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Philosophical Battle Winner


See our new table, comparing MoQ, CR, and SOM at page bottom!
Doug - 7Mar2001

Here we see Cultural Relativism won its battle over SOM.
Why you ask?
Chaotic change always wins over absolute stasis.
Now you have it! It is so simple.
Flux is crux!
Accept it or become extinct! Period!

However, what change does our graphic portray? CR will win ultimately? No!
Why you ask?
Change ultimately wins over both stasis and chaos.
CR is chaos. SOM is stasis. Reality is neither stasis nor chaos as absolutes.
Reality is balance of change and stability.
A new MoQ-like philosophy is a better model of reality!
MoQ offers a reality model with incremental, ethical, moral units of change.

Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche perceived a similar sequence of philosophical/cultural
pragmadigm shears, but his view and vision projected something different from ours:

Nietzsche hated nihilism, but saw it as a necessary cleansing
(we like to call it a sort of philosophical tabula rasa)
after classical philosophy and religion ruined human culture.

He saw nihilism as an interim, but very destructive,
phase preparatory to his own philosophy.

He said humanity would have to enter a dark and fallow period of nihilism
to 'reset' itself, get a new start, and escape from SOM's Church of Reason.

What he wanted was a grand tabula rasa of human thought.
Nihilism was his tabula rasa tool.
Nietzsche sought a 'moral,' 'better' philosophy and attendant 'moral,' 'better' culture.

Except for Nietzsche's classical underpinnings, his insistence on an 'unchanging'
homogeneous reality loop, and his opposition to a novel and evolving,
empirical reality, Nietzsche adheres and espouses some very quantum memes.

Instead of nihilism, I think we are moving from SOM to CR,
thence from CR to a quantumesque and MoQesque culture/philosophy.
But Nietzsche may have been correct. Perhaps nihilism is next, then...

Or perhaps a 35km asteroid or Neo sapiens arrives first...

Which sounds 'better' to you?

Here is a n¤vel and emerging table,
which we use to help describe Western cultural changes,
developed for our 2nd half 2001 - 1st half 2002 review
of Henri Louis Bergson's Time and Free Will,
which may help you compare and choose more capably among SOM, CR, and MoQ:

(Quantum Philosophy)
How MoQites View Reality
How MoQites Monitor Reality see our QELR of 'monitor'

(Cultural Relativism)
How CRites View Reality
How CRites Measure Reality

(Subject-Object Metaphysics)
How SOMites View Reality
How SOMites Measure Reality

Evolution                                               By Doug Renselle — ©Quantonics, Inc., 2001-2027                                              Evolution
an indivisible, cohesive, qualitative heterogeneity (Mae wan Ho) an infinitely divisible, decoherent, quantitative heterogeneity an infinitely divisible, decoherent, quantitative homogeneity
quantum cohesive, c¤mplementary, and thus antihn¤mial, heterogeneous stochastics* chaos (classical, dichotomous, heterogeneous disorder) analyticity (classical, dichotomous, homogeneous order)
quantum islandic instinct, intuition and intellect radical socialism, politically correct common intellect radical mechanism, conventional common intellect
qualitative multiplicity (quantum heterogeneity) quantitative multiplicity (classical heterogeneity) quantitative monolithicity (classical homogeneity)
quantum absolute flux para[pragma]logism/sophism, AKA coquecigrues, i.e.:
"many" open quantum islandings of reality in
"many" quantum multiversings with
"many" emerging quantum comtextings and
all communications involve quantum uncertaintyings
classical relative truth polylogism/monism, i.e.:
"many" relative, incommensurable views of
"one" closed reality/universe containing
"many" (pre)existing substantial contexts and
thus generally incapable of "unambiguous intercontextual communications"
classical absolute truth unilogism/monism, i.e.:
"one" conventional view of
"one" closed reality/universe in
"one" (pre)existing substantial context, while claiming
this provides "unambiguous 'global' communications"
quantum included-middle(s) (a quanton has many, 'per intera') classical Aristotelian/Newtonian excluded-middle, 'per se' classical Aristotelian/Newtonian excluded-middle, 'per se'
quantum animate emergent EIMA awareness relativity ideal mechanical relativity (depends upon Einstein's invariant geometric interval) ideal mechanical nonrelativity (ideal absence of any PC 'diverse' relations)
quanton(quantum_cohesion,quantum_autonomy) dichon(subject, object) (within a relative context) dichon(subject, object) (dismisses anti-'real' subjectives)
quanton(cohesive_nonactuality,islandic_actuality) dichon(objective_reality, objective_reality) dichon(objective_reality, objective_reality)
quanton(holism-indivisibility,pluralism-heterogeneity) dichon(antimonism, monism), i.e., classical antinomy dichon(antimonism, monism), i.e., classical antinomy1
c¤mplementarity is omnivalent quantum islandic compenetration complementarity is polyvalent objective opposition complementarity is bivalent objective opposition
quantum pragmatehmp¤ral polypragmadigmatic (i.e. many quantons,
many comtext-privileged stindyanic, phase-ic interrelationships)
Kuhnian unitemporal polyparadigmatic
(many unprivileged static analytic views)
Kuhnian unitemporal uniparadigmatic
(one revolutionary static analytic view)
quantum EQU jihudgment: plural EIMA ensehmblings of ~Planck rate l¤cal choice ontolgies; judgmentings are evolutionary quantum ensemble pr¤cessings Geertz: Cultural "Relativism disables judgment" (via plural unpriviledged static views) See p. 72, Geertz's Available Light Geertz: "absolutism removes judgment from history" re: AL (via EEMD 'science's' causal determinism and 1-1 correspondence)
all stindyanic coobsfections are tentatively privileged none of many static analytic views is absolutely privileged one global static analytic view is absolutely privileged
many quantum pragmarhetorical viewings are moved to k-now-ings many dialectical views are state-ic retrospectives one dialectical view is the state-ic retrospective
plannings: stochastic quantum ensehmble likelihood omnistributionings planning is chaotic-causal (heterogeneity of causes and effects) planning is causal (based on assumption 'reality holds still')
quantum animate, included~middle uncertain, omnivalent~associative pr¤babilityings; see quantum likelih¤¤d also heterogeneous, static, excluded-middle relative, polyvalent, subjective probability homogeneous, static, excluded-middle absolute, single-valued, objective probability
indefiniteº article quantum language; qualogos (i.e., qual-Logos) polylogical definite article classical linguistics; polythelogos unilogical definite article classical linguistics; thelogos
subjunctive (Mikhail N. Epstein's "novel beginning") deconstructive (Epstein's 2002 Crisis in the New Wilderness) imperative (Mikhail N. Epstein)

Quantum Language: "Whatings happenings nextings?"
(paralogical~pragmalogical~coquecigruecal polychronic~polypragmatemporal
animate outcomings Valuing affectings; quantum uncertainings)

We call this "animate/dynamic quantum c¤mplementary paralogism/pragmalogism." It is (more-, better-) -analogous nature/reality.

Relative Language: "Whats happens nexts?"
(polylogical causes-effects; incommensurable 'relative' certainties)

We call this "inanimate/static classical objective relativism." It is analogous SOM, except for its relative plurality and concomitant polylogic, which results in heterogeneous incommensurable views.

Objective language: "What happens next?"
(unilogical cause-effect; definite-defined-definit-ioned, absolute certainty)

We call this "inanimate/static classical objective determinism." It drives out any awareness, thought, choice. How? What happens next is unconditional, based upon historically-induced effects. It protects itself by declaring any heresy/choice "sacrilege."

Quantum Affectings-Outcomings: "Bings valuing preconditionings Aings." Relative Causes-Effects: "As causes Bs." Objective Cause-Effect: "A causes B."
In a real and natural-physial sense quantum reality is "Bell Inequalities." Quantumists generally refer it as "quantum uncertainty." In Quantonics, quantons are quantum uncertain, Bell inequal, animate, EIMA, emerging, interrelationship pr¤cessings. Classical polylogical 'equalities' are ideal. No "Bell Inequalities" exist in classical reality. "Bell Inequalities" are incommensurable but not lisr and thus classically subjective and unreal. Classical unilogical 'equality' is ideal. There are no "Bell Inequalities" in classical reality. Why? "Bell Inequalities" are not lisr and thus classically subjective and unreal.

*plural measurement ensehmbles, with stochastics as:

  • pastings(probabilityings), all with
    quantum~relative quantons(cohera,entropa)
  • nowings(stochasticsings), all with
    quantum~relative quantons(cohera,entropa)
  • futurings(likelihoodings) all with
    quantum~relative quantons(cohera,entropa)

ºquantum uncertain


1monism's implications vis-à-vis antimonism, begging antinomialism:

  • ideal monism educes ideal 'law' fits all
  • absence of ideal monism implies potentia for many 'laws'
  • multiplicity of local monisms educes incommensurability as antinomialism across all monisms

Doug - 5Nov2009.

(Quantum Philosophy)
How MoQites View Reality
How MoQites Monitor Reality

(Cultural Relativism)
How CRites View Reality
How CRites Measure Reality

(Subject-Object Metaphysics)
How SOMites View Reality
How SOMites Measure Reality

  Evolution                                               By Doug Renselle — ©Quantonics, Inc., 2001-2027                                              Evolution

By Doug Renselle
©Quantonics, Inc., 2001-2027
(10Jun2001 rev - Add Kuhnian triple of -digms.)
(19Jun2001 rev - Add "(pre)existing" under CR and SOM. Add color highlights to some MoQ, CR, SOM terms. Add MoQ asterisk.)
(28Jun2001 rev - Add 'complementarity' and 'privilege' triples.)
(8Jul2001 rev - Add classical definite article vis-à-vis quantum indefinite (uncertain) article.)
(19Jul2001 rev - Add 'phase-ic' term to Kuhnian analogue under quantum/MoQ.)
(7Nov2001 rev - Add "Whatings Happenings Nextings" epiphany which occurred during our review of Geertz' Available Light.)
(11Nov2001 rev - Minor textual changes to "Whatings Happenings Nextings," et al.)
(18Nov2001 rev - Add Pirsigean "Affects-Outcomes" MoQ/quantum n
¤ncausality with CR/SOM analogues.)
(13Jan2002 rev - Extend "Whatings Happenings Nextings" with Quantonic meme pragmalog.)
(21Jan2002 rev - Remediate quantum comtextual occurrences of 'complement' to 'c¤mplement.)
(4Feb2002 rev - Add "cause-effect" link to our August 2001 QQA.)
(25Sep2002 rev - Add Geertz' double on CR/SOM judgment from p. 72 of AL; develop quantum analogue.)
(12Nov2002 rev - Under MoQ, change paratemporal to pragmatemporal and add apropos link.)
(18Nov2002 rev - Add three types of relativity line. Add M. N. Epstein linguistic triple line.)
(23Nov2002 rev - Add some color highlights to distinguish Epstein and Relativity lines among three philosophies.)
(28Apr2003 rev - Unbold entire table. Change some colors. Add some colors.)
(8Aug2003 rev - Add links to three ISMites' Views of Reality. Add another row to table: "Bell Inequalities.")
(4Dec2003 rev - Add two lines on retrospective vav nowings judgments and planning. Add link to quantum judgment.)
(10Dec2003 rev - Add 'the' to above change under SOM. Add anchor to SOM, 'What Happens Next,; "heresy.")
(23Dec2003 rev - Alter table's column 1 background color to much lighter blue.)
(9Jan2004 rev - Add 'affectation' link under Quantum Philosophy column.)
(29May2004 rev - Add 'polychronic~polypragmatemporal' under MoQ Whatings Happenings Nextings.)
(17Aug2004 rev - Change 'probability distributions' to 'likelihood omnistributionings/ under MoQ plannings.)
(5Nov2004 rev - Add 'probability' row. Free table and cell width constraints.)
(13Dec2004 rev - Add quantum coherence link under MoQ.)
(20Dec2004 rev - Add 'pragmatemporality' anchor.)
(3Jan1005 rev - Add title row at table bottom.)
(6Mar2005 rev - Add MoQ, CR & SOM Measurement links at table top.)
(1Feb2006 rev - Update 'stochastics' footnote description.)
(8May2007 rev - Adjust table background colors.)
(6Jun2008 rev - Add 'evolution' banners to table.)
(6Dec2008 rev - Add 'omnivalent' links to table.)
(5Nov2009 rev - Repair 'from' typo. Add 'relativity' commentary. Add footnote 1 on monism vav antinomialism.)
(21Nov2014 rev - Reset legacy markups. Make page current. Add "...and thus antinomial..." to near top of table under MoQ.)

Thanks for reading,


(Our Nietzsche references include: Cambridge Dictionary of Philosophy, MS Bookshelf,
Morton White's Age of Analysis, Internet resources, et al.)

To contact Quantonics write to or call:

Doug Renselle
Quantonics, Inc.
Suite 18 #368 1950 East Greyhound Pass
Carmel, INdiana 46033-7730

©Quantonics, Inc., 1999-2027 — Rev. 21Nov2014  PDR — Created 27Apr1999  PDR
(23Apr2000 rev - Add Nietzsche comments.)
(18Oct2000 rev - Add anchor to our Nietzsche comments')
(16Dec2000 rev - Alter artwork to show Quantonicsese '
comtext,' and abscissa legend as plurals.)
(8Mar2001 rev - Add our new MoQ, CR, & SOM comparison table.)
(27Mar2001 rev - Add 'per intera' link to coined terms definition.)
(10Jun2001 rev - Alter MoQ, CR, & SOM comparison table.)
(19Jun2001 rev - Alter MoQ, CR, & SOM comparison table.)
(28Jun2001 rev - Alter MoQ, CR, & SOM comparison table.)
(8Jul2001 rev - Alter MoQ, CR, & SOM comparison table.)
(19Jul2001 rev - Alter MoQ, CR, & SOM comparison table.)
(10Sep2001 rev - Add link to our review of Kuhn's
(7Nov2001 rev - Alter MoQ, CR, & SOM comparison table.)
(8Nov2001 rev - Add anchor to 'Whats Happens Nexts' line in comparison table.)
(11Nov2001 rev - Minor text edits to 'Whats Happens Nexts' line in comparison table.)
(18Nov2001 rev - Alter MoQ, CR, & SOM comparison table.)
(20Nov2001 rev - Add link to March, 1999 QQA. Add link to 'pragmadigm' coined description.)
(2Dec2001 rev - Add top of page frame-breaker.)
(13Jan2002 rev - Alter MoQ, CR, & SOM comparison table.)
(21Jan2002 rev - Remediate MoQ, CR, & SOM comparison table quantum comtextual occurrences of 'complement' to 'c¤mplement.)
(4Feb2002 rev - Alter MoQ, CR, & SOM comparison table.)
(2Jun2002 rev - Add link to our newly completed review of Bergson's Time and Free Will.)
(23Jul2002 rev - Change QELR links to A-Z pages.)
(25Sep2002 rev - Alter MoQ, CR, & SOM comparison table.)
(26Sep2002 rev - Remediate all quantum comtextual occurrences of 'ensemble.')
(12Nov2002 rev - Alter MoQ column of table as noted above.)
(18Nov2002 rev - Alter MoQ, CR, & SOM comparison table.)
(23Nov2002 rev - Add color highlights to table.)
(28Apr2003 rev - Change table.)
(2May2003 rev - Change table introduction.)
(8Aug2003 rev - Change table.)
(4Dec2003 rev - Change table.)
(10Dec2003 rev - Add 'the' to above change under SOM. Change table.)
(23-25Dec2003 rev - Change table.)
(9Jan2004 rev - Add link to table.)
(29May2004 rev - Change table. See red text.)
(18Jul2004 rev - Add link to QELR of 'empirical.')
(17Aug2004 rev - Change table.)
(5Nov2004 rev - Change table.)
(13-20Dec2004 rev - Change table.)
(3Jan2005 rev - Change table.)
(6Mar2005 rev - Change table.)
(1Feb2006 rev - Change table.)
(8May2007 rev - Change table.)
(25Feb2008 rev - Minor format revision.)
(6Jun2008 rev - Reformat slightly.)
(6Dec2008 rev - Update table.)
(5Nov2009 rev - Update table.)
(6Feb2010 rev - Make page current.)
(20Apr2010 rev - Make page current.)
(21Nov2014 rev - Reset legacy markups. Make page current.)

Arches           Art