
Doug's Translation
Sepher Yetsira IV
Verse 6
Mimicking Carlo Suares'
Thermodynamic Qabala

Regarding Sepher Yetsira IV:6:

Doug is following Carlo Suares' teaching here.

Suares, unlike most academic 'scholars' did not hide these fluxo~dynamic of Qabalic Autiot and Gematria...

...quantum aspects of Sepher Yetsira from their readers.

Rather than deceive us, Suares does his best to help us fathom Qabalic depths of Qabala, its Autiot, its Gematria, its Sepher Yetsira, its Sefirot. (He isn't a fan of Gnosis, which is challenging to understand, at least for Doug. He does admit that Abraham was a Chaldaean Gnostic. Doug has not seen him admit that Jesus was an Essene Gnostic (ref. Pagels' Johannine Gospel in Gnostic Exegesis.).

Doug's greatest omnifficulty in all of this: Doug was not born and raised a Jew. Doug is unfamiliar with Jewish traditions. Suares helps with this somewhat, too in Sepher Yetsira. He provides comtextings and uncovers Qabalic esoterica, especially quantum~alchemical and ~astrological aspects (E.g., in chapter VI, Suares shows how Abraham's Qabala refers "flow of flux." Doug assumes hologral quantum~fluxings and their quantum~two~lives~antinomial~complementary metabolismsq. Doug is unsureq whether Qabalic esoterica issi exegetically available elsewhere in addition to Suares' opus and his quantum~hologral sensibilities. In that regard Doug believesq Suares is somewhat unique. Doug relies on Suares except in issues of Gnosis. I have found several partial explications of his dislike of Gnosis sparsely available in his opus. I think Suares is a theological monist (classical, quantum...?). But Gnosis shows us that monismc is deceit. Doug believes latter, n¤t Suares' apparent, perhaps classical, monism. All else of Suares' opus (excepting circumcision) Doug abides as well as he can, keeping in mind that there are many classes of monism including both classical (EEMD formal mechanisms) and quantum (coherent hologral EIMAings).

Doug shows, for each Verse and word of Chapter VI of Sepher Yetsira, each word spelled~out left to right in Autiot fractal~recursive cipher. Then, in parentheses, Doug shows said cipher's qwf Gematria. Following that Doug shows in brackets: pronunciation (sometimes a guess, sometimes from Suares, sometimes from Webster's), [ellipsis] thence literal scholars' translation in double quotes (which Doug sometimes substitutes his own...), thence Doug's semantic Value~interpretation~heuristic~hermeneutic in Apple Chancery font [ellipsis].

Like this: Aut~Aut~Aut~ (ordinal qwf gematria, e.g., [pronunciation (sometimes a guess): ..."literal translation (from Suares' Sepher Yetsira)" Doug's Suaresesque semantic Value interpretation...]. Doug's illeism is Doug taking artistic~interpretive~heuristic responsibility for his semantic opus.

Under all of that Doug shows a net translation of that whole Verse in plain text with some alterations to Apple Chancery texts.

To do this, we need a legend of Autiot and their Gematria. Let's use Suares' Letter~Numbers as our reference:

Table of Autiot's 27 Letters in Three Rows of Nine
Transcribed from Carlo Suares' Cipher of Sepher Yetsira
Doug Renselle

Sepher Yetsira IV:1

Sepher Yetsira IV:2

Sepher Yetsira IV:3

Sepher Yetsira IV:4

Sepher Yetsira IV:5

Sepher Yetsira IV:6

Sepher Yetsira IV:7

 Sepher Yetsira IV:8

Sepher Yetsira IV:9

Sepher Yetsira IV:10

Sepher Yetsira IV:11

Sepher Yetsira IV:12


©Quantonics, Inc., 2016-2030

Retranslation of Sepher Yetsira IV:6


Sepher Yetsira IV Letter~Text Spelled Out


(some guesses)

Suares Idiom
(some altered by Doug)

Doug's Suaresian Qabalic Translation





..."the kingship conferred;"

the conferred kingship of life's cosmic~grailings cavitationings of existential metabolic orchestrationings of beings...]

. . .

QCS™ invites us to perceive:

~{5 ~40.30.10 500}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~


exalted columnar tri~populated qwf~cavitationings of and


unbounded fullnessings evolving via


tuneings, playings, transmuteings, evolveings, frettings, strummings, shape~shiftings of


seeking exalted kingship via ephemeral columnar tri~populated qwf~reverberationings


qwf~tunnelings cowithihn Iht


Doug - 26Mar2016.




..."on the Aut, feminine singular;"

singular of name of Autiot spelled out...]

See Autiot. See Aut.






We can read Ghimel spelled out as Ghi Mel. Compare Meli, and thence Ha'Melikh!

Fathom ~Ghimel~Hay~Yod~ and ~Mem~Aleph~Yod~ as a more detailed spelling of qwf~Ghimel!!!

Then recall Qabala assa ~Aleph~Hay~Yod~Hay~!

How about ~Hay~Yod~Aleph~Yod~?

We see a n¤væl exegesis of Qabala as Game of Life assa "Life existenceings experienceings of existential qwf~cavitationings of Aleph's ~livings~and~dyings~ cowithihn existenceings."

Ponder n¤væl assa ~Nova~El~. Novel (Noun~Vav~Aleph~Lammed: Issi that a quantum~demiurge? We might spell it ~Noun~Vayt~Aleph~Lammed~ which really appears more demiurgic!!!

. . .

QCS™ allows an ~Ghimel~ interpretation thus:

~{3 ~40 30}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

~{3 ~Meli}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~


columnar ascendant unit~populated qwf~cavitationings of and


columnar ascendant unit~populated (queenly~meli proemially~nascent~gestation of new lifeq) qwf~reverberationings resonateings


reverberating Hær qwf~emerqancyings assa ruler, assa quantum~queen~g¤værn¤r cowithihn


Doug - 10-11Apr2016.




..."and fastened;"

and fastenings fecundly, abundantly all cavitationings of both cosmic~metabolismings and their comtainmentings...]

QCS™ invites us to perceive:

~6.100~ ~{300 200}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~


horn of plenty offering fastenings via

100.~perpetual~relentless ~cosmic~vital~impetusings~ destroying~all~carving~out~all ~illusions~via~perpetual~Atta~qycloidings~enabling~existential~transmutationing~evolutionings sempiternally evolving n¤væltyings with(~and)~

quantum~assessmentings of


single~level palindromic Shyar~Raysh "nature likes to hide" qwf~cavitationings dynamically~resonating cowithihn self~other~mirrorings, we are quantum~beings and our single~level palindromic relentlessly evolveings Shyar~Raysh "nature likes to hide" qwf~reverberationings of


vibrationings while iso~qwf~isohologrally isobeings cowithihn Iht


Doug - 29Mar2016.





him as metabolisimings of his fecundityings...]




..."a crown;"

a crown which quantum tunnels vital~impedance ihnto cosmic~comtainment...]

Keter: (Kaf~Tayt~Raysh: 20.9.200) issi crown of Sefirot, Tree of Life, it issi sphere ~Emanationings~ 1 (ordinal one). We might think of it as a 'crown,' but n¤t likely. It issi more like fluxodynamic~spinnings of quantons(isoflux,flux) at quantum~metabolic~n¤wings of Iht, of 'face of g¤d.'

So Keter here issi n¤t (apparently) relevant Tree of life. A big clue issi vastly omniffering sema of Tayt vis-à-vis Tav.

. . .

QCS™ invites us to perceive:

~{20 ~400 200}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~


ascendant columnar populated qwf~cavitationings of


resistings of ascendant columnar populated qwf~reverberationings resonateings


and role~playing a controlling crown cowithihn Iht


Doug - 26Mar2016.




..."and to be formed, of the "Sacred Rock," of the sacred hermaphrodite;"

and the sacred rock to be formed as fecund structure(ation) cosmically~comtained...]

Suares asks us to compare:

Light: Awr: Aleph~Waw~Raysh: 1.6.200


Sacred Rock: Tawr: Tsadde~Waw~Raysh: 90.6.200

Suares describes that comparison re: verse 14, on p.76 of his Song of Songs text.

The rock issi "two ihn one." It issi a graphical oversimplification of Star of David degenerated into a four-edged diamond shape.

Doug's use of degeneration of Star of David issi assuming we 'conjoin' two equilateral triangles then erase their 'join' to make a diamond.

"Two~stones" as quantonic~cuneiform hermaphrodite.

That rendition of Sacred Rock begs quantum~fermionic structuration like this:


Observe too that a stone often marks entry to a grail.

Fermions as entry wayveings to~from quantons(isoflux,flux)?

A The Fountain HotMeme:

"Fluxq issi the road to awe!" The Fountain, paraphrased.

A The Fountain HotMeme™.

Too, compare Natsoor: as "I willq structureq." See SoS VIII V9 W9.

Doug - 3Mar2016.




..."in us;"

in us...]





justice of existential structurationings gatewayveings using cosmic vital~impetus to destroy all illusions and delusions of life...]

Sounds like Neal Sedaka?

Doug - 8Dec2015.




..."your soma of light will be comtained cowithihn universeings;"

your light will be comtained somatically housing ~powers~of~generation~of~universes~ [Ayn] fecundating existential metabolisms cowithihn cosmic biosphereings...]

QCS™ offers this script:

~2.70 ~{6 ~30 600}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~


of "that which issi not's (i.e., transmutative light's unsaids')"

70.~existential~QED~scintillationings~transmutationings' FUPings~

universe, for all, according light's general (QED) quantizationings and scintillationings, light's (bosonic~fluxings') ubiquitous pulsating


exalted ascendant qwf~cavitationings fertilizing our


of and modulating our indeterminate qwf~uncertain organic qwf~movementings and qwf~restings cowithihn exalted ascendant qwf~reverberationings comtained


achieveings wisdom and lofty rankings cowithihn Iht


Doug - 20Mar2016.





(light of) existenceings fecundly reiterating day~night~day~night periodicityings cowithihn cosmic~biosphereings isoenergyings...]

QCS™ offers:

~10~ ~{6 ~600}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~


quantum~assessmentings perpetual~reiterationings of


horn of plenty abundanceings of
exalted columnar night~to~day unpopulated qwf~cavitationings
cowithihn quantum~antinomial~complementary
exalted columnar day~to~night unpopulated qwf~reverberationings


cowithihn Iht


. . .

Yom does a really good job of showing us what metabolismingsq mean.

Dayq issi a quantum~cuneif¤rmic~metabolicq pr¤cess!

Nightq issi a quantum~cuneif¤rmic~metabolicq pr¤cess!

Our graphic illustrates quantum~both~all~while~and~many~andednessings of, e.g., day~to~night and night~to~day uncertainty~recursioning~metabolicq phase~interrelationshipings.

Doug's andednessings issi a way of writing in one word, quantum~complementary~antinomialismings.

Night issi in day everywhenings~everywhereings, for example, all over earth. Sun issi shining about half of earth's rotationings, and it issi dark about half of earth's rotationings. While day~to~night and night~to~day metabolismingsq proceed, apparently~sempiternally. Doug writes 'apparently' since our solar system has its own metabolicq pr¤cessings which both live and die, both die and live...autsimilar our graph...again...and again...all sempiternal quantum~pr¤cessings...

We see evolveings quantons(Dayings,Nightings).

Dayings and nightings are metabolicq quantum~complementary~antinomial pr¤cessings.

Qabalically we may choose to view day assa breathing~¤ut, and night assa breathing~ihn. We see Autiot's Reality Loop, Atta, Aleph~Tav~Tav~Aleph all quantized and cuneif¤rmic!

Please thinkq of classical form assa quantum emerqancyings.

There are countless aspects of metabolismq about which we must thinkq and fathomq.

A big one, relevant metabolismingsq, issi hysteresisq. There issi a large Yod nexus re hysteresisq!

Doug - 10-11Apr2016.




..."second, twice;"

twice, complementaryq~antinomiallyq, once for vital~impetus to cosmic~vital~impedance (At), and again for cosmic~vital~impedance to vital~impetus (Ta) cosmically metabolizeq my enlightened quantum~principles of lifeq including my peaceq, my uncertaintyq, and my freedomq cowithihnq existenceq...]

It seems apparent to Doug Sheni issi quantons(dayings,nightings).

If so, dayings are metabolicq, and nightings are metabolicq.

Too, then, quantons(dayings,nightings) are metabolicq.

Sheni (Shen~Noun~Yod: 300.50.10) assa cosmic~metabolismings quantally adhereings life's~metabolicq ~principleings of freedomings, uncertaintyings, and peaceings cowithihn existenceings.

All metabolismings have at least two qwf~fluxoids: quantons(fluxoid~antinomial0,fluxoid~antinomial1).

Note how ~metabolicq~ issi astatic, n¤n dialectical, n¤n formal, n¤n objective, n¤n mechanical, etc.

Doug just had a thoughtq. Why n¤t do a Yom on Sheni?

Try Yod~Noun~Sheen: 10.50.300: Yonsh.

Actually, it makes a lot of "dayings~nightings" metabolicq sense!

Fathom issues of projectedq and projectionq.

Ponder atbash of Yom assa Mefi (40.80.10).

Ponder atbash of Yonsh ( assa Meftab (

Compare Meftab and Baphomet (

Leave out 'o' to get Baphmet which issi a ~anagram of Meftab.

Doug - 10-11Apr2016.




..."in the quantum~metabolic transformation passing time;"

in the quantum~metabolic transformation passing time...]

We may choose to view this as similar Atta, Aleph's Reality Loopings, both female fluxoids and male fluxoids:

Mobius metabolicq fermion graphics here, both Atta and M~F.

Doug - 28-29Mar2016.

. . .

Fathom QCS™ hermeneutics of this word:

~2.300~ ~{50 ~5}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~


housing, sheltering


of quantum~evolution as quantum~realityings' major quantum~metabolic revelationings coobsfecting

50.~{existential~life~principle~quantizationings' FUPings of~

cavitationings of all livings reverberationings cowithihn timings, changeings and absolute evolutionings of


vibrational quantum~metabolic~evolutionings cowithihn Iht


Doug - 28-29Mar2016.




..."and without, general equation of multiverseings;"

And the general equation of multiverseings...]

Without light, without sight there (apparently) issi naught!

. . .

QCS™ proffers:

~6~ ~{1 ~10}~ ~700~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~


fertile abundant qwf~vibrationings of


ascendant naked qwf~cavitationings of nothing~without and cowithihn naked qwf~echoings by


when enlightened by cavitational qwf~vibrationings quantum~assessmentings of

700.~cosmic~life~principle~quantizationings' FUPings~

generalizes multiverseings cowithihn Iht


Doug - 7Mar2016, 9Apr2016.






This one seems enigmatic to Doug as 'left' in idiom.

When we look at Sheen~Mem we see Shem: name.

When we look at Aleph~Lammed we see El: one name of god.

Suares writes that with prior word, Ve'Ayn which ihn idiom issi 'and eye.'

So issi 'left eye' somehow relevant, "name of one name of god?"

Semolo means ihn idiom "left arm of him," where 'him' could be El as demiurge.

So could Ein Semol mean "left eye of him as demiurge?"

Left eye biologically goes with right lobe of our bi~lobed brains. This issi our quantum~lobe, our subjective lobe, our Quality~Value qwf~senseingq lobe, etc.

Issi this a good~better tack?

Dunno...yet... "Dude, you have to guess... :). Qabala says so!"

~{300 ~40.1 30}~ ~{~{iso1000}~}~

Doug - 9Apr2016.




..."cowithihn select individuals, in the~your soul, in the~your individual private breathing~evolvingq selfq,;"

guarding and cowithihn select individuals each their private breathing~evolvingq selfq and its unlimited possibilityings cowithihn cosmic metabolism...]

Your Gnostic individualq selfq's metabolicq


A great exemplarq of nissin.

I.e., Atta quanton(breathing~ihn,breathing~¤ut).

Both complementarityq and antinomialityq shown ad occulos.

Doug - 28Nov2015, 25Mar2016.

©Quantonics, Inc., 2016-2030

The conferred kingship of life's cosmic~grailings cavitationings of existential metabolic orchestrationings of beings
singular of name of Autiot spelled out
and fastenings fecundly, abundantly all cavitationings of both cosmic~metabolismings and their comtainmentings
him as metabolisimings of his fecundityings
a crown which quantum tunnels vital~impedance ihnto cosmic~comtainment,
and the sacred rock to be formed as fecund structure(ation) cosmically~comtained
in us.

We garner justice of existential structurationings gatewayveings using cosmic vital~impetus to destroy all illusions and delusions of life.

Y~our lightings will be comtained somatically housing ~powers~of~generation~of~multiverses~ [Ayn] fecundating existential metabolisms cowithihn cosmic biosphereings,
(light of) existenceings fecundly Yom~reiterating day~night~day~night periodicityings cowithihn cosmic~biosphereings isoenergyings, and
twice, complementaryq~antinomiallyq, once for vital~impetus to cosmic~vital~impedance (~At~ allegorical night~to~day breathing~¤ut), and...
...again for cosmic~vital~impedance to vital~impetus (~Ta~ allegorical day~to~night breathing~ihn) cosmically metabolizeq my enlightened...
...quantum~principles of lifeq including my peaceq, my uncertaintyq, and my freedomq cowithihnq existenceq
ihn the quantum~metabolic transformation passing time,
and the general equation of multiverseings
guarding and cowithihn s~elect individuals each their private breathing~evolvingq selfq and its unlimited possibilityings cowithihn cosmic metabolism.

Doug used ellipses to break a long line.

Doug - 9-11Apr2016.


Doug Renselle
Quantonics, Inc.
Suite 18 #368 1950 East Greyhound Pass
Carmel, INdiana 46033-7730

©Quantonics, Inc., 2016-2030 - Rev. 9-11Apr2016  PDR - Created: 9Apr2016  PDR
