Regarding Ruth IV:11-15:
Doug is following a Hebrew interlinear English version of Ruth which he found on Internet. Version which Doug is using is from Scripture 4 All. It shows idiom from left to right with individual Hebrew words ciphered appropriately right to left. It is an authorized translation taken from Westminster Leningrad Codex with vowels. Idiom used here is very unlike what Doug is familiar with from Carlo Suares. Doug prefers latter and will use that in both his retranslation of idiom sometimes with quantum~remediation, and QCS combined with relevant Comcision. This source does not appear to reflect what Doug means by 'modern' (dialectical) Hebrew. So it may be closer to how Abraham's Autiot initiates may have read it. Let's hope so...
Doug has noticed in this reference, however, that ~Qof~ appears to be treated without what Suares refers, "Qof's role and ~situation~ of destroying illusions and delusions." This is important, at least to Doug, regarding how we treat Caheen (Cain), and all other ~schema~ (Autiot) which have Qof in them. That is what we ~experience~ elsewhere so far... Doug will follow his approach used so far in John (Magdalene), and that is to use a light green text background throughout wherever Qof appears (in idiom, remediation, and ~qwfal~ Comcision).
It is good to keep in mind that contemporary Hebrew, excepting Autiot and ~Gematria~ do not carry sema of Abraham's Autiot. Modern Hebrew idiom (apparently) carries little resemblance to Aut (~ana~coquecigruesical~) symbols' sema of Abraham's time. Doug is assuming that Abraham had a grasp of Autiot more ~metabolic~ than its modern versions' relatively intransigent objective, formal, dialectical idiom.
Doug, following Suares, assumes reality issi ~metabolic~. If that assumption is acceptable, then all of Autiot, its ~Gematria~, its Qabala, its Gnoses, its Seraphim, and Sefirot should reflect a language which too is ~metabolic~.
Our reference text does not do that. So part of Doug's retranslation effort will be to remediate as Doug sees fit. This may offend some. Doug isn't doing this for any purpose of offense, rather a way of bringing ancient ~metabolic~ memes into a more quantum real expression of our world CeodE 2018... We are in Day three. Prophecy expects great change during this millennium, likely much chaos too. Doug may be viewed as part of that change and chaos, if you prefer.
To retranslate Ruth in Suares' quantum~hologralq~fluxodynamic language, we need a legend of Autiot and their ~Gematria~. Let's use Suares' Letter~Numbers as our reference:
![]() |
(some guesses) |
(some epic poetically altered by Doug) |
1 |
Vav~Yod~Aleph~Mem~Raysh~Waw |
[Ve'Yaemroo: |
..."with solitonic ~fecundationingsq~ ~nestingsq~ ~exihstenceingsq~ of Motherly [~Emet~] Hær apoptosis [quantum~diveings] of Aleph.1q ihnto ~cosmic~ emerqancyings;" |
With solitonic ~fecundationingsq~ ~nestingsq~ ~exihstenceingsq~, assa vestigial ~divineq~ FOCHR solitonic ~{cavitational~fecundationingsq~ ~laseings~ ~nestingsq~ Valueings cowithihn ~{cavitational~exihstenceingsq~ Motherly attractorings fount of life ~reverberationalq~Aleph.1q}~ ~coobsfectingsq~ Hær ~biosphereings~ apoptosis ihnto ~cosmic~emerqancyingsq~ ~mirrorings~ ~reverberationalq~fecundationingsq}~, of Motherly [~Emet~] Hær apoptosis [quantum diveings] of Aleph.1q ihnto cosmic emerqancyingsq...] |
2 |
Kaf~Lammed |
[Kol: |
..."for all Mobius twistings metabolismings;" |
for all, assa fermionic ~grailingsq~ Mobius twistings evolutionaryq ~metabolismings~, Mobius twistings metabolismings...] |
3 |
Hay~Ayn~finalMem |
[Ha'Aam: |
..."theht quantized ~livingsq~ ~enlightenedq~ people;" |
theht quantized ~livingsq~, assa quantized ~livingsq~ bosonic QED ~enlightenmentings~ cowithihn ~cosmic~biosphereings~ celestial womb, ~enlightenedq~ people...] |
4 |
Aleph~Sheen~Raysh |
[Asher: |
..."whose qua for quantum assessmentings via tentative temporal Alephicq apoptosis;" |
whose qua for quantum~assessmentings, assa fount of life ~Aleph.1q's~ ~straddleings~ evolutionary ~{cavitational~cosmic~metabolismings~ of multiversal ~reverberationalq~cosmic~emerqancyingsq}~ supportings, via tentative temporal Alephicq apoptosis,...] |
5 |
Bayt~Sheen~Ayn~Raysh |
[Ba'Shaar: |
..."cowithihn theht evolutionaryq Gametraic gatewayveings;" |
cowithihn theht evolutionaryq Gametraic, assa spin 1/2 ~somaq~ Gametraically ~coobsfectingsq~ Valueings evolutionaryq ~straddleings~ ~{cavitational~cosmic~metabolismings~ shining ~existentialq~enlightenmentings~ expectationings ensembleings ~reverberationalq~cosmic~emerqancyingsq}~, ~gate~wayveings~,...] |
6 |
Vav~Hay~Zayn~Qof~Noun~Yod~finalMem |
[Ve'Ha'Zaqenim: |
..."and theht old ones quantized ~livingsq~ whose ~unlimitedq~ ~potentiaq~ arera destroyings dialectic accordings lifeq principleings;" |
and theht old ones quantized ~livingsq~ whose ~unlimitedq~ ~potentiaq~, assa vestigial Valueings cowithihn~{cavitational~fecundationingsq~ ~coobsfectingsq~ vestigial Valueings quantized ~{cavitational~livingsq~ old ones whose ~unlimitedq~potentiaq~ arera ~overlapq~ ~entangleingsq~ Valueings Qaheen~like attractionings ~{cavitational~cosmic~vital~impetusingsq~ Qabalaesque destruction of dialectic and ~adhereingsq~ ~reverberationalq~lifeq~principleingsq}~ of ~indeterminationings~ of ~freedomings~, ~uncertaintyingsq~, and ~peaceings~ attractorings cowithihn ~reverberationalq~exihstenceingsq}~ expectationings cowithihn ~reverberationalq~cosmic~biosphereings}~ celestial womb, arera destroyings dialectic accordings life ~principleingsq~...] |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
7 |
Ayn~Dallet~Yod~finalMem |
[Aadim: |
..."~enlightenedq~ quantum beingsq ~witnessings~ destruction of dialectic;" |
~enlightenedq~ quantum beingsq, assa bosonic QED ~enlightenmentings~ ~gate~wayveings~ Atbashq antinomial destruction of dialectic cowithihn ~exihstenceingsq~ cowithihn ~cosmic~biosphereings~ celestial womb, ~witnessings~ destruction of dialectic...] |
8 |
Yod~Thav~finalNoun |
[Yethan: |
..."grantings ~exihstenceingsq~ ~compenetrateings~ of cajoleings ~impedanceings~ ~adhereingsq~ lifeq principleings;" |
grantings ~exihstenceingsq~ ~compenetrateings~, assa cowithihn ~exihstenceingsq~ wholly permeable ~cosmic~vital~impedanceings~ ~adhereingsq~ ~cosmic~lifeq~principleingsq~ of ~indeterminationings~ of FUPings, of cajoleings ~impedanceings~ ~adhereingsq~ lifeq ~principleingsq~...] |
![]() ~Yod~ Yeshooaa: ~10.300.6.70~ Yahshweh: ~10.5.300.6.5~ |
9 |
Yod~Hay~Waw~Hay |
[Yahweh: |
..."accordings Yahweh's exihstential ~fecund~ solitonic quantized double ~livingsq~ of Gametraic quantons(mind,body);" |
accordings Yahweh's exihstential ~fecund~ solitonic quantized double ~livingsq~, assa cowithihn ~exihstenceingsq~ ~coobsfectingsq~ vestigial ~divineq~ solitonic FOCHRS quantized ~{~{cavitational~livingsq~ synaptically ~laseings~ wayve~makeings ~fecundationingsq~ ~mirrorings~ ~reverberationalq~livingsq}~}~, of Gametraic quantons(mind,body),...] |
10 |
Aleph~T[h]av |
[Ath: |
..."and do so thoroughly ~whileq~ freely proceedings perpetuallyq cowithihn;" |
and do so thoroughly, assa fount of lifeq ~Aleph.1q~ ~encounterings~ permeableq ~cosmic~vital~impedanceings~, ~whileq~ freely proceedings perpetuallyq ~livingsq~ cowithihn...] |
11 |
Hay~Aleph~Sheen~Hay |
[Ha'Eshah: |
..."a woman of ~divineq~ solitonic quantized ~livingsq~ fire borne of fount of lifeq Alephic ~cosmic~ metabolismings;" |
a woman of ~divineq~ solitonic quantized ~livingsq~, assa vestigial ~divineq~ FOCHRS quantized ~{~{cavitational~livingsq~ synaptically ~laseings~ fount of lifeq ~Aleph.1q~ kindleings a fire of evolutionary ~cosmic~metabolismings~ ~mirrorings~ ~reverberationalq~livingsq}~}~, fire borne of fount of lifeq Alephicq cosmic metabolismings...] |
12 |
Hay~Bayt~Aleph~Hay |
[Ha'Baeah: |
..."theht one coming;" |
theht one, assa vestigial ~divineq~ FOCHRS of quantized ~{cavitational~livingsq~ synaptically ~laseings~ ~somaq~ sympathetically resurrectings ~Aleph.1q~ ~mirrorings~ ~reverberationalq~livingsq}~, comeings...] |
13 |
Aleph~Lammed |
[Al: |
..."to fount of life ihnciteings evolutionaryq metabolismings of both anabolisis and catabolisis assa Heraclitean One quantum coherenceings;" |
to fount of lifeq inciteings evolutionaryq metabolismings, assa ~Aleph.1q~ ihnciteings ~metabolismings~, of both anabolisis and catabolisis assa Heraclitean One quantum ~coherenceingsq~...] |
14 |
Bayt~Yod~T[h]av~finalKhaf |
[Bithakh: |
..."ihn Ruth's fermionic house assa permeableq ~impedanceings~ of new ~beginnings~ of Gametria of her;" |
ihn Ruth's fermionic house assa permeableq ~impedanceings~, assa spin 1/2 ~somaq~ cowithihn ~exihstenceingsq~ ~encounterings~ permeable ~cosmic~vital~impedanceings~ new ~beginnings~ of fermionic ~cosmic~grailingsq~ Mobius twistings, of new ~beginnings~ of Gametria of her...] |
![]() |
15 |
Kaf~Raysh~Hhayt~Lammed |
[Ka'Rahhal: |
..."autsimilar Rachel's ~spiritualq~ ~unlimitedq~ ~possibilityingsq~ for metabolic quantum evolutionings;" |
autsimilar Rachel's ~spiritualq~ ~unlimitedq~ ~possibilityingsq~, assa Valueings her fermionic ~{cavitational~grailingsq~ her Mobius twistings ~coobsfectingsq~ expectationings ensembleings ~reverberationalq~cosmic~emerqancyingsq}~ ~spiritualq~unlimitedq~possibilityingsq~ for evolutionary ~metabolismings~, for metabolic quantum ~evolutioningsq~...] |
16 |
Vav~K[h]af~Lammed~Aleph~Hay |
[Ve'Ka'Laeah: |
..."and autsimilar Leah's metabolic Alephicq livings;" |
and autsimilar Leah's, assa wayve~makeings ~fecundationingsq~ fermionic ~grailingsq~ Mobius twistings evolutionary ~metabolismings~ ~coobsfectingsq~ fount of lifeq ~Alephicq~ quantized ~livingsq~, metabolic Alephicq ~livingsq~...] |
17 |
Aleph~Sheen~Raysh |
[Asher: |
..."whose qua for quantum assessmentings via tentative temporal Alephicq apoptosis;" |
whose qua for quantum~assessmentings, assa fount of life ~Aleph.1q's~ ~straddleings~ evolutionary ~{cavitational~cosmic~metabolismings~ of multiversal ~reverberationalq~cosmic~emerqancyingsq}~ supportings, via tentative temporal Alephicq apoptosis,...] |
18 |
Bayt~Noun~Waw |
[Benoo: |
..."they ~fecundlyq~ metabolic AEFings both anabolic and catabolic ~evolutionarily~ built;" |
they ~fecundlyq~ metabolic, assa spin 1/2 Gametraic ~somaq~ assiduously ~adhereingsq~ ~lifeq~principleingsq~ of ~indeterminationings~ of ~freedomings~, ~uncertaintyingsq~, and ~peaceings~ via wayve~makeings ~fecundationingsq~, AEFings both anabolic and catabolic ~evolutionarily~ built...] |
19 |
Sheen~Thav~Yod~Hay~finalMem |
[Shethiahem: |
..."two of them assa one ihn agencyings of Alephicq harmonious ~cosmic~ livings;" |
two of them assa one ihn agencyings, assa evolutionary ~cosmic~metabolismings~ ~coobsfectingsq~ wholly permeable ~cosmic~vital~impedanceings~ cowithihn ~exihstenceingsq~ quantized ~livingsq~ cowithihn ~cosmic~biosphereings~ celestial womb, of Alephicq harmonious ~cosmic~ ~livingsq~...] |
20 |
Aleph~T[h]av |
[Ath: |
..."and do so thoroughly ~whileq~ freely proceedings perpetuallyq cowithihn;" |
and do so thoroughly, assa fount of lifeq ~Aleph.1q~ ~encounterings~ permeableq ~cosmic~vital~impedanceings~, ~whileq~ freely proceedings perpetuallyq ~livingsq~ cowithihn...] |
21 |
Bayt~Yod~T[h]av |
[Bith: |
..."house of;" |
house, assa spin 1/2 ~somaq~ cowithihn ~exihstenceingsq~ ~encounterings~ permeableq ~cosmic~vital~impedanceings~ new ~beginnings~, of...] |
22 |
Yod~S[h]een~Raysh~Aleph~Lammed |
[Yeshrael: |
..."Israel ~struggleings~ with g¤d;" |
Israel, assa Valueings ~{cavitational~exihstenceingsq~ ~overlapq~entangleingsq~ Valueings evolutionaryq ~{~{cosmic~metabolismings~ ~straddleings~ quantum~assessmentings ~reverberationalq~cosmic~emerqancyingsq}~ attractorings fount of lifeq resurrectionings of ~reverberationalq~Aleph.1q~}~ attractionings ~reverberationalq~metabolismings}~, ~struggleings~ with g¤d,...] |
23 |
Vav~Ayn~S[h]een~Hay |
[Ve'Aashah: |
..."and with ~fecund~ evolutionaryq ~enlightenmentings~ do you !;" |
and with ~fecund~, assa wayve~makeings ~fecundationingsq~ via bosonic QED ~enlightenmentings~ evolutionaryq ~cosmic~metabolismings~ ~coobsfectingsq~ quantized ~livingsq~, evolutionary ~enlightenmentings~ do you !...] |
24 |
Hhayt~Yod~Lammed |
[Hhil: |
..."abilityings assa ~spiritually~ and ~metabolicallyq~ worthy;" |
abilityings, assa ~spiritualq~unlimitedq~possibilityingsq~ cowithihn your ~exihstenceingsq~ implacable ~evolveingsq~ ~metabolismings~, assa ~spiritually~ and ~metabolicallyq~ worthy...] |
25 |
Bayt~Aleph~Phay~Raysh~T[h]av~Hay |
[Ba'Ephrathah: |
..."cowithihn ~returningsq~ of Alephicq ~engenderings~ of ~unlimitedq~ ~possibilityingsq~ for ensembleings quantized ~livingsq~ new ~beginnings~ Ephrathah;" |
cowithihn ~returningsq~ of Alephicq ~engenderings~ of ~unlimitedq~ ~possibilityingsq~, assa vestigial Valueings spin 1/2 ~{cavitational~somaq~ ~returningsq~ to ~Aleph.1q~ ~engenderings~ ~unlimitedq~possibilityingsq~ for expectationings ensembleings ~reverberationalq~cosmic~emerqancyingsq}~ permeable ~cosmic~vital~impedanceings~ new ~beginnings~ of quantized ~livingsq~, for ensembleings quantized ~livingsq~ new ~beginnings~ Ephrathah...] |
Contradiction Excluded Middle |
26 |
Vav~Qof~Raysh~Aleph |
[Ve'Qorae: |
..."and destroyings dialectic call you so that your words, when spoken, tentatively bury thence resurrect Aleph.1q !;" |
and destroyings dialectic call you, assa wayve~makeings ~fecundationingsq~ Valueings ~{cavitational~cosmic~vital~impetusingsq~ destruction of dialectic ~among~ ensembleings ~cosmic~emerqancyingsq~ harborings my re~birthings attractorings fount of life ~reverberationalq~Aleph.1q~}~, so that your words, when spoken, tentatively bury thence resurrect Aleph.1q !...] |
27 |
Sheen~finalMem |
[Shem: |
..."name;" |
name, assa evolutionaryq ~cosmic~metabolismings~ ~cowithihn~ temporal ~cosmic~biosphereings~, ...] |
28 |
Bayt~V[B]ayt~Yod~T[h]av |
[Ba'Bith: |
..."ihn Beth, ihn theht solitonic home implacably ~signatureings~ new beginnings;" |
ihn Beth, assa vestigial ~divineq~ FOCHRS spin 1/2 ~{~{cavitational~somaq~ synaptically ~laseings~ ~mirrorings~ leaky spin 1/2 ~reverberationalq~somaq}~}~ Gametraic home cowithihn ~exihstenceingsq~ ~experienceingsq~ permeable ~cosmic~vital~impedanceings~ new ~beginnings~, ihn theht solitonic home implacably ~signatureings~ new ~beginnings~...] |
~Ab~ goings ihnto fermion~land. vav ~Ba~: creatio nihilo ex vivo. from old ![]() |
29 |
Lammed~Hhayt~finalMem |
[Lahhem: |
..."Lehem a place of evolutionaryq metabolismings ~spiritualq~ ~unlimitedq~ possibilityings;" |
Lehem a place, assa evolutionaryq ~metabolismings~ ~spiritualq~unlimitedq~possibilityingsq~ cowithihn ~cosmic~biosphereings~ celestial womb, of evolutionary metabolismings ~spiritualq~ ~unlimitedq~ ~possibilityingsq~...] |
(some guesses) |
(some epic poetically altered by Doug) |
1 |
Vav~Yod~Hay~Yod |
[Ve'Yehey: |
..."and he shall become ~fecund~ solitonic mind~body ~exihstenceingsq~ of quantized livings;" |
And he shall become ~fecund~ solitonic, assa ~fecund~ ~divineq~ solitonic FOCHRS cowithihn ~{~{cavitational~exihstenceingsq~ synaptically ~laseings~, Gametraic both quantized ~living~ quantons(spin~1,spin~1/2) ~somaq~ and quantized ~living~ quantons(spin~1,spin~1/2) ~nousq~, ~mirrorings~ ~reverberationalq~exihstenceingsq}~}~, mind~body ~exihstenceingsq~ of quantized ~livingsq~...] |
and ~6~ ~{~{10 ~5~ ~10}~}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~ assa mind: quantons(spin~1,spin~1/2) body: quantons(spin~1,spin~1/2) quantons(mind,body) and quantons(hyde,jekyll) quantons(phaedrus,wolf) ![]() thence ![]() Do you ~fathom~ AEFings pair X~like \ / Yod~Hay~Yod quantons(spin~1,spin~1/2) nousq~somaq diagonals cowithihn latter? Ayn ![]() allegory apply? ~Put~: Generic Gametra QCS reuse~ability issi quantum~radical. A ~Put~ HotMeme |
2 |
V[B]ayt~Yod~T[h]av~finalKhaf |
[Bithakh: |
..."ihn Ruth's fermionic house assa permeableq ~impedanceings~ of new ~beginnings~ of Gametria of her;" |
ihn Ruth's fermionic house assa permeableq ~impedanceings~, assa spin 1/2 ~somaq~ cowithihn ~exihstenceingsq~ ~encounterings~ permeableq ~cosmic~vital~impedanceings~ new ~beginnings~ of fermionic ~cosmic~grailingsq~ Mobius twistings, of new ~beginnings~ of Gametria of her...] |
![]() |
3 |
Kaf~V[B]ayt~Yod~T[h]av |
[Ka'Bith: |
..."assa house of;" |
assa house, assa fermionic ~grailingsq~ Mobius twistings of spin 1/2 ~somaq~ cowithihn ~exihstenceingsq~ ~encounterings~ permeable ~cosmic~vital~impedanceings~ new ~beginnings~, of...] |
4 |
Phay~Raysh~finalTsadde |
[Pharats: |
..."Perez;" |
Perez, assa ~unlimitedq~possibilityingsq~ multiversal ~cosmic~emerqancyingsq~ supportings fermionic ~cosmic~structurationings~, ...] |
5 |
Aleph~Sheen~Raysh |
[Asher: |
..."whose qua for quantum assessmentings via tentative temporal Alephicq apoptosis;" |
whose qua for quantum~assessmentings, assa fount of life ~Aleph.1q's~ ~straddleings~ evolutionary ~{cavitational~cosmic~metabolismings~ of multiversal ~reverberationalq~cosmic~emerqancyingsq}~ supportings, via tentative temporal Alephicq apoptosis,...] |
6 |
Yod~Lammed~Dallet~Hay |
[Yeleedah: |
..."she ~metabolicallyq~ gave birthings destroyings dialectic ihn her newborn quantized livings;" |
she ~metabolicallyq~ gave birthings, assa cowithihn ~exihstenceingsq~ evolutionary ~metabolismings~ ~gate~wayveings~ Atbash antinomial destruction of dialectic ~among~ green shoots ~livingsq~, destroyings dialectic ihn her newborn quantized ~livingsq~...] |
7 |
T[h]av~Mem~Raysh |
[Thamar: |
..."Tamar;" |
Tamar, assa Valueings permeable ~{cavitational~cosmic~vital~impedanceings~ ~engenderings~ new ~beginnings~ attractionings material ~reverberationalq~biosphereings}~ ~coobsfectingsq~ ensembleings ~cosmic~emerqancyingsq~, ...] |
8 |
Lammed~Yod~Hay~Waw~Dallet~Hay |
[La'Yehoodah: |
..."for Judah ihn S&Rings of Essence of ~Neurons~ destruction of dialectic;" |
for Judah, assa ~metabolismings~ of ~exihstenceingsq~ vestigial ~divineq~ FOCHRS ~{cavitational~livingsq~ ~laseings~ prolific ~fecundationingsq~ of ~gate~wayveings~ Atbashq antinomial destruction of dialectic ~mirrorings~ ~reverberationalq~livingsq}~, ihn S&Rings of Essence of ~Neurons~ destruction of dialectic...] |
9 |
Mem~finalNoun |
Men: |
..."~emergeings~ from;" |
~emergeings~, assa ~biospherings~ assiduously ~adhereingsq~ ~cosmic~lifeq~principleingsq~ of ~indeterminationings~ of FUPings, from...] |
10 |
Hay~Zayn~Raysh~Ayn |
[Ha': |
..."theht living seed of Qabalic quantized emerqancyingsq attractionings enlightenmentings;" |
theht living seed, assa Qabalic quantized ~livingsq~ vestigial Valueings ~{cavitational~unlimitedq~potentiaq~ for energy basins encapsulateings plausible seed ensembleings assa ~cosmic~emerqancyingsq~ attractionings bosonic QED ~reverberationalq~enlightenmentings}~, of Qabalic quantized emerqancyingsq attractionings ~enlightenmentings~...] |
11 |
Aleph~Sheen~Raysh |
[Asher: |
..."which has qua for quantum assessmentings via tentative temporal Alephicq apoptosis;" |
which has qua for quantum~assessmentings, assa fount of life ~Aleph.1q's~ ~straddleings~ evolutionary ~{cavitational~cosmic~metabolismings~ of multiversal ~reverberationalq~cosmic~emerqancyingsq}~ supportings, via wisdom of tentative temporal Alephicq apoptosis,...] |
12 |
Yod~Thav~finalNoun |
[Yethan: |
..."grantings ~exihstenceingsq~ ~compenetrateings~ of ~impedanceings~ ~adhereingsq~ lifeq principleings;" |
grantings ~exihstenceingsq~ ~compenetrateings~, assa cowithihn ~exihstenceingsq~ wholly permeable ~cosmic~vital~impedanceings~ ~adhereingsq~ ~cosmic~lifeq~principleingsq~ of ~indeterminationings~ of ~freedomings~, ~uncertaintyingsq~, and ~peaceings~, of ~impedanceings~ ~adhereingsq~ lifeq ~principleingsq~...] |
13 |
Yod~Hay~Waw~Hay |
[Yahweh: |
..."accordings Yahweh's exihstential ~fecund~ solitonic quantized double ~livingsq~ of Gametraic qua(mind,body);" |
accordings Yahweh's exihstential ~fecund~ solitonic quantized double ~livingsq~, assa cowithihn ~exihstenceingsq~ ~coobsfectingsq~ vestigial ~divineq~ solitonic FOCHRS quantized ~{~{cavitational~livingsq~ synaptically ~laseings~ wayve~makeings ~fecundationingsq~ ~mirrorings~ ~reverberationalq~livingsq}~}~, of Gametraic quantons(mind,body)...] |
14 |
Lammed~finalKhaf |
[Lakh: |
..."to you;" |
to, assa your evolutionaryq ~metabolismings~ mixings via your fermionic ~cosmic~grailingsq~ Mobius twistings, you,...] |
15 |
Mem~finalNoun |
Men: |
..."~emergeings~ from;" |
~emergeings~, assa ~biospherings~ assiduously ~adhereingsq~ ~cosmic~lifeq~principleingsq~ of ~indeterminationings~ of FUPings, from...] |
16 |
Hay~Noun~Ayn~Raysh~Hay |
[Ha'Naarah: |
..."this solitonic quantized ~livingsq~ damsel of ~enlightenedq~ lifeq ~principleingsq~ maidenship desnouerings;" |
this solitonic quantized ~livingsq~ damsel, assa vestigial ~divineq~ FOCHR solitonic quantized ~{cavitational~livingsq~ ~laseings~ ~{cav~...~chainings~lifeq~principleingsq~...~rev}~ bosonic QED ~enlightenmentings~ ensembleings ~cosmic~emerqancyingsq~ ~mirrorings~ ~reverberationalq~livingsq}~, of ~enlightenedq~ lifeq ~principleingsq~ maidenship desnouerings...] |
(at least an anagram of Qabala) |
17 |
Hay~Zayn~Aleph~T[h]av |
[Ha'Zath: |
..."theht quantized ~livingsq~ assa this ~unlimitedq~ and thorough Qabalic ~potentiaq~ of fluxoid0 of Atta's QR Loop;" |
theht quantized ~livingsq~ assa this ~unlimitedq~ and thorough, assa quantized ~livingsq~ ~unlimitedq~potentiaq~ evoked via fount of life ~Aleph.1q~ ~compenetrateings~ permeable ~Ket~ of ~cosmic~vital~impedanceings~, Qabalic ~potentiaq~ of fluxoid0 of Atta's QR Loop...] |
(some guesses) |
(some epic poetically altered by Doug) |
1 |
Vav~Yod~Qof~Hhayt |
[Ve'Yeqohh: |
..."and he [Boaz] issi takeings;" |
And he [Boaz] issi, assa wayve~makeings ~fecundationings~ Valueings cowithihn ~{cavitational~exihstenceingsq~ expectationings ~reverberationalq~cosmic~vital~impetusingsq}~ destruction of dialectic ihn those ~spiritualq~unlimitedq~possibilityingsq~, takeings...] |
2 |
Bayt~Ayn~Zayn |
[Boaz: |
..."Boaz' spin 1/2 somaq's offeringsq ~enlightenedq~ ~unlimitedq~ potentia;" |
Boaz' spin 1/2 somaq's, assa Gametraic spin 1/2 ~somaticq~ Valueings bosonic QED wisdom's ~{cavitational~enlightenmentings~ attractorings ~reverberationalq~unlimitedq~potential}~, offeringsq ~enlightenedq~ ~unlimitedq~ ~potentiaq~,...] |
3 |
Aleph~T[h]av |
[Ath: |
..."and con(m)tinuings thoroughly ~whileq~ freely cavitateings perpetuallyq cowithihn;" |
and do so thoroughly, assa fount of lifeq ~Aleph.1q~ ~encounterings~ permeableq ~cosmic~vital~impedanceings~, ~whileq~ freely proceedings perpetuallyq ~livingsq~ cowithihn...] |
4 |
Raysh~Waw~T[h]av |
[Ath: |
..."Ruth's ensemble ~emerqant~ ~fecundationingsq~ of permeableq ~impedanceings~ ~whileq~ thoroughly and freely proceedings perpetuallyq cowithihn;" |
Ruth's ensemble ~emerqant~ ~fecundationingsq~ of permeableq ~impedanceings~, assa ensembleings ~cosmic~emerqancyingsq~ resurrectings fount of lifeq ~Aleph.1q~ ~encounterings~ permeable ~cosmic~vital~impedanceings~, ~whileq~ thoroughly and freely proceedings perpetuallyq cowithihn...] |
5 |
Vav~Thav~Hay~Yod |
[Ve'Thahi: |
..."her ~fecund~ ~becomeings~ a ~livingsq~ quantum~avatar;" |
her ~fecund~ ~becomeings~, assa ~fecundationingsq~ ~compenetrateings~ permeable ~cosmic~vital~impedanceings~ new ~beginnings~ ~becomeings~ quantized ~livingsq~ of her ~exihstenceingsq~, a ~livingsq~ quantum~avatar...] |
6 |
Lammed~Waw |
[Loo: |
..."to metabolic masculine ~fecundationingsq~ of him;" |
to metabolic, assa evolutionaryq ~metabolismings~ prolific sperm bearing ~fecundationingsq~, masculine ~fecundationingsq~ of him...] |
7 |
Lammed~Aleph~Sheen~Hay |
[La'Eshah: |
..."to evolutionaryq metabolic Alephicq fire of her assa ~livingsq~ woman;" |
to evolutionaryq metabolic Alephicq fire, assa Valueings QMEings of~{cavitational~metabolismings~ ~cowithihn~ ~Aleph.1q~ with expectationings for ~reverberationalq~cosmic~metabolisming}~ garnerings green shoots of n¤væl ~livingsq~, of her assa ~livingsq~ woman,...] |
8 |
Vav~Yod~V[B]ayt~Aleph |
[Ve'Yebae: |
..."and he issi comeings around to a memeset of her enterings;" |
and he issi comeings around, assa makeings~wayveings~ ~fecundationingsq~ ~coobsfectingsq~ Valueings ~{cavitational~fecundationingsq~ cowithihn comeings of spin 1/2 ~somaq~ back to attractorings ~reverberationalq~Aleph.1q~}~, to a memeset of her enteringsq...] |
assa AEFings mirror of ~Ab~ projected [theht name]. God's view: new ~beginnings~. |
9 |
Aleph~Lammed~Yod~Hay |
[Aliah: |
..."~adhereingsq~ metabolic Qabala of her quantized livings;" |
~adhereingsq~ metabolic Qabala, assa metabolic Qabala vestigially Valueings ~{cavitational~Aleph.1q~ ~evokeingsq~ ~metabolismings~ attractionings cowithihn ~reverberationalq~exihstenceingsq}~ of her quantized ~livingsq~, of her quantized ~livingsq~,...] |
10 |
Vav~Yod~Thav~finalNoun |
[Ve'Yethan: |
..."and he is giving;" |
and he issi, assa prolific ~fecundationingsq~ ~affectingsq~ ~exihstenceingsq~ via wholly permeableq ~cosmic~vital~impedanceings~ new ~beginnings~ assiduously ~adhereingsq~ ~cosmic~lifeq~principleingsq~ of ~indeterminationings~ of ~freedomings~, ~uncertaintyingsq~, and ~peaceings~ , giveings...] |
11 |
Yod~Hay~Waw~Hay |
[Yahweh: |
..."accordings Yahweh's exihstential ~fecund~ solitonic quantized double ~livingsq~ of Gametraic quantons(mind,body);" |
accordings Yahweh's exihstential ~fecund~ solitonic quantized double ~livingsq~, assa cowithihn ~exihstenceingsq~ ~coobsfectingsq~ vestigial ~divineq~ solitonic FOCHRS quantized ~{~{cavitational~livingsq~ synaptically ~laseings~ wayve~makeings ~fecundationingsq~ ~mirrorings~ ~reverberationalq~livingsq}~}~, of Gametraic quantons(mind,body),...] |
12 |
Lammed~Hay |
[Lah: |
..."to evolutionary metabolic quantized ~livingsq~ her;" |
to evolutionaryq metabolic, assa evolutionaryq ~metabolismings~ quantized ~livingsq~, quantized ~livingsq~ her...] |
13 |
Hay~Raysh~Yod~Waw~finalNoun |
[Ha'Rioon: |
..."gestational ~livingsq~ of greenshoot ~exihstenceingsq~ pregnancy;" |
gestational ~livingsq~, assa quantized ~livingsq~ ensembleings ~cosmic~emerqancyingsq~ cowithihn ~exihstenceingsq~ wayve~makeings ~fecundationingsq~ ~adhereingsq~ ~cosmic~lifeq~principleingsq~ of ~indeterminationings~ of ~freedomings~, ~uncertaintyingsq~, and ~peaceings~, of greenshoot ~exihstenceingsq~ pregnancy,...] |
14 |
Vav~Thav~Lammed~Dallet |
[Ve'Thaleed: |
..."and she is ~giving~ birth;" |
and she issi, assa wayve~makeings ~fecundationingsq~ Valueings wholly permeable ~{cavitational~cosmic~vital~impedanceings~ evolutionary ~metabolismings~ ~coobsfectingsq~ attractorings ~reverberationalq~gate~wayveings}~ Atbash antinomial destruction of dialectic, ~giving~ birth...] |
15 |
Bayt~finalNoun |
[Ben: |
..."a son assa Gametraic evolution of spin 1/2 somaq ~adhereingsq~ ~cosmic~ life principleings;" |
a son [a child named ~Obed~, a destroyer of dialectic], assa Gametraic evolution, assa spin 1/2 ~somaq~ quantum~AEFings ~adhereingsq~ ~cosmic~lifeq~principleingsq~ of ~indeterminationings~ of ~freedomings~, ~uncertaintyingsq~, and ~peaceings~, of spin 1/2 somaq ~adhereingsq~ ~cosmic~ life ~principleingsq~....] |
Thence: Evolution: Bayt [with finalNoun] spin 1/2 second Sephira ~Hhokmah~ assessmentings evolves itself. o Actionings, o Whatings Happenings Nextings, o ~Chooseings~ Do~dueings, o Stochasticq quaqua Omnirectionings, o Cerebrum [quantal actionings], o Cerebellum [diffuse] ~Hologral~ Systemic Survival. and QED~Harmony at variegational ease. |
(some guesses) |
(some altered epic poetically by Doug) |
1 |
Vav~Thav~Aleph~Mem~Raysh~Noun~Hay |
[Ve'Thaemernah: |
..."and they arera sayings, due their ~fecund~ compenetration of ~impedanceings~, Aleph.1q issi ~undergoings~ biospheric apoptosis ~whileq~ ~adhereingsq~ quantized ~livingsq~ lifeq principleings;" |
And they arera sayings, due their ~fecund~ compenetration of ~impedanceings~, assa wayve~makeings ~fecundationingsq~ ~compenetrateings~ wholly permeableq Valueings ~{cavitational~cosmic~vital~impedanceings~ fount of life ~Aleph.1q~ attractionings material ~reverberationalq~biosphereings}~ ~among~ ensembleings ~cosmic~emerqancyingsq~ supportings, Aleph.1q issi ~undergoings~ biospheric apoptosis ~whileq~ ~adhereingsq~ quantized ~livingsq~ lifeq ~principleingsq~...] |
Issi Aleph cowithihn said song's singer? Issi Aleph cowithihn song emitted~propagated? ![]() ![]() |
2 |
Hay~Noun~Sheen~Yod~finalMem |
[Ha'Neshim: |
..."theht women;" |
theht, assa vestigial Valueings quantized ~{cavitational~livingsq~ attractionings ~adhereingsq~ ~reverberationalq~lifeq~principleingsq}~ of ~indeterminationings~ of ~freedomings~, ~uncertaintyingsq~, and ~peaceings~ evolutionary ~cosmic~metabolismings~ cowithihn ~exihstenceingsq~ cowithihn ~cosmic~biosphereings~ celestial womb, women...] |
3 |
Aleph~Lammed |
[Al: |
..."to fount of lifeq ihnciteings evolutionaryq metabolismings of both anabolisis and catabolisis assa Heraclitean One quantum coherenceings;" |
to fount of lifeq inciteings evolutionaryq metabolismings, assa ~Aleph.1q~ ihnciteings ~metabolismings~, of both anabolisis and catabolisis assa Heraclitean One quantum ~coherenceingsq~...] |
4 |
Noun~Ayn~Mem~Yod |
[Naomi: |
..."~adhereingsq~ their Naomi~esque lifeq ~principleingsq~ ~enlightenmentings~ wisdom cowithihn their exihstential biosphereings;" |
~adhereingsq~ their Naomi~esque lifeq ~principleingsq~ ~enlightenmentings~, assa their obeisance to ~lifeq~principleingsq~ of ~indeterminationings~ of their FUPings bosonic QED ~enlightenmentings~ cowithihn their ~biosphereings~ cowithihn ~exihstenceingsq~, wisdom cowithihn their exihstential ~biosphereings~,...] |
5 |
Bayt~Raysh~Waw~finalKhaf |
[Barookh: |
..."beings blessed assa creationings of ~fecund~ ~cosmic~ ~grailingsq~ twistings engenderings;" |
beings blessed assa creationings, assa vestigial Valueings spin 1/2 ~{cavitational~somaq~ ensembleings creationings ~reverberationalq~cosmic~emerqancyingsq}~ ~coobsfectingsq~ wayve~makeings ~fecundationingsq~ fermionic ~cosmic~grailingsq~ Mobius twistings, of ~fecund~ ~cosmic~ ~grailingsq~ twistings ~engenderings~...] |
6 |
Yod~Hay~Waw~Hay |
[Yahweh: |
..."accordings Yahweh's exihstential ~fecund~ solitonic quantized double ~livingsq~ of Gametraic qua(mind,body);" |
accordings Yahweh's exihstential ~fecund~ solitonic quantized double ~livingsq~, assa cowithihn ~exihstenceingsq~ ~coobsfectingsq~ vestigial ~divineq~ solitonic FOCHRS quantized ~{~{cavitational~livingsq~ synaptically ~laseings~ wayve~makeings ~fecundationingsq~ ~mirrorings~ ~reverberationalq~livingsq}~}~, of Gametraic quantons(mind,body)...] |
7 |
Aleph~Sheen~Raysh |
[Asher: |
..."whose qua for quantum assessmentings via tentative temporal Alephicq apoptosis;" |
whose qua for quantum~assessmentings, assa fount of life ~Aleph.1q's~ ~straddleings~ evolutionary ~{cavitational~cosmic~metabolismings~ of multiversal ~reverberationalq~cosmic~emerqancyingsq}~ supportings, via tentative temporal Alephicq apoptosis,...] |
8 |
Lammed~Aleph |
[La: |
..."not;" |
not, assa evolutionary ~metabolismings~ arera n¤t permitted of ~Aleph.1q~...] |
9 |
Hay~Sheen~Bayt~Yod~T[h]av |
[Ha'Shebith: |
..."he let cease ~cosmic~ lifeq support nor has left your new beginnings;" |
he let cease ~cosmic~ lifeq support, assa quantized ~livingsq~ evolutionaryq ~cosmic~metabolismings~ ~coobsfectingsq~ spin 1/2 ~somaq~ cowithihn ~exihstenceingsq~ ~encounterings~ permeable ~cosmic~vital~impedanceings~ new ~beginnings~, nor has left new ~beginnings~...] |
10 |
Lammed~finalKhaf |
[Lakh: |
..."of you;" |
of, assa evolutionaryq ~metabolismings~ fermionic ~cosmic~grailingsq~ Mobius twistings, you...] |
11 |
Ghimel~Aleph~Lammed |
[Gael: |
..."therefore redeeming you via Alephicq reproduction of a metabolic newborn child;" |
therefore redeeming you via, assa vestigial Valueings BroMo ~{cavitational~organicq~movementingsq~ fount of lifeq ~Aleph.1q~ middle~inclusionings attractionings evolutionary ~reverberationalq~metabolismings}~, Alephic reproduction of a metabolic newborn child,...] |
12 |
Hay~Yod~Waw~finalMem |
[Ha'Yom: |
..."on this day of theht ~livingsq~ ~exihstenceingsq~ ~experienceingsq~ ~fecund~ temporal maturationings of any day's quantized comtiguous ~cosmic~ biosphereings;" |
on this day theht ~livingsq~ ~exihstenceingsq~ ~experienceingsq~, assa quantized ~livingsq~ cowithihn ~exihstenceingsq~ vestigially Valueings wayve~makeings ~{cavitational~fecundationingsq~ expectationings ~cowithihn~ ~reverberationalq~biosphereings}~ EIMA light of, ~fecund~ temporal maturationings of any day's comtiguous ~cosmic~ biosphereing,...] |
13 |
Vav~Yod~Qof~Raysh~Aleph |
[Ve'Yeqorae: |
..."and he shall be called;" |
and he shall be, assa wayve~makeings ~fecundationingsq~ Valueings cowithihn ~{cavitational~exihstenceingsq~ expectationings Valueings ~{cav~...~pivotings~cosmic~vital~impetusingsq~ ...~rev}~ destruction of dialectic ~cowithihn~ universal ~cosmic~emerqancyingsq~ supportings attractorings cowithihn ~reverberationalq~Aleph.1q~}~, called...] |
14 |
Sheen~Mem~Waw |
[Shemou: |
..."directly bonded situation and role name of him;" |
directly bonded situation and role, assa evolutionary ~cosmic~metabolismings~ ~coobsfectingsq~ material ~biosphereings~ wayve~makeings ~fecundationingsq~, name of him...] |
15 |
Bayt~Yod~Sheen~Raysh~Aleph~Lammed |
[Ba'Yeshrael: |
..."ihn Israel, ~returningsq~ theht name from ~cosmic~ to exihstential metabolismings of Alephic resurrectionings;" |
ihn, assa vestigial Valueings ~{cavitational~somaq~ Valueings ~nestingsq~ cowithihn ~{cavitational~exihstenceingsq~ double Valueings ~nestingsq~ evolutionaryq ~{~{cavitational~cosmic~metabolismings~ ~straddleings~ double expectationings multiversal ~reverberationalq~cosmic~emerqancyingsq}~}~ supportings attractorings fount of life ~reverberationalq~Aleph.1q~}~ attractionings evolutionary ~reverberationalq~metabolismings}~, Israel,...] |
(some guesses) |
(some altered epic poetically by Doug) |
1 |
Vav~Hay~Yod~Hay |
[Ve'Hayah, Wehyah: |
..."and he [Yahweh, AEFings Wehyah] ~fecundlyq~ becomes solitonic quantized ~livingsq~ cowithihn exihstenceings;" |
And he [Yahweh, AEFings Wehyah] ~fecundlyq~ becomes solitonic, assa wayve~makeings ~fecundationingsq~ vestigial ~divineq~ FOCHRS solitonic quantized ~{cavitational~livingsq~ synaptically ~laseings~ cowithihn ~exihstenceingsq~ ~mirrorings~ ~reverberationalq~livingsq}~, quantized ~livingsq~ cowithihn ~exihstenceingsq~...] |
![]() ![]() ![]() an allegorical ontology column one fluxodynamic ~Patterns~ of Value. Qof.100 destroys Yod.10 illusions like dialectic. column two fluxodynamic ~Patterns~ of Value. AEFings assessmentings ihnto ~QR~. Khaf.20 grail null modem channels spin 1/2 AEFings FPoVs. Raysh.200 makes plenary room for Yod's fermionic ensembleings. AEF: Antinomial Energy ~Flowings~. FPoV: Fluxodynamic ~Patterns~ of Value. QR: Quantum ~Realityings~. Aleph's Tav ~cosmically~ cajoles. cajoleings ![]() of all Yod. Be In Agencyings of Aleph. |
2 |
Lammed~finalKhaf |
[Lakh: |
..."to you;" |
to, assa your evolutionaryq ~metabolismings~ mixings via your fermionic ~cosmic~grailingsq~ Mobius twistings, you,...] |
3 |
Lammed~Mem~Sheen~Yod~V[B]ayt |
[La'Meshib: |
..."to one restoreings via metabolic ridiculeings of;" |
to one restoreings, assa Valueings evolutionary ~{cavitational~metabolismings~ ~coobsfectingsq~ material ~biosphereings~ expectationings ridiculeings ~reverberationalq~cosmic~metabolismings}~ cowithihn ~exihstenceingsq~ spin 1/2 ~somaticq~ Gametraic assessmentings, via metabolic ridiculeings of...] |
~10~ issi actual. de~comvolveings ~Hay~ ~ [two Hay lost, two Khaf and Aleph gained] de~comvolveings ~Yod~ ~ [double restore Hay] de~comvolveings ~Waw~ [restores one Hay, one Aleph] ~ |
4 |
Noun~Phay~Sheen |
[Nefesh: |
..."one's perpetuallyq ~evolveingsq~ soul and spirit;" |
one's perpetuallyq ~evolveingsq~, assa accordings ~lifeq~principleingsq~ of ~indeterminationings~ and commensurable ~unlimitedq~possibilityingsq~ ~spiritually~ ~evolveingsq~ accordings ~cosmic~metabolismings~ aut~urgeingsq~, soul and spiritq,...] |
5 |
Vav~Lammed~K[h]af~Lammed~Kaf~Lammed |
[Ve'Lakhlakal: |
..."and to ~fecundlyq~ Lorenzian ~metabolicallyq~ sustainq solitonic grailings;" |
and to ~fecundlyq~ Lorenzian, assa ~wayveings~makeings ~fecundationingsq~ ~divineq~ FOCHR Lorenzian evolutionaryq ~{cavitational~metabolismings~ ~laseings~ ~divineq~ FOCHRS fermionic asymmetric ~{cavitational~grailingsq~ leaky Mobius twistings ~laseings~ ~{cav~...~soliton~metabolismings~...~rev}~ ~mirrorings~ fermionic ~reverberationalq~grailingsq}~ impermeable Mobius twistings ~mirrorings~ ~reverberationalq~metabolismings}~, ~metabolicallyq~ sustainq solitonic ~grailingsq~...] |
6 |
Aleph~T[h]av |
[Ath: |
..."thoroughly;" |
thoroughly, assa fount of lifeq ~Aleph.1q~ reflectively ~encounterings~ permeable ~cosmic~vital~impedanceings~ usherings new ~beginnings~, ...] |
7 |
S[h]een~Yod~V[B]ayt~T[h]av~finalKhaf |
[Shibthak: |
..."old age of you [Naomi];" |
old age, assa evolutionaryq ~cosmic~metabolismings~ ridiculeings cowithihn your ~exihstenceingsq~ spin 1/2 ~somaq~ Gametria ~encounterings~ permeableq cajoleings of ~cosmic~vital~impedanceings~ new ~beginnings~ fermionic ~cosmic~grailingsq~ ageings Mobius twistings, of you [Naomi]...] |
8 |
Kaf~Yod |
[Ki: |
..."that grail which enables comscious gnostic self~awarenessings offeringsq quantum assessmentings of self~other all;" |
that grail which enables, assa fermionic ~grailingsq~ offeringsq ~QA~ Mobius twistings of ~exihstenceingsq~, comscious gnostic self~awarenessings offeringsq quantum~assessmentings of self~other all...] |
9 |
K[h]af~Lammed~T[h]av~finalKhaf |
[Kalathakh: |
..."daughter ihn law ~evokeingsq~ evolutionaryq Mobius twistings of new ~beginnings~ of you;" |
daughter ihn law, assa Valueings fermionic ~{cavitational~grailingsq~ Mobius twistings evolutionary ~metabolismings~ ~encounterings~ permeable ~cosmic~vital~impedanceings~ new ~beginnings~ expectationings fermionic ~reverberationalq~cosmic~grailingsq}~ Mobius twistings, of you...] |
10 |
Aleph~Sheen~Raysh |
[Asher: |
..."whose qua for quantum assessmentings via tentative temporal Alephicq apoptosis;" |
whose qua for quantum~assessmentings, assa fount of life ~Aleph.1q's~ ~straddleings~ evolutionary ~{cavitational~cosmic~metabolismings~ of multiversal ~reverberationalq~cosmic~emerqancyingsq}~ supportings, via tentative temporal Alephicq apoptosis,...] |
11 |
Aleph~Hay~V[B]ayt~T[h]av~finalKhaf |
[Ahavathakh: |
..."she, offeringsq new theht name ~beginnings~ quantized ~livingsq~ ~exaltationingsq~ emergentq lifeq Mobius twistings, loves you;" |
she, offeringsq new theht name ~beginnings~, assa fount of lifeq ~Aleph.1q~ Valueings quantized ~{cavitational~livingsq~ spin 1/2 ~somaq~ ~encounterings~ permeable ~cosmic~vital~impedanceings~ new ~beginnings~ expectationings fermionic ~reverberationalq~cosmic~grailingsq}~ Mobius twistings, quantized ~livingsq~ ~exaltationingsq~ emergentq lifeq Mobius twistings, loves you...] |
12 |
Yod~Lammed~Dallet~Thav~Waw |
[Yeleedathoo: |
..."she gave birth him free of dialectic [Obed];" |
she gave birth, assa cowithihn ~exihstenceingsq~ evolutionary ~metabolismings~ Valueings vestigial ~{cavitational~gate~wayveings~ Atbashq antinomial destruction of dialectic expectationings wholly permeable ~reverberationalq~cosmic~vital~impedanceings}~ new ~beginnings~ wayve~makeings ~fecundationingsq~, him free of dialectic [Obed]...] |
13 |
Aleph~Sheen~Raysh |
[Asher: |
..."whose qua for quantum assessmentings via tentative temporal Alephicq apoptosis;" |
whose qua for quantum~assessmentings, assa fount of life ~Aleph.1q's~ ~straddleings~ evolutionary ~{cavitational~cosmic~metabolismings~ of multiversal ~reverberationalq~cosmic~emerqancyingsq}~ supportings, via tentative temporal Alephicq apoptosis,...] |
14 |
Hay~Yod~Aleph |
[Ha'Yae: |
..."playings her intrinsic Qabala;" |
playings her intrinsic, assa her quantized ~livingsq~ Valueings her ~{cavitational~exihstenceingsq~ cowithihn attractorings fount of life ~reverberationalq~Aleph.1q}~, Qabala,...] |
15 |
Tayt~Waw~V[B]ayt~Hay |
[Tovah: |
..."good high value high quality livings;" |
good high value, assa assa fermionic ~cellularizationingsq~ wayve~makeings ~fecundationingsq~ n¤væl ~somaq~ green shoot, high quality ~livingsq~...] |
16 |
Lammed~finalKhaf |
[Lakh: |
..."to you;" |
to, assa your evolutionaryq ~metabolismings~ mixings via your fermionic ~cosmic~grailingsq~ Mobius twistings, you,...] |
17 |
Mem~Sheen~V[B]ayt~Ayn~Hay |
[Me: |
..."from seven ~enlightenedq~ new livings;" |
from seven, assa material ~biosphereings~ focused evolutionary ~cosmic~metabolismings~ of her seven spin 1/2 ~somaq~ nourished by bosonic QED ~enlightenmentings~ quantized ~livingsq~, ~enlightenedq~ new ~livingsq~...] |
18 |
Bayt~Noun~Yod~finalMem |
[Benim: |
..."assa her evolutionaryq spawn, her sons;" |
assa her evolutionaryq, assa evolutionaryq spin 1/2 ~somaticq~ offspring ~adhereingsq~ ~lifeq~principleingsq~ of ~indeterminationings~ of FUPings cowithihn masculine ~exihstenceingsq~ cowithihn my ~cosmic~biosphereings~, spawn, her sons...] |