'wisdom';"

existential spiritual grailing of biospheric life...]


Second of Ten Sephira
ihn Tree of Life.



5 Vav~Vayt~Kaf~Lammed



..."though with all of;"

encompassing fecundity grailing existential metabolism...] Vekol
6 Qof~Noun~Yod~Noun~finalKaf



..."possession of you;"

cosmic~exaltation of quantized vital~impetus quantizing existence (you) via a cosmic grail...]
7 Qof~Noun~Hay




quantized life must straddle both existence and nonexistence...]

"Acquire a reputation."

Be Quantonic!!!

Quantized~Life issi

8 Vayt~Yod~Noun~Hay




existential home of quantized~free~indeterminate life...]



©Quantonics, Inc., 2015-2034

Doug Renselle
Quantonics, Inc.
Suite 18 #368 1950 East Greyhound Pass
Carmel, INdiana 46033-7730

©Quantonics, Inc., 2015-2034 Rev. 3Feb2016 PDR Created: 2May2015  PDR
(6-8May2015 rev - Add anchor to Proverbs IV 1. Add links to SY Hologralexology™ of 'Shemayo,' and 'Beenah.' Add link to 'Ve'Rani.' Add link to 'Shemer,')
(8May2015 rev Add links to 'Qanah,' Repair words two and four from Noun to Mem in Hhokmah.)
(16May2015 rev - Update page top index to full translation of Proverbs IV.)
(2Nov2015 rev - Add 'Nakhetee' anchor under Proverbs IV:2.)
(20,23Dec2015 rev - Add 'Proverbs_IV_V3_W6' anchor. Add 'Proverbs_IV_V7_W1' anchor to Proverbs IV:7.)
(3Feb2016 rev - Add 'Pro_IV_V3_W7; anchor.)
