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How to Calculate Thelogos

We just created this little alias command under our MAC's OS X Unix to allow us to quickly calculate thelogos on any piece of text. A book paragraph, chapter, or an entire book's text.

We put this little alias in our .cshrc file under our user home directory (cd ~). We add aliases to .cshrc using Unix's VI editor. There are several books to help you learn how to do this, including, Unix in a Nutshell, and Learning Unix for MAC OS X.

Place this line among your aliases in .cshrc:

counthe wc <!:1 ; tr \\040 \\012 <!:1 | sort | grep -cw 'the'

That's all there is to it.

Original of this text had much more instruction in it, but somehow we lost it. As time goes by, we'll add more instructional material here.

Thank you for reading, and hope you find this useful.

Here are some other aliases Doug uses routinely in 2007 copied verbatim from our tcsh .cshrc alias list (a few proprietary aliases removed...):

2:34:40pm PDR% cd ~
2:34:51pm PDR% vi .cshrc

source /sw/bin/init.csh
set prompt = "%p PDR% "
# The following aliases (save & show: beware! these are potentially dangerous and can mess up your system;
#use with care and understand how they work prior using. see for originals;
#aliases below use these prolifically and original author warns against using show'd and save'd acronyms in aliases...)
#are for saving acronyms for frequently used directories
# You can save a directory using an abbreviation of your choosing. Eg. save ms
# You can subsequently move to one of the saved directories by using cd with
# the abbreviation you choose. Eg. cd ms (Note that no '$' is necessary.)
alias save 'sed "/set \!$/d" ~/.dirs > ~/.dirs1; \mv ~/.dirs1 ~/.dirs; echo set \!* = \"`pwd`\" >> ~/.dirs; source ~/.dirs'
alias sdirs 'source ~/.dirs'
alias show 'cat ~/.dirs'
# source the ~/.dirs file so that we get the previously set up variables if ( -f ~/.dirs ) source ~/.dirs
alias cmpforaft "cd MACHTML; h2u <before.html | perl rmn | perl embrak | sed -e "s/font/FONT/g" | sed -e "s/\<i\>/\<I\>/g" | sed -e "s/\<\\i\>/\<\\I\>/g" >after.html; h2u <\!:1 | sed -e "s/font/FONT/g" | sed -e "s/\<i\>/\<I\>/g" | sed -e "s/\<\\i\>/\<\\I\>/g" >afterall.html; sdiff -s -w200 after.html afterall.html | less"
alias today "grep -h '`date +%m/%d`' /usr/share/calendar/calendar.*"
alias delblklin 'sed -e "/^$/d"'
alias acrlnkerr 'whis "Us%BEd"'
alias doviolet "cd Batch; m2u <classical_to_violet.txt >classical_to_violet.bat; cp classical_to_violet.bat /Qtx_MAC_HTML/; wait; cd MACHTML; undoviolet \!:1 | sed -f classical_to_violet.bat | less >tmp.html; cp tmp.html \!:1; pr -t bell;"
alias undoviolet "m2u <\!:1 | tr \\012 \\040 | sed -e 's/ */ /g' | sed -e 's/<FONT COLOR="\""#660066"\"" SIZE="\""+1"\"">\([A-Za-z][A-Za-z]*\)\(<\/FONT>\)/<FONT COLOR="\""#000000"\"">\1<\/FONT>/g' | sed -e 's/<B><I><FONT COLOR="\""#660066"\"" SIZE="\""-1"\"">\([A-Za-z][A-Za-z]*\)\(<\/FONT><\/I><\/B>\)/<I><FONT COLOR="\""#000000"\"" SIZE="\""-1"\"">\1<\/FONT><\/I>/g' | sed -e 's/<B><FONT COLOR="\""#660066"\"">\([A-Za-z][A-Za-z]*\)\(<\/FONT><\/B>\)/\1/g' | sed -e 's/<FONT COLOR="\""#660066"\"">\([A-Za-z][A-Za-z]*\)\(<\/FONT>\)/\1/g' | sed -e 's/<B><FONT COLOR="\""#660066"\"" SIZE="\""-1"\"">\([A-Za-z][A-Za-z]*\)\(<\/FONT><\/B>\)/<FONT COLOR="\""#000000"\"" SIZE="\""-1"\"">\1<\/FONT>/g'"
alias apacheacclog "less </private/var/log/httpd/access_log"
alias apacherrlog "less </private/var/log/httpd/error_log"
alias pl2cgi "cd libwebdoc; m2u <\!:1.txt >/Library/WebServer/CGI-Executables/\!:1; cd libwebcgix; perl -w \!:1; chmod ugo=rwx \!:1;"
alias cpgif "cd MACGIFs; cp \!:1 /volumes/Beths_G4_Lap_HD/Library/WebServer/Documents/Quantonics%20Site%20GIFs/; cp \!:1 /volumes/Dougs_Tit_G4_Lap_HD/Library/WebServer/Documents/Quantonics%20Site%20GIFs/; cp \!:1 /Library/WebServer/Documents/Quantonics%20Site%20GIFs/; cp \!:1 /Quantonics\ Site\ GIFs/; cp \!:1 /volumes/Beths_G4_Lap_HD/Quantonics\ Site\ GIFs; cp \!:1 /volumes/Dougs_Tit_G4_Lap_HD/Quantonics\ Site\ GIFs; cp \!:1 /volumes/Beths_G4_Lap_HD/Quantonics%20Site%20GIFs/; cp \!:1 /volumes/Dougs_Tit_G4_Lap_HD/Quantonics%20Site%20GIFs/; cd Batch; pr -t bell;"
alias coined "mac2win1zhtml Coined_Quantonic_Terms.html ; wait ; cpcoinun; wait; cd Batch; pr -t bell; "
alias cpcoinun "cd un; cp Coined_Quantonic_Terms.html /Qtx_MAC_HTML/Coined_Qtc_Terms_Unrem.html"
alias icurl "cd Batch ; cp icurl.txt icurl ; cp icurl /Qtx_Access_Logs/ ; cd QALogs ; m2u < \!:1 | cut -f 1 | perl icurl | less > \!:2" ## line count and mark url domain lines in tabbed access log
alias CpM "/Developer/Tools/CpMac"
alias ls "/bin/ls -a"
alias m2u "tr \\015 \\012"
alias u2m "tr \\012 \\015"
alias h2u "tr -d \\015"
# Spell check html file:
alias qdict "cd QELRun; m2u <\!:1 | tr \\040 \\012 | tr '[<>!\-/;|\ =:_@^?\~{}\[\]#,]' ' ' | sed -e 's/H5W/HW/' | tr '[0-9]' ' ' | tr \\042 \\040 | tr \\047 \\040 | tr \\050 \\040 | tr \\051 \\040 | tr \\044 \\040 | tr \\045 \\040 | tr \\046 \\040 | tr \\056 \\040 | tr \\052 \\040 | tr \\053 \\040 | tr \\057 \\040 | tr \\040 \\012 | sort | uniq | less > tmp.txt ; comm -23 tmp.txt qtxdict | less >tmp1.txt;"
# Update quantonics spell check dictionary:
alias udict "cd QELRun; cat tmp1.txt >>qtxdict; m2u <qtxdict | sort | uniq | less >tmp.txt; cp tmp.txt qtxdict; wait; (cd QELRun; cpdict; cd Batch; pr -t bell;)"
alias pchg "cd Batch; m2u <patchg.txt > patchg; tcsh -s <patchg \!:1; cd MACHTML; cp tmp \!:1;"
alias t2w "tr \\040 \\012 <\!:1 | sort | uniq "
alias cpbatch "cd Batch; cp *.* /volumes/Beths_G4_Lap_HD/Batch_File_Backups/ &; cd Batch; cp *.* /volumes/Dougs_Tit_G4_Lap_HD/Batch_File_Backups/ &;"alias mac2win1zun "cd /HTML/; rm *.*; wait; cd Batch; cp *.* /HTML/; wait; cd MACHTML; cp \!:1 before.html; wait; doqtmctx \!:1; cd un; cp \!:1 /HTML/; wait; cp \!:1 /Qtx_MAC_HTML/; wait; cd /HTML/; ls | wc; wait; grep '\!:1' Sed_Batch_MAC_to_Win_HTML.txt >Sed_Batch_1z_MAC_to_Win_HTML.txt; m2u <Sed_Batch_1z_MAC_to_Win_HTML.txt >Sed_Batch_1z_MAC_to_Win_HTML.bat; wait; m2u <Sed_Cmd_MAC_to_Win_HTML.txt >Sed_Cmd_MAC_to_Win_HTML.bat; wait; tcsh -s <Sed_Batch_1z_MAC_to_Win_HTML.bat &; wait; cd Batch; pr -t bell"
alias markunresolvedurls "cd QALogs; m2u <\!:1 | sed 's/^\([0-9]*.\)\([0-9]*.\)\([0-9]*.\)\([0-9]*\)\ /unresolved_url-\1\4\.\3\2\1\.nam\ /' | less >log_resolved_urls.txt; pr -t bell"
alias counthe "wc <\!:1 ; tr \\040 \\012 <\!:1 | sort | grep -cw 'the'"
alias diffgifs "cd / ; ls Quantonics\ Site\ GIFs | sort > QSG.txt ; ls Quantonics%20Site%20GIFs | sort > QMG.txt ; diff QMG.txt QSG.txt | less"
alias diffhtml "cd / ; ls Quantonics\ Site\ HTML | sort > QSH.txt ; ls Qtx_MAC_HTML | sort > QMH.txt ; diff QMH.txt QSH.txt | less"
alias nodots "cd /Qtx_Access_Logs/; m2u <\!:1 | grep -v '[.]' | less "
alias makedots "cd /Qtx_Access_Logs/; m2u <\!:1 | sed -f Make_Dots_Cmd.txt >\!:2" ## Edit Make_Dots_Cmd for no dots patterns.
alias revdom "m2u <\!:1 | sed -e 's/\(^.*\)\((.*)\)/\1/' | dotspc | awk -f revcom"
alias webstats "cd /Qtx_Access_Logs/; m2u <\!:1 >access_log; cd /Qtx_Access_Logs/wwwstat_application/wwwstat-2.0; perl wwwstat </Qtx_Access_Logs/access_log >/Qtx_Access_Logs/\!:2"
alias ttop 'top -ocpu -R -F -s 2 -n30'
alias qtxsiteusers 'cd /Batch_File_Backups/; cp Site_Users_Cmd.txt /Qtx_Access_Logs/; cd /Qtx_Access_Logs/; m2u <Site_Users_Cmd.txt >Site_Users_Cmd.bat; m2u <\!:1 | sed -f Site_Users_Cmd.bat >\!:2; rm Site_Users_Cmd.txt; rm Site_Users_Cmd.bat'alias qtxsitecontent 'cd /Batch_File_Backups/; cp Site_Content_Cmd.txt /Qtx_Access_Logs/; cd /Qtx_Access_Logs/; m2u <Site_Content_Cmd.txt >Site_Content_Cmd.bat; m2u <\!:1 | sed -f Site_Content_Cmd.bat >\!:2; rm Site_Content_Cmd.txt; rm Site_Content_Cmd.bat'
alias showoccurrences "grep -c \!:1 /Qtx_MAC_HTML/*.* | grep ':' | grep -v '[0]' | less"
alias shourl "cd QALogs; m2u <\!:2 | grep -h \!:1 | sort"alias updtxtlogsrt "cat \!:1 >>log.txt; accesslog log.txt; sort +0n <log.xls >"
swapcol | sort -nr | uniq | less >user_list.xls; nodots user_list.xls" # 1st grep dumps gifs; 2nd grep dumps SEs (Search Engine hits)
alias whiswc 'grep -l \!:1 /Qtx_MAC_HTML/*.* | wc'
alias whiswctot 'grep -h \!:1 /Qtx_MAC_HTML/*.* | wc'
alias whis2 'grep -l \!:1 /Qtx_MAC_HTML/*.* >t0; grep -l \!:2 /Qtx_MAC_HTML/*.* >t1; cat t0 t1 | sort | uniq -d | less'
alias whis 'grep -l \!:1 /Qtx_MAC_HTML/*.* | less'
alias whil 'grep -l \!:1 /Qtx_Access_Logs/*.* | less'
alias whis3 'grep -l \!:1 /Qtx_MAC_HTML/*.* >t0; grep -l \!:2 /Qtx_MAC_HTML/*.* >t1; grep -l \!:3 /Qtx_MAC_HTML/*.* >t2; cat t0 t1 | sort | uniq -d >t3; cat t0 t2 | sort | uniq -d >t4; cat t3 t4 | sort | uniq -d | less'
alias whiw 'grep -l \!:1 /Quantonics\ Site\ HTML/*.* | less'
alias whib 'grep -l \!:1 /Batch_File_Backups/*.* | less'
alias dotspc "tr '.' ' '"
alias html2words "cd /Quantonics\ Site\ HTML/; cat [A-Za-z]*.html >all; m2u <all | tr \\040 \\012 | tr '[<>\!\-/;|\ =:_@^?\~{}\[\]#,]' ' ' | tr '[0-9]' ' ' | tr \\042 \\040 | tr \\047 \\040 | tr \\050 \\040 | tr \\051 \\040 | tr \\044 \\040 | tr \\045 \\040 | tr \\046 \\040 | tr \\056 \\040 | tr \\052 \\040 | tr \\053 \\040 | tr \\057 \\040 | tr \\040 \\012 | sort | uniq | less >words; rm all"
".cshrc" 85L, 17057C

Here's a portion of our classical to quantonic violet text file:

#Find all violet bold terms in an HTML file. Use results to make a filter to embolden said terms in any text file.
#m2u < Hume_AToHN_B1_P3.html | grep '<[Bb]><[Ff][Oo][Nn][Tt] [Cc][Oo][Ll][Oo][Rr]="#660066">[A-Za-z].*</[Ff][Oo][Nn][Tt]></B>' | sed -e 's/\(.*660066\">\)\([A-Za-z].*\)\(<\/[Ff][Oo][Nn][Tt].*$\)/\2/g' | sort | uniq | less
#Embolden (HTML bold and color format) classical terms in any text file.
# There are two classes of terms: whole words and partial words. Example of latter is 'di' say in 'different.' Only whole and partial word classes processed as of 6Dec2006 - Doug.
# To modify whole phrases or sentences will require extra work here.
#Two aliases do and undo violet embolding in HTML files: (in .cshrc file at cd ~, those " characters have to be encoded "\"".)
#11:31:43am PDR% alias doviolet "cd Batch; m2u <classical_to_violet.txt >classical_to_violet.bat; cp classical_to_violet.bat /Qtx_MAC_HTML/; wait; cd MACHTML; undoviolet !:1 | sed -f classical_to_violet.bat | less >tmp.html; cp tmp.html !:1; pr -t bell;"
#3:42:41pm PDR% alias undoviolet "m2u <!:1 | tr \\012 \\040 | sed -e 's/ */ /g' | sed -e 's/<FONT COLOR="#660066" SIZE="+1">\([A-Za-z][A-Za-z]*\)\(<\/FONT>\)/<FONT COLOR="#000000">\1<\/FONT>/g' | sed -e 's/<B><I><FONT COLOR="#660066" SIZE="-1">\([A-Za-z][A-Za-z]*\)\(<\/FONT><\/I><\/B>\)/<I><FONT COLOR="#000000" SIZE="-1">\1<\/FONT><\/I>/g' | sed -e 's/<B><FONT COLOR="#660066">\([A-Za-z][A-Za-z]*\)\(<\/FONT><\/B>\)/\1/g' | sed -e 's/<FONT COLOR="#660066">\([A-Za-z][A-Za-z]*\)\(<\/FONT>\)/\1/g' | sed -e 's/<B><FONT COLOR="#660066" SIZE="-1">\([A-Za-z][A-Za-z]*\)\(<\/FONT><\/B>\)/<FONT COLOR="#000000" SIZE="-1">\1<\/FONT>/g'"
#3:42:51pm PDR%


#Here is a candidate list of terms which need to be emboldened in select HTML files:
#Following list of sed -f 's///g' commands turns a standard list of classical terms to embolden them violet in any HTML file.
#Use doviolet alias to affect this list. doviolet calls undoviolet to undo most previously emboldened terms.
#'Most' says that not all bold, italic, and size combinations have been covered.
#To extend that ability, edit undoviolet alias in (cd ~) tcsh .cshrc login file.
#Doug - 8Dec2006.
s/\([-> \~\(]*\)\([Aa]gree\)/\1\<B\>\<FONT COLOR="#660066"\>\2\<\/FONT>\<\/B>/g
s/\([-> \~\(]*\)\([Bb]ad\)/\1\<B\>\<FONT COLOR="#660066"\>\2\<\/FONT>\<\/B>/g
s/\([-> \~\(]*\)\([Bb]egin\)/\1\<B\>\<FONT COLOR="#660066"\>\2\<\/FONT>\<\/B>/g
s/\([-> \~\(]*\)\([Cc]\)ausation\([-.,!:;\'\"?]*\)\( \)/\1\<B\>\<FONT COLOR="#660066"\>\2ausation\<\/FONT\>\<\/B\>\3\4/g # change lines like this to look like one for 'begin;' much simpler and better
s/\([-> \~\(]*\)\([Cc]\)auses\([-.,!:;\'\"?]*\)\( \)/\1\<B\>\<FONT COLOR="#660066"\>\2auses\<\/FONT\>\<\/B\>\3\4/g
s/\([-> \~\(]*\)\([Cc]\)ause\([-.,!:;\'\"?]*\)\( \)/\1\<B\>\<FONT COLOR="#660066"\>\2ause\<\/FONT\>\<\/B\>\3\4/g
s/\([-> \~\(]*\)\([Cc]ertain\)/\1\<B\>\<FONT COLOR="#660066"\>\2\<\/FONT>\<\/B>/g
s/\([-> \~\(]*\)\([Cc]losed\)/\1\<B\>\<FONT COLOR="#660066"\>\2\<\/FONT>\<\/B>/g
s/\([-> \~\(]*\)\([Cc]ondi\)/\1\<B\>\<FONT COLOR="#660066"\>\2\<\/FONT>\<\/B>/g
s/\([-> \~\(]*\)\([Cc]ommon\)/\1\<B\>\<FONT COLOR="#660066"\>\2\<\/FONT>\<\/B>/g
s/\([-> \~\(]*\)\([Cc]onnect\)/\1\<B\>\<FONT COLOR="#660066"\>\2\<\/FONT>\<\/B>/g
etc., etc., etc.



To contact Quantonics write to or call:

Doug Renselle
Quantonics, Inc.
484 East Carmel Drive, #353
Carmel, INdiana 46032-2812

©Quantonics, Inc., 2003-2008 — Rev. 6Aug2007  PDR — Created 30Aug2003  PDR
(6Aug2007 rev - Reformat.)
