
Doug's Translation
Proverbs IV
Verses 22-27
Mimicking Carlo Suares'
Thermodynamic Qabala

Regarding Proverbs 4:22-27:

Doug is following Carlo Suares' teaching here.

Whoever did this, using whatever translation accoutrements available, hid...

...quantum aspects of Proverbs from their readers.

Hiding those aspects of ultimate understanding of reality is, to Doug, ultimate classical hegemonic deceit!

Unintentional? You decide. Doug has omnicided!

Doug shows, for each verse and word of Chapter IV of Proverbs, each word spelled~out left to right in Autiot fractal~recursive cipher. Then, in parentheses, Doug shows said cipher's qwf Gematria. Following that Doug shows in brackets: pronunciation (sometimes a guess, sometimes from Suares, sometimes from Webster's), [ellipsis] thence literal scholars' translation in double quotes, thence Doug's semantic Value~interpretation~heuristic~hermeneutic in Apple Chancery font [ellipsis].

Like this: Aut~Aut~Aut~ (ordinal qwf gematria, e.g., [pronunciation (sometimes a guess): ..."literal translation (from Zondervan Interlinear Hebrew-English)" Doug's Suaresesque semantic Value interpretation...]. Doug's illeism is Doug taking artistic~interpretive~heuristic responsibility for his semantic opus.

To do this, we need a legend of Autiot and their Gematria. Let's use Suares' Letter~Numbers as our reference:

Table of Autiot's 27 Letters in Three Rows of Nine
Transcribed from Carlo Suares' Cipher of Proverbs
Doug Renselle

Proverbs IV:1-7

Proverbs IV:8-14

Proverbs IV:15-21
Proverbs IV:22 Proverbs IV:23 Proverbs IV:24 Proverbs IV:25 Proverbs IV:26 Proverbs IV:27

(Your heart issi) grail ~channeling its existence ihnto unlimited possibilities of spiritual energy ascending (buoying) divine existence ihnto cosmic biosphere.
(Because of your heart's many complementary~antinomial) livings cowithihn~straddling cosmic biosphere,
(Your) existential metabolism of existential biosphere (is persistently) emerqing via (complementary~antinomial) vital~impedance ihn life (your heart) cowithihn cosmic biosphere.
(Your heart's life experiences) fecundity of two or more (complementary~antinomial) existential metabolisms grail~channeling one another quantum~hologra[[il][lex][m][ph][view]]ically.

{This is first time, ihn his OT re translation of previous line of text, Doug has experienced linguistically, systemically, quantons ("two or more") as hologral complementary~antinomial interrelationshipings!}

(Your heart experiences, quantumly its) home (soma) of fecund focused cosmic metabolism cowithihn cosmic comtainment.
(Your heart experiences quantumly its) existential biosphere (you, one of many having qua of, one of us having found one's inner of) perceiving unlimited possibilityings of vital~impetus.

Doug - 16-17May2015.


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Retranslation of Proverbs IV:22

Proverbs IV Letter~Text Spelled Out


(some guesses)

Zondervan Literal
(some altered by Doug)

Doug's Suaresian Qabalic Translation

1 Kaf~Yod~Hhayt~Yod~Yod~finalMem



..."because of life 'lives for';"

grailed channeling of existence ihnto unlimited possibilities of spiritual energy ascending (buoying) divine existence ihnto cosmic biosphere...]

Hhaim issi life.

Ki issi usually 'because.'

Yod~Yod issi 'divine existence.'

2 Hay~finalMem



..."many lives, many livings, 'they';"

livings cowithihn cosmic biosphere...]
3 Lammed~Mem~Tsadde~Aleph~Hay~finalMem



..."to ones finding them;"

existential metabolism of existential biosphere emerqing via vital~impedance ihn life cowithihn cosmic biosphere...] See Doug's coining of 'emerq' as a quantum~proxy for classical 'form.'
4 Vav~Lammed~Khaf~Lammed



..."and to whole of;"

fecundity of two or more existential metabolisms grail~channeling one another quantum~hologra[[il][lex][m][ph][view]]ically...]

Imagine two Lammeds here as a proxy for a bilobal brain.

Imagine Khaf as a proxy for corpus callosum.

So...we may fathom, "metabolic whole of brain"

View Lakh as you and Lakhal
as plurality of you at least twice over.

Doug - 16May2015.

5 Bayt~Seen~Raysh~Waw



..."body of him;"

home (soma) of fecund focused cosmic metabolism cowithihn cosmic comtainment...]

In idiom 'Basar' issi mortal flesh.

Compare Seen and Sheen.

Seen as focused, masculine.

Sheen as diffuse, feminine.

Doug - 16May2015.

6 Mem~Raysh~Phay~Aleph




existential biosphere (you, one of many having qua of) perceiving unlimited possibilityings of vital~impetus...]

To Doug, this is a word which shows all of us a meliorative pathway to better mental and physical health, better living, better being.

This is dialectic's cosmic~health antinomial!

Dialectic is classical mental illness!

To acquire a partial standingunder
of how unlimited possibilityings (for better) emerqs itself ihn quantum~reality,see Doug's Hologralexology™ of Nasha.

Observe that Phay as Hhayt's
antinomial projection issi existential
perception of n¤nexistence (isoflux)
as unlimited possibilityings.

Doug's opine.

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(Your heart, ihn its) existential biosphere (issi) grail~channeling existential metabolism (of you).
(Perceive your self's) divinity of two (complementary~antinomial lives') existential biospheres cosmic~metabolically middle~including one another cowithihn cosmic comtainment.

(You are — your shell of skin is — living, guarding, protecting and experiencing your evolving) quantized existential structuration (emerqancy) cowithihn cosmic comtainment,
(expressed as) existential metabolism (heart beat) of your soma cosmically grailing quantum~isoenergy (spirit),



(an) existential grailing of self.

(You experience) divine existential biosphere quantizing your fecundity.
(You become~evolve via a laser~like semi~silvered resonant~cavitating) vital~impedance emerqing (you, born: Yeleed) cowithihn vital~impetus fecundating (fully~silvered) vital~impedance.
(You experience grace as) unlimited possibilities of (your) spiritual energy ascending (buoying its) divine existence ihnto cosmic biosphere.

Doug - 16-17May2015.


©Quantonics, Inc., 2015-2028

Retranslation of Proverbs IV:23

Proverbs IV Letter~Text Spelled Out


(some guesses)

Zondervan Literal
(some altered by Doug)

Doug's Suaresian Qabalic Translation

1 Mem~Kaf~Lammed


[Mekal, Mekel:

..."above all of;"

existential biosphere grail~channeling existential metabolism...]

Roughly, "Enable self's biosphere to fathom its metabolic existence."

Colloquially sometimes 'Michael'

2 Mem~Sheen~Mem~Raysh


[Meshemer?, Meeshmar:


divinity of two existential biospheres cosmic~metabolically middle~including one another cowithihn cosmic comtainment...]

Roughly, "Assess self as self cowithin cosmos, both metabolizing and comtaining self."

Ponder this one similarly as
in previous verse.

Here we have

Two existential biospheres
with sheen acting as a
cosmic metabolic
corpus callosum.

This appears to Doug as an
heuristic linguistic expansion on


3 Noun~Tsadde~Raysh




quantized existential structuration (emerqancy) cowithihn cosmic comtainment...]

Compare Yetser which Suares
claims is key to understanding life ihn
Sepher Yetsira (book of formation).

Yetser's gematria issi 10.90.200.
Its sum is 300 which is Sheen!

Notser's gematria iss 50.90.200.
Its sum is 340 which issi

It is easy to analogize Sheen
as a cosmic heart's metabolism

So when we perceive Mem as a
existential biosphere whose
metabolism issi cosmic, we sense
an analogue of existential heart
whose pulsations are cosmically

Noun's quantization enables
quantum~guarding of heart!

Note Noun issi ihn Notser, and
Noun issi ihn Sheen.


4 Lammed~Bayt~finalKhaf



..."heart of you;"

existential metabolism (heart beat) of one's soma cosmically grailing isoenergy (spirit)...]

Lakh issi you.

Bayt issi your home, your soma, your shell.

Your heart issi ihn your shell.

This is much ado regarding heuristics of heart, feelings, subjective emotion...

Roughly, "It should be obvious to you, as an adept, to see your own heart as an archetypally comtained metabolism fathoming self cowithin both existence and nonexistence."

See Jesus' Farewell Discourse, "I am in you, you are in me, I am in God, God is in me, therefore God is in you." Fourth Gospel, NT.

Mark Gaffney calls this, "The Last Supper's Gnostic Secret."

5 Khaf~Yod



..."because, 'for';"

existential grailing of self...] Roughly, "Y~our hearts quantumly grail reality via fractal and infinite patterns of arteries and veins."
6 Mem~Mem~Noun~Waw



..."from him;"

divine existential biosphere quantizing one's fecundity...]

Double Mem issi divinity of existential biosphere.

Roughly, "Divine waters engender water~dust's quantal fertility."

Think of 'divine waters' as comdensed

Here, we may view blood as 'divine waters,' managed by one's heart.

Keep in mind, Adam issi "Aleph in Blood."

Keep in mind, Ben Adam issi "Evolution of Aleph in Blood."

7 Thav~Waw~Tsadde~Aleph~Waw~Tav



..."well springs of;"

(semi~silvered) vital~impedance emerqing (born) cowithin vital~impetus fecundating (fully~silvered) vital~impedance...]

Roughly, "Let your spirits coherently lase!"
And "Let your waters (blood flow and) coherently lase!"

If you are familiar with a ruby rod laser...

We see here a resonant cavity of:

Thav~Vav whatever Vav~Tav.

ihn a laser, 'whatever' issi pulsed light.

One end of rod is fully 'silvered' acting as
a perfect mirror.

Behold Tav~Vav!

One end of rod is semi 'silvered' acting as
a leaky mirror from which laser beam emerges.

Behold Thav~Vav!

An organ pipe resonates similarly,
one end sealed, other end open.

Flute, pan flute, piccolo.

Observe that lasing water issi a tsunami!

8 Hhayt~Yod~Yod~finalMem


[Hhaim, Chaim:


unlimited possibilities of spiritual energy ascending (buoying) divine existence ihnto cosmic biosphere...]

La'Chaim! "To life!"

Roughly, "Life's spiritual blood and its flowings offer us (Yod) unlimited potential and possibilityings coexisting cowithihn living existence and its complementary~antinomial living n¤nexistence."

Double Yod is divine!

Yod~Yod would be divine existence.

finalMem represents a mature existential biosphere graduating into a cosmic biosphere. Think of your soma, your body as a biosphere.

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(Women's) living feminine fecundity (must be kept safe and) cosmically comtained,
(from your) divine existential biosphere cosmically grailing isoenergyings.
(She must be kept away from) existential light (flux) perturbed by cosmic~vital~impetus straddling cosmic metabolism fecundating a leaky vital~impedance, and
(extreme and) unlimited existential possibilityings of living words,
(which may corrupt her through) fecund existential metabolism's unlimited potentia fertilizing a leaky vital~impedance.
(Her) focused cosmic metabolism's unlimited existential possibilityings cowithin cosmic biosphere,
(must be kept away from your) living cosmic comtainer's unlimited possibilityings cowithin cosmic~vital~impetus, and
(your) divine existential biosphere cosmically grailing isoenergyings.

Doug - 18May2015.


©Quantonics, Inc., 2015-2028

Retranslation of Proverbs IV:24

Proverbs IV Letter~Text Spelled Out


(some guesses)

Zondervan Literal
(some altered by Doug)

Doug's Suaresian Qabalic Translation

1 Hay~Sammekh~Raysh



..."put away;"

living feminine fecundity cosmically comtained...]

Doug does n¤t understand (standunder) this verse.
It should relate to protecting one's heart, but
that isn't obvious to Doug now~ings.

If we see 'heart' as feminine, we can see
this verse as protecting one's feminine heart.

Ponder two memes regarding femininity ihn all of us:

  1. Hermaphrodicity (haploidal) in males, and
  2. Jung's feminine and masculine archetypes:
    1. Males have anima (female archetype),
    2. Females have animus (male archetype).

For now that's best Doug can do.

. . .

This verse seems to be saying, "Keep your heart
(your femininity) away from perversity,
corruption and bad (dialectical) words."

Use of Qof twice ihn this verse issi important.

Qof issi vital~impetus (Aleph.1) exalted.

Recall at least four Alephs: 1, 10 [Yod], 100 [Qof], and 1000.

Aleph.1 issi vital~impetus.
Aleph.10 issi Aleph.1's existential
complementary~antinomial projection.
Aleph.100 issi Aleph.1 cosmically~exalted.
Aleph.1000 issi ineffable.

Aleph.100, according Suares issi most
omnifficult Aut to fathom. Its allegory issi
Cain as "destroyer of illusions." It straddles
existence and n¤nexistence quantumly
providing cosmic~existential hologral
EIMA. To Qof, all dialectic issi illusion,
corruption, perversity, Error.
Qof attempts to destroy dialectic.

So issi Qof here twice ihn this verse to
protect one's heart from dialectic?

Doug senses that may be essence of
this verse's apparent enigma.

Too, Doug feels a very powerful nexus
ihn this verse to Heraclitus' B1 and B2
quotes from Diels Kranz. Translated, B2
only uses two words twice: is, and common.
Dialectic perverts both of those words.
Is that relevant Proverbs IV:24's use of Qof
twice? It seems like a 'stretch.'

B1 is about the logos. B2 is about the account.

B2 shows a solution to our enigma cowithihn
any sense of a need to destroy dialectic!

Our master~mistress tells us that Day 3 issi
'the second coming.'
Suares, interpreted by Doug, says
that Day 3 issi Millennium III.
Suares claims that during Day 3 (again,
interpreted by Doug) "second coming"
means destruction of dialectic.
Is that a Wow?!
(See Suares' Second Coming of Reb YhShWh.)

Doug - 18May2015.

2 Mem~Mem~finalKhaf



..."from you;"

divine existential biosphere cosmically grailing isoenergyings...]
3 Ayn~Qof~Sheen~Waw~Thav



..."perversity of;"

existential light (flux) perturbed by cosmic~vital~impetus straddling cosmic metabolism fecundating a leaky vital~impedance...]
4 Pay~Hay




unlimited existential possibilityings of living words...]
5 Vav~Lammed~Zayn~Waw~Thav



..."and corruptness of;"

fecund existential metabolism's unlimited potentia fertilizing a leaky vital~impedance...]
6 Seen~Phay~Thav~Yod~finalMem




focused cosmic metabolism's unlimited existential possibilityings cowithin cosmic biosphere...]
7 Hay~Raysh~Hhayt~Qof



..."keep far!;"

living cosmic comtainer's unlimited possibilityings cowithin cosmic~vital~impetus...]
8 Mem~Mem~finalKhaf



..."from you;"

divine existential biosphere cosmically grailing isoenergyings...]

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(Your vision issi quantum and its) existential light issi quantized and it (said light) issi grailing (ihn a leaky manner) cosmic isoenergyings.
(Anticipating whatings happenings nextings your vision issi) existential metabolism quantized and existentially grailing cosmos' unlimited spiritual possibilityings.
(All will see that you let your vision be your vision cowithihn) existential home's (shell's) existential cell, itself fecund.
(Their gazings will find your) fecund divine seeing existential~leaky~grailing of cosmic isoenergyings.
(They comfirm your own) divine existential fecund witnessing.
(It will be clear to all your) quantized organic movement issi omnivalently (fuzzonically) gatewaying via a (your vision's) cosmic grailing ihnto isoenergyings.

Doug - 18May2015.


©Quantonics, Inc., 2015-2028

Retranslation of Proverbs IV:25

Proverbs IV Letter~Text Spelled Out


(some guesses)

Zondervan Literal
(some altered by Doug)

Doug's Suaresian Qabalic Translation

1 Ayn~Yod~Noun~Yod~finalKhaf



..."eyes of you;"

existential light issi quantized and it issi grailing (in a leaky manner) cosmic isoenergyings...]

This verse appears to comtinue sensibilities of verse 24. See Doug's comcision there.

Ayn, as used here is light~sight.

It is shown with two succeeding autsimilar patterns:

  1. Yod~Noun: 10.50, and
  2. Yod~finalKhaf: 10.500.

Yod~Noun says Qabalically "existence quantized."

Yod~finalKhaf says Qabalically, "existence cosmic~leaky~grailing."

Latter says, in a way, "We cann¤t sææ everything. Sight issi quantum~partial."

Former says fluxo~dynamically, "Existential light is
quantum and QED issi quantum~essence here, in
terms of sight as one of our primary means of
both communication and transformation of existence."

Doug - 18May2015.

2 Lammed~Noun~Kaf~Hhayt



..."to ahead;"

existential metabolism issi quantized and existentially grailing cosmos' unlimited spiritual possibilityings...]
3 Yod~Bayt~Yod~Tayt~Waw



..."let them look;"

existential home's (shell's) existential cell issi fecund...]

"Our body (shell) issi our temple."

10.2.10 issi divine existential soma.

9 issi archetype of all cells (think, e.g., chrysalis).

4 Vav~Ayn~Phay~Ayn~Phay~Yod~finalKhaf



..."and gazes of you;"

fecund divine seeing existential leaky grailing of cosmic isoenergyings...] "You have divine powers to see and assess others."
5 Yod~Yod~Sheen~Raysh~Waw



..."comfirmation, witnessing, 'let them be direct';"

divine existential fecund witnessing...]

This issi quantum~assessment!

Compare Asher, Esher.

6 Noun~Ghimel~Thallet~finalKhaf



..."before you;"

quantized organic movement omnivalently (fuzzonically) gatewaying via a cosmic grailing into isoenergyings...]

Seeing, can only be diffuse.

To focus perfectly, issi impossible.

Fathom Esher issi quantons(diffuse,focus).

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(You can scale her, measure, assess her by) fathoming existential unlimited possibilityings through (her) feminine fecundation~fecundity (qua).
(Her) existential biosphere's light (issi) organically driving (modulating, her) existential metabolism.
(She issi) cosmically comtaining (her) organic movementings driving (her) existential metabolism's cosmic grailings of isoenergyings.
(Your) fecundity of (fecundation of your) leaky grailing of (your) existential metabolism,
(issi your) bivalent gateway ihnto comic comtainer existentially grailing (your) existence via cosmic grailings of isoenergyings.
(Your) existential (secure) grail quantizes its fecundity.

Doug - 18May2015.


©Quantonics, Inc., 2015-2028

Retranslation of Proverbs IV:26

Proverbs IV Letter~Text Spelled Out


(some guesses)

Zondervan Literal
(some altered by Doug)

Doug's Suaresian Qabalic Translation

1 Phay~Lammed~Sammekh


[Peelas?, Peles:

..."make level;"

(You can scale her, measure her by) fathoming existential unlimited possibilityings through (her) feminine fecundation...]

In idiom 'Peles' means "scale," "meter."

This is very similar Esher.

2 Mem~Ayn~Ghimel~Lammed



..."path of;"

(Her) existential biosphere's light organically driving (her) existential metabolism...]
3 Raysh~Ghimel~Lammed~finalKhaf



..."foot of you;"

(She issi) cosmically comtaining (her) organic movementings driving (her) existential metabolism's cosmic grailings of isoenergyings...] This re translation appears naught similar "foot of you."
4 Vav~Khaf~Lammed



..."and all of;"

fecundity of (your) leaky grailing of (your) existential metabolism...]
5 Dallet~Raysh~Khaf~Yod~finalKhaf



..."ways of you;"

(Your) bivalent gateway ihnto comic comtainer existentially grailing (your) existence via cosmic grailings of isoenergyings...] He has (you have) many options.
6 Yod~Kaf~Noun~Waw



..."let them be firm;"

(Your) existential (secure) grail quantizes its fecundity...]

See Yekolet.

"Let your ways be Kosher."

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(Any) vital~impetus ihn existential metabolism (can) vitally~impeded (stop your) existential biosphere (so you must) remain righteous.
(You must use some extremes to advantage, e.g.,) fecund cosmic metabolism cowithihn existential biosphere's vital~impetus fecundating existential metabolism.
(Perversity can~may invade your heart, and its) living feminine fecundity cosmically comtained (and deny it light).
(She issi) cosmically comtaining (her) organic movementings driving (her) existential metabolism's cosmic grailings of isoenergyings.
(She issi protecting you from your) existential biosphere (becoming) cosmically comtained (without) light.

Doug - 18May2015.


©Quantonics, Inc., 2015-2028

Retranslation of Proverbs IV:27

Proverbs IV Letter~Text Spelled Out


(some guesses)

Zondervan Literal
(some altered by Doug)

Doug's Suaresian Qabalic Translation

1 Aleph~Lammed_Tav~Mem_Yod~Mem~Yod~finalNoun



..."not-you swerve-right;"

(Any) vital~impetus ihn existential metabolism (can) vitally~impeded (stop your) existential biosphere (so you must) remain righteous...] "Do not be dialectical!"
2 Vav~Seen~Mem~Aleph~Waw~Lammed



..."or left;"

fecund cosmic metabolism cowithihn existential biosphere's vital~impetus fecundating existential metabolism...] "Do not be dialectical!"
3 Hay~Sammekh~Raysh




living feminine fecundity cosmically comtained...] See verse 24 Hasar comcision.
4 Raysh~Ghimel~Lammed~finalKhaf



..."foot of you;"

(She issi) cosmically comtaining (her) organic movementings driving (her) existential metabolism's cosmic grailings of isoenergyings...] This re translation appears naught similar "foot of you."
5 Mem~Raysh~Ayn



..."from evil;"

(She issi protecting you from your) existential biosphere (becoming) cosmically comtained (without) light...]

"Avoid all dialectic."

Keep ihn mind that 'you' may be one's heart!

Doug - 18May2015.

©Quantonics, Inc., 2015-2028


Doug Renselle
Quantonics, Inc.
Suite 18 #368 1950 East Greyhound Pass
Carmel, INdiana 46033-7730

©Quantonics, Inc., 2015-2028 Rev. 16-18May2015  PDR Created: 16May2015  PDR
