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A Quantum Democracy


 By Doug Renselle — ©Quantonics, Inc., 2013-2022
A Quantum Democracy Text Unremediated
(Contemporary post QuPo links 2013 forward shown.)
 A Quantum Democracy Text Remediated
(Original 2002-2012 pre QuPo links shown.)

 Every individual quantum process has its own ch3 sensory bandwidth limited quantum voting rights which diminish with increasing scope of local context and plurality of other interrelating local and nonlocal contexts (close to being a quantum 'definition' of democracy). Each individual process' subprocesses have their own rioq, rqcs, rqfi, rqsu ch3 quantum voting rights. These quantum~voting rights are quantum~ontological intrinsics of a ubiquitously, perpetually open~cycling Quantum~Value~Hierarchy. Photons vote. Quarks and other fermions vote. Gluons and other bosons vote. Nuclei vote. Atoms as systems vote. Rocks vote. Biologicals vote. Oceans and lakes and all their atoms vote. Planets vote. Galaxies vote. Omniverses vote, etc. When weings are votings, potentially all of naturings are votings too: quantum democracy. Always (up to) Planck rate and subharmonically and incrementally voting for better, together.


These countless unstoppable, relentless quantum ensemble likelihood assessment processings of quantum local and nonlocal betterings are what Robert M. Pirsig calls "Value."

Value is natural, multiculturally moral, multiculturally ethical, evolute empirical emergence. Evolving Quantum~Democracy of that ascendance issi Value! Value is SQ emerging (emerscing) from DQ based upon nature's quantum~politically local~moral Value judgmentings. Nature's judgment (that is a human's limited quantum perspective of how our anthropological judgmentings might fit into Nature's vastly larger ways and means) says if you are here, you are Value, you have Value, you are in Value and Value is in you, and Nature emerqed you to be here.

If societies are at war, it is our and we believe Pirsig's view that Nature wants them to learn from that process how to evolve better societal interrelationships. If we cannot get along societally on Earth, how can we get along societally in our local universe?

Again, we use a child learning to play a violin metaphor: noise precedes harmony. Learning anything is a quantum process of ch3 betterings. Birth, living, and dying are quantum processings of betterings. If we stop improving and do not improve further, Nature selects us (our ESQ status quo) out of local processings.

End aside.

Quantum reality is a massively parallel ('parallel'), animate, EIMA ensemble of quantum~democratic voting processes, each with their own local temporalities and sensory bandwidths. That is why we say quantum reality issi a BAWAM of apparent quantum ensemble determinism and apparent ensemble indeterminism. QVP can look like, from a classical view appears as, classical determinism, but it is not classical determinism! Action at a distance, effectless cause, and causeless effect, from a classical view appear as, absurd phenomena (classically impossible indeterminism), but they are real quantum affæctings and show why we say quantum reality may manifest apparent (real) indeterminism.

All quantum ensemble democratic voting processings are unstoppable~flux~imperative (vis-à-vis direction-, scalar magnitude-, amplitude-, etc.-irrelevant) hetero~temporalings. A much simpler way to say this is that they are ensemble quantum~fuzzonic interrelationshipings processings. As least action they are almost embarrassingly simple. As human beings, planets, galaxies they are astonishingly complex. See Doug's QELR of stop.

Eværy ihndihvihdual quantum pr¤cæss has ihts ¤wn ch3 sensory bandwidth limihted quantum v¤ting rights which ¤mniminish wihth ihncræhsing sc¤pe ¤f l¤cal comtext amd plurahlihty ¤f ¤thær ihnterrelating l¤cal amd n¤nl¤cal comtexts (cl¤se t¤ bæing a quantum 'definition' ¤f dæmocracy). Each ihndihvihdual pr¤cæss' subqpr¤cæsses have their ¤wn rioq, rqcs, rqfi, rqsu ch3 quantum v¤ting rights. These quantum~v¤ting rights aræ quantum~ont¤l¤gihcal ihntrinsihcs ¤f a ubihquiht¤uhsly, pærpætuahlly ¤pæn~cycling Quantum~Valuæ~Hierarchy. Ph¤t¤ns v¤te. Quarks amd ¤thær fermi¤ns v¤te. Gluons amd ¤thær b¤s¤ns v¤te. Nuclæi v¤te. At¤ms as systæms v¤te. R¤cks v¤te. Bi¤l¤gihcals v¤te. Oceans amd lakes amd ahll their at¤ms v¤te. Planets v¤te. Galaxies v¤te. Omnihværses v¤te, etc. Whæn wæings aræ v¤tings, p¤tæntiahlly ahll ¤f naturings aræ v¤tings t¤¤: quantum dæmocracy. Ahlways (up to) Planck ratæ amd subqharmonihcahlly amd ihncræmæntahlly v¤ting f¤r bættær, t¤gether.


These coumtless umst¤ppable, rælæntless quantum ænsehmble lihkælih¤¤d assæssmænt pr¤cæssings ¤f quantum l¤cal amd n¤nl¤cal bættærings aræ what Robert M. Pirsig calls "Value."

Value is natural, multiculturally moral, multiculturally ethical, evolute empirical emergence. Evolving Quantum~Democracy of that ascendance is Value! Value is SQ emerging (emerscing) from DQ based upon nature's quantum~politically local~moral Value judgmentings. Nature's judgment (that is a human's limited quantum perspective of how our anthropological judgmentings might fit into Nature's vastly larger ways and means) says if you are here, you are Value, you have Value, you are in Value and Value is in you, and Nature emerqed you to be here.

If societies are at war, it is our and we believe Pirsig's view that Nature wants them to learn from that process how to evolve better societal interrelationships. If we cannot get along societally on Earth, how can we get along societally in our local universe?

Again, we use a child learning to play a violin metaphor: noise precedes harmony. Learning anything is a quantum process of ch3 betterings. Birth, living, and dying are quantum processings of betterings. If we stop improving and do not improve further, Nature selects us (our ESQ status quo) out of local processings.

End aside.

Quantum ræhlihty issi a mahssihvely prægmahllel ('parallel'), anihmatæ, EIMA ænsehmble ¤f quantum~dæm¤cratihc v¤ting pr¤cæsses, each wihth their ¤wn l¤cal tehmp¤ralihties amd sæns¤ry bamdwihdths. That issi why wæ sahy quantum ræhlihty issi a BAWAM ¤f apparænt quantum ænsehmble dætærminism amd apparænt ænsehmble ihndætærminism. QVP can l¤¤k lihkæ, from a classical view appears as, classical determinism, but iht issi n¤t classical determinism! Action at a distance, effectless cause, and causeless effect, from a classical view appear as, absurd phenomena (classically impossible indeterminism), but they aræ ræhl quantum affæctings amd sh¤w why wæ sahy quantum ræhlihty may manihfest apparænt (ræhl) ihndætærminism.

Ahll quantum ænsehmble dæm¤cratihc v¤ting pr¤cæssings aræ umst¤ppable~flux~impæratih (vis-à-vis direction-, scalar magnitude-, amplitude-, etc.-irrelevant) hetero~tehmp¤ralings. A much sihmpler way t¤ sahy this issi that they aræ ænsehmble quantum ~fuzz¤nihc ihnterrelati¤nshipings pr¤cæssings. As læast ahcti¤n they aræ alm¤st æmbarrassingly sihmple. As human bæings, planets, galaxies they aræ ast¤nishingly c¤mplex. Sææ Doug's QELR of st¤p.

By Doug Renselle — ©Quantonics, Inc., 2013-2022


Doug - 19Jan2013.


To contact Quantonics write to or call:

Doug Renselle
Quantonics, Inc.
Suite 18 #368 1950 East Greyhound Pass
Carmel, INdiana 46033-7730

©Quantonics, Inc., 2013-2022 Rev. 19Jan2013  PDR Created: 19Jan2013  PDR
