Chapter Four Prologue Readers be aware that this prologue is still located in Doug's 2011 edition of HodgePodge. | Topic 16 - | |
Topic 1 - Evolution [Vv]alue Comparisons Doug - Restart Topic 1 of Chapter 4. Doug has left groundwork for Topic 1 in Doug's 2011 edition of HodgePodge. When this Chapter is finally published, all of prior groundwork will be included in Chapter 4 Prologue. 17Aug2012. It has taken Doug 18 months to gather enough personal qua to feel somewhat qualified to proceed on quantum omniscussions of quantum~evolution and its intimate attendees quantum~equilibrium and quantum~chaos. Quantum~evolution proceeds perpetually and ubiquitously given gradient changings in our cosmos' quantum~energy as omnitored by chaos of quanta "moving and resting" (as verbs) equilibria. | Topic 17 - | |
Topic 2 - | Topic 18 - | |
Topic 3 - | Topic 19 - | |
Topic 4 - | Topic 20 - | |
Topic 5 - | Topic 21 - | |
Topic 6 - | Topic 22 - | |
Topic 7 - | Topic 23 - | |
Topic 8 - | Topic 24 - | |
Topic 9 - | Topic 25 - | |
Topic 10 - | Topic 26 - | |
Topic 11 - | Topic 27 - | |
Topic 12 - | Topic 28 - | |
Topic 13 - | Topic 29 - | |
Topic 14 - | Topic 30 - | |
Topic 15 - | Topic 31 - | |
Chapter Four Epilogue |
classical facets of evolution: |
quantum facets of evolution: |
"Dialectic believes mechanism is about reproduction. Quantum rhetoric shows financial innovation is about evolution, quantum~evolution of systems. <br> Quantum systems do n¤t just rearrange 'standard parts,' rather they perpetually emersce n¤væl m¤dælings. Exemplar? Compare Bell Telephone's antique phone 'technology' to Steve Jobs' iPhones." |
Dale, Dialectically 'chaos' is a 'state.' Dialectically 'equilibrium' is a 'state.' Dialectically chaos, equilibria, and all other reified reality, by canon 'law,' cannot 'evolve.' Dialectically 'chaos' is 'opposite' 'equilibrium.' Classical binary alternative denial: BAD AKA classical negation's 'contradiction.' Negation cannot 'be' in quantum~reality due quantum~complementarity of only positive flux. In quantum~reality flux cancellation takes classical negation's (axiomatic) 'place.' Quantumly 'chaos' is a process (flux), an evolutionary process (fluxe of fluxp, FoF): variable rate absolute fractal~recursive change (flux). Quantumly 'equilibrium' is a process, an evolutionary process: variable rate stochastic uncertainty. Key here is seeing, "Chaos are ihn equilihbria and equilihbria are ihn chaos: n¤n classically 'contradictory,' n¤n classically negatable quantum~flux~complementation." AKA "Sophism." Quantum~redemption! Quantumly 'chaos' is complementary 'equilibrium.' Compare down and up. Compare wrong and right. Compare east and west. Compare position and momentum. Etc. Quantum~HotMeme "Either-or n¤ more!" Quantum~HotMeme. Dialectically theory is "value-free." I.e., classical 'science' is value-free. Classical 'science' says, following Hume, "There is 'no' bridge twixt fact and Value." See Doug's January, 2007 TQS News for detail. Quantumly reality is 'not' dialectically "value-free," rather is holographically~pragma~empirically "Value~full." View pragma here as roughly: transmutative interrelationshipings' ubiquitous and perpetual scintilla enabled by ubiquitous and perpetual quantization of flux. See graphical QVH loop in QVH Table. But Value is radically quantum~flux~interrelativ[[e][ity]] (rqfi) and radically quantum~comtext sensitiv[[e][ity]] (rqcs): quantum~holographic. For example, a hot stove is great for cooking but horrible for sitting (Pirsig). A bullet is good for shooting animal protein and horrible for shooting humans. All of reality is flux Value~relative like that. Much omnifficulty(ings). "Flux can explain 'state,' but 'state' cannot explain flux." Bergson, paraphrased. See QQA on 'measure.' More challenging ... both chaos and equilibria have evolving gradience(ings). Value has evolving gradience(ings). We can That scratches surface of our omnifficulties. Exegesis of 'how' quantum~reality 'works' in those terms is n¤n trivial (perhaps only for Doug). I understood none of this two years ago!!! Of late, gradually, I am becoming one with it... I am working on it, (a never ending story...) Doug - 20Dec2012. |
1 - Readers re cognize this is same issue recurring which manifested for Doug during his short stay on 'The Lila Squad.' Pirsig refereed this issue for us. Was he on a Good track?
2 - Maths, classical maths, are bogus in Doug's opinion. To grasp why Doug makes this claim, see his Suggested Requirements for a Quantum Mathematics.