
Doug's Translation
Song of Songs IV
Verses 9-16
Mimicking Carlo Suares'
Thermodynamic Qabala

Regarding Song of Songs IV:9-16:

Doug is following Carlo Suares' teaching here.

Suares, unlike most academic 'scholars' did not hide these fluxo~dynamic of Qabalic Autiot and Gematria...

...quantum aspects of Song of Songs from their readers.

Rather than deceive us, Suares does his best to help us fathom Qabalic depths of Qabala, its Autiot, its Gematria, its Sepher Yetsira, its Sefirot. (He isn't a fan of Gnosis, which is challenging to understand, at least for Doug. He does admit that Abraham was a Chaldaean Gnostic. Doug has not seen him admit that Jesus was an Essene Gnostic (ref. Pagels' Johannine Gospel in Gnostic Exegesis.). An outlier of interest here is Delores Cannon's opus re Jesus' Essene (Qumran) Gnosis (Specifically see her They Walked with Jesus.).

Doug's greatest omnifficulty in all of this: Doug was not born and raised a Jew. Doug is unfamiliar with Jewish traditions. Suares helps with this somewhat, especially in Song of Songs. He provides comtextings and uncovers Qabalic esoterica Doug is unsure whether it is available elsewhere and in Suares' quantum~hologral sensibilities. In that regard Doug believes Suares is somewhat unique. Doug relies on Suares except in issues of Gnosis. I have found several partial explications of his dislike of Gnosis sparsely available in his opus. I think Suares is a theological monist. But Gnosis shows us that monism is deceit. Doug believes latter, not Suares' apparent monism. All else of Suares' opus (excepting circumcision) Doug abides as well as he can.

Doug shows, for each verse and word of Chapter IV of Song of Songs, each word spelled~out left to right in Autiot fractal~recursive cipher. Then, in parentheses, Doug shows said cipher's qwf Gematria. Following that Doug shows in brackets: pronunciation (sometimes a guess, sometimes from Suares, sometimes from Webster's), [ellipsis] thence literal scholars' translation in double quotes, thence Doug's semantic Value~interpretation~heuristic~hermeneutic in Apple Chancery font [ellipsis].

Like this: Aut~Aut~Aut~ (ordinal qwf gematria, e.g., [pronunciation (sometimes a guess): ..."literal translation (from Suares' Song of Songs)" Doug's Suaresesque semantic Value interpretation...]. Doug's illeism is Doug taking artistic~interpretive~heuristic responsibility for his semantic opus.

Under all of that Doug shows a net translation of that whole verse in plain text with some alterations to Apple Chancery texts.

To do this, we need a legend of Autiot and their Gematria. Let's use Suares' Letter~Numbers as our reference:

Table of Autiot's 27 Letters in Three Rows of Nine
Transcribed from Carlo Suares' Cipher of Song of Songs
Doug Renselle

Song of Songs IV:1-8
Song of Songs IV:9 Song of Songs IV:10 Song of Songs IV:11 Song of Songs IV:12 Song of Songs IV:13 Song of Songs IV:14 Song of Songs IV:15  Song of Songs IV:16


Her existential metabolism's perpetual livings~dyings cyclings encountering vital~impedance, all of this quantized, free, uncertain, and peaceful cowithihn existence.
Her vital~impetus spiritually challenging vital~impedancings of her life existence.
Their grailing together (in union), their twoness cowithihn spiritual oneness challenging vital~impedancings of their lives together cowithihn existence.
Her existential metabolism's perpetual livings~dyings cyclings encountering vital~impedance, all of this quantized, free, uncertain, and peaceful cowithihn existence.
Her home in vital~impetus issi spiritually gated via resistance which may be open and closed.
Her existential biosphere's light reverberating, cavitating existential luminance' quantization, freedom, indetermination, and peace cosmically grailing Her life.
Her home in vital~impetus issi spiritually gated via resistance which may be open and closed.
Her existential light, quantized and illuminating her freedom, indetermination, and peace being assessed, confirmed, witnessed, and sanctioned by cosmic~vital~impetus eliminating all threats to her: illusion, delusion, deceit.
Her existential biosphere's structural fecundity cosmically comtained and quantizing her existential freedom, indetermination and peace while grailing cosmic life.

Doug - 19-20Jun2015.


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Retranslation of Song of Songs IV:9

Here He and She are cowithihn Autiot's Reality Loop coherentlyq together. He issi ARL's breathing~out. She issi ARL's breathing~ihn. Aleph~Tav, Tav~Aleph, Aleph~Tav,...

They are building (emerqing, evolving, transmuting, metabolizing) their pairness as a quantum~middle~ihncluding twoness cowithihn a oneness of them.

Their~oneness issi quantonings(Shæ,Hæ)!

Their coherenceq issi also their autonomyings: quanton(coherence,autonomy).

"C¤herænce issi cowithihn aut¤n¤my and aut¤n¤my issi cowithihn c¤herænce.

Doug - 19Jun2015.

. . .

Song of Songs IV Letter~Text Spelled Out


(some guesses)

Suares Idiom
(some altered by Doug)

Doug's Suaresian Qabalic Translation

1 Lammed~Bayt~Vayt~Thav~Noun~Yod



..."you stole the heart of me;"

Her existential metabolism's perpetual livings~dyings cyclings encountering vital~impedance, all of this quantized, free, uncertain, and peaceful cowithihn existence...]

Twoness of Bayt~Vayt (2.2).

Aleph~Lammed~Tav issi
Song of Songs' major theme.

2 Aleph~Hhayt~Tav~Yod



..."sister of me;"

Her vital~impetus spiritually challenging vital~impedancings of her life existence...]



Ahhoti: Her vital~impetus spiritually challenging vital~impedance of her life.

3 Khaf~Lammed~Hay



[..."wedded, permeably grailing SOrON;"]

Their grailing together (in union), their twoness cowithihn spiritual oneness challenging vital~impedancings of their lives together cowithihn existence...]

Kalah: [Kahhati:] Their taking hands twoness permeably grailing cowithihn spiritual oneness together challenging vitally~impedance of their livings.

Both bride and groom issi quanton(bride,groom).



Quanton(1,quanton(30,400)) issi Alt.

Doug - 20Jun2015.

4 Lammed~Bayt~Vayt~Thav~Noun~Yod



..."you stole the heart of me;"

Her existential metabolism's perpetual livings~dyings cyclings encountering vital~impedance, all of this quantized, free, uncertain, and peaceful cowithihn existence...]

We may view double Bayt~Vayt as divinity of old~ending of life trajectory, and new~beginning of a life's larvum protected by its shell.

We see existential quantization making possible new~beginnings and old~endings perpetually recurring, fractally...ubiquitously cowithihn Autiot's Reality Loop.

5 Bayt~Aleph~Hhayt~Dallet



..."with one;"

Her home in vital~impetus issi spiritually gated via resistance which may be open and closed...]
6 Mem~Ayn~Yod~Noun~Yod~finalKhaf



..."from eyes of you;"

Her existential biosphere's light reverberating, cavitating existential luminance' quantization, freedom, indetermination, and peace cosmically grailing Her life...]

Again, and familiarly, we see twin Yods reverberating their sensing of one another as both together (coherent) and separate (autonomous).

Doug -19Jun2015.

7 Bayt~Aleph~Hhayt~Dallet



..."with one of;"

Her home in vital~impetus issi spiritually gated via resistance which may be open and closed...]
8 Ayn~Noun~Qof



..."jewel of;"

Her existential light, quantized and illuminating her freedom, indetermination, and peace being assessed, confirmed, witnessed, and sanctioned by cosmic~vital~impetus eliminating all threats to her: illusion, delusion, deceit...]
9 Mem~Tsadde~Waw~Raysh~Noun~Yod~finalKhaf



..."of necklaces of you;"

Her existential biosphere's structural fecundity cosmically comtained and quantizing her existential freedom, indetermination and peace while grailing cosmic life...] Column five issi 5.50.500 whose gematraic 'levels' are living: archetypical.5, existential.50, and cosmically~exalted.500.

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Your [Her] living existential biosphere's
existence has unlimited possibilityings of fecundation, and
your double resisting gradient~gatewayings making existential life possible cowithihn existence while grailing cosmic life.
Your [Her] vital~impetus spiritually challenging vital~impedancings of your life existence.
Their [His and Her] grailing together (in union), their twoness cowithihn spiritual oneness challenging vital~impedancings of their lives together cowithihn existence.
Your [Her] living existential biosphere's
feminine cells structure your home fecundly.
Your double resisting gradient~gatewayings making existential life possible cowithihn existence while grailing cosmic life
issi existential biospheric divine produce quantized, cosmically~free, cosmically uncertain, cosmically peaceful.
Your fecundity cosmically comtained wafts its pheromones cowithihn existence.
Your cosmic metabolic affectation of your existential biosphere existentially, freely, uncertainly, peacefully quantizes your grailing of cosmic life.
Your existential biosphere's unleaky grailing of existential metabolism enhances
your home's focused cosmic metabolism of your existential biosphere cowithihn cosmic biosphere.

Doug - 20Jun2015, 16Nov2015.


©Quantonics, Inc., 2015-2029

Retranslation of Song of Songs IV:10

Song of Songs IV Letter~Text Spelled Out


(some guesses)

Suares Idiom
(some altered by Doug)

Doug's Suaresian Qabalic Translation

1 Mem~Hay




Your living existential biosphere's...]
2 Yod~Phay~Waw




existence has unlimited possibilityings of fecundation, and...]
3 Dallet~Dallet~Yod~finalKhaf



..."your nipples;"

your double resisting gatewayings making existential life possible cowithihn existence while grailing cosmic life...]

Literally, "...your two resistances." See Suares' SoS, p. 39.

Double Dallet issi divine. It issi twonessings.

In A Good Year, Crowe refers, "...double fronted point of view."

Dallet is a double of Thallet. Dallet tends bivalencyc, gateway either open or closed. Thallet tends omnivalency, gradient~gateway partialnessq of openings.

Suares likes to compare existence as factual (life) and cosmic as exaltation of unlimited possibilityings of ineffable livings' cosmic (life) isoenergyingsq.

They everywhere~associativelyq middle~includeq assa quantons(cosmic,existential).

Obtain how Dallet, Mem, and Tav (4.40.400) are all (column four of Autiot table) varying quantum hierarchies of resistancings which enable evolutionq of life, sort-of by saying, "prove yourself worthy of adaptive melioration."

Doug - rev - 16Nov2015. See gradience.

4 Aleph~Hhayt~Tav~Yod



..."sister of me;"

Her vital~impetus spiritually challenging vital~impedancings of her life existence...]



Ahhoti: Her vital~impetus spiritually challenging vital~impedance of her life.

5 Khaf~Lammed~Hay



[..."wedded, permeably grailing SOrON;"]

Their grailing together (in union), their twoness cowithihn spiritual oneness challenging vital~impedancings of their lives together cowithihn existence...]

Kalah: [Kahhati:] Their taking hands twoness permeably grailing cowithihn spiritual oneness together challenging vitally~impedance of their livings.

Both bride and groom issi quanton(bride,groom).



Quanton(1,quanton(30,400)) issi Alt.

Doug - 20Jun2015.

6 Mem~Hay




Your living existential biosphere's...]
7 Tayt~Vayt~Waw



..."much better;"

feminine cells structure your home fecundly...]

Think of Tayt as archetype of a woman's ability to structure new life via a kind of omnimensional biological printing of recursed~fractal living ensembles of her cells.

Men cann¤t do~due this. Spiritual and naught, they are inferior!

Doug bases this opine on masculine lower energy levels at all omniscriptioning levels of Autiot and its Gematria.

9.90.900 are all greater than 6.

60 issi greater than 6.

Men are inferior subase women.

Men, simply cann¤t do~due procreation.

Women biologically ND print new humans.

Men cann¤t print!

Doug - 20Jun2015.

8 Dallet~Dallet~Yod~finalKhaf



..."your nipples;"

Your double resisting gatewayings making existential life possible cowithihn existence while grailing cosmic life...]

Literally, "...your two resistances." See Suares' SoS, p. 39.

Double Dallet issi divine. It issi twonessings.

In A Good Year, Crowe refers, "...double fronted point of view."

Dallet is a double of Thallet. Dallet tends bivalencyc, gateway either open or closed. Thallet tends omnivalency, gradient~gateway partialnessq of openings.

Suares likes to compare existence as factual (life) and cosmic as exaltation of unlimited possibilityings of ineffable livings' cosmic (life) isoenergyingsq.

They everywhere~associativelyq middle~includeq assa quantons(cosmic,existential).

Obtain how Dallet, Mem, and Tav (4.40.400) are all (column four of Autiot table) varying quantum hierarchies of resistancings which enable evolutionq of life, sort-of by saying, "prove yourself worthy of adaptive melioration."

Doug - rev - 16Nov2015. See gradience.

9 Mem~Yod~Yod~finalNoun



..."than wine;"

issi existential biospheric divine produce quantized, cosmically~free, cosmically uncertain, cosmically peaceful...]
10 Waw~Raysh~Yod~Hhayt



..."fragrance of;"

your fecundity cosmically comtained wafts its pheromones cowithihn existence...]
11 Sheen~Mem~Noun~Yod~finalKhaf



..."your oils;"

your cosmic metabolic affectation of your existential biosphere existentially, freely, uncertainly, peacefully quantizes your grailing of cosmic life...]

See Shemenekha.

This appears as an assessmentq of Her quantum~being qua.

12 Mem~Kaf~Lammed



..."more than any oil;"

existential biosphere unleaky grailing of existential metabolism...]
13 Bayt~Seen~Mem~Yod~finalMem



..."actions of sky (air) upon waters;"

your home's focused cosmic metabolism of your existential biosphere cowithihn cosmic biosphere...]

Sheen is breath, wind, air,...

Maim issi waters, waves,...

Life's livings~dyings qycloiding breathings of Autiot's Reality Loop are both existential and cosmic. She issi cowithihn both.

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Your quantized free, uncertain, peaceful unlimited possibilityings are vitally impeded.
Your feminine vital~impedance of your unlimited possibilityings quantizing freely, uncertainly, peacefully your livings.
Your focused cosmic metabolism's unlimited existential possibilityings cavitating your vitally~impeded fecundity cowithihn existence cosmically grailing isolife's isoenergyings.
Their grailing together (in union), their twoness cowithihn spiritual oneness challenging vital~impedancings of their lives together cowithihn existence.
Your soma's resistant gateway ihnto cosmic metabolism.
Your fecund archetypal unlimited possibilityings are metabolising your soma,
a weak vital~impedance enfolding unlimited possibilityings in a stronger vital~impedance (possibly) deadly embracement.
Your existential metabolism cosmically metabolizing, fecundly, quantization's freedom, uncertainty, and peace while grailing cosmic life.
Your fecund cosmic comtainment of spiritual existence.
Your existential metabolism of your existential biosphere vitally~impeded as existence cosmically grailing life.
Your existential grailing life cosmically comtained spiritual existence.
Your existential metabolism leaky gating existential quantization's freedom, indetermination, and peace fecundating cosmic quantizations' freedom, indetermination, and peace.

Doug - 21Jun2015.


©Quantonics, Inc., 2015-2029

Retranslation of Song of Songs IV:11

Going Beyond

Combinational Autiot Factors of 1.10, 1.1.9, 1.2.8, 1.3.7, 1.4.6, 1.5.5!
(Aleph~Yod, Aleph~Aleph~Tayt, Aleph~Bayt~Hhayt, Aleph~Ghimel~Zayn, Aleph~Dallet~Waw, and Aleph~Hay~Hay.)

(Absent recursion, and using only ending double Aut) Permutative Autiot Factors adds 10.1, 1.9.1, 1.8.2, 1.7.3, 1.6.4.

So far in Song of Songs a most potent verse from any quantum complementarospective is one of quantum~assessment, Verse I:1, "Shyar Ha Shyareem Esher Le'Shalomoh."

"Residue of Residuings Witnesses My (Her) Peace."

Here we are at Verse IV:11. It is, in some ways, even more quantum, more psychic~pneumatic than Verse I:1.

Suares uses Qabala: Breath: to interpret it like this:

"Companion of Breath [pneuma], blessedness of the perceived Incarnation, you sustain organic movement [existential metabolism] and are that organic movement itself.
You are, from depth of your origin to depth of your presence now, an endless movement [cosmic metabolism] of contraries [antinomials].
You are the peace [quantizationings] of the moment." Page 102, SoS. Doug's brackets.

Again quantum~peace and its quantum~uncertainty and its quantum~freedom...
—from classical logical, static, exclusive, independent, mechanical, formal, objective, determination—
...reappear explicitly!

Suares offers more explication in plain narrative:

"The union of Aleph and Tav is now complete; the inner light
of Breath radiates through the body described as 'Hers;' her
body is seen, so to speak, 'beyond' itself. (Going 'beyond' is
symbolized, in Qabala, by no. 11, the serial number of the
verse.) If we have looked into the hidden layers of our
consciousness, as 'She' has been directed to do (IV:8), we have
seen that the 'lover' and the 'loved' are both in us [Jung's anima and animus];
their dialogue calls for the echo of our inner voice. The honey and
milk under the tongue are a degraded symbol of that voice;
her scented garments a play on the word Peace. (The word
Shalmotaikh translated garments must be read Shalom~Taikh: your
peace; we have explained earlier the name Lebanon.)

"The first three schemata are developments concerning the
letter Phay (80), the unstructured (unconscious) hidden energies
underlying the mind and body. In Nefet Phay dives into
its origin Tav; in Titofnah Tav engenders Tayt and Phay; in
Siftotaikh, the lower Breath (Sheen, pronounced Seen) acting
upon Phay redoubles Tav.

"The focus of this endless—and complex—vibration between
the origin and the person 'now,' is the schema Kalah (20.30.5),
translated bride, and whose meaning is as wide apart as
annihilation and completeness. The juxtaposition of 20 and 30
is an unsolved equation. It cannot be 'thought,' but it can be
put in motion." Page 102-103, SoS. Doug's brackets.

To Doug there is much similarity of sema twixt 1.10 and 1.2.

We see creation of 1 and 2 in Genesis I:1, which begins "Bara Shyt Bara Elohim..."

Bayt is very first symbol (Aut) used in Genesis in Bara.

Shyt is Aleph's ideogram as Sheen~Yod~Tav.

From Sepher Yetsira, we read Aleph.1 issi ihn all and all issi ihn Aleph, and
Bayt.2 issi ihn all and all issi ihn Bayt.

Similarly for 1 and 10 we can repeat Aleph's self~cowithihn~itnessings, and
say Aleph.1 issi ihn Yod.10 and Yod issi ihn Aleph.

1 2

Too we see those three Aut 'on the corner' of Autiot's table of 27 Aut.

1 issi complementary~antinomialq 2 and 2 issi complementary~antinomialq 1, and
1 issi complementary~antinomialq 10 and 10 issi complementary~antinomialq 1.

It may be interesting to ponder a quantum meme of 'four tricodonic corners of Autiot's table of 27 Aut.'

1 2
8 9
100 200
800 900

See similar fractal~recursiveq 'spiral' graphics in Mitchell Chefitz' The Seventh Telling.

Quadrant 1

Quadrant 0

Quadrant 2

Quadrant 3

An Ultimate Qabalic Tetrad
A Quantum~Revelation

In comtemporaryq terms Quad 0 represents omnimensionalq hologralq printingq of all existenceq.

Quad 2 issi quintessentially Gnosis'q "destruction of all classical, mechanical, dialectical-deceitful, -illusions, and -delusions."

Further imagine those quadrants arranged (1,3 vertical, 0,2 horizontal) similar Wingdings' 'v.' Ponder projected vis-à-vis projection.

Going Beyond

Doug - 21Jun2015, 16Nov2015 (Change 'ihn' to 'ihn.')

. . .

Song of Songs IV Letter~Text Spelled Out


(some guesses)

Suares Idiom
(some altered by Doug)

Doug's Suaresian Qabalic Translation

1 Noun~Phay~Tav




your quantized free, uncertain, peaceful unlimited possibilityings are vitally impeded...] Penta~hexa~polyhedral~volumetric comb of honey as a metaphorq of vital~impedance.
2 Tav~Tayt~Phay~Noun~Hay



..."they drop;"

your feminine vital~impedance of your unlimited possibilityings quantizing freely, uncertainly, peacefully your livings...]

"Tav engenders Tayt and Phay."

Unlimited possibilityings of
archetypal ND printing of all
living~evolving existence.

3 Seen~Phay~Tav~Waw~Tav~Yod~finalKhaf



..."lips of you;"

your focused cosmic metabolism's unlimited existential possibilityings cavitating your vitally~impeded fecundity cowithihn existence cosmically grailing isolife's isoenergyings...]

"Lower [focused. narrow affectation] breath acting on Phay, redoubles Tav.

Tav~Waw~Tav issi cavitation, resonance
reverberation of fecundity.

Think of Waw here as a nitrogen atom in
an ammonia molecule. Three hydrogen
atoms affectivelyq role play
double Tavs here.

4 Khaf~Lammed~Hay



[..."wedded, permeably grailing SOrON;"]

Their grailing together (in union), their twoness cowithihn spiritual oneness challenging vital~impedancings of their lives together cowithihn existence...]

Kalah: [Kahhati:] Their taking hands twoness permeably grailing cowithihn spiritual oneness together challenging vitally~impedance of their livings.

Both bride and groom issi quanton(bride,groom).



Quanton(1,quanton(30,400)) issi Alt.

Doug - 20Jun2015.

5 Dallet~Vayt~Sheen




your soma's resistant gateway ihnto cosmic metabolism...] Compare Atbash.
6 Waw~Hhayt~Lammed~Vayt



..."and milk;"

your fecund archetypal unlimited possibilityings are metabolising your soma...]
7 Thav~Hhayt~Tav




a week vital~impedance enfolding unlimited possibilityings in a stronger vital~impedance (possibly) deadly embracement...]

"Left of lover." Suares.

This is actually 'spirit' wasting
its energy quasi trapped in a
vital~impedance embrace
which is weaker on one side.

This is a kind of resonance trap
— of spiritual flux — which leaks on one end.

This may also be hermeneutedq as
a laser of focused~coherentq spiritual

Left and right as quantum~antinomials are apparent here.

8 Lammed~Sheen~Waw~Noun~finalKhaf



..."tongue of you;"

your existential metabolism cosmically metabolizing, fecundly, quantization's freedom, uncertainty, and peace while grailing cosmic life...]

Recall that tongue, throat, and breath are all
very powerful spiritual allegories.

For them to nexi (grail) cosmic isoenergyings
issi as close to human godliness as we may
achieve. Doug refers it "living ascension."

9 Waw~Raysh~Yod~Hhayt



..."and scent of;"

your fecund cosmic comtainment of spiritual existence...]
10 Seen~Lammed~Mem~Tav~Yod~finalKhaf



..."your peace;"

your existential metabolism of your existential biosphere vitally~impeded as existence cosmically grailing life...]

This one must be parsed Shalmo Taikh.

(Shalom is peace.)

Otherwise a mistranslation of Mem~Tav
as death may emerge, classically.

Waw (as 'o') if inserted twixt Mem and Tav
would further exacerbate this issue.

'Garments' are relatively 'dead.'

Doug - 21Jun2015.

11 Kaf~Raysh~Yod~Hhayt



..."because scent of;"

your existential grailing life cosmically comtained spiritual existence...]
12 Lammed~Vayt~Noun~Waw~finalNoun




your existential metabolism leaky gating existential quantization's freedom, indetermination, and peace fecundating cosmic quantizations' freedom, indetermination, and peace...]

Notice narrative copulation of Noun and finalNoun.

This says a lot about Lebanon as a place of industry, innovation, individual freedom, indetermination, and peace.

A place of quantum~being and quantum~peace.

Its Vayt suggests fresh born.

See Veyn and Beyn.

Doug - 7Jun2015.

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Each of our existential organic movement's cosmic~quantization invoking freedom, uncertainty, and peace (partially ihn existence)
of my existential quantization as life's freedom, uncertainty, and peace enlightening a mystery of all yet unsaid about my fecundity's existential metabolism
is my vital~impetus' spiritual potential vitally impeded cowithin existence.
Our grailing together (cowithihn union), our twoness cowithihn spiritual oneness challenging vital~impedancings of our lives together cowithihn existence.
My existential organic movement's cosmic~quantization invoking freedom, uncertainty, and peace (partially ihn existence)
of my existential quantization as life's freedom, uncertainty, and peace enlightening a mystery of all yet unsaid about my fecundity's existential metabolism
exhorts my existential biosphere's lightings shining on mystery of that which is not existential yet and actively, cosmically quantized cosmic livings cowithihn freedom, uncertainty, and peace
of my spiritual unlimited possibilityings are vitally~impeded and my fecundity cosmically biosphered (a mystery sealed from existential potentia).

Doug - 23Jun2015.


©Quantonics, Inc., 2015-2029

Retranslation of Song of Songs IV:12

Song of Songs IV Letter~Text Spelled Out


(some guesses)

Suares Idiom
(some altered by Doug)

Doug's Suaresian Qabalic Translation

1 Ghimel~finalNoun



..."A garden;"

Each of our existential organic movement's cosmic~quantization invoking freedom, uncertainty, and peace (partially ihn existence...] Said garden has, as yet, unlimited unknown potentia.
2 Noun~Ayn~Waw~Lammed




of my existential quantization as life's freedom, uncertainty, and peace enlightening a mystery of all yet unsaid about my fecundity's existential metabolism...]

Essence of cosmos' perhaps greatest mystery is that, as Heraclitus wrote, "Nature likes to hide."

Actually this issi a bandwidth limitation. Human existence issi only (about) one part in 1022 of total reality. We can only (roughly) sense flux ranges in that bottom one part.

However, we can make inferences regarding other 1021 parts of reality.

Our unlimited possibilityings, those yet unsaid (other 1021 parts: "that which is n¤t"), are yet (predominately) unknown to all of us: essence of quantum~uncertainty's freedom and peace.

Doug - 23Jun2015.

3 Aleph~Hhayt~Tav~Yod



..."is my sister;"

is my vital~impetus' spiritual potential vitally impeded cowithin existence...] This, to Doug, represents a major feminine tribulation ihn life.
4 Khaf~Lammed~Hay



..."my bride;"
[..."my wedded, permeably grailing SOrON;"]

Our grailing together (in union), our twoness cowithihn spiritual oneness challenging vital~impedancings of our lives together cowithihn existence...]

Kalah: [Kahhati:] Their taking hands twoness permeably grailing cowithihn spiritual oneness together challenging vitally~impedance of their livings.

Both bride and groom issi quanton(bride,groom).



Quanton(1,quanton(30,400)) issi Alt.

Doug - 20Jun2015.

5 Ghimel~Lammed



..."my garden;"

my existential organic movement's cosmic~quantization invoking freedom, uncertainty, and peace (partially ihn existence...]
6 Noun~Ayn~Waw~Lammed




of my existential quantization as life's freedom, uncertainty, and peace enlightening a mystery of all yet unsaid about my fecundity's existential metabolism...]

Essence of cosmos' perhaps greatest mystery is that, as Heraclitus wrote, "Nature likes to hide."

Actually this issi a bandwidth limitation. Human existence issi only (about) one part in 1022 of total reality. We can only (roughly) sense flux ranges in that bottom one part.

However, we can make inferences regarding other 1021 parts of reality.

Our unlimited possibilityings, those yet unsaid (other 1021 parts: "that which is n¤t"), are yet (predominately) unknown to all of us: essence of quantum~uncertainty's freedom and peace.

Doug - 23Jun2015.

7 Mem~Ayn~Yod~finalNoun



..."a fountain;"

exhorts my existential biosphere's lightings shining on mystery of that which is not existential yet and actively, cosmically quantized cosmic livings cowithihn freedom, uncertainty, and peace...]

In this word's retranslation, Doug views that which is not as all yet unsaid unlimited possibilityings, cosmos' greatest enigma.

See Darren Aronofsky (director), Hugh Jackman (protagonist), Rachel Weisz (wife~patient), and Ellen Burstyn (Matriarch) in The Fountain. A story about The Tree of Life.

See Proverbs IV:8 word 3, "she will honor you."

See Jung's Plate 127 Amor Triumphat re Jung's Libido complementing all cosmic reality.

8 Hhayt~Tav~Waw~finalMem




of my spiritual unlimited possibilityings are vitally~impeded and my fecundity cosmically biosphered (a mystery sealed from existential potentia)...]

Tav~Waw~finalMem issi cosmic 'death' reversed.

So spirit's archetypal unlimited possibilityings aren't (can't possibly be) dead (Mawt~HaMawt), rather vitally~impeded tentatively.

Doug - 23Jun2015.

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You are like plants both cosmic and existential metabolism's spiritually buoying (growth of) you (plants) cosmically grailing sun's cosmic life energy source.
Your unlimited possibilityings cosmically comtained are stochastically gatewaying your femininity.
Your cosmically comtained quantized free, uncertain, and peaceful fecundity of your existence resonates and straddles your existential and cosmic biospheres,
with existential light's quantum~nexus twixt you and your cosmic biosphere, and
your unlimited possibilityings cosmically comtained cowithihn your living existence.
Your biospheres both existential and cosmic cavitating your organic movement bivalently gatewayveing your life existence,
existentially grailing your unlimited possibilityings cosmically comtained cowithihn your life's existence cosmically biosphered,
cowithihn your existential light's biosphere your quantized freedom, uncertainty, and peace are cosmically comtained and bivalently gatewayveing your life cowithin its cosmic biosphere.

Doug - 23Jun2015.


©Quantonics, Inc., 2015-2029

Retranslation of Song of Songs IV:13

Song of Songs IV Letter~Text Spelled Out


(some guesses)

Suares Idiom
(some altered by Doug)

Doug's Suaresian Qabalic Translation

1 Sheen~Lammed~Hhayt~Yod~finalKhaf



..."Your shoots are an;"

You are like plants both cosmic and existential metabolism's spiritually buoying (growth of) you (plants) cosmically grailing sun's cosmic life energy source...]
2 Phay~Raysh~Thallet~Sammekh



..."orchard of;"

Your unlimited possibilityings cosmically comtained are stochastically gatewaying your femininity...]
3 Raysh~Mem~Waw~Noun~Yod~finalMem




Your cosmically comtained quantized free, uncertain, and peaceful fecundity of your existence resonates and straddles your existential and cosmic biospheres...]

Again we see a resonant cavity of Mem~???~finalMem.

In this instance ??? issi Waw~Noun~Yod.

"Quantized free, uncertain, peaceful fecundity of your existence."

This make Doug think of Tree of Life in Avatar.

Said tree (Shæ) straddles its (Hær) existential and cosmic biospheres.

Doug issi awed by that revelation!

We see a Fable ihn revelation!

As I recall that tree is cowithihn a garden of many shoots.

And war making machinery of neocon-crony Keynesians tried to destroy said Eywa (Sefirot).

Too, see Star of David in Sefirot.

Doug - 23Jun2015.

4 Ayn~finalMem




with existential light's quantum~nexus twixt you and your cosmic biosphere...]
5 Pay~Raysh~Yod



..."fruit of;"

your unlimited possibilityings cosmically comtained cowithihn your living existence...]
6 Mem~Ghimel~Dallet~Yod~finalMem




Your biospheres both existential and cosmic cavitating your organic movement bivalently gatewayveing your life existence...]

Again we see a resonant cavity of Mem~???~finalMem.

In this instance ??? issi Ghimel~Dallet~Yod.

7 Kaf~Phay~Raysh~Yod~finalMem




existentially grailing your unlimited possibilityings cosmically comtained cowithihn your life's existence cosmically biosphered...]
8 Ayn~Mem - Noun~Raysh~Dallet~Yod~finalMem

(7.40 - 50..

[Aam - Neradeem:

..."and nard;"

cowithihn your existential light's biosphere your quantized freedom, uncertainty, and peace are cosmically comtained and bivalently gatewayveing your life cowithin its cosmic biosphere...]

©Quantonics, Inc., 2015-2029

Your quantization's peace, uncertainty, and freedom cosmically comtained are resistantly leaky~gatewayveing.
Your fecund permeable~impermeable grailing cavitation of your existential biosphere.
While cosmic vital~impetus issi quantizing freedom, indetermination, and peace of your livings.
Your fecund cosmic vital~impetus of your life issi destroying all your illusions by fractally recursively cavitating quantization's peace, uncertainty, and freedom of your existential biosphere's fecundity,
via an intensely and spiritually enlightened [guidance] of your cosmic biosphere,
resulting in impermeable grailing maturation of your existential metabolism's n¤væl and enlightened evolution of your quantum~fermionic existence.
Your existential metabolism issi gatewayveing
[in 'lunar' cyclings, Tao cyclings, Autiot Loop Reality cyclings of endless "new beginnings"]
its quantizationings of your fecund life's [Yom,Layla] peace, uncertainty, and freedom,
thusly your existential biosphere issi cosmically comtained.
Your fecundity is reverberating your vital~impetus cowithihn your life's existential metabolism struggling with cosmic vital~impedance (cosmic resistance),
via an intensely and spiritually enlightened [guidance] of your cosmic biosphere,
resulting in impermeable grailing of your cosmically comtained vital~impetus' cosmic metabolising your mind's evolutionary existence,
all quantum affecting your home's focused cosmic metabolism of your existential biosphere cowithihn cosmic biosphere.

Doug's brackets and links.

Doug - 24-26Jun2015.


©Quantonics, Inc., 2015-2029

Retranslation of Song of Songs IV:14

This is Breath omniscribing Hær.

Suares' narration, "This verse is divided into two parts. First part states two double equations:

Nerde We'Kharkom (50.200.4 and
Qaneh We'Qinamon (100.50.5 and

"In the double equation beginning with 50 all the following numbers are containers and their biological resistances; it expresses the absorption of life in fruitfulness. The other double equation begins with 100 (cosmic Aleph) and shows an intense [quantum, reverberating~quantized] life (50.5.50) achieving its process (40.6) in the cosmic indetermination (700): it is the end of fruitfulness, when the elements [devolved packets of spiritual~perpetual~ubiquitous wave energy: quanta] are scattered throughout the Universe.

"This first part of the verse ends with Aym Kol~Eytse. Eytse (Ayn~Tsadde~Yod) meaning idiomatically 'tree,' but expressing in a general way any existential [quantum~fermionic] structure [EWing ensemble].

"The second part of the verse deals with Principles. We have seen several times the schema Levonah, Lvanah, Lvanon or Mi'Lvanon, the lunar principle in which Aleph is buried and resurrected. Mir is the root of Mareh (sight, view, appearance, vision); Ahalot is ungrammatically, the feminine plural of Ohel (tabernacle) whose plural is Oheleem: a permutation of Elohim. Likewise, Ahalot is a permutation of Elohot, a feminine 'deity.'

"For the believers in a male deity, it is a sacrilege, an unthinkable apostasy. However, when the equations are seriously examined it appears as a logical formula: Ahalot (Aleph Hay Lammed Waw Tav: is none other than the process through which Aleph meets Tav [theme of SoS].

"The last schemata, Aym Kol-Roshi Be"Shamaim can be roughly translated: 'all the Principles animated by the universal Breath.' The word Maim (the waters) calls for the development of the following verse [SoS IV:15]."

See Suares' Song of Songs, page 105-106. Doug's brackets, links, tildes, intra text quote marks.

. . .

Song of Songs IV Letter~Text Spelled Out


(some guesses)

Suares Idiom
(some altered by Doug)

Doug's Suaresian Qabalic Translation

1 Noun~Raysh~Thallet




Your quantization's peace, uncertainty, and freedom cosmically comtained are resistantly leaky~gatewayveing...] Gated quantum comtainment...
2 Waw~Khaf~Raysh~Kaf~finalMem



..."and saffron;"

Your fecund permeable~impermeable grailing cavitation of your existential biosphere...]

...experiencing all resistances, all impedances.

Observe a nearly perfect ruby rod laser allegory here as Khaf~Raysh~Kaf.


3 Qof~Noun~Hay




While cosmic vital~impetus issi quantizing freedom, indetermination, and peace of your livings...] Intense life of quantum~beings...
4 Waw~Qof~Noun~Mem~Waw~finalNoun



..."and cinnamon;"

Your fecund cosmic vital~impetus of your life issi destroying all your illusions by fractally recursively cavitating quantization's peace, uncertainty, and freedom of your existential biosphere's fecundity...]

...achieving their individual quantum~processings.

We have another resonant cavity of

Her existential biosphere's fecundity issi persistently and quantally reverberating.

Compare smell of cinnamon and ammonia.

5 Ayn~finalMem




via an intensely and spiritually enlightened [guidance] of your cosmic biosphere...]
6 Kaf~Lammed - Ayn~Tsadde~Yod

(20.30 - 70.90.10)

[Kol- Etse:

..."all of trees of;"

resulting in impermeable grailing maturation of your existential metabolism's n¤væl and enlightened evolution of your quantum~fermionic existence...]

Kol may mean 'masculine maturity,' and more generally, maturity.

We see, a mature stand of trees, a mature ensemble of living beings...

7 Lammed~Vayt~Noun~Waw~Hay



..."Moon, lunar cycle, incense, Alephic apoptosis and resurrection;"

Your existential metabolism issi gatewayveing [in 'lunar' cyclings, Tao cyclings, Autiot Loop Reality cyclings of endless "new beginnings"] its quantizationings of your fecund life's [Yom,Layla] peace, uncertainty, and freedom...]

The Principle of lunar cycle metabolically burying then resurrecting Aleph.

Quantonings(light,dark) issi quantonics(Yom,Layla).

Compare Tao's Yin and Yang and their perpetually and ubiquitously evolving quantum~möbius interrelationshipings.

From a Jungian complementarospective compare:

quanton(Yin,Anima), and

Doug's use of apoptosis in 'Suares Idiom' column jibes Bayt as 'old endings' of a life trajectory. Resurrection jibes Vayt 'new beginnings.'

Doug - 25Jun2015.

8 Mem~Raysh




thusly your existential biosphere issi cosmically comtained...] Mir issi root of Mareh: sight, view, vision, apparition, quantum~viewing, QED, phoxonics, bosonic quantum~middle~inclusion, etc.
9 Waw~Aleph~Hay~Lammed~Waw~Tav



..."and aloes;"

Your fecundity is reverberating your vital~impetus cowithihn your life's existential metabolism struggling with cosmic vital~impedance (cosmic resistance)...]

Ahalot, Ohel (tabernacle), Oheleem a permutation (an anagram) of Elohim.

Another resonance:


Tabernacle is acting like a box of stoppages: a kind of Sabachthani. A web impeding quantization of existence.

Suares shows a variation of Ahalot as Elohot, "...a feminine deity."

It ends up, i. e. Elohot ends up, as the theme of Song os Songs: Aleph~Lammed~Tav, Alt. Compare Elohim as Alm (earthly demiurge).

To Doug it is a tell of Chaldaean Gnosis, with Godhead as Mother.


View quanton(Father,father) as essence of dialectical demiurgic bivalency: with Father living (ben Adam: evolution of vital~impetus in blood) and father dead (demiurge).

As far as Doug issi k~now~ings, Chaldaean Gnosis is only gnosis which jibes accurately Aleph~Lammed~Tav theme of Song of Songs!

Aleph~Tav (~Tav~Aleph...) issi Qabala's ultimate metabolic resonant cavity of quantum~reality.

It issi divine, cosmic~metabolic dance of Atta, Autiot's Reality Loop.

It issi predominately Autiot's feminine energy and isoenergy middle~including one another fermionically and bosonically with isoenergyingsq as their immanence.

Doug - 25-26Jun2015.

10 Ayn~finalMem




via an intensely and spiritually enlightened [guidance] of your cosmic biosphere...]
11 Kaf~Lammed - Raysh~Aleph~Sheen~Yod

(20.30 - 200.1.300.10)

[Kol - Roshi:

..."all of finest names;"

resulting in impermeable grailing of your cosmically comtained vital~impetus' cosmic metabolising your mind's evolutionary existence...]

"Mature head." Mature capitulation, mature recapitulation.

"Reheadulation." ReRoshUlation.

12 Bayt~Seen~Mem~Yod~finalMem



..."spices, actions of sky (air) upon waters;"

all quantum affecting your home's focused cosmic metabolism of your existential biosphere cowithihn cosmic biosphere...]

Sheen is breath, wind, air,...

Maim issi waters, waves,...

Shem issi name.

Life's livings~dyings qycloiding breathings of Autiot's Reality Loop are both existential and cosmic. She issi cowithihn both.

©Quantonics, Inc., 2015-2029

Your existential biosphere issi cowithihn flowing cosmically quantized lightings of peace, uncertainty, and freedom.
You are an archetype exemplar of organic energy existentially quantizing peace, uncertainty, and freedom cowithihn cosmos' biosphere.
Your vessel's vital~impetus' emerqancy issi cosmically comtained.
Your existential biosphere issi cowithihn cosmic biosphere.
Your spirit's divine existence issi cosmically biosphered.
Your existence' resonant cavitation of quantization's peace, indetermination, and freedom issi cowithihn unlimited potentia while being cosmically biosphered.
Your biospheric quantization of existential metabolism leaky gating existential quantization's freedom, indetermination, and peace fecundating cosmic quantizations' freedom, indetermination, and peace.

Doug - 26Jun2015.


©Quantonics, Inc., 2015-2029

Retranslation of Song of Songs IV:15

Song of Songs IV Letter~Text Spelled Out


(some guesses)

Suares Idiom
(some altered by Doug)

Doug's Suaresian Qabalic Translation

1 Mem~Ayn~Yod~finalNoun



..."a fountain;"

Your existential biosphere issi cowithihn flowing cosmically quantized lightings of peace, uncertainty, and freedom...]
2 Ghimel~Noun~Yod~finalMem



..."of gardens;"

You are an archetype exemplar of organic energy existentially quantizing peace, uncertainty, and freedom cowithihn cosmos' biosphere...]
3 Bayt~Aleph~Raysh



..."a well;"

Your vessel's vital~impetus cosmically comtained...]

Compare Bar (Bayt~Raysh), and Bara (Bayt~Raysh~Aleph). See Genesis I:1.

"Barashyt Bara Elohim..."

4 Mem~Yod~finalMem



..."of waters;"

Your existential biosphere issi cowithihn cosmic biosphere...]
5 Hhayt~Yod~Yod~finalMem



..."living ;"

Your spirit's divine existence issi cosmically biosphered...]
6 Yod~Noun~Zayn~Lammed~Yod~finalMem



..."a flowing stream;"

Your existence' resonant cavitation of quantization's peace, indetermination, and freedom issi cowithihn unlimited potentia cosmically biosphered...] Yod here appears as a resonant cavitation of Noun~Zayn~Lammed.
7 Mem~Noun - Lammed~Vayt~Noun~Waw~finalNoun

(40.50 -

[Min - Lvanon:

..."from Lebanon;"

Your biospheric quantization of existential metabolism leaky gating existential quantization's freedom, indetermination, and peace fecundating cosmic quantizations' freedom, indetermination, and peace...]

Notice narrative copulation of Noun and finalNoun.

This says a lot about Lebanon as a place of industry, innovation, individual freedom, indetermination, and peace.

A place of quantum~being and quantum~peace.

Its Vayt suggests fresh born.

See Veyn and Beyn.

Doug - 7Jun2015.

©Quantonics, Inc., 2015-2029

Your (his) light fecundates my cosmically comtained existence.
Your structuration's unlimited existential possibilityings fecundate me with cosmic quantization of peace, uncertainty, and freedom.
Your fecundity resonates my home cowithihn vital~impetus ihn existence, and
from vital~impedance echoes existence biosphered cowithihn cosmic quantization's peace, uncertainty, and freedom.
Life's unlimited existential possibilityings are coherently resonating spirit cowithihn existence.
Each of our existential organic movement's cosmic~quantization invoking freedom, uncertainty, and peace (partially ihn existence,
his existence' unlimited potentia existential~metabolically fecundulating
cowithihn my home's cosmic metabolism biosphering ihn my fecund existence.
His sperm fill my home [womb] with his existential vital~impetus, all
resonant, cavitating bivalent gateways fecundate (their) existence.
His existential metabolism organically moves and fecundly quantizes my peace, uncertainty, and freedom.
His existential fecundity's vital~impetus grails my existential metabolism,
resulting in y~our unlimited possibilityings cosmically comtained cowithihn y~our living existence.
His sperm are organic biospheres dialectically gating fecund existence.

Doug - 26Jun2015.


©Quantonics, Inc., 2015-2029

Retranslation of Song of Songs IV:16

Song of Songs IV Letter~Text Spelled Out


(some guesses)

Suares Idiom
(some altered by Doug)

Doug's Suaresian Qabalic Translation

1 Ayn~Waw~Raysh~Yod




Your light fecundates my cosmically comtained existence...]
2 Tsadde~Phay~Waw~finalNoun



..."north wind;"

Your structuration's unlimited existential possibilityings fecundate me with cosmic quantization of peace, uncertainty, and freedom...]
3 Waw~Vayt~Waw~Aleph~Yod



..."and come!;"

Your fecundity resonates my home cowithihn vital~impetus ihn existence...] More resonance in Waw~Vayt~Waw.
4 Tav~Yod~Mem~finalNoun



..."south wind;"

from vital~impedance echoes existence biosphered cowithihn cosmic quantization's peace, uncertainty, and freedom...]
5 Hay~Phay~Yod~Hhayt~Yod



..."blow on!;"

life's unlimited existential possibilityings coherently resonating spirit cowithihn existence...] More resonance in Yod~Hhayt~Yod.
6 Ghimel~finalNoun~Yod



..."garden of me;"

Each of our existential organic movement's cosmic~quantization invoking freedom, uncertainty, and peace (partially ihn existence...]

Said garden has, as yet, unlimited unknown potentia.

Her womb issi a gardenq.

7 Yod~Zayn~Lammed~Waw



..."that they may spread;"

his existence' unlimited potentia existential~metabolically fecundulating...] Lots of spermatozoa seeking an ovum.
8 Vayt~Seen~Mem~Yod~Waw



..."fragrances of him;"

cowithihn my home's cosmic metabolism biosphering ihn my fecund existence...]
9 Yod~Vayt~Aleph



..."let him come;"

his sperm fill my home [womb] with his existential vital~impetus...] Fill me with seed.
10 Dallet~Waw~Dallet~Yod



..."lover, 'beloved';"

resonant, cavitating bivalent gateways fecundate (her~his) existence...]

Here, resonance appears as fecundula of our coitus.

These Dallets may be Thallets.

Dallet issi a dialectical gateway,
either open or closed.

Thallet issi a leaky~fuzzy gateway
whose openings are stochastic and partial.

In a ruby rod laser allegory,
one end of laser is closed,
other end of laser is leaky.

Waw, fecundity, here is in a resonant
cavity of two Dallets perpetuating
fecundity in (his~her) existence.

11 Lammed~Ghimel~Noun~Waw



..."into garden of him;"

his existential metabolism organically moves and fecundly quantizes my peace, uncertainty, and freedom...]
12 Waw~Yod~Aleph~Khaf~Lammed



..."and let him taste;"

his existential fecundity's vital~impetus grails my existential metabolism...] Tasting here is probably metabolic quanton(ovum,sperm) of comception of both a sperm and an ovum uniting.
13 Pay~Raysh~Yod



..."fruit of;"

resulting in y~our unlimited possibilityings cosmically comtained cowithihn y~our living existence...]
14 Mem~Ghimel~Dallet~Yod~Waw



..."choice ones of him;"

his sperm are organic biospheres dialectically gating fecund existence...]

Choice here is viewed (apparently) as dialectical.

Clearly an ovum is either fertilized or 'not.'

However, quantumly, said fertilization is incredibly qualitative and ephemeral.

©Quantonics, Inc., 2015-2029

Doug Renselle
Quantonics, Inc.
Suite 18 #368 1950 East Greyhound Pass
Carmel, INdiana 46033-7730

©Quantonics, Inc., 2015-2029 Rev. 16Nov2015  PDR Created: 19Jun2015  PDR
(16Nov2015 rev - Repair some typos (font neglect) in verse IV:11 precis.)
