Art - |
Architecture - |
The architecture of our site's top page reflects Greek (and Roman) architectural techniques. One tie here is to Greek constraint of modern thought through their subject-object metaphysics. Our arches appear strong and impregnable. They bear load and resist change. Greek thought and its descendants do exactly that to many of us in Western culture today. Strangely though, our arches look susceptible to change as though they are becoming wave-like. On the other hand, the columns supporting the arches on the top page look almost coiled-spring-like very un-Greek. They represent DNA, the ultimate agent of change in our known world. If you view our columns as though they are lying down, you will see waves two or four sets of sinusoids. Waves are foundation components of what we know about our reality today. So our columns represent changing reality, even though we normally view columns as static and unchanging. The base is flat and solid and firm. It is ground. It is reliable, like our terra firma and our home-caves where we retreat from pressures of daily life. When you put arches, columns, and base together in Zoharian both/and ways, you get sets of quantons and complementary balance of both static and dynamic aspects of reality. |
Window a New Reality - |
Our top page opens a window to a new reality called Quantonics. Quantonics is a philosophy and science of complementary interrelationships.
Quality Thoughts - |
Quantonics site's top page is a window on quality. Our mentor (he probably will not admit to this) on this subject is Robert M. Pirsig. Much of our site is built upon Pirsig's concepts developed in his works: Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance (ZMM), Lila, and a paper titled Subjects, Objects, Data and Values (SODV). |
Quantum Thoughts - |
Quantonics site's top page is a window on the quantum connection to quality. Many neo-physicists see strong parallels twixt Pirsig's Metaphysics of Quality (MoQ) and quantum science. This web site wants to pursue the memes and preferences of those parallels. |
Quantonic Thoughts - |
Our top page is a window on a new meme: Quantonics. It is a way for you, the site visitor, to learn about and participate in a propagation of Quantonic Thinking. Quantonics as you will see, brings together Pirsig's MoQ and quantum science as appropriate and necessary personal and business tools for success in Western culture's third millennium. Quantonic Thinking permits us to escape a legacy death grip of Western culture's (Subject-Object) classical education. |
Three Themes - |
Our three arches represent three themes based upon Quantonics web site's motto: Productivity and sharing through new memes. For profit Quantonics, Inc. appears under a smaller right column. This is our productivity theme free enterprise delivering Quantonic products and services to a vast global market. Under a smaller left column is The Quantonics Society, a not for profit organization. This is our sharing theme a group of people who want to work with research institutions and academia to learn, teach, and research Quantonics. A larger middle column is our font, our grail, our source. This is our meme theme a global community of authors, researchers, theorists, lay people, and entrepreneurs generating new Quantonic memes. |
Artist - |
Paul Douglas Renselle. |
If you want to establish contact with Doug write or call below contact information. Quantonics, Inc. Suite 18 #368 1950 East Greyhound Pass Carmel, INdiana 46033-7730 USA 1-317-THOUGHT (24Nov2003 rev - Repair table's fixed height which allowed extra space in each cell.) (17Mar2006 rev - Adjust colors and minor reformatting.) (8May2007 rev - Reformat. Reset legacy red text.) (29Jan-3Feb2009 rev - Make page current. Add 29Jan2009 aside. Add 'gnosis' link to new What is Gnosis? page. Add note 2 'science' link to QELR of it. Add link to our Heraclitus in Quantum~Lightings.) (20May2009 rev - Update 29Jan-3Feb2009 aside. Add links and some red text alterations.) (8Aug2012 rev - Add 'What is Immanence' under our use of 'immanence.') |